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+# Flawed Data Driving the Narrative
+## Intro
+- Bayesian Networks - Smart data > Big data
+- appled in Law and Forensics
+- looking at data for 22 months
+- concern about how statistics are used to drive the narrative
+- lack of evidence for lockdowns and mandates
+- bias to work: even if as dangerous as claimed and measures as effective as claimed, no justification for lockdown measures and vaccine passports
+- don't need sophisticated statistical skills to understand that the threat and preventative measures are overstated and exaggerated
+- qualified people remain silent on this
+## Itinerary
+1. Censorship
+2. Data problems
+3. Vaccine efficacy/safety (all-cause mortality)
+## Specialization
+- Bayesian-causal modeling techniques
+- use publicly-available data
+- national differences in CFR/IFR
+- published in peer-review
+- called for random testing early (regret this)
+## Censorship
+### Initial perspective
+- Infection rates higher than predicted
+- Fatality rates lower than predicated
+- Disease less lethal than what was reported -> before effective treatment protocols were available
+- Extensive research into risk factors/symptoms
+- Incorporate data into causal model
+- Packaged as personalized symptom/risk assessment app (web/mobile)
+- Exposed flawed in reports about particular risk factors
+- Looked into ethnicity
+- Extensive work on symptom tracking apps
+- All work was well-received (it didn't challenge anything about the narrative)
+### Changing views
+- Sept 2020 clear the narrative is driven by flawed approach of equating case with PCR test and asymptomatic testing
+- Pointed out problem of showing increasing case numbers without understanding changes in tests being performed
+- Diving two numbers is a subversive act of misinformation - called conspiracy theorist
+- Demands to be sacked frm Queen Mary
+- Exposed flaw government data/claims which relied heavily on PCR
+- Concerns about vaccine safety/efficacy
+- Nothing was reviewed / was rejected by pre-print servers
+- Now only on ResearchGate and blogs
+- All videos have been removed (banned from posting videos on YouTube)
+- LEtter into American journal of theraputics - looked at Bayesian model analysis techniques
+## Data problems
+### Fundamentals
+#### Definitions
+- Case => Positive PCR test, dies of reasons other than Covid => Covid hospitalization and Covid death
+- All metrics driven by Covid Case
+- - How many asymptomatic?
+- - How many hospitalized for non-COVID?
+- - How many infected at institution?
+- - How many deaths with infection vs from infection?
+#### PCR Positive
+Cases include:
+- Virus + symptoms
+- Virus + presymptomatic
+- Virus (never symptomatic)
+- No Virus + symptoms
+- No Virus + no symptoms
+#### False-positive rate
+Asymptomatic person tests positive and there's a 1% chance of false positives:
+- 1 / 100 test positive
+Person testing positive likely to have virus?
+- Depends on infection rate
+If 1/1000 have the virus
+Test 10,000 people
+- 10 have the virus
+- 100 false positives
+- 10/110 = 9.1% chance positive test is accurate
+Less than 10% chance you really have the virus. The vast majority of cases are false positives.
+#### Example
+Cambridge rigorous testing of asymptomatics.
+5000 tested per week for 6 weeks
+43 positives
+7 validated / confirmed cases
+36 false positives
+Can't know if those confirmed positive went on to develop symptoms.
+Confirmation test was only PCR, reducing accuracy
+#### Lack of confirmatory testing
+- PCR obvious problems
+- What's less well known is that the biggest cause of differences in reporting PCR false positive probabilities is whether the probability assumes a confirmatory test is being carried out:
+- - If the false probability for a single PCR test is 0.5%
+- - All positives require a second test before announcing confirmation
+- - If independent test, probability both are false positive: 0.005 * 0.005 = 0.000025 = 0.0025%
+If few people are being tested and you have luxury of confirmatory testing, you will almost see no false positives.
+Confirmatory testing is almost never done
+Most positive PCR test results really are false positives
+#### Lighthouse Labs
+- March of 2021 discovery that lighthouse labs were classifying positive cases on the basis of a single target gene
+- WHO and kit manufacturers require minimum of 2
+- In some weeks, 50% of total cases began as false positives (before applying above probability logic again)
+#### Impacts
+- 41% of those testing positive never develop symptoms
+- Jan 2020 - Dec 2021:
+- - 4.7% didn't have major underlying comorbidity
+- - Most of these not hospitalized because of COVID
+- Post surgical units showing up to 68% COVID hospitalizations acquired infection post-admission
+#### Children (< 18)
+- 5830 hospitalizations (2020)
+- 251 ICU
+- 28 dead
+- 8 confirmed likely caused by COVID
+- All 8 with comorbidities
+- 7/8 had life-limiting condition
+#### Comparison
+Daily UK gov cases vs Daily ambulance/emergency calls (NHS dashboard)
+No relationship whatsoever
+## Vaccine Efficacy/Safety