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+ 135 - 3

@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ Man makes his life activity itself the object of his will, and of his consciousn
 *That's not mere philosophy, this is deep ontological claims about the nature of man, the nature of being as man, what separates from man from beast, and what the effect of this fall of man through the division of labour where we're no longer Social Man, anymore, although in estranged little social pods called tribes and communes - we're now individual man who has to work for himself and that is able to be exploited by selling his individual labour to s/omeone else. Neither is doing their spiritual work, creating nature (and by creating nature and society and therefore creating himself). And, so, the ejection from the garden for Marxist Theology is the act of dividing labour. This creates, though, another dialectical spiral that we can see, which is that Man does Work, and authentic work creates freedom and liberation, but freedom and liberation is what makes man Man instead of Beast, which allows him to do work and create more labour and liberation".*
-*You have a telelogical process in the relationship between man, work and freedom, and at the end when this dialectic synthesizes the whole thing, you have truly free men whose work is all just the projecion of their sacred labour and will to work. So, man creates himself into a truly free man in this way and the name of that truly free man is Social Man beacuse Social Man is a man that realizes he lives in a Society, and he is therefore not exploiting any other man and stealing from him his fundamental nature or estranging him from one another and the product of his species labour. The man bootstraps himself to total freedom, just like he bootstraps himself as a species being in the MArxist theology. The end of this rainbow is Communism - when we get to complete Social Man who has achieved the goal of creating the complete independence of Man.*
+*You have a telelogical process in the relationship between man, work and freedom, and at the end when this dialectic synthesizes the whole thing, you have truly free men whose work is all just the projecion of their sacred labour and will to work. So, man creates himself into a truly free man in this way and the name of that truly free man is Social Man beacuse Social Man is a man that realizes he lives in a Society, and he is therefore not exploiting any other man and stealing from him his fundamental nature or estranging him from one another and the product of his species labour. The man bootstraps himself to total freedom, just like he bootstraps himself as a species being in the Marxist theology. The end of this rainbow is Communism - when we get to complete Social Man who has achieved the goal of creating the complete independence of Man.*
 ### Being and Existence
 Here Marx talks about Being/Existence/Creation when he says:
@@ -396,7 +396,139 @@ Ideology, for Marx, is the set of justifications that people give for doing work
 *Theory inspires practice, practice requires reflection, which is going to reform theory and give rise to a new iteration. This is the wheel of becoming until Theory and Practice fuse, once again. When the practical idea and the theoretical idea fuse into the absolute idea, for Hegel, you have the Escaton. For Marx, you take this away from Idealism (Theoretical and Practical => Absolute), but will now be Theory and Practice becoming Unified into something Unified - perfectly theoretically informed activity with a means and an end that are informed by Theory and which is, therefore, Socialist. When practice and theory become the same thing, theory-practice, they are no longer divided whatsoever - and that's the thing that Social Man does in Socialist Society, which both also become fused as well.*
-"Whenever Theory and Practice are separated, they fall into a distorted one-sidedness. Theory and Practice can only fully develop in connection with one another. Human Activity is always purposeful, but in the earliest stages of development of society, before the development of the division of labour, there was no separation between theory and practice"
+"Whenever Theory and Practice are separated, they fall into a distorted one-sidedness. Theory and Practice can only fully develop in connection with one another. Human Activity is always purposeful, but in the earliest stages of development of society, before the development of the division of labour, there was no separation between theory and practice. With the development of the division of labour, the theoretical side of the development of human activity separated out from the practical aspect of that activity, with supervision of labour becoming a distinct activity in itself. The distinction between the object of practice, which is changed, and the means of practice, which is used up, is important in making sense of practice. It should also be noted that one has practice, in general, and practices, each of which is directed toward specific ends and using specific means. Practice is the criterion of truth."
-*Before we got kicked out of the garden by Original Sin of Dividing Labour, theory and practice were unified and we lived in Communist Gardens.*
+*Marx also said that truth was practice.*
+"In this sense, practice must be understood in its broadest sense - inclusive of the many kind of mental and material activity which contribute to changing knowledge in the world."
+## The Problem
+Problem with this subjectivist view is that there are other people.
+You have a subjective view of the world and you are bringing that world into creation through your life processes, and thus making yourself into a species being. And so do I. And maybe we don't have the same picture in our head - the same subjective consciousness.
+Other people, all people, might have different subjective consciousnesses and the Geist of Society can only unify them so much.
+The problem of subjectivism and the idea that you are creating the world that exists in your head, which might be the only world that exists at all, is that there are other people.
+If we both go outside and look at a tree, I can point to the tree and you'll see that same tree, but neither of us had to condition the other one's subjective experience - we didn't have to manifest the tree such that the other person would manifest the exact same thing, therefore something is being left out from the subjectivist position. We could talk about various features of the tree, and we'll both be able to see them.
+The subjectivist will say "you have to point it out just right before I see it". But that's not true: we could look at something each independently in private and compare our written observations and find remarkable accordance - "Correspondence Theory of Truth" - what is true corresponds to what we see and experience in reality/bring in through our senses and instruments that extend our senses (Marxists refer to it as "Instrumental Reason", at times).
+The subjectivist philosophy has this huge problem with the idea that an authentic worker is creatin the world and himself and creating man as a species by creating history and by creating himself as a species being by creating that which he is not estranged from. What is this huge problem? There are other people with other views.
+In fact, there are other subjects who might decide they want to exploit others. I decide to hire you to do a particular task - I want to bring a vision into the world, but I don't really want to do it. I offer you food and money to come over and do the work. I might reduce your work/practice to labour because, now, you are doing activity in accordance with me vision - my theory.
+The only way you can resolve this is everybody has the same theory. Otherwise, you have exploitation and the creation of labour from work - creates estrangement and alienation and, in the process of creating that, whoever is the one that's estranging and alienating is going to create an ideology to justify what they're doing and, consequently, whoever is doing the work is going to be brainwashed with the ideology to explain why they should have to suffer having their work estranged from themselves.
+This requires Communism as a religious object in the sense that everybody has to adopt the same view - everybody has to have the same consciousness so that they are all doing the same work - the same social consciousness so that thir work is towards the same ends and using similar means.
+The problem of the faith of Marxism, because it is ultimately subjectivist, is that there are other people who might not think the same way, or might see a different approach. They are the problem - they break the religion. And history has taught us this lesson. So "Communism" has to become the escatological end which provides the impetus for Socialist Man to do his work in creating the Socialist Society in which everyone who lives in such a society will have the same subjective vision of the world based on the same theory.
+As they work in such an environment, they generate the same vision in unity with one another. No ideology has to be generated, as there is no necessity for anyone to rationalize their exploitation of another. The vision in your head that you're trying to produce through your Socialist work has to be Communism as the escaton. According to Marxism, this is not the end goal, but the next "big stage" of human History. This is the Utopia where everybody is free from all exploitation, and it can only come about when all subjects are holding it as the Theory which informs the practice - the authentic work which only takes place in a stateless and classless society.
+The point of an Ideology is to hold up a class that is either managerial/priestly/etc in order to divide labour. As a result, Communism becomes the Religious Object that Socialist Man is holding in his mind and trying to create in the world through the process of Socialist Work that he can reflect into himself in order to see the world more in terms of that Socialism. That's the Theology of Marxism. That's the Religion of Communism. Why?
+## German Ideology
+"Only at this stage does self-activity coincide with material life, which corresponds to the development of individuals into complete individuals and the casting-off of all natural limitations.
+The transformation of labour into self-activity corresponds to the transformation of the earlier limited intercourse to the intercourse of individuals as such."
+The work cannot be estranged from Man, nor can it estrange man from himself, or others, or his species being, or what it means to be a man. The only work that is The Work must be Socialist Work - work that is designed to make Man in his own image - man meant to live in society (man recognizes himself as Social Man - man in favour of a Social existence, as the product of his species being), but man is doing this to obtain freedom. Man does this to retain his independence as man in himself - man that's created himself, while he lives in and makes a society.
+Otherwise, we have a problem - man would objectify other men, and this process would cause them to leave their sense as subjects, thus reducing them to mere animals being dominated in a system of labour. Even believing that labour can be divided causes this (the original sin).
+For work to be authentic, it must be Theory-informed Socialist Work, done by Socialist Man who has the process of bootstrapping himself into Communism as his chief objective. If everybody isn't doing it, then it doesn't work because there's a need to dominate one or over the other - hence why Real Communism hasn't been tried.
+The people who create the division of labour (the Fall) are ultimately subjects who are exerting their subjectivity over the subjectivity of others. This objectifies them, estranges them from their labour, alienates them from themselves and each other (and the fruit of their work) and, thus, enslaving them. They do this by turning their Free Work into Labour, and that transformation of Labour for someone else's vision creates estrangement and alienation - the unforgivable sin.
+What this means is that Marxism isn't just Collectivist, but intrinsically Totalitarian.
+Marxism believes that Ideology is eliminated by raising consciousness about what it believes Ideology to be - justification for division of labour and domination - so that you can create the master-slave dialectic and, in turn, a revolutionary potential:
+"Violence is the midwife of revolution."
+A violent revolution overthrows society and turns the wheel of the Marxist dialectic another revolution (pun).
+Any systematic justification for domination, hierarchy, division of labour etc. The priest creates religion so he can tell people he needs to be fed in order to continuing ministering for people. The lawyer creates and manipulates the law so he can do no-productive work to manage legal affairs. The society creates a whole ideology claiming the need for priests, religion, lawyers, politicians and more in a state with an ideology asserting that these strata are necessary. Each stratum has to justify their own participation in the hierarchy, rather than being equalized to the level of production.
+"This holding of ideology is not possible for Socialist Man because Socialist Man understands the difference between work and labour, and is conscious of the fact that work is activity informed by Theory, and has an understanding of historical conditions which made History and Man as the object of history as time has gone on. He also understands the difference between Work and Labour (where one person dominates another by exerting their subjectivity over the place of others.)".
+*Socialist man can't possibly be an ideologist because there's no need for an ideology when there's no division of labour, and when all work is theory put into practice. Especially, if it's highly evolved theory. If Socialist Man is fully-committed to being a Social Man that lives in a Social Society that's the product of Socialism (the non/anti-ideology) and understanding his role as a Social Animal, then he can't possibly be an ideologist - he rejects ideology. Marxism is not an ideology, because Social Man lacks any ideology - understanding no justification for any domination whatsoever.*
+```Important to consider how meaningful this is. Marxism is assuming that the entire concept of dominating and manipulating others is completely contingent on division of labour, and that so long as everyone has the same belief about working in connection with one's subjectivity, in a pure form, that history progresses to a place where no one would ever have to manipulate one another again. This creates the perfect world, where every human being can do exactly the things that are most meaningful and important to them, and that this creates a Utopia where no malevolence, subversion, treachery or betrayal takes place.```
+*Every failed Communist experiment can be said to have not tried real Communism because it turns out that the people who seized power reproduced domination because they weren't truly Social Man. They weren't Man who had absolute equitarian liberation as their vision, where everything is perfectly equal and everybody is as equals.*
+*In the Marxian Theology, man becomes Social Man by doing "The Work" - Material socialist work? Organizing and having revolutions? Or Cultural Socialist Work, which is whatever the hell Critical Race Theorists are obsessed with - grievance-mongering - inflamming the contradictions across the stratifications in society and blaming everything you don't like on an ideology (White Supremacy - the root cause of everything in CRT - being the dominant ideology which produces a superstructure called Whiteness. White Supremacy is the ideology of the suprestructure of Whiteness).*
+*Man becomes Social Man and sets everyone free by doing the Social Work and creating more Social Men. Social Man is the target of the unfolding of history - man is the creator of history by his very activity, his life activity when it is Work, in place of Estranged Labour or regular Activity - this is because Man is necessarily Social. Social Man is a conscious man and is man who is aware of the Marxian Theology - putting Theory into Practice and then, where necessary, Dialectically reflecting on that to enhance the Theory and put it back into practice - these are those who are on the right side of history. Social Man is man made to live in society - the free society of Communism in which there is no Ideology. That is the Marxian promise.*
+### Rousseau's Savage
+*Rousseau had an idea misunderstanding what Colonizers and Priests were writing and sending to France RE their observations from Islands. He was a sentimentalist and a romantic who looked at Western Society as not being Instinctual and that this lead to man suffering in society that was in downfall. The savage, however, in these colonized areas, was truly free but too instinctual, so he couldn't progress beyond a primitive form of life. He saw a need for a dialectical transformation to take place.*
+*He based everything on Aufheben where you take a concept, keep it in portion, abolish it in portion, and meanwhile lift it up to a higher level of understanding. Rousseau wanted to figure out a way to bring down the over-rationality of Civilized European society (which had problems that he pinned on civilization and reason itsel), and wante to elevate the nobility of the savage by dialectically fusing those two things into something which he called "Savages Made to live in Cities". This was the concept that inspired Hegel, leading to all the wokeness today.*
+*Now we have the same idea, re-invented in Marxism where the worker becomes the Free Worker who is very much like an animal, except that he is conscious, and theoretically conscious if he's proper Social Man. He is a man that's no longer interested in domination - truly made to live in society. A perfect Society in the Marxist view would be a society with no domination - a true society of people who see each other as equals. Social Man is man made to live in society - by implication, individual man (or "normal people"), are not made to live in society - they don't have the noble aspect of the pure worker who has the vision in his mind that he is creating and bringing into the world and, thus, making his subjectivity object so that he might then dialectically inform his subjectivity to a high level while understanding that this must be reflected on other people - other people have to be working in concert with one another. The consciousness has to be in agreement so that nobody is dominating. It has to be full conscious awareness that we are living in a society and that the true nature of a social society is one in which domination is unthinkable. Man is Dialectically made to live in society, and this generates a free society because it's a society where there can be no exploitation, no alienation (from products of one's labour), no estrangement between people or for man from himself, at different ontological levels*
+### Contradictions
+*For Marxist Theology, man is actually only free if all men are doing this, in which case all men are enslaved by the need to do it. That's the contradiction that sends millions to their death, because it cannot be resolved.*
+*You are not free if you have to have the proper social consciousness and everyone else has to have the same consciousness in a perfect borg-like hive mind. Every man has to become Social Man, in order for it to work. This is the contradiction which justifies killing those who cannot be educated.*
+*Gulags are not prisons - it's a place where you are sent to be re-educated into Socialist ideology. If you cannot be re-educated, you must be liquidated.*
+*If the project can't work, we never have a true society with true freedom and everybody is enslaved by the fact of the existence of domination in the world. This is a terrible, ridiculous theology which proclaims that man is only free unless all men are like him. Every man becomes enslaved to the need to be Social Man.*
+### Marxists Archive: contradictions baked into the Dialectic
+Hegel believed that everything contained contradiction and that this produced motion.
+"Since contradictions are a natural part of the real world, Marxists understand that planned contradictions in theory is a strength, while most philosophers see contradictions as the breaking of the system".
+This is the religious commandment of Marxism. Hold mutually contradicting ideas in your mind simultaneously and hold them there without seeing a problem until they spontaneously synthesize. It's even worse than a contradiction.
+Communism is the State of Affairs in which all the men who are still alive have the consciousness. Communism, when it's properly tried, is when all the remaining humans are awakened to this consciousness and therefore holds this consciousness voluntarily. They are free not to hold the consciousness except that they wouldn't, because it's how they understand the world - it's the interjected morality which has helped them to understanding/need the full expession of a Socialist Society. Communism is not particularly good knowing how to get to that point where eveyrbody (who is still alive) has this consciousness voluntarily. Mao said: "Power comes at the barrel of a gun." People had to be re-educated and liquidated.
+Soviet statistic said 1/4 of males were in Gulag being reducated.  If you couldn't be re-educated, you were labelled unable and though some managed to flee, many were tortured and killed. A defective person who can't have consciousness of reality awakened in them - not better than a beast - you can't pssibly understsand theory and put it into practice.
+### Marxists Reject the Contradiction
+Marxists don't see this as a contradiction. When you raise consciousness, which is the evangelistic Commandment to follow, then everybody will espouse the view voluntarily. Doesn't technically enslave people since it's assumed they'll be doing this faithfully and organically. They also wouldn't say that a contradictions leads to deaths, but that it's a failure to put it into practice properly. It's the failure, and not a contradiction, which is a murderous hiccough.
+```Imagine having a rationale to enslave anyone under the assumptions that doing so will lead to an outcome where everyone is doing the correct thing without anyone ever having to be enslaved.```
+Marxian theory wouldn't consider the fact of people failing to do things spontaneously for a prolonged period of time sufficient to incur millions of deaths as a contradiction for another reason, and that reason is the Dialectical Relationship between Man -> Reality -> State:
+Man in himself (holy independent of creator and even parents).
+Dialectically, man produces a society. The society produces a state. The state is then responsible, through Gulag, to produce the man.
+Man is only truly a social man when he is also in Socialist society. Socialist Man have the right idea, but he can't truly express it with his being because he still has to live in a world of exploitation and domination. He has to have, at the very least, a Socialist state that's trying to push forward into that direction, or he has to live in Communism where that direction has yet been realized. Communism, the next stage in human history, is where Man and Society have to be Dialectically Synthesized so that they are co-continuous. Man made to live in Society, thus both have to be made co-continuous, requiring Totalitarian Collectivism.
+Up until that point, the work of Social Man is to do Socialist Work to make more Social Men. All it is is consciousness-raising. As has been said many times, the whole point of Critical Race Theory is to make Critical Race Theorists. They are the race-version of Social Man (Racial Consciousness). When everyone has Social-Man consciousness, everybody has the same consciousness and is therefore projecting the same image of the world out into the world and doing "The Work" to create that world simultaneously, with nobody dominating or exploiting anybody else. They just have to raise consciousness (they don't have to teach you math or reading) because this leads to everyone doing Theory-informed Practice (Praxist)
+### Return to Garden
+i.e. The Work. When the Social World is created, it is reflected back into Man which increasingly creates Justice - a perfected world that is the re-creation of the garden of eden, where the division of labour, cultural labour etc has not yet come into the world. The Ideologists have not yet given any justification, etc. The work is to get back into the Garden.
+Everybody has to be on the same page because everybody has to have the same means and ends in mind. When everyone has this, and is doing the same practice to create the Utopia, we see ourselves in the garden and become the denizens/citizens of the Garden. Then, because it's the Garden, we no longer need a state, and thus the Stateless/Classless Society is achieved.
+The Work of Social Man is until the moment of the Escaton. This is when Social Man finally, truly exists. Perfect Social Man in the Perfect Society, built out of the jungle of social relations, power dynamics and nature itself. The Humanized World is where Man Lives and Humanizes himself. That's what Praxis is - a Religious project.
+The solution to the Dialectical riddle of Social Man made to live in Social Society: The Marxian Theology is a project of spiritual renewal and transformation through The Work, where The Work being Practice. Putting the tenets of the Theology into practice in the world, to where Theory and Practice become fused, which occurs when the division of labour is completely obliterated. The goal is to recreate and reenter the Garden of Eden where all the Tribes of the world are not estranged from one each other, but are already Communist. All of Man's needs are taken care of by the nature of the garden. He doesn't have to create a false idea of a God as the warden of the Garden will imaginarily throw him out for his own Sin, but that sin turns out to be the Division of Labour.
+So Social Man in the Socialist Society can only truly exist when they exist in tandem and Socialist Society, and thus Socialist Man, only truly exists when everyone is Socialist Man who does the work for Socialist Society, in order to build and maintain it. That's the nature of the Marxian Rainbow Fever Dream.
+### Going Deeper
+Their relationship to the idea of Truth is another indication that this is a religion.
+#### Marxists.org Truth (Epistemology - Gnosciology)
+"Truth is usually taken to mean correspondence of an idea to the world outside thought. However, following Hegel, Marxists take truth to be something that may be said of a Social formation or of Social practice itself. The truth of a Social Practice is always relative since, as Goethe said, "All that exists deserves to perish. Sooner or later, everything turns out to be false". Some philosophical currents believe that teh truth of an idea can be established through logical deduction from clear ideas. In general, each current has its characteristic criterion of truth. For rationalism, it is reason. For empiricism, it is observation and an experiment. Pragmatism makes practice the criterion of truth (does it work), but, like empiricism, Pragmatism knows only immediate individual action and misses the cultural and historical content of social practice."
+*Marxists epistemology is, in fact, the putting into practice of Marxist Theory. When it works, it's true, and when it doesn't work it is not true. Truth is The Work that produces progress through history. Like pragmatism, in the view of whatever works must be true, where work now means Socialist Work - the advancing of Marxist Socialist faith. Just as Hegel saw his own philosophy as a system of science - vernunft - the higher level understanding of science. This is no mistake, and it has Hegelian roots as well. True in Marxian faith is that which advances Marxism.
+So when they say your reality and my reality and all these people's truths - what they're actually talking about is that something is truth if it advances Marxism. This is why Kelly Oliver wrote in 1989 that we no longer have to have true theories or false theories, or be concerned about them, but can, instead, have strategic theories. That which achieves the Marxist political aims, as we've heard, that is the work. Marxian Gnosciology/Epistemology.
+Epistemology to add to the other pieces. Recap:
+- Ontology
+- System of Values
+- Axiology
+- Theory of society and how it operates
+- Escatology
+- Theodyssey

+ 24 - 1

@@ -42,4 +42,27 @@ There is no zero-sum, but an infinite potential which was established as part of
 That is, the range of potential is composed such as to yield what is tantamout to infinite for our experential purposes, and it is through our endeavours that they are harnessed, and not the tragedy of reality.
-I've always found that this dialogue is unavoidable, where we contend with the complexity of measuring rate of progress. Where some might measure it in wealth, or computing power, but one is at a loss to understand how their power translates change within this system.
+I've always found that this dialogue is unavoidable, where we contend with the complexity of measuring rate of progress. Where some might measure it in wealth, or computing power, but one is at a loss to understand how their power translates change within this system. Some might relate it with less concrete indices, but the issue remains the same: we talk past one another rather than talking about the laws of our shared reality, because we don't all presuppose that reality is shared (which, in all fairness, is easy to believe because we don't perceive it the same).
+If it is possible to have great growth, how much is our attitude and demeanour affecting it? How can we demonstrate and prove a moral imperative to remind ourselves to adjust or improve our psychological outlook?
+# The Dialectic Progresses
+And so the dialectic progresses through the understanding of teh child. If we dissolve or make ambiguous the concept of childhood as per a belief that doing so will ultimately lead to a form of liberation, the it becomes a moral imperative to do away with the previous conceptions previously relied upon to differentiate between adult and child. To have a moral imperative which does away with the very distinction which we already utilize for delimiting behaviours which exploit and allow for oppressive acts by adults on the basis on an assumed extant oppression chiefly evaluated as per the context of adults.
+So, then, is the impetus to redefine the child one which views it as the potential to subject the child to a different set of harms, or does it only view it as the process which removes the child from the threat of harm? Because the endeavour itself is characterized as one which intends to reduce oppression, not just of the child but more broadly in the surrounding world, but if definitions of children allow for potential of harm to manifest, then any additional instance of defining a child must contend with this. The pushback from Queer Theory is, of course, that traditional definitions and categories perform the harm, thus this is an explicit effort to identify non-traditional categories and categories which represent the lack of a definition.
+If defining the child is undertaken purely to mitigate oppression of the child once it reaches adulthood, then it is a sacrifice of the child.
+Let's pause the low level explications and return to the higher level
+## Refining
+We mostly want human progress, but we mostly believe it is fulfilled because of how it interferes with our 'experience', which is to say our body.
+For some, such an evaluation is mostly occurring as one realizes the moment they are experiencing is closer to being in line with what represents their ideal expression (in the first order) as living insofar that one is focused on their chosen activity. For others it is experienced as per a second-order evaluation as to whether their ideas are being propogated.
+This latter case is either characterized as perpetuating one's morality or one's influence, depending on the degree to which one feels empathy.
+*Second Order in the sense that one is reflecing on the structure of thought being constructed and erected in other people's minds.*
+Next, is it even possible? Is it possible that progress can be made? If so, then what does it depend on? If you believe it follows your own progress, then it is sustainable and self-sufficient, but if it occurs at at the demonstration of others, then you shall seek to enslave them. If there is no progress, then you seek either revenge or acceptance.

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Interferon Concerns
+June 12, 2022
+Interferon respones were said to be quite different between acute SARS-CoV-2 infection (pronounced) and SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. What is striking about this is that interferon Alpha and type 1 interferon as a whole is associate with such a wide variety of innate immune behaviour that it would beg the question of what could possibly be considered broad, comprehsnive and robust if it lacked a type 1 interferon component. It is not evidence of the response in and of itself, but evidence of the many associated factors having been initiated.
+# Having to Do
+There were many friends and associates whom I never expected tobe telling that I could no longer have mor eto do wit, but such is the case se we begin to take our time more seriously. I dno' tbelieve that they were so interested in listening to my ideas as they were interested in observing that they would maintain good standing and feigned agreement with someone whom they believe holds very different opinions and views from them. But do we really?
+In my humble opinion, the answer is no. We don't ultimtaely hold different feelings on these matters, it is that the same matter suddenly needs to be treated differently -> being represented by completely different symbols and invoking different chains of propisitions and environments - chains of evaluative mechanisms - not even the same mechanisms, parameters or operations.
+## Examples
+Children are perhaps the biggest. Preceding teh current apperance of the child issue is the propensity of some to allow their child's health and well-being to be sacrified for their material success. And how do we know it is for material success? Well it is in exchange for something. IT is certainly not the path to spiritual sucecss. There might be some hope that, for example, in highlighting the medical issues of a child that they might be cured by focsing on the material aspects of a problem it might eb more likely to be resolved, but this is the most charitable interpration, because it assumes zero risk of any detriments incurred by doing so, not the least of which being the tendency of a human to be manipupulate dfor sympathy or a different circumstance through or upon which to be judged.
+And really, we know for the simple fact that human babies do learn to manipulate through their crying and whimpering. So empowering that process, rather than simply allowing it to play out within a range of what is considered reasonable, is problematic.
+# Book Progress - Mind
+June 15, 2022
+Pushing back on many things, but it isultimately the belief in mind to transform through one's expression which is not merely the vocalized or animated expression observed by another, but the instantiated thoughts and conception fo thoughts in mind. We must alwayas give priority to the most fundamental level of environment upon which to cast, strike, place, etch a point of expression. Though we insist that the environment has an ideal form, weknow not whether it may be realized and, furthermore, though the tone struck might not resonate to the extent or satisfasction desired, the correct fundamental placement can always be sought for it is chosen in mind, and to choose correctly in the face of burden develops important skill.
+Mind is the ultimtae apparatus, function and instantiated implementation through which limits are surpassed and the unrealized is discovered and acknowledged. It occurs when free movement of focus can take place or is imposd to tak place, even in the presence of force nad constraint. The modern state religions claim to present the means by which to do all that mind does already, while suggesting that mind, in fact, is not able to do those things and that it conversely amplifies and cements the aspects of the system which is responsible for negating such capabilities.
+So, then, how do they purport to do what they assume mind cannot? By asking you to question what you believe to be true. But only about those things which the Theory concerns itself with.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ I think so - weakened innate immunity is what AIDS is - disruption of CD4 T cell
 ## Conclusion
 Never been in favour of these vaccines from the get-go. Terrified of the possibility of letting children < 5 to get them. Amazing that they could possibly think that would be a good idea. Delay of the child immunization (doesn't even immunize) in the US - possibly because some data signals are too significant to cover up
-Expectation that teh vaccine or expressed spike could get to the developing thymus gland of children.
+Expectation that the vaccine or expressed spike could get to the developing thymus gland of children.
 Autism - children getting worse over the past 20 years, IQ dropping, this generation does not have as high of an IQ as previous generations - harming the brains of our next generation - if children are not healthy, how will we ever maintain a healthy culture?
-Too many vaccines too quicky?
+Too many vaccines too quicky?

+ 4 - 0

@@ -38,3 +38,7 @@
 - Tachycardia/Arrythmias, tinnitus, Bell's Palsy, Migraines, breathing changes, syncope
 # Delayed effects
+- Usure if ill health effects are revealed exclusively by that which can be immediately observed
+- Misfolded proteins are cleared by the immune system
+- Damaged innate immunity might allow such proteins to accrue