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logicp 3 years ago
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+ 50 - 7

@@ -124,15 +124,15 @@ Marx and Engels to Hegel => receive dialectical materialism -> the essence of Ma
 It was in the decade after Hegel's death in the 1840s, when Hegel's popularity was at its peak in Germany, that Marx and Engels met and worked out the foundations of their critique of bourgeoious society. Hegel's radical young followers had in their hands a powerful critical tool, the dialectic, with which they ruthlessly criticized Christianity, the dominant doctrine of the day (something Hegel's was interested in as well, wanted to establish a folk-based German religion which escaped the Orientalism of Christianity which he felt had been foisted upon Germany inappropriately. The young hegelians really felt this way and ruthlessly criticized Christianity using the dialectic).
-However, one of these young Hegelians, ludwig feurbach, pointed out that holy family was after all only a heavenly image of the earthly family, and that by criticizing theology with philosophy, the younger hegelians were only doing the same thing as the Christians. Hegel's absolute idea was just another name for God. For Feurbach, ideas wer ea reflection of the material world and he held it to be ridiculous that an idea coulddetermine the world. Feurbach had declared himself a Materialist.
+However, one of these young Hegelians, ludwig feurbach, pointed out that holy family was after all only a heavenly image of the earthly family, and that by criticizing theology with philosophy, the younger hegelians were only doing the same thing as the Christians. Hegel's absolute idea was just another name for God. For Feurbach, ideas were a reflection of the material world and he held it to be ridiculous that an idea could determine the world. Feurbach had declared himself a Materialist.
 Marx and Engels began as supporters of Feurbach. However, very soon, they took up an opposition to Feurbach, to restore the HEgelian Dialectic that had been abandonned by Feurbach. To free it from the rigidity of the idealistic Hegelian system and place the method upon a materialist basis."
 The dialectic applied to the dialectic itself - amazing.
-"Hegel was an idealist - to him, the thoughts within his brain were not the more or less abstract pictures of actual things and processes, but conversely, the processes and the things in their evolution were only their realized pictures of the idea. Existing somewhere from eternity before the world was. This way of thinking turned everything upside down and completely reversed the actualc onnection between things in the world.
+"Hegel was an idealist - to him, the thoughts within his brain were not the more or less abstract pictures of actual things and processes, but conversely, the processes and the things in their evolution were only their realized pictures of the idea. Existing somewhere from eternity before the world was. This way of thinking turned everything upside down and completely reversed the actual connections between things in the world.
-Thus, for Marx and Engels, thoughts were not passive and independent reflections of the material world, but products of human labour. And the contradictory nature of our thoughts hat their origin and their contradictions within human society. This meant the dialectics was not something imposed upon the world from outside, which could be discovered by the activity of pure reason, but was the product of humna labour changing the world. Its form was changed and developed by people and could only be understood by the practical struggle to overcome these contradictions, not just in thought, but in practice."
+Thus, for Marx and Engels, thoughts were not passive and independent reflections of the material world, but products of human labour. The contradictory nature of our thoughts had their origin and contradictions within human society. This meant the dialectics was not something imposed upon the world from outside, which could be discovered by the activity of pure reason, but was the product of humna labour changing the world. Its form was changed and developed by people and could only be understood by the practical struggle to overcome these contradictions, not just in thought, but in practice."
 Hegel puts forth this dialectic which he has dialectically derived from Kant, and using the vehicle of the young Hegelians, we now have Marx and Engels trying to turn this materialist, and they actually are, in fact, dropping in a dialectic on the dialectic again and transforming it into something else, and the thing which comes out of this is the dialectical materialism which, Marx said, stands Hegel on his head. We have firmly established the line from Hegel, to the young Hegelians, to Marx and Marxism and the Marxists themselves, obviously, still support this because they write about this in this particular way on their website today.
@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ It turns out that even though we have this disillusionment with Marxism in the 1
 Marx's prediction that this would happen in big industrial centers like NY, LA, Chicago, berlin isn't coming to pass. Only in BFE peasant Russia. Tried in Hungary but they couldn't do it.
-Somethign is wrong and the Neo-Marxists invented a new theory. They are very interested in the dialectic and they, in fact, make it central to the project. The talk about it all the tim and make it the titles of their books, like "THe Dialectic of Enlightenment".
+Somethign is wrong and the Neo-Marxists invented a new theory. They are very interested in the dialectic and they, in fact, make it central to the project. The talk about it all the tim and make it the titles of their books, like "The Dialectic of Enlightenment".
 Critical theory is, in fact, the application of the precise dialectic that's now been dialectically moved again from where Marx was. It's been said that the Critical Theorists, where Marx said that Hegel was standing on his head, they put Hegel back upright. Marx wanted to turn him upside down by making it too materialist and not realistic enough to help people actuall yoperate. They didn't take it back to the idea, as Hegel did, they took it into the realm of culture. That' swhy they're often called Cultural Marxists, but it's actually more accurate to call them Cultural Hegelians. Cultural Dialecticists?
-They're not applying it in the Kantian sense, they're not applying it in the strict Hegelian sense (dialecticized into dialectical materialism). They're now criticizing that and bringing the critique to Marx himself and putting it in the realm of culture, and in doing so they're doing it in this new way where the dialectic has been applied to itself repeately to come up with something new. They're also becoming more politically activated again, like the young Hegelians were. They're dipping back to when Marx was his most "Young Hegelian" - some Marx critiques suggest Marx lost his way when he came to Das Kapital - Communist Manifesto was better. When he started getting int oreading Kapital, he was already 'off his rocker' smelling his own farts etc and got it wrong. They wanted to put Hegel back into Marx, but without making the same mistakes that Marx critiqued Hegel.
+They're not applying it in the Kantian sense, they're not applying it in the strict Hegelian sense (dialecticized into dialectical materialism). They're now criticizing that and bringing the critique to Marx himself and putting it in the realm of culture, and in doing so they're doing it in this new way where the dialectic has been applied to itself repeately to come up with something new. They're also becoming more politically activated again, like the young Hegelians were. They're dipping back to when Marx was his most "Young Hegelian" - some Marx critiques suggest Marx lost his way when he came to Das Kapital - Communist Manifesto was better. When he started getting int oreading Kapital, he was already 'off his rocker' smelling his own farts etc and got it wrong. They wanted to put Hegel back into Marx, but without making the same mistakes that Marx criticized of Hegel.
 They also wanted to work Freud in, social science, and some other things. But they wanted to figure out how to attack culture, having decided, following people like Gramsci/Lukach, that culture upholds society and prevents these revolutiosn to the end of history (to communism). It's a very politically activated sense for the Neo-Marxists.
@@ -163,10 +163,10 @@ In particular, though, Political Economy was that phrase we saw from Marx, descr
 "It points to an essential aspect of the dialectical theory of society, Horkheimer concludes".
-Horkheimer, first leader of the Frankfurt school, is really where Critical Theory comes from. The seat of Neo-Marxism. This arose when he, in conversation with some others, envisioned the idea of creating, for the critical left, a great analysis and, ventually, book on the dialectic that would restore something of Hegel from Marx. Marx's failures were critical to understanding that task - we had to criticize him through dialectics (his materialism). He produces, in 1944-47, a book with another Neo-Marxist called the Dialectic of Enlightenment. Considered to be the real comprehensive treatment of Critical Theory - the first real statement of Neo-marxism and what NeoMarxism is about. The Dialectic of the Enlightenment - explaining that the enlightenment unleashes its own dialectic which turns reason into unreason and rationality into irrationality.
+Horkheimer, first leader of the Frankfurt school, is really where Critical Theory comes from. The seat of Neo-Marxism. This arose when he, in conversation with some others, envisioned the idea of creating, for the critical left, a great analysis and, eventually, book on the dialectic that would restore something of Hegel from Marx. Marx's failures were critical to understanding that task - we had to criticize him through dialectics (his materialism). He produces, in 1944-47, a book with another Neo-Marxist called the Dialectic of Enlightenment. Considered to be the real comprehensive treatment of Critical Theory - the first real statement of Neo-marxism and what NeoMarxism is about. The Dialectic of the Enlightenment - explaining that the enlightenment unleashes its own dialectic which turns reason into unreason and rationality into irrationality.
 ## From the book
-"In the book of Dialectic of Enlightenment, Horkheimr and Adourno make the case, in the words of an editor from one of it's editions, philosophical fragments edition", it's an afterward where he describes what's going on with the dialectic of enlightenment.Self-destruction of western reason is seen to be seen in a historical and fateful dialectic. Domination of external nature, internal nature and society. Enlightenment, which split these these fears apart, is traced back to its mythical roots. Enlightenment and myth are not seen, therefore, as irreconilable opposites, but as dialectically mediated qualities of both real and intellectual life.
+"In the book of Dialectic of Enlightenment, Horkheimr and Adourno make the case, in the words of an editor from one of its editions, philosophical fragments edition", it's an afterward where he describes what's going on with the dialectic of enlightenment.Self-destruction of western reason is seen to be seen in a historical and fateful dialectic. Domination of external nature, internal nature and society. Enlightenment, which split these these fears apart, is traced back to its mythical roots. Enlightenment and myth are not seen, therefore, as irreconilable opposites, but as dialectically mediated qualities of both real and intellectual life.
 Myth is already enlightenment, and enlightenment reverts to mythology. This paradox is the fundamental thesis of the book. Reason appears as inextricably entangled with domination. Since the beginnings of history, liberation from the compulsions of external nature has been achieved only by introducing a power relationship of second degree. Both the repression of the internal nature of human drives (Marcuse likes this), and social domination are already at work in myth. Finally, Fascism, and the modern culture industry, are the forms taken by a return of repressed nature. (Freudian aspects as well).
@@ -295,12 +295,55 @@ Dialectical relationships of this sort mean that two parties are opposed and opp
 Dialectical Relationships. Dialectical thinking. already core to understanding how Black Women as a collectivity (political group) are related to all the other axes of oppression and how they are to understand their own oppression, and how these oppressions bang up against each other and compete against ecah other and clamor for attention. The goal is to create solidarity ( to be affected through Intersectionality). The next book after this one is "Intersectionality" (1993?).
+## Dialectic of Activism
 "This dialectic of oppression and activism, the tension between the suppression of African American Womens' ideas an d our intellectual activism in the face of that suppressison constitutes the politics of US Black feminist thought."
 The DIALECTICS of oppression and activism constitute US Black feminist thought. More important, understanding this dialectical relationship is critical in assessing US Black Feminist thought, its core themes, epistemological significance in connections to domestic and trans-national black feminist practice, is fundametnally embedded in a political context that has challenged its very right to exist.
+Historically, while they often disagreed on its expressions, some US Black women were profoundly reformist, while more radical theinkers bordered on the revolutionary. African American women intellectuals who were nurtured in social conditions of racial segregation, strove to develop Black Feminist as Critical Social Theory. Regardless of class, all were somehow affected by Intersecting oppressions of race, gender and class. The economic political and ideological dimensions of US black women's oppressions suppressed the intellectual production of individual black feminist thinkers. At the same time, these same social conditions simultaneously stimulated distinctive pattern of US black women's activism, but was influenced by individual black women thinkers. Thus, the dialectic of oppression and activism, characterizing US black womens' experience, with intersecting oppressions, also influenced the ideas and actions of black women intellectuals."
+A twisting and concentrating line from Hegel to Patricia Hill Collins in Black Feminist Thought. The dialectic being applied to itself as it goes.
+"As long as social justice remains elusive for African American women, it is likely to evade US society overall. Therefore, the need for Black Women's activism mos tlikely will persist, but while the dialectical relationship linking oppression and activism remains, the changing organization of intersecting oppressions, as well as the contours for activism requiring resistance demand a dynamic black women's activism and an equally vigorous US black feminism."
+Theory and practice have to both be put into play. Marx derived the idea of praxis, theory put into practice, from these same ideas.
+"Thus far, this volume has synthesized two main approaches to power.One way of approaching power concerns the dialectical relationship linking oppression and activism, where groups with greater power oppress those with lesser amounts. Rather than seeing social change or lack of it as preordained and outside the realm of human action, the notion of a dialectical relationship suggests that change results from human agency. Because aAfrican american women remain relegated to the bottom fo the oscial hierarchy from one generationfto the next, US Black women have a vested interest in opposing oppression. This is not an intellectual issue for most American women, it is a lived reality. As long as black womens' oppression persists, so long will the need for black feminist activism. Moreover, dialectical analyses of power poitn out that when it comes to social injustice, groups have competing interests that often generate conflict."
+Black feminism - one of the key intellectual roots/pillras/theories within Critical Race Theory and Critical Social Justice theory. Its engine is dialectical. Hegel - Feurbach - Marx - NeoMarxists - Marcuse - Black Feminism.
+The operating system of leftism - old and new.
+## Belle Hooks
+The same reliance on dialecticism can be seen in Belle Hooks.
+Feminist Theory: From Margins to Center:
+"Women need to know that ideas and theories are important. Absolutely essential for envisioning and making a successful feminist movement. One which will mobilize groups of people to trasnform this society. Ironically, lack of knowledge baout revolutionary politics leads women to see ideas and theories as unimportant."
+"Revolutionists seek to change reality to make it better. Therefore revolutionists need not only the revolutionary philosophy of dialectics, but they need a revolutionary ideology, body of ideas, based on analuyzin g the main contradictions of the particular society they are trying to change, envisioning a higher form of reality in which this contradiction would be resolved, and relating this resolution to a social force or forces responsible for and capagble of achieving it." (A Critical Theory)"
+"It is only after oyu've arrived at the correct ideology that it makes sense to develop your revolutionary politics."
+That is, the programs necessary to mobilizing and organizing the necessary revolutionary social forces.
+If your ideology is wrong, misdirected or limited, then all the best programs from militant activity msut be absolutely clear about this sequence - from revolutionary philosophy to revolutionary ideology to revolutionary politics."
+The dialectic is at the heart of this. Belle hooks in 1984 about the centrality of the dialectic. What is described here is literally the Hegelian dialectic. "Revolutionary ideology - body of ideas based on analyzing the main contradictions of the society (Geist), projecting a vision of a higher form of reality (idealism) in which this contradiction would be resolved, and relating this resolution to a social force or forces responsible for and capable of achieving it."
+A revolutionary politic requires a perfect ideology.
+## Kimberle Crenshaw
+Obvious in Unmasking Colourblindness in the Law: lessons from the formation of critical race theory (3rd chapter in 2019 "Seeing Race Again"). Becoming racists.
+"This essay revisits the history of how CRT emerged as an intellectual respones to colour-blindness. In the context of institutional struggles over the scope of equality and the content of legal education. It exemplifies how in the aftermath of a groundbreaking challenge to the social order, institutional actors from across the political study embraced a gradual strategy of integration premised on the assumption that the colourblind meritocracy stood outside of the economic and racial power. Emergence and continued significance of CRT in relation to colourblind ideology is the reflection of the cross-international traveling of resistance. The conditions of possibility that seed insurgent knowledge nad the continuity of these dialectics in the contemporary era."
+## The line
+Hegel - young hegelians - marxists - neo-marxists - black feminism.
+Their goal is to get children to think dialectically. Heart of the critical pedagogy project, which is Critical Theory applied to the Theory of Education and the Contents of Education. Hegelian dialectical mode. Totally dominated the institution of education, following gramsci
+They need a revolutionary idea, that is a body of idea
 "As long as social justice remains elusive for african american women, it is likely to evade US society overall" - Just asserted based on whatever.
 "Therefore, the need for Black Women's activism most likely will persist, but while the dialectical relationship linking oppression and activism remains (Praxis), the changing organization of intersecting oppressions, as well as the contours of activism required for resistance, demand a dynamic black women's activism and an equally vigorous US BLack feminism" - Theory and practice both have to be put in play.

+ 106 - 20

@@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
-# Praxis
-- theory combined with practice
+# Introduction
+## Praxis
+- Theory combined with practice
-# Problematize
+## Problematize
 - Negative thinking mediated through activism to become positive
-# Perfected Society
+## Perfected Society
 - Contained within our society and unearthed through alchemy
 - Hence why Communism doesn't need to know how
-# Young Hegelian
-- Progressives who want to use dialecticism to unearth the better world (Marx)
-# Old Hegelian
-- Ultra conservative
-- Believe the spirit responsible for reality is expressed as the State
-- The individual's supreme duty is to the state
-# Kant
-## Transcendental Idealism
+## Kant
+### Transcendental Idealism
 - Beyond the sensory (understands the innate modes of processing)
 - Space/Time are our intuition
 - We cognize objects as they appear as per our sensibilities
@@ -29,33 +22,126 @@
 - Transcendental Idealism
 - The fact of our having to synthesize a model in order for something means that we miss it entirely. Must transform the thesis through its antithesis to produce a synthesis which overcomes the antithesis
-# Marxists and Hegel
+## Hegel
+### Young Hegelian
+- Progressives who want to use dialecticism to unearth the better world (Marx)
+### Old Hegelian
+- Ultra conservative
+- Believe the spirit responsible for reality is expressed as the State
+- The individual's supreme duty is to the state
+### Marxists and Hegel
 - Hegel was first to take the dialectic as a theory of logic and apply it to the world through critique of Christianity
 - Objective idealism
 - Used his applied dialectics towards materialism
-## Triads
+### Triads
 - Hegel: Abstract, Negative, Concrete (challenge abstract with its negative and you will discover a concrete, applicable form of it which can be used to change society)
-## Application
+### Application
 - Ideas shape and generate the spirit which composes itself in reality as the state. Change society through the dialectic.
 - Parxis begins with Hegel
-## Engels/Marx
+### Engels Marx joined critique of Hegel
 - Dialectic was too idealist
 - Engage inexorable facts instead of pure thought
 - Political economy
 - Retain historicism - development of thought proceeds in parallel with development of world history. History is the test of the thoughts preceding it.
-## Historicism
+### Historicism
 - The dialectic moves history
 - Theories concentrate themselves - dialectic to dialectic.
 - History is the creation of an epic. Through materialism, we have a connecting point for the logical method.
-## Critique of Dialectic
+### Critique of Dialectic Part II
 - Marx believed his dialectic to be the direct opposite of Hegel's.
 - Hegel: Thinking transforms the real world. Real world is an external phenomenal form of the idea
 - Marx: The ideal is the material wrold reflected by the mind, translated into thought.
 - Flipping Hegel's dialectic over to discover the rational kernel within the mystical shell
 - Framing Hegel's dialectic as abstract in a new dialectic, to produce dialectical materialism
 - This constitutes progression of history, fulfilling Hegel's historicism
+## Dialectic
+### Modern Marxist View (
+- Hegel able to explain universal connection and mutability
+- Whole world (natural, historical, intellectual) represented as a process
+- Radical young followers of Hegel loved his powerful tool for critique.
+- Criticized Christianity
+- Holy Family is just a heavenly image of an earthly family, thus criticizing Christianity is no better than the Christians criticizing culture.
+### Progression of Dialectic
+- Hegel's "absolute idea" just another name for God.
+- Hegel's theory of the dialectic was that it works because thought in mind transforms the material world
+- Feurbach rejected this and insisted that ideas were a reflection of the material world, and thus rejected the Dialectic
+- Marx and Engels, fans of Feurbach, opposed him on this and wanted to champion a Dialectic that was free of the original rigidity in the sense that it had to express pure thought. This could be done by applying the dialectic to the dialectic, challenging its limits and finding a synthesis for the material world.
+### Idealism
+Images and thoughts not a reflection of the world, but originated as ideas from eternity before the world, whose realization composes the structure of our world.
+Feurbach - thoughts are the opposite and passively reflect the material world.
+- Marx/Engels believed thoughts were the product of labour, and that the contradictions of thoughts reflect the contradictions of society.
+- Dialectics are not imposed on the world from the outside, but through the struggle in thought and practice by humans performing labour.
+- "Stand Hegel on his head"
+### Failed predictions (failure of Marx)
+Assumed that, through the dialectic process, Socialism and Communism would be unearthed, but it was only attempted in peasant regions, like Russia. Hungary didn't even work.
+- Something wrong, so Neo-Marxists invent a new theory
+### Neo-Marxists
+Interested in creating a new theory using the dialectic: `The Dialectic of Enlightenment"
+- Critical Theory is, in fact, the application of the precise dialectic that's been continuously transformed through subsequent dialectics
+- Put Hegel back upright again
+- Less materialism, more human -> culture (not pure idealism, like Hegel)
+- Sometimes called Cultural Marxism, or Cultural Hegelians
+### Not Hegel
+- More politically active, like Young Hegelians
+- Didn't want to make the same mistakes Marx criticized of Hegel
+- Ideas from Freud and new Social Science
+- Attack culture which upholds society and prevents revolutions
+### Critical Theory
+- Horkheimer becomes first chair of Institute for Social Research (Frankfurt school)
+- "Critical Activity. Less in the sense it has in the idealistic critiques of pure reason than in the sense that it has in the dialectical critique of political economy."
+- Political Economy: Marx describing the political economy
+- Essential aspect of the dialectical theory of society
+- Horkheimer wished constructed an analysis and published a book "The Dialectic of the Enlightenment" to reintroduce Hegel's dialectic by critiquing the Enlightenment and suggesting that:
+  - Reason produces unreason
+  - Rationality turns into irrationality
+#### Dialectic of Enlightenment (book)
+- Self-destruction of western reason a fateful dialectic
+- Domination of internal/external nature and society.
+- Dialectically-mediated qualities of real and intellectual life
+- Paradox: Myth is already enlightenment and brings us back to mythology.
+- Reason leads to domination. Liberation from external nature is achieved through power relationship of second degree.
+- Repression of internal nature (Marcuse) and social domination already exist in myth.
+- Repressed nature leads to Fascism
+- Domination of nature through advancing instrumental thought hollows out reason and reverts to new mythology resurrecting relationship to nature and violence.
+### Marcuse
+- Enlightenment the advance of thought was aimed at liberating humans from fear
+- Devolves into domination and reason is a tool of domination
+- Thesis: Enlightenment/industrial society conceptually justifies itself but fails to conjure away the increase of misery, leading to madness.
+- Rationality becomes irrationality by the dialectic of enlightenment
+- Synthesis is needed, and Critical Theory is the tool to get it
+#### One Dimensional Man
+- Dialectical thought understands tension between ought and is
+- Analyze tension for a normative vision of perfected society
+- This thought is an ontological condition and the structure of being
+- Dialectic of ought and is to produce the concrete from the abstract. This becomes activism.
+- Is = analytical. Ought = activism
+#### Dialectic of the New Left (putting it into practice)
+- Laws of thought become laws of reality if thought understands immediate experience as the appearance of the true forms of reality: ideas
+- Analyze reality through terms which envision its subversion in order to realize truth
+- Dialectic as subversive activity. Confronting reality's negations forces us to look for synthesis or tear away the constructs of the current society to reveal perfected society.
+- These thoughts inspired Black Feminists
+#### Peeling Away Contradictions
+- Repressive Tolerance
+- The whole determines the truth
+- Metaphysical axiom that high level reveals low level. Done through dialectic.
+`"This is not in the sense that the whole is prior or superior to its parts, but in the sense that its structure and function determine every particular condition and relation".`