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 # Introduction
+*James explains why he stopped focusing on Paulo Freire for a while in order to dive back into Marxism and understand the mechanisms by which Freire appears as a religious figure in Wokeism, particularly to Henri Giroux, who was his evangelist and the man responsible for having made "The Politics of Education" become so well-cited in Pedagogical disciplines*
 I've been doing a series about Critical Pedagogy Theory and if you're following along which is kind of diffuse sprinkled in with other podcast episodes, you'll know that I've gone backwards in time and I'm deep within Paulo Freire who is recognized pretty widely as the grandfather or Intellectual Godfather of Critical Pedagogy (the father being Henry Giroux) and Freire is most famous for the Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
 Freirean thought is the theological bedrock upon which Critical Education Theory has been built, and it must be understood as such. As I read through his book, what I keep running into is this overwhelming view of how religious Freire's writing is. It has provided the basis for the Woke theology.