logicp 4 years ago
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+ 16 - 0

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+## Finding Equity in the World
+A - I wish to see equity in the world
+B - What do you mean? What do you think it means?
+A - It means fairness,e veryone is given the same opportunity.
+B - But then how do you know that hasn't been already achieved?
+A - Only a few control wealth, it is obvious
+B - I don't claim tings are fair, bt how would you know when?
+A - People would have moser similar levels of wealth,
+B - At what point would you know that has been achieved?
+A - It wouldn't be up to me to decide.
+B - Then what makes you think you have the right position?
+A -
+I've always wanted to err on the side of caution. Perhaps we naturally default to that. I could be asked why I feel the way I do, or as I claim to feel, and I would be compelled to recant a stroy as to how something was done to me, and then the story could be scrutinized and the validity of my sentiments and opinions challenged and taken apart. Perhaps I should always be patient and give another chance when I find myself disappointed, but should such a pattern repeat until the end of time? Is my life to be lived on an incidental artifact that remains on standby until someon efinds it useful to them? Am I to inspire and lead when someone is new and vulberable, and then made to stand aside and sit like a dog until my presence is sure to not be an inconvenience to anyone's mood?

+ 27 - 0

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+## Adverse Reactions
+Estimates 4.8 - 83 per 100k (top rounding 1 / 1000)
+Posits 1/500k-1000k allergic reaction
+Anaphylaxis 1 / 1500k
+"Reactions limited to injection site" due to aluminium salt or microbial component
+## Under Reporting
+Studied 49 GPs
+209 / 100k (6 times higher than reported to State)
+50% in 5 year old after booster dose
+2nd day after administration, lasting 4 days
+Indicates health care providers do not always report
+## Unknown Adaptation
+We are aware that viruses can substitute amino acids with the materials in which they are propogated/cultured. This issues affect virus receptor-binding.
+### Rare adverse events
+### mRNA vaccines 10-fold higher rate of anaphylaxis

+ 16 - 0

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+Aim of critique:
+Pointing out concerns with the original manuscript and Corman PCR protocol distributed by the WHO. Many of these references were already provided by the authors of the original CD report, which are relevant to further criticisms.
+Unusual peer-review process, timeframes, and multiple technical vulnerabilities of the protocol.
+Additional concern: raised about the report, regarding the discussion of appropriate controls. Several studies underscore the importance of internal controls in assessing viral load and lack of such internal controls in the Corman qPCR method. These internal controls are required for normalizing swab sampling variance and are critical for interpreting viral load. They are notably absent from the PCR protocol. Several people have expressed confusion regarding the NCBI submissions provided by Corman et al. The sequences provided lack two of the target gene sequences they claimed to target. The only sequences referenced in the manuscript are x y z, and noen of these have sequences that match tehir N and E gene primers. This not only brings their validation into question, but also prevents others from reproducing the work presented by their study.
+20 Scientific publications provided "wet lab" evidence of performance of the Corman PCR protocol. Of those, 17 found problems with incorrect primer design (msismaches, dimer formation, melting temperature) in the SARS-CoV-2 specific confirmatory test.
+These problems include:
+- Docuemtned primer dimers and false positives
+- Documented poor sensitivity and false negatives
+- No internal control to normalize the sample preparation variability and its impact on viral load estimation.
+- Poorly documented positive controls and sequences used in the study.

+ 29 - 0

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+# Simon notes
+One year of destroyed economies, social isolation, deep social splits calls for an anniversary thread  to celebrate the RT qPCR manuscript by Christian Drosten and Victor Corman submitted on January 21st 2020 to Eurosurveillance
+Before this very publication, virologists were neither treated like superstars, nor were they considered icons or half-gods. In 2009, Drosten almost succeeded in installing the false premise virology could supersede holistic medical sciences as discussed in this thread.
+Drosten is a virologist. He neither has any background in epidemiology, nor has he ever worked in the civil service. He doesn't have a background in public health. Yet he, and his colleagues, affect our daily lives to the level of whom to meet up or how to flush the toilet.
+Before 2020, Drosten and Corman were common virologists at Charite Berlin, whenever they were not involved in economic implications. Other than that, they looked at coronaviruses in dromedary caves in the Middle East or Africa.
+Finally, in January of 2020, the published paper laid the theoretical grounds for the current pandemic - the RT-qPCR mass testing religion - for which he was awarded his second German Federal Cross of merit ( he received the first one in 2005 for developing the SARS-CoV PCR Test)
+Manuscript rushed through every approving authority -> prior to submission, had been sent to WHO (EARLY) with prsopect of being approved in any case. Big-data analyst visualized this phenomenon.
+Being part of editorial board at Eurosurveillance has been advantageous for drosten and reusken, to reach the one-day-peer-review milestone, even though they might have been excluded from the process. So far, providing the process protocol is being refused.
+It is also remarkable that Drosten ahs not been into sophisticated Twitter campaigning since 2016. His first substantial tweet since his rediscovery of Twitter was on January 23 of 2020, when he promoted his one-day-wonder publication. Coincidence or PR campaigning?
+On January 9 of 2020, Drosten's overconfidence reached a new high by complaining that the correspondence to NEJM did not cite his freshly published paper. Instead, the authors chose to refer to his protocol-design pre-release on WHO.
+Drosten aimed for the RT-qPCR protocol design, which could serve as a robust diagnostic methodology. However, the protocol-design and its factual scientific precision somewhat resemble Russian roulette ()
+In 2009, Dosten had already followed a similar approach when he created a PCR test for the swine flu. Regarding the question of why it is crucial to do so much testing if the strain is mild, he answered: because we remember the 1918 outbreak.
+PCR testing in 2009 caused a pseudo-epidemic that was stopped by Wolfgang Wodarg, whose credibility is damagaed today over Coronavirus.
+Nature-paper also stated "it is disturbing that a rogue politician [...] can create such mischief for the WHO and drug industry, despite virtually no evidence of wrongdoing. Fake pandemic outcry.
+In 2014, Drosten gave a striking interview for the German business magazine WIWO. His statements back then are in contradiction with comments he made in 2020.

+ 3 - 0

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+Making sense -> a generic sensemaking infrastructure
+A column of neurons is used for analysis and is constantly repurposed for forming a perceptual structure for a ever changing phenomena. It comes to describe the significance of something real and something novel.

+ 13 - 0
learning/Healthy Process.md

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+Life -> perceptual frame
+Bio circuit overcome with  complexity
+Need to force belief that all is known, except what the mind focuses on uncovering -> one point at a time
+Contend with chaos -> time running out before oblivion. Nee to make it such that one's greatest fears don't need to remain certainties, especially in the face of disappointment with one's field of experience. Offset mortality an the thoughts of loneliness/losing loved ones. Do this by assuming the possibility of eternal life, infinite time. One cannot deduce this logically to any significant degree, thus adoption of view requires a leap of faith. We become privy without need of having made careful determinations. This does not require a deity in order to be reified.
+## Healthy process
+It's a modern mirage, the philosopher's stone. Socialism.
+Sacrifice for others and your standards. Seeking shortcuts / magic substance / values
+The goal which can never be achieved / reached is one fo rwhich, if you can compel others towards it, you will never run out of path to traverse. If the process should be the goal, then the process itself needs to be fair and just -> it cannot be in pursuit of that which itself is just. Both must be the same, or you will have neither. You must realize that justice is always a choice in that you decide what is your own just action. Your own just opinion, even if ijustice is enacted upon you as a result.

+ 1 - 0
learning/Naive humans.md

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+It is interesting how naive the human perspective can be. How we rapidly conjure confidence for all but the smallest of reasons, and also suddenly find ourselves completely without confidence because of a small change or one unexpected result. We might find ouselves stuck there and then, one day, for no reason other than simply to have stumbled into the circumstance of performing the action one had been avoiding, one happens upon the most modest of success and suddenly their state oscillates for the better! Oh how wonderful it is to be confident once more!

+ 15 - 0
learning/Rambling and emotions.md

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+What is this dividing line, and who welcomes it? Surely, if one believes in the value of their life, then they suspect all life is valuable, lest their own life be incidentally removed for being worthless. Do they believe themselves worthless? How would one go abou timagining everyone as worthless but themselves not?
+Rambling incoherence, we aim to make sense of the great panic. The unleashing of all one's pent up rage and emotion. A carelss disregard for one's own well being and eve, perhaps, that of their beloved.
+This misplaced emotion, which could be love, which could be curious excitement with the aspiring look of a child, the forward gaze of our newest star searchers, the infinite hope and wonder which emanates from the young cosmonaut.
+Is it merely through mischaracterization that a belief is formed? No, it is the emotion which biases the belief and leads one to possess that same, similar frame of mind when confronted again with the same symbol. You might even come to crave it.
+We all want to feel a little alive. We need something to move forward towards, a target even an adversary in the most open ended interpretation of the word.
+The media are responsible, but in what sense? Do they act with primary ideological motives? Do they attempt to merely have something to continuously contribute? No, it isn't merely that. There is an enjoyment that appears ubiquitous, a sense of elevated spirits, if only at the satisfaction of watching one suffer.
+Our perceptions about the same issues can change over time, and this affects the manner in which we perceive ourselves. This causes us to reflect on our behaviour and feel particular emotional responses to the tought of each instance. We may or may not want to seek those specific emotional respones again.
+As we know that memory can be inaccurate, insofar that details about events can be recalled and elucidated, or even with enough accuracy to recall the most notable aspect of the memory correctly, what we do know (or most would agree on), is that we remember how we felt at the moment the memory was initially formed. With this in mind, we can make certain deductions about how humans are likely to engage the prospect of reaching a previously experienced emotional state.

+ 6 - 0

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 If the 1000 Brains theory is correct, then it supports the notion that most people can learn most things, and that our inability to learn, especially when accompanied by a belief that we won't be able to learn, is largel a belief problem, and not a genetic one.
 Important to reinforce this as it provides fuel to persevere in the moments where one might lose their focus. These points are crucial as they can frequently occur when operating in the growth ranges of difficulty. Those events involving an activity performed within the growth range of difficulty are the precise moments where, if we force ourselves to maintain focus and adherence, we develop what we perceive as innate, second-order skill and ability. Domain-specfic abstraction and so forth.
+## Follow-up
+If the 1000 Brain theory is correct, then it supports the notion that most people cean learn most things and that our inability to learn, especially when accompanied by a belief that we won't be able to learn, is largely a belief problem, and not a genetic one. Important to reinforce this as it provides fuel to persevere in the moments where one might lose their focus.
+These points are crucial as they can frequently occur when operating in the growth ranges of difficulty. Those are the moments where if we force ourselves to maintain focus and adherence, we develop what we perceive as innate, second order skill and ability, domain-specific abstractions and so forth.

+ 11 - 0
learning/Victim Enforcement.md

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+Smashing Kenosha and Victimhood
+What is the correct protocol for law enfocement?
+It seems that can no longer do their jobs when otherwise reasonable people are now claiming normal police conduct should be such that it doesn't apprehend criminals, and even puts cops at extreme risk for  a chance at, what?
+- Politically expedient outreach
+- Setting up Trump?
+- Cowardice -> feed a crocodile
+- Trying to get federal funding
+It's intersting how we can have facilitated and glorified victimhood to the point where, for some, it has become so superficial and meaningfless that it becomes especially forbidden. It is a proposition to engage in guaranteed degeneracy and self-loathing; a weakning o the will and spirit; a destruction of one's reputation; a confusing of one' ssense and understanding of purpose; a haltening of momentum; a regression along paths of development. How does one get back on track after embracing a victimhood strategy? Do they need to have an even worse problem or suffer a greater tragedy?

+ 10 - 0
learning/Ways Of Being.drawio

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+ 22 - 0

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+## Fear of Reality
+From my anecdotes, what is it that these people are afraid of? More detail than simply chaos vs order.
+Stef -> fear of not being accepted by his mother
+Mano -> fear of being powerless
+## Book Research / Theory
+Improvisation patterns -> study of perception / awareness. Cognitive biases surrounding one's ability to see all patterns when increasing depth of development an dmastery within a particular domain.
+As we increase our knowledge base, expand our toolset and refine our skills within a domain, we naturally assume we are able to have a more complete perception of what the domain consists of and this is of course natural and reasonable. What is the limit, however, of our ability to infer new patterns from old ones, when operating in "automatic" exploratory mode?
+We must become prone to configuring our mode of being in this mode, as our confidence increases and it becomes less costly to make observation from this mode. When improvising, we rely upon embedded learned patterns to make deductions about the possibilities readily available, choose from them and then utilize them as fundamental building blocks for patterns which are occurring or manifesting at another level of abstraction. We hope to reach a level of perceiving all fundamental structures and organizing their use in a manner which best demonstrates the beauty of sound, while also expressing and conveying the field of being of the improviser or composer.
+To what degree are we able to infer "missing" patterns which were not explicitly studied, practiced and internalized?
+What role does complexity play? What is the limit? Is it based on physical reproduction? If we the mental has a larger capacity, is there a limit there? Is the limit conceivable given what we understand about physical invocation of sound? Complexity of instrumentation in symphonic sound?
+Are there drawbacks to complexity of internalized patterns, such that an emphasis on them renders the mind less able to perceive fundamental, more universal patterns?

+ 3 - 0

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+Dimensions and Existence
+We like to imagine all possible universes as having location and physical movement, but what if there do exist dimensions where a range of infinit expressions are possible, in a way where an entity can participate and exist. Having a special moment, so to speak.

+ 11 - 0

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+How is it that we come to accept that our health can be made whole through a few incidental improvements? That there are just some components that we evolved to require, or that we never evolved to fulfill ourselves? We are not whole, lest we include these exogenously created offerings.
+How is that we believe there is so much more to understand about the human body, or the human mind, or consciousness, or reality, and so forth? There are things that we point to in the known domains of man, and claim that they are incomplete. They don't capture the nuance that is required to see us as what we really are. To understand what we really are and how we really behave.
+Somehow we can utilize that mode of thinking when it comes to every social issue, to the point where we are willing to disregard some of the most fundamental understandings of science. Yet, when it comes to health and pharmaceutical technology, we are not able to even question it. We are not even able to get to the point of nuance where we can assert that YES what is said about this product, or this the means by which we evaluate a product, are is correct, but that it is not enough to comprehensively describe the matter. Are we even able to assert that there is any difference at all? That there are adaptations sought through pharmaceutical technologies that are also performed, whether by analog or in a precise form, by the human body on its own? Surely, we would grasp the idea that we are considering a particular adaptation that is possible by the human body, and replicating it in am ore controller manner through technology.
+What of looking at a particular adaptation brought  about through technology, and considering that, yes, the human body can do this too?
+If we are to decide that we can agree at least that much, can we take it a step further and talk about the depth of adaptation? The nuance and detail? Whether there are dimensions expressed in the transformation incurred through that adaptation that cannot be known? Whether the degree of complexity is such that there can be a generic representation which appears to fulfillt he same requirements, but that is itself, though whole, lacking some of the structural precision that is possibly present in other adaptations? In other instances of a categorically similar adaptation?
+Surely we can at least come to that understanding and use it as a launch pad for new ideas, or new ways of thinking about the problem.

+ 33 - 0

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+Ways of Being
+1. Towards VS Away
+- Forward or Backward
+- Up or Down
+- Ascend or Descend
+Growth level of observation
+2. Inwards VS Outwards
+- Inside or outside
+- Things or ideas
+- Change self vs change world
+3. Linear VS lateral
+- Same or change
+- Loyal or promiscuous
+- Stay on path vs change course
+4. Conventional vs Diagonal
+- Predictable vs unpredictable
+- Perceptible vs imperceptible
+- Visible vs invisible
+- Through expected means vs surprise / high risk / dynamic
+5. Focus vs peripheral
+- Self vs environment
+- preparing vs executing
+6. Static vs cyclical
+-Stagnant vs refreshing
+-Stuck vs free
+-Stubborn vs open

+ 7 - 0

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+What are the fruits planted today?
+-> Critical Race Theory is being revealed to the Masses. No longer elucidated behind closed doors, and used to coerce and manipulate without having to prove itself through Rigour. Rigour is even condemned openly as being a tool of oppression.
+Further, still, is the realization that peacemakers can be so easily demonized. We love to externalize the reasons for our fear and discontent. If we run out of enemies to blamze, then we are left to face ourselves.
+Moreover, if your aggressive expansion is performed for a holy cause, even absent a declared deity / theistic entity, then its expansion also expands the potential for which your expanded construction might help you, save you, support you etc.
+If you are to fall ill, its promise of mastering the flesh might make you anew. If you find yourself possessed by your worst ideas and enslaved to your shortcomings and self destructive behaviours, you can feel excused to continue them for whatever hsortsighted benefit they might yield, even if it destroys others. Even still, knowing that the expansion and prevalance might be evidence for teh legitimacy of what is promoted, gives one support to rationalize avoiding the work of scrutinizing the idea, its predicates, suppositions, causative agents, and doing the work of predicting the logical conclusions, which can blind one from understanding or even perceivingir effects.
+Without the explicit work of understanding one's own proclamation, it can easily become amalgamated with the set of ideas and phenomena which one might perceive as a whole for enhancing one's survival. The quest for eternal life and the means of evading the real tragedy and pain which can lurk behind every corner.

+ 2 - 0

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+We treat humans with dignity and respect. We treat them as though we imagine them to be capable of understanding us. The assumption that the human could hold the same elief, or that if they hold a different belief that we ouselves might not just understand why, but might have even come to hold that same belief had we seen the same information or had the same experience. It is not even that this might always be the case, but simply that it is possible, and that this possibility is extremely essential. This might have to do with the limitation of inference and confirmation in the field of perception, in that though we can not confirm the experience of others, we know that they cannot confirm ours. If we must contend with the prospect of proving it valuable to assume it possible for one to believe it plausible to understand me, and if it is plausible, it is because I myself can imagine perceiving it as plausible. The best strategy to fulfill this is through also believing that I can fulfill the requirements of what expectations are implied by one thinking it plausible to understand me -> to believe it makes my behaviour demonstrate it.

+ 20 - 0

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+We are now beginning planning for the work of refactoring or adopting the refactor of Distant VDI to include the MacOS platform
+This means we need to think about native development in the Mac operating system environment
+look at analogs for some of the more complicated or paradigmatic solutions we've enclosed our work into
+and find some wisdom in terms of how best to implement them for Mac
+some of the technologies that we need to think about in particular are
+Our Serializer/Deserializer and whether the protobuf for mac has any changes that we need to be aware of
+For one, we need to look at whether or not we can build with protobuf 3.14 from Mac, or if that changes too many things
+in which we case we can just use a similar process and just add the 3.13 lib/binary/includes directly
+ZeroMQ and SPDLOG both seem to have widespread support on Mac
+I still need to confirm that the Citrix Workspace App for MacOS is a thing and that the Virtual Driver has the same API as what we're already accustomed to
+I would expect little change, if any at all
+When it comes to some of the syntax restrictions we incurred when reimplementing code to have it compile on Windows, we likely went through the most restrictive changes that we need to worry about
+I would expect that it wouldn't be quite so difficult to do it on Mac, as they are argued as more faithfully fulfilling the standards of POSIX compliance tnux
+but that is, of course, up for debate
+Posix Spawn is another thing we have to think about, but it seems to be also implemented on Mac, as is expected due to POSIX compliance
+we might need to weed out some differences there, and make amendments to the process_host accordingly
+Again, when it comes to C library based utility functions that we're using in the common tools for the project, it's likely that we'll be able to use the POSIX-compliant code as is (currently under the preprocessor condition of being "Linux")
+The window appears to be a different story, however, as it's likely that the code needs to be written to make use of the cocoa library, or something has to be written in Swift
+in any case, we need to have something which is wrapped in C++ code, and ObjectiveC++ might be a better fit thatn Swift for that reason

+ 8 - 0

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+Book of human Development
+Math -> to make sense of abstraction and intuit the difference between provable, objective claims and otherwise
+History -> insight into change possible on a cultural level
+Strength -> Adaptation and growth
+Music -> Epitome of human performance, the great tribute of gratitude to existence. -> is there a visual analog? Tension, rhythm, melody
+Must read music to think about and write ideas without instrument and indirection

+ 2 - 0

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+Some mingle to test and see if they can be heard. Simply having a voice is more important than having something to say. Is there always a similar proportion of those who behave this way? Or is it made more pronounced due to cultural factors? An Age of Decadence, so to speak? Is there an appropriate proportion to be had for those who only wish to hear themselves? Could it be a more functional and prosperous society if no one was compelled to hear those who are simply trying to hear themselves?

+ 3 - 0

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+Universal Truth to improve sensemaking.
+The field of perception is that which is most real to the human. Having belief that it is worth having perceived than not. We believe it valuable because it is irreplaceable. If mine is, then yours must be as well - it must have the same potential. If I believe I can ignore your field of experience and replace it with a meta representation whose specification benefits my worldview, then I am enslaving you. Forcing you to pay a price -> dignity, danger, debt, pain, disrespect -> all for my benefit. Because, what, my life is real and yours is not? You would do the same (cynic). I can claim ignorance, but is that an excuse?

+ 2 - 0

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+Smelling Blood upon the gracious round face. We suspect thins to occur on Wednesday. That's when we become famous. The old man is fighting the same and finally realized it was their true calling. Where does greatness come from? Must one be hurt? Will spite of the pain be the main driving force? Why else struggle if there is no knowledge of a struggle even worse to be had? Even more painful. Could sheer want of comfort exist without pain? Could there be anything to designate as comfortable if not for the pain and suffering? There is no comfort except that which is a state of without struggle. To fight as a struggle is a replacement for what could be otherwise a less desirable struggle.

+ 23 - 0

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+wow it's interesting how quickly some think of themselves as good and virtuous
+I can understand how we all want to have a positive outlook
+to try and envision what an improved state is like
+the manner in which progress can be made
+and try to give a positive light to endeavours that can turn out for the positive
+that have the potential to do good
+but when we do such things, we also need to consider what humans rae like
+we need to think about what different types of mind frames can arise from certain situations
+that not everything is done with one static mind frame
+that there is a dynamic range of expression and a dynamic range of set points from which that expression is elicited and received
+and, as such, we need to understand that whatever positive mind frame we associate with performing actions in a given situation, we can also conceive of other frames of mind that might also exist in that situation
+and it is our ability to speak to and consolidate these different possibilities which demonstrates our insight
+demonstrates that we have some degree of wisdom that might allow us to make good predictions about that situation
+about the actions that can be taken in it
+the actors who would be apt and interested in performing those actions
+and what differences could exist in the performing of those actions by different people in different mind frames
+each of which is operating in a dynamic range that we can't predict absolutely
+surely they would make some effort to describe the situation in a complex and wholistic sense which enumerates some sort of negative consequence that should be avoided
+and a strategy on how to achieve that
+but when people just blindly declare that something is always a good idea, and that the general notion of performing actions which are in the spirit of that idea is something that should always be sought
+then I have to think that either they haven't done their due dilligence with respect to answering some of the aforementioned points I brought up
+or that they have thought about the risks, understand what some of them are, but are content to avoid drawing attention to them because they believe doing so would conflict with some goal of theirs

+ 9 - 0

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+Discussions that could be so useful if only certain pitfalls were avoided.
+That we could talk about deep values, methodologies, what actual transactions take place. Instead it is always the same representation of a walled institutional narrative which proclaims as though it has never spoken before. These narratives always miss the mark of conducting themselves in the locale of greatest interest, but that cul dbe forgiven if only it wasn't a shutting down of other inquiry.
+In consideration of motifs that are deeply embedded in the human experience, a mere motif - That deserves disambiguation:
+It's not enough to simply say that something injust occurred to one's ancestry. This is a neverending game no matter where it is played. So for this reason, we need to examine why and how these particular pursuits are coming into being. The mechanism, the rationale at a more semantically complex level, and then deliberate over the values being proposed. Instead, we get a relegation to assuming that people's experiences are different on the basis of an arbitrary characteristic, while also pretending experience to be equal in other circumstances. Relegating us, inevitably, into groups which facilitate a move towards what one might call a set of interesting names, all of which bearing a notoriety in disregard for human life. Both mortal measure and also by connection.
+Nevertheless, we are kept from making such distinctions, and instead create unnecessary conflict in bad taste, and with some expense. So if there is a high resource requirement for proper conduct, an da high risk of insufficient conduct, then it becomes irrational to pursue. The proposition is so distasteful that even describing it sounds like an undesirable and irrational endeavour. How to rectify this? Is this to be rectified? What for?

+ 97 - 0

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+so my brother sends me a text message out of the blue
+and in the message he makes the claim that he misses us
+but not exactly that he misses us per se
+but that he misses "seeing" us
+I doubt he's actually trying to admit anything in particular
+but it is quite revealing, because it makes perfect sense that "seeing us" as in our presence being there in a supportive or perhaps even aesthetic capacity, is what he is accustomed to and likely all he's ever really interested in
+the same could definitely be said of his wife, if not more so
+who knows
+In any case, he leaves a message like that.. that he misses seeing us
+and what am I to respond to that?
+Do I miss "seeing" him?
+Was it ever "seeing" him that I was hoping to do?
+I don't understand what it is exactly he could be missing abou tus
+is it that we sit and listen to him and his wife when they go on endlessly, mentioning everything that they can possibly remember, anything at all that they might be able to relate to the words that anyone else has uttered?
+I don't think I've ever seen any genuine interest from them in years
+whenever they present their interest, by offering a generic salutation, or asking us "how we are" or "how work is going", it is always immediately obvious that they are simply going through the motions of doing whatever they believe they must do in order to fulfill their social obligations
+a preamble, if you will, before they take their usual liberties in finding reasons to speak
+It would be something different if they were offering something as a respones to an honest query that was given to them
+but they don't evenr eally need the query
+they just need to believe that someone is listening to them
+and even if you aren't listening, they'll still be speaking, and often changing the target of tehir communication, so that they can keep having the continuous output which reassures them of some sort of success
+success at what, is a long discussion in and of itself
+but certainly it appears it appears to be a chief aspect of how they believe they are determining success for themselves
+and obviously if it's providing some sort of success, it's not in improving the bond they have with family members, or at least not these ones (myself and my wife)
+so, what then, am I to respond to him declaring that he misses "seeing" us?
+"I miss you too?" Well that would be a lie
+we've been really content to not be forced to drive across the city and back every Sunday, losing one of the msot productive chunks of time available to us, in order to sit and behold their banter
+to listen to them speak endlessly of what their friends and acquaintances have been doing
+the conditions of their workplace
+what sorts of crafts they have discovered
+what sorts of activities they have been doing with the kids
+what their kids have said
+what they have been telling their kids
+really nothing much more than that, but it goes on endlessly
+and if ever there was a discussion to be had about something serious or involved?
+well, that is always only an opportunity for them to tell us what they think
+as though it would be a surprise of sorts
+even the details are basically ones we could have constructed for them
+and if it's not, it definitely feels that way
+I don't think I've been surprised by anything they've said in years, perhaps even decades
+whereas, I've seen time and tim tha hte one time I manage to have a halfway decent conversation with my brother, which hasn't happened since about 2016, that it doesn't take long for me to note his naivety
+I'm not looking to make myself believe that he is naive
+but when it occurs, it is remarkable, and it's difficult for me to not pay attention to it and consider teh implications
+One of the only times that we actually did have a productive conversation, however
+was in response to their endless comiserating
+We were sitting down to breakfast in a  restauraunt, and they kept on endlessly insulting political figures that we have interest in
+and insulting those who would have interest in such a figure
+They do this , playing aloof, as though they're not already cognizant of our interest in those things
+even though they've been told this before
+and have had reactions presented to us
+even though they've followed us on social media, and seen the endless onslaught of political commentary that we send out
+even if they were avoiding looking at our content, they would have seen at least some piece of content at some time, considering how much of it is coming out
+But, in spite of all this, they decide to play aloof and speak in a way which is condescending and offensive
+So, in respone to that, we shared some views
+And whatever the reaction they might have had, which I'll get into, what everyone fails to grasp is that there's nothing disrespectful about sharing views
+We aren't trying to provoke them
+if anything, we're only speaking our honest views because we want to respect them
+in order to behold them with some degree of respect, we have to be willing to be honest with them
+we can't simply hear them communicating something which causes us to dislike them, and also lose respect for them
+saying things that we not only disagree with, but that we believe they have arrived to erroneously
+how do we consolidate that?
+well, by being honest
+by speaking the truth and telling us what we think
+and why we think it
+what do you think was the result of doing somethign like that?
+for several minutes, I became increasingly positive about the outcome
+not because we were "smashing" them, or winning a debate or any of that nonsense
+no, it was because the act of having a conversation abotu real things, speaking our perspectives honestly, and working through contentious issues
+is the most progressive thing you can hope for
+there's no other way to make progress without improving information and understanding
+without improving communication and building trust
+and this comes from allowing one another to have insight into how we each think
+and learning that although it seems we have different interests and values, that the points of contention about matters which we seem to be conflicted over might actually be borne of the fundamental values that we actually share
+and that it's the interpretation and stylitistic elements which have gotten in the way, which ahve coloured things and forced us to pay more attention tot he fact that we don't agree about something, rather than rtying to build our undersstanding of the issue and learn to improve our perspective
+It seemed like we were making progress
+but then I couldn't help but notice all the anger in my brother's voice
+his hand shaking as though he was beign confronted with a situation taht was unexpected and unfamiliar
+surely, he's never had to speak with people who hold very different views from him
+and his wife? 
+well, even though she was (as usual) the one who was saying the most provocative things preemptively, without having to speak of subjcts that we had introduced
+even though she was probsably the ony who had said the most insulting of things
+th most condescending
+and in a manner which causes one to lose hope in mankind
+in spite of all of that, we were still willing to have an open discussion about things
+to try and learn about their view
+and to give them an opportunity to see a perspective on the matter whihc, though it would appear to be coming from aa point of origin that they would perceive as being unethical
+that things are actually more complicated than that
+but it turned out that this was not to be
+not only were they unrespective to our arguments
+they became incredibly offended tha twe would even try to discuss these things
+that we would somehow bring the topic forward, even though they had been controlling the topic until that point in time already
+so here we are, not havign a conversation about something that we all need to better understand
+Not making the type of critical progress that's necessary for the relationship to be meaningful and reciprocative
+no, we are to be seen and not heard
+if we are to be heard, it's only as a demonstration that we, infact, have uniform thinking
+well, no think you, that's not likely to be the case

+ 21 - 0

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+here we go
+that's much better
+let's talk about intelligence
+we had a conversation before about what is intelligent
+and about what intelligence is
+and how our understanding of intelligence is based on us being humans
+and having the particular types of perception that a human would have
+this might be thought of as a biological perception, fundamentally, but with the ability to about it and communicate about it to other people
+there is no real understanding of what intelligence might be if we aren't communicating between humans
+or communicating with a system which has been programmed by humans to respond in a particular way
+or which has been programmed by humans to perform a particular action in response to an input and then do whatever is necessary to generate a response
+I suppose there could be other forms of intelligence
+but the ones which are developed and mature enough, sophisticated enough, to meet a standard of providing intelligent information, where the semantic representation is being responded to at the same level of where the expression's definition occurred, would have to be something which is in some way shape or form influenced by a human being
+and that this might be a machine doesn't mean that it isn't also an extension of humans
+any other type of respone, coming from an animal or other living organism, might seem intelligent, but through abstract inference by a human being
+and based on terms and concepts that are fundamentally human
+toa fford that leeway to conceptualize a non-human behaviour to be intelligent on the basis of there beign a human explanation for it
+that we can afford that, is due to the existence and intervention of human beings with the world
+because if ever there was a time that the cost was too grear, one must scrutinize as to whether that is still a problem today
+and if it does

+ 7 - 0

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+What is Universal Correctitude?
+Ultimate elegance of observed phenomenon as it maintains the most harmonious and glorious pattern of expression at the greatest number of abstractions.
+The opposite would be choosing to aim at shallow goals which disproportionately affect the expression of abstractions associated with and/or affected by the phenomenon
+We mustn't get stuck at our favourite level of abstraction.
+Yes, it' true that some levels might be more relevant, but we are too easily made to feel content with one situation
+If the player is stubbornly stuck along one level of abstraction, but failing to qualify how it logically takes primacy, then we should be suspicious enough to apply an assessment as to the factor of correctitude. If it is difficult to evaluate outside, then overalleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

+ 10 - 0

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+This is a pet peeve of mine because we keep falling victim to attempts to subvert a standard for deductive reasoning and critical thinking. The idea is that though we are, of course, always most concerned abou tinformation which is absolutely false, we are now to be also concerned about information that is true under the presumption that it can be used to fool us. Notice the missing ingredient here? How are we to be fooled by truth unless there is some other information not being scrutinized? Not being focused upon? Well, it is more compelling to make the argument about disinformation if we focus on the idea that truth is misused and that the manner by which this is accomplished is so refined and clever that we can't be expected to be able to notice. And perhaps there is something to that, the whole notion that we need to always be on alert because, even if we're applying rigorous methods, and are attempting to use logic and reason instead of emotion, we are always at risk of being fooled and it's should never come as a huge surprise if it happens. At the same time, that doesn't mean that, even in thos esituations where we were fooled, we don't ever strive to have a better undertsanding of the details, the deceit, the manner in which the foolery took place. No, instead we focus on the identity of the participants of the conflict.
+So how does one know whether to accept the proposal?
+We assume the intent of another party, possibly those who most directly disseminate in the information in question, but possibly even with additional degrees of indirection.
+The problem with this thinking is foremost that we are forcing eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereason to relinquish its primacy in our standard of evaluation.
+How are we to know if something is disinformation?
+Merely on the suggestion that it is? Courtesy of someone who has zero interest as to whether or not opnions on the matter sway one way or another? Not bloody likely.
+In fact, one could make the case that those who would seek to convince you that a particular truth, believed to be true, is, in fact, the real disinformation. THe truth of the matter is that information is whether true or false, and extra steps to qualify its legitimacy are, in fact, a form of disinformation all the same (though one could argue about principal vs proportionality)

+ 13 - 0

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+## Drive to Evade Death
+- control resources to potentiate immortality
+- control masses to recruit them to your goal
+- control them so that they are not in direct competition with you
+## Drive to Enslave
+- As we control over that which affects biology, we eventually must take control of the individual bodies / life forms
+- this is a justified enslavement as we expect they could not do better for themselves
+## Drive to Accept Enslavement
+- Certainty quels the threat and dread of chaos
+- Path of least resistance - most incremental moves towards enslavement are seemingly costless, though the consequence of fighting against any one particular move could be catastrophic. The cost of denying progress can be multiple: Public Disapproval, closed mindedness, lack of intellectual capacity, ignorance, criminal negligence, lack of true self preservation -> not suitable fo rthe gene pool, a willingness to witness destruction, the explicit targetting and approach of catastrophe. Why are you so dumb and full of hate, my child?
+They hope not to die, thus they must place their mind upon a place that might cloud what they would otherwise certainly know to be sure.
+If a particular suspension of certainty being sought, through being the logical conclusion of some act or another, fits a purpose for which it itself appears as reasonable, then the move away from reason and logic can be obfuscated and interpreted as a move towards reason and logic. It takes a discerning perspective and careful analysis at multiple levels to understand whether or not one of these modes of thought is truly allowing for blatant disregard of reality.

+ 11 - 0

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+Over the past year I've found myself compelled to prevent myself from putting myself in a position to allow some familiar characters to consume my time or my attention. I am conflicted to conflicted over this as one part of me considers that I should do the utmost to ensure that we have every opportunity to resolve conflicts and come to a greater understanding about one anohter's concerns and the nature of reality. All the while, another part of me feels that this point was already reached long ago. In a sense, it was reached and I had yet spent more resources going through additional iterations of our previous behaviour, hoping for an improved outcome, but had only been surprised by the degree to which our dialogue had regressed.
+In the case of my brother, we had lready been speaking much less since his wife had begun working near him, but even before that, I had found the discourse to be lacking and fairly superficial. Sure, maybe it is me who is superficial, but there are some specific epectations that I need to see fulfilled in order for me to rationalize the session of interaction, especially recurring ones.
+1. We learn from one another. This is a crucial component to the interactions. Humans are liable to entertain all manner of habit that they may have cultivated at any one given time, and we are never fully aware of the entire apparatus of habits being employed in terms of our absolute set of motivations for any one given decision, but we know that it is better if the motivations we reinforce are ones we admire and want to see benefit us in a progressive fashion -> something whose mode of use improves with time. If the interaction is not an attempt to see something learned, but merely an administrative chore, an opportunity to seek to feel a sensation or emotion, a form of manipulation, or even just a habit that isn't yet understood, then it fails to meet the standard. There are cases where administrative and habitual interactions are acceptable, but it becomes inadmissible if other aspects of the interaction rae sufficiently undesirable.
+Non-communication by proxy: a disgraceful feature of modernity.
+Just as we have been able to increasingly defer services, accountability and more through industrialization and other forms of modernization, so too have the direct transactions and refinements that used to take place through man.
+Almost as if by design, if there are any females present, all communication seems to be directed to them. Not necessarily because they are the most pertinent to the conversation, but almost seemingly to seek approval about the discourse at play, making sure that they have no qualms that need to be addressed in the meantime, providing endless opportunity to derail the discussion and take it off to a journey where the points being sought become a redundant part of the dialogue. Even just by measure of sheer eye contact - it no longer occurs except for a few superficial and nervous glances, never enough to actually begin the stream of understanding which is necessary to have any forward movement at all. There is no connection being made and, obviously, if there are any subjects that could othrewise be contentended upon, they will be swept aside with their rot left to fester and expand. This follows suite with the scant previous discussions that had ever taken place. On matters of great concern for all parties, and particularly for myself and mty would be interlocutor, there is zero interest in allowing for the complete vocalization and enunciation of our opinions, as any effort is met with scorn and demonization.
+If we are all evil and corrupt, why would you even hope to break bread with us? Will you bring us to your view through osmosis? Why not let everything into the room so that truth can prevail? Either you fear truth, or are fearful that I will deceive you. These things should be much simpler to solve. Perhaps there is no desire for them to be solved, but why?
+We let the truth slide, because it serves one on more than one time scale, and in more than one way. If one happens to be wrong about one of the assumptions, then not only is the remaining mode of advantage still possible, but the removal of the other might indeed quel cognitive dissonance. The anticipation of this can permit the mind to accept taking on a belief which brings about confusion and cognitive dissonance.
+Short term: congruence with the cultural norms of the day, a path to higher moral standing
+Short term: might also help achieve more independence?

+ 2 - 0

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+We strain ourselves to focus, and we are motivated to this through a desire to not need to focus. As a sacrifice, we hope and trust that by employing the right focus today, we will elide the future need of having to focus.

+ 10 - 0

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+# Adaptation
+There is some misunderstanding as to why some might reject a particular therapy. It is assumed that the individual denies the utility that could be derived, or taht the effect of the therapy is a net negative to one's vitality, by some metric or another (or implied metric). This is not necessarily the case, however, as it could be assumed to be something more akin to the following circumstance:
+- Therapy elicits adaptation which prouces measurable increase in immunologically mediating / active structures.
+- The side effects are nil or are, at worst, comparable to the a normal toxic load on metabolism.
+The literature and consensus agree that the adaptation falls within a range that is understood to be significant.
+  - In spite of what seems like 100% benefit, the missing element is an agreed specification escribing the optimal desired adaptation, as well as proposed methodology to assess the degree which indicates success for achieving that outcome.
+  - A set of possible side effects as well as aproposed range of verifiability for each
+Understanding of many phenomena seem to suggest a universal principal about physics and reality:
+- Our systems adapt to stimulii and the nuance of these adaptations does not have a limit of resolution, but a limit as to how well they can be perceived and observed.

+ 88 - 0

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+there has to be something to the sentiment intrinsic to being
+there's something about how that contributes to reality
+about how it is an expression of existence
+how it is the form of the expression which defines existing
+how it is expressed from the transformation of all
+whether it is an arbitrary frame in the perception of believing in such semantic definitions of the state of the Universe
+it is still something which is inferred because of the realization of a pattern
+the fact that there is anything to be remarked at all is an acknowledgment of a pattern having been perceived
+you see it you know it
+the fact that you were able to remark at all is an acknowledgment that such a pattern exists
+something about how the emotion is either something which is being evoked from the components of the material state, their interactions, and so forth
+that it is a sort of reaction to the stimulii
+the apparatuses which are relevant to the material interactions that are part of the transformation taking place over a given axiom
+there has to be something to the sentiment intrinsic to being
+there's something about how that contributes to reality
+about how it is an expression of existence
+how it is the form of the expression which defines existing
+how it is expressed from the transformation of all
+whether it is an arbitrary frame in the perception of believing in such semantic definitions of the state of the Universe
+it is still something which is inferred because of the realization of a pattern
+the fact that there is anything to be remarked at all is an acknowledgment of a pattern having been perceived
+you see it you know it
+the fact that you were able to remark at all is an acknowledgment that such a pattern exists
+something about how the emotion is either something which is being evoked from the components of the material state, their interactions, and so forth
+that it is a sort of reaction to the stimulii
+the apparatuses which are relevant to the material interactions that are part of the transformation taking place over a given axiomoh this looks quite a bit better
+I try but I can't
+so we probably need to have some sort of field by which to measure the interaction occurring so that we can extrapolate that the pattern which we deduce through observation as having manifested and that it has, at the very least, compeling correlation with the emotional state of the being acting in the situation
+is this something that we think about as being fundamentally at borne out of the internal state of one being
+how much can the sentiment of one's being be responsible for the perception of that sentiment?
+there has to be something to the sentiment intrinsic to being
+there's something about how that contributes to reality
+about how it is an expression of existence
+how it is the form of the expression which defines existing
+how it is expressed from the transformation of all
+whether it is an arbitrary frame in the perception of believing in such semantic definitions of the state of the Universe
+it is still something which is inferred because of the realization of a pattern
+the fact that there is anything to be remarked at all is an acknowledgment of a pattern having been perceived
+you see it you know it
+the fact that you were able to remark at all is an acknowledgment that such a pattern exists
+something about how the emotion is either something which is being evoked from the components of the material state, their interactions, and so forth
+that it is a sort of reaction to the stimulii
+the apparatuses which are relevant to the material interactions that are part of the transformation taking place over a given axiom
+there has to be something to the sentiment intrinsic to being
+there's something about how that contributes to reality
+about how it is an expression of existence
+how it is the form of the expression which defines existing
+how it is expressed from the transformation of all
+whether it is an arbitrary frame in the perception of believing in such semantic definitions of the state of the Universe
+it is still something which is inferred because of the realization of a pattern
+the fact that there is anything to be remarked at all is an acknowledgment of a pattern having been perceived
+you see it you know it
+the fact that you were able to remark at all is an acknowledgment that such a pattern exists
+something about how the emotion is either something which is being evoked from the components of the material state, their interactions, and so forth
+that it is a sort of reaction to the stimulii
+the apparatuses which are relevant to the material interactions that are part of the transformation taking place over a given axiom
+"there has to be something to the sentiment intrinsic to being
+there's something about how that contributes to reality
+about how it is an expression of existence
+how it is the form of the expression which defines existing
+how it is expressed from the transformation of all
+whether it is an arbitrary frame in the perception of believing in such semantic definitions of the state of the Universe
+it is still something which is inferred because of the realization of a pattern
+the fact that there is anything to be remarked at all is an acknowledgment of a pattern having been perceived
+you see it you know it
+the fact that you were able to remark at all is an acknowledgment that such a pattern exists
+something about how the emotion is either something which is being evoked from the components of the material state, their interactions, and so forth
+that it is a sort of reaction to the stimulii
+the apparatuses which are relevant to the material interactions that are part of the transformation taking place over a given axiom
+`there has to be something to the sentiment intrinsic to being
+there's something about how that contributes to reality
+about how it is an expression of existence
+how it is the form of the expression which defines existing
+how it is expressed from the transformation of all
+whether it is an arbitrary frame in the perception of believing in such semantic definitions of the state of the Universe
+it is still something which is inferred because of the realization of a pattern
+the fact that there is anything to be remarked at all is an acknowledgment of a pattern having been perceived
+you see it you know it
+the fact that you were able to remark at all is an acknowledgment that such a pattern exists
+something about how the emotion is either something which is being evoked from the components of the material state, their interactions, and so forth
+that it is a sort of reaction to the stimulii
+the apparatuses which are relevant to the material interactions that are part of the transformation taking place over a given axiom

+ 17 - 0

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+there has to be something to the sentiment which is instrinsic to being
+sentiment must be intrinsic to being
+the intrinsic sentiment found in the expression of being must also be a part of the actions and interactions of that being
+it is difficult to separate the concept of the sentiment from the action
+or to be able to separate sentiment from intent, expectation
+all of these things are complex phenomenae which cannot be measured by any reliable heuristic
+yet they are all present, and agreed to be present, by any reasonable human (at least, we should expect as much, and it would be surprising to see someone arguing against this case)
+so how do we even begin to think about measuring these things?
+How can we measure the degree to which someone is influenced by their emotion?
+or the degree to which an action performed by an individual was influenced by their emotion?
+is this somethign which we can only gauge from the outcome?
+we'd need to be able to evaluate a few things, make observations on a few things
+1. the outcome itself. This is a strong indicator as to what was being aimed for, if not the strongest indicator
+2. the facial expression of the being. We could possibly deduce emotion from the expression on the face
+3. if the being would have plausibly been aware of anything which increases the weight of decisions being made, and if any of those decisions would have, in such a circumstance, be deemed to yield a moral or emotive implication
+even if we have evidence in the 3rd case which makes a handful of actions much more consequential than the rest, and the right means of making the evaluation, there's still no guarantee that something like this could be done perfectly, because we have no way to verify the mind and experience of the subject in question

+ 5 - 0

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+It is always that same, familiar retort:
+"Oh, but it is merely a suggestion, a recommendation. It is nothing to be alarmed about. As though the world's largest corporate entities have nothing but our health at heart, and they are more able to provide insight into our society than we ourselves are capable"
+These politicians are so quick to believe or agree with any supporting rationale, and that goes to show you the standards they are used to. They feel they are able to make preicise claims about complex phenomena for which they have little understanding, and this must be because they are able to reach a minimally certain perspective on the matter
+They have low standards for evidence because they have proven they work by receiving funding for an initiative, not the outcome of that initiative (must have been written while I was falling asleep)

+ 11 - 0

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+here we o beginning the words the typing the flow the output let it all come out at once and neverending never stopping just keep going and having output until it can be cultivated and coaxed and morphed and shaped and patterned and formatted and exploited and wrangled out into something specifi csomething distinct something memorable something remarkable something noteworthy something that we can pay attention to something that can have something obvious to be deduced from it to be observed about it to be commented on it about to be discerned and understood to be obviously inferred to be easily perceptible upon first glance something that sticks out and gives it an  identification or a symbol from within one's framework of existence and coception of the world, so that it has functionality and a interface to that being, that being is able to understand how it can exist in the world and hwo it can affect its life its body its soul its dreams and its fears
+any one single symbol can evoke all these types of things or touch upon them in some way, it just takes understanding an association of the symbols in order to orchestrate or produce a tapestry or organized procedure or list of steps, even, in order to persuade the individual or enlighten the individual or educate the individual
+they need a good excuse to pay attention to it, so it better be something they can latch onto very easily, even if it is something which represents or leads to a more complex concept, we want it to be something obvious because that makes the concept or the association firm
+it needs to be obvious enough to become reality at the moment that it is present or noticed
+if it's osmething ambiguous then we things will fall apart.. oru understanding, our interest, our momentum.. none of these things will maintain themselves nad thus whatever the effort or idea was that was being pushed forward initially will begin to fizzle out and turn into nothingness or even worse
+it will become an abyss for time and contemplation, with no clear path to greater understanding
+well that might be a bit of an exaggeration but it's something that we can start with in order to talk about whether or not a product, tool or even concept needs to be demonstrated or introduced in such a way that one distinct feature or truth is deduced from its presentation immediately from the outset
+in some cases it might be that thing which we are avoiding, especially if we want to remind people of the problem we are trying to solve
+if we start with the problem, and then show them the solution
+instead of just showing them the solution and having it be self evident that it can solve a problem

+ 6 - 0

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+the scope of structure being evaluated is of utmost importance
+you could evaluate a behaviour in a system which, when evaluated for aggregate net effect upon the largest possible structure of relevance, demonstrates a clear net loss
+other evaluations on other structures, or at different temporal scopes, might lead to conclusions indicating or suggestng a net gain
+your model needs some type of quantification which examines the relationship of implicated structures 
+if you believe there are no more than one structure pertaining to the study in question, then your problem isn't your proposed model

+ 23 - 0

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+here we are displaying ourselves and our expectations for the future
+expect from the future
+expect better things from all
+demonstrate that we expect a better future
+a reminder from the Universe to expect a better future
+the world hints at a better tomorrow
+a better tomorrow is something worth celebrating
+the future is literally what we all make it
+Tipping the hat to a better tomorrow
+what's in a gender reveal?
+is it a party? is it discovery?
+is it the end of or beginning of an adventure?
+what's most revelatory about it?
+our expectations of each other?
+our expectations of the future?
+our expectations for new hope in the world?
+are we revealing something new?
+something old?
+something of the self, or of the other?
+do we confirm what we know? or discover we knew nothing all along?
+gender revealed!

+ 46 - 0

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+we have an album to make
+tracks to record
+instruments to master and uses to coax out the sounds to get the message communicated
+what is the message?
+it's a message of joy and wonder
+it's the sentiment of exploration and continued forward motion
+it's the idea of being able to look back on what has past and changed one's understanding of it
+seeing it in the future, and also realizing that it is not actually repeated, but it is actually not lost and forgotten
+it is always news and always the same
+how can this be?
+how is it that we are able to enjoy a universe where all that is past is not lost, all that is future is not a repetition
+this is the ultimate paradise of experience and reality
+able to continually expand the moment for new exploration while being grateful for that which there was
+is it a gratitude?
+is there a sort of gratitude which is without the human emotions that we associate with it?
+what is the manner in which we can conceptualize a gratitude in existence, a gratitude of existence's attitude towards its own existence
+must existence itself be grateful to have come to be?
+is that something which can only be expressed in the actions or state of being of a human?
+or something analogous to a human in the sense that there is the belief of/in, or plausible observation of gratitude or acknowledgment that it is better to exist than to not
+is that something which is only borne of the perception of humankind?
+is it something borne of the finite?
+or of a perception which is finite
+a perception which has temporal finitude
+quick hops of joyous, bold and daring expression
+a trance to really reinforce the expression of one's rhythm
+coaxing into the progression
+the movement which must make its full rounds
+it must go completely around the system of existence
+we make the rounds a few times
+and then we come back to the trance
+we must do the step again
+we must fall into a pattern of divine reflection
+but more rounds are to be done
+off we go and around we go
+trying to find the right way to travel around, the ultimate path for discovery and adventure
+the ultimate path for ensuring that experience is understood and taken in
+we need to try a few more times, it's never qiute what we expect
+but it's always so inspiring 
+such a satisfaction of delving nito the unknown
+that it always ends up being something new
+and that it's always good, even when ti' sbad
+even when it's the worst, it's the best
+there's nothing else which can be it
+and to have at least have it be something to have it be anything at all is better than for there never having been anything and for there to never be anything once or again
+such a flight over delicate, carefully constructed and navigated footing

+ 13 - 0

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+Slogans, chants of hte dead. Uttered so self-evidently that one's demeanor, one's structure of spirit is inconsequential (is one's state of being not consequential?)
+We deduce a concept of spirit -> religious -> an entity not bearing an immutable relationship toa physical, mortal body
+an entity not bearing an immutable relationship to a physical,  mortal body
+-> secular -> the perceived stylistic expression
+- the character with which an event occurs / action is performed
+Character / Stylistic Expression
+- Perceived by a human because the conceived images the action being performed by themselves, or being constructed as an observer (whcih still creates embodiment) and can apply to it an element of style.
+- This style is best understood as a configuration which represents a modulator for potential of expression
+Modulated expression of an action as performed or embodied can be argued as being a personality, because it individualizes aspects of the event such as to make the action perceptible and distinct
+-> personalized expression - personality
+-> structure of spirit -> the configuration for the archtypal personality deduced from an action

+ 11 - 0

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+let's talk about vaccines for a moment
+why are people so scared of them?
+there are probably many who simply have a general fear for things that they do not understsand
+you could actually make that statement about all people
+but in their case, you might say that they understand it less, or they have more fear about things that they do not understand
+what is to be understood about vaccines?
+we theorize that their use is worthwhile because it can improve the human body's immune response to foreign organisms and biological material
+I say biological material because there are some who do not view viruses as a biological organism, but there is certainly biological material in the form of DNA
+we assume their efficacy on the basis of their administration leading to the presence of antibodies
+we assume that if a greater expression of antibodies is present, that we are better able to respond to particular immunological threats by targeting them more specifically, more quickly, more aggressively, reducing the time required to eradicate the threat, and reduce the likelihood that symptoms manifest while dealing with that threat, or reducing the severity of such symptoms should they arise

+ 23 - 0

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+reason to be hesitant regarding the administration of vaccines
+first of all, there's the proposition that vaccines must be mandated, made mandatory somehow, and that this providing access of our bodies to the government
+that we are allowing the state to demonstrate ownership over our personhood
+one could say that there are exist other facets of human living that could be manipulated or controlled in some regard, by the government, because it can contribute tic safety
+simply allowing us to interact with one another at all is a public health risk
+perhaps that is why the lockdowns have been so well normalized
+we're coming to a place where no oen wants to even see one another, and perhaps that has been orchestrated
+nevertheless, we are going off course with this
+it's important to remember that there are few or perhaps no other means by which the government is able to violate one's personhood or the sanctity and privacy of one's  body
+which come even close to the degree of violation resulting from forced vaccinations, mandated vaccines, mandatory vaccination
+first of all, it tends to be under an umbrella assumption regarding all vaccines
+of course the case is made for one vaccine, but the standard by which a vaccine is considered to be efficacious is the antibody response its administration yields
+and it might be argued that this is more relevant for some diseases than others
+I suppose something tha twe need a better understanding of is the degree to which antibody response prior to actual contact with a viru sis relevant
+and what qualitative differences might exist between a vaccine induced antibody response versus one which manifests after an experience with the live virus under normal circumstances
+it might be that what we believe to be very similar is actually only superficially so
+of course, I am theorizing 
+furthermoer it might be worth knowing if vaccines are able to create killer lymphocytes at a predictable rate
+if it's an absolute effect
+and whether or not different lymphocyte types, derived from contact with different vaccines, having dramatically varied risk factors associated with them
+nothing, bitch

+ 20 - 0

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+So why have any other about vaccines at all?
+what is it that anyone might be afraid of?
+why would anyone not something which enhances their safety, functionality/capabilities, viability, vitality, lifespan, longevity, health and wellbeing?
+and i think the issue here is that we must make assumptions about many of these things
+will it enhance my safety?
+well I suppose it depends on the vaccine
+in the case of something which is almost no risk at all
+atleast in sofar that it might result in mortality
+it becomes difficult because I need to presuppose that a) the variant of he virus is relevant to that which I would be protected against from having taken the vaccine
+b) if I were to incur any symptoms of from having taken the vaccine, they themselves would be less pronounced and less significant than the symptoms which would accompany an actual infection by the targeted pathogen
+c) there are no symptoms manifesting from components of the vaccine which are not the virus itself; OR
+there are no symptoms manifesting that are qualitatively different from those that would manifest from the virus, or its analog, in whatever form happens to be present in the vaccine
+d) there are no other unwanted or detrimental effects that might be incurred, whether noticed or not
+one of the biggest issues that I have is the presumption that the antibody counts themselves (seroprevalence) should be the focus / primary factor by which to measure efficacy
+it  becomes very complicated to measure efficacy because you need to have some measurable material factor, such as seroprevalance
+you need to compute the estimated number of cases of infection by that pathogen for a given time frame
+then estimate the given number of cases that would have occurred without immunization
+and make an assertion as to the efficacy of hte vaccine on having prevented those theoretical infections
+we need to consider that the manner by which the cases is reported is consistent with other pathogens/diseases, and not limited to this specific pathogen

+ 43 - 0

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+## So what are some of the main things that we have to talk about
+there's a lot on everyone's mind right now
+1. obviously we must talk about the **`fights`** and about how we all come together and get inspired to strengthen ourselves and fight against adversity, and how UFC sort of services to improve the conditions for us to be reminded of this mode of being and path of progressing or traversing the world
+so there's that.. there might not be something specific for each person to contribute on this subject, but everyone can sort of get into the general subject of fighting and continuing on when things are difficult
+then next we should talk about Ross and his monetary policy stuff
+possibly give him a bit of a hard time about not having released something for it yet
+there should be a teaser.. a taster.. something to tantalize people adn give hope for something to come
+this also serves to make him more motivated and a bit more anxious to produce somethin gof valu esooner
+this will be antoher thing to remind him to make better use of his time, etc
+it's just wins all across the board if we bring this up on and pounce on him with it
+excellent, we'll definitely have to do that
+ok so what's next... there's a few other things that we must talk about in order to have a productive discussion
+2. I guess we can talk about China
+obviously we can talk about the possibility that China was responsible for having released the Wuhan virus
+the China Virus
+or the Sars COV2 strain responsible for all the covid19 infections that are now becoming the covid20 infections, so long as they get to a point of defining variants where they can assert that they are different enough from the strains encountered at the end of 2019 that we can call it a new strain
+I should be more specific in stating that these are variants of SarsCov2 and not "covid"
+3. in any case, it's all semantics and we know that it' smostly a marter of understanding particular principles than it is about referring to the nomenclature that we've chosen to reference and describe those principles, whereby we even lose sight of our ability to describe things accurately or at a high enough resolution to avoid some of the pifalls of overgeneralization and politically-biased discussions
+4. so then we should also talk about Chinese influence in tech markets
+is that actually causing people to make different decision about what products they purchase
+what services they consume
+what programs tehy watch or media content they consume
+where they get their education from
+it's probably not something all of them talk abou tfor all of these aspects of their lives
+but certainly everyone has some way in which they are confronted with a decision as to whether or not participating or acting will cause them to be corrupted with Chinese influence, even if it's to a negligible degree
+5. Ok, then we can probably talk about FACE MASKS
+Is everyone wearing them all the time?
+are there questionable circumstances where they really find that it's not good to wear one, in  spite of the fact that they're supposed to
+do they treat different friends and family members differently based on their expectations regarding face masks and the threat of coronavirus?
+how does this make them feel? is this something tha tthey deal with on a regular basis? od they have to deal with it in a professional capacity? or just when they do groceries?
+do any of them take the opportunity to dissent in public?
+do any of them take the opportunity to dissent in a private establishment? how much does the factor of the particular threat of spread in that situation play into the decision of whether or not to dissent? is it something to be done on principle?
+6. How do they feel about authoritarianism? Was there a point in time in teh past year or so, specifically around the time when the threat was completely new, where they are prepared to give up their freedom and liberty? where they envisioned a world witha  totalitarian system that was keeping them away from a threat and that it was snough of a threat fo them to think that oh well this is the way I'll have to live, but at least i'll have a good chance of surviving?
+7. How much of the covid threat was a romantic situation?
+where they suddenly felt like they were in the programming they've been watching over the past few years, and it feels rather strange and exciting
+that, coupled with the fact that their expectations of themselves and expectations placed on them have all changed
+all of these things would have enabled the circumstance wherebyh they were mroe likely to be enthusiastic or excited by the romantic aspect of dealing with the novel covid threat etc
+how many were affected in this way?
+do they still feel affected in this way? is this something they have to think about every so often, or something they have to remind themselves to not fall into the habit of doing?
+8. How do they feel about the safety of masks? do they feel safer when they put them on? or do they feel silly? od they feel like they're spreading teh wrong message and participating in something destructive by giving into the manipulation? giving into the pressure to participate and wear one
+do they feel that it's something they have to eventually confront, or are they already behaving as tyhey would always have to in order to make the best choice as to how to consolidate the pressure of wearing masks in society?\

+ 2 - 0

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+How to find dignity in this life? Do we grant it to ourselves, or to others? Do we grant dignity purely by acting as though we have a hope of making sense of the world? Or is that simply a misunderstanding as to how we reflect on what is mostly an incessant need to busy ourselves? Does the dignity come before the event, as it occurs, or sometim after?

+ 4 - 0

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+Race invented as a social construct from observations of the naturalists who precede science and biology. There was no scientific method, but observations were being documented and systematized. This gave rise to the theories about race which asserted the dominance of superiority of europeans, and this was used as justification for the horrors of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Issue here is that dominant groups always do things to reinforce dominance and stay in power.
+Marx - Conflict Theory (economic) -> Frankfurt School -> Critical Theory -> Herbert Marcuse -> Critical Social and Cultural Phemonena -> This lead to the study by Angela Davis who laid the bedrock of Black Feminism -> upgraded by Derek Bell and Kimberle Crenshaw, who said that it was wrong to deconstruct racial identity, because only a person in oppressor class has the perspective to do it, and that makes it forbidden and immoral, so we must determine oppression by looking at power disparity and ordering by oppressed intersections, with race taking precedence for aspect of oppression -> most influential in one's experience.
+Assume racism is the default and exists in every interaction, with oppressed internalizing their oppression.

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+how are we to reconcile this
+I look at the conversations going on in the domain of climate science
+at least what i'm still being exposed to of it
+and I see the same old attitude which, I know from experience in any number of other domains, is not conducive to discerning truth, critical thinking, critical reasoning, problem solving, integrity of information, and so on
+I know that, over time, the margin for error is high enough that we have a snowballing problem
+we can't have accurate measurements if there's such a high tendency towards making errors
+especially in a domain of esxceeding complexity
+how do we reconcile that?
+I've always seen this ttype of attitude
+and this quality od dialogue
+where there's a real interest in the debate, int eh discussion
+and it would afford everyone with a great degree of perspective
+new knowledge and undeerstanding
+and a methodology for discerning truth in areas that are complex
+but we haven't been able ot benefit from that
+instead we have this childish nonsense
+which becomes some sort of an exclusionary dance of fashionable people
+I can't really stand it and it offends my sense of reason
+it is disgusting to see and, even though I considered myself ac limate activist and someoe who was concerned about climate change and global warming, that attitude always bothered mei
+it always disgusted me and repelled me from the mvoement and from its advocates
+what brought things over the edge was whenever those people would apply that same attitude in other areas of liife
+I could see that it was a habit of their persona and not just something bound to the domain of lcimate science or climate activism
+it's somethign much more serious and I wasn't able to consolidate it
+so I ended up looking for other answers
+of course that takes you through the run fo the mill conspiracies and a lot of tin hattery that can't be cited or trusted
+but it also rboguht you to specific individuals who are accredited, sometimes in a directly relevant field, sometimes in a field whic his an overarching prerequisite for the field of focus
+and in all cases, that same mentality would pervade the environment whenever a discussion was being had between these individuals and mainstream climate scientists
+it was always the same exclusionary tactics, and unwillingness to look at the information
+no steelmanning of arguments, just cherry picking and pretending to not hear one another
+but particularly from teh side of the mainstream climate science advocates
+I don't think I ever felt satisfied in assuming that they even understood the arguments being put forward against them
+it seemed as though they had arrived with a prejudice towards the other side
+and had already decided that they weren't willing to engage the debate except to dismiss the other side and ridicule them
+it was not something tha tI felt I could learn from
+I did, however, feel i was learning something when the denialists or skeptics argued their own evidence
+and would attempt to refute the arguments and evidence being brought forward by the alarmists

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+if we are to become increasingly sensitive to the detection of racism in our fellow humans, we should eventually consider that the racism that has arisen thus far has affected the minds of those subjected to it and that, as such, we would consider that the intentions of humans are affected
+furthermore, we would expect that the affects of racism would differ between those whose race matches the type targeted by the racism vs those whose race matches the type who was perpetrating that racism
+as such, we would eventually need to consider race when measuring intent, causing to increase our dependency on the act of measuring and designating the race of our fellow humans
+Our effort to become sensitive to racism increases the demand to evaluate humans by race

+ 16 - 0

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+# Stirring
+What stirs in us? Anger? Lust? What do we each need?
+Are they fleeting moments or etches in the masterpiece of reality?
+One might simply say "Oh, to hell with it" and choose to believe that the time which was felt to have been poorly spent is only felt about in such manner through the veil which each is already forsaken to. Surely, if man is fallible then we can always assume the interlocutor has failed, or is preparing to.
+But then that can't be the case, can it? Because, if that were true, our computers wouldn't work, the bridges would fall, buildings would crumble and the jets would plummet (all of them).
+We know very well that we can rely on certainties, else we would be in constant freefall. Saad claims that which allows us to deceive for competitive advantage may also 1. Deceive us or 2. Cause us to do things for which there is utility in deceiving ourselves about.
+It makes me go to my childhood, particularly any moment where I miht have found myself in an aggressive competition. THere are moments when you might have great success in your aggression and might awaken a malevolence. Almost blaming them for having awakened it in you.
+So what now of friends and family. How does one reconcile with the opinion that one is risking great calamity? What calamities?
+- Authoritarianism -> fundamental loss of freedoms as an entity
+- Loss of health -> coupled with ignorance on tehri part, or possibly some ill-intent mixed through. When there is anger or hatred, how does this affect the flame being ignited?

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+another day another great training session
+it seems like everyday is an opportunity to do something
+to try something new
+to make progress in some regard
+to challenge oneself in a way not yet challenged before
+to find a feeling that had never previously been felt
+to feel something at an intensity not previously reached
+to experience the expression of a feeling which is more complete than ever before
+an yes that's what I was trying to get at but it wwas a bit difficult to fin da new dimension along which to express the concept of a feeling or the experience of it
+but th eexperience of it is exactly what I meant to say
+so yes these things happen everyday
+whether we like it or not
+so the best thing to do is ot make it into our own opportunity
+a creation of our own choosing
+an endeavour sought for our own particular use or need
+our own preference
+our own msot appropriately understood designated end target
+the target the goal the bullseye the endpoint the final destination the pinnacle the place of paradise the utopia the end stage the image of perfection the greatest state that could ever come to be or manifest ihaha I hate using that word
+it's crazy how we end up relying on particular forms of phrases in order to construct our thoughts
+it's the same with music theory and improvisation where someone needs to navigate a harmonic structure or a rudimentation or rhythmic structure
+they move through it with the previously programmed routines that they can invoke and disperse and try to organize into an intelligent pattern that may or may not brrelative to the harmonic transformationst hata re occuring at that moment
+there are various levels and style preferences with which this can be done
+and obviously the possibilities expand with experience
+but nevertheless, does it ever really deviate from this particular action?
+the act of stringing along constructions based on previously programmed compositions
+neat little preconceived structures that can be recanted or reconstructed or somehow modified or modulated on the spot in order to make them conform to the context at habd
+to the tonality of the other sounds that you are intermingling with
+that you are coexisting with
+that you are harmonizing with
+that you are complementing
+that you are reinforcing
+that you are restructuring
+that you rae recontextualizing
+that you are regressing
+that you are overwhelming
+that you are competing with
+that you are domianting
+that you are submitting to
+that you are underestimating
+that you may have underestimated
+that you are learning from
+that you are optimizing for
+that you are adapated for
+that you will want to have adapted from
+that you will want to have been adapted from in the future

+ 1 - 1

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Well, why not? Let's look at the issues specifically
 We look at the police today, and we see that they are out of shape, often overweight, probably not having to perform recurring fitness exams or risk being thrown off the force. At the very least, receiving physicals which bear no weight on whether or not they shoudl be allowed to continue as a police officer.
-The image of the doughnut eating pig is forever in everyone's minds, and so it's easy to become manic with glee as we look at the issue in greater detail. Money might be available for me which has always been there, but I was too blind to see. It's almost like I'm doing the work of making sure money is better allocated in society, and the image of a fat cop is the only evidence I really need to come to the conclusion that it's a worthwhile target, and get suddenly it's worth championing.
+The image of the doughnut eating pig is forever in everyone's minds, and so it's easy to become manic with glee as we look at the issue in greater detail. Money might be available for me which has Nalways been there, but I was too blind to see. It's almost like I'm doing the work of making sure money is better allocated in society, and the image of a fat cop is the only evidence I really need to come to the conclusion that it's a worthwhile target, and get suddenly it's worth championing.
 But do we really know if there are excesses? And, furthermore, do we know if there might be expenstes for which there is an excess? Is the excess an expenditure, or is it something for which other expenses are incurred? We do that at the moment.