logicp 2 years ago

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+# Astrud Stuckelberger
+## Introduction
+- 20+ years expertise in international health
+- PhD in Public Health and MSc in medicine Geneva
+- WHO pandemics expert (2009 - 2012), ethics
+## Claim
+- WHO directives violate the regulations it itself already put in place, protecting human rights, mobility/transportation and privacy of data
+- WHO has moved away from educating using its previously developed repertoire of public health pedagogy
+- Countries are signing a contract as a corporate agency

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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ I have a PhD in public health and a MSc in medicine at faculty of medicine at Ge
 I am expert at WHO I have been an expert many times and specifically on pandemics
 from 2009 to 2012 and working with them, actually , many times on ethics and pandemics on social determinants of health and on aging. With my family, the UN also.  Other agency, ILOW UNEP Etc. so i nkwo tha very well
-so then, during the pandemic, so I was working for hte Interionational health regulation . creating courses with georgetown and pretoria university, and it was very good courses with the member states, with international WHO experts and epidemiologists. I am responsible and I created this summer school on global health and human rights and I had 3 weeks with the UN and one was on international health regulation and I was required to come to WHO by Bruce Plotkin who is not even a member of WHO, but is a consultant for WHO on international health regulation and he kind of scolded me like a kid and said "Astrud, you can't teach international health regulation at the University" and I said, we had a long discussion, I also had somebody from Tajikistan who was speaking at hte course and she came with me and I was like "Oh my god what is gong on in WHO they don't want us to train" so I realized there that he had no answer but there was something fishy to try and stop something so important to trian the world, everybody should be trained on preparedness on pandemics, from the citizen to all the sectors nad that's what we were teaching that health is not in the hands of WHO it's in economic system transport system agriculture system primary healyh care workers mothers
+so then, during the pandemic, so I was working for hte Interionational health regulation . creating courses with georgetown and pretoria university, and it was very good courses with the member states, with international WHO experts and epidemiologists. I am responsible and I created this summer school on global health and human rights and I had 3 weeks with the UN and one was on international health regulation and I was required to come to WHO by Bruce Plotkin who is not even a member of WHO, but is a consultant for WHO on international health regulation and he kind of scolded me like a kid and said "Astrud, you can't teach international health regulation at the University" and I said, we had a long discussion, I also had somebody from Tajikistan who was speaking at hte course and she came with me and I was like "Oh my god what is goong on in WHO they don't want us to train" so I realized there that he had no answer but there was something fishy to try and stop something so important to trian the world, everybody should be trained on preparedness on pandemics, from the citizen to all the sectors nad that's what we were teaching that health is not in the hands of WHO it's in economic system transport system agriculture system primary healyh care workers mothers
 SAnd so after this tim I saw that there was a will in the WHO to not continue supporting training in the UN, internationally and even locally at U of geneva. And so even o top of this it would have been easy to implement because it was na online course and there were 2 weeks residential, even coutnries could take the lectures and everything was available, I suggesed making a book I liek making hand books and they refused. SO it's clearly a blockage of education.
 This education was not just about preparedness plan, it was about communication, communicating in transparent way, ethically, helping people to understand, the science of detection and continuous evaluation oft he agent that provokes a pandemic, it was on monitoring agency, human rights, action on the ground. It was very complete, and it's a shock that they don't continue, I think this is a key that if you don'tkn ow what's going on it's ignorance, like now, it's not even the media and politiczation of science but it is that the people rae not aware, so no wonder no body is prepared today.

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@@ -36,3 +36,13 @@ In time, though the original aspiration to allow for some degree of foul play by
 After all the standards are eroded or injected with exceptional and covert additions to the advantage of the same greedy entities, there remains only one mode of pursuit in order to restore hope of emancipation: proficient and faithful commitment to universal standards.
 We must heal process and tend to it.
+## Good Promises
+What promise can possibly interest you more than the promise if being? That you are is not contingent on any other recognition and is no crime or moral burden. You can simply be and make observation and become action. The chemicals and particles might seem to suggest that you are not what you perceive, or that what you are is not being but reacting, and that this calls into question the very basis for understanding ourselves as being sentient beings, but this becomes a choice for each of us; how could you take that away from all of mankind? You wager against them all for what? A false promise of less fear? The promise that all will agree that you have suffered too much? And now, have you no fear? Have you less suffering? Have you a clear mind?
+## Transcendent Man
+Transcedent man is new man. The process of becomign is declared by its very existence and, if everyone became this, we would all be liberaed. Sexuality is made both glorified and rejected. We seek to have the pleasure by virtue of demonstrating that we are refusing the oppression which demands that our biological realities are used to serve another. Interstingly, it is not assumed that in having developed an interest in sexual deviancy or sexual or reproductive dysfunction, that we might be serving another interest or entity's needs.
+The only oppression, in this case, is an expectation that you would continue the genomic propagation of your family tree. Parent and partner is oppressor because they have any expectation of normalcy. An expectation that your family could be hidden in the sense that they lie beyond biological limitations. The expectation is that you must remain on a path of normal life where the expected outcomes are just that - the end result is something that has precedence - and this is oppression.
+The subjective means of committing all others to the process of liberation is not just limited to a few domains. It appears to be tied into the human experience, and so this would help to understand why considering certain speech as forbidden would be the norm, rather than the exception. In climate science, for example, you have professors who remark how their own students are penalized with anxiety, which prevents them from performing their scholarly duties at the expected pace, but there is no contemplating whether this is brought about by subjective conception of the threat level - understanding (the degree of) the material consequence and anticipated rate of immpact in a measured and balanced way which takes into account some of the egregious predictions which had failed to come to pass. That some predictions line up is a consolation, but the fact that some of the most, or all of teh most, stress-inducing of predictions have been shown to have not come to pass. This is a simple test in that it is obvious we needn't belabour ourselves with consistency. The contradictions are part of a dialectical process, and if we have a historicists's view of the world, then we need only invite contradictions to embed themselves within a process which moves forward inspite of the currently instantiated observable representation.

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+# Doctors For Covid Ethics - The 12 Lies
+*This analysis most pertains to the first recorded wave*
+## Lethality
+- Theater utilized in propaganda coming from China to illustrate scenario where citizens commonly collapse in public and begin convulsing while bleeding from their mouth.
+- IFR was estimated at around 3-6%, depending on sources
+- Now recognized in the range of 0.1% - 0.3%
+- This is arguably more lethal than the average seasonal influenza, but not significantly so
+- It's always expected that estimates start high and reduce, but not only were early representations of lethality maximized, they were done at a time when it was suggested to only reduce social contact for 2 weeks. As it became apparent that the lethality was less than first estimated, restrictions continued and became more severe. We are now accustomed to restrictions regardless of the degree of lethality, rationalized by complex reasoning of administrative categorization (risk of high threshold occupancy - a rather opaque figure)
+- Current estimates still ~ 0.15%
+## No Prior Immunity
+- There was clear evidence of pre-existing T-cell immunity.
+- Further evidence of immunity from previously SARS-CoV1 convalescent (outbreak 16-17 years prior)
+- Additional research have demonstrated SARS-CoV2 was circulating far earlier than initially determined (April 2019 or earlier)
+- Many examples of research showing existing immunity
+- 50% of blood from 2015-2018 specimen collection displayed T-cell reactivity
+- Studies showing T-cell reactivity in seronegative blood donours
+## Emphasis on promoting the idea that it is harmful to everyone
+- A rather stupid idea, which makes ambiguous the effort to protect those who are most vulnerable. Several orders of magnitude of difference in lethality for different cohorts.
+- IL-6 and obesity. Brown adipose tissue has high concentration of ACE-2 receptors
+## Asymptomatic Transmission
+- The most important assumption upon which to predicate lockdowns.
+- Meta-analyses show that transmission occurring in households consists entirely of symptomatic transmission, with asymptomatic representing a statistically insignificant proportion.
+- To base complete transformation of society on the basis of epidemiologically irrelevant prevalence is harmful policy which likely increases loss of years lived by several orders of magnitude greater than that brought about by any reduction of disease.
+## PCR identifies clinical infections
+- No effort to determine operational false positive
+- PCR produces positive results even if there is no virus in the community
+- These culminate into isolation and delays in the operations and mechanisms of people's lives, affecting familes and society as a whole
+- No standard cycle threshold
+- No standard set of primers
+- Known problems with primers identified by the Corman Drosten protocol, the original PCR standard applied to the pandemic, which included easily correctable errors that were never addressed
+- Completely disregards the fact that one can be postive for infection without any symptoms of illness, and that this doesn't necessarily lead to any illness later
+- WHO recommended against mass testing, but it continued regardless
+- The person responsible for the original standard test was also instrumental in propagating the idea of asymptomatic transmission
+- Fenton lectures show how mass testing asymptomatics drives up the proportion of false positives
+## Masks
+- Surgical masks do not stop respiratory virus transmission
+- Cloth masks definitely don't stop any transmission, and likely increase risk of lung infections and other incidental infections
+- Oral infections, gum disease, caries, etc are all going to be exacerbated by mask use
+- No evidence that transmission is caused by droplets, but catching droplets in a mask and continuously breathing through it effectively aerosolizes the droplet
+- Plenty of transmission occurs in hospital wards, where mask adherence is sought in its most strictest form
+## Lockdowns
+- Reducing transmission by reducing social contact is a flawed concept, because it assumes asymptomatic transmission
+- Isolating, reducing social contact, and applying hierarchical stress in a social hierarchy is well known to negatively affect life expectancy: this suggests that lockdowns increase the environment for disease to take place
+- Meta-analysis from John Hopkins shows no detectable impact on reducing cases, hospitalization or death
+- Lockdowns were never used before because this information is not new
+- All member states already knew that masks, lockdowns and border restrictions are effectively useless for reducing transmission, and have made no effort to ascertain the negative impact, either in real time or across longer temporal scales, where negative effects are compounded
+## There are no treatments
+- A policy of mass murder
+- Theraputic value of treatment was already known by 2020, based on SARS-CoV2 data alone
+- Theraputic value of treatment could have easily been extrapolated from SARS-CoV1, which is known to cause far more severe disease
+- Mechanical ventilation is inappropriate for disease which are not predicated on obstructive airways, but was considered the only means of treatment
+- Reducing antibiotic prescription to 50% of average was a mass killer as well, as it was easily deduced that bacterial co-infection leading to pneumonia was prevalent among those with the worst symptoms of disease
+- Intracellular zinc is known to suppress viral replication
+- Zinc ionophores are widely available, and have never been recommended or discussed
+- Hydroxychloroquine study was eagerly championed to silence any discussion of treatment, and was later retracted as due to the discovery that the data was fraudulent (in LANCET)
+- No attempt to use safe agents for experimental purposes, something which has been commonly sought before 2019

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@@ -59,11 +59,21 @@ Specific antibodies induced by vaccnation or infection - these are going to bind
 So, what is important to notice here is that the natural antibodies, and this is key, they have a broad binding capacity. They can bind as well without any difference to the original virus, as to the variants. They recognize aptterns on the surface of the virus. Those molecular patterns are conserved. BUt their binding strenght is always lower for the spike protein than antibodies that are specifically directed against the spike protein, no matter whether they are directed against the original or the variants.
 What does that mean? Well the spike protein is so important - it is responsible for the interaction with the receptor. The spike protein is responsible for the infectiousness of the virus.
-So variants have a higher binding strength tot he receptor than the original virus, hence why these variants have higher infectiousness.
+So variants have a higher binding strength to the receptor than the original virus, hence why these variants have higher infectiousness.
 So what counts, in terms of antibodies is always the binding strength of the spike protein, because that matters in terms of infectiousness of the virus. If you have specific antibodies, they will, in terms of binding, out-compete the natural antibodies. So I was just saying that the natural antibodies are enable protection against all those variants.
 Now, we will recapitulate a little bit because I was talking abotu 2 waves in a natural course of the pandemic.
-In the 2nd wave, The people who had good innate immunity - what happen s- they get infected, they go tinfected during the first wave no problem no disease - but they started to develop a short-lived surge in antibodies with relatively low affinity, short-lived, not high concentrations. Normally that isn't a problem unless, at that moment where they have the surge, they get re-infected - because at that moment with these short-lived antibodies, they will be facing a suppression of their natural antibodies - they are outcompeted/bypassed. When the natural immunity is disapperas, the youngsters become susceptible. Because they cannot rely on these antibodies - certainly not if there are variants - because of the low affinity. They bind to teh spike, but this binding does not prevent variants from binding to the receptor on susceptible cells. This is because the binding is very strong. These are highly infectious with a changed S protein so that they can bind more strongly to the epithelial cells.
+In the 2nd wave, The people who had good innate immunity - what happen s- they get infected, they go tinfected during the first wave no problem no disease - but they started to develop a short-lived surge in antibodies with relatively low affinity, short-lived, not high concentrations. Normally that isn't a problem unless, at that moment where they have the surge, they get re-infected - because at that moment with these short-lived antibodies, they will be facing a suppression of their natural antibodies - they are outcompeted/bypassed. When the natural immunity is disappear, the youngsters become susceptible. Because they cannot rely on these antibodies - certainly not if there are variants - because of the low affinity. They bind to teh spike, but this binding does not prevent variants from binding to the receptor on susceptible cells. This is because the binding is very strong. These are highly infectious with a changed S protein so that they can bind more strongly to the epithelial cells.
-FIrst way - people get infected, spreading, infectivity rate in the population is increasing - more virus. The likelihood that somebody who happens to have a short-lived surge of antibodies becomes re-infected. So they suppress their own natural innate immune response - increasing infectivity. At moment of infection - surge in antibodies - causing them to be open for re-infection.
+First way - people get infected, spreading, infectivity rate in the population is increasing - more virus. The likelihood that somebody who happens to have a short-lived surge of antibodies becomes re-infected. So they suppress their own natural innate immune response - increasing infectivity. At moment of infection - surge in antibodies - causing them to be open for re-infection.
+This allows the wave of disease and death to shift to younger populations without any need for the virus to become more infectious. These people get ill, and natural asymptomatic carriers (NAC were asymptomatic during first infection of an earlier wave). They become more vulnerable because of lower innate immunity.
+Not only young people, also people who have the lowest innate immunity. Suppression lowers capability of natural antibodies to intervene, but there are still a number of people with sufficient antibodies to be protected against all variants. The reservoir of young people who have potential for disease decreases as the virus spreads in a population. That's normally not a problem, because it becomes increasingly difficult because the remainder is still having very good innate immunity and the virus is looking "how can I move to another population", and it can because those people who got infected in the first wave start to have declining antibody titers, so the virus can without a problem go back to these members of the population and infect some of them, btu what happens here is that a lot of these people have seen the virus, so they're immune system can be re-activated with antigen-specific antibodies - immunological memory - they can immediately bombard the virus with a huge raise and concentration of antibodies.
+People getting infected a second time come up with a surge of antibodies that will diminish the spread of the virus, and that's how we ultimately get to this herd immunity. So the question now is what happens if we are seeing that a lot of young people get infected, more of them get disease, because that is the place where the virus is now causing disease, who were perfectly healthy, who are now on ventilation, and they had no underlying disease, but they had suppression of their innate immunity because of short-lived antibodies. This is important to understand because if you now consider that we are now massively implementing infection-prevention measures, then we are giving the virus a difficult time. If you look at pandemics that have been well-documented, we've never seen that all of a sudden a whole series of highly infections strains pop up all over the place - all of a sudden, the variants show mutations that all converge on that S-protein which is responsible for their infectiousness. Connect this with the fact that we have been trying to prevent infectivity of the virus, so the virus do? The virus is going to select mutations in the spike protein that enable it to counter this affect of infection-prevention. That is how we see all tehse mutations in receptor-binding domain. So people will disagree with me about this.
+Virus escapes through selective immune escape. It concentrates itself to enhance infectivity via the spike protein. There is almost a law in vaccinology. If you put a living organism, and especially a living organism that has a high capacity for mutation, if you put such an organism under immunological pressure while still leaving the door open for that organism to replicate, well for sure that organism is going to select mutations to overcome the pressure you have placed on it. It's the same thing with antimicrobials.
+At what point do we have such a situation where there is immune pressure that is sub optimal? It is exactly at that stage that people who got infected during the first wave, will have a surge in antiodies that are not fully mature, are short-lived, don't reach high titers, that are not responsible for elimination of the virus - this is a sub-optimal immune response, and when the virus enters you have all the conditions for immune escape. A sub-optimal immune response tha gets confronted with the virus...

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@@ -390,6 +390,41 @@ Hegel -> Y Hegel -> Marxists -> Neo-Marxists -> Black Feminism
 #### Trinity
 - History imperceptibly, and unstoppably moves forward
 - Moving to absolute idea
+- Absolute uses the unfolding of history to understand itself
+- Ultimately uncovers that all known philosophies were parts of the whole, and that the absolute reveals the prisca theologia at the end of history
+##### Types of Trinities
+- Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis
+- Abstract, Negative, Concrete
+- Objective, Subjective, Absolute
+- Theory, Practice, Praxis
+- Being, Nothing, Becoming
+- Ideas, Nature, Geist
+##### Prisca Theologia vs Philosophia Perennis
+- Prisca Theologia is returning to the ancient understanding
+- Philosophia Perennis is the true nature of the absolute
+- Former an abstracted system for describing the latter, which is the nature of reality
+#### Metaphysical
+- Hegel's lecture on philosophy of religion stated that philosophy only explicates itself when it explicates religion.
+- Claimed that the trinity is the mystery of God, whose content is mystical
+##### Being, Nothing, Becoming
+- Why is there something rather than nothing
+- Becoming is the resolution; a synthesis to understand the mystery
+##### Idea, Nature, Geist
+- Centered on ideas of society
+- Nature is its expression on Earth
+- Idea = Father, State = Son, Geist = Holy Ghost
+- Hegel believes that humans speak of God through reference to God in themselves - as an abstract
+- Abstract is insufficient for God; as is concrete
+- An absolute God is not absent any concept
+- The final trinity is Abstract, Concrete, Absolute
+###### More Trinity
 - Seek contradictions and keep core
 - Idea is to State as Father is to Son; Son engages culture and causing wisdom to flow back to the Father (Geist) (self aware -> absolute)
 - Perfected society occurs when the Absolute Idea is fully synthesized

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+They are not weak
+stop treating them as though they are weak
+stop structuring all of your rationale for life and society under the assumption that they are weak
+that they are ultimately incapable
+it goes against everything we see about human adaptation
+about state transitions of systems
+there has to be a natural flow, and if we allow for it to take hold, with the highest degree of correlation between interpreted vs concrete transformation
+the least alteration or variation in the structure of information represented at each level
+in this way, we have intended to generate the environment bearing the greatest potential for a fully expressed systemic flow to emerge
+and it is under such conditions that the capacity for each associate to develop is maximized
+it is the same with women
+it is not so much that we place a burden of expectation on them
+it is that we afford the world the perception that they are capable of performing at every order of the range available
+it's not even an act of faith
+this should actually be the understanding
+this is how we should see them
+because how we choose to see the world is the type of world we

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+# Protest and Paranoia
+## Intro (Critical Race Theory in Education)
+- "Critical perspectives" reject a policy of gradual improvement
+- Policy is not a mechanism with delivers progressively greater degrees of equity, but a process dominated by the white population. Progress is won through protest, and gains are quickly cut back.
+- Conflict between traditional approaches and critical perspectives
+- People agree we should rectify disparate access, but no reason to assume equity is the goal.
+*"Equality is that citizens A and B are equal. Equity is adjusting shares so that citizens A and B are made equal."*
+- Paranoid conspiracy theory that the dominant white population are a bourgeoisie purposely erecting a system to exclude others.
+- Critical Theorists have the perspective and method of protest, but this is not a novel approach
+## Communism Doesn't Know How
+- Don't know how to achieve the goal (any: Communism, Racial Justice, Gender Justice, Climate Justice, Vaccine Justice, Health Justice). Medical Lysenkoism
+- What they do know is protest. Disrupt Dismantle Destroy.
+- Destructive but rhetorically savvy. Create apperance that they create though they negate.
+- Paranoid about coming "Blacklash": counter resistance to our "Resist"!ance. So much literature is devoted to overcoming resistance
+- Refusal to protest is "radical" and comes from the ways in which words are grouped and regrouped - freed from familiar use and abuse
+## Refusing Protest
+- Power requires a negative dialectic to inspire new ways of thinking
+- Languaged used to maintain power

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+# Masking Study by Denis Rancourt
+## Do viruses transmit outdoors?
+- Never confirmed in a controlled scientific study
+- Inferred from uncontrolled observational studies
+- The average of these studies suggest 0.5% of transmission could occur outdoors, but these studies don't rule out that transmission may have occurred indoors

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+# MessengerRNA Vaccines
+## Recap as to how the mRNA vaccines work
+These vaccines contain a synthetic messenger RNA which is encased in a container which consists of lipids. Synthetic lipids, as we ll as some natural ones. The lipid casing has two functions:
+- Protects the messenger RNA during transport in the body (vaccines injected into the muscle, mRNA is normally not chemically stable, so it mjust be protected)
+- Facilitate the uptake of the vaccine particles into our body cells and one specific lipid contains in the mixture, a cationic lipid, will cause the release of the mRNA from the vaccine particle into the cytosol. From there the mRNA can then bind to the ribosomes and direct them to produce spike protein
+Spike protein is taken to the surface and intact spike protein can trigger an antibody response. A fraction of the spike protein molecule will be chopped up inside the cell, and will be presented at the cell's surface through the HA1 pathway. This will trigger a response by cytotoxic T-cells, T-Lymphocytes, against the cells which produced the spike protein molecules.
+On top of that, specifically for the spike protein, it can be cleaved, and a so-called spawn fragment, can be released from the cells and it has various biological activities for example the activation of blood platelets.
+We can expect various kinds of toxic effects simply based on the action mechanisms  of the covid vaccine. As I mentioned, we have direct activation of blood platelets by free spike protein. That is specific to the covid vaccines.
+But the immune response of B cells and T cells against the cells that express the particular viral antigen - that is something we have to expect with all gene-based vaccines. With the mRNA vaccines we also have to expect that this destructive attack of the immune system against the cells that produce the antigen will occur again after every booster injection.
+This cationic lipid which mediates this crucial step of breaking down the membrane barrier and releases the mRNA into the cytosol. This cationic lipid can also attack the membranes of the mitochondria and cause cytotoxic effects that way.
+First, I want to explain why we have to expect the repeated immunological attack by the immune system against any cells that expressed the antigen encoded by the mRNA. This issue is likely present with any mRNA vaccine.
+In a regular, normal virus infection - in the virus particle we have the genome and the antigen - the protein molecules encoded by this genome. In an immunologically naive host who has not seen thsi virus before - the virus is not recognized and succeeeds in infecting some body cells. This causes some immune reaction against the body cell expressing those viral antigens - both cytotoxic and antibodies and their effector mechanisms, such as complement, and this will lead to cell death. Cell death always triggers inflammation, and this is why you get sick after the first infection with the virus.
+If you get infected again with the same virus, we already have antibodies, those anibodies will bind with the virus, prevent it from infecting another cell. Instead, the virus will be degraded. By and large, this is how it works (there are exceptions). This is once you have immunity against a pathogen, you won't get sick after reinfection. The same will apply also wit ha traditional live vaccine, for example. If you take a polio live virus vaccine and inject it into a person who already has antibodies against polio, nothing will happen. The antibodies will simply grab the vaccine and arrange for its disposal.
+If we look at what happens with an mRNA vaccine, initially it looks similar. We have nucleic acid which enters some cell, we have the immune reaction against the synthesized antigen and we get a cell death. If we re-inject the same vaccine again, we may have the antibodies, but the problem here is quite simply that the vaccine particles don't contain any of copies of the protein antigen. Therefore, the antibodies have nothing to grab onto and they cannot neutralize these particles. The particles will again enter some cells, but now we have an even angrier immune system because it is already primed from the first injection. On short notice, we get an amplified immune response against the cells and we get more cell death.
+This is evident in the adverse events reports from the covid vaccines. We have a higher rate of adverse events reports in people who got their secon shot already. And also in those who had previously been infected with the regular virus and had gotten their previous immunity that way. In both cases we see a greater incidence of adverse events than in those individuals who have had neither the infection nor a previous vaccine injection. We can observe this empirically that repeated injections cause more adverse events, and we have to expect the same after each booster injection. If you get a 4th and 5th and so on injection, then you will be more likely to suffer more.
+This is one fundamental flaw of the mRNA vaccines. This is simply a drawback, a principle drawback of the entire strategy.
+We can also observe that the immunological mechanisms that occur in practice, this has been recently quite impressively documented by the German pathologist Dr. Arne Bukhardt. And he has autopsied a number of persons who died within days or months of vaccination. None of the deaths were initially connected to the vaccination. It was only because the families insisted upon the autopsies that these patients were looked at, and Burkhardt performed very detailed examinations. He took tissue samples from all the organs from these patients.
+All 4 gene-based vaccines, the 2 mRNA vaccines, and the JJ and AZ adenovirus-based vaccines - they were also represented among these casualties.
+This toxicity was mostly due to the spike protein. What happened here was an attack from the immune system on cells that express spike protein. Particularly on the capillaries and the venules. The endothelial cell layer - the inner surface of the blood vessels. This cell layer is all that stands between you and disaster, because as soon as this endothelium is damaged, the blood will get into direct contact with the tissue beyond the endothelium and then it will start clotting.
+You can see that the endothelial cell layer is gone and instead we see all of these endothelial cells piled up in the middle of the blood vessel.
+More recently Bukardhardt has succeeded in detecting the spike protein in one of these cases directly in such lesions. This is strong evidence that attack on spike protein-expressing cells by the immune system is indeed at the bottom of this sort of tissue damage.
+Interestingly, this patient had died 4 months after his vaccination. So even after 4 months, the spike protein can still be observed in these lesions.
+Here's another study by someone who survived. Also in those persons, the spike protein could be detected in the blood samples found through exosomes - little membrane vesicles. Even after months you can observe the spike protein both in dead and living patients. This is a surprising finding. You will be told by several vaccine advocates that this cannot be because the spike protein is only expressed for a couple of days, but we have clear proof that expression can last months.
+If you take this in conjunction with the plan to vaccinate people again and again at tim intervals of several months, you will have practically continuous expression of spike protein, and a continuous reaction of the immune system against your own body cells that have been induced to produce the spike protein.
+## Heart Muscle
+Intact heart muscl fibres. and on the right hand side you see fragments of heart muscle fibers undergoing destruction. Blue dots these are the lymphocytes that are doing the damage. Burkhardt found this kind of damage to the heart and to the lungs in most of his patients - even in elderly patients. We hear about myocarditis in yong people in particular, but at least in these autopsies we see lots of myocarditis going on in teh elderly and it's quite possible that at least some of these cases are misdiagnosed as heart attacks. You can have sudden heart death both in the case of myocarditis and heart attacks and since normally heart attacks are so much more common in the elderly than myocarditis, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of these cases were misattributed.

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+# Flawed Data Driving the Narrative
+## Intro
+- Bayesian Networks - Smart data > Big data
+- appled in Law and Forensics
+- looking at data for 22 months
+- concern about how statistics are used to drive the narrative
+- lack of evidence for lockdowns and mandates
+- bias to work: even if as dangerous as claimed and measures as effective as claimed, no justification for lockdown measures and vaccine passports
+- don't need sophisticated statistical skills to understand that the threat and preventative measures are overstated and exaggerated
+- qualified people remain silent on this
+## Itinerary
+1. Censorship
+2. Data problems
+3. Vaccine efficacy/safety (all-cause mortality)
+## Specialization
+- Bayesian-causal modeling techniques
+- use publicly-available data
+- national differences in CFR/IFR
+- published in peer-review
+- called for random testing early (regret this)
+## Censorship
+### Initial perspective
+- Infection rates higher than predicted
+- Fatality rates lower than predicated
+- Disease less lethal than what was reported -> before effective treatment protocols were available
+- Extensive research into risk factors/symptoms
+- Incorporate data into causal model
+- Packaged as personalized symptom/risk assessment app (web/mobile)
+- Exposed flawed in reports about particular risk factors
+- Looked into ethnicity
+- Extensive work on symptom tracking apps
+- All work was well-received (it didn't challenge anything about the narrative)
+### Changing views
+- Sept 2020 clear the narrative is driven by flawed approach of equating case with PCR test and asymptomatic testing
+- Pointed out problem of showing increasing case numbers without understanding changes in tests being performed
+- Diving two numbers is a subversive act of misinformation - called conspiracy theorist
+- Demands to be sacked frm Queen Mary
+- Exposed flaw government data/claims which relied heavily on PCR
+- Concerns about vaccine safety/efficacy
+- Nothing was reviewed / was rejected by pre-print servers
+- Now only on ResearchGate and blogs
+- All videos have been removed (banned from posting videos on YouTube)
+- LEtter into American journal of theraputics - looked at Bayesian model analysis techniques
+## Data problems
+### Fundamentals
+#### Definitions
+- Case => Positive PCR test, dies of reasons other than Covid => Covid hospitalization and Covid death
+- All metrics driven by Covid Case
+- - How many asymptomatic?
+- - How many hospitalized for non-COVID?
+- - How many infected at institution?
+- - How many deaths with infection vs from infection?
+#### PCR Positive
+Cases include:
+- Virus + symptoms
+- Virus + presymptomatic
+- Virus (never symptomatic)
+- No Virus + symptoms
+- No Virus + no symptoms
+#### False-positive rate
+Asymptomatic person tests positive and there's a 1% chance of false positives:
+- 1 / 100 test positive
+Person testing positive likely to have virus?
+- Depends on infection rate
+If 1/1000 have the virus
+Test 10,000 people
+- 10 have the virus
+- 100 false positives
+- 10/110 = 9.1% chance positive test is accurate
+Less than 10% chance you really have the virus. The vast majority of cases are false positives.
+#### Example
+Cambridge rigorous testing of asymptomatics.
+5000 tested per week for 6 weeks
+43 positives
+7 validated / confirmed cases
+36 false positives
+Can't know if those confirmed positive went on to develop symptoms.
+Confirmation test was only PCR, reducing accuracy
+#### Lack of confirmatory testing
+- PCR obvious problems
+- What's less well known is that the biggest cause of differences in reporting PCR false positive probabilities is whether the probability assumes a confirmatory test is being carried out:
+- - If the false probability for a single PCR test is 0.5%
+- - All positives require a second test before announcing confirmation
+- - If independent test, probability both are false positive: 0.005 * 0.005 = 0.000025 = 0.0025%
+If few people are being tested and you have luxury of confirmatory testing, you will almost see no false positives.
+Confirmatory testing is almost never done
+Most positive PCR test results really are false positives
+#### Lighthouse Labs
+- March of 2021 discovery that lighthouse labs were classifying positive cases on the basis of a single target gene
+- WHO and kit manufacturers require minimum of 2
+- In some weeks, 50% of total cases began as false positives (before applying above probability logic again)
+#### Impacts
+- 41% of those testing positive never develop symptoms
+- Jan 2020 - Dec 2021:
+- - 4.7% didn't have major underlying comorbidity
+- - Most of these not hospitalized because of COVID
+- Post surgical units showing up to 68% COVID hospitalizations acquired infection post-admission
+#### Children (< 18)
+- 5830 hospitalizations (2020)
+- 251 ICU
+- 28 dead
+- 8 confirmed likely caused by COVID
+- All 8 with comorbidities
+- 7/8 had life-limiting condition
+#### Comparison
+Daily UK gov cases vs Daily ambulance/emergency calls (NHS dashboard)
+No relationship whatsoever
+## Vaccine Efficacy/Safety

+ 19 - 0

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+# Denis Rancourt's VAERS study
+AE = (Major) Adverse event
+Examines VAERS data by: Major Adverse Effect, Manufacturer, Type/Date of injection, Onset/Finality of AE, Age
+## Summary
+- "At-risk" group suffer worst AE
+- Large peak in first 5 days
+- Exponential decrease of AE ~ 30 days
+- Plateau of AE ~60+ days with COVID symptoms
+- High occurrence for 2nd dose
+### Notes
+- Exponential decay indicates casual link (background deaths have uniform distribution)
+- Decay cosnistent with prevalence of S protein
+- Propose enhanced immune response in 2nd dose which both increases AE and decreases antigen production, reducing efficacy
+- JJ : MDRNA : Pfizer => 4 : 1.3 : 1

+ 11 - 1

@@ -10,4 +10,14 @@ Some might question what is real, but if they are unsure that anything is real,
 4. Reality is anything that can be proven with science
 5. Reality is the belief that one's experience can be witnessed by another
-Each of this is a proposed agreement.
+Each of this is a proposed agreement.
+## Does it Exist?
+It ust exist, and it is must be understandable. Just as we learn through geometrical, or better, spatial reprenestation and abstraction, there is a structure to morality in the sense that we understand the capacity of human experience to include pain and suffering, and we represent it in our visual cortexes. Though we cannot know an experience without it being our own known experience, we can do such things as compare two imaginary experiences, or compare analogs to experiences. Ultimtaely, we need to find a way of always conceptualizing someone's direct experience, and not a group representation's pseudoexperience.
+Again, though it seems our understanding of morality and ethics come about through human experience and the coniciding forms within their social context in consideration of pain, suffering and death, we must ask ourselves: are the spatial transformations taking place among those high level events simply incidental? What are the fields of observation along which tragedy and evil occur?
+### High Level
+Global (migration patterns), Solar system (supernovae), black holes, asteroid/comet impacts and gravitational influence, small planetary collision, galactic events (black holes, quasars, neutron stars, galactic collisions). Untold tragedy outside one's cognitive grasp.
+We must understand our general conceptions of morality as well as the in-depth manner in which we come to possess a sense of morality, and juxtapose this against the laws of physics and the naturally inherent phenomena which destroy, create and transform.

+ 9 - 0

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+# Participate
+I choose not to participate. Why?
+Because this initiative is being used to implement new constraints on society and societal participation, when we have historical precedent of marginalizing humans within tiers of society. That it is forbidden to discuss the ways in which this is contentious while related infrastructure is implemented through public/private partnerships with companies that have clear conflicts of interest, unlimited public funding, at the global scales, without consolidating the problems of incumbent politics relating to formulation of policies to initiate and concretize the undertaking of these infrastructure and security/classification projects, and at a tim when there has been the largest appropriation of wealth, transfer of assets, creation of new billionaires and liquidation of businesses from small to mediaum in size, and that it is all delivered and marketed in language which presupposes assisting the marginalized while promoting collectivism, and no one even bats an eye. It should be the implicit duty of anyone with a modicum of intelligence and moral substance to refuse participation, even if you are afraid of getting sick, excluded from the infrastructure of society, or made fun of by your peers. Boohoo.
+Corruption issues of the past are not solved through complacency. Ignorance, failure to be critical/skeptical particularly at a time when technology is at its most advanced and psycho-social conditioning is at its most mature level of understanding. TIme to say no.
+# Safe and Effective
+What is your standard for effective? That you can participate and that you didn't suffer a dehabilitating and permanently altering adverse effect from administration of the substance? A substance for which the state both demands that you inject it into your body while telling you over and over that it is your choice to make the meeting of your basic needs increasingly difficult. It is, taken to its logical conclusions, a "join us or die" proposition. Fuck you.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Reading from the Handbook of Critical Race Theory in Education.
 That is actually the name of the book. People defend by saying that CRT is not in education while defending that CRT should be a part of education.
-It's not even the distortion or hypocrisy, it's an outright lie so they can keep doing what they're doing,s o tehy can generate a race-based red guard to tear apart society. They want to be able to create the conditions so that we have another summer of 2020 with the young people taking a side of whatever protest shows up. They have to ingrain these racist ideas into the kids - racial critical ideas - racial critical consciousness so that they are ready to go bezerk and to defend people going bezerk again and take their side etc.
+It's not even the distortion or hypocrisy, it's an outright lie so they can keep doing what they're doing, so they can generate a race-based red guard to tear apart society. They want to be able to create the conditions so that we have another summer of 2020 with the young people taking a side of whatever protest shows up. They have to ingrain these racist ideas into the kids - racial critical ideas - racial critical consciousness so that they are ready to go bezerk and to defend people going bezerk again and take their side etc.
 When another fruitful incident comes along. But that's not the point. We're not talking about this approach, but what we're talking abotu in this episode is, in fact that there is a clear juxtaposition / comparison or contrasting between traditional mainstream approaches to whatever, and critical perspectives.
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ We can say what we like about traditional mainstream approaches, whether or not
 We like to be open to the idea of an equity program where we put extra resources into people who are limited in some way.
-"Ever-greater degrees of equity" - I don't think so, unless we mean equality of access, which it doesn't It means equality of outcome, parity against current demographics and making up for historical injustices, redistribution on the greatest scale. The father os social equity theory wrote in a paper in 1990ish describing his seminal 1968 paper on the issue (recorded and put)
+"Ever-greater degrees of equity" - I don't think so, unless we mean equality of access, which it doesn't It means equality of outcome, parity against current demographics and making up for historical injustices, redistribution on the greatest scale. The father of social equity theory wrote in a paper in 1990ish describing his seminal 1968 paper on the issue (recorded and put)
 Equality is that citizens A and B are equal, Equity is adjusting share so that citizens A and B are made equal.

+ 28 - 0

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+# Queer State
+To elude our local barbaric structure, we can appeal to a more ever-present and fully-encompassing state. The limits of perception are not solved by improving focus on low level analyses, but on absolutely formalizing ever aspect of possible design. By being the only entity which promises to get into every facet of life, this allows some of us to have a means to defining structure without the barbaric oppression formerly associated with a nation state. At least, this is the mentality embodied by those who would otherwise occupy the analogous positions for a nation state. And so the Dialectic continues?
+How does one come to support the idea of Queering the child? First, one might imagine that the caretaker is someone who is interested in participating in perverse or otherwise sexual activities with the child, and there msut be some element of that, but that does not explain the need to make such an endeavour so public. The next is to assume that the caretaker suspects that this is teh direction in which the culture has shifted, and simply feels threatened at the prospect of being excluded from society, but this better explains those who are no so ardent and passionate about the effort. There are still parents, however, that are strong advocates for insisting on a developmental infrastructure which maximizes the prsopect that tehir child will discover or com eto believe themselves as being Queer. How does this play out across time?
+One of the primary effects is: *Less expectation surrounding marriage and reproduction.*
+For many, this is the pivotal milestone which denotes success of upbringing, and is the standard for measuring health of the family unit. With this being supplanted, we move from future potential for failure to a form of immediate success. Given that the LGBTQ community is extremely adapted towards positive reinforcement to affirm decisions and positions which further the pursuit of LGBTQ goals. These goals purport to be centered around the needs of children, but without defining them, we can already recognize that the affirming of an identity which is not compatible with historically common identities allows for the formulation of an approach to criticize. Any normative structure can work in one's favour if one wishes to suggest that their course of development and anything which influences the process by which they've come to situate themselves was damaging. This is a fine strategy to deny that one had the power to make demands on the surrounding structure and is also a demand for labour to your own benefit. Ironic that asking for new debts to be paid is always done on the basis of some labour claim, but that making the demand also requests labour to be performed for you in service of you and your ideas.
+Some say that biases and choice can be understood in terms of such cost, and the refutation would suggest that each side of a disagreement holds each its forms of sunk costs. In the case of wanting one's child to be transformed into a destabilized tool for political indoctrination, however, it is a peculiar scenario; what are its sunk costs?
+## Sunk Costs (Pro)
+How might one have sunk costs into the process which champions queering of children? Queering a child is insisting that any traversal away from what might be considered normal or accepted is a moral good, and evidence of one's ethics, intelligence and selflessness. But this assumes that anything which is considered normal is only or mostly due to oppressive forces by the superstructure of society. This completely disregards any possibility that things are made to be normal or obvious because of an inherent nature -> because of there being an objective component to reality. Though one might believe that knowing abou t objective truth is impossible within the structure of oppression, this is firstly an admission about the belief of one's own limits of reason and perception, and secondly an expression of absurdity in light of taking the belief and implying that there is no objective truth which influences the world around us. Obviously, we have all burned ourselves or cut ourselves, so to act as though objectivity is not already a significant factor lends the deducible realization that one is wiling to disregard what they know as verifiably true in order to pursue something of interest.
+So, are they merely avoiding reality? Are we not all avoiding it?
+## Simplifying Reality
+It is natural for the neurocognitive system to simplify operations such as to improve outcomes involving the most significant threats. Yes, we aren't being chased by lions, but material/fatal threats still occur to our person and, thus, that which we are calibrated towards is not as different as one might imagine, at least at the level of cognition.
+The prospect of being unsuccessful in propagating one's genetic signature is coplex and multifaceted, and not something which can simply be evaluated on the basis of romantic and/or sexual stimulation and experience. The question of whether one can participate in a mating process is dreadful as it calls into question the very essence of reality and interpreting the rationale for one's presence in it. There are a sleugh of factors to enumerate:
+- Evolution, attractiveness, confidence, physical development, acceptance, acknowledgment, health and vitality, sexual viability, virility, competition/performance, the social environment, expectation for the future, resources, avaiability, mode of operation, loneliness, death, aging, safety net, the right to exist, etc.
+Quite simply, Queer Theory enables rationale to further insist upon any subjective belief for it already insists on making human comparison to nature inadmissible. One might fail to realize this on the basis that everyone, to some degree, assumes that physics are real and that we are sbujected to material consequences that are, to some degree, beyond our control, but this disregards the powerful rationale Post-Modernism gives one to avoid critiquing themselves. In short, if there is a possibility of imagining an outcome whereby someone or some group might be excluded, or maliciously references through a subject, attribute or otherwise enumerable event, then there is fulfillment of the capacity to disrergard the validity of any related language.
+If our declarations and definitions cannot unequivocally be the absolute source level construct, then there is always some degree of fuzziness whose lack of absolute detail provides that potential to misunderstand, whether delierate or not, thus this affords all the rationale an individual has to ignore factors that could otherwise be considered as being the most consequential, even if they are the only reasonble factor.
+Assuming the definitive overarching factor as being something in particular allows for the instant dismissal of any and all other factors.
+One might say that we ignore factors until they cause harm and that conditions can be artificially altered such that the elements which always harm in the wild are not producing discernible harm; that is, elements which most certainly cause harm will now appear to cause no harm in the short, but even that is a question of scale and temporality.

+ 20 - 0

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+# Cutting Kids
+Yes, slice the racism off those kids. Surgically remove the racism from them.
+Make it unmistakable for all to see, so there could never be a single doubt.
+They're committed to demonstrate a desire for acceptance that they'll collapse association of mind and body and replace biological proficiency by delegating accountability through ideological certainty.
+Why expect that one might unearth the fortune of existence in the mastery of what unfolds before them?
+That is, what is feasible to engage regardless of the degree to which a social infrastructure is edified and developed to maturity. If all else fails, with nothing more than modest biological capacities through which to move and survive. With no assistance by state and no support of peers.
+Just any inherent potential to develop a faculty for this realm. One conscious window to existence, one teleological endpoint - a single terminal yielding perceptual frame.
+If there were nothing more, would one accept the entire premise as farce? Incoherent experience resolving purpose as expression of rejected being.
+If that is the one terminal endpoint to existence, with no more known of it, then is perception not purpose? Accordingly, any formulated abstraction is composed in non-primitive terms with significance assigned per direction of the terminal's operator.
+There can be no other cause or beholden entity beyond that which is known.
+Thus the expression in that frame and its realized meaning are all composed through assignment of experience to reality, made through laws of the system and sentiment applied in perception.