Emmanuel Buckshi il y a 1 semaine
1 fichiers modifiés avec 44 ajouts et 24 suppressions
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+ 44 - 24

@@ -197,8 +197,7 @@ What is socialism? It is control of the means of production and enforcement thro
 It is based entirely on the metaphysical question of what it is to be a human and what the nature of the human experience truly is, which is the entire basis for Marx's argument for the necessary endpoint of his historical materialism:
-"This is why the debate between the individualist and the collectivist is at heart a metaphysical debate: What is the nature of the human being?)" 
-- Tibor Machan - Individuals and Their Rights, 1989, Open Court Books, p. 47
+>"This is why the debate between the individualist and the collectivist is at heart a metaphysical debate: What is the nature of the human being?)" - Tibor Machan - Individuals and Their Rights, 1989, Open Court Books, p. 47
 Try speaking to any "normie" championing socialism as a moral good, and you'll find that they're completely unable to articulate any of the fundamental concepts, related metaphysical principles, definitions or logical endpoints for these ideas, but will instead refer to the same social programs that have been financed through taxation that could have only been made possible through the free enterprise which preceded it. They are not serious people, but their banter and the manner in which they influence their peers in society can have serious consequences.
@@ -227,9 +226,9 @@ TODO: We must resolve the fact that there are those who champion communism, who
 ## 1. The Species Being
-"Man is a species-being, not only because in practice and in theory he adopts the species (his own as well as those of other things) as his object, but – and this is only another way of expressing it – also because he treats himself as the actual, living species; because he treats himself as a universal and therefore a free being.
-The life of the species, both in man and in animals, consists physically in the fact that man (like the animal) lives on organic nature; and the more universal man (or the animal) is, the more universal is the sphere of inorganic nature on which he lives. Just as plants, animals, stones, air, light, etc., constitute theoretically a part of human consciousness, partly as objects of natural science, partly as objects of art – his spiritual inorganic nature, spiritual nourishment which he must first prepare to make palatable and digestible – so also in the realm of practice they constitute a part of human life and human activity. Physically man lives only on these products of nature, whether they appear in the form of food, heating, clothes, a dwelling, etc. The universality of man appears in practice precisely in the universality which makes all nature his inorganic body – both inasmuch as nature is (1) his direct means of life, and (2) the material, the object, and the instrument of his life activity. Nature is man’s inorganic body – nature, that is, insofar as it is not itself human body. Man lives on nature – means that nature is his body, with which he must remain in continuous interchange if he is not to die. That man’s physical and spiritual life is linked to nature means simply that nature is linked to itself, for man is a part of nature."
+>"Man is a species-being, not only because in practice and in theory he adopts the species (his own as well as those of other things) as his object, but – and this is only another way of expressing it – also because he treats himself as the actual, living species; because he treats himself as a universal and therefore a free being.
+>The life of the species, both in man and in animals, consists physically in the fact that man (like the animal) lives on organic nature; and the more universal man (or the animal) is, the more universal is the sphere of inorganic nature on which he lives. Just as plants, animals, stones, air, light, etc., constitute theoretically a part of human consciousness, partly as objects of natural science, partly as objects of art – his spiritual inorganic nature, spiritual nourishment which he must first prepare to make palatable and digestible – so also in the realm of practice they constitute a part of human life and human activity. Physically man lives only on these products of nature, whether they appear in the form of food, heating, clothes, a dwelling, etc. The universality of man appears in practice precisely in the universality which makes all nature his inorganic body – both inasmuch as nature is (1) his direct means of life, and (2) the material, the object, and the instrument of his life activity. Nature is man’s inorganic body – nature, that is, insofar as it is not itself human body. Man lives on nature – means that nature is his body, with which he must remain in continuous interchange if he is not to die. That man’s physical and spiritual life is linked to nature means simply that nature is linked to itself, for man is a part of nature."
 - lives for the species, cannot exist of its own accord
 - conscious state is only sensible in context of greater species
@@ -323,6 +322,8 @@ In spite of which instance of a supposedly communist system comes under the lens
 - Gyorg Lukacs
   - All revolutions either fall to reactionary counter-revolutionary forces, or;
   - opportunism
+  - Demands commitment of one's entire existence
+>If every member of the party commits his whole personality and his whole existence to the party in this way, then the same centralising and disciplinary principle will preside over the living interaction between the will of the members and that of the party leadership, and will ensure that the will and the wishes, the proposals and the criticisms of the members are given due weight by the party leaders. - Gyorg Lukács (History and Class Consciousness)
 This makes a lot of sense of you have spent sometime examining revolutionary theory as it is described by Marxists or those who follow one of the neo-Marxist subsets that work towards a revolution over time. Whether they explain ti as a distinct form of Neo-Marxism. And, even otherwise, many have no idea what any of those happen to be but simply have been describing themselves as something which doesn't fall victim to the hegemonic forces and ideologies which plagued all previous attempts / formulations that had been claiming to associate themselves with the ideas of communism. (That is to say, all attempts are themselves centered (or came to be centered) around a specific ideology (antithetical to communism), such as capitalism, normalcy, colonialism, etc).
@@ -525,7 +526,7 @@ In the context of:
 Indeed, we fall into delusional thinking and have expectations about a future with an endpoint which allows the unproven details about that delusion, and the predicates to the conception of thought which brought about that delusion, to be fulfilled and proven correct, in enough time
-The first requirement for this is the fact of having senses. This is maybe a bit more obvious than the others, in the sense that if our existence were characterized by pure knowledge and information - the location and configuration of the bits of matter of all the universe, then there'd be nothing more to it than that - the fact of there being some type of acknowledgment or recognition of the structure of information, such as it is, would be somehow a fundamental behaviour of ourselves, but that isn't the case. Instead, we are feeding sensory apparatae with some quantity of that information, and that leads to production of other information (or, reconfiguration of information, if we want to stay strict in employing language which recognizes and respects the First Law of Thermodynamics).
+The first requirement for this is the fact of having senses. This is maybe a bit more obvious than the others, in the sense that if our existence were characterized by pure knowledge and information - the location and configuration of the bits of matter of all the universe, then there'd be nothing more to it than that - the fact of there being some type of acknowledgment or recognition of the structure of information, such as it is, would be somehow a fundamental behaviour of ourselves, but that isn't the case. Instead, we are feeding sensory apparatuses with some quantity of that information, and that leads to production of other information (or, reconfiguration of information, if we want to stay strict in employing language which recognizes and respects the First Law of Thermodynamics).
 This is a very complicated starting place, and it's not in a sense the starting point for our challenge of mitigating delusional thinking.
@@ -703,11 +704,30 @@ It is somewhat frustrating to see as he carries both a lot of influence and expe
 It is not so much the keeping of company that is the problem but the fact that keeping company with cult initiates and adepts means constantly responding to the proposition to affirm their cult view.
-My only previous experience with Laurence has been seeing him participate in a 3 on 3 debate on the topic of Climate Change against some very competent skeptics, such as William Happer and Richard Lindzen, where Laurence' loss of temper, tendency to utilize ad hominem attacks, and refusal to respond to the technical aspects of the arguments put forward by his interlocutors did some of the most remarkable damage to the credibility of climate alarmists, at least for my own view.
+My first significant experience with Lawrence was seeing him participate in a 3 on 3 debate in 2017 at La Ciudad de las Ideas in Puebla, México on the topic of Climate Change against some very competent skeptics, such as William Happer and Richard Lindzen, where Laurence' loss of temper, tendency to utilize ad hominem attacks, and refusal to respond to the technical aspects of the arguments put forward by his interlocutors did some of the most remarkable damage to the credibility of climate alarmists, at least for my own view.
+Lawrence predicated everything on consensus and insisted not just that the debate itself was illegitimate and that he hated to be participating in it, but that his interlocutors were not speaking from a position of authenticity, but were just hired mercenaries that had been purchased to spew lies and sow confusion and discord.
+Rather than consider that they all agreed that climate is changing and that anthropogenic events have an effect on the climate, but that there was room for nuance in considering the degree to which climate change is a problem or the degree to which we are certain about what we know concerning causes, the reliability of the measurements, the models, and so forth, he insisted on avoiding any of those opportunities for a discussion.
+This tired tactic of alleging that one's interlocutors are acting in bad faith, not even as evidenced by their statements, tone, demeanor, or the level of respect they're showing the other side, but simply because the fact of them arguing from their side necessarily means that we can label, slander and smear them as an illegitimate element, is not doing much to convince me of the legitimacy of the supposed science which demonstrates a need for an alarmist approach to mitigating the issue of climate change. If anything, it hints that the science is probably not as solid as it has been made out to be, and that it attracts persons who are willing to overlook details and concrete facts in the meantime under a presumption that a historicist vision of the world is akin to a scientific understanding of reality. I think that this is modern-day mysticism, and perfectly in line with the collectivist cult ideological disposition that this book is criticizing.
+How ironic, then, that Krauss, in this case, has become a vocal critic of all things woke, particularly as they present in the institutions that he himself is most concerned with - scientific research and academic institutions which physics and hard sciences.
+Lawrence Krauss claims to be concerned with scientific integrity and rigor in the application and conception of scientific methodology and its scholarship. This conflicts with what could be seen in that debate through his own conduct.
 For more insight into that debate, it can be viewed [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZsnAdGaxkY).
-But this is the perfect example in some ways, as he is clearly willing to expose himself to some scrutiny by (or on the behalf) of the holy by taking an anti-woke stance, albeit a limited one, and standing up for at least some form of principles. It just so happens that his own woke programming allows him to treat the state as divine when it comes to supporting a political party - which comes in the form of seeing science as divine and, thus, beyond reproach, as well as the form of repressive violence where, unless you are caught up in the unconventional view, you are essentially demanding for the pre-emptive censorship and violence.
+But this is the perfect example in some ways, as he is clearly willing to expose himself to some scrutiny by (or on the behalf) of the holy by taking an anti-woke stance, albeit a limited one, and standing up for at least some form of principles. It just so happens that his own woke programming allows him to treat the state as divine when it comes to supporting a political party - which comes in the form of seeing science as a process of progress rather than simply the adherence to scientific methodology. This isn't a difficult error to make, as science changes our understanding of the world and the progress of our understanding can be understood in terms of being a historical process, or a sequence of events that can be referenced as a history, but the problem occurs once one presumes that there is a partisan allegiance to application of scientific method and that there is a moral obligation to maintain commitments such as, for example, to the "science party". This outlook of science causes one to fall into a stupor whereby the expect that positioning oneself along party lines is akin to positioning oneself according to the impending revelation of the divine and, thus, causes one to suspect that criticisms to the party and its statements is inappropriate, and that the party itself is beyond reproach. If this escalates to a more extreme form, we come to see a form of repression where, unless you are caught up in the unconventional view, you come to be demanding what is essentially pre-emptive censorship and even violence (from application of systemic force to supporting activism which is capable and willing of participating in acts of violence).
+!TODO: Add examples for: TDS, Progressivism, Allowing nonsense in the academy.
+> "If you go to secular group meetings now you will see a far greater diversity onstage." - Lawrence Krauss (Tweet / X post 9:59 AM · Jan 29, 2018)
+> "Women's rights, and climate change.  Two reasons Trump needs to lose, and hopefully Democrats gain senate majority." - Lawrence Krauss (Tweet / X post 11:10 PM · Nov 1, 2016)
+> "The sad choice for US president: A woke marginally competent Dem. (albeit with a great laugh) or a hateful, lying, crooked narcissist. Sorry 
+. "Her left-wing wokeism is a problem but hopefully Congress, X, etc. can fight it. But we can't trust that megalomaniac at all." - Lawrence Krauss (Tweet / X post 2:59 PM · Aug 26, 2024)
+> "tons of papers on gender being in a continuum independent of chromosomes." - Lawrence Krauss (Tweet / X post 6:44 PM · Oct 5, 2017)
 ## Exclusion
@@ -2401,7 +2421,7 @@ Critical Pedagogy went through a process of being more explicitly associated wit
 - Focuses entirely on children, when a human hasn't developed their own faculties to evaluate whether there are assumptions being baked into the programs that they are engaged in. In fact, these concepts necessarily consider the rejection of their assumptions as equivalent to an expression of systemic oppression, and any form of reasoning to reject the assumptions as ideology or ideologically-driven.
 ### 7. Effective
-It is inded effective because its methods rest entirely in cultivating a sense of crisis in children. This predisposes the subject to experiencing greater angst and makes them less likely to feel in control of themselves. Their poor experience can easily be describe through a critical pedagogy lense as being evidence for the need for social transformation as a means of healing.
+It is indeed effective because its methods rest entirely in cultivating a sense of crisis in children. This predisposes the subject to experiencing greater angst and makes them less likely to feel in control of themselves. Their poor experience can easily be describe through a critical pedagogy lense as being evidence for the need for social transformation as a means of healing.
 Creating conflict between generations is also useful in increasing degree of adaptation of a new way of seeing the world from an external source (exterior to the family).
@@ -2467,16 +2487,16 @@ This is, without a doubt, the current events issue which has proven to be the mo
 This issue has expertly and relentlessly driven a wedge of confusion and separation in every social engagement, milieu, and many more seem to adopt some part of the issue's narrative.
 ### Indigeneity
-We have touche dupon this subject earlier, but the terms bring on a whole new meaning in the context of Israel and Palestine.
+We have touched upon this subject earlier, but the terms bring on a whole new meaning in the context of Israel and Palestine.
-Many of us became interestedin the anti-war movement in the wake of 9/11 as we became deeply skeptical of US imperialism and the military industrial complex following activist campaigns which appeared to originate from the "liberal" left, enhanced by such high profile and broadly disseminated work such as Farenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore, other Hollywood movies (later) and even documentaries that were critical of Israel's policies concerning Gaza as they relate to the conditions of civilians, settlements, and violence including the crushing to death of activist Rachel Corrie by a bulldozer.
+Many of us became interested in the anti-war movement in the wake of 9/11 as we became deeply skeptical of US imperialism and the military industrial complex following activist campaigns which appeared to originate from the "liberal" left, enhanced by such high profile and broadly disseminated work such as Farenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore, other Hollywood movies (later) and even documentaries that were critical of Israel's policies concerning Gaza as they relate to the conditions of civilians, settlements, and violence including the crushing to death of activist Rachel Corrie by a bulldozer.
 I can't speak for others, but I have found a rather sizeable contingent who shared the sentiments I had in maintaining skepticism about the US' military exploits, and a belief (no longer so simply held) that life would be better for everyone if much of the military budget were redirected towards social services so there would be less poverty and disparity at home and in the west in general.
-Through the formation of such a worl dview, I came upon argumentation conceiving the repurposing of land previously inhabited by Palestinian muslims for use by jewish settlers, but this was always preselected under the context of "these were the previous legitimate peoples of these lands" or "these were the last rightful and peaceful occupants of the land which is how they came into the land, what they did with the land and, most importantly, what identity class the cult / party / state / designates themse so that we may process our understanding of all historical events pertaining to them based on an approach to creating the future where there will be no differentiation between these and any other category (or at least, between muslims and jews in the area currently referred to as Israel); we must collapse categories through negation induced by the power of history. This means that no matter what history is recorded, or what experience is recounted by whatever actual living human being, those who set the theory and implicitly indicate the algorithm get to control the meaning and existence of those humans as will be enforced by whatever state or organization which decides to allow for the theorizing humans to be recognized.
+Through the formation of such a world view, I came upon argumentation conceiving the repurposing of land previously inhabited by Palestinian Muslims for use by Jewish settlers, but this was always preselected under the context of "these were the previous legitimate peoples of these lands" or "these were the last rightful and peaceful occupants of the land which is how they came into the land, what they did with the land and, most importantly, what identity class the cult / party / state / designates themselves so that we may process our understanding of all historical events pertaining to them based on an approach to creating the future where there will be no differentiation between these and any other category (or at least, between Muslims and Jews in the area currently referred to as Israel); we must collapse categories through negation induced by the power of history. This means that no matter what history is recorded, or what experience is recounted by whatever actual living human being, those who set the theory and implicitly indicate the algorithm get to control the meaning and existence of those humans as will be enforced by whatever state or organization which decides to allow for the theorizing humans to be recognized.
 ### But It Doesn't Matter (Indigeneity)
-Of course, a declaration of Indigeneity both without the intention to consoildate the infinite regress and without the capability of making the necessary observations to validate such a consolidation are meaningless in the face of re-establishing land designation, even to produce th ebest argument for it, which will ultimately remain futile as the logical consequence would be to assert where every human should be born or what materials are valid in the context of what human being may exist where and what human may be permitted to procreate. Let's do a little thought experiment!
+Of course, a declaration of Indigeneity both without the intention to consolidate the infinite regress and without the capability of making the necessary observations to validate such a consolidation are meaningless in the face of re-establishing land designation, even to produce the best argument for it, which will ultimately remain futile as the logical consequence would be to assert where every human should be born or what materials are valid in the context of what human being may exist where and what human may be permitted to procreate. Let's do a little thought experiment!
 #### The Birth
 - Woman becomes pregnant
@@ -2500,9 +2520,9 @@ Pregnant? Are you an oppressed identity? If materially-mediated then no declarat
 Otherwise, not an acceptable course of action: your genes and potential to support hegemonic forces which repress the desired genes / material configurations are forbidden and to be condemned.
-Again, it ultimtaely is being forced to matter as a sort of malicious pragmatism in service of pathological processes, and we know this both because original cannot be ascertained and no desire to perfrm infinite regress and reaction of silencing and erasing any human expression wich does not accord with the theory of proletarian revolution and consciousness; that is, those designated a proletarian identity can only hold onto it by virtue of their material body if they are inactive or act without defying, producing friction or vibrating discordantly against the description of their body as per the theory.
+Again, it ultimately is being forced to matter as a sort of malicious pragmatism in service of pathological processes, and we know this both because original cannot be ascertained and no desire to perform infinite regress and reaction of silencing and erasing any human expression which does not accord with the theory of proletarian revolution and consciousness; that is, those designated a proletarian identity can only hold onto it by virtue of their material body if they are inactive or act without defying, producing friction or vibrating discordantly against the description of their body as per the theory.
-And, indeed, it finally means nothing - this "indigeneity", this "original" human, noble savage and untainted form, as even if we could find the first man to occupy each space, or the first jurisdiction of an area to ever be declared, and we were to trace accurately the precise humans hwo would most appear as the original men (since we function under structural determinism) there is no good reason to assume they are more deserving of a particular land or space for that reason alone.
+And, indeed, it finally means nothing - this "indigeneity", this "original" human, noble savage and untainted form, as even if we could find the first man to occupy each space, or the first jurisdiction of an area to ever be declared, and we were to trace accurately the precise humans how would most appear as the original men (since we function under structural determinism) there is no good reason to assume they are more deserving of a particular land or space for that reason alone.
 ##### What Makes Anyone Deserve Space?
 We deserve space because we all didn't consent to come into existence (to the best of our knowledge), and all are forced to deal with the challenge of life. No single person gets to construct the environment of reality, establish its properties, make available the possibility of it, the fact of humans having come into being, and so forth.
@@ -2511,7 +2531,7 @@ One might make a claim about the human body and state that their way of doing an
 But looking past the fact that we haven't yet developed these solutions, or even an agreement as to what would suffice to have even reached such a level of "transhuman evolution", we must also ask whether anyone would consider it as being an evolution of man, or simply a corporation's evolution in research and development, or manufacturing. Must everyone be compelled to accept a moral argument that indeed this is humanity itself and that simultaneously humanity is the replacement of the non-technologically enhanced human body?
-Further to this, would a consequence of such evolution be not only the deprecation of the "standard" human body, but the forbidding of lives lived in such a form? It is one thing to suggest that this may happen, be it by defacto or by decree, an quite another to conduct things as though such a plan is our responsibility. But any collectivist or socially contracted commitment to liberation must be that: freedom from oppression of being and that must ultimtaely come as the replacing of human experience.
+Further to this, would a consequence of such evolution be not only the deprecation of the "standard" human body, but the forbidding of lives lived in such a form? It is one thing to suggest that this may happen, be it by defacto or by decree, an quite another to conduct things as though such a plan is our responsibility. But any collectivist or socially contracted commitment to liberation must be that: freedom from oppression of being and that must ultimately come as the replacing of human experience.
 Think about it: we are employing a theory where any economic or cultural disparity is sufficient to drive a model describing a stratified society and utilizing this model simultaneously gives you an alternate theory of knowledge overriding both what any one account can provide as well as what any institution declares and communicates; it is always an expression of the stratified hierarchy and its reinforcement.
@@ -2526,13 +2546,13 @@ For now, we accept that reality is here, we are experiencing it and we are able
 ### Israel's Crimes
 It must be stated that suspicion about narratives which participate in the Israeli-Palestinian dialectic is not taking a position that Israeli organizations or military don't engage in questionable or even criminal behaviour.
-In fact, the purpose of this section isn't to enumerate and detail all of Israel's posssible crimes, but to do a few related things:
+In fact, the purpose of this section isn't to enumerate and detail all of Israel's possible crimes, but to do a few related things:
 - Indicate that my positions are not an endorsement of Israel, its politics or its views
 - That there are likely IDF soldiers that have committed atrocious acts that are probably illegal even according to Israeli law and international "law" (declarations, but often from the UN which we don't as an organization)
 - Israel has likely designed, orchestrated and participated in subversive and clandestine operations that bring about misery and oppression
 - Allies of Israel, which account for most of what is colloquially referred to as "the west" have probably done the same
-- Covid proves this in a way which places them in an appropriate conetxt for the ideas in this book.
-- I consider all policies, activities, and operations which potentiate global governance as exampels of precisely what I am suspicious of, particularly as technology becomes more advanced.
+- Covid proves this in a way which places them in an appropriate context for the ideas in this book.
+- I consider all policies, activities, and operations which potentiate global governance as examples of precisely what I am suspicious of, particularly as technology becomes more advanced.
 ## Potentiating Globalism and Global Governance
 - We are being made to commit to international conflicts in whatever terms they are presented to us as 
@@ -2545,7 +2565,7 @@ We must think about what happens as an authoritarian state becomes increasingly
 Trying to construct the frame of mind possessed by one who not just sits idle as the progression of state absolution takes place in a manner to which they are personally able to witness and discern, without recoiling in horror and denouncing, or better still, who comes to be found making excuses for it, constructing rationales, and creatively imagining the wonders that might be unlocked through this warrants deep suspicion and scrutiny. This is not because they are "in on it", but because their reaction to support a view (and especially if they seem to gravitate towards it).
-It may seem facile to limit conception of such a frame of mind to what appears as a false dichotomy (and especially in a book which purports to critique misapplication of the dialectic spiral); simultaneously, this concern shouldn't preclude us from making an effort to conceive of what a frame of mind presents as, as this would even be the natural consequence of attempting to apply a modicum of empathy to the circumstance. Surely, even a most empathetic view should serve to reveal some reasonable description of the behaviour adn set of opinions which accompany such phenomena, so long as such empathy is not ostensible and, as matter of fact, in service of some other need or faculty. With consideration to these factors, we will attempt an enumeration:
+It may seem facile to limit conception of such a frame of mind to what appears as a false dichotomy (and especially in a book which purports to critique misapplication of the dialectic spiral); simultaneously, this concern shouldn't preclude us from making an effort to conceive of what a frame of mind presents as, as this would even be the natural consequence of attempting to apply a modicum of empathy to the circumstance. Surely, even a most empathetic view should serve to reveal some reasonable description of the behaviour and set of opinions which accompany such phenomena, so long as such empathy is not ostensible and, as matter of fact, in service of some other need or faculty. With consideration to these factors, we will attempt an enumeration:
 - "Perceiving Imminent Authoritarian Collectivism"
 - "Conditioned into Inversion"
 - "Self Proclamation"
@@ -2571,19 +2591,19 @@ But what each of these will touch upon are some of the following:
 - "Decolonization is quite simply the replacing of a species of men with another species of men"
 - "Without any period of transition, there is a total, complete and absolute substitution"
-Why is this important? Because, unlike something like a vulgar marxist description of communism, which describes a circumstance that is free of oppression, decolonization is only concerned with the process of attaining liberation (actually, marxism is the same way, but the description of bourgeois / proletarian relations are far more abstract, and essentially come to be considered on the basis of wealth and property ownership. With critical colonial theory, the group assignments are far more racial and, unlike critical race theory's white / black dialectic, all land can specifically be problematized on the basis of whether the holy incantations are being uttered over them, with those incantations themselves being a means of reminding the crowd to struggle itself and invite everyone to participate in a struggle to purify the body politic.
+Why is this important? Because, unlike something like a vulgar Marxism description of communism, which describes a circumstance that is free of oppression, decolonization is only concerned with the process of attaining liberation (actually, Marxism is the same way, but the description of bourgeois / proletarian relations are far more abstract, and essentially come to be considered on the basis of wealth and property ownership. With critical colonial theory, the group assignments are far more racial and, unlike critical race theory's white / black dialectic, all land can specifically be problematized on the basis of whether the holy incantations are being uttered over them, with those incantations themselves being a means of reminding the crowd to struggle itself and invite everyone to participate in a struggle to purify the body politic.
 Again, with the eternal designations, as though your composition and you socialization are lost in an endless feedback loop of your ever intensifying depravity. The more pure you become insofar as decentering, allyship, self flagellation, humiliation rituals, and representing all identities correctly, the more hidden secret and insidious your corruption, always bound to your flesh.
 #### Lamentation:
-" Decolonization and purification you aren't adequate you aren't original you aren't something unique or significant you're just an empty patchwork of superficiality which pretends to be something important and meaningful but you're actually what brings down th emeaning of all the rest of teh world your existence makes it impossible for people to see the real value which would otherwise bring meaning to their own lives
-you are worse than a parasite you don't even have anything unique and interesting of your own.. you are a wraith of stolen dreams and pathetic mimicry and somehow you have come into undeserved and unearned resources which sustain your abominable existence while repressing and suffocating noble existence which has a real purpose in demonstrating the real reason for existence.. the real use of having a human life.. the hope of a universe which was well worth having come into being
+" Decolonization and purification you aren't adequate you aren't original you aren't something unique or significant you're just an empty patchwork of superficiality which pretends to be something important and meaningful but you're actually what brings down the meaning of all the rest of the world your existence makes it impossible for people to see the real value which would otherwise bring meaning to their own lives
+you are worse than a parasite you don't even have anything unique and interesting of your own... You are a wraith of stolen dreams and pathetic mimicry and somehow you have come into undeserved and unearned resources which sustain your abominable existence while repressing and suffocating noble existence which has a real purpose in demonstrating the real reason for existence... The real use of having a human life... The hope of a universe which was well worth having come into being
 how depraved and awful to have to witness your continued existence which is a proverbial spitting in the face of things whose existence actually fulfills the hopes, desires and aspirations
  tied to it"
  #### Additional
  ##### What is the Cult?
- It's worth putting into words why I'm referring to these things as "the cult", what ultimately that means, beacuse we can talk about the cults and cult memberships, and we can talk about Marxism, different collectivist systems, fascism, national socialism, we can talk about more modern cults like the Jonestown suicides, but ultimately I'm trying to indicate that collectivism and the disposition and capacity to to pursue it, when formalized, is basically a cult because it always requires membership, and it always requires the upholding of a reality to be constructed, if the collectivist project were the succeed and be the mainstay of how social reality is edified, manager, maintained, constructed, etc. Someone will say "well, you're doing what the Marxists are doing because they're saying that ideology is basically the excuses for us not having a socialist worldview, not wanting to return to the garden", but what I am saying is different. What I'm saying is:
+ It's worth putting into words why I'm referring to these things as "the cult", what ultimately that means, because we can talk about the cults and cult memberships, and we can talk about Marxism, different collectivist systems, fascism, national socialism, we can talk about more modern cults like the Jonestown suicides, but ultimately I'm trying to indicate that collectivism and the disposition and capacity to to pursue it, when formalized, is basically a cult because it always requires membership, and it always requires the upholding of a reality to be constructed, if the collectivist project were the succeed and be the mainstay of how social reality is edified, manager, maintained, constructed, etc. Someone will say "well, you're doing what the Marxists are doing because they're saying that ideology is basically the excuses for us not having a socialist worldview, not wanting to return to the garden", but what I am saying is different. What I'm saying is:
  - You only exist as an individual so anything that causes you to believe that there is a collective way of seeing reality which corrects the way in that we are seeing things as an individual, because we are otherwise prone to ideologies -> that's the court, in whatever form it ends up being.
 ##### Political Nature