logicp 2 年 前

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+# Masked Identity
+Baby -> Thinks they cannot be observed by that which it cannot someone
+Observed in other animals too -> ostriche theory?
+- Embedded in us to feel less exposed when we cannot be observed
+- necessity of transparency in public actions
+We used to make fun of people who used computers too much -> date online personas, avoid sports, etc
+Helicopter parenting -> enabling regression -> means to tantalize tyrant in an adult -> allowing for their own satisfaction of resolution by proxy over challenges that are comparatively less challenging to them -> culture of this
+- Culture of believing on eis doing by merely speaking
+- Child mentality wher we believe we are fully developed based on what we believe are others' perceptions of us. All thanks to no real work.
+Culture which is averse to real challenge. Always an escape route, excuses, low expectations, acknowledging mental illness, believing this acknowledgment is an accomplishment, one's identity is an accomplishment, we are all accomplished because we ueach have identity, therefore the inherent capability is not so important, more important to be the one who is speaking.
+- Power, attention, validation yb the group over things which no one challenge or verify
+- Born with the characteristics which make up identity.
+- This is a belief that all capabilities are already set, no need to develop them, just do aas you please
+- if you like it now, then it is good
+- no understanding that hard, tedious work makes more viable, complexity, consolidated easier to be great
+- no habit or pusuit which reminds of that -> personal satisfaction replaced by satisfaction f receiving attention, because policy demonstrates that people are confident and cmpetent, we just need to ensure that are given the spotlight
+- recognition by others is what matters and we miss not scrutizining because it impedes their greatness, thus no expectation of being challenged
+one can feel safe making absurd claims without repercussion
+Children having only virtual accomplishments already settled with this standard
+- the mask is really easy for them, because it becomes the presentation of their identity - like a digital implement
+# Elevate
+Create ourselves and elevate to the heavens
+Now we know how to fly and live forever
+As gods, we have complete knowledge and everlasting life
+We wish to live forever and in whatever form or capacity we do so choose
+Thus we will live as whatever is most precious
+Elevate Ascend Transcend Transhumanism
+Astra Zeneca -> Star makeup
+Body perception senseor
+input output hierarchy field frame
+limit infinite eternity now
+future past God man Mortal Immortal
+existence nothingness time is is not
+# Delegated Health
+Sickness in children had become more common, and parents who had been indoctrinated with grievance and victimhood are:
+1. averse to seeing their child challenged
+2. Benefitting from commiserating about their child's suffering
+It is also my suffering and one more thing I have survived.
+Their pain is my accomplishment, and my escape from being held accountable.
+In this way, not only are the children less responsible, because htere are fewer social repercussions from failing to achieve optimal health, but the parents are not accountable either.
+Every poor outcome of health can be understood as something which happened to them, and accrues their set of accomplishments.
+Childhood vaccine expansion replaces any normally/naturally conferred immunity
+Even if traditionally superior, we must take action which assumes everyone has the same capability.

+ 12 - 6

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 ## Intro
 - Grooming mentality
-- Destabilizing identity in a politically actionable away
+- Destabilizing identity in a politically actionable way
 - Lead to transhumanism in the sense of Donnah Harroway's conception of a genderless, raceless, collectivist cyborg manufactured and programmed to have particular affinities which replace identities. Thus allowing a cohesive, political affinity which applies universally to all entities.
 ## WEF
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 - Target children to have them believe that mere inauthentic acceptance has been insufficient
 - Exacerbate alienation as a revolutionary force: *"It's always open season on gay kids" - Eve Sedgwick*
-#### Homonormativity over Heteronormativity
+### Homonormativity over Heteronormativity
 - Advocates strategizing to increase likelihood of gay outcomes
 - Equates normative upbringing as a desire for non-gay outcome
 - Characterizes 1980 DSM-3 removal of homosexuality as erroneously celebrated (does not signal liberation)
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 - Contradiction of criticizing stabilization of homosexuality while criticizing addition of destabilized category (Gen. ID Disorder)
 - "loving reparation" of "figure" of "child's queer body" whose gender unreasonably "catches" "mother's femininity" or "father's masculinity" which "were not the first shadings of gender"
-#### Eve's Recent Remarks
+### Eve's Recent Remarks
 - Rethink, reinhabit the child with attention to queer character
 - Potential for metrics allowing "sideways growth"
 - Child is both limit and hope for Queer Theory
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 - Arguments RE childrens' sexualities stabilize queerness as identity rather than preserving a site of collective contestation
 *Queerness should not be stabilized, but something to collectize around, even if it's childhood sexuality*
-#### Hannah Argues to Queer ECE
+## Hannah Argues to Queer ECE
 - Child development theories are destructive if not attuned to possibility that children are or will become queer
 - Damaging expectation of childhood innocence represents child as figure without complexity
 - Insistence on childhood innocence injures development and might
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 - Forge conversation between Queer Theory and Childhood Studies to complicate assumptions about sexuality and a predictable future
 - Remove structure of problematic developmental psychology
-#### Notes on Sex Education
+### Notes on Sex Education
 - Comprehensive Sex Education first suggested by George Lukach to induce revolution
 - Compatible with Antonio Gramsci's view to attack 5 key cultural institutions: Family, Religion, Education, Media and Law
-#### Hannah Arguments Continued
+## Melding Childhood and Queer studies
 "Here I dwell on the contradiction that results from the synchronous assumptions of the child's asexuality and protoheterosexuality to show how emphasizing queer growth within a discussion about how children negotiate development is constructive
 - Asserts society expects children to be asexual
 - Links expectation that children are asexual with perception that they are protoheterosexual
 - Claims that emphasizing Queer growth in child development is constructive
 - Recommends examining Queer Theory of child such as to account for racism and colonialism (implies Queering can function on power dynamic against racism)
+Reframing through an intersectional sensibility problematizes stable categories (Gay/Lesbian)
+- Emphasizes the benefit of critiquing child studies insofar that they avoid Queerness
+- Considers conventional development stages as only being conducive to "horizontal growth" (stagnant)
+### David V. Ruffolo

+ 2 - 2

@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Another similar research paper worth referencing to see how complementary it is
 Because it is so often said that children are the future, queer children's attention to ensearing debates on queer futurity offer something new and important to studies of childhood.
-Drawing on and deepening recent attempts to meld the fields of childhood studies and queer theory, i dwell on the contradiction that results from the synchronous assumptions of the child's asexuality and proto-heterosexuality to show how emphasizing sexuality within a discussion of children's education is constructive.
+Drawing on and deepening recent attempts to meld the fields of childhood studies and queer theory, I dwell on the contradiction that results from the synchronous assumptions of the child's asexuality and proto-heterosexuality to show how emphasizing sexuality within a discussion of children's education is constructive.
 Dwelling on the contradiction that results from the synchronous assumptions of the child's asexuality (assuming that children are pre-sexual and, in fact, a-sexual as a result of being presexual. They are not focused on sex). She is saying that there is a cultural assumption that children aren't just asexual, but also that they are proto-heterosexual. They are going to become heterosexuals, so we treat children as asexual while indoctrinating them into heteronormative ideology. Treat them simultaneously as people who are not sexual beings, but who are being indoctrinated into a particular ideology of sex (heterosexuality). She says that the existence of this contradiction can be addressed by emphasizing sexuality (to fix this problem) in children's education - comprehensive sex education -> the modern end of a 100 year old project from Marxism to deconstruct the family and the institutions of society which they believe injure children psychologically. This is how they think about the worl d- everything is already injury, so we have to brute force a new approach.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ In other words, we need to think about this intersectionality and wedge everythi
 The goal here is again to challenge the idea that developmental psychology has anything right at all.
-``` David B Ruffalo's 2009 work, for example, is pointed in its address in the ways of in which heteronormativity apperas in early childhood education. "The heteronormative underpinnings of ECE policy initiatives speak to the ways in which children rae ab/normalized when they are faced with the challenge to purchase/rent collective identities that are unable to account for multiplicities of difference. The result of this is the establishment of minoritized subjectivities that are often disguised and/or disqualified"```
+``` David V Ruffolo's 2009 work, for example, is pointed in its address in the ways of in which heteronormativity appears in early childhood education. "The heteronormative underpinnings of ECE policy initiatives speak to the ways in which children are ab/normalized when they are faced with the challenge to purchase/rent collective identities that are unable to account for multiplicities of difference. The result of this is the establishment of minoritized subjectivities that are often disguised and/or disqualified"```
 Jibber jabber. What he's saying is that we think of things in terms of being normal/abnormal (straight and identifying with the same sex and gender). We think of these things as being normal, so cchildren have that imprinted through this moral trickery onto them by those assumptions and, so, some children are made to feel normal, while others are made to feel unabnormal. Purchase and rent collective identities that are unable to account for multiplicities of differences. We're going to be boys or girls, and you might not like the opposite sex now but eventually you're going to liek them, and vice versa. Proto-heterosexuality is being imprinted on these children. You aren't taking into account the multiplicities - the 200 genders, and 3000 sexualities, that are all lfuid to one another in parallel for every possible sexuality. This forces a minority status as a subjectivity. You understand yourself as a minority and an outsider. Those are disguised and/or disqualified? People hide the fact that they're gay, or try to deny it in themselves, or they're thought of as being invalid by the power dynamic.

+ 40 - 1

@@ -47,4 +47,43 @@ No, the simple truth is that the threats are numerous and social exclusion is al
 So, then, we are all transhuman because of various reasons: (to be completed)
 - the presence of a synthetic particle
-- supplementation with the express intent of modifying a particular biological modality.
+- supplementation with the express intent of modifying a particular biological modality.
+## Gaining Access to Bodies
+*Gaining access to bodies as a moral virtue and intellectual right*
+Holding the intellectually supported position, one is able to claim not only that one's prescriptions will support the community, but that the leanings of their detractor cause them to be prone to self-harm. At such a point, failure to participate is evidence of self-harm and community harm. The politician makes increasingly incidental observations to support their position.
+Though it might not seem rigorous or intelligent, it is supposed that abortion rights and vaccine refusal are incomparable. THere are multiple ways to posit dissimilarity.
+### Abortions vs Injection
+#### Not Mandatory
+Vaccination is not mandatory because:
+a) you are not put in prison
+b) you are not forced physically
+c) in most countries, you are not fined
+d) you can leave your job and stop making money (it's your choice)
+##### A. Not Put In Prison
+Not put in prison, but those who make this argument would likely not make a fuss if being unvaccinated became an offense for which a conviction carried prison time
+##### B. Not Forced Physically
+Not forced physically, though it can and does happen (just not in Canada or the United States, at least among those who are in control of their faculties and not committed to an institution for care).
+Even in places where it does not happen, the pressures being applied are possibly best considered as more insidious.
+##### C. Not Fined In Most Countries
+Not fined, but in some it was or is, and most of those pro-vaxxers (communivaxx0rs) are fine with incurring cost among the unjabbed. One must ask why that is.
+Yes, of course, the assumption is that being unjabbed is a burden on society, but many assumptions are baked into this. The evaluations for those assumptions are delegated to another party, so keep that in mind. They already know the position of that party (those doing the evaluation). They are absconding from the opportunity to think through a fascinating and pertinent problem affecting those that they even may know themselves (and might even claim to care about). They are sitting idle while a great constraint is applied to the unjabbed such as to diminish their capacity to stay alive. Why forego the important task of formulating a means of evaluation?
+Why delegate this to a party whom you already know will support the idea that the unjabbed are a burden worthy of punishment? Is that process of evaluation not the only thing that makes the difference? Would you not want to proof that, before your supposed friends and loved ones are made to perish? Reasons to delegate:
+- Blind faith or incompetence "Who Cares"
+- Adversarial behaviour prompting reactionary response (see the following)
+- Deriving some utility from the outcome. What utility?
+  - Leveraging the weight of law to raise the sanctity of one's position.
+  - Retaliation out of resentment
+  - Enhanced capacity to view oneself as correct wit less cognitive dissonance
+##### D. You Can Leave Your Job

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+# Helper T Cells - Background
+## Introduction
+- Used in almost all adaptive responses
+- Activate B cells to secrete Ab and macrophages to destroy microbes
+- Activate cytotoxic T cells
+- AIDS lack of helper T cells
+- Must become effector cells first
+- Activated on antigen-presenting cells:
+  - Innate response to infection dictates effector differentiation
+  - This dictates type of overall immune response
+## Antigen-Presenting Cells (APC) and Costimulatory Proteins
+- APC provides 2 signals:
+  - 1. Foreign peptide bound to protein on cell surface
+  - 2. Costimulatory proteins (incl B7) induced by pathogens
+- Effector T cell promote B7 expression yielding positive feedback loop to amplify T cell response
+Signal 1 alone causes apoptosis or deactivation (fail-safe to become tolerant to self-antigens). Combined signals differentiate T cell into effector cell by mechanism:
+- T cell secretes IL-2 causing synthesis of IL-2 receptors
+- IL-2 binding to IL-2 receptors causes gene switching to induce T-cell differentiating
+- Safety design so T cells differentiate only when many responding in same location
+## Binding to APC
+- Once T cell bound to APC

+ 23 - 1

@@ -20,4 +20,26 @@ Again, though it seems our understanding of morality and ethics come about throu
 ### High Level
 Global (migration patterns), Solar system (supernovae), black holes, asteroid/comet impacts and gravitational influence, small planetary collision, galactic events (black holes, quasars, neutron stars, galactic collisions). Untold tragedy outside one's cognitive grasp.
-We must understand our general conceptions of morality as well as the in-depth manner in which we come to possess a sense of morality, and juxtapose this against the laws of physics and the naturally inherent phenomena which destroy, create and transform.
+We must understand our general conceptions of morality as well as the in-depth manner in which we come to possess a sense of morality, and juxtapose this against the laws of physics and the naturally inherent phenomena which destroy, create and transform.
+# Immunity
+Immune to all forces. Immune to limits imposed on my subjective experience. It is for this reason alone that we fall into a mindset which assumes "my truth".
+That is, even without mysticism, we come to view the world in such a way where the particulars of our experiences are better understood because of their whole, and why wouldn't that be the case? Their presence is part of the entirety of one's experience and it modifies or informs one's conception of self. That one considers a progression in the formulation of and reflection of one's self-conception is both a testament to the depth and complexity of one's experience, as well as a form of progress and improvement which gives meaning while attenuating the suffering of life, and all that it entails.
+There is always a feeling of "my truth" and to grant that any and all could ahve derived an equal comparable experience or, beter yet, the identical experience takes tremedous humility and/or death of the ego (in some scientific experience).
+Please be well
+## Nihilist reactions
+The eyes roll and the patience evaporates. We already had a stable and secure understanding that all of our woes were legitimate - our laziness rationalized, and the selling out or commiting of the futures of our loved ones to the state was something for which we had no choice about. The world was so cruel to me and my loved ones, and at least we had the higher intelligence and power of the state to make the best of it, but now you come and claim that our suffering was not real, and that my complaints were unfounded, and that all that I felt was meaningless. You must be a callous monster wo enjoys seeing people suffer!
+# Replacing Zero
+Time for play! Replace preconceptions with aspirations to discover and expectations for easy growth and improved unerstanding.In this space, we all wish for one another's concurrent growth yielding inspiration to propel one another, and opportunity to witness higher levels of success as a precedent for upcoming achievement.
+There is no zero-sum, but an infinite potential which was established as part of the fundamental structure of reality. Though we might assume zero sum by virtue of our limited experiences and our recognition of the laws of thermodynamics, what easily disproves that limited perception are teh nearly limitless variations in the composition of matter, the range of which take temporal frames beyond the possible existence of mankind through which to have been formed, and the seemingly non-linear relationships between these forms.
+That is, the range of potential is composed such as to yield what is tantamout to infinite for our experential purposes, and it is through our endeavours that they are harnessed, and not the tragedy of reality.
+I've always found that this dialogue is unavoidable, where we contend with the complexity of measuring rate of progress. Where some might measure it in wealth, or computing power, but one is at a loss to understand how their power translates change within this system.

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 - Tremendous antibody response
 - Narrow focus on spike
 - mRNA and spike in bone marrow
 # Reproductive
  - Mice study injected IgG Ab into peritoneum of pregnant mice
    - Baby mice had severe brain inflammation
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 # Cancer
 - Spike suppressing BRCA protein (associated with breast cancer)
 - VAER strong breast cancer signal
+- Investigated VAERS by comparing rate of specific cancer-linked cases of Flu/MMR/SARS-CoV2 mRNA vaccines
+- Rate seems to be an order of magnitude higher for mRNA vaccines after adjusting for administered doses
+- For some adverse events, 97-99% of the reports are COVID mRNA vaccines (thrombosis, heart issues, neurodegenerative disease)
+# Exosomes
+- SARS-CoV-2 has prion-like domains in the S1 spike subunit
+- mRNA, S-Protein and nano lipidparticles all end up in spleen
+- Compares to analogous scenario with prion-like proteins produced by pathogens, suspected to cause Parkinson's
+- Particles are transported by immune cells to spleen where they are repacked in exosomes and distributed
+- Exosomes leaving spleen -> splanchnic nerve -> vagus nerve -> entire body
+- Explains the wide variety of neurological/cardiovascular events
+- Tachycardia/Arrythmias, tinnitus, Bell's Palso, Migraines, breathing changes, syncope
+# Delayed effects

+ 13 - 0

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 # Protest as Destiny
 April 23, 2022
+Everyone needs to have their own destiny. Alternatively, they produce too much negative energy, and then that comprises reality as one's expression of being. If that, indeed, becomes the case, then there is perpetual reinforcement of the drive to dismiss the world and reject the proposition of life and existence. That is, the implement of assigning a better destiny for all beings becomes the only hope of transcending the rejected representation of reality, otherwise the alternatives are domination and destruction.
+This is not reliably to be taken as a sincere or authentic effort to improve destiny for anyone, as it functions also as:
+- Protest
+- Amplification of self
+## Protest
+That is to say, it brings attention to your grievance, thus making it real, observed through speculation in the world, and validated through having been something to which time and attention have been directed. This makes for more speculative idealism through inviting participation with one's praxis, though it doesn't necessarily mean they are doing the speculation unless you suspect ou share the idea. In fact, those seemingly speculating an opposing idea are, at best, providing evidence for contradiction and, at worse, muddying up the world as it currently presents.
+Again, this shows that there is always a fine line between an evil ideology and a sensible way of thinking. The moment one identifies the plight of others is the moment of their believing they've had the experience themselves (or a sufficiently close analog). At that moment, the precise reason believes it an important issue to be resolved is because one conceives of their own oppression as being represented in it. If one's oppression could not be associated, then it would be impossible to have made an experential representation, leaving it a plain, bland theory whose significance is only as a theoretically instantiated reference, and whose utility must still be present, regardless of real empathy or understanding.
+To take up the issue, bearing utility but with no empathy, means that the experience to be improved upon is not that of the oppressed in our scenario, but of the self.
