@@ -766,4 +766,152 @@ Dialectics, on the other hand, understand that cause and effect are just one and
"Dialectic has its origins in ancient society, both among the Chinese and the Greeks, where thinkers sought to understand nature as a whole, and saw that everything is fluid, constantly chnaging, comign into being and passing away. It was only in the peicemeal of observing nature and bits and pieces practiced in western thinking in the 17th-18th century had accumulated enough positive knowledge for the interconnections, transitions and genesis of things to become comprehensible that the conditions became ripe for modern dialectics to make its apperance. It was Hegel who was able to sum up this picture of universal interconnection and mutability of all things in a system of logic which is a foundation of what we call, today, dialectics".
-In other words, scientific understanding of things can be considered stupid
+In other words, scientific understanding of things can be considered stupid. Formal thinking and traditional theory is "verstand" and people make stupid mistakes like turning their farmland into desert because of a lack of understanding from the higher level. But we have vernunft, the dialectic, Hegel's systematic philosophy. So he names his philosophy "Logic", and "Reason" as a systematic philosophy that is the higher way of thinking.
+This is his metaphysic and it ties into the thread that the operating system is the Dialectic. You can follow Marx who said Hegel had this thing right, but that it was standing on its head, so he turned it back upright. Then the Neo-Marxists said Marx had it backwards and had to turn Hegel back upright again. It might be more accurate to analyze these three groups in a different, more dialectical frame.
+More accurate to say:
+- Hegel focused on the Ideas (God, the Absolute)
+- Marx focused on the State, and thus the Materialist world (the Son)
+- The Neo-Maxists focused on the Culture (Spirit, Geist)
+That makes a solid through-line that these people - the woke inheritors - are all talking about the same thing, with different aspects being what they believe as the relevant part where you do the alchemical process.
+For Hegel, if you want to change the world, you focus on the ideas. For Marx, if you want to change the world, you focus on the state and the material conditions. For the Neo-Marxists, if you want to change the world, you focus on the culture (this translates into the woke as well).
+Recoil in horror that it implies under Marxism that the philosophy treats the state like it's Jesus, and provides salvation and life, but also an ideal model for how to live an ethical life. The truth and the life become the state - this is how Hegel thought about the state.
+#### Summing up Metaphysics
+Hegel remains speculative (Mystical) trying to apply the dialectic to ideas. Marx frees him from his mystical shell, makes the dialectic into dialectical materialism and seeks to exploit the contradictions of material life by raising class consciousness in the people who experience it. And the Neo-Marxists shift that whole project to Aufheben der Kultur - the dialectic abolishment or transfer of culture.
+The current woke project is primarily an effort of constant, multidimensional aufheben der kultur - cultural warfare of the dialectical, leftist motif. Thus it is no surprise that we are currently embroiled in a totalizing, international culture war, and it's easy to see who the antagonists are, and how they proceed (through the culture war - tear down the existing culture and cause problems). It's also easy to see this project, and all of its forms, as 3-4 denominations of a religion.
+The Judeo-Christian model is not a terrible metaphor, but don't take it literally. It's just a good comparison to get people to think. We are not comparing the ethics of each of these.
+In this sense, you can also think of Hegel as being Judaic - establishing and making convenant with or documenting this Absolute Deity.
+Marx falls into the role of the early pre-Pauline Christians who have brought this faith into a new era of practicality, but whose reach is relatively limited.
+And then the Neo-Marxists, by turning to Aufheben der kultur, are like the Pauline Evangelists whose reach is virtually unlimited. That's sort of the structure of this religion in terms of how it comes out "practically".
+The Judaic faith is very exclusive, the pre-Pauline Christian approach is also quite limited in terms of its reach, but Evanglistic Christianity is billions, global and rapidly expansive. This demand to evangelize is indicative of what you see in the Neo-Marxists and the Evanglists by moving the whole project into the site of Geist. So rather than working within the idea, as the deity, or working within the material world, as the son, they instead turn to the Geist. They are working through what Hegel would conceive of as the Holy Spirit and the Spirit is what moves the world. And goodness are they ever succeeding at moving the world with it.
+In all three cases, the basic underlying faith is identical, present, largely constant, and based on Hegel's metaphysics which is ultimately a metaphysic based on societal alchemy - meant to create some new world that's Perfected and Utopian. This leaves it open to megalomaniacs who, throughout history, have come up and picked up these ideas, whether Hitler / Stalin / Lenin / Mao - who pick up these ideas and think that their vision of the right side of history can be implemented under their rule. The woke, even though they don't have this charismatic man-of-action behind them right now, as it's phrased in Hegel, are doing the same thing - Leninism 4.0?
+## Wrap-Up
+### Consequences
+Necessity and urgency to the dilectic. If you believe that the Utopia is brought about faster by the process of the dialectic, you have to do this as hard and fast as possible. The more vigorously it is applied, the faster we get to the Utopia at the end of history, therefore anyone who resists must be evil, because they resist the idea of utopia, and they drag history's feet whil emaintaining the oppressions of the imperfected society.
+Demand for conformity and collectivism which causes, in terms, demands for statism. Hegel was a statist, so it's no surprise that Marxism is statis and that Neo-marxism is totalitarian. The wokeism inherits both statism and totalitarianism. Hegel's philosophy is profoundly statist - the state is the divine idea as expressed on earth.
+Hegel writes:
+"The state is absolutely rational in as much as it is the actuality of the substantial will which it possesses in the particular subconsciousness once that consciousness has been raised to consciousness of its universality." Once consciousness becomes critically aware, then you have the state being absolutely rational as a perfected state.
+"This substantial unity is an absolute unmoved end in itself in which freedom comes into its supreme rite. On the other hand, this final end has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of this state"
+Philosophy of Right:
+"The state is the actuality of the ethical idea. It is the ethical mind qua the substantial will manifest and revealed to itself knowing and thinking itself accomplishing what it knows and insofar that it knows it."
+"For truth is the unity of the universal and subjective will, and the universal is to be found in the state - in its laws, its universal and rational arguments. The state is the divine idea as it exists on earth. We have in it, therefore, the object of history in a more definite shape than before, and in which freedom obtains objectively and lives in the enjoyment of the subjectivity".
+This is why they think freedom comes from the state in Hegelian Leftism. The state has th supreme right against the individual whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state.
+All of his theosophy and metaphysic aside, all of this has political consequences. In free societies like the States which proceeds from a Lachian or Jeffersonian framework, we believe that rights precede the states. Endowed by a creator. Inalienable. In a Hegelian framework, this is not how it works. The individual has a complete duty to the state - total statism and collectivism.
+Rights are replaced by prpvileges to be granted by the state. A different political model. Rights endowed by the creator meets the antithesis of privileges granted from the state.
+The connection to what's going on in the woke ideology cannot be missed, especially in the declaration in Critical Race an Introduction Page 23:
+"Critical Theorists are highly suspicious of another liberal mainstay, namely: rights."
+They are simultaneously obsessed with privilege and how the system, which is a manifestation of the idea state in the culture or geist, creates and thus bestows privilege. Privilege is granted by the state. They are obsessed with who has privilege nad how that's unfair, ebcaues the state itself is unfair because the entire structure of the idea, state nad culture are incorrect, and so they agitate culture knowing that that's where you have the most drive to change the entire thing and reorganize who has privilege. That's why they're so obsesse dwith privilege, want people to check privilege, because privlege comes down from the state and they want to reorganize everything so that everything operates according to their ideology.
+Another consequence of the HEgelian thought is collectivism because when the ideas are perfected, everybody must have the same ideas, because they are perfect. All the different ideas which lead to contradictions must have been synthesized. If anyone has different ideas, that's a site of contradictions - if your idea and my ide aare different, we now have a dialectic between us. It has to be synthesized.
+We don't have th eperfect idea, therefore the absolute has not recognized itself unless we all have the same idea. There can be no cognitive libert y in the perfected state. We have to have total collectivism and all think the same - and this will happen by all subsuming our will to the state - giving over our will and duty to the state entirely. Hegelian thought is a massive amplification to a dramatic degree of the powerful collectivist metaphysic underneath it. Collectivism leads people who take it up to try and force a situation because they believe that when there's total conformity to their totalizing ideology, collectively maintained, then we are now near or at the point of the absolute realizing itself. The perfected point where Utopia is imminent. We are all part of the dialectical process moving history forward and we are all in it together.
+Anybody who has a different idea is both a problem and proof that the absolute hasn't realized itself. So that person becomes a site where the dialectic continues to play out. That means it's nt done playing out, thust he Utopia isn't here. Somebody with different thoughts is preventing the emergence of the Utopia, and they're probably just being stubborn.
+People who don't want to get on board with this, especially when a megalomaniacal man of action have taken control and power - which is totally a weakness of this ideology, because this man of action is always being looked for. That's going to be perceived from within this logic as being against the realization of Utopia, problematic, and in need of elimination/excommunication/marginalization. That's what we see in Cancel Culture, and what we saw under horrific manifestations under people like Stalin and Mao.
+This is another thing: these kind of a mentality (Hegelian magic) is wide open to psychopaths and megalomaniacs who think that they have vision, the ruthlessness, and the capacity to decide what the right side of history actually is (it will conform to their pathologies), and the will install a pathocracy (pathological government). They have the ability to usher this in at any cost. This happens again and again under Hegelian frameworks, and it has lead to a catastrophic movement.
+Hegel's man of action is meant to come in, in the attempt to fulfill history. History is using him (he doesn't even have his own agency), the man of action, to progress the dialectic and progress history. CRT: "And so the dialectic progresses".
+If he fails in his mission to fulfill history, it still fits into the same mold. History still progresess. He doesn't fulfillhistory, but it progresses. So it's easy to get support from the dialectical left who eblieve in this faith, but it leads into mentalities and tropes such as: Real Communism has never been tried. Because every attempt so far was just a case that wasn't real communism - people forwarded some new synthesis tha wasn't the perfectly synthesized idea, and the contradictions in their attempt were revealed to the unfolding process of history - 10s or millions of dead people? Hitler was a result of this. Communism and its failures. Hitler is a rsult of a Hegelian dialectic being taken up as a faith.
+So they say real Communism has not been tried because it will only have occurred after the absolute realizes itself, not before. Everything up until that point, whether good or bad, was just the part of the process of making our way there.
+Furthermore, all of the mas deaths through these Hegelian rpojects - these people are just martyrs of history. They aren't a tragedy, they're a victory. 100 million dead? History used them to reveal the contradictions and the ideas that were being ported in that age, so they're not really a loss. History used and discarded them, just as it does to Men of Action. The dead are a benefit under this world view. History, under Hegel's historcism, uses people for its purpose and then discards them. It's just a part of the process. The ends justify the means.
+As Hegel had it then, the spirit of the time commanded movement, the absolute marches through history by good roads and bad ones. It's all progress, no matter how bad it is.
+##### Last Example
+People wouldn't expect another consequence of the Hegelian faith is the Interfaith movement. Another aspect of Hegel's philosophy. The prisca theologia and the philosophia perennis that's after - Interfaith is the attempt to bring all the various faiths and philosophies together and extract from them that which was originally there - that Prisca Theologia, before it became corrupted and worldly. Or to identify within them, the different aspects reflected of the philosophia perennis - the perennial philosophy that all of them are just badly simulating in the simulacran sense of Jean Beaudriard. So for Marx, state atheism and his view of materialism would do, and our present incarnation of this nonsense, which is woke (as with the others before it) a highly refined, mostly non-sensical vision of social justice is something to do with the philosophia perennis. Equity becomes the updated vision of communism under this social justice model. Public-private partnerships become the vehicle, a super-national super-state that replaces the state as nation state.
+So we have our Equity Geist, our supernational state in public-private partnerships, and the faith traditions of the world all cheer this on by subverting their own beliefs to the synthetic idea of social justice. The Christians, the Muslims, the Buddhists - and everyone's not preaching their own or talking about their own faith, philosophy or tradition. They're just being used parasitically to forward one faith which is social justice. A socially-just word is the new name for the project that will lead the absolute to realize itself and actualize. This is all still Hegelian metaphysical faith.
+I hope I've now established my two big takeaways and we can turn to what we might do with this information.
+1. We should understand that the Operating System of the left is, in fact, the Hegelian Dialectic. It comes in different forms and with different focuses largely because the Dialectic applies to itself to concentrate and change it. Hegel's idealism -> Marx's materialism -> Neo Marxists culturalism -> Woke identity politics. In that that sense, what we see is an underlying metaphysics and tool that's ultimately religious and is being driven by this dialectical process which is ultimately alchemical in nature.
+Understanding this thing is crucial to understanding what's going on no win the currents of leftist thought. It should be seen as a religious movement.
+I've also mentioned the Dialectic with the tool of Aufheben at its core is ultimately what drives this whole thing. Dialectic driven by aufheben - absolish, destroy, undermine. While trying to pull out and let blossom the seed of gold within it.
+One thing we can take away from this mentality is that liberals and conservatives in our societies form a natural and sensible allyship for maintaining friendship than do leftists and liberals. Liberals should be allying with conservatives on the maintenance of a World order that is not this insane Hegelian leftism. Alchemy is not real and you can't build a positive thing out of constant negation.
+The west could be said to have 3 Gods, in some broad sense these would be the JudeoChristian God for the Conservatives, a Secularized Spinozan Lachian God for the Liberals, The Hegelian Absolute for the Leftists.
+Liberals and Conservatives, in that sense, have something deeply in common whereas the Hegelian leftists deeply different. There is a natural allyship between the liberals and conservatives.
+The 3 Gods of the west. the JudeoChristian God and Jeffersonian Liberal God have a God that is - alpha omega I am the I am. Whereas Leftists have a God that becomes through their activism.
+Summarizing that idea again, Liberalsa nd Conservatives with their 2 deities approach the divine with humility - Humble before something bigger than we are which is incomprehensible to us. Leftists don't have this with their Hegelian Deity - the faith is fueled up in praxis, thus they approach the divine with arrogance, as their goal is to brign their own vision into being and make it Lord through their machinations and activism. It's for thi reason that a lot of far-right conservatives identify it with luciferianism or satanism. It's a very arrogant belief to bring about actualization of God through your activism and, compared to the humility of God the Father, or the World as it is beyond and bigger than us, with all that humanity, it's a complete departure.
+That's one thing to understand. Ultimately my goal has beent o make clear what's been going on with the Left for the past 200 years - Old Left, New left, Woke Left - which exists in a single current in which Marx is just one species.
+Lenin, Stalin, Mao - these are woke precursors. Wokeness is Leninism 4.0. Bio-Leninism - taking a page out of Foucault by saying that when you have scientific technocracy involved where it's bio-something and it's Leninism in being driven through technocratic means - so BioLeninism. These are all threads on the same line of thought. All one religion and it's a religion taht is comprehensible, and it's defeasible when it's understood because it's intrinsically weak - it consistently fails to have the evidence, it doesn't have the argument, and it completely lacks the moral highground once yoyu understand what it is. And faith is ultimtaely the Hegelian Dialectical Faith - which is ultimately alchemical in nature.
+# What We Can Do
+To beat the dialectical left requires understanding that it is dialectical and not getting dragged into the dialectic. It seeks to make something out of nothing, so you don't play along with it. You don't go along and believe that you can make something out of nothing or that you can create positive or success out of negation (ridiculous where you have Marcuse arguing that the negative thinking leads to positive). They literally think that the golden era is inside a shell of oppression if we just rip off all the oppression, the golden era will blossom out. So what you have to do as an individual or institution - you have to avoid the dialectic. I did a whole podcast on my other podcast - private contributors only - where I compared it to alligators or crocodiles that drag you into the water and roll you. They throw out a dialectical bid - you need to leran to recognize these and learn to not participate. If you cave in, bend the knee, given in, grant their presuppositions, you try to argue back - they drag you into the mud. Your options, then, are to mock it, if that's appropriate, and to get funny about it. Or to engage their mott and bailey rhetorical strategy - you steal their mott - make the core of their argument, the kernel/truth of their argument better than they can - and then bomb the bailey, which is to say "destroy their activist agenda". You're going to go in and say "ok you're right it turned out there really is a little nugget of Gold, and Im going i'm going to take out the gold for you - that'll be mine - and I'll point out why everything else you have is lead.
+Steal the mott, bomb the bailey. Those are the only things you can do. You have to find other modes of engagement, like mockery or this very savvy steal mott bomb bailey, or you have to stand on your principles - a little chauvinism won't hurt too much. Refusing to bend the knee, refusing to participate. Forcing them to play on neutral terms - make them define their terms, etc, so you can stay out of their dialectic word games. Also, you have to learn to start seeing and anticipating their moves and manipulations, which you can do once you understand that they are operating frmom a Dialectical frame and under the belief that they're saving the world by bringing about a Utopia through their actions.
+Their negative, aufheben, demolish, deconstruct, disrupt dismantle process cannot create. It can only destroy or spend. Harvard U provides a great example. 40% of its professors are worried that their brand is losing status. 400 year old University has burned through 380 years of excellent, top-grade branding in just a few years by taking all this woke crap on. It really took the last year, where a few people were allowed to grift and a few ideas to get pushed out that will cause it to collapse under its own weight. Communists, NeoMarxists, infiltrate an institution, spend as much as possible, and then burn it to the ground because they don't produce anything. You can't create through a negation process. Aufheben doesn't make. Critical Theory doesn't build. Critical Theory doesn't even understand. It doesn't have to understand, it just has an obligation to aufheben der kulture (tear down).
+If you are thinking about participating in an institution that goes woke, don't bet on it. Don't consider taking it up in an effort to maintain career viability or in order to keep up with the trends of the workplace environment. Advancing its interests to grift a little bit and end up burning all your hard-earned credibility. Cocoa Cola had to back off after saying "be less white". The Fed government of the US is a laughing stock for trying to force CRT and Trans stuff. It will burn you to the ground so fast and use you to advance its interests and grift.
+Constant negativity in pursuit of the magical emergence of the good or great after all the negative is "destroyed" doesn't create good. Building hte good takes actual work. You have to know what you're doing and be willing to take risks. Good must be built up and then it must be maintained and defended, and the dialectic cannot do this -> it is a process of negating, not building. It can only destroy and spend. Its central article of faith that things will purify.
+Its objective is not understanding, it's operational success. Its goal is not to create or build, it is to win to seize power and to foist as much of its agenda on the world before it burns out.
+## Closing
+Quote from George Soros in "The Alchemy of Success":
+"The scientific method seeks to understand things as they are while alchemy seeks to bring about a desired state of affairs. To put it another way, to primary objective of science is truth, that of alchemy operational success."
+A book about finance where he explains how he was able to crash and short the British Pound Sterling. Alchemy is the process. His tool is called reflexivity.
+This is the fundamental difference between Hegelian alchemy and liberalism or even conservativsm. The same difference that you see in the Neo-Marxists with Critical Theory vs Traditional Theory.
+Traditional Theory seeks to understand things as they are, whereas the Critical Theory seeks to bring about a desired state of affairs. The primary objective of Traditional Theory is truth and that of Critical Theory is Operational Success.
+Verstand seeks to understand things as they are, Vernunft seeks to bring about a desired state of affairs. Truth vs Operational Success.
+This is the same thing that Marx dragged up in the difference between Vischenschaft and Socialismus. Critical Philosophy - Science seeks to understand things as they are, while Critical Philosophy seeks to bring about a desired state of affairs.
+Verstand and Vernunft. Understanding and Reason. The application of a systematic philosophy to perfect the ideas of the world according to his own program and thought.
+## The Claim
+The Woke is ultimately a hermetic (Alchemical) religion based in Hegelian philosophy, rooted in the dialectical process, proceeding by the Neo-Marxist objective of aufheben der kultur. We have a 200 year long trajectory of this line of thought stretching back to the Young Hegelians or Hegel. It has caused nothing but calamity everywhere it attempts to obtain power. It's attempting to obtain power through wokeness in the USA today, we should not let that happen. People who identify themselves as Liberal or Conservative should form an alliance to push out these people from positions of power which they abuse and waste.
+The roots of a huge reilgious movement that has been going for 200 years. The woke are the most evangelist and puritannical eruption. Many of them are, in fact, coming from a tradition of lapsed calvinism, where puritanism comes out of, with this woke ideology - the new operating system of a Hegelian faith. If you are a Christian, this line of thought is heretical to the Christian faith. You do not believe in a God that is becoming and actualized through the activities of human beings. You believe in a God that is and is transcendant. You don't believe in a Trinity where one part feeds into another and creates a spiral to the Utopia at the end of the world. In a God that created the world, 3 pieces are co-eternal and perfect. Only he knows the hour of the escaton. It's a heresy to believe that you can combine these, but it's a dialectical process to come to believe that it's possible:
+Christian faith as it is - bring in CRT as an anthithesis - find a Synthesis. Anything with a Hegelian aspect becomes Hegelian. Heretical frame of Christianity on the basis of CRT or Queer Theory leads to a Hegelian hijacking of the religion.
+Society was premised on the fact that rights are granted by the creator - endowed by the creator with inalienable rights, not privileges to be granted by a state to which we are completely subverted. Reject statism and collectivism and defend the values that have made everything work in the west for longer than these centuries of Hegelian religion.