--- - name: install neovim pacman: name=neovim state=present tags: neovim become: true #- name: install neovim python client # pip: name=neovim # tags: python neovim # become: true #- name: create vim symlink to nvim # file: src=/usr/bin/nvim dest=/usr/bin/vim state=link # become: true - name: create vi symlink to vim file: src=/usr/bin/vim dest=/usr/bin/vi state=link become: true #- name: install zsh shell # pacman: name=zsh state=present # tags: zsh # become: true # #- name: switch default shell to fish # shell: chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh # tags: shellchange # become: true - name: clone oh-my-zsh get_url: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh dest: /tmp/zsh_install.sh mode: 0774 - name: install oh-my-zsh shell: /tmp/zsh_install.sh --noninteractive ignore_errors: true async: 10 poll: 1 - name: neovim plug shell: | curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim - name: install nodejs pacman: name=nodejs state=present become: true - name: install npm pacman: name=npm state=present become: true - name: install ctags pacman: name=ctags state=present become: true - name: install locate pacman: name=mlocate state=present become: true - name: install yarn shell: curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash tags: yarn - name: install postgres pacman: name=postgresql state=present tags: postgres become: true - name: install postgres-libs pacman: name=postgresql-libs state=present tags: postgres-libs libpq become: true - name: install cmake pacman: name=cmake state=present tags: cmake become: true - name: install zeromq pacman: name=zeromq state=present tags: zeromq become: true - name: install libpqxx pacman: name=libpqxx become: true - name: nvm shell: curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash - name: telegram dl shell: | wget -O- https://telegram.org/dl/desktop/linux | sudo tar xJ -C /opt/ - name: link telegram shell: | sudo ln -s /opt/Telegram/Telegram /usr/local/bin/telegram-desktop - name: Download VSCode shell: curl -L https://code.visualstudio.com/sha/download\?build\=stable\&os\=linux-x64 -o /home/logicp/Downloads/vscode.tar.gz tags: VSCode - name: Uncompress VSCode shell: | cd /home/logicp/Downloads && tar xvf vscode.tar.gz - name: Install VSCode shell: | mv /home/logicp/Downloads/VSCode-linux-x64 /opt become: true - name: Create data dir shell: mkdir /data && chown -R logicp:logicp /data become: true - name: Clone KServer ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/kserver dest: /data/kserver - name: Clone KY_GUI ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/ky_gui dest: /data/kygui - name: Clone KBOT ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/kbot dest: /data/kbot - name: Clone Keleqram ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/keleqram dest: /data/keleqram - name: Clone KGRAM ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/kgram dest: /data/kgram - name: Clone KStodon ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/kstodon dest: /data/kstodon - name: Clone KScord ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/kscord dest: /data/kscord - name: Clone KTube ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/ktube dest: /data/ktube - name: Clone KNeural ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/kneural dest: /data/kneural - name: Clone Katrix ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/katrix dest: /data/katrix - name: Clone Kwitter ignore_errors: true ansible.builtin.git: repo: git@github.com:stronglogicsolutions/kwitter dest: /data/kwitter