Emmanuel Buckshi 1 年間 前
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@@ -133,13 +133,34 @@ The point of invoking Hegel is not simply to demonstrate how absurd, theological
 ## Always the Body
 ## Always the Body
-To commit someone into a preconceived future, it is generally that the rationale follows an assertion that we are always being directed to commit to a preconceived future, and that all this direction is, unless performed according to Theory, done such as to mould and contort us so that we'll best serve the needs and diesires of the most powerful to the exclusions of our own. This is something which occurs regardless of whether it is explicitly noticed or otherwise directly ascertained, and we know this became about because of unequal social conditions. These simple animalistic survivale takes reign of peope's faculties. We know that these behaviours are ultimately animalistic because...
+To commit someone into a preconceived future, the rationale is that we are always being directed into making commitments to a preconceived future, and that all this direction is, unless performed according to Theory, done such as to mould and contort us, in an evolution of the self and the collective, so that we'll best serve the needs and desires of the most powerful to the exclusions of our own; this sacrifice of self is the formula for our resilience with the whole.
+So why the body? Well our body, as an object within that system wherein too is found that collective, has its meaning inscribed through its relation to that collective and when not in perfect harmony, cannot express its true meaning. That is, the factor of individuals directing bodies towards the conception of future which is brought about through their beliefs about the world, if not also in perfect harmony with the collective, prevent the expression of one's meaning that would have otherwise been made possible under the conditions of the perfect harmony. This is akin to preventing one from being themselves.
+This influence of leading those bound to bodies towards a future without harmony is evident per the social conditions. The consequence of this being that an incomplete human is left to simple, animalistic survival and this lower instinct takes reign in place of the higher faculties which are the capacities of human existence which are purported to differentiate us from mere animals.
 # A Glimpse of Empathy
 # A Glimpse of Empathy
 January 19, 2023
 January 19, 2023
 You see it happen every so often. An exchange with a naive passerby, or even an ideologically opposing or otherwise incongruent interlocutor who takes a moment to suspend the conflict and try and understand their conversation/informal debate partner. If that partner is "woke", they may, at this one moment, come to display or radiate an empathetic emotion.
 You see it happen every so often. An exchange with a naive passerby, or even an ideologically opposing or otherwise incongruent interlocutor who takes a moment to suspend the conflict and try and understand their conversation/informal debate partner. If that partner is "woke", they may, at this one moment, come to display or radiate an empathetic emotion.
+The question is where does this lead? Where can it lead? What is the range of potential for possible outcomes? Does it seemingly always, eventually, go to the same place? Or are we talking some tendency over a distribution? Something completely random?
+Unfortunately, it seems to only go one way, and before we lose hope and consider it all futile, might I say that I don't think it's the case that it must be this way; it's simply the case that it has mostly been this way, and that our way of living greatly favours maximizing group behaviour or making decisions that coincide with a greater number of people due to these factors:
+- social isolation
+- meaning isolation
+- accessible information
+- likelihood that information encountered is recognized in generally the same context at scale
+  - setting
+  - sequence of events
+  - types of objects
+  - roles of objects
+  - high level impact
+This plays out not only as having an expectation about your behaviour, but an expectation that an interlocutor would have an expectation about their own behaviour based on a similarly accessible set of data. That is, they had similar ease and likelihood as you in obtaining the information which most informed them on this subject, and that information was of a scale similar to your information, and so on.
+Again, these are not necessarily psychological predictions, but they are the rationale by which someone could recognize the ability to make an assertion, thus it's important to ponder the likelihood that these positions and related data are commonly accessed, taking some form of reasonable precedence in terms of their being accessed under particular circumstances, etc - again, you can see that it is endless.
 ## Woke
 ## Woke
 What do we mean by woke? We mean:
 What do we mean by woke? We mean:
 - Perpetual awareness that oppression is structural
 - Perpetual awareness that oppression is structural
@@ -150,24 +171,25 @@ What do we mean by woke? We mean:
 The first step of that is becoming woke:
 The first step of that is becoming woke:
 Woke -> Class Conscious -> Solidarity -> Justice
 Woke -> Class Conscious -> Solidarity -> Justice
+### Fanonian Woke / Decolonization
+- Seeking transformation
+- Acute awareness of opportunities to evoke social tension
+- Sacred violence until rebirth
 ## Empathy
 ## Empathy
 What about empathy?
 What about empathy?
 - Traditionally, we think of actually feeling someone else's emotions and understanding their experience
 - Traditionally, we think of actually feeling someone else's emotions and understanding their experience
-But this is something which, in spite of our openness and belief concerning our perception of another's experience and feeling about one's own intuition, remains unverifiable. Instead, we can consider emppathy to be:
-- The desire to tolerate, understand and listen to/be attentive to and have kinship with another.
+But this is something which, in spite of our openness and belief concerning our perception of another's experience and feeling about one's own intuition, remains unverifiable. Instead, we can consider empathy to be:
+- The desire to tolerate, understand, listen to and be attentive to another
 - It is having a frame of mind where, if even for a microsecond, one perceives the other as something capable of having the same experience, making the same realizations and reaching the same understanding
 - It is having a frame of mind where, if even for a microsecond, one perceives the other as something capable of having the same experience, making the same realizations and reaching the same understanding
-Now that we have a more comprehensive view of wokeness, we can expand:
-- Accutely aware of any number of things but it is all tantamount to a desire to transform reality itself.
-- Rebirth sought in violent yet sacred acts.
 ## Sacred
 ## Sacred
 This is why the words divine or sacred are used so frequent:
 This is why the words divine or sacred are used so frequent:
 - Abortions are sacred
 - Abortions are sacred
-  - Transcend the limmt of female biology, the prison and life sentence/punishment that you didn't ask for and don't deserve to suffer through
+  - Transcend the limit of female biology, the prison and life sentence/punishment that you didn't ask for and don't deserve to suffer through
   - Death of the baby is the death of this reality and the death of part of the woman and her body, so that she may be reborn with greater ability and awareness of the true reality she is manifesting/actualizing
   - Death of the baby is the death of this reality and the death of part of the woman and her body, so that she may be reborn with greater ability and awareness of the true reality she is manifesting/actualizing
-  - Creates that new reality whre all women have been reborn as something free
+  - Creates that new reality where all women have been reborn as something free
 - POC are sacred
 - POC are sacred
   - pure, innocent and noble, like Rousseau's noble savages made to live in cities
   - pure, innocent and noble, like Rousseau's noble savages made to live in cities
   - They have souls; they can occupy bodies because there is something that will be able to transcend the body
   - They have souls; they can occupy bodies because there is something that will be able to transcend the body
@@ -1070,6 +1092,9 @@ Barring such an ideal which, with no demonstrative capacity, should be treated a
 In employing such a standard, one might come to realize that assuming one is not empathetic for failure to agree is not supported by evidence, regardless of the position being argued, whereas the expressing that one is without empathy is itself evidence that one is not empathetic. This is another reason for us to call false empathy aempathy. It is not presumptive or menacing, for we would not speak of it or write and think of it except as a defense against dialectical attacks, which necessitates a more complex understanding
 In employing such a standard, one might come to realize that assuming one is not empathetic for failure to agree is not supported by evidence, regardless of the position being argued, whereas the expressing that one is without empathy is itself evidence that one is not empathetic. This is another reason for us to call false empathy aempathy. It is not presumptive or menacing, for we would not speak of it or write and think of it except as a defense against dialectical attacks, which necessitates a more complex understanding
+# Grumble Tumble
+They grumble that we sully their name by failing to agree that their evolution of thought has a perfect form which is yet to be realized as something sepaate from the known collective of today. They claim that there are nuances we don't yet understand.
 # New Woke
 # New Woke
 Covidism is the new woke because it puts even non-devout covidists into the wizard's circle and keeps them doing the work predicated on the logic of a covidist world:
 Covidism is the new woke because it puts even non-devout covidists into the wizard's circle and keeps them doing the work predicated on the logic of a covidist world:
 - nature is harmonious without the division of labour/property
 - nature is harmonious without the division of labour/property
@@ -1078,4 +1103,34 @@ Covidism is the new woke because it puts even non-devout covidists into the wiza
   - nature returns through the collective
   - nature returns through the collective
   - all must do the work of bringing the conditions for a harmonius nature after the threats are overcome by eliminating motividowel
   - all must do the work of bringing the conditions for a harmonius nature after the threats are overcome by eliminating motividowel
-Man who has false consciousness, by eliminating indiidual man who has false consciousness at best, and is actually trying to worsen the trip of ideology/domination due to KM's bourgeois indoctrination
+Man who has false consciousness, by eliminating indiidual man who has false consciousness at best, and is actually trying to worsen the trip of ideology/domination due to KM's bourgeois indoctrination
+## Motion of Covidism
+Right to set into motion the mechanism to declare when one has the right to refuse access to their body.
+Covidism => Dialectic atacks on normalcy:
+- health
+- adaptation
+- consent
+- immunity
+Experimental just means we say it isn't ready
+Choose to not perform actions demanded of you.
+Time and time again, high profile members of the media calling for denial of care to unvaccinated. State-mediated resources, such as public transportation, only offered to the vaccinated. State-enforced prevention of border-traversal, even from state to state/province to province or even city to city and town to town. Prevention of entering establishments for hospitality, entertainment, and purchasing of certain goods. Preventing entry into department stores and boutiques.
+People normalizing such a transformation to totalitarianism. Why would anyone not push back against a syste that's overriding rights? Because you believe you are well situated within it.
+# Reflexive Environments
+The reflexive environment is constantly set before or around you. Always know there is a play and that your best play is to understand enough to choose to ignore it, or to defuse it through nullifying the rationale used to generate its supporting logic, which will always involve a false dichotomy. Don't become emotionally vulnerable to the plays and you won't have to react at all.
+How are you reacting to the notion that you are useless, a source of waste and a toxic menace to all the world?
+You are signaling your expectation to conform to future demands. Not even on the basis of understanding the impact, but because this is the social test to gauge purity in society. Purity should only be considered against the standard and principles of universal sensemaking: logic and reason.
+Sensemaking itself should always be the goal, not just because the unknown can lead to tragedy and catastrophe, but also because the positive discoveries have the potential to uplift you through removing barriers previously perceived as permanent fixtures, updating one's view of reality and refreshing the understanding of goals, tools and possibilities.
+All discourse and communicative exchange should ideally be a form of sensemaking, for this is, without a doubt, the best strategy for maximum, universal, long-term prosperity and progress.
+One might declare that a structure fo society can, through force, affect chage more significantly and that this is clearly demonstrable in the sense that it can instantiate any desired activity at any moment it chooses, regardless of opinions and sentiments. But force can condition hubris, defiance and complacency and all of these can impact how and what information is shared - even whether information is confronted or consolidated at all.