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      queer/Queer Gnostic Cult.md

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@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Drawing on and deepening recent attempts to meld the fields of childhood studies
 Dwelling on the contradiction that results from the synchronous assumptions of the child's asexuality (assuming that children are pre-sexual and, in fact, a-sexual as a result of being presexual. They are not focused on sex). She is saying that there is a cultural assumption that children aren't just asexual, but also that they are proto-heterosexual. They are going to become heterosexuals, so we treat children as asexual while indoctrinating them into heteronormative ideology. Treat them simultaneously as people who are not sexual beings, but who are being indoctrinated into a particular ideology of sex (heterosexuality). She says that the existence of this contradiction can be addressed by emphasizing sexuality (to fix this problem) in children's education - comprehensive sex education -> the modern end of a 100 year old project from Marxism to deconstruct the family and the institutions of society which they believe injure children psychologically. This is how they think about the worl d- everything is already injury, so we have to brute force a new approach.
-``` In the service of my interest in the renewal of thought concerning children's psychosexual development, I offer a critical reading of the "it gets better" social media campaign - particularly its consequent critiques and revisions. I begin with engagement of Eve Sedgwick's 1991 seminal essay on Queer Childood: How to bring your kids up gay, and from there trace contemporary queery theory's use of the figure of the child in consideration of the impact of "innocence" on childhood.```
+``` In the service of my interest in the renewal of thought concerning children's psychosexual development, I offer a critical reading of the "it gets better" social media campaign - particularly its consequent critiques and revisions. I begin with engagement of Eve Sedgwick's 1991 seminal essay on Queer Childood: How to bring your kids up gay, and from there trace contemporary queer theory's use of the figure of the child in consideration of the impact of "innocence" on childhood.```
 Eve Sedgwick was a fairy godmother of Queery theory. She's going to begin with engagement on the "seminal piece of work" about Queer Childhood and then use it to problematize the idea that we consider children sexually innocent. She's going to call into question and "queer" the entire narrative about childhood innocence (queering means the sublate (aufheben) to abolish but to keep certain essential elements while lifting up to a higher ideological level. To keep the thing and infiltrate it and transmogrify it into a Marxian ideological framework). She never mentions any of this specifically, this is why it's so hard to go through it. You have to understand many things to understand what they're talking about. There are professionals reproducing and referencing this without understanding what they're reproducing - just going along with the front end of the ideology. (Marcuse, for example, is felt in this paper but is not referenced).
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ So, what Eve is saying is that the entire way in which adults think about childr
 She goes on quoting Sedgwick:
-``` Advice on how to help your kids turn out gay, not to mention your students paritioners, therapy clients, military subordinates, Sedgwick in 2004 jested: "is less ubiquitous than you might think".```
+``` Advice on how to help your kids turn out gay, not to mention your students, parishioners, therapy clients, military subordinates, Sedgwick in 2004 jested: "is less ubiquitous than you might think".```
 How do you help your kids turn out gay? Kids, students, parishioners, military, therapy, etc..
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ Sedgewick expressed worry for the children being fixed under this classification
 Debra burtsman 2003 fondly referes to Sedgewick's loving hold on sissy boys and he-she girls when she remarks that the article is uniquely important for its submission, and that it "takes the loving reparation of the figure of the child's queer body who catches without reason the shadow of the mother's femininity or the father's masculinity - even if these were not the first shadings of gender offered to remind one of the changes nature can take
-25 years later, ensuing Sedgweeks remarks.
+25 years later, ensuing Sedgwick remarks.
-Queery Theory now includes a robust literature (LOL) that rehthinks and rehthinks and reinhabits the child with an attention to its queer character. After Sedgewick, queer theory has mapped numerous temporalities under the future of the child, assurances of a better future, appeals for avoiding of the future, and the potential for metrics of human development that allow for sideways growth, or some.
+Queer Theory now includes a robust literature (LOL) that rethinks and rethinks and re-inhabits the child with an attention to its queer character. After Sedgewick, queer theory has mapped numerous temporalities under the future of the child, assurances of a better future, appeals for avoiding of the future, and the potential for metrics of human development that allow for sideways growth, or some.
-The child has become both a limit and a hope for Queer Theory. As the literature in this field has revealed, the child is a dense site of meaning for both Queery sociality, and alienate.```
+The child has become both a limit and a hope for Queer Theory. As the literature in this field has revealed, the child is a dense site of meaning for both Queer sociality, and alienation.```
 You have to keep the kids queer - they cannot be accepted, because they have become both the limit and the hope for Queer theory. The literature in this field has revealed the child is a dense site of meaning for both Queery Sociality and Alienation. Alienation means the ability to agitate them to become a Marxist revolutionary.

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queer/Queer Gnostic Cult.md

@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ He gives some examples: "It could include some married couples without children,
 "Queer, in any case, does not designate a class of already objectified pathologies or perversions. Rather, it describes a horizon of possibility whose precise content and heterogenous scope cannot, in principle, be delimited in advance".
-Queer theory has no bottom point. THere is no end to how perverse it can be, how far it can twist, how much it can destroy. Anything that becomes hormative has to become Queer and destroyed. Anything accepted has to be challenged with queer theory further.
+Queer theory has no bottom point. THere is no end to how perverse it can be, how far it can twist, how much it can destroy. Anything that becomes normative has to become Queer and destroyed. Anything accepted has to be challenged with queer theory further.
 "Queerness is not yet here. Queerness is an ideality. Put another way, we are not yet queer. We may never touch queerness, but we can feel it as the warm illumination of a horizone imbued with potentiality. We have nevr been Queer, yet Queerness exists as an ideality that can be distilled from the past and is used to imagine a future. The future is Queerness' domain. Queerness is a structuring and educated mode of desiring that allows us to see and feel beyond the quagmire of the present. The here and now is a prison house."
 Esteban Munoz 2009 Cruising Utopia as quoted by Dragqueen Pedagogy paper.
-"It is from the eccentric positionality occupied by the queer subject that it may become possible to envision a variety of possibilities for reordering the relations among sexual behaviours, erotic identities, constructions of gender, forms ofo knowledge, regimes o enunciation,modes of slf-constitution in practices of community for restructuring, that is, the relation among power, truth and desire."
+"It is from the eccentric positionality occupied by the queer subject that it may become possible to envision a variety of possibilities for reordering the relations among sexual behaviours, erotic identities, constructions of gender, forms of knowledge, regimes of enunciation, modes of self-constitution in practices of community for restructuring, that is, the relation among power, truth and desire."
 What he's saying is that Queer Gnosis becomes a platform from which Queer transformation can be launched - designed to change the social-spiritual dimension, as Hegel had it, of human existence with regard to sex, gender and sexuality under the auspices of modern and postmodern esotericism. This is a perverse pagan religion visited on your kids and being called liberation.