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      covidism/Denis Rancourt TLAV 4.md

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covidism/Denis Rancourt TLAV 4.md

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ __Why is that?__
 - Excess mortality correlates with poverty
 - Excess mortality correlates with poverty
 - Not just a correlation, but shows proportionality
 - Not just a correlation, but shows proportionality
 - If a state has no one living in poverty, you have no excess deaths
 - If a state has no one living in poverty, you have no excess deaths
-- If you double the numebr of people living in poverty, you double the excess deaths in the state
+- If you double the number of people living in poverty, you double the excess deaths in the state
 - Viruses do not have the ability to discern
 - Viruses do not have the ability to discern
 - There is no correlation with the age of the population - No correlations of excess mortality with the age of the population in the state
 - There is no correlation with the age of the population - No correlations of excess mortality with the age of the population in the state
   - Shotgun patterns
   - Shotgun patterns
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ __Why is that?__
 Poverty, obesity, disability - those are the people who died.
 Poverty, obesity, disability - those are the people who died.
 ## Latest All-Cause mortality in US study
 ## Latest All-Cause mortality in US study
-In the latest all-cause mortality study - they found evidence of time synchronicity between an incresae in vaccine doses that are delivered to the body, and an increase in mortality.
+In the latest all-cause mortality study - they found evidence of time synchronicity between an increase in vaccine doses that are delivered to the body, and an increase in mortality.
 ## How it started
 ## How it started
 You can think of this in terms of there are conditions where a forest fire is likely and any spark will do. A lot of dry underbrush, lots of fuel, and a lot of wind. You have this huge, globalized pandemic response / network of institutions. These people exist to respond to pandemics. They are a huge hammer looking for a nail. That have set it up, they fund it, they practice scenarios (funded by pharma and special interests). You've got an army of professionals, including scientists, that are ready to go. And you could add all the pieces that are aprt fo the dry underbrush.
 You can think of this in terms of there are conditions where a forest fire is likely and any spark will do. A lot of dry underbrush, lots of fuel, and a lot of wind. You have this huge, globalized pandemic response / network of institutions. These people exist to respond to pandemics. They are a huge hammer looking for a nail. That have set it up, they fund it, they practice scenarios (funded by pharma and special interests). You've got an army of professionals, including scientists, that are ready to go. And you could add all the pieces that are aprt fo the dry underbrush.
@@ -151,6 +151,97 @@ It's very difficult to do and the only times it's been done. It would be so much
 Culturing in a lab, for example.
 Culturing in a lab, for example.
+<MSNBC Interview where virologist claims SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated>
+It doesn't matter that it hasn't been isolated if it's accepted that there is a genetic code. Whatever pharma industry wants to take a part of that code and decide to make that in a lab in inject you with it - that mRNA, designed in that regard, will produce the protein and you'll recognize to it and develop immunity - that's the beauty of what they've done. All they need is a genetic code, whether it's true or false or how it's obtained - that's all they need. They can make you a vaccine with this technology where it's cheaper to make, avoids many regulatory problems - because of not having an actual virus or any culturing needs. A vector is just something you synthesize in a lab. They've established the idea that they can get genetic sequences and make you vaccines for anything you want.
+To take it a step further - this whole isolation question is itself completely irrelevant because, using hard data, we have demonstrated that there was no particularly virulent pathogen.
+They win either way - if there are no deaths, we're saving people, and if there are deaths, it's due to something else.
+If there truly was a dangerous virulent pathogen, you wouldn't have to be asking this question. You would see your neighbours dying unmistakably from this violent disease. You wouldn't have any of these kinds of problems.
+One of the things shown in one of Dennis' first papers with the US data was to ask "what is the mechanism of death?". What was found was that the marjority of death certificates have a co-condition of non-COVID pneumonia. At the same time, for structural reasons, everyone was cutting down on antibiotics. Antibiotics dropped by half while a national-scale epidemic of bacterial pneumonia. People got bacterial pneumonia and then didn't treat it with antibiotics. This might also be the reason ivermectin helped people - it is a proven anti-bacterial agent in the literature. They may have been treating people suffering from pneunmonia, whether or not it was related to a COVID infection.
+### Who Dies
+Highly vulnerable, mentally disabled, obese, in poverty, institutionality, and subjected to enormous life changing circumstances that cause enormous stress. Stress is known, mechanistically at the molecular level, to completely suppress your immune system.
+Most of them die the usual way that people of all ages can die - bacterial pneumonia. If you are fragile, in terms of your health and immune system, you can be killed by bacterial pneumonia.
+Pneumonia was conflated with Flu, even in papers from the HHS, saying that there are only 200 cases proven to be flu, and everything else being something that had been conflated with flu.
+It's very difficult, even for an experienced clinician, to say with certainty that - you almost always have co-infection. You can detect viruses, but several - they typically find, through culturing, 2-5 different identifiable viruses. Same story for bacteria, and all this is happening at the same time.
+Lungs are one of the most fragile organs because it's in direct contact with the air, has high surface area,
+The 1918 Flu event - that time of dying of young and poor people happened under special circumstances, and before the influenza virus had been proposed or discovered. There was no such thing as flu back then.
+The lung tissues were re-analyzed by 5 different teams of researchers and everybody found that the people that they could see died of bacterial pneumonia. A big example of masks being used on a massive scale. We aren't prepared to advance the mask theory regarding 1918. 1918 was a killing field in Russia as well, with much related to war conditions and economic conditions - horrendous living conditions - and not everyone wore a mask, but they all died. I am, at least, sure that masks can cause health problems - and it's scientifically known. There's massive evidence of all the health problem that masks can cause.
+You have a dying, fragile individual and you insist on them being double masked - you're not helping them. 2.5-3 different comorbidities.
+#### The Mechanisms
+There are layers of mechanisms.
+The terrain: general health of the individual - how susceptible they are - obese, poverty, (and not just poor and not eating well, but being subjected to dominance hierarchy stress on a regular basis more aggressively than others).
+The first layer: psychological stress
+the second layer: social isolation
+The third layer: bacterial pneumonia
+There's recent research on the direct impact of stress on the immune system. The study we're talking about is referenced on our current work RE the USA.
+## Mass Vaccination Campaign
+### Introduction
+Our latest paper with 168 pages as it's currently published. We had the advantage that the vaccine campaign had essentially been accomplished. The start of the COVID period was when the WHO announced a pandemic and all-cause deaths shot up at that point. Then, up to the present, you have about 100 weeks of COVID period. The first 50 weeks are without vaccine, and the next 50 weeks the vaccine campaign shoots up dramatically, vaccinating hundreds of millions of doses in the USA.
+We argued that should be able to see what the impact of the vaccine is. The first first conclusion is that the vaccines did not lower all-cause mortality that was occurring in the COVID period. No lives were saved by this huge, mega-massive mass vaccination campaign.
+They are saying that the vaccine becomes effective to protect you against serious illness within 7 and 14 days. If you are protected against serious illness then presumably you are somewhat protected against death. We do not see any decrease in the USA. The high level of excess, all-cause mortality is maintained in the 100 weeks mentioned. In 50 weeks you had essentially vaccinated everyone.
+It had no visible effect in the all-cause mortality.
+The second thing we tried to do is to say that's fine in terms of a bulk measure, but let's look at a time-dependence of all-cause mortality, because there are peaks and troughs, changing from state-to-state, and different by age-group.
+Let's look at that in detail and compare the time evolution of how many  doses of the vaccine are administered to the people of that same age group. Let's see if there's a time-wise synchronicity that would link the vaccine to deaths.
+### Observed Patterns
+We found strong examples of a coincidence in terms of an increase in vaccination amount and a large extra peak in all-cause deaths. This increase is not the original rise when the campaign began, but a later rise when they implemented vaccine-equity programs. Vaccine equity means aggressive going after all the communities that had not yet been vaccinated enough, and all the states and counties where this was the case, and they hired lots of people to go and inject as many people as possible.
+You can see an increase in the timewise number of vaccinations administered and you see that in the poor states because it's in the poor states where people are not as vaccinated. They tend to be more isolated, more distant from one another, not the same big population centers, etc.
+At the same time that there is this large increase, there is a large peak that arises. It is not a usual seasonal peak - it's not happening in the winter. It's happening in the late-summer, prior to the winter, when this campaign was in effect. Unprecedented.
+And, so, you can look at that peak and the vaccination and by age group in the poor states and it's unambiguous.
+### Vaccines as a CoMorbidity
+What we come to say is "the vaccines were a comorbidity - they are a toxic substance, there is a peak of mortality following injections - unambiguous. The lipids themselves, used for the capsule, are known to be a toxic molecule to the body, and so on. What we're saying is that the vaccines were a co-morbidity for exactly the same people that are mostly killed by the COVID measures. Those people who are particularly frail - poverty, disability, mental disability, obesity, and so on. When those situations combine in thos particualr individuals that are being isolated, mistreated, lives transformed, stressed out, immune systems depressed, lack of antibiotics, and you inject them in order to have vaccine equity, and that puts some individuals over the top and that gives rise to the extra all-cause mortality in those states where there are a lot of those individuals and you have, at the same time, this increase in vaccination. A relatively subtle effect compared to the bulk all-cause mortality of the COVID period. But it's very real, cannot be an accident, has incredible synchonicity repeatedly by age group from state to state, between the increase in vaccination and the increase in all-cause mortality.
+Peter McCullough might be looking at the mechanisms might be, but I'm not doing any of that. I'm just looking at the all-cause mortality and I'm telling you that that isn't an accident.
+Every category we listed off, or other categories that some might list off as the biggest drains of resources - open actions about do-not-rescusitate to those with learning disabilities. Eugenics overtone to this?
+I would say that, in effect, it may not be intentional but in effect it certainly seems to be the case. The way poor elderly people were treated, especially - there has been complete disregard for disabled people, mentally disabled especially. There is a negative bias towards these people in society and there is way less accountability if you kill these people. That is just a structural reality.
+### Michigan
+In the large paper that you saw about the USA, we found something that happened in only one state that was very dramatic, and that state was Michigan.
+When the vaccination campaign was first turned on in Michigan, at the same time there was a huge Spring peak in all-cause mortality (massive). No other state has a peak in teh spring following the initiation of the vaccine campaign, but Michigan does - difficult to understand how or why - and it is synchronous with the massive increase in vaccination delivery happening at the same time, and by age group.
+We saw that and thought "Wow, that's incredible - here the vaccines appear to have been deadly, and deadly in an amount comparable to the toxicity that we quantified with VAERS (one order of magnitude off but easy to understand when considering heterogeneity of the population). Why is it only happening in one state? We don't know the answer, but we have an unmistakable phenomenon in Michigan".
+Since that time, we've been looking at Canadian data, and what we find is that that same peak coinciding with the massive initial upshoot of vaccination is occurring in several provinces in Canada, synchronous with the vaccinations, occurring at the same time - in Alberta and Ontario. You can see it more clearly by age group.
+### Age and Mortality
+Age has a big effect on mortality.
+- The risk of mortality, whatever the cause, is exponential with age.
+- The doubling time is about 9 years (culture, time/history, etc doesn't matter except during war)
+Fundamental property of biology and you fin dthis characteristic in other animal species, but the doubling time is different, obviously.
+The risk of death due to being challenged with a toxic substance rises exponentially with age, but also the heterogeneity that you will die - the width of distribution for a given age increases with age.
+Put another way, if you inject older people there will be much more variation in how toxic the substance is for them, compared to younger people. For younger people the toxicity is abotu the same for everyone.
+This is also the reason why there's no need to say there are "toxic batches".
 ### Misrepresentation
 ### Misrepresentation
 Our conversations get discussed as being a process of deception in which one or more of the parties is deceiving the other.
 Our conversations get discussed as being a process of deception in which one or more of the parties is deceiving the other.
@@ -164,3 +255,57 @@ There's a correlation between Nobel Prizes being given and geopolitical agendas
 There are agendas even in things lik ethe Nobel Prize that is otherwise thought to be a purely scienific acknowledgment.
 There are agendas even in things lik ethe Nobel Prize that is otherwise thought to be a purely scienific acknowledgment.
+### Lockdowns
+Physics minded astronomer, John Johnson, worked with Denis and they studied the epidemiology to understand the effect of lockdowns on all-cause mortality - published in Brownstone Institute.
+Many states did not have any lockdown impositions, joined by a border with states that did, and you can make direct comparisons - often with states that are very comparable.
+Statistically, virtually systematically, you had lower all-cause mortality if you didn't lock down.
+We corrected for intrinsic health inequities between states (not a big effect, but one that one can and should protect for).
+### Intent
+Covid measures were war-measures imposed  because we are in a war. A geopolitical war against China and Eurasia.
+They want to take the next decade to curtail/reverse the development of China and its trading partners. In such a war, you're going to reconfigure the world economy with huge consequences on inflation and distribution. The war can also become hotter and hotter. Therefore, they want to control any domestic criticism, hence why they put war measures in place.
+Prevent travel, sensor communication, and impose a need for people to demonstrate obedience.
+You have to look at COVID in light of geopolitics. We don't like to say it, but there is an empire.
+I do not buy the idea that Russia and China are not sovereign, and are part of the same global system. There are many collaborations, but they are sovereign states and they are necessarily considered to be opponents.
+The west doesn't want co-development. They want supremacy, and they want to crush their adversaries.
+Geopolitics did not disappear in 2020. There is a continuity of strong geopolitical top-level forces that have been apparent since before the 2nd world war, and there is a continuum of phenomena to watch.
+#### China and Russia
+They are sovereign states and they are necessarily in economic opposition to the west. The United States doesn't want co-development; they want supremacy, and they want to crush their adversaries.
+#### Lots of Intent
+There is no doubt that there is intent to do all these things we've been concerned about. But is there intent to kill? Professionals can be wreckless and can even know they are killing people and not care, but there is likely not an intent to cull or kill or cause a genocide to reduce population.
+Having said that, it is also true that technocratic elites and elite leaders or elite politicians do not like a large population. A large population means more interactions and complexity thus not only is it harder to control, but the likelihood of unwanted events increases from the perception of an elite. That is to say, if there are advantages that you have in society which you'd like to keep private, there's a greater likelihood that they will be discovered and discussed. You have a growing and large population so it's hard to even know what the dangers are.
+They don't like growth and development in all of the world, particularly Latin America and Africa (or there would have been decades of it). They have allowed controlled growth of their allies in Europe and Japan, under Breton Woods and following WW2, but when it becomes threatening they pull back from it, unilaterally.
+This harms societies and causes globalization: the US centered finance and corporations take more of the world. That's what globalization really means. Right now they are destroying Europe by imposing huge sanctions against their trading partner, Russia. They want to destroy Europe because they would prefer to destroy it than to allow it to integrate with Eurasia. They really don't want that, so they're willing to sacrifice their allies without any problem.
+Another leading element might be trying to create a global entity, but these are not opposite views. If they manage to crush China, Russi and the sovereign economies, then those economies will be forced to be integrated into what's being built (their "reset" and a controlled E-Currency).
+One must understand the very wealthy billionaire class existing only because the US allows it, hence why they have to serve US interests. You also have to understand pharma and the big corporations in the same way; if they US decides they are no longer useful or are a threat, they will disappear. There are historical examples of this.
+We can see that the direction is clear: we should ask if what we see is what we've been voting for. The concern for what's really going on today is evident in research papers such as that whcih was discussed in our conversation today.
+## How do we wake people up?
+We're talking about individual psychology and their individual presence in a community and environment.
+How do you best jolt someone into becoming uncomfortable with their beliefs? Generally, the answer is by personal contact. Opening communication and explaining what you believe in a way that is personal with the people who are closest to you. In doing that, you often discover that there are parts in your own logic that are incomplete or that are tenuous, and you have to go back and learn more.
+Those who will help to turn this around are those who feel very strongly, for example, that they don't want to be injected. They're not going to allow it, and they're not going to allow their children to be injected. You're not going to force me to wear a mask.
+The more people who feel that way will create a critical mass which can turn things around. We have to feel strongly. It's great that many Canadians are learning to detest our Prime Minister. That visceral sentiment comes from the realization that he serves other interests.
+Canada has lost a lot of its sovereignty to the United States, and is willing to sacrifice its own economy. The leaders are selling off Canada and saying "to heck with Canadians".