@@ -297,6 +297,12 @@ Here are a selection of quotes from Marx on the fact of his self-estrangement pr
- "Communism is the positive expression of annulled private property—as human self-estrangement, and hence the real appropriation of the human essence through and for man; communism therefore as the complete and conscious return of man, of his entire substantial being, to himself as a social, i.e., human being."
- "The existence of private property is, therefore, the existence of alienated labor... and thus the existence of the estrangement of man from man."
+ - Actual quote: Estranged labor turns thus:
+ (3) Man’s species-being, both nature and his spiritual species-property, into a being alien to him, into a means of his individual existence. It estranges from man his own body, as well as external nature and his spiritual aspect, his human aspect.
+ (4) An immediate consequence of the fact that man is estranged from the product of his labor, from his life activity, from his species-being, is the estrangement of man from man. When man confronts himself, he confronts the other man. What applies to a man’s relation to his work, to the product of his labor and to himself, also holds of a man’s relation to the other man, and to the other man’s labor and object of labor.
+ - Important to note that "Estranged Labour" is the name for labour in political economy, which "starts with the fact of private property"
- "In the relation of estranged labor, each man regards the other according to the standard and the position in which he finds himself as a worker."
- "The community of men, or the manifestation of the nature of men, their mutual complementing the result of which is species-life, truly human life—this community is conceived by political economy in the form of exchange and trade."
- "The estrangement of man, and in fact every relationship in which man [himself] is active, is alienated from himself and his own species-being."
@@ -379,11 +385,34 @@ With the critical consciousness it is assumed both that the lines of separation
### Framing for Bias
+#### Cult Initiation
+Indeed, we are making the assertion that a lot of the habituation of collectivist thinking and, more formally, Marxist sociopolitical outlook, comes in the form of cult initiation and indoctrination, as opposed to individuals engaging the work through their own independent curiosity and having that study radicalize them. In fact, I would wager that, even though I found Marx's writings particularly compelling at a young age, it wasn't really something that radicalized me so much as it gave me some ideas to think about that I hadn't previously considered at that level of acuity. It didn't, for example, immediately cause me to begin using new language or instill a deep desire to begin doing the work of Marxist praxis.
+It might sound far-fetched for cult initiation to be taking place anywhere in our society, especially on a large scale, but it's not so intuitive to think about because when we think about cult initiation, we think about a very formalized system that has been developed from the ground up and articulated into ever-more sophisticated and completed edifices, but that's not how this works. In essence, it simply takes a corruption of language, and previously-extant edifices within which to deploy the language.
+In this way, only a small-scale logistical undertaking is necessary for an organization to become a purveyor of cult ideology amongst a group of its regular dwellers who may or may not know anything about the cult in question, even after having adopted the language. It may only take one facilitator or the mandating of some programming which, though taking up a small proportion of the organization's activities, is enough to start allowing ideological commitments to become logically slated to come to fruition.
+For example, with a DEI commitment, an organization might begin requiring its employees to receive recurring instruction on how to adapt their perception of their fellow colleagues in order to evaluate one another's bodies as per the systems of classification the DEI practitioner espoused as being the correct ones for understanding one another. Perhaps I am getting a head of myself by mentioning that it is predicated on the evaluation of bodies, but that is always going to be a limiting factor; it will always be the case that the effort to achieve a perfected existence through collectivism will be a permutation of perfecting matter of or as it relates to the bodies of extant human beings.
+The curse of human embodiment will remain key to the evoked forces which drive humans to participate in collectivist endeavours, be it from the survival standpoint or from the standpoint of wishing to believe delusion. No human can be resolved in solitary delusion, but most any human can come to suspect that they'll find resolution in spite of their faintly self-acknowledged delusions just so long as another embodied being can affect it.
+There is a structure to cult initiation and participation, but regardless of whether some cults may be formalized and well-established, or whether the quality of cult is being asserted on the basis of behaviour and happenstance, the procedure of initiation, adoption of practices, and contribution in perpetuating the cult has less to do on whether the cult is a real organization and more to do with human behaviour and human belief. The mechanics of cult indoctrination, however, are such that there will necessarily be some degree of formalizing which results from cult praxis.
+TODO: complete this section on cult initiation and cult structures
+TODO: Quotes from Robert Jay Lifton
+#### Initiation to Despair
The initiates who are taken into organizations purposed for collectivist praxis through cult initiation might be doing so because their immediate circumstances already cause them great existential despair, thus having put them in a state where they are susceptible to desiring some sort of stability in their lives. It might simply be the case that they need to associate with some other people because that provides the modicum of stability; often enough, when people with ample negative emotion socialize, it's because it's hoped that, for them, it improves the moment and helps them move past their current level of angst.
+It should be mentioned again that it isn't necessarily the case that every participant has begun their association with a cult-like organization or embraced the new cult-like practices that are brought into an organization under the guise of DEI or Culturally Relevant Pedagogy or similar frameworks, but that these both present an appeal to someone prone to negative emotion who is still aiming to be social, as well as that these cultivate an environment and relations amongst those within the organization that is conducive to nurturing negative emotion by embedding thought patterns and points of reflection that are toxic. There may very well be persons who don't have much negative emotion, but who also don't have much positive emotion, empathy, and so on, who somehow participate in this sort of thing, but that would just be conjecture, and I think that, for our purposes, and as relates to the vast majority of people, it's best to consider a circumstance of people who are able to empathize but who are, however, also able to fall victim to manipulation and exploitation.
+TODO: Merge aspects of previous and following paragraph.
For those who already deal with a high level of negative emotion from which they rarely enjoy respite, it's not simply a case of them actively looking for environments or opportunities to join with politically focused or politically motivated organizations, but they may very well be looking for opportunities to socialize with others out of a need to subdue loneliness. Even in cases where one is deemed anti-social or even considers themselves as such, they may very well still have avenues through which to explore the opportunity for socialization, and this is especially true since the advent of gaming culture, social media, and communication over the internet in general, or even bulletin board systems (BBS) which were common enough before the internet became a widely accessed phenomenon (in fact, I was much more anti-social than those of my age and in my surroundings as I grew up, and I gravitated very much towards bulletin board systems (BBS) before ever having a chance to use the internet).
-With my own experience, I find myself always empathizing and contemplating in detail what it must be like to be presented with the vernacular of a new social environment and how its utilization has the power to sculpt and mould my perspective of the world, people and myself, and that's just in consideration of a social environment that one enters into voluntarily, which is bad enough, but the reality is that children are also dealing with having to adopt what I will argue as being problematic vernacular which is being presented to them as authoritative, morally justified, ethically necessary and logically or scientifically accurate.
+With my own experience, I find myself always empathizing and contemplating in detail what it must be like to be presented with a new social environment bearing a corresponding vernacular whose utilization has the power to sculpt and mould my perspective of the world, of other people and even myself, and that's just in consideration of a social environment that one enters into voluntarily, which is bad enough, but the reality is that children are also dealing with having to adopt what I continue to argue as being a problematic vernacular which is usually being presented to them as authoritative, morally justified, ethically necessary and logically or scientifically accurate.
And this circumstance is worthy of consideration for all those who consider that the threat to their children of such endeavours such as public schooling is based primarily upon curriculum, course instruction and what are considered as being the correct responses to questions which explicitly delve into subject matter that the parent is concerned about. It's far from the problem and is, in fact, probably much less of a risk than the other aspects of public schooling which condition and program children to think in a certain way.
@@ -404,34 +433,48 @@ This is because what appears as dispassionately presented, neutral information w
### Inducing vs Attracting Despair
-It's important to elaborate on a very concerning aspect of introducing cult-initiate language in social environments which is that it doesn't just attract vulnerable people who already suffer from existential despair, but that the fact of the language having many implications which challenge one's notions of reality can be a implement by which to induce existential despair in someone not already suffering from it, and that this serves the very praxis which has been used to embed the vernacular extending from the cult praxis in whatever respective domain for which the social environment in question is intended.
+Though it was touched on briefly, it's important to elaborate on a very concerning aspect of introducing cult-initiate language in social environments which is that it doesn't just attract vulnerable people who already suffer from existential despair, but that the fact of the language having many implications which challenge one's notions of reality can be an implement by which to induce existential despair in someone not already suffering from it, and that this serves the very praxis which has been used to embed the vernacular extending from the cult praxis in whatever respective domain for which the social environment in question is intended.
TODO: major editing for next part
Think about how it feels to be suddenly thrust in a situation where you are being asked to consider yourself as being immoral or to have to second guess all your thoughts and actions as being expressions and things bearing significance in a moral framework which speaks about the degree to which your existence is justified or the degree to which you make other people's existence intolerable.
-To cause you to consider constantly, at least in that setting, that everything you've done throughout your life has been actually harmful to someone else because they have a different body than yours and that the true meaning of your bodies, as per a system surround you that you weren't ever able to decode until now (and only because you're being afforded the privilege of learning how to do it, out of the virtue of those with bodies whose significance makes them morally superior and deeply more insightful than you are) has been something that you weren't able to pick up on, and that now from here on out you are in the company of those who can actually read those things and who will be scrutinizing you to make sure you're able to show progress in understanding this (just one aspect of the struggle sessions which will need to become regular, and which may very well be so subtle that you aren't actively aware of the fact that you are being struggled), but that you have to demonstrate these things without disclosing that you actually have insight because part of your demonstration needs to be the affirming that you don't have knowledge and insight and that you rely on those others, who are other to you (and by the way, the fact of their being other to you is your moral failure and the moral failing of your ancestry which has set up the world such as to cause you to be developed in a way where you are lacking knowledge and insight) to give you the insight.
+To cause you to consider constantly, at least in that setting, that everything you've done throughout your life has been actually harmful to someone else because they have a different body than yours and that the true meaning of your bodies, as per a system surround you that you weren't ever able to decode until now. In fact, that you are able to decode them at all is only possibly because you're being afforded the privilege of learning how to do it, out of the virtue of those with bodies whose significance makes them morally superior and deeply more insightful than you are. It simply has been something that you weren't able to pick up on, and that now from here on out you are in the company of those who can actually read those things and who will be scrutinizing you to make sure you're able to show progress in understanding this.
+That base scenario is just one aspect of the struggle sessions which will need to become regular, and which may very well be so subtle that you aren't actively aware of the fact that you are being struggled. You have to demonstrate mastery of acknowledging these things without disclosing that you actually have insight because part of your demonstration needs to be the affirming that you don't have knowledge and insight and that you rely on those others, who are other to you, to give you insight. Their being "other" is, by the way, your moral failure and the moral failing of your ancestry which has set up the world such as to cause you to be developed in a way where you are lacking knowledge and insight.
+You need to walk that sharp, jagged and treacherous line between having knowledge and not making mistakes while also letting on that you have no knowledge. You must be ready when met with a prompt of appropriate scrutiny to acknowledge that everything you do is a mistake in some form. And if you fall into an intersectional identity which produces a more oppressed looking matrix, you can only maintain the status conferred by that designation so long as your words and behaviour are emblematic of the model of your identity as determined in critical social justice. If something is noted or observed about you which deviates sufficiently from that model, you will be described as having fallen victim to false consciousness or, in the worst case, you will be accused of betraying all marginalized people and as having become lost in trying to adopt your oppressor's identity.
-You need to walk that sharp and narrow and jagged and treacherous line between having knowledge and not making mistakes and also showing that you have no knowledge and everything you do is a mistake of some form.
+It's constantly demanding the impossible, constantly accepting that you are immoral, and constantly showing that you are capable of handling it while having to prove your humility by showing that you are incapable, but it only seems impossible when language is taken at face value under an assumption of a shared, universally-applicable epistemology grounded in logic and reason. The logic of cult collectivism, however, is always sound: the goal is for the realm of human existence to be one absolute, totalizing expression. For the initiate, however, who has been lured on the basis of plain-speak language which demands fairness, freedom and humanity as common-sense terms which aren't considered to have dubious and contrived meanings, the environment is perfect to produce the anxiety needed by the cult to compel its participants to action.
-It's constantly demanding the impossible, constantly accepting that you are immoral, and constantly showing that you are capable of handling it while having to prove your humility by showing that you are incapable.
+The inconsistencies and base state of oppression and misery are to be recognized as the normal permutation of society, and having the initiate reflect on this, particularly if they're children, will help lead them into crises that can be harnessed for social change:
-And at the same time, because you are to recognize alternate systems of knowledge, you are given an ambiguous means of rationalizing why the paradox can be ignored since the paradox is only on the basis of utilizing traditional critical reasoning faculties which are themselves an artifact of the unjust and immoral way of thinking and doing.
+> "Once in a crisis, a student can go in many directions, some that may lead to anti-oppressive change, others that may lead to more entrenched resistance. Therefore, educators have a responsibility not only to draw students into a possible crisis, but also to structure experiences that can help them work through their crises productively."
+> - Kevin Kumashiro
-The degree to which your experience must be laden with paradoxes and contradictions while being given the tools and the rhetoric such as to help you ignore that things are unresolved and not worked out is astonishing, and furthermore the fact that yo will now keep these things unresolved and ignore them will just give you psychological damage and abuse you - causing you to have an ever-expanding and intensifying source of existential despair.
+As a cult initiate, because you are to recognize alternate systems of knowledge, you are given an ambiguous means of rationalizing why the paradox can be ignored since the paradox is only on the basis of utilizing traditional critical reasoning faculties which are themselves an artifact of the unjust and immoral way of thinking and doing.
+The degree to which your experience must be laden with paradoxes and contradictions while being given the tools and the rhetoric such as to help you ignore that things are unresolved and not worked out is astonishing, and furthermore the fact that yo will now keep these things unresolved and ignore them will just give you psychological damage and abuse you - causing you to have an ever-expanding and intensifying source of existential despair, which is fuel for cult proliferation.
### Contradictions For Productive Despair
-The fact of the matter is that paradoxes and tension of contradiction are not just tolerated or welcome, but they're actually precisely what the enforcements are intended to yield. That's the design of the structures or the systems which are consequent to the theory being employed. We're not supposed to have a world free of contradiction and tension because such a word would mean we've already transcended and allowed main to attain the level of being "man in himself". To contextualize that statement of "man in himself" we can look at the following quote:
+As we've said, the fact of the matter is that paradoxes and tension of contradiction are not just tolerated or welcome, but they're actually precisely what the enforcements are intended to yield. This fundamental perspective is not something which comes from modern collectivist practices, but one which is rooted in the overarching philosophical cult framework: Marxism. !TODO: following sentence should be rethought -> That's the design of the structures or the systems which are consequent to the theory being employed. We're not supposed to have a world free of contradiction and tension because such a word would mean we've already transcended and allowed man to attain the level of being "man in himself". To contextualize that statement of "man in himself" we can look at the following quote:
"...fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun. Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself."
- Karl Marx (A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right)
Just as Lenin had espoused both in his demand to accelerate the contradictions, as well in his description of state and the process of history as being founded upon the notion that the state exists to resolve the conflict of man and that the cessation of conflict would be synonymous and synchronous with he disillusion of the state, the purpose of the environment, particularly if it is declared as geared towards the express purpose of allowing an oppressed identity to be reified in its true form in a manner where it belongs and where it is brought to the center, is to collide conflicting entities and produce conflict with the faith that the energy and tension borne of the event will power the type of transformative change being sought for social justice (in keeping with the more modern nomenclature). As the true effect of man in society as a phenomenon is as a component which fuels historical change, and to the end that the qualitative aspect of history is such that man can and will be discarded, the regard for the health of psyche in any individual human (component) of that environment, by the social justice practitioner whose faith lies in critical praxis, is secondary at best and, more realistically, non-existent. Instead, that regard is supplanted by an analysis of whether the contribution of that component is yielding as a capacity for transformative change, under a presumption that it is the new conditions which will determine the psyche, and not the treatment or comportment of any humans en route to that change.
-This passage seems a bit contradictory in its own rite, in that on the one hand it alleges that man should throw off the chains of religion, but in the next it's saying that man should revolve around himself as the center of the system which, in essence, is very religious. It would seem that the actual criticism is to replace all religion with the one true religion of a materialist perfecting of man until he has imminentized the perfected structure of reality in his being as man in himself, man of himself and man for himself. For those who have done the appropriate study, this appears strikingly similar and conceptually congruent to satanism, with the perfection of reality being the intellectual pursuit of man and the goal of a self-centered existence which embraces the material as the foundation of what will become divine.
+This passage seems a bit contradictory in its own rite in that on the first hand it alleges that man should throw off the chains of religion, but in the next it's saying that man should revolve around himself as the center of the system which, in essence, is very religious. It would seem that the actual criticism is to replace all religion with the one true religion of a materialist type focused on the perfecting of man until he has imminentized the perfected structure of reality in his being as man in himself, man of himself and man for himself. For those who have done the appropriate study, this appears strikingly similar and conceptually congruent to satanism, with the perfection of reality being the intellectual pursuit of man and the goal of a self-centered existence which embraces the material as the foundation of what will become divine.
## Categorical Descriptions
-The real category
+Unlike the subjects of most of our study, I believe in universally applicable and comprehensible reason which is not only the reason why we can provide a categorical description of Communism, but is the reason why doing so is necessary for any rational conversation about the subject. In doing so, we should make a concerted effort to be clear that we are being particular when defining terms like Communism or Marxism (which isn't simply another way of naming Communism, nor a parent or subset of it), because we want to be clear about how the ideas developed and how people think about them.
+One might bring forward an example of a self-proclaimed Communist whose words, circumstances and lifestyle are of a nature where one will point to it in order to claim that my categorical descriptions and people's definitions in general are fleeting and imprecise, and that it's far more important to allow people to express themselves, even with wrong syntax (or even false premises) and that we consequently learn what people are thinking and might find commonality with them as a result. While I don't dispute that we should find commonality and learn what people are thinking (in fact, you have no business working with people unless you care to learn what and how they think), I am quite stubborn in insisting that the structure of thought behind an idea, and the thoughts it invokes, are not something arbitrary. They're...
+Just as one will not find one specific type of person who attends a Christian church, you will find variance even in a collectivist cult religion, but you will also find a more pronounced pattern of delusion or tendency towards delusion amongst those participating in the practice of bringing about Communism.
### Introduction:
- Theology
@@ -851,6 +894,8 @@ Continuing down a path and calling it communism while knowingly contradicting it
- if you are confused by it, then you are negated in the process which systematizes reason (from contradiction)
### Collectivism
+"Collectivists believe life is alienating except a world that reflects self" - Me.
It's important to remember that collectivism in general as communism (more accurately Marxism - not as something which Karl Marx put forward as a domain of thought, but as a study of the logic of Marx which drove him to desire Socialism) and Fascism, function through its purveyors strongly believing that they have special insight concerning history and mankind and how humans are to transform with the knowledge of this.
The difference between those who believe this and those that don't is tantamount to a genetic deficiency or racial inferiority. If the consensus decides there is a path to salvation, and some only respond with friction and resistance, then they are literally regressive, dangerous to the human race, and existing as a blight or infection.
@@ -902,7 +947,7 @@ Well we can take that in two directions
So, for the first, we can say that the that the goal in communism is equal distribution of something?
Well, not exactly. Socialism is the public owning the means of production, but how that is distributed is assumed to be even at all. That's no the case, however - if we look
-For the first, we can say that thegoal in communism is equal distribution.
+For the first, we can say that the goal in communism is equal distribution.
Well, not exactly - Socialism
but try to conceive of this for a second
@@ -1203,9 +1248,11 @@ But this becomes another question of the infinite regress. That is, do we imagin
## The Trick of Reality
We clearly play tricks on ourselves, so why not begin with such scope before complicating it with others and imagining that the phenomena begin there? Yes, it may be more pronounced and even more observable, but we should strive to distinguish the precise point at which the behaviour might emerge, and I contend that it must be something affecting us universally, because it emerges individually.
+And that isn't to say that we don't have terms like cognitive bias and rampant psychological assessments being published for every new iteration of populist, blue collar scorn, but that we are much too forgiving with our complacency about selective application of such analyses.
What we are dealing with, not just some political system, or social doctrine, but with individual human perception which seeks to:
- simplify the perceptual frame / processing thereof
-- maximizing the perception of one's metaphsyical freedom
+- maximizing the perception of one's metaphysical freedom
- possibly through gnostic association which contends and expresses one's imprisonment, but as a demand for a condition of freedom which transcends all possible conception of freedom
- the limit to freedom is not only raised, but made undefinable, because any physical laws of the construct of reality may be replaced
- even insofar as ignoring selected factors while otherwise supposing that the construct is similar to what is already otherwise presented
@@ -1838,9 +1885,15 @@ For anyone to be regarded as having such an effect on mankind, history and reali
- Spaces Between Us
- Two-Spirit people
+I want to preface this section by speaking to those who would believe that the following circumstance only applies to one peculiar "group" and posit that this should be completely obvious short of ignorance and bigotry. I also want to compel the reader to extend the understanding that the capacity to ascribe queer liberation to any particular group might seem, in one sense, possibly because of the particular content of queer theory, but I contend that this is only because of the fact of that content being of a collectivist nature. So long as a group can be posited, a rhetorical structure can be edified to declare the necessity of a collectivist liberation for that group.
+With that said, we can focus on the manner in which a queer designation was imposed on the very idea of indigeneity.
+##### Theory is Systemic Designation
It's important to make the assertion that indigenous, or any sort of person that can be considered as being queer, is not something to be ascribed to only certain persons (or members) of a supposed broader identity group. This is impossible as the logic applied only works through the presupposing of a systemic condition and, thus, must be also applied systemically; this is an explicit form of proposed systemic oppression as it is a constraint.
-With this in mind, it should come as no surprise to see that the source of force, as expected and inscribed in law, not only offer no resistance or even interest in providing a modicum of healthy skepticism, but form and set into motion initiatives to promote broad application of the dissemination and means of verification of the adoption and promotion of understanding all persons in this way.
+With this in mind, it should come as no surprise to see that the sources of force, as expected and inscribed in law, not only offer no resistance or even interest in providing a modicum of healthy skepticism, but form and set into motion initiatives to promote broad application, dissemination and means of verification of the adoption and promotion of understanding all persons in this way.
This serves a general purpose for the state authority acknowledging, legislating, or mandating any piece of material or official communication which even so much as utilizes the nomenclature, taxonomy, or vernacular derived from the social critiques that were used to posit a systemic description of a category of people:
- legitimization of power
@@ -1886,13 +1939,13 @@ The concept of someone having a true spirit identity is something as simply asse
When the very broad term was introduced into the inventory of queer theory praxis, specifically when being adopted by and used by people who consider themselves based, not simply on the social vernacular which begins at the level of common pop culture, but those who see it as a pursuit of social justice, and who see a clearly identified target to be critiqued, transformed and negated before any sort of acceptable societal configuration can be found. When such people, who call themselves queer and see queer praxis as being a necessary and essential political praxis and wish to embed it into the very essence of themselves (or see it as sourced from their essence), see the use of the queer indigenous term, or the indigenous people which they imagine as being indicated by this terminology, what should we expect they might have been experiencing (whether 2-Spirit, indigiqueer, lesbian native, and so on)?
-They must necessarily see this as something sacred, as colonization, and the topes of the noble savage must remain for any western person. A sacred, forgotten identity which our "predecessors" worked hard to eradicate.
+They must necessarily see this as something sacred, as colonization, and the tropes of the noble savage must remain for any western person. A sacred, forgotten identity which our "predecessors" worked hard to eradicate.
It is the connection to a relationship with nature, and the vision of a utopian paradise where the instincts are fully satisfied while one transcends the mortality problem.
It is the sense that your rage and anger are perfectly tuned with sacred spirit. That any and all emotion can be seen as legitimate not on the basis of how you execute, how your life is visibly affected, or how others are affected, but simply for taking a side in conflict and insisting that there must be an escalation in the tension felt. Your purpose needn't be demonstrated in your life, but insofar as it can be imagined to potentiate the possible life that could be lived at a future time (a life worth living).
-What really needs to be grasped here is that the proposing of conflict between identity categories, by the authority who announces the circumstances and conditions of the shared environment in a manner for which it is morally obligated to enforce, simultaneously implicates any person found to be referencable by the proposition and makes the purpose of their life an objective which has been made a stated goal of the authority (or at least will be the purpose as can be logically ascertained through the statements found within the proposal and the language used).
+What really needs to be grasped here is that the proposing of conflict between identity categories, by the authority who announces the circumstances and conditions of the shared environment in a manner for which it is morally obligated to enforce, simultaneously implicates any person found to be referenceable by the proposition and makes the purpose of their life an objective which has been made a stated goal of the authority (or at least will be the purpose as can be logically ascertained through the statements found within the proposal and the language used).
*It is possible that some are simply trying to show their respect for indigenous people and that their good nature is easily captured for any initiative so long as it mentions their identity category?*