Browse Source

removing extra files

logicp 4 years ago

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-alias ga "git add --all"
-alias gc "git commit"
-alias gd "git diff"
-alias gpo "git push origin "
-alias gpom "git push origin master"
-alias l "ls -l"
-alias f "fuck"

+ 0 - 332

@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-" Inspired from
-" ================ dein config ===================
-if &compatible
-  set nocompatible
-" Required:
-set runtimepath+=~/.local/share/dein/repos/
-" Required:
-if dein#load_state('~/.local/share/dein/')
-  call dein#begin('~/.local/share/dein/')
-  " Let dein manage dein
-  " Required:
-  call dein#add('~/.local/share/dein/repos/')
-  " >>> Add or remove your plugins here <<<:
-  ""
-  call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim')	" auto-complete
-  call dein#add('Shougo/denite.nvim') " fuzzy-searching across files using :Denite grep
-  call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim') " Include code snippets
-  call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet-snippets')
-  call dein#add('honza/vim-snippets')
-  call dein#add('freeo/vim-kalisi') "colorscheme
-  call dein#add('ryanoasis/vim-devicons') " icons everywhere!
-  call dein#add('Raimondi/delimitMate') " Automatic closing of quotes, brackets, etc.
-  call dein#add('vim-airline/vim-airline') " action bar
-  call dein#add('vim-airline/vim-airline-themes')
-  call dein#add('tpope/vim-commentary') " Comment code easily
-  call dein#add('tpope/vim-surround') " Surround with quotes, brackets
-  call dein#add('tpope/vim-repeat') " Enable plugins to use repeat '.'
-  call dein#add('scrooloose/nerdtree') " File browser
-  call dein#add('Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin') " Git for nerdtree
-  call dein#add('airblade/vim-gitgutter') " Git diff viewer
-  call dein#add('duff/vim-bufonly') " Delete all buffers except current
-  call dein#add('gregsexton/MatchTag') " Match HTML tags
-  call dein#add('sheerun/vim-polyglot') " Language syntax,detect,indent,etc pack
-  call dein#add('mhinz/vim-startify') " A nice start screen
-  call dein#add('lambdalisue/gina.vim') " Git stuff
-  call dein#add('eugen0329/vim-esearch') " Search in files easily
-  call dein#add('posva/vim-vue') " Search in files easily
-  " You can specify revision/branch/tag.
-  " call dein#add('Shougo/vimshell', { 'rev': '3787e5' })
-  " Required:
-  call dein#end()
-  call dein#save_state()
-" Required:
-filetype plugin indent on
-syntax enable
-" If you want to install not installed plugins on startup.
-if dein#check_install()
-  call dein#install()
-if (has("termguicolors"))
- set termguicolors
-" ================ Plugin config =====================
-let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
-let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1                                               "Enable powerline fonts
-let g:airline_theme = "kalisi"                                                  "Set theme to powerline default theme
-let g:airline_section_y = '%{substitute(getcwd(), expand("$HOME"), "~", "g")}'  "Set relative path
-let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#enabled = 0                                 "Disable whitespace extension
-let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1                                    "Enable tabline extension
-let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = ' '                                 "Left separator for tabline
-let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '│'                             "Right separator for tabline
-let g:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1                                                 "auto indent on enter
-let g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeAfterGlyphPadding = ' '                                "Set up spacing for sidebar icons
-let g:neosnippet#disable_runtime_snippets = {'_' : 1}                           "Snippets setup
-let g:gitgutter_realtime = 0                                                    "Disable gitgutter in realtime
-let g:gitgutter_eager = 0                                                       "Disable gitgutter to eager load on tab or buffer switch
-let g:NERDTreeChDirMode = 2                                                     "Always change the root directory
-let g:NERDTreeMinimalUI = 1                                                     "Disable help text and bookmark title
-let g:NERDTreeShowHidden = 1                                                    "Show hidden files in NERDTree
-let g:NERDTreeIgnore=['\.git$', '\.sass-cache$', '\.vagrant', '\.idea']
-let g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
-let g:neosnippet#snippets_directory = [
-            \ '~/.local/share/dein//repos/',
-            \ '~/.local/share/dein/repos/',
-            \ '~/.local/my-snippets']
-" Use silver searcher for recursive file search
-call denite#custom#var('file_rec', 'command',
-	\ ['ag', '--follow', '--nocolor', '--nogroup', '-g', ''])
-" ================ General Config ====================
-let g:mapleader = ","                                                           "Change leader to a comma
-let g:enable_bold_font = 1                                                      "Enable bold font in colorscheme
-colorscheme kalisi
-set t_Co=256                                                                    "Set 256 colors
-set title                                                                       "change the terminal's title
-set relativenumber                                                              "relative numbers are good
-set history=500                                                                 "Store lots of :cmdline history
-set showcmd                                                                     "Show incomplete cmds down the bottom
-set noshowmode                                                                  "Hide showmode because of the powerline plugin
-set gdefault                                                                    "Set global flag for search and replace
-set gcr=a:blinkon500-blinkwait500-blinkoff500                                   "Set cursor blinking rate
-set cursorline                                                                  "Highlight current line
-set smartcase                                                                   "Smart case search if there is uppercase
-set ignorecase                                                                  "case insensitive search
-set mouse=a                                                                     "Enable mouse usage
-set showmatch                                                                   "Highlight matching bracket
-set nostartofline                                                               "Jump to first non-blank character
-set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=200                                             "Reduce Command timeout for faster escape and O
-set fileencoding=utf-8                                                          "Set utf-8 encoding on write
-set wrap                                                                        "Enable word wrap
-set linebreak                                                                   "Wrap lines at convenient points
-set listchars=tab:\ \ ,trail:·                                                  "Set trails for tabs and spaces
-set list                                                                        "Enable listchars
-set lazyredraw                                                                  "Do not redraw on registers and macros
-set completeopt-=preview                                                        "Disable preview for autocomplete
-set background=dark                                                             "Set background to dark
-set conceallevel=2 concealcursor=i                                              "neosnippets conceal marker
-set splitright                                                                  "Set up new splits positions
-syntax on                                                                       "turn on syntax highlighting
-" ================ Persistent Undo ==================
-" Keep undo history across sessions, by storing in file.
-silent !mkdir ~/.config/nvim/backups > /dev/null 2>&1
-set undodir=~/.config/nvim/backups
-set undofile
-" ================ Indentation ======================
-set shiftwidth=4
-set softtabstop=4
-set tabstop=4
-set expandtab
-set smartindent
-set nofoldenable
-" ================ Completion =======================
-set wildmode=list:full
-set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*~                                                     "stuff to ignore when tab completing
-set wildignore+=*vim/backups*
-set wildignore+=*sass-cache*
-set wildignore+=*cache*
-set wildignore+=*logs*
-set wildignore+=*node_modules/**
-set wildignore+=*DS_Store*
-set wildignore+=*.gem
-set wildignore+=log/**
-set wildignore+=tmp/**
-set wildignore+=*.png,*.jpg,*.gif
-" ================ Scrolling ========================
-set scrolloff=100                                                                 "Start scrolling when we're 100 lines away from margins
-set sidescrolloff=30
-set sidescroll=5
-" ================ Custom mappings ========================
-" Comment map
-nmap <Leader>c gcc
-" Line comment command
-xmap <Leader>c gc
-" Map save to Ctrl + S
-map <c-s> :w<CR>
-imap <c-s> <C-o>:w<CR>
-" Also save with ,w
-nnoremap <Leader>w :w<CR>
-" Easier window navigation
-nmap <C-h> <C-w>h
-nmap <C-j> <C-w>j
-nmap <C-k> <C-w>k
-nmap <C-l> <C-w>l
-" Down is really the next line
-nnoremap j gj
-nnoremap k gk
-" Expand snippets on tab if snippets exists, otherwise do autocompletion
-imap <expr><TAB> neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ?
-\ "\<Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)"
-\ : pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"
-" If popup window is visible do autocompletion from back
-imap <expr><S-TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<S-Tab>"
-" Fix for jumping over placeholders for neosnippet
-smap <expr><TAB> neosnippet#jumpable() ?
-\ "\<Plug>(neosnippet_jump)"
-\: "\<TAB>"
-" Yank to the end of the line
-nnoremap Y y$
-" Copy to system clipboard
-vnoremap <C-c> "+y
-" Paste from system clipboard with Ctrl + v
-inoremap <C-v> <Esc>"+p
-nnoremap <Leader>p "0p
-vnoremap <Leader>p "0p
-" Move to the end of yanked text after yank and paste
-nnoremap p p`]
-vnoremap y y`]
-vnoremap p p`]
-" Move selected lines up and down
-vnoremap J :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
-vnoremap K :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv
-" Clear search highlight
-nnoremap <Leader><space> :noh<CR>
-" Handle syntastic error window
-nnoremap <Leader>e :lopen<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>q :lclose<CR>
-" Find current file in NERDTree
-nnoremap <Leader>hf :NERDTreeFind<CR>
-" Open NERDTree
-nnoremap <Leader>n :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
-" Toggle between last 2 buffers
-nnoremap <leader><tab> <c-^>
-" Auto change directory to match current file
-nnoremap <Leader>dc :cd %:p:h<CR>:pwd<CR>
-" Maps for indentation in normal mode
-nnoremap <tab> >>
-nnoremap <s-tab> <<
-" Indenting in visual mode
-xnoremap <s-tab> <gv
-xnoremap <tab> >gv
-" Resize window with shift + and shift -
-nnoremap + <c-w>5>
-nnoremap _ <c-w>5<
-" Center highlighted search
-nnoremap n nzz
-nnoremap N Nzz
-nnoremap <c-p> :Denite file_rec<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>t :TlistToggle<CR>
-" Go to normal mode in terminal by pressing esc
-tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
-" Always go at beginning of first word in line
-nnoremap 0 ^
-" ================ Abbreviations ====================
-cnoreabbrev Wq wq
-cnoreabbrev WQ wq
-cnoreabbrev W w
-cnoreabbrev Q q
-cnoreabbrev Qa qa
-cnoreabbrev Bd bd
-cnoreabbrev bD bd
-cnoreabbrev wrap set wrap
-cnoreabbrev nowrap set nowrap
-cnoreabbrev bda BufOnly
-cnoreabbrev t tabe
-cnoreabbrev T tabe
-cnoreabbrev den Denite
-" ================ Functions ========================
-function! s:StripTrailingWhitespaces()
-    let l:l = line(".")
-    let l:c = col(".")
-    %s/\s\+$//e
-    call cursor(l:l, l:c)
-function! s:LoadLocalVimrc()
-    if filereadable(glob(getcwd() . '/.vimrc.local'))
-        :execute 'source '.fnameescape(glob(getcwd(). '/.vimrc.local'))
-    endif
-" ================ Auto commands ======================
-augroup vimrc
-    autocmd!
-augroup END
-autocmd vimrc BufWritePre * :call s:StripTrailingWhitespaces()                  "Auto-remove trailing spaces
-autocmd vimrc InsertLeave * NeoSnippetClearMarkers                              "Remove unused markers for snippets
-autocmd vimrc InsertEnter * :set nocul                                          "Remove cursorline highlight
-autocmd vimrc InsertLeave * :set cul                                            "Add cursorline highlight in normal mode
-" autocmd vimrc FileType html,javascript,coffee,cucumber setlocal sw=2 sts=2 ts=2 "Set 2 indent for html
-" autocmd vimrc FileType php,javascript setlocal cc=80                            "Set right margin only for php and js
-autocmd vimrc VimEnter,BufNewFile,BufReadPost * call s:LoadLocalVimrc()         "Load per project vimrc (Used for custom test mappings, etc.)
-autocmd vimrc VimEnter * set vb t_vb=
-autocmd vimrc FileType nerdtree syntax match hideBracketsInNerdTree
-\ "\]" contained conceal containedin=ALL

+ 0 - 249

@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 rupa deadwyler under the WTFPL license
-# maintains a jump-list of the directories you actually use
-#     * put something like this in your .bashrc/.zshrc:
-#         . /path/to/
-#     * cd around for a while to build up the db
-#     * PROFIT!!
-#     * optionally:
-#         set $_Z_CMD in .bashrc/.zshrc to change the command (default z).
-#         set $_Z_DATA in .bashrc/.zshrc to change the datafile (default ~/.z).
-#         set $_Z_NO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS to prevent symlink resolution.
-#         set $_Z_NO_PROMPT_COMMAND if you're handling PROMPT_COMMAND yourself.
-#         set $_Z_EXCLUDE_DIRS to an array of directories to exclude.
-#         set $_Z_OWNER to your username if you want use z while sudo with $HOME kept
-# USE:
-#     * z foo     # cd to most frecent dir matching foo
-#     * z foo bar # cd to most frecent dir matching foo and bar
-#     * z -r foo  # cd to highest ranked dir matching foo
-#     * z -t foo  # cd to most recently accessed dir matching foo
-#     * z -l foo  # list matches instead of cd
-#     * z -c foo  # restrict matches to subdirs of $PWD
-[ -d "${_Z_DATA:-$HOME/.z}" ] && {
-    echo "ERROR:'s datafile (${_Z_DATA:-$HOME/.z}) is a directory."
-_z() {
-    local datafile="${_Z_DATA:-$HOME/.z}"
-    # bail if we don't own ~/.z and $_Z_OWNER not set
-    [ -z "$_Z_OWNER" -a -f "$datafile" -a ! -O "$datafile" ] && return
-    _z_dirs () {
-      while read line; do
-        # only count directories
-        [ -d "${line%%\|*}" ] && echo $line
-      done < "$datafile"
-      return 0
-    }
-    # add entries
-    if [ "$1" = "--add" ]; then
-        shift
-        # $HOME isn't worth matching
-        [ "$*" = "$HOME" ] && return
-        # don't track excluded directory trees
-        local exclude
-        for exclude in "${_Z_EXCLUDE_DIRS[@]}"; do
-            case "$*" in "$exclude*") return;; esac
-        done
-        # maintain the data file
-        local tempfile="$datafile.$RANDOM"
-        awk < <(_z_dirs 2>/dev/null) -v path="$*" -v now="$(date +%s)" -F"|" '
-            BEGIN {
-                rank[path] = 1
-                time[path] = now
-            }
-            $2 >= 1 {
-                # drop ranks below 1
-                if( $1 == path ) {
-                    rank[$1] = $2 + 1
-                    time[$1] = now
-                } else {
-                    rank[$1] = $2
-                    time[$1] = $3
-                }
-                count += $2
-            }
-            END {
-                if( count > 9000 ) {
-                    # aging
-                    for( x in rank ) print x "|" 0.99*rank[x] "|" time[x]
-                } else for( x in rank ) print x "|" rank[x] "|" time[x]
-            }
-        ' 2>/dev/null >| "$tempfile"
-        # do our best to avoid clobbering the datafile in a race condition.
-        if [ $? -ne 0 -a -f "$datafile" ]; then
-            env rm -f "$tempfile"
-        else
-            [ "$_Z_OWNER" ] && chown $_Z_OWNER:$(id -ng $_Z_OWNER) "$tempfile"
-            env mv -f "$tempfile" "$datafile" || env rm -f "$tempfile"
-        fi
-    # tab completion
-    elif [ "$1" = "--complete" -a -s "$datafile" ]; then
-        while read line; do
-            [ -d "${line%%\|*}" ] && echo $line
-        done < "$datafile" | awk -v q="$2" -F"|" '
-            BEGIN {
-                if( q == tolower(q) ) imatch = 1
-                q = substr(q, 3)
-                gsub(" ", ".*", q)
-            }
-            {
-                if( imatch ) {
-                    if( tolower($1) ~ tolower(q) ) print $1
-                } else if( $1 ~ q ) print $1
-            }
-        ' 2>/dev/null
-    else
-        # list/go
-        while [ "$1" ]; do case "$1" in
-            --) while [ "$1" ]; do shift; local fnd="$fnd${fnd:+ }$1";done;;
-            -*) local opt=${1:1}; while [ "$opt" ]; do case ${opt:0:1} in
-                    c) local fnd="^$PWD $fnd";;
-                    e) local echo=echo;;
-                    h) echo "${_Z_CMD:-z} [-cehlrtx] args" >&2; return;;
-                    l) local list=1;;
-                    r) local typ="rank";;
-                    t) local typ="recent";;
-                    x) sed -i -e "\:^${PWD}|.*:d" "$datafile";;
-                esac; opt=${opt:1}; done;;
-             *) local fnd="$fnd${fnd:+ }$1";;
-        esac; local last=$1; [ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift; done
-        [ "$fnd" -a "$fnd" != "^$PWD " ] || local list=1
-        # if we hit enter on a completion just go there
-        case "$last" in
-            # completions will always start with /
-            /*) [ -z "$list" -a -d "$last" ] && builtin cd "$last" && return;;
-        esac
-        # no file yet
-        [ -f "$datafile" ] || return
-        local cd
-        cd="$( < <( _z_dirs ) awk -v t="$(date +%s)" -v list="$list" -v typ="$typ" -v q="$fnd" -F"|" '
-            function frecent(rank, time) {
-                # relate frequency and time
-                dx = t - time
-                if( dx < 3600 ) return rank * 4
-                if( dx < 86400 ) return rank * 2
-                if( dx < 604800 ) return rank / 2
-                return rank / 4
-            }
-            function output(files, out, common) {
-                # list or return the desired directory
-                if( list ) {
-                    cmd = "sort -n >&2"
-                    for( x in files ) {
-                        if( files[x] ) printf "%-10s %s\n", files[x], x | cmd
-                    }
-                    if( common ) {
-                        printf "%-10s %s\n", "common:", common > "/dev/stderr"
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if( common ) out = common
-                    print out
-                }
-            }
-            function common(matches) {
-                # find the common root of a list of matches, if it exists
-                for( x in matches ) {
-                    if( matches[x] && (!short || length(x) < length(short)) ) {
-                        short = x
-                    }
-                }
-                if( short == "/" ) return
-                # use a copy to escape special characters, as we want to return
-                # the original. yeah, this escaping is awful.
-                clean_short = short
-                gsub(/\[\(\)\[\]\|\]/, "\\\\&", clean_short)
-                for( x in matches ) if( matches[x] && x !~ clean_short ) return
-                return short
-            }
-            BEGIN {
-                gsub(" ", ".*", q)
-                hi_rank = ihi_rank = -9999999999
-            }
-            {
-                if( typ == "rank" ) {
-                    rank = $2
-                } else if( typ == "recent" ) {
-                    rank = $3 - t
-                } else rank = frecent($2, $3)
-                if( $1 ~ q ) {
-                    matches[$1] = rank
-                } else if( tolower($1) ~ tolower(q) ) imatches[$1] = rank
-                if( matches[$1] && matches[$1] > hi_rank ) {
-                    best_match = $1
-                    hi_rank = matches[$1]
-                } else if( imatches[$1] && imatches[$1] > ihi_rank ) {
-                    ibest_match = $1
-                    ihi_rank = imatches[$1]
-                }
-            }
-            END {
-                # prefer case sensitive
-                if( best_match ) {
-                    output(matches, best_match, common(matches))
-                } else if( ibest_match ) {
-                    output(imatches, ibest_match, common(imatches))
-                }
-            }
-        ')"
-        [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ "$cd" ] && {
-          if [ "$echo" ]; then echo "$cd"; else builtin cd "$cd"; fi
-        }
-    fi
-alias ${_Z_CMD:-z}='_z 2>&1'
-if type compctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    # zsh
-    [ "$_Z_NO_PROMPT_COMMAND" ] || {
-        # populate directory list, avoid clobbering any other precmds.
-        if [ "$_Z_NO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS" ]; then
-            _z_precmd() {
-                (_z --add "${PWD:a}" &)
-            }
-        else
-            _z_precmd() {
-                (_z --add "${PWD:A}" &)
-            }
-        fi
-        [[ -n "${precmd_functions[(r)_z_precmd]}" ]] || {
-            precmd_functions[$(($#precmd_functions+1))]=_z_precmd
-        }
-    }
-    _z_zsh_tab_completion() {
-        # tab completion
-        local compl
-        read -l compl
-        reply=(${(f)"$(_z --complete "$compl")"})
-    }
-    compctl -U -K _z_zsh_tab_completion _z
-elif type complete >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    # bash
-    # tab completion
-    complete -o filenames -C '_z --complete "$COMP_LINE"' ${_Z_CMD:-z}
-    [ "$_Z_NO_PROMPT_COMMAND" ] || {
-        # populate directory list. avoid clobbering other PROMPT_COMMANDs.
-        grep "_z --add" <<< "$PROMPT_COMMAND" >/dev/null || {
-            PROMPT_COMMAND="$PROMPT_COMMAND"$'\n''(_z --add "$(command pwd '$_Z_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS' 2>/dev/null)" 2>/dev/null &);'
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 123

@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-- name: install neovim
-  pacman: name=neovim state=present
-  tags: neovim
-  become: true
-- name: install neovim python client
-  pip: name=neovim
-  tags: python neovim
-  become: true
-- name: create vim symlink to nvim
-  file: src=/usr/bin/nvim dest=/usr/bin/vim state=link
-  become: true
-- name: create vi symlink to vim
-  file: src=/usr/bin/vim dest=/usr/bin/vi state=link
-  become: true
-- name: install zsh shell
-  pacman: name=zsh state=present
-  tags: zsh
-  become: true
-- name: switch default shell to fish
-  shell: chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
-  tags: shellchange
-  become: true
-- name: clone oh-my-zsh
-  get_url:
-    url:
-    dest: /tmp/
-    mode: 0774
-- name: install oh-my-zsh
-  shell: /tmp/ --noninteractive
-  ignore_errors: true
-  async: 10
-  poll: 1
-#- name: google chrome
-  #shell: |
-    #cd ~/Downloads && git clone && cd google-chrome && makepkg -s
-- name: install google chrome
-  shell: cd /home/logicp/Downloads/google-chrome && pacman -U --noconfirm  google-chrome*.pkg.tar.xz
-  become: true
-- name: neovim plug
-  shell: |
-    curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
-- name: install nodejs
-  pacman: name=nodejs state=present
-  become: true
-- name: install npm
-  pacman: name=npm state=present
-  become: true
-- name: install virtualbox
-  pacman: name=virtualbox state=present
-  become: true
-- name: install vagrant
-  pacman: name=vagrant state=present
-  become: true
-- name: install ruby
-  pacman: name=ruby state=present
-  become: true
-- name: install ctags
-  pacman: name=ctags state=present
-  become: true
-- name: install locate
-  pacman: name=mlocate state=present
-  become: true
-- name: install yarn
-  shell: curl -o- -L | bash
-  tags: yarn
-- name: Download VSCode
-  shell: wget -o /home/logicp/Downloads/vscode.tar.gz
-  tags: VSCode
-- name: Uncompress VSCode
-  shell: |
-      cd /home/logicp/Downloads && tar zxvf vscode.tar.gz
-- name: Install VSCode
-  shell: |
-      mv /home/logicp/Downloads/VSCode-linux-x64 /opt
-  become: true
-- name: Download IntelliJ Community
-  get_url:
-      url: http://
-      dest: /home/logicp/Downloads/intellij-ce.tar.gz
-- name: Unpack and Install IntelliJ
-  shell: |
-      tar zxvf /home/logicp/Downloads/intellij-ce.tar.gz || mv /home/logicp/Download/idea-IC* /opt/idea-IC
-  become: true
-- name: Clone and install slack
-  shell: |
-	cd /home/logicp/Downloads && git clone && \
-        cd slack-desktop && makepkg -s && pacman -U slack-desktop-*x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
-- name: Download Telegram
-  get_url:
-      url:
-      dest: /home/logicp/Downloads/tsetup.xz
-- name: Unpack Telegram
-  shell: cd /home/logicp/Downloads && tar xvf tsetup.xz
