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logicp 2 years ago
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+ 5 - 5

@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ Understanding this thing is crucial to understanding what's going on no win the
 I've also mentioned the Dialectic with the tool of Aufheben at its core is ultimately what drives this whole thing. Dialectic driven by aufheben - absolish, destroy, undermine. While trying to pull out and let blossom the seed of gold within it.
-One thing we can take away from this mentality is that liberals and conservatives in our societies form a natural and sensible allyship for maintaining friendship than do leftists and liberals.  Liberals should be allying with conservatives on the maintenance of a World order that is not this insane Hegelian leftism. Alchemy is not real and you can't build a positive thing out of constant negation.
+2. Another thing we can take away from this mentality is that liberals and conservatives in our societies form a natural and sensible allyship for maintaining friendship than do leftists and liberals.  Liberals should be allying with conservatives on the maintenance of a World order that is not this insane Hegelian leftism. Alchemy is not real and you can't build a positive thing out of constant negation.
 The west could be said to have 3 Gods, in some broad sense these would be the JudeoChristian God for the Conservatives, a Secularized Spinozan Lachian God for the Liberals, The Hegelian Absolute for the Leftists.
@@ -871,14 +871,14 @@ Liberals and Conservatives, in that sense, have something deeply in common where
 The 3 Gods of the west. the JudeoChristian God and Jeffersonian Liberal God have a God that is - alpha omega I am the I am. Whereas Leftists have a God that becomes through their activism.
-Summarizing that idea again, Liberals and Conservatives with their 2 deities approach the divine with humility - Humble before something bigger than we are which is incomprehensible to us. Leftists don't have this with their Hegelian Deity - the faith is fueled up in praxis, thus they approach the divine with arrogance, as their goal is to brign their own vision into being and make it Lord through their machinations and activism. It's for thi reason that a lot of far-right conservatives identify it with luciferianism or satanism. It's a very arrogant belief to bring about actualization of God through your activism and, compared to the humility of God the Father, or the World as it is beyond and bigger than us, with all that humanity, it's a complete departure.
+Summarizing that idea again, Liberals and Conservatives with their 2 deities approach the divine with humility - Humble before something bigger than we are which is incomprehensible to us. Leftists don't have this with their Hegelian Deity - the faith is fueled up in praxis, thus they approach the divine with arrogance, as their goal is to brign their own vision into being and make it Lord through their machinations and activism. It's for this reason that a lot of far-right conservatives identify it with Luciferianism or Satanism. It's a very arrogant belief to bring about actualization of God through your activism and, compared to the humility of God the Father, or the World as it is beyond and bigger than us, with all that humanity, it's a complete departure.
-That's one thing to understand. Ultimately my goal has beent o make clear what's been going on with the Left for the past 200 years - Old Left, New left, Woke Left - which exists in a single current in which Marx is just one species.
+That's one thing to understand. Ultimately my goal has been to make clear what's been going on with the Left for the past 200 years - Old Left, New left, Woke Left - which exists in a single current in which Marx is just one species.
-Lenin, Stalin, Mao - these are woke precursors. Wokeness is Leninism 4.0. Bio-Leninism - taking a page out of Foucault by saying that when you have scientific technocracy involved where it's bio-something and it's Leninism in being driven through technocratic means - so BioLeninism. These are all threads on the same line of thought. All one religion and it's a religion taht is comprehensible, and it's defeasible when it's understood because it's intrinsically weak - it consistently fails to have the evidence, it doesn't have the argument, and it completely lacks the moral highground once yoyu understand what it is. And faith is ultimtaely the Hegelian Dialectical Faith - which is ultimately alchemical in nature.
+Lenin, Stalin, Mao - these are woke precursors. Wokeness is Leninism 4.0. Bio-Leninism - taking a page out of Foucault by saying that when you have scientific technocracy involved where it's bio-something and it's Leninism in being driven through technocratic means - so BioLeninism. These are all threads on the same line of thought. All one religion and it's a religion that is comprehensible, and it's defeasible when it's understood because it's intrinsically weak - it consistently fails to have the evidence, it doesn't have the argument, and it completely lacks the moral highground once yoyu understand what it is. This faith is ultimately the Hegelian Dialectical Faith - which is ultimately alchemical in nature.
 # What We Can Do
-To beat the dialectical left requires understanding that it is dialectical and not getting dragged into the dialectic. It seeks to make something out of nothing, so you don't play along with it. You don't go along and believe that you can make something out of nothing or that you can create positive or success out of negation (ridiculous where you have Marcuse arguing that the negative thinking leads to positive). They literally think that the golden era is inside a shell of oppression if we just rip off all the oppression, the golden era will blossom out. So what you have to do as an individual or institution - you have to avoid the dialectic. I did a whole podcast on my other podcast - private contributors only - where I compared it to alligators or crocodiles that drag you into the water and roll you. They throw out a dialectical bid - you need to leran to recognize these and learn to not participate. If you cave in, bend the knee, given in, grant their presuppositions, you try to argue back - they drag you into the mud. Your options, then, are to mock it, if that's appropriate, and to get funny about it. Or to engage their mott and bailey rhetorical strategy - you steal their mott - make the core of their argument, the kernel/truth of their argument better than they can - and then bomb the bailey, which is to say "destroy their activist agenda". You're going to go in and say "ok you're right it turned out there really is a little nugget of Gold, and Im going i'm going to take out the gold for you - that'll be mine - and I'll point out why everything else you have is lead.
+To beat the dialectical left requires understanding that it is dialectical and not getting dragged into the dialectic. It seeks to make something out of nothing, so you don't play along with it. You don't go along and believe that you can make something out of nothing or that you can create positive or success out of negation (ridiculous where you have Marcuse arguing that the negative thinking leads to positive). They literally think that the golden era is inside a shell of oppression if we just rip off all the oppression, the golden era will blossom out. So what you have to do as an individual or institution - you have to avoid the dialectic. I did a whole podcast on my other podcast - private contributors only - where I compared it to alligators or crocodiles that drag you into the water and roll you. They throw out a dialectical bid - you need to learn to recognize these and learn to not participate. If you cave in, bend the knee, given in, grant their presuppositions, you try to argue back - they drag you into the mud. Your options, then, are to mock it, if that's appropriate, and to get funny about it. Or to engage their mott and bailey rhetorical strategy - you steal their mott - make the core of their argument, the kernel/truth of their argument better than they can - and then bomb the bailey, which is to say "destroy their activist agenda". You're going to go in and say "ok you're right it turned out there really is a little nugget of Gold, and Im going i'm going to take out the gold for you - that'll be mine - and I'll point out why everything else you have is lead.
 Steal the mott, bomb the bailey. Those are the only things you can do. You have to find other modes of engagement, like mockery or this very savvy steal mott bomb bailey, or you have to stand on your principles - a little chauvinism won't hurt too much. Refusing to bend the knee, refusing to participate. Forcing them to play on neutral terms - make them define their terms, etc, so you can stay out of their dialectic word games. Also, you have to learn to start seeing and anticipating their moves and manipulations, which you can do once you understand that they are operating frmom a Dialectical frame and under the belief that they're saving the world by bringing about a Utopia through their actions.

+ 34 - 0

@@ -605,3 +605,37 @@ This central concept is used by ideologues to weaponize language: "You like Demo
 - Public-Private, super-state replaces the Nation State
 - Religions repurposed for social justice yield parasitic interface
 - Cease practicing their own religions; dialectically transformed into Hegelian faith
+## 2 Major Takeaways
+1. The Operating System of the Collectivist "Left" is the Hegelian Dialectic
+- Many flavours because it is applied to itself
+- Idealism -> Materialism -> Culturalism -> Woke
+- Faith in a theological alchemical process
+2. Liberals and Conservatives are natural allies
+- Do not favour authoritarianism/totalitarianism
+- Both have humility
+## Abstracted Deities
+- Conservatives => JudeoChristian God that IS (Alpha Omega, I am the I am)
+- Liberals => Spinozan God (sum of natural/physical laws, substance of Universe)
+- Hegelians => The Absolute (the self realizing itself as Absolute)
+- Con/Lib approach God as something incomprehensible
+- Hegelian approach fueled by praxis (approach divine with arrogance):
+  - Bring own vision into being and make it lord through machinations/activism
+  - Actualize God through your activism vs
+## What To Do
+- Don't get dragged into dialectical games
+  - Reject their false presuppositions
+  - Reject their attempt to create something from nothing
+  - Reject the suggestion that you create positive through negation
+- Don't get lost using their favourite deceptively defined terms
+- Mock absurd arguments, tastefully
+- Steal their Motte: Make their argument better than they can
+- Bomb the Bailey:
+  - Reveal their activist bias
+  - Reveal the dehumanization of their negation process
+  - Reveal how it presupposes that reason is not universally achievable
+  - Reveal (if you're familiar enough) the origins of the concepts they're using
+  - Constant negativity doesn't induce emergence of good, which is difficult and takes building
+  - Champion understanding over operational success, which potentiates ego and necessitates adversarial positioning