logicp 1 tahun lalu

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+# Historicism
+## Historicist Philosophies
+The historicist philosophies follow the fact o ftime's simgular dimension, the continued anticipability of that which has not yet or may never yet come to pass. The inability of the mind to conclusively confirm whether something that occurred could have come to be of a different path of preceding events, and so on.
+## Double Negation
+The double negation is another fascinating concept which reinforces the propensities of human thinking already inherent in the human form. The mind which reflects on the reality that there is currently a state, that this state can be changed, and that this change can be sooner if made to change through deliberate intent, or that the mind does not welcome the change and sees the best outcome, in the immediate, as one where the human mind does not yet have to consider that anything must be different; if things should be different then they shall come to be without the mind having to admit error.
+This means that the mind can more readily provide rationale for maintaining an unwanted behaviour or process under the assumption that the moment of its negation is imminent, though as of yet undetermined. The mind can even find rationale for instantiating and setting into motion a process antithetical to one's stated beliefs, preferences or purpose, on the basis that some form of utility is to be first granted, for its negation will yet come to pass.
+As we attempt to realize ideal forms, we come to suspect that their complete absence from our world and lives serves as evidence that our world is erroneous; as evidence that hte world we are supposd to inhabit doesn't exist or has not yet been completed.
+It may very well be that the world with ideal forms is also the one where we naturally live with immortality, but I digress.
+The real topic at hand is that of the covidists that have become state evangelists. You see so many of them everyday, fighting to keep the fear alive. Keeping the fear above their threshold for action potential or inhibitory configuration.
+## Configured Inhibition
+You see, most things that we may characterize as a potentiated or permitted or unlocked action can also be thought of as something made possible through the imposition or removal of inhibition. The action potentials of actin/myosin crossbridges are curated through an orchestration of inhibitory processes that regulate sensitivity of sensory organ complexes which, ultimately, allow for force to be generated for which the capability already existed but was simply not being granted.
+Now, with COVIDISM, the capability for totalitarian control systems is being granted through inhibition of human movement, human thought, human speech, and so on. Though critics of **covidism** are said to be right-wing reactionaries, it is highly subjectiev to claim that they are the ones reacting to a proposition for progress by denying a proposed action upon an environment whose extant operational phenomena constitute a form of neutral baseline. If anything, the vast majority of reactionary behaviour in response to proposed actions is provided by the covidists who even now react negatively to the proposition of breathing fresh air and the exchange of the infinitely rich sets of environmental signals which serve as the essential information to inform biological systems which must always be adapting.
+## Adaptive Systems: A Modern Heresy
+Indeed, adaptive systems are biological systems. That is, there are no biological systems that are not adaptive systems and as we, or if we, move towards social policies that are more rule-laden and restrictive, we are, in turn, specifying more rigidly precisely what adaptations are to be permitted to tbe fantastical and imagined constraining of what is, in reality, an infinite set of adaptations.
+In a sense, there is no greater precedent for narrow-minded reactionary-based thinking than those that wish to take over the process of biological evolution and replace it with a preconceived, fully-sanitized framework for the permitted structure of life on Earth/in the Universe.

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+# Gnostic Propensity
+so the truth, at least as far as I believe, is that we are them
+We're inherently predisposed to perceiving the world and engaging it as gnostics. We just override our urge to do it through our development, but we're still liable to that way of thinking if we're ignorant enough or are able to construct the right rationale for maintaining something which conflicts with a more objective view of reality.
+As far as an intelligent psyche is concerned, there are motivations borne both out of a sense that something is wrong with reality, as well as the drive to transform it or refine our understanding of it.
+Something wrong: This can include anything from an intuition that it is a false reality (we are spiritual, not material - and this isn't a belief that I am opposed to, but there can be many absurd intuitions that also qualify for this description, like the gnostic cult of Queer - having a body which I do not self-beget is a form of sin for which all should be held accountable. Having an especially tortured existence will get you there - people preying on you and inducing extreme mental illness, etc.)
+Refining: It can be your understanding, which is good, but it can also be what you believe about what is possible to be understood based on the standpoint of others (and there's a kernel of truth there).
+Something else which makes absurd expectations possible is what I refer to as "historicist thinking", in the sense of seeing history as a process which realizes things that are intended to be realized. Divine belief includes this, regardless of whether one expects that the material world is part of that progression (it could be that the world has to be transformed to something approaching the divine, or it might just be that you believe you will unite with divinity after your mortal life ends).
+Historicist thinking allows us to expect anything not yet actualized. All occurs along a single instance of time moving along one dimension (even if there are multiple, our perception through the senses only perceives of one that is reasonably shared with others) making it apparent that all things that do hpapen are part fo teh array of all things that can happen (and, implicitly, all things which have not happened can still happen).
+A lot of new agey stuff talks about manifesting and attracting. There's also quantum mechanics which suggest all possibilities occurring over a long enough temporal frame.
+From childhood, we are seduced by the belief that we can change reality and, perhaps later (when more mature), that we can reach a higher level understanding of reality such that perception conforms to conception through its reflection by other perceptions. We do the former as children when telling tall tales to grown-ups who pretend to believe us, validating their veracity and inviting us to intoxicate ourselves with the ambiguity over whether reality is something which is, or something that is perceived. The latter would be a more postmodern meditation on what we know of reality when we can only describe it with words chosen both through seeking the most efficacious representation of our thoughts coupled with a process of transaction and negotiation.
+The state makes it worse because it can declare pursuit of a conception that we have affinity for, and we are liable to perceive its reification and construct a reference to an expectation that it will be actualized.
+Perhaps most fundamentally, though (and, really, one might consider replacing the text above with just the following) is that simplification of complexity is built into our base cognitive architecture. Otherwise, we drown in such immense complexity that perception and, by extension, existence itself is revealed as grotesque and obscene (this is why people should do high dose psychedelics and go crazy.. it reminds them how insane it is that we are able to calmly see the world with one focal point).
+now all that being said, the fact of our seeming constraint of having to interact with shared reality via the body means that the manner in which these predispositions manifest as behaviour is, indeed, affected by things such as genes, cognitive capacity, physical capacity, and so forth.
+but I think that even the best among us can fall into it, because we've likely all done it in some form at some moment

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@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Here Marx talks about Being/Existence/Creation when he says:
 Now it is easy to say, to the single individual, what Aristotle has already said. You have been begotten by your father and your mother, therefore, in you, the mating of two human beings, a species act of human beings, has produced the human being. You see, therefore, that even physically, man owes his existence to man. Therefore, you must not only keep sight of the one aspect - the infinite progression which leads you to further enquire "Who begot my father, who his grandfather, etc" - you just also hold onto the circular movement, sensually perceptible in that progress by which man repeats himself in procreation. Man, thus, always remaining the subject.
-You will reply, however, I grant you the circular movement, now grant me the progress which drives me ever-further until I ask who begot the first man in nature as a whole, and I can only answer you: your question is itself a product of abstraction - ask yourself how you arrived at that question - ask yourself whether your question is not posed from a standpoint to which I cannot reply, because it is wrongly put. Ask yourself whether that progress, as such, exists for a reasonable mind. When you ask yourself about the creation of nature and man, you are abstracting in so doing from man and nature. You postulate them as non-existent and, yet, you want me to prove them to you as existing. Now I say to you: give up your abstraction and you will also give up your question. Or, if you want to hold onto your abstraction, then be consistent, and if you think of Man and Nature as non-existent, then think of yourself as non-existent, for, you too, are surely Nature and Man. Don't think - don't ask me - for as soon as you think and ask your abstraction from the exsitence of Nature and Man has no meaning. Or are you such an egotist that you conceive Everything is Nothing and yet want yourself to exist?"
+You will reply, however, I grant you this circular movement, now grant me the progress which drives me ever-further until I ask who begot the first man in nature as a whole, and I can only answer you: your question is itself a product of abstraction - ask yourself how you arrived at that question - ask yourself whether your question is not posed from a standpoint to which I cannot reply, because it is wrongly put. Ask yourself whether that progress, as such, exists for a reasonable mind. When you ask yourself about the creation of nature and man, you are abstracting in so doing from man and nature. You postulate them as non-existent and, yet, you want me to prove them to you as existing. Now I say to you: give up your abstraction and you will also give up your question. Or, if you want to hold onto your abstraction, then be consistent, and if you think of Man and Nature as non-existent, then think of yourself as non-existent, for, you too, are surely Nature and Man. Don't think - don't ask me - for as soon as you think and ask your abstraction from the exsitence of Nature and Man has no meaning. Or are you such an egotist that you conceive Everything is Nothing and yet want yourself to exist?"
 *This is where Voegelin accuses him of being an intellectual swindler - sidestepping the fundamental question of ontology, and creating Man as a brute-fact of the world that has then bootstrapped itself into the state that it's in now. You can see the Marxian flavours of advising to not ask questions, etc. Voegelin takes him for heavy task for that, but then does the typical Marxian thing - "or are you such an egotist..."*

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@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Role of Social Worker is to raise a Critical Consciousness in those they interve
 - Political Theory -> Marxist theory. Only one vaild way to understand politics because Marx believed he had found th one truly scientific of history. All others suffer from ideology - captured by the dominant modes of thought, created by the bourgeiousie to maintain their power.
 - Marxism arrives from a gnostic consciousness/scientific concsiousness that was "crucial" for understanding how to seize the means of production of society and man in the world around you to go forward to a Utopian vision.
 - Freire's Utopian character of education
-- Wissenschaftlizur Socializmus - everything else is a mytholgoy that the ruling class tells itself to keep itself in power and everyone else down
+- Wissenschaftlicher Socializmus - everything else is a mytholgoy that the ruling class tells itself to keep itself in power and everyone else down
 - Marxism is the only legitimate poliitical theory so educating in political literacy is really only educating in Marxism
 - Ideologies are mythologies that the Bourgeiosie write for themselves, tell themselves, convince those of the underclass of etc. Just stories to justify dominance
 - Justify dominance OF THE SYSTEM in which they happened to be dominant -> this removes agency

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+# Critical vs Critical
+## Introduction
+### From DQSH:
+*... bring your notes and put on those glasses, everybody, because this requires reading on multiple levels.*
+"They love coded language which requires "reading on multiple levels", because any good Marxist with a postmodern flavour knows that language is power, and if you're concerned with getting rid of structural oppression then it is your MORAL DUTY to manipulate everyone by employing a double meaning to language wherever possible"
+### Double meaning / multiple levels
+Their goal is to get you to agree to statements by exploiting the best aspects of humanity (open minded tolerance and good faith) by inserting words in those statements with hidden / double meaning.
+Kind of like arguing over the definitions, but even more sinister. For example calling everything critical so that liberal minded people agree on the basis of critical thinking, when they are in fact getting you to agree that critical consciousness should supersede critical thinking.
+Good to let them know it's **Critical Consciousness**. Wokes will agree while uneducated will ask what you mean, and then you can reveal the game.
+## Call them out
+You can also call out the woke on insidious, bad faith behaviour and take away their moral high ground.
+Critical is the word, because then you debunk the assertion that CRT and the like are "history", and reveal the path from Critical Theory, which comes straight from Marxism.
+Connect the path and make them defend base logic that less educated people are more familiar with (Marxism, Maoism, Lenninism, Socialism by the original definition - not social safety nets from capitalist countries).
+## Gnostic thinking
+Important to remember that "gnostic thinking" means that they feel there's something not right about how things are.
+It goes beyond wanting to make incremental improvement. Things are not right in a very intolerable way, as though one is being forced to believe lies. And this is actually happening, depending on how you want to frame it, so it's easy for people to keep being redirected back into these thoughts.
+For the gnostic, critical thinking/logic/reason are not enough, because if those tools were indeed our way of discerning truth, then things would be right. But they're not right, and since those tools are regarded as those that, when utilized in a pure form, are free of corruption and bias, they believe that they're actually being chosen so that people can induce corruption and gerrymander the world to their bias (and even if they're not doing it specifically on purpose, it at least done in service to others).
+Whereas in Heretical Christian offshoots that developed Gnostic traditions, which believed the demiurge had created the material reality to separate Man from his rightful state of being, which is as a God, or at least a spiritual being, the modern "gnostic" thinking sees the beneficiaries of inequality as being that entity - pulling a false reality over everyone's eyes and robbing them of an existence more in line with the true nature of things.
+What ends up happening is that the idea of "truth" is something which is based on actuality, rather than reality. It is what has been actualized "so far", but it's not in line with reality. Reality is when things as are they are supposed to be - so reality is becoming.
+In this way, what is true is what Works. Not what is evaluated as most true with critical thinking. That provides the rationale to fool others in pursuit of speeding up the becoming of true reality. It's a moral duty to fool them. To fool you.
+### Logical Consistency
+Your incessant insistence on logical consistency recharges the forces which cause things to not be right. The domination and injustice.
+It pisses them off, you asshole. The words are like poison. Words are magic.
+If you to ascribe to them word with hidden meaning where the normal definition is neutral but the hidden meaning reveals something about them, they'll double over and have spasms.
+I remember once I used the word "discourse" in a dispassionate and neutral way to mean exchange/communication, and my woke conversation partner was like "IT'S NOT A DISCOURSE!". Lol, ok.
+## Strategy
+You have to know all their hidden meanings, and be able to spit it out on the spot, if you want to engage the word games.
+Alternatively you can just not cooperate in a more passive way


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+# Prison for the Body
+## Judith Butler and Foucault
+*Judith Butler and many Queer foundational texts mention Foucault repeatedly for having said something.*
+- We normally hear of how the Body is the Prison with the implicit understanding that the Soul is the real you and that you can't be fully aware of it or it cannot be free because your experience is bound to the constraint of a material body.
+But what Foucault actually said was this:
+**"The Soul is the prison of the body".
+## Hegel and What This Means
+### Hegel
+- Codified mysticism into a modern philosophy
+- Marx distilled the philosophy and made it actionable (modern Gnosticism)
+- In this codification, the Social Constructions are the Spirit
+You manipulate the Geist or Social Construction of society around you through the idea and the material conditions.
+This Geist is what Hegel elucidated in Phänomenologie des Geistes - (Phenomenology of Spirit).
+### Soul to the Spirit
+- The Geist transforms along the trajectory of History
+- Can also be expressed as the Spiritual trajectory of the transformation of history
+- Your soul is a part of the spirit (Geist)
+Your soul is your understanding of self through the social constructions of reality.
+In this way, the Soul is the application of Social Construction to you, making it the prison of the body.
+That is, the Social Constructions of what it means to have your body are your soul, and this imprisons you.

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+Move away from vocabulary lessons and the token inclusion of LGBT heroes to begin to engage understanding of queer cultures and new modes of being altogether.
+*New modes we can envision together. Not just learn vocabulary and have LGBT heroes, but a deeper understanding by having a drag queen leading them to find their queer voice. So they can live queerly*
+We emphasize that drag pedagogy resists didactic instruction and is not prescriptive. Instead, it artfully invites children into building communities that are more hospitable to queer knowledge and experience.
+*You can't tell people how it's going to go or how it's going to be, it has to be open ended and has to bef ree. You have to let things happen and break the rules with a man dressed as a woman presented in varying degrees of sexual expressiveness or seductiveness (sometimes toned down quite a bit to just a few suggestions of attractiveness). A man dressed as a sexualized woman talking to your children about sexuality on some level (whether it's just teaching the child that they can receive more attention by swishing their hips, to other more direct and overt use of innuendo to "read children to filth" (their own words))*
+Before we sashay into the world of drag queens and children, let's get a few things clear or queer. Firstly, "drag" is sometimes erroneously conflated with "trans".
+*They play off of this. They both attempt to get you to refer to drag queens by their opposite gender (both biologically and in the sense that many of these drag queens are heterosexual males), yet they are still happy to tell you that that isn't the case, after trying to play you on that very same dimension.*
+As a gender-queer performer scholar and a trans scholar (one of each), we were acutely aware and tired of this problem. It happens in both conervative and liberal discourses. This conflation has led to occasional tensions even within queer and trans communities. Thus we wish to be explicit: these terms rae not synonymous. However, drag and trans overlap, given that some drag artists are trans. While drag generally refers toa  kind of consciously artistic performance intended for an audience in contrast trans people do not primarly seek to entertain (they seek to gratify themselves as vulnerable narcissists). Yet, there is historical slippage between these two categories, especially as language has evolved over the past century. Many of the leaders most celebrated within the early trans movement describe themselves as drag queens or street queens or transvestites. Including Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P Johnson. One cannot meaningfully address trans history and struggle without engaging the history of drag.
+For our purposes, s uffice it to say that the purpose of drag and otherwise refashioning gender long predate the current terminology used to describe human experience. We expect that readers can make sense of this complicated terrain (it's not complicated, it's bullshit). After all, at a drag show, this is not amateur night.
+So, bring on your notes and put on those glasses, everybody, because this requires reading on multiple levels.
+*What they mean is that they're using coded language*
+Legacy of schooling and its role in teaching children about gender norms and other aspects of personhood. We offer a brief background on drag, not only int erms of its gender disruptions, but also its own vernacular pedagogies and community engagement.
+In the second half of the article, we describe th ekinds of knowledge that drag pedagogy can share with children of all ages (3 and up?).
+We focus on 5 interrelated themes:
+1. Play as praxis
+2. Aesthetic transformation
+3. Strategic defiance
+4. Camp and its relationship to stigma
+5. Embodied kinship
+Ultimtaely, we suggest that drag pedagogy offfers one model for learning not simply about queer lives, but how to live queerly. And we're living for it.
+*This is a curriculum journal. Curriculum Inquiry*
+Schooling children, scripting childhood.
+*They think that childhood innocence or regular schools is that we're scripting childhood and teaching children to follow a script of society. They aren't the groomers, you are. The whole society is grooming children. The system that exists are grooming children. The norms of society are grooming children to be normal, and they have to break through that with an objective of early childhood education. They want to "undo" the scripting or "consciously seize" the means of scripting childhood to redirect it in their direction.*
+*Drag queens are going to re-script their childhood for them so they can live queerly.*
+The institution of public schooling was founded in part as a way of maintaining nation states. The whole system! (as opposd to global citizenry). Thus, th professional vision of educators is often shaped to reproduce the state's normative vision of its citizenry.
+*American schools might make American citizens. Oklahoman schools might make Oklahomans. That's the problem. A vision hidden inside of their ideal citizenry and the existing state grooms children to be ideal in the state of what the state wants. A prison that they're throwing people into.*
+In effect, schooling functions as a way to straighten the child into a kind of captive alignment with the current parameters of that vision.
+*A gnostic prison with the current paramters of that vision*
+Put differently, the design of schooling often serves as a kind of trellis (architectural structure to support climbing plants) that trains children away from social divergence in order to "grow up" to become adults who are viewed as socially and economically productive. (Marx?).
+*Schooling exists to groom children into being productive adults. Straightening them out (multiple levels).*
+In contrast, Cathering Bond Stockton suggests a metaphor of queer sideways growth that is possible for all children, regardless of gender/sex. This frameowrk which counters dominant thinking about childhood development is not directed toward a pre-determined endpoint of growing up, but rather functions as an irregularized broadening of childrens' own interests abilities and eccentricities on their own terms.
+*Maybe I have this mental disorder that I learned about on tik tok last week - let's encourage that is an eccentricity on their own terms. Cut your willy off. There's no pre-determined endpoint of growing up. They don't want people to grow up - keep them as mouldable and groomable children for their entire lives (because nation states already have a purpose of grooming children to be ideal, socially economically productive prisoners). Captive alignment within the curret paramters of that vision. We have to break them free on their own terms. An adult to a child says: hey don't you feel even more fun and better? Isn't it so silly and fun?. Read the Pier Piper*
+Here, it is important to differentiate between queer as an identity that individuals can claim for themselves and queer as an analytic (yeah right).
+Many people, including both authors, use the word queer to describe ourselves. Although queerness refuses crystallized meaning, our use of the term in this article generally refers to our desire to practice an embodied political resistance to confining constructs of gender and sexuality as they are produced by the institutions and social relations that govern our lives.
+*Oh so that's what it is. That's what they want to bring to your children so they can live queerly*
+Our desire to practice an embodied (using their body) political resistance to confining contsructs of gender and sexuality, as they are produced by (not themselves but someone else trying to hold them down in a prison of their own creating).
+The institutions and social relations that govern our lives.
+*We don't call you queer. We call you groomers, because you are grooming.*
+As an analytic frame, however, Queer is not limited to the individual person. Queer theory can be used to examine how often impossible standards of normalcy can be formed. Not only through institutional categorizations of gender and sexuality, but also through social expectations produced through the racialized structures of capitalism that are inextricably intertwined with that hierarchy.
+*Often impossible standards of normalcy. If they're impossible, they're not fair or just. Convince someone who is vulnerable or miserable or sad and they can agree that the standards put on them were unfair from the outset, making things impossible and creating a cycle of vulnerability where you can tell them that the point (like Marx said in Philosophy of the Right) is to Throw Off the Conditions that Make You have to Cope (like as with religion).*
+Building in part from Queer Theory and Trans Studies, Queer and Trans pedagogy seek to actively destabilize the normative function of schooling through transformative education.
+*Like Transformative SEL. And to destabilize them period. Like Hannah Dyer said, the point of queer education is not to create stable LGBT identities, but to make sure they stay fluid. Not stable identities, but destabilized identities that are continuously brought into a state of desire transformation.*
+This is a fundamentally different orientation than movements towards the inclusion or assimilation of LGBT people into existing structurs of school and society.
+*Not what you think. It's not just about Fun and it has nothing to do with Gay Acceptance, as they're saying quite clearly here. They don't want LGBT people to be assimilated and included into existing structures. They want people to be queer, politically orientation to disrupt normalcy. This is the same as where Freire said in the Pedagogy of the Oppressed that the goal of educating is to teach them that they're dependent but not to

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+# Groomer Time
+## Introduction
+*Drag Queen Story Hour provides a generative extension of queer pedagogy into the world of early childhood education...*
+*(offers) educators a way into a sense of queer imagination: play as praxis, aesthetic transformation, strategic defiance, destigmatization of shame, and embodied kinship...*
+*provides a performative approach to queer pedagogy that is **not simply about LGBT lives, but living queerly***
+The purpose is to embed a generative praxis into ECE which grooms children into embodied kinship with queer family.
+## Program
+*Through this programme, drag artists have channelled their penchant for playfully "'reading' each other to filth" into different forms of literacy, promoting storytelling as integral to queer and trans communities, as well as positioning queer and trans cultural forms as valuable components of early childhood education. We are guided by the following question:*
+*What might DQSH offer educators as a way of bringing queer ways of knowing and being into the education of young children?*
+Note the reference to "different forms of literacy", which is from the Freirean model which makes the assumption that *literacy* is a form of privilege used to reproduce structural oppression. The goal is for people to become literate in their liberation, and for the Queer Theorist that simply means making queer activists.
+## Gay Acceptance
+- Hard to find visibly queer space / dangerous realities
+- Gentrification of "historically queer" neighbourhoods closes gay bars and moves people online
+- Gay marriage and military inclusion dominate as principle goals of LGBT civil rights; ignores queer poverty, violence against queer/trans POC, and anti-LGBT policies
+Queer activism is not about gay acceptance, because it must remain fluid and ambiguous. Even gentrification benefits privileged gay (mostly white) people while queers in poverty must struggle.
+*DQSH ... between queer activism and broad cultural acceptancec. .. creates spaces for young children and families to immerse themselves in LGBT-themed stories, and does so in ways that seem to genuinely reflect queer ways of being and relating - rather than as a neatly marketed product. We believe that this makes DQSH worthy of closer study. We argue that the programme creates a pathway into the imaginative, messy, and rule-breaking aspects of drag for children without necessarily watering down queer cultures.*
+It positionsits itself as being concerned with broad acceptance only to seem viable for young children, but it ultimately doesn't want to be watering down queer culures.
+*Performer read a handful of childrens' books and lead children in movement and craft-based activities (making wands/tiaras). Book selections often include queer/trans characters, gender-transgressive hemes, or narratives about not fitting in... Some translate drag's penchant for taboo to kids ideas of silly topics, like making a mess, or potty time. Occasionally, a queen performs a lip sync of songs from a children's film.*
+Great to remind us that drag has a penchant for taboo, and that it can be found in the idea of children making a mess and having potty time.

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+# Double Negations
+## Contemporary
+We highlighted the manner in which the human mind is prone to adapting an expectation and that it can impose a behaviour that is incongruent or even anti-thetical to its stated beliefs and values under the assumption or declaration that the behaviour will be negated at the appropriate time. Let us examine two prevalent forms of this in our current society.
+## Queer Negation
+The Queer activist insists that some are characterized by unnormal forms and behaviours and that this puts them into the position of being oppressed by a social structure which values normalcy. It also contends that what is imposed as normal has come to have been asserted as such by those who have the power to set norms, and that they do this to maintain their access to power.
+Furthermore, it suggests that as long as oppression exists, it becomes our duty to identify queerly in order to push back against the normalizing aspects of society, since it is these normalizing aspects which are maintaining oppression.
+### Thesis
+Human beings cannot express their true nature
+### Antithesis:
+Enumerate all possible ways of being and propose / suggest that humans take on/perform these roles.
+### Synthesis
+Humans find or realize their true nature of being.
+Here, we find the double negation in the form of first having negated the mechanism by which humans couldn't express their true nature, which is done by proposing alternate ways of being that disrupt the current standards, and then later negating that process of negating - that mechanism - a double negation - which we can have faith will come to pass through historical thinking and by believing we have the true higher-level understanding of reality and humanity.
+Of course, even this is rife with its own contradictions, which the gnostics don't mind, as that too drives the dialectical tensions through which they employ pressure for sociopolitical change.
+Nevertheless, ass rationalist thimthem; we choose to examine them
+# Contradictions of the Queer Dialectical Triad
+- Human nature not yet expressed - is there a nature?
+- How do we know it is not expressed? Equity?
+- Standards are oppression? Who sets them and embodies them?
+  - Capitalism produced behemoths who now tell us of Queer (like banks)
+  - They are harnessing opportunity - being opportunistic - thus you should as well
+- Only humans have no nature - from outset of human consciousness
+  - Product of consciousness <- can be negated
+- What is equity? Who decides? And who decides after they're dead?
+- Nothing stabilized can ever be a part of the solution
+  - So demand no identity - no character, no form/FORMLESS, thoughtless
+Before eludating these, we can preface this section by highlighting the contempty of reality. At some level, any proposition is either predicated on a belief in shared reality, or a demand to reject reality / demand that reality is not yet made, as human nature has not yet been actualized.
+*This follows the human experience in the sense that we are in perpetual preparation, be it through skilled and structured training, or simply waiting for the time to pass. With this in mind, one can either embody an exression whereby they cannot yet commence their true life, or they perceive the preparation as true life which continuously improves the condition of reality, thereby expanding the breadth of what is possible. Reality is accepted as always becoming something more, or it is false and we have not yet seen it proven that reality should be have been brought into being.*
+## Contradiction of Criticizing Drag
+"Drag clowns just want to entertain kids. They love to spend time with children, as did Rafi"
+*What is the difference?*
+- Normal adults are protective of child innocence, while drag introduce topics above the current development stage
+  - Children don't have sexual thoughts because they don't have the endocrine states conducive to evoking spontaneous sexual sensations
+  - Drag introduce sexual ideas, often indirectly or through innuendo that can be plausibly denied as being done to cater to some fo the adult audience that is present, but it is, nevertheless, something that eventually gets introduced in a drag story time event
+Sex education is usually given before hormonal changes occur. In that case, or in the former, it is the case that children with information about sexual behaviour (beyond simple explanations of reproduction) have that knowledge because it came from an adult
+- 100% of sexual offences since the 90s (male offenders) is steeped in pornography
+- Majority have disseminated/distributed sex content to children
+- People in counselling have had their sexual boundaries violated