logicp 4 years ago

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@@ -140,6 +140,16 @@ It is far more common to evaluate a system's behaviour based on the behaviours o
 Behaviour of members can be conceived as the range of operations, effects, values, and consequences which can be evaluated or inferred from the existence of these members. In short, the behaviour of the members can be proclaimed as being the behaviour of the system.
+##### System Behaviour without members
+Is it possible to envision a system behaviour which does not include members?
+If there are no members to the system, does the system exhibit a behaviour?
+The system's locality within another system could be a dynamic characteristic which can be assessed and deduced, but this depends on there being another overarching system and, as such, the behaviour described by the system's locality is actually a member behaviour of the surrounding system.
+Perhaps the temporal measure of a system can be a deduced behaviour, but this is again only relevant because there are other systems from which to make a temporal determination about the system in question.

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+AI and Machine Learning techniques might be better thought of as a form of fuzzy programming, whereby similar techniques are used, but with a qualitatively different expectation regarding the output.
+Traditional Approaches
+For comparison, let's examine the traditional approach to programming:
+Lambda Calculus
+In traditional programming practices, the program, and the algorithms encapsulated by the program, take certain inputs and output information which is expected to be correct or incorrect based on it expressing a high degree of accuracy, even a form of absolute accuracy. Case in point, a program might take numerical input parameters, perform direct arithmetic operations on these parameters, and output the result of the operation. With such a program, its validity is based entirely on whether or not the output proves that the right operation was performed and that the result was correct.
+Verification can be performed relatively easily, as it is just a matter of confirming the operation by controlling the values of the input parameters, utilizing a secondary process for determining the expected result (such as doing math on pen and paper), and then returning the program with those same input values and seeing if the program outputs the same value as that which was the observed result from the secondary process. Though arithmetic might seem like too simple of a comparison to be relevant to all programs, it is the right one, as all computed constructs, their behaviour and the expressions in which they participate can be abstracted or reduced to their numerical forms. It might even be said, to take it a step further, that all of these things are emergent and that their fundamental construction is based entirely as arithmetic.
+Modern approaches:
+Now let's take a look at the approaches utilized by Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
+Verification Limits
+When using Machine Learning techniques, one cannot perform the same type of arithmetic verification. Though the Machine Learning techniques will make use of algorithms which may be similar, or the same, as those found in traditional computer programs, there is usually not any direct perspective on the workflow of the operational pattern wherein the inputs are taken through a neatly delineated lambda computation which outputs a single output value that can be scrutinized.
+Inherent Fuzziness
+Instead, what we have is a process which is often referred to as "fuzzy", in taht no single output will nceessarily reveal an answer which can serve an a-priori purpose. Rather, a massive repetition of the procedure is sought, possibly wiht the same inputs, or with a set of inputs.
+Limitation, Modality, or Different Beast?
+With enough repetition, increasingly accurate estimates can be made as to the outcome of a given data set without necessarily performing the entire computation. That is to say, the Machine Learning algorithms can take a snapshot of the computation without having completed it, and produce estimates about each stage of the computational procedure, including the outcome.
+Is this Artificial Intelligence?
+Perhaps, perhaps not.
+For us to know the answers to these questions, we need to define what it is to be intelligent.
+Intellicen has been defined in many ways: the capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving.
+Some arguments can be made to conflate, or at least infer an overlap, between intelligence and IQ. This is a reasonable vector of consideration and it is almost impossible to consider one from the context of a human being without also thinking of the other. Though no semantically complete representation of intelligence or cognition as expressed through human activity has been demonstrated, or even proposed ina  capacity that can be scientifically scrutinized and found to be a viable mode of quantification, it is currently the most agnostic approach we've yet found and, as such, it will be considered in this essage.
+Capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, application of logic, planning, perceiving, creativity, organizing, critical thinking, resolving, problem solving, ordering.
+Acknowledging, verifying, naming, remarking, identifying, contextualizing, structuring, the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Intelligentia, from intelligere understand - problem solving ability, spatial manipulation, language skilled use of reason and ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)
+Definitions (Intelligence)
+There are two primary contexts for the definition of intelligence which are employed by humans, with one consisting of a set of deifnitions pertaining to the use of knowledge, and the alternative definition focusing on a domain of knowledge or information. We will be fcusing on the former, as the latter would suggest that all computation is intelligence. Though a case can be made that all information is intelligence, that is beyond the scope of our essage and ventures too far into the metaphysical.
+In the previous paragraph it is alleged that in order to posit that intelligence and domains of knowledge or information are synonymous with one another. What follows ia  deconstruction of this argument.
+What exactly is a domain of knowledge? A domain of knowledge is the conception of encapsulating an expanse of information through arbitrary demarcation. As all known information, as communicated amongst humans, is necessarily structured by a human capacity, it follows that the very concept of a domain of knowledge is purely human one. If it is possible to encapsulate an expanse of information by non-human means, we are limited in that we cannot make such an argument without also conceiving of it wihtin the human frame. As such, it must be assumed that a domain of knowledge is one which is necessarily delineated by human thinking.
+The other alluded proposition put forward as comparable conception is taht of information as awhole. In its most complete orm, information as awhole must consiste of any and all matter which exists physically int he Universe. It might be possible to declare a form of information which is separate from the phsyical aspects of the Universe, but its communication is bound to physical properties within said Universe. ANother aspect of this is that there is no explicative mechanism which illustrates the manner by which human thought is represented physically, except by incompletely understood indication patterns, such as firing of neurons or other similar artifacts of analysis which consider the nervous system, the brain and the mind in any quantifiable form.

+ 2 - 0

@@ -23,3 +23,5 @@ Why should we be expected to entertain assumptions dictating how we are to alloc
 What is courage?
 Is it courage to profess one's adherence to the popular religion of today, without needing to prove its case? If its case is proven implicitly, and one believes that it is proven implicitly, then any individual championing this religion would, in turn, not be required to make the case for the religion. 
+Courage is borne out of a deliberate decision to perform an action which maintains movement towards a goal or ideal in the face of danger. The explicit nature of the actions associated with courage almost make it seem unnatural to evaluate courage through the implicit.

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+### Radicalization
+1. **Significant event:** events wherein the intensity of expression is significant and the subject to which the expression is making its proclamation is one of acute disagreement in situ, or one for which there is general sociopolitical disagreement.
+*I've continuously found evidence of what I believe to be the radicalization of my brother.*
+This has taken many forms and has occurred continuously over many years, but it is something for which the gravety was never previously determined. What could have previously been attributed to mild dissatisfaction or the adoption of opinions from his surroundings seem to have, at least as far as my personal determinations have lead me to believe, become motivated by an adherence to ideological principles.
+#### Ideological Principles
+It is not easy to make the assertion that one's behaviour is significantly motivated by an ideological principle. Perhaps a de facto standard needs to be specified in order to make the evaluation less absurd. Events that are identified for analysis must meet the standard of `metric 1`, as declared within this document.
+Participants of events meeting this specification are scrutinized on the basis of hostility/irritability, willingness to discuss, perceived motivation of expression, nomenclature and likelihood that the instantiation of the event is not to have occurred as a reaction to publicly disseminated views by the opposing participant.

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+Indignation is corrosive.
+Recognizing the capitivating condition brought through the accreditation of moral authority should not, itself, pivot the judgment such as to not perceive it from any single individual, as the bestowed impetus to choose such a pivot likewise grants an allure much the same.
+So, how to proceed, as a human drawn to systemization, being and acting in a myriad of subsets of systems?
+Systems may appear to behave in a manner which, to the extent of a pragmatist's perception, are fairly self-contained. The codifying of a given system, of unknown complexity, in a system of plausibly infinite systems, necessitates the implicit viewpoint that determination of each consecutively processed action within such a system is based absolutely on its internal mechanisms. This is not the consequence of the limits of human imagination so much as it is the increasing magnitude of complexity required in considering the first, second, third order effects, and so on, brought on by other related systems.
+This view might seem akin to a young musician's early foray into recognizing and codifying sound. The most apparent pitch, at the fundamental base level, is the only tone admissible in the context of harmonic analysis, but the quality of its sonority surpasses the classification of its relevance upon a sheet of music, even within the performance of the music itself. Orders of overtones envelope the surroundings, surpassing not only the intrinsic faculties of one's sense of sound, but also the limits of one's intellectual capacity to decipher the modest volume of discoveries within our pitiful sound spectrum. The effect is not limited to the systems derived from extrapolated analyses of sound, but also those where it is pragmatically neglected as irrelevant. Doth music not calm the savage beast? Similar deductions can be ascertained from examining observations of other genres of systems, from modestly permeated interference to deprecation and re-assessment of previously held constants.
+To the point, without absolute knowledge, the extent of hte effect of any one action can never be truly known.
+So, how to proceed, as a human whose very experience might be construed as continuous, sequential action?
+If I am not to deny moral authority to mankind as a whole, but am also liable to stumble by virtue of a belief that such authority can tantalize as it empowers, then perhaps the tool of such knowledge is better applied to myself.
+Am I honest? Virtuous? Competent? Do I even have the feeble beginnings to understanding, or even being able to express my own beliefs?
+Perhaps, or perhaps not.
+All things withstanding, if I choose to produce any universally favourable order in the field of existence, I should begin where the resolution of my perception is at least going to give me the best chance fo NOT stubbing my toe.

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+# Writing Experiment
+## Declaration
+Here is an exercise in writing 2 pages for revising afterwards.
+## Introduction
+At the moment there are too many thoughts, so it's a good time to sit down and sort through them.
+## Issues
+### Work
+First of all, there's the issue of having meaningful work, where I'm partially convinced that I've demonstrated enough effort in my current position but have come to a point where it will require an unreasonable amount of resources and intention in order to make the endeavour worthwhile. As such, I am doing my best to fulfill my obligations while also developing myself in other areas which are more relevant to the future and the tasks which I'll need to be performing.
+### Tech
+For example, I must master embedded frameworks and gain a better understanding of electronics, robotics and mechanical engineering (possibly other forms of engineering as well) so that I can create the types of machines and systems of technological solutions which will be most useful and allow for the best type of life in the shortest period of time.
+### Music
+Furthermore, I must compose music and create a recording of it as I believe there are ways of thinking which are advantageous to living and being in the Universe, and the prototype for this way of thinking might be found in some of the compositional and harmonic devices which I've come to rely upon in my approach to harmony. These approaches, though used for the better part of my life-long venture of musicianship in improvisation, will be better specified and more elucidated in composition. I have already begun to undertake this more rigorously for a few months now, but it will take more focus in order to get past some of the current sticking points.
+What sticking points, might you ask?
+Well, for starters, there's a critical requirement for practicing and deeply inculcating some of the musical constructs which I've created. Partially because the constructions themselves were sought out as part of a research into my style of harmonic production and negotiation, but also because the physical demands are rather high since the structures of harmony were devised in a somewhat instrumentally agnostic fashion. That is to say, though I am using an instrument to explore harmony, my ears get the better part of me, and my mind knows that it's best to not be limited to the physical assemblage of the instrument.
+The other sticking points have more to do with some of the psychological complexity of thinking about the deep meaning which I ascribe to the compositions, both as awhole, and as integrated to various sections or passages of some of the pieces themselves.
+For example, let's look at one of them: Political Interference
+- Intro: Business as usual, but building up to something which doesn't sound right
+- Secret Agent: an event takes place, we presume to understand it and ascribe blame. In the end, it seems we may all have been fooled
+- Reflection: a moment to consider what actually happened, and what it might mean
+- Realization: A moment of clarity as history can be viewed with a clear insight and understanding
+- Tension: This new knowledge brings dread and anxiety
+- Humour: We jest at the absurdity of it all
+- War: Hell to pay
+- Reflection
+- Realization (end)
+### Intelligence
+Also there is a need to better understand the nature of intelligence, intelligent patterns, and reason, and whether or not human beings and human perspective are requisite to such conceptualizations.
+My first assumption is to claim to believe that intelligence and intelligent patterns are only recognizable because of a human understanding of the world.
+What is a human understanding of the world?
+One which takes into consideration the human form, and the experential minutiae which emerge from the movement of that form through space and time, coupled with the cognition of mortality.
+There is much which the human experience has in common with the experience of other phenomenae of the Universe, but there are pecularities exclusive to the human experience which one might argue as being necessary for the recognition of what we deem to be intelligent.
+Here are some of the popular definitions of I (Intelligence) and IB (Intelligent Behaviour):
+1. Dictionary: The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
+2. Dictionary: The collection of information of value
+3. Dictionary: The ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria.
+4. Wikipedia: The capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
+5. IB Dict: Behaviour having consequences that are judged to be intelligent. The consequences of behaviour are due both to the behaviour itself and the environment that it influences. When these are judged in relation to some criteria of intelligence, both the behaviour and its appropriateness in the environment in which it is observed should be taken into account. Various criteria for judging behaviour in terms of intelligence have been used. Normally, the criteria relate to what we think about human intelligence.
+6. IB Paper (language): Human summarization involves two related behaviours: a) representing which includes such behaviours as observing, memorizing, writing and reading and b) understanding, which includes such behaviours as linking a new representation to the existing representations, reasoning on the semantic link networks of representations, and the interpretation of of representations according to semantic links and rules.
+In critiquing the applicability of scientific definitions for intelligence insofar as we are able to use intelligence to describe the behaviour of various animals, it is posited that there are limitations for describing intelligence because a) it is unfair to compare different animals using different tests and b) it is unfair to compare all animals with the same test. Though this may very well be true, the same could be argued as being true when testing humans. There are no two humans who are 100% identical, and certain humans can, either in a temporal instant, or throughout an entire lifetime, enjoy advantages on some tests over others, thus it can be at least suggested that no two humans can be fairly tested with the same test, nor can two humans be fairly tested using each a different type of test. This suggests an invalidation of the notion that applying a human standard of intelligence is not appropriate for evaluating the intelligence of non-human animals. Furthermore, it is never posited that there exists a standard for intelligence which applies to non-humans but does not apply to a human. For example, the feeding practices of an otter might bear certain aspects which are not familiar to a human, but the most important aspects are all too familiar (mastication and ingestion of material for the purpose of material transcription and energy production), thus the only difference in terms of the application of evaluation of intelligence of the feeding behaviour of an otter vs the feeding behaviour of a human is the fact that we humans are able to confer about it.

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+# Work Life Balance
+__The harmony of orchestrating the actions necessary for the success of the associated endeavours or organization and the actions necessary for one's personal or individual needs.__
+### Simple Brainstorming:
+__Case - Tech Business / Adult-aged human__
+#### Business Success requirements
+1. Sustainability (means of continuing existence and primary actions):
+  A) Means of continuing (in the immediate)
+    - energy for actions
+      - electricity for equipment
+      - nourishment for workers (Pay)
+  B) Legal status
+    - the expectation that continuity won't be broken by a state-driven force
+    - 

+ 15 - 0

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+Man we need to output the mind now
+Bot: Now you are talking.
+the mind why is that sound going on it's pretty cool I like it makes me think of space flying floating being free neverending always limitless the words they excuse all of what I've ever done and allow me to keep moving forward without quivering and also just feeling like the world is such as it should be there is not a care just the forward motion and progression, the approach to the target, the ever present engagement with reality and universal truth, as it always exists and cannot be ignored
+Bot: What's your problem?
+recording music is important to leave a mark which informs of the observation of the universe
+Bot: Can you repeat what you just say in one word?
+the observation to the point that it was remarked that the universe has come into existence, that something was created, and not that nothing was ever created or thatanything had not been created
+Bot: Please expand on that
+certainly something had been created, and therefore create
+Bot: You triggering cunt
+because if had there not been anything created then there would not even be the choice of creating or not creating
+Bot: Don't offend me..
+it would just be the uncreation or the inexistence, and that's no fun for it's also not anything and everything that could ever be or not be, it would just be the not being
+Bot: You are genius.

+ 7 - 0

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+Finding the way
+- to harmony, through harmony
+- the hero's path, journey to the heart of the dragon
+We are all searching for answers
+Innately, we are all autodidacts as we can never find true belief except for that which we believe to have encountered on our own journey.

+ 30 - 0

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+Might be better conceived as -> progressive aspirations
+VEctors for technological improvement, for the species, for biological organisms
+Why stop there? More universal application of benevolence makes for understanding with less conflict, or error of conception, as integrity may be easier to maintain, unless the concept conflicts with the needs and interests/survivability of the entity type most engaged or affected by the proposition.
+Possible modalities of conception could include the following:
+1. Manifestation and propogation of intelligent patterns
+- Patterns whose existence and characterization include, or are fundamentally composed from, that which appeals to and/or is conducive to reason. As reason is understood by means of human existence, and perception, it must follow that such patterns are evaluated by standards which value human life. As humans bear empathy for the experiential that can be perceived through human sensory input and reflection, these experiences and abstractions can be argued to include other biological beings as, to our knowledge, all biological beings possess sensory inputs which are familiar, to varying degrees, to human perception
+How do these values and aspirations apply to the intentions and purpose of the Stronglogic Solutions Company?
+As we continue to investigate the fundamental formulation and orientation for the groundwork of this company, it must be stated that its participants shuld commit to the aims and targeting of projects and activities which advance and produce utilizable artifacts for these values and aspirations.
+That is to say, all of the SLS co's actions should be performed for projects which are in accordance with these stated values.
+Then, still, we must continue our effort to ascertain the statements, viable statements, which describe the projects worthy of endeavour by SLS co.
+The most direct vector to achieving these aims must be as it can be applied to the most universal problems of the most familiar => human suffering nad produtivity. To ameliorate the lives of the human, the aim must produce the outcomes which maximize utilization of critical, limited resources, liberate the human to pursue that which potentiates their development and excellence, increases health and longevity, and minimizes the occurence of misery, ailment and disability.
+What can be proposed as an abstracted, iterable conception model which fits the constraints of that specification?
+1. Automation
+The automating of all tasks which are dangerous, tedious, uninspiring,unpleasant (within reason), and which do not harness the productive potential of the individual.
+2. Articial intelligence
+Though it is stil argued if intelligence can be composed from artificial means, the aim is good if reduced to the conception of producing tools and strategies which perform procedures of substantive complexity which augment and/or fulfill the purposes of the SLS co as stated. It should be noted that a task, process or procedure that might be believed to be simple, when performed by a human, may very well be more complex, or nearly impossible, when considered, designed and represented through the means by which a machine, or otherwise artificial construct, would be organized and constructed to perform it.

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+How can we seek unity and independence?
+# Independence
+To cut one's own way of being and discover one's own path, with faith that the tru epath leads to the divine.
+# Through divinity, we find unity
+Here we aim to understand the answers and perceive uncertainty in reality
+THen we can finally rest and enjoy the moment of time, in all its miraculous splendor.
+Are we truly separate, or all as one?

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+## Vision
+Accelerate technological improvement for longevity / creativity
+## Engineering
+EDJX / AI / Transparency (Blockchain)
+Architecture design -> composite? Scaling itself? Like cloud infrastructure -> nano -> complex -> how to keep control?
+## Product
+## Universal Benevolence
+Who doesn't benefit?
+Need turnover quick enough to attract VC investors

+ 12 - 0

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+The harmony of orchestrating the actions necessary for the success of the associated endeavour/organization, and one's personal or individual needs.
+Case: Tech business + adult aged human
+1. Sustainability
+- Means of continuing existence and primary actions
+- Means of continuing (immediate)
+  - Energy for actions
+    - Electricity for equipment
+    - Nourishment for worker (pay)
+  - Legal status
+    - The expectation that continuity won't be broken by a state driven force

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+# Mother
+Wow what a pickle we find ourselves in
+At a time of unreason and the questioning of fundamental values, when the state of affairs is unclear and the rabid race towards choosing a path of action, or inaction, is compelled by forces beyond the faculties of one reason
+and beyond the scope of what one is able to deduce from their environment, as the story of one's environment is provided externally without a capacity for one to verifytits veracity, we come to rely on our most innate and inherent understanding of the world
+and this innate and understanding of the world comes from our most fundamental lessons and experience
+The first teacher for these experiences, who taught of nature and the fundamental properties of reality, is mother
+Mother has shown that the choice for life is the choice of nature, that to exist and accept existence is universally valid, and that it is reasonable to have courage, but never reasonable to be governed by fear
+# Our Covid Response
+so I've managed to get a lot done this weekend, but there are still a few essentials
+I need to get the word out to people that they can't be snoozing on the issues at hand
+that is to say, they need to consider the fact that their inaction is cascading into new problems yet unseen and unexperienced
+If they're to ensure that the future isn't full of more suffering than they're willing to sign up for, they'll need to start actively using their logic and reasoning.. begin to think critically about the decisions they're making and the ideas they are accepting
+If they really want to continue making use of lockdown measures, they'll need to at least posit as to whythey're pursuing them, and whether or not they're efficar the reasoning to which the strategy applies
+it would seem that there is no reason to continue, and good reason to believe that it was the wrong method to be employing in the first place
+that isn't to say that it was necessarily the wrong method to be employing, so let's take a moment to think about it more clearly
+What could have been a good reason for staying home?
+1. "Flatten the curve"
+No seriously, what can we say about flattening the curve?
+Not really a genius, and the idea of flattening the curve might be considered genius
+what is it exactly
+the curve expresses what metric specifically
+or what set of metrics
+the volume of work demanded of the medical system
+the burden on society as a whole
+the demand on societal infrastructure
+Ultimately that represents everything as a whole
+so long as we assume that there are no artificial means by which the load is increasing, that is to say, any increases of infrastructure load which aren't the consequence of choosing a foolish response to the phenomenon which is purported to be increasing the load
+if the mode of operation employed is one which, by virtue of its enactment, produces an increase of load which wouldn't otherwise have been produced out of merely increasing the use of the previous mode of operation, then the area for analysis changes to one which deliberates the use of one mode of operation vs the other, rather than simply comparing the increase in the element for which these operations are being performed
+So we need some structure here
+I was talking about why we're reacting to the threat of the coronavirus by staying home
+we want to reduce the load on our society, in terms of the use of infrastructure ie the medical facilities that are publicly available
+the assumption, for hte purpose of argument, is that there is no frivolous increase in the use of infrastructure due to a poorly chosen mode of operation
+rather, there is simply an increase in the load of use
+we are not at capacity, and it might be argued that the reason we're not at capacity is because we're all staying home
+the problem with that argument is multifaceted
+first it must be considered that, when comparing different locales, it would seem that some locations were able to choose a response which is fundamentally different from that which we've chosen
+and that, unless they've had dramatically more severe burden placed on medical capacity, there's reason to believe that their response might be superior, or at least, comparable in some capacity
+the argument against that way of thinking is that it becomes impossible to compare two locations
+There are different geographical boundaries, with different material conditions such as weather, terrain, air composition, natural waterways, biodiversity, ecoemic cycles
+furthermore, there are different demographics, with different levels of income and different proportions expressed within those income levels
+we can, however, still look on the fact this reasoning also argues against mimicking a model employed by any one locale, by virtue of the performance of its employment at that locale
+therefore, we haven't argued for or against the idea of comparing outcomes based on different uses from different locales
+and we still have to negotiate with the fact that there is a great similarity in the outcomes of most locales, with a few outliers for which there could be explanations beyond the natural behaviour of the phenomenon alone that might have lead to outcomes that are remarkable in one aspect or another

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+Where art thou, brain
+These words are coming from where, exactly? Am I typing them as I think them, or am I planning what I should be writing.
+# Staying on Target
+It's really difficult to say when typing randomly, and a big part of the problem is the fact that we make mistakes. The errors take us off course and give us a new target, at least for a short period. We need to maintain a target for long periods in order to propose other aspects of the system, or other phenomena which may or may not coincide and/or affect the target at large.
+# Can the Conscious Effectively Reflect on the Unconscious
+Here is another experiment for a second stream of thought / conscious reflection. Am I reflecting on the unconscious through a conscious decision, or is it a stream directly from the conscious. In Freud's estimation, the unconscious mind and its working cannot be known by the conscious mind, but if the conscious is informed and influenced by the unconscious, then surely there might be some sort of inference or method of extrapolation which can be deduced. For example, if it's true that the unconscious mind is a "reservoir" of, among other things, feelings, then surely the feeling is having an affect on the organism such that its sensory experience is affected. If any sensation or mood can be identified, then it must necessarily follow that, unless the unconscious mind were to be suspended or interrupted, it is, and has been, influencing those sensations or moods of the identified period. Thus, as a very basic example, one could say that the anger I feel is caused by unconscious reflections being made about some passing observation, experience and belief, and sets of each of these can be determined and used to attempt to ascertain the unconscious artifact, routine or the topic which was mediating the unconscious mind.
+As there are constants webs and chains of various types of systems of relationship, from strict parent-child subordination and casually competitive sibling-type interlocution, reliably familiar trivial affects and affects of incapacitating obscurity. Nevertheless, there are those to which more attention is drawn, and those to which more time is appropriated. If there is any merit to the accepted understandings of scientific insight, then it should at least begin with expectation that there is some significance to that which is receiving attention from the organism.
+Does this necessarily mean Freud was wrong? Perhaps, or perhaps not, depending on the semantics of his argument. Without knowing it thoroughly, we can assume that he has already fleshed out the aforementioned arguments and found himself still retaining his inclination to make a statement separating the two, that is, claiming that the conscious mind cannot know about the unconscious mind. Is there, perhaps, some level of abstraction where this is true? Can we separate levels of abstraction of interpreting the relationship of conscious and subconscious mind and discover that there are some where the relationship is without a vector for pursuing reflection of the unconscious by the conscious? Furthemore, if it is the case that we can come to reveal these distinctions, can we produce a hierarchy for these abstractions such that those positting the inability for the conscious to perceive the unconscious are placed at the very top?
+TODO: determine the possible hierarchies for relationships between unconscious and conscious mind

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+Hey whatsup
+Nothing really, how are you doing?
+I just wanted to know how you're feeling
+oh, you don't believe me? You don't think I'm being honest with regards to what I am expressing? That's a little bit presumptuous, if not a little bit arrogant
+I try to be considerate and thoughtful.. it isn't the same as being a faggot, fuckface
+I just think that the world is a better place if you try to apply your faculties of reason
+GOod, then we're on the same page and we can try to make progress together
+well, even if we don't always make progress together, at least we're aiming to make progress of some sort, and since there are lots of mutually beneficial outcomes, and those offer the greatest chance of universal preservation, then we'll at least align in some parts some of the time and have a form of mutual progress
+So this is working out better... I think I can expand more thoughts and also improve my typing which will make me faster at getting my ideas out
+This is a good experiment and I like that the log is parsed automatically, as that's really useful
+especially since it appends.. that means I can go back and remove parts I don't need but I won't lose anything unless I delete it explicitly
+try this...
+foe and reynold team
+ok so what
+but i am
+i am a faggot
+haha see..?
+alright here we go
+exactly talkign and speaking with you
+no problem yet, b that is subject to change
+hahahah that's my perogative
+I can't not offend you
+so I spent maybe too much time paying attention to the fights rather than recording
+I probably should get better at acting, instead of waiting and preparing
+Now i'm ready
+going to get some shit down
+but still do my best to start my day earlier tomorrow so I can fix my schedule and accomplish more
+I'm going to need to get some extra shit done for work
+Essentially, we need to get back to that conversation about what it is we're aiming for, with respect to the lockdown, and the thoughts about reopening
+we talk of changes which must be implemented upon reopening our industries, businesses, etc... but what are these changes predicated on? Are these proposals supported by the same quality of data which was used to argue that we should have closed down in the first place?
+We aim to start up businesses again in a way which doesn't incur death and anguish
+but if allowing the markets to die is going to cause even more death and anguish, then our procedure and our aim are foolish
+in fact, we're still imagining that we all might die, as though there's a similar risk to some of the earlier figures that were coming out of Wuhan, suty rate
+this never happened.. we've been working with something maybe about twice as bad as the flu, and any expectation for a death rate that's higher than that is based on specious reasoning and outdated data, or data which was never legitimate to begin with
+for example, if we talk about the process by which the data is generated, or even before getting to that point, but just identifying what data we're talking about
+the most useless of these figures has to due with number of cases.. the cases occur all the time, but we can't rely on the testing procedures themselves, as it turns out that they're not testing people for this disease in a manner which is on par with testin gfor other diseases
+this isn't necessarily something we should expect to be able to do, but nevertheless, it stands to reason that if we have never isolated the virus, and if we only rely on genetic sequencing which matches within a range of %, then we know that by definition it's not an exact science
+if we could, for example, culture a biological structure which has some atomic reference, that is to say, that we believe it is one complete virion
+then at least we can compare one virion to another
+but we aren't comparing virions at all
+all we're doing is comparing a match of a genetic sequence.. and we know that there are limitations to doing that
+one of which being that there is more similarity in the genetic taxonomies than we'd like
+for example, we're very similar to chimpanzees.. You would not say that we are chimpanzees.. there are stark differences.. important distinctions.. ones which we can't ignore as trivial
+the same might be true when making comparisons between genetic material as a whole.. and that isn't to say it isn't a useful approach, but we must ask if there are approaches for identifying and verifying the presence of other biological constructs which are not based on simply sequencing genetic code
+it must be that we are able to culture microorganisms and allow them to develop and duplicate themselves.. if this is the case, then it would stand to reason that this is a better course of action in terms of finding verification methods, as we can be certain that to be able to isolate something means that we can use that isolation as a reference for other investigation
+otherwise we are referencing to something which is not hte thing we are examining for, in the absolute sense
+but a rougher reference.. which isn't always useful
+so, we can at least say that the verification method has some issues
+on top of that, we need to talk about the fact that most do not exhibit symptoms, and that some are testing as what might be considered false positives
+we need to find the potential for false positives an dfalse negatives and review these potentials to see if they're worth adding to the conversation about testing methods and our general ability to be able to reference other illnesses and historical data
+not only that, but there's also the matter of how we verify deaths
+we have more than enough evidence to reasonably assume that the manner in which a death is qualified as being a covid-19 death, is not following specifications that are normally used for evaluating cause of death in general
+such as for cancer, or flu
+a lot of cancer deaths occur everyday, and if any of these were to occur within the same general time frame (~1 year, for example), then it would mean that to cound these as a covid death is inaccurate
+When my father died, he technically had a respiratory infection, and was having an increasingly difficult time taking in air
+but his cause of death was ascertained as being from cancer
+at the time, I was a bit annoyed, thinking that it wasn't technically accurate, but I hadn't considered the matter as I am now, in terms of its ability to have a similar and repeatable process of evaluation whose findings are useful in terms of judging the mortality of a given pathogen
+if we aim to maximize the findings in one case, then it would stand to reason that we should be maximizing the chance of finding diseases in general
+but this is impossible, as people don't always die with a singl ecause of mortality
+in fact, as biology and the human body are ever complex, it also stands to reason that a given cause of death is a multiple of factors

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+# COVID 19 Topics
+1. Should the US help other countries?
+ - Prevent worsening conditions abroad
+ - Feeds back to US, creates travel issues
+ - Prevent reduction of demand for international business
+ - Unknown length of lockdown
+ - What resources might become scarce?
+ - Chance to create a diplomatic contract / gain leverage
+2. Is the threat being exaggerated?
+ - What are the error margins?
+  - comorbidity is a factor, but how is this taken into account in post-mortem analyses
+  - What is the testing method - is it simply testing for the presence of the virus, or is it by making a determination as to the primary cause of death
+  - Respiratory distress from pollution is a big killer - how is it differentiated from other factors?
+  - Is the fact of declining deaths from pollution going to possibly create any anomalies for the aggregation and discernment of covid 19 deaths?
+  - What is the accuracy in differentiating from flu deaths? Supposedly 9-15% of "flu" deaths are due to coronavirus, or involve patients who carried a coronavirus at the time of death
+  - Car accidents are also declining, as well as other accidental deaths, and, for now, possibly homicide
+3. Bias factors
+  - Prestige for virologists, data scientists, epidemiologists,
+  - Political figures benefit because a crisis increases the weight of their words and, in some cases, can extend their term.
+  - Political initiatives are borne out of crises
+  - Convince the public
+  - Convince yourself of your duty - can be a good thing, but how can that possibly affect negatively or move one away from reason?
+4. General Bias
+  - Excuse to lower expectations: socially, professionally, from family, of self
+  - ultimate get out of jail free card
+  - Chance to rethink values and priorities
+  - Drama - excitement / purpose / meaning
+  - Source of material for moral platitudes
+  - MOral busybodies - tell others what they should do
+  - Any failure can be blamed on your nemesis / pet peeve
+    - socialists are to blame / capitalism did this / government/ China / etc
+  - Participating in narratives is a way of signalling to your group
+    - Aligned with political group, local community, profession
+  - Do not wish to be seen as foolish, thus agree with most credible sounding or shame potentiating narrative out of fear
+  - Provide fuel to change living standards
+  - Fuel for changing working conditions - work from home, save time and energy in professional life
+So many factors in making analysis about events for which data does not even exist yet
+- Most data steering policy and reaction came from China - not trustworth
+- Already authoritarian, thus can invoke some measures without the same repercussions. Benefit by stifling dissent. 
+- Fewer consequences to poor economic performance
+- Does not affect elections
+- Increase trust or reliance on their experts
+- Praised by international organizations, like the WHO and the US.

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+What is the real threat?
+The real threat could be several.
+The most obvious is the threat to health and wellness due to potential of interacting with materials to which a dangerous biological reaction could result. 
+The next most obvious threat would be that an increased limit or reduction of freedom.
+What sort of reduction of freedom?
+Freedom of movement. Being quarantined could be serving a form of communication in which the populace is having the global system demonstrated to them. That is to say, as the current event in question is one of a global nature, and as the methods of reacting to it are being evaluated and discussed in a global context, with the standards and idioms of each nation being contrasted with one another such as to produce rhetorical argumentation describing the best mode of action towards reducing or eliminating the threat, it is, at the very least, an implicitly global communication. The expectation is that the messages are being understood at a broader scope than a median or average message.
+We are reasonably interpreting these messages and inferring suggestions as to what our ideal behaviour should be in a manner which assumes that individual freedom, such as freedom of movement as a person, should be limited for the benefit of the community, that the local community affects larger metropolitan areas, and that movement between areas creates a greater surface upon which the threat can potentiate and intensify the number of risk factors and the overall rate of detriment.
+It might not be necessary to entertain ideas which, due to complexity and lack of evidence, cannot easily be proven. That is to say, the implications brought on by our reaction to the event are enough, in their own rite, to warrant a serious discussion about whether it's possible that response measures might.
+What are the different types of Fear?
+# What of Ethics?
+It was postulated that, given the circumstances of Italy, it might be desirable and preferable that, in the event that the strain on the medical system is reaching the point of saturation, individuals over a certain age be denied health services, particularly if they are exhibiting symptoms of a disease which has currently proliferated to the point of being an epidemic or a pandemic.
+There are good reasons to make this case. The most simple of which is to compare them with any younger individual and state that, by sheer measure of time, they have enjoyed more life and, as such, it would be less of a tragedy for them to die in place of the younger person.
+Let's look at some other advantages:
+- Reduce the burden on the rest of society.
+- A measure for determining if one's life worth or standard of a good life has been achieved - by temporal measure.
+- Strain on society is reduced, allowing for prioritization of more desirable uses.
+  - Younger are more likely to survive
+  - Better able to enact initiatives which result in greater similarity in certain citizen life-metrics, such as length of life lived.
+  - Less costly for society due to not having to treat as many individuals who have recurring health issues.
+- It is immoral to take services away from society which could have otherwise best benefitted society by allowing higher proportion of "superior" humans to survive
+If such circumstances were playing out in a closed system, with the values of all possible variables being presented to us, then perhaps an even stronger argument could be made as many possible invalidating factors could be examined and used to exclude outliers and comparisons where it is not correct to assume that the older individual would have less of a chance to live, or would even live less time, than the younger person.
+Of course, we do not live in such a world where the biological health and chronological expectations can be known ahead of time. We can, of course, compromise (if that's the correct term to be using) and assert that generalities are statistically reliable and that, in particular cases, the expectations are unignorable.
+Could it be considered ethical to assume that, for the purpose of curbing the potential tragedies brought on by a tragic black swan event of lethal and even cataclysmic proportions, or even just in the particular case where the assessment is being made on cases of infected individuals in the circumstance of a serious pandemic, it would be preferable to make preemptive decisions ensuring that the older individual would be denied medical assistance in order to increase the assurance that care is available for a younger individual?
+My feeling is quite firmly and thoroughly a resounding NO, as this could never be ethical. 
+Let's look at some of the counter-arguments:
+- Creates a new standard of virtue based on a few categorical evaluations:
+  - Age
+  - Amount of burden placed on society
+  - Ability to assure longer contribution to society
+- Creates an implicit expectation that we can judge selfishness, through computation of morality using health variables with an age coefficient.
+- Ignores the other negative characteristics of individuals which, all else considered equal, are forgiven so long as you are of the right age.
+- Removes people who do not contribute:
+  - In real time
+  - Enough tax revenue
+  - Political opinions congruent to the current trends
+  - Unproductive / combatitive
+  - Unable to integrate into society
+- Creates new standards which might beg new questions:
+  - Why stop evaluating life's worth by age, as this surely is not a complete measure, and such can be argued easily. Here are other measures:
+    - Discordant speech
+    - Criminal behaviour
+    - Height
+    - Breathing capacity
+    - Presence of disease
+    - Lack of symmetry
+    - Bodyfat percentage
+    - Physical strength
+    - IQ
+    - Visual acuity
+    - Auditory acuity
+    - Allergen reactivity
+Perhaps to really understand if it's necessary to fear the COVID-19, we must examine some of raw statistics which:
+  - Are available to us now
+  - 

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+so why did we start this
+well we made a decision together
+what doe sthat mean?
+it means that we weren't exactly forced into it, that is to say, we all sort of played a part in expressing what we wanted
+and this was partly due to inaccurate or misleading information
+such as videos for which no clear explanation or description exists
+just random scary sequences of media that manipulate people
+as we all as some foregone conclusions about some of hte data coming out of china, including potential mortalit rate infection rate spread rate etc
+we thought that it probably couldn't ever come to the scale where everyne must worry
+at least that's what we were thinking initially
+but as t ime went on, the stories grew louder and stronger, and suddenly we were wondering when the first cases would hit in our locale, our surroundings, our environment, our country, our city, our neighbourhood, our place of work, and so on
+So we became resentful
+resentful that our loved ones might have to be exposed to a threat, all because their employer needed to keep their slave in their pocket
+needed to keep trying to make a profit
+needed to hound them to the door before they went to lock it
+okay i'm just rhyming there
+we were also resentful that anyone would have expectations about us which might expose us
+but no one was thinking about some of the most obvious things
+things for which we've received plenty of input over the past many decades, about immunization, about herd immunity, about approaches to dealing with pathogenic infections, pandemics, epidemics, and what have you
+the problem with such topics is that the most obvious parts of them are often not discussed
+making them a distant memory, or something forgotten or misunderstood
+in the case of immunology, it's the idea that we are actually responsible for it
+that is to say, our ability to remain immune, or the continue to live in spite of threats which might come or go, has to do with our immunological function
+that we have an immunological function is intrinsically linked to the human body
+that the human body is adaptive and able to make the necessary changes to meet the demands of a given moment
+to identify a predicate for change and to invoke the appropriate response
+this occurs because of our innate ability, which has developed through evolution over a long period of time
+therefore it might be taken for granted for many reasons
+actually the reason that we've had one is not necessarily a strong reason as to why we would have forgotten about it
+but the fact of the matter is that we have focused primarily on the ancillary and exogenously administered affectors which we hope and are told to believe will have a strong affect on the community, and our own individual health
+but the manner in which we verify these things has its limits, and that we are to be forced to believe something about it does make the human mind suspicious
+that we are discouraged from researching it, due to a tendency for humans to be incompetent, is also more unnerving, giving fodder to pursuit at some level
+In short, it would seem that the only focus on immunological preparation has been on vaccination, and therefore many are at a loss when considering how it is that they have an innate immune system, and how one might act or upon what to decide in order to sustain, potentiate and optimize their immunological function
+All this time, we could have been disseminating the appropriate messages about how to nourish oneself
+what critical nutrients might cause one to not have an immunological function which is operating at optimal levels
+and what the difference is between a reactive, or hyperactive immunological function, or the normal behaviour and operations of an innate immune system which deals with many threats without necessarily bringing to light the details of what it is doing, at least not to a degree which is unignorable
+I'm not sure if there is one, it's fairly complicated just as it stands
+So we know we made a decision together, because of our need to react to the unknown threat, and also because of scary information which seems to have not been completely accurate
+or, moreover, not information that should be considered trustworthy
+now the fact that youtube acts as though untrustworthy information might always have been and always will continue to be considered as being trustworthy, is a cause for concern
+youtube is a private company, but it is the primary source of media for individuals who are not receiving all of their media from Television
+and it has received pressure from organizations, including government, to utilize force in order to remove content which mgiht be considered inappropriate for a range of reasons, some or many of which might seem to suggest conflicts of interest in terms of what the government's interests might be
+the fact that they seem to be 

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+So here's the situation
+Many people believe Bill Gates might be driven by evil, or driven by the past. Driven by the skeletons in his closet, which manifested and were influenced, in unknown levels of significance, by his family. It seems, at the very least, that his family may have had an interest in eugenics. This was, of course, more commonplace, as the ideas had not been as far realized as they were throughout the 20th century, and had not yet proven themselves to be Universally rebuked, and held in contempt, if even just at a superficial level - we're not really in the day and age where difficult subjects are given comprehensive scrutiny. No, we're in the day and age where the most difficult subjects are conflated with the most difficult effects. To affect someone or a group of someones in a manner which can be deemed difficult, insofar as the spirit in which it is expected to be experienced, is not really the same thing as engaging something which is truly difficult, in the sense that to observe or reason about it, ask questions about it, and come to conclusions which answer these questions can be considered difficult.
+I digress, but back to Bill Gates, this issue of his having a nefarious trait which might govern his decisions as pertaining to matters of global human health, and whether or not it is plausible to assume that it would be nefarious, in any degree, when considering certain coinciding facts, certain predicates of probability still to be fully evaluated, and how this relates to human personalities and the survivability of the species.
+Whew, that's a lot of stuff to take in, so let's back up a little.
+Bill Gates has experienced success, as can be measured in material wealth, economic participation, technological influence, and impact on human behaviour, especially with regards to how we work. Now, that's not to say that all humans are on a course of pursuing all of these things, or any one of these things, though it might be possible to assume that humans do pursue these things, even involuntarily, with the exception of some outliers (as usual..) But, it still needs to be taken into consideration when trying to produce even a modest contribution of conjecture worthy or thought provoking enough to be heard.
+Well, does Money lead to happiness? Does material wealth, even as it exists to facilitate the engagement and participation, of a human being, in the activities or actions which are in line with the values of the being? 
+Certainly, it does allow for an individual to have an easier time going about the activities 

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+Dr. John Ioannidis:
+  - Professor of Medicine, of Health Research and Policy and Biomed Data Science, and Statistics at Stanford
+Professor Knut Wittkowski:
+  - former head of Department Of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, And Research at Rockefeller University
+Dr. Annie Bukacek:
+  - a physician
+Dr. Jay Bhattacharya:
+  - professor of medicine at Stanford University
+Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
+  - Pulmonologist from Germany
+Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi:
+  - Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
+Data has continued to be a major buzzword, being used by data experts and lay people, those who analyze data, and those who mostly participate in social commentary. No matter who you are, and no matter your area of expertise, simply introducing the term "data" inevitably amplifies ones credibility.
+Since the outset of Coronavirus and COVID-19 reporting began, there was a strong emphasis on ensuring that data is available to inform our decisions, decisions of public health officials, and decisions of legislators.
+Unfortuntately for us, all of the earliest data came from China. More specifically, it came from Wuhan, a region in China where not only is it well known for its notoriously high levels of pollution, which are arguably the worst in the country, but where it has been broadly reported that its citizens have becoming increasingly frustrated with additional incinerator plants being added to their living environment, causing citizens to decide, in rising numbers, to protest.
+For any citizen living in Canada, the notion of there being concerns about trust and honesty when it comes to data from China and data collection by China is not new. This is something that's already been on the news wire over the past year, due to Canadian authorities having arrested a finance executive from Huawei in December of 2018. In addition, there has been a consistent effort to improve the security of network infrastructure, data storage and data migration in any type of IT facility, whether in the public sector or among private companies, due to the assumed threat of spying by China.
+With all this in mind, it's a bit disturbing to consider the behaviour of our leaders and international organizations in the time period following initial reports of the epidemic in Wuhan. There are rational reasons for wanting to make use of data coming out of Wuhan at that time, but there was no dialogue challenging the quality of this data, the possible intentions or incentives which might be affected by its dissemination, and what possible reframing of the data might be necessary, if not as a contingency then even just to demonstrate an adherence to principles of due diligence.
+This was not demonstrated in their investigation of Wuhan, conducted from January 20-21 earlier this year. China, having been dealing with cases of the virus since at least the beginning of December, collaborated with the WHO delegation and allowed them to leave with the understanding that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission. This surely can't be a believable narrative, given the posited incubation periods, onset of symptoms and remarkably high transmissibility. The most charitable interpretation of this would suggest incompetence, but in my opinion a charitable interpretation would be, itself, a naive one.
+Being an expert
+I'm not necessarily trying to be an expert. Obviously there could be consequences for anyone making strong claims that have strong implications, but unless someone is actually making the statement that some sort of violence should come to pass - ie if one were to make a statement specifically demanding for violence to take place against another human, then there would be some sort of legitimate consequence or penalty that could be reasoned as being warranted. But, aside from that, making claims of one's opinion about a narrative, or the quality of information available to that narrative, should not be considered in terms of the consequences which are believed to be possible by, or even that are argued as being attributed to, the claims which were made. If the power to infer consequence to subjective statements were to be adorned by a public servant, for example, then crime itself would become subject, and innocence would not remain an assumption in such a culture.
+Do people want to remove the presumption of innocence? Is that something which makes people feel safer? Or is it that they are being intimidated and coerced into making a statement which acknowledges or seems to agree with that notion (the removal of the presumption of innocence)? Or, perhaps just the feeling of intimidation, at the thought of there even being a possibility that one would be accused of not complying with a standard which makes them acceptable to society, or worthy of not being singled out and required to bare misery.
+Would anyone actually want to have their own presumption of innocence removed?
+Perhaps to believe that society would be safe enough to not have to argue in favour of yourself is, in and of itself, a release from certain real duties and responsibilities. That is, to imagine a world where one can not be left accountable, or not even having to expend the mental resources required for an adult's self reflection, To have faith that one can turn their back on the power to harm them, and only feel the same around of trivial


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+# Total Corona
+The situation we're in is not to be taken lightly, but it is a comprehendible reaction to something of such enormous scope and scale.
+The magnitude of assets which will be redistributed are too big to think about, and the number of factors which are being argued in the media as being unique to this state of affairs is, to be fair, unique as well. Depending on who's camp you happen to be in, you might consider it to be less or more significant than the falling of the Twin Towers, and most certainly more significant than the mortgage crisis of 2008.
+There are a number of factors which make it difficult to think about:
+- The scale of the problem:
+## How is Authoritarianism Being Enforced
+Slowly we have seen our freedom and way of life being taken away from us. It seems long ago that the idea that our way of life would drastically change was a bit absurd, and even ridiculous to think about. Why should we have any reason to expect that anyone would really like to make life more restrictive or coercive unless they really believed in it.
+Well, certainly it seems that there are more than a number of reasons as to why someone in a position of public office, or serving in some capacity such as to assert authority over others, with some reasonable expectation that those others are subordinate in some sense, at least within the confines of their relationship to the individual of authority.
+The individual might also only represent a greater organization, but still embodies and demonstrates that authority through their being.
+### Fear
+For some, it might be a form of fear. There might be many different things to fear, if you are a living human of this day, in spite of the historically unprecedented standards of living with enjoy.
+For some it may be the fear of the absolute. To put faith into a dominant force, ideal, conceptual construct or otherwise, and declare yourself subservient to it. To declare loyalty and alignment. To fall to your knees in devoting to something greater to which your belief in its purpose guarantees one's mind the state of expectation that the fulfillment of goals, as required by that construct, and not necessarily having to be determined by oneself, but in believing that such a construct would have or naturally manifest appropriate goals, is perhaps all that is needed to give one's mind reprieve from some existential burdens.
+Why, might you ask?
+If one is to focus a single point of reality, then one necessarily ascertains that this singular point is deemed worthy of absolution. It has been chosen as the determination of all existence for some moment which is, as experienced by this mind, binds it with certain expectations.
+In the case of a state, its purpose is to fulfill obligations relevant to the continued organization and prosperity of a group of humans. That it performs this purpose in any capacity is normally evaluated on its ability to increase the standard of living. It is expected that the state, if successful in its endeavour, will improve the quality of life and buttress society with the most essential and critical
+It is expected that the state, if successful in its endeavour, will improve the quality of life and buttress society with the most essential and critical resources and services necessary to fulfill obligations which meet the expectations of that society. These expectations are, of course, always changing and are the affected by several predicating factors, including:
+- The current standard of living
+- The historical precedent
+- The standard of life in other countries
+- The immediate trends within the society:
+  - Life expectancy
+  - Quality of standard of care (medicine)
+  - Education
+  - Crime
+  - Poverty
+  - Rate of prosperity
+Given that the evaluation of these factors is by no means simple and is, in some cases, evaluated to produce heuristics where even the quality of their evaluation is unknown and can only be improved by addressing issues of unknown complexity, it is evident that there are challenges to being able to understand whether or not the state is fulfilling their obligations. As the set of obligations and scope of their necessary affects increases, this issue becomes more pronounced accordingly.
+Not only is there an issue of complexity within the fulfilling of state obligations, but the trend towards increased complexity is enhanced by the presumption that the purpose of the state is to work in the interest of its citizens. That is to say, that it's first and foremost interest, and arguably its ownly interest, is in the betterment of the lives of its citizens. In a perfectly simple scenario, this might hopefully be the case, but there are, of course, obvious questions which come into play which need to be mitigated if we are to take any of these assumptions seriously.
+#### Holding Office
+In reality, the highest level interface to the operations of the state are specified, driven and maintained by those who hold public office. There is no way getting around this reality, if we are to utilize any sort of democractic process, we must necessarily have term limits. In some cases, we might limit the number of terms to 2 terms, but this still creates an incentive towards short term planning and thinking.
+Even if we are to assume a scenario where only 1 term is sought, or even allowed, this still creates bias as the ideas inherent within a party represented by individuals, who might only occupy office for 1 term, are driving the party to maintain re-election by other individuals still representing that party. It is not feasible to imagine a system whereby parties themselves only exist for the purpose of fulfilling one term of office, thus the point of expecting bias from the necessity of short-term thinking for the purpose of election and re-election still stands as a massive turd in the punchbowl, so to speak.
+This issue tends to be broadly recognized, without controversy, as being true. It is, nevertheless, one which is easy to overlook as we have become accustomed to it. It's all too obvious and a reality of the system, thus it doesn't really present itself as obvious in all dialogues.
+##### What implications does this have?
+As there is a bias towards short term planning and scoping of interests, this will necessarily affect the ability of a state to provide the critical resources and services which might demonstrate the capacity of the state to fulfill its obligations.
+Because of this, there is obviously going to be an increasein the complexity or even the absolute decidability of whetheror not the state is, in fact, fulfilling its obligations. Furthermore, if the obligations are properly defined, able to be defined, and whether or not these obligations and their definitions are truly relevant. The breadth and magnitude of these expectations and obligations increases in tandem with the complexity necessary to verify its effectiveness, integrity and reliability.
+Moreover, as these requirements increase, the resource requirements and legal requirements also increase in kind. It should be reasonable to assume that there is a limit to the responsibilities of the state and that, even if there was no limit to the responsibilities, at a certain point the ability to verify the meeting of these responsibilities will become impossible, as the necessary procedures for verification will become near-infinite or infinite.
+Thus, we must ask ourselves, are we expecting too much from the state? What are the most essential duties and artifacts that should be met and produced by the state? What is the limit to conduct when taking into consideration the effect of this conduct on the legality of behaviour by the state's citizens?
+Thoush these are rational questions to be asking, they might not be sought in times where rational thinking becomes less prevalent. In the case of a pandemic, or even the fear of a pandemic, logic dictates that the prevalence of rational thinking will decrease, thus these are the types of discussions which should be had, or should have been had, when widespread threats to reason and rational thinking are were less pronounced.
+### Data
+Dr. John Ioannidis:
+ Professor of Medicine, of Health Research and Policy and Biomed Data Science, and Statistics at Stanford
+Professor Knut Wittkowski:
+ former head of Department Of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, And Research at Rockefeller University
+Dr. Annie Bukacek:
+  a physician
+Dr. Jay Bhattacharya:
+  professor of medicine at Stanford University
+Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
+ Pulmonologist from Germany
+Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi:
+  Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
+Data has continued to be a major buzzword, being used by data experts and lay people, those who analyze data, and those who mostly participate in social commentary. No matter who you are, and no matter your area of expertise, simply introducing the term "data" inevitably amplifies ones credibility.
+Since the outset of Coronavirus and COVID-19 reporting began, there was a strong emphasis on ensuring that data is available to inform our decisions, decisions of public health officials, and decisions of legislators.
+Unfortuntately for us, all of the earliest data came from China. More specifically, it came from Wuhan, a region in China where not only is it well known for its notoriously high levels of pollution, which are arguably the worst in the country, but where it has been broadly reported that its citizens have becoming increasingly frustrated with additional incinerator plants being added to their living environment, causing citizens to decide, in rising numbers, to protest.
+For any citizen living in Canada, the notion of there being concerns about trust and honesty when it comes to data from China and data collection by China is not new. This is something that's already been on the news wire over the past year, due to Canadian authorities having arrested a finance executive from Huawei in December of 2018. In addition, there has been a consistent effort to improve the security of network infrastructure, data storage and data migration in any type of IT facility, whether in the public sector or among private companies, due to the assumed threat of spying by China.
+With all this in mind, it's a bit disturbing to consider the behaviour of our leaders and international organizations in the time period following initial reports of the epidemic in Wuhan. There are rational reasons for wanting to make use of data coming out of Wuhan at that time, but there was no dialogue challenging the quality of this data, the possible intentions or incentives which might be affected by its dissemination, and what possible reframing of the data might be necessary, if not as a contingency then even just to demonstrate an adherence to principles of due diligence.
+This was not demonstrated in their investigation of Wuhan, conducted from January 20-21 earlier this year. China, having been dealing with cases of the virus since at least the beginning of December, collaborated with the WHO delegation and allowed them to leave with the understanding that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission. This surely can't be a believable narrative, given the posited incubation periods, onset of symptoms and remarkably high transmissibility. The most charitable interpretation of this would suggest incompetence, but in my opinion a charitable interpretation would be, itself, a naive one.
+#### Standards
+#### Dr. Annie Bukacek
+#### Italy
+#### China
+______ NOTE 1
+## Notes from Valuetainment Guest
+### Deliberate Acts by China
+- it appears that the only explanation concerning the responsibility of China needs to consider it most probable that China continued to push a narrative that it was not contagious between humans, after having clear evidence that this is not true.
+- WHO pushed this narrative
+  - Does WHO not realize that there are reasons to question data coming from China? Question the claims made by Chinese government?
+  - WHO avoids any interaction which might require them to recognize the existence of states which China contests as being part of their territory
+  - WHO must have known that the virus could be transmitted between humans. For them to push the narrative after it was obvious that this wasn't true
+  - Tedros, Director general of the World Health Organization, delayed for as long as possible the formal declaration that the Coronavirus was a global cause for concern, as well as the declaration of it being Pandemic
+  - End of January: Tedros recommended that other countries should emulate China's system
+  - Claimed Chinese system is a superior model
+  - WHO claims China's statistics are accurate
+  - These observations do not support the assumption that WHO's purpose or priority is to improve health
+  - Helped to spread the Virus
+  - Bruce Aldehyde? Senior advisor to the director general "It was very important to us at an early stage of the outbreak to be able to study" - needed cooperation with China
+    - China stiff-armed WHO in Wuhan, preventing them a proper opportunity to study the virus
+    - Difficult to discern the motive, but it would seem that they should have, at the very least, had concerns about the trustworthiness of Chinese data, based on this alone.
+### Bill Gates
+- 10 billion dollars over 10 years to make it "the year of the vaccines"
+- Dr. Gupta - reduce population 2011
+- Snopes considers this unfactual, but it doesn't really do a good job of debunking the allegation that Bill Gates is trying to reduce global population
+- Video between Gates and Gupta -> talking about reducing population growth

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+What are the most important forms of data to scrutinize with regards to COVID-19
+1. The % chance of dying, as a human being
+2. The % chance of dying if you are infected
+3. The % chance of dying if you are infected and exhibit symptoms of illness
+4. The % chance that tests do not provide an accurate assessment to detect the presence of the virus

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+Issues of Courage and Fear
+It's easy to conjure up a consensus on the presence of issues, often a tragic truth of reality, which can be observed in society, and can begin to be addressed in the present time because of how far we've come. Though these nuanced, sensitive issues should call for a coalition of purveyors of reason and inquiry so that they may scrupulously work through complex issues and ideas with an open mind and sound evaluative process, we grow increasingly aware that they are often represented in their most simple terms, bringing forth an innate susceptibility to make any proposed accord prone to paralyzing degrees of obfuscation, and that they are being championed by actors who are quick to demonstrate a loathsome disdain for ideas which do not immediately proclaim uniformity of thought.
+Simplification carries stereotyping. The stereotypes that groups have historically dealt with. Undoing the progress made for one community because of the baseline demand for radical change and disruption has been elevated past the point of examining the nuances upon which our previous progress had fundamentally required.
+Previous progress lead to the granting of self determination, especially of note for those who had been most marginalized. This is now replaced with a need to assemble and designate generic enumerates bearing the key politically visible patterns sufficient to affect artificial tallies of justice, where the numbers themselves are the evidence of choice, and the tooling of choice itself is becoming a distant heretical memory.
+Brute forcing conversations which demand that viable issues must be interlocked into one simplified position, and recasting any questions of the depth and authenticity for such alignments as an admission of intolerance towards all of those issues sourced to that assumed amalgamation.
+To solve an assumed bias of oppression requires not just an assumption of the victims, but an assumption of the guilty.
+Should it not always be acceptable to ask for evidence? Is denial itself the evidence of guilt? And what of those who plod along and agree to shoddily defined measures? Is their agreement also proof of consent for undefined manipulation?
+When is semantic disagreement evidence of corruption? Is the conflict of semantics merely borne of a doomed interface of epistemology, naturally bound to one's immutable characteristics?
+If something is in the name of justice, ust it be assumed to be legitimate? Or are we content to agree that the threshold of legitimacy relies upon name only?
+There is a pervasive idea that there exists a particular form of knowledge, encapsulated within a community, and that in order for such knowledge to be shared within the greater world, it's required that those bearing the characteristics associated with that community be computably present in specific quantities and proportions. As though this is a reality bound to the typing of knowledge itself. Consequently, the corollary is that the knowledge is intrinsic, perhaps mystically, to the characteristics of the members of that community and, thus, this knowledge could only be understood and wielded by the members of that community. In order for this to be true, one need assume that this knowledge cannot be understood by members of other communities, and that acknowledging that knowledge has been shared is performed through extrapolating an evaluation of power by group. What this means is that in order for knowledge to be shared, the best we can hope for is a never-ending battle for power, or the uniformity of group, and not the sharing of ideas themselves.
+What sort of conversation can teach and share ideas, if the presumption is that each side's knowledge is, by nature of the characteristics associated with each group, confined?
+Alas, setbacks. Perhaps not the ones I've named - in fact, most of the setbacks that we note are personal ones, physical ones, emotional ones.
+But what of a better world?
+Unfortunately, it's not just in our best interest to act in such a manner as to not allow oneself to be set back, but when it needn't be so. Especially by those for whom the nature of their wishes remains unknown. It's a form of responsibility.
+If, truly, one recognizes that there exists both good and evil, joy and tragedy, being experienced in the world, then surely one must desire to maximize the good and the joy. Except for, maybe, those bordering on psychopathy. They get a free pass, this time.
+So, how can this be done? Should one believe that there is a difference, at the individual level, to be made? Is one able to tip the scale, so to speak? Is one capable of eliciting a perceptible change, by any temporal measure?
+Perhaps one estimates the superlative effect of one's existence towards diminishing tragedy, and the valuation came up short. Is there a measurable and substantive reduction in tragedy that's too pathetically dismal to be worthy of concern? If it's not valuable enough, then it should follow that something else is more valuable. More worthy of precious time.
+Reducing tragedy can have its consequences, especially even just for thinking about it.
+Can this be met with courage?
+What is it to be courageous? What is conflated? What can be labelled as courage without qualification?
+Is there a method of critical analysis by which we can assert that a state or behaviour is courageous?
+Who claims to have fear? Who claims to have courage? Is it courageous to lay claim to your fear?
+Initiatives can be sought and declared as worthy of undertaking, by virtue of being a measure of courage. Could an endeavour which claims to be content with irrational or otherwise unwarranted fear, while promising that it itself, as demonstrated by careful labelling, could never be conceived of for anything but it's most noble purpose, be motivated by or borne out of fear itself?
+An act of courage is an act performed steadfastly in spite of one's fear of a consequence to which one is aware. That is to say, the actor in question consciously acknowledges specific consequences that can result from the action, but is committed to performing that action for the value it yields.
+Some hypothesize that many acts are courageous, many more than fit description. Small acts of courage -> perhaps there is a courage index, does it correlate with justice? While there may seem to be some sense to this belief, it may be premature to conclude as much. If one were to deconstruct a modest act of participation in a movement to which one has pledged allegiance, facilitated through a belief of congruence in ideals, or a belief in the power of a movement's symbols, then one might be inclined to clarify the notion of its consequences. If, for instance, the consequences were found to be within a range of social discomforts, such as having to endure words to which one would not normally wish to be exposed, but without a realistic expectation that such consequences also contain a threat to one's thriving and flourishing, or even to one's survival, then logic should compel one to dutifully make a distinction of risk.
+One might argue against this weighting of clashing consequences, especially if a dichotomy of ideals can be conceived, on the basis that the bias to protect one's ignorance, or retain some form of obedience, essential to one's rhythm of being, might manifest a most pronounced bond within the covalence of one's interwoven conception of reality. Though this predilection may, too, be one for which some degree of sense might lurk in support, it is acutely susceptible to the same pitfalls which predicate its formulation. This leads us back through a seemingly never ending cycle - perhaps a cycle of humanity, or perhaps just one obliged to the biological, or to the conception of finite systems sporting a means of evaluated reflection. A longstanding presumption in the eternal challenge to this cycle is that in order to aim towards truth, one must embrace the conflict of exposing oneself to the strongest representation of the very ideas which one believes to be in defiance of those to which one is allegiant. A conflict that can only be adequately engaged, not by disproving those deceitful ideas, but aiming to prove them to see if they do, indeed, fall short.
+If truly one is allegiant to their ideas, then they will wish to represent them with robust and exhausting understanding within a context which includes the ideas that oppose them.
+Though our narration of history seems to contend that it is a tyranny of the majority which produces the greatest tragedies, any such tragedy began with an intransigent minority having coalesced to a point of inflection. Our imperfect and incomplete view renders it impossible for us to identify the harbinger of intransigence by mere labelling of the aesthetic. It is, instead, incumbent upon us to focus on the health of the process for the conversations themselves.
+In order for the world to designate time for conversation, it will curtail time for blood.

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+for me, the issue of nutrition isn't a huge mystery
+It needs to be 
+1. Bioavailable/assimilable
+2. Nutrient dense
+3. Void of additional toxins
+If your body is sick, it becomes overburdened, and you want to reduce the workload required in order to assimilate necessary nutrients
+how much flexibility one has to play around with nutrition is predicated by a combination of factors, including:
+1. Adaptation
+2. Resource buffering
+so theoretically all sorts of dietary regimens can work fine for most people, most of the time
+the moments when you see the real difference is when the body is sick, and constraints need to be applied to ensure the highest degree of assimilation of the most vital nutrients

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+# No Man
+No man is an island, but if we're all forced to become one, I want to be one of the ones which doesn't sink into the sea.

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+brain vomit
+so much shit going on in my head today that it's insane
+from having to get work stuff organized and get my spike finished in time for its revelation to the internal team members so we can get feedback and make sure it's properly prepared for producing an accurate estimate for the client
+to trying to get through unit testing material and learn how to make sophisticated, accurate tests which actually verify the real functionality of a given piece of technology
+to getting the refactor done on KY GUI where we can finally have generic tasks so we can start scheduling work with other applications
+to trying to get some written mtaerial in order and my ability to speak succintly and fluidly about a subject to the point where I'm not just reiterating garbage or repeating myself
+or just saying mundane, frivolous content fillers which don't actually depict my thoughts or feelings about a given subject
+to getting in shape and making sure I'm the strongest version of myself, physically and mentally
+and part of that is maintaining the daily discipline of expressing strong and harmonious movement
+to ensure I've practiced the right material, at the right times, in the right order, in preparation for the right musical creation/composition
+and making sure that it all feeds into one another in a cyclic manner so I can keep its momentum going, inspite of any of the detailed considerations which must be made for the human body
+to making sure I get enough outdoor activity so I can feel part of the environment, be exposed, receive calibrative influence from microorganisms in the surroundings
+feel as though I am taking part in society, and reminding myself that htere is freedom to some degree, and that I can execute my decision to enjoy it
+to making sure tha tI'm keeping up with hardware study, working on my bot project, learning more electronics
+to thinking about politics and reviewing the state of affairs both locally and internationally
+looking at the direction we are headed in as a society, and as a global sphere.. a sphere of influence and reflection
+talking about the issues upon which people project their own values, and in assigning themselves to a group, the necessarily bias the side they must choose in a given issue, wherein their values are projected, thus causing them to refine their values at each time of expressing and participating in the divide over an issue due to party lines
+making sure that we have the right information and structured analysis in order to retain a potential for reason and progress in discourse over these matters, with ssome triggered motherfuckers
+to trying to nourish oneself with the most effective components with which to perform at the best capacity for all of the aforementioned activities
+and then is there still time to mingle and interact with other humans? is it worthwhile most of the time? when is it most worthwhile? and what makes it worthwhile?

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+Every year we have the same campaigns rear their ugly heads in time for January's Mental Health month. A campaign which attempts to have the conversation about mental health, to make it easier for people to think about their mental health and be forthcoming about the mental health issues they may be experiencing. It's assumed that, in allowing people the room to express their mental health problems, that there's a greater chance they'll receive treatment that they need, and this will in turns improve society by allowing people to find remedies. Evidence-based solutions for mental health problems.

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+# DO we model the right problems?
+How do we stop secretly modeling other things, such as a representation of our desires or beliefs?
+Intelligence is illumination, to make known, to reveal from obscurity, to make known and real that which may have otherwise never been. Acting smart doesn't truly illuminate, it can even have the opposite effect, such as making intentions less clear, and thus, increasing complexity without necessity.

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+It appears that everyone is being pulled deeper and deeper into an authoritarian, totalitarian system. This is a natural tendency which is likely predicated on a few different factors:
+1. The finite nature of biological systems, as we know them
+2. The self reflection of human
+3. The tendency for systems to become self corrective as they increase in size
+The biological systems finitude is, in a sense, the plight of humankind. To be aware of mortal limitations and to seek to overcome them. In order to construct a complete world unto oneself, one must apply an unimaginable amount and extent of detail which is simply unattainable. Furthermore, to seek to apply these things is unreasonable and, perhaps, even maddening. As the human system is fundamentally composed of biological systems to which we are able to study, it might seem likely that tasks of unimaginable complexity which are extremely to make sense of can lead one to distress, or even insanity.
+Having faith in a system which is expected to care for the sick and, in turn, yourself if ever the need arises, is in a sense a belief in immortality. To place faith in, for example, the system's capacity to treat disease, without having to have witnessed it and without having to completely visualize every detail of the journey and experience.

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+Some aspects and patterns associated with pop music are perfectly desirable to incorporate into my compositions, as they are reflective and formed through universal and fundamental constructs which are not exclusive of intelligently created, highly developed musical compositions.
+Often it is the transitions and transformations between harmonic constructs which demonstrate maximal complexity without impeding the enjoyment, inspiration and communicated emotion of the piece.
+Funky bassline, for example, often paired with a more complex arrangement which cn satisfy a great expanse of human needs and expectations.

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+I began music because my father received a guitar as a gift from my mother, and I was playful and curious. Once it was finally in my hands, I wasn't really able to put it down. it's difficult to know if this is because I could garner attention with it, or if it was due to a drive to explore the relevant properties of the Universe.
+Shortly thereafter, I wanted to make my own music.
+In the teenage years, I wanted to become a virtuoso like the masters I cherished.
+In my early 20s, I wanted to master other forms of music. No stone left unturned, I had to explore them all. Perhaps it would have been easier to focus on one style and master a repertoire for it, but I don't regret it for a second. In my case, I had been curious to craft my own understanding of negotiating harmonic movement and maximizing the colour and tension of structural transformation.
+In my 30s, I began to have to balance music with technology, as both became loves of mine. Ultimately, however, it's difficult to disregard the real time element of music, especially where one dances with chaos and leads it towards order.

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+Prevent Care of Senior Citizens
+- Reduce burden, assume good life has been lived - this is evaluated by time lived
+- Strain reduced, allowing prioritized care for more desirable use
+  - YOunger more likely to survive
+  - Promote smaller standard of life for individuals, such as length of life lived
+  - Less costly for society due to treating individuals with more recurring issues
+  - Immoral to take services away from society which woudl best benefit society, by allowing higher proportion of superior humans
+  - Creates a new standard of virtue based on age
+  - Age, amount of burden placed on society, ability to assure longer contributions
+  - Implicit expectation that we can judge selfishness through computation of mortality, using health variables with age coefficient
+  - Ignores the other negative characteristics of individuals which, all else considered equal, are forgiven so long as you are of the right age range.
+  - Persons who do not contribute
+    - Enough tax, solutions, congruent political opinion.
+  - Persons who are unproductive combatitive and unable to integrate into society
+  - Why stop at age? Surely we could create a more complex evaluation of human moral standard and compatibility or potentiation of society at large.

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+The government is not really a thinking body. Individuals think, but far less so when their livelihood, day to day operations and mode of achieving success requires very specific time scales. Our leaders are not scientifically literate, nor do they have experience with the entire range of possible threats. In most cases, their experience with biological threats has been rather low - many of them are raised in families and communities who don't just value public office, but have the resources to be able to think about pursuing occupations which aren't essential for basic survival. That is to say, they aren't food industry or infrastructure jobs - they are about governance, social commentary, social engineering, philosophical pursuit and management from a more abstracted, macro level.
+To be able to think about these things, one must have sufficient resources to not be as concerned about basic survival, such as feeding onself. Thus, is it any surprise that some of them might overreact to a threat, especially given the pressure of consolidating an elevated need to avoid making mistakes, given the critical nature of the potential threat, with making decisions that have a high probability of falling within a range of normalcy. That it falls within a range of normalcy is important, as, given the murky outlook into such unfamiliar and grave events, the risk of inviting criticism is more pronounced than usual for any behaviour which falls too close to the edges of potential behaviours. If anyone decides to provide a heavily-weighted response to the threat, then they can immediately decry anyone with a lesser response as "not doing enough" for the benefit of those for whom they are accountable. This quickly escalates to a war of condemnation, and no politician is interested in allowing their reputation to suffer
+# Hypocrisy
+For years, now, I've listened to rhetoric from intelligent individuals who denounce and condemn the corporations for infringing on privacy, all the while demanding that legislation is created and passed for the purpose of preserving and ensuring privacy rights for citizens. In doing so, they've also always been making the case that government oversight and power has to grow, to ensure that it has the means by which to administer "new rights" in the face of corporate monopolies, and technological change.

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+Government is like a processing and distribution center
+You give them a delicious and nutricious grass fed steak, they turn it into junk food, and then wastefully distribute it

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+So here we go again..
+After instance after instance of sanctimonious finger wagging over questionable information, conjecture, opinion pieces, positing of allegations or investigations as evidence of guilt, we see the undoing of yet another previously praised pillar of truth in the ongoing toxic attack on those who still aim to maintain a sense of reason and due process, a sense of liberty and freedom, the valuing of that which allows humans to live the best lives of any humans historically..
+We need to hold dear the standards which are universally applicable, and not just give in to allowing special treatment in cases where we identify an actor or a factor which appeals to or betrays our sensibilities. To hold have values means that they apply universally because the very fact that they are values of any worth makes their universal applicability self-evident. If they weren't to be applied universally, then they wouldn't be important values because you would be deciding and opining by virtue of other values which you hold more dear. Thus one must ask themselves, what are your values?
+Do you pretend to comply with values simply in order to be politically salient? Are political salience and the potential for manipulation your highest values?
+And, of course, the very fact that the case of Flynn has been overturned is evidence in and of itself of wrongdoing. What utter nonsense - you can be certain that those who come to this conclusion do so as a knee jerk reaction or on their first evidence of an opinion from someone of their like-tribe, leading the way and revealing to them that this opinion, an opinion which allows them to remain in their destructive stupor, is safe to adopt and propogate.
+Utter nonsense.

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+## Software Engineering
+- Smallest increment is defined
+- System composed out of choice
+## Biopharmaceutical Engineering
+- Unknown limits to scale
+- Unknown smallest increment for any subsystem contained within the technology
+- System of unknown interactions

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+It's time to get it all out once again. This time what's happening in the mind
+there's a whole lot of testing knowledge, unit testing, test driven development, and a way of iterating development in a concise and structured way where each goal can be identified in a more technical representation, that is, the functionality which it provides, and as it can be best demonstrated by the most simplified use case. The most generic, most far-reaching, most universally relevant manner by which it would be utilized in the real world.
+Could we go about living our lives this way? Could we sit up in bed each morning, think about a few blurry plans for the day and then set about deconstructing one of those plans into a linear representation of indicators, requirements, actions, etc and then reason about the capabilities brought about by the form of being, the form of the human and that of the Universe, the form and behaviour which emergent phenomena adhere and conform to, as said phenomena dance, intertwine and transform, all the while being represented in the forms that are only natural and inherently adhered to.
+The form of being.
+If we could imagine these forms which must be represented, and the capabilities which are required to represent them, then could we write a suite of unit tests for our path forward? Go through each one and ensure that it can be completed with the utmost of efficacy and precision, the apex, the absolute pinnacle of observable and realizable expressions of the form desired. After each of these forms has been realized to its most utmost potential ever possible, then we could engage these tasks with a previously conceived visualized path of engagement and representation to be duplicated or imitated, and enjoy the assumed certitude which accompanies it.
+Alas, we need more perfect paths forward. Or is forward always a form of perfection?

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+What is the true nature of the challenges that face us?
+Are they circumstantial? How much are we a part of that circumstance?
+Do we, perhaps, create our own challenges? Might there be less of a challenge if we were not aware of ourselves and planning to subvert ourselves for the type of gain which, for we ourselves might be a regression, or at least the pursuit of which is a regression for someone, especially the actor/actress in question
+Are the challenges a resource problem? Might they be a distribution
+Is it a system problem or a personality problem?
+Is it a systems problem or just a

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+# How to Serve People at this Time?
+Reinforcing them with smartly chosen, helpful tasks which also serve your interests
+- Developmental, but what skills are necessary for my goals?
+- Deterministic structuring in the behaviour of low level systems
+Interfacing these smal systems to network with one another
+- Socket spec for small microcontrollers to transfer data for device level analyses
+# Spec
+- RTOS type basic loop
+- SocketListener + SocketClient
+- KScheduler

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+ SO I have this library that I use in some other projects
+ basically what happened was that I realized that C++ has no good database libraries for high level abstraction with postgresql (or probably any SQL databases, for that matter). I did find that the most robust, mature and supported library, that's actively being worked on, and even seems to posit itself as the "official" C++ Postgresql library, was libpqxx. But I didn't want to write my own queries in the code, so I went about making a few sets of overloaded methods for variations of queries etc. This wasn't a planned library, it was mostly just something I built out of necessity so I could avoid having to write even more extra code than I'm used to writing, which is already more than enough code for a given task.
+ That said, I've developed a usable library over the course of a year or so, and I'm not sure if I want to refactor it, rewrite it, or just tune it. Adding some google testing to it would be a fine way of allowing me to get a better understanding of it and improve my cognitive acuity. In a sense, I'm able to test its logic and reliability, and become more intimate with it such that I'll be able to make a better decision about how best to make use of the general concept of abstracting libpqxx.
+So the first thing we have to do is get it to compile.
+Since we already use CMake on distant-vdi, as it stands, and because my first job of building it involved getting it into a library like Distant-VDI, where it has the CEF dependency, I quickly decided on the CMake route.
+So here's a little 

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+# What Solutions am I Seeking?
+Are they for the betterment of myself, my immediate emotions? My Environment? My future child?
+HOw best to remain objective, when continuing on in the vast, expansive unknown?
+Certainly the solutions must be useful, and even currently marketable.
+Who could not benefit from a programmable robot? What does this future helper do?
+1. Remember things
+2. Collaborate with you
+3. Develop an idea
+4. Develop a system surrounding a need or concept
+5. Research the idea for you
+6. Structure a domain of knowledge and reason about it
+7. Argue against an idea or concept

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+Why do we avoid taking the time to expand our thoughts?
+Is it fear of our thinking? Fear of the moment? Fear of reality?
+Are we afraid that if we actually try to sort through our thoughts, that we'll be dissatisfied with some of what we discover? Or, is it perhaps worse than that? Is it possible that we cannot even come to the point of being able to decipher our thoughts?
+Perhaps it's even worse than that, not that we're now at the point of not being able to decipher our thoughts, but perhaps having become wise and aware to the point of suspecting that we've never made sense of our thoughts ever at all.
+Whatever the reasoning, it appears from my anecdotal experience that there is value in the endeavour. That is, I've never spent time elucidating my thinking to myself, and come away feeling as though I'm less familiar with my thoughts. Given that I must rely on my thinking to navigate and negotiate each moment that I'm engaged with, it would reason should impel one to make the effort and keep on top of their thoughts, their intention, their desires, and harness the knowledge of these things into a sensible strategy or planned actions.
+Even if no planning is involve, simply having sorted through one's thoughts also yields the benefit of being better able to work with and disseminate the fabrications of one's faculties. That can only be a good thing.