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logicp 3 years ago
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+ 38 - 8

@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ He was also interested in the development that the absolute would actually be re
 Summary: Prisca theologia is a hermetic concept that there is some primordial or pristine original theology that all the world's faiths and philosophies lend partial insight to. There is one true faith and it's a mirror that's been smashed. All the pieces are on the ground reflecting different parts (Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, etc) and they're all lending partial insight into the real thing. If they could be made to converge, then you would get to that original one true theology. Alchemy is how that's done. If you could just purify, you could get the seeds of the true philosophy to sprout out of those and then you could get back to the Prisca theologia (through alchemical convergence of the various different faiths).
-Prisca theologia has an ancient aspect to it. Philosophia Perennis has a different type of eternal aspect to it. Prisca Theologia is a model to get toward the perennial philosopha, which is what the absolute actually is. It will be able to be recovered and recollected alchemically from the various faiths and philosophies of the world by means of his speculative approach and systematic philosophy which is translated into reason, but which he calls vernoomft.
+Prisca theologia has an ancient aspect to it. Philosophia Perennis has a different type of eternal aspect to it. Prisca Theologia is a model to get toward the perennial philosopha, which is what the absolute actually is. It will be able to be recovered and recollected alchemically from the various faiths and philosophies of the world by means of his speculative approach and systematic philosophy which is translated into reason, but which he calls vernunft.
 #### Metaphysical
 Hegel has put in his lectures on the philosophy of religion:
@@ -592,17 +592,47 @@ Why is there something rather than nothing.
 Becoming is the resolution, the synthesis of understanding this mystery
 ##### Idea, Nature, Geist
-Idealist -> centered on the ideas of society
-Reason is how you engage with them, or is the expression of the ideas
-Idea => God
-Natural World => Jesus
+- Idealist - centered on the ideas of society
+- Reason is how you engage with them, or is the expression of the ideas
+- Idea - God
+- Natural World - The manifestation on earth, the son, Jesus
 "The state is the divine idea as it is expressed on earth."
-The state becomes the son. The ideas are the father. THe state is the son. Geist or culture are the holy spirit.
+Trinity: The ideas are the father. The state is the son. Geist or culture are the holy spirit.
+The ideas, the state, the spirit of the world as they are developing. He does not have a Christian understanding of this, however. Christians hold the elements of the triad to be co-eternal as three aspects of one eternal and perfect God-head. God, which manifests in the word as the logos of John and becomes flesh in the world and Christ and the Holy Spirit is that which is God moving within and through the world. These things are co-eternal, one thing as three things, and this is how the Christian Metaphysic understands it. This isn't how Hegel sees it because Hegel sees everything in a process-oriented or evolutionary-oriented fashion.
+Specifically, Hegel believes that when you talk about God or the absolute, that's referring to God merely in himself. God in potentia as an abstract, as a logos, or as reason. And that is insufficient to be truly a Deity, because they absolute, in order to be complete, would have to not just be abstract but be concrete. So God cannot merely be Abstract, he has to be Concrete. He meets to meet his negative and then come to synthesis in order to be completed. This creates a fundamental contradiction.
+##### Abstract vs Concrete
+A God that is abstract is not concrete. A God that is concrete is not abstract. There is our contradiction, so we need a synthesis to reconcile these. That synthesis is the recognized absolute.
+Being, Nothing and Becoming. The Absolute becomes Absolute only by his realization of himself as a synthetic to both the abstraction and worldly concreteness. Concreteness is expressed in nature and nature is regulated by the state, which is the divine idea expressed on earth.
+God: imminent in the world (panentheist view). God is not transcendent to the world, for Hegel. Hegel's view is that these three things (idea, nature/state, geist) are so-called moments of the concept. Moments are things that can't be reduced
+`If I have a puzzle I can take it apart into pieces. But if I have a colour, I can't take the brightness or the hue and separate it from the colour without losing the colour. I can't take those things apart and still have the colour. I can't take a colour apart, but if has these different components.
+A moment is something which has components that can't be taken apart. These things are moments of the concept (the concept is a key thing at the centre of his metaphysic) - and he compares this to the alchemical elements of mercury, sulphur and salt, and he does this while outlining a systematic philosophy that uses the dialectic to negate each of these moments and allow for it to give rise to the next, so that the spirit as absolute might actually bloom.
+The absolute is a seed contained within all of this and if we could just peel away all of the bad idea, all the bad parts and imperfected parts of the idea, then the ideal or perfected spirit (the absolute vert-geist) will bloom. This is just as how alchemists hold that Gold is believed to bloom from its seeds that are contained in every base metal and other materials. Just like Marcuse believed that liberation exists like a seed inside of a corrupted society - if we could just figure out how to do aufheben to it correctly so that we could keep that seed while tearing away the rest of the junk. It would blossom and take off.
+For Hegel, the ideas take earthly form in nature and in the world and they're managed under the concept of the state. The divine idea expresses itself through the state (inclination towards Statism in Hegelian philosophy as a metaphysical imperative). The state, in turn, then sets the material conditions for society which gives rise for how people live (the spirit that they live under, or the culture) of that nation, society, or world, when it's all perfected and is the world. It will be the Vertgeist, and the goal is to head towards that.
+The geist, in turn, is going to be able to refine how the prevailing ideas, using the dialectic and aufheben, by finding the contradictions in that new structure by having the state implement the ideas causes a culture to arise where things are still not perfect, and people discover the problems, so the geist then takes the next level of refining: the more conscious they are and the more consciousness they have, the more ability they'll have to refine these areas. The process repeats.
+No longer have an eternal God that is, but ideas as God, State as Son and Geist/culture as spirit. Rather than just being 3 in 1, we now have a spiraling process where one gives rise to an improved version of the previous. Spirling through history where a new improved state follows from the new improved ideas, usually through the activity of a "Man of Action" that is being used by history. Spiraling through history of ideas -> state -> spirit. Improving as they go along the trajectory of history. That's Hegelian metaphysics.
+##### Trinity
+Not transcendent and eternal, but imminent and a process. It isn't - It's becoming. It isn't perfect - It's perfectable and perfecting through the process of history (heading towards the emergence or recollection ) of that philosophy perennis by speculation - msytically trying to recollect the prisca theologia. This is an alchemical approach to Trinity.
+Philosophy is how this is going to be for Hegel (Reason/VErnunft), because that's how the geist informs the philosophers to improve the ideas, and the process through which Hegel recommends to do this is the Dialectic. Which is through seeking those contradictions but while keeping the essential core (Aufheben). THe reason for this is the alchemy that he based his thought on. It's also because he was a gnostic and he believed his ideas of reason were higher and understood things better. So, for Hegel, the God-Head isn't a thing that is in the world or is transcendent to the world, it's a process that spirals through and creates history as it goes.
+Ideas give rise to a State, father begets son, this creates conditions for a spirit which then flows back into the father that was more self-aware than it was before. This unfolding of history and refinement of ideas are one and the same.
+For Hegel this deity is absolute spirit, or the absolute or the absolute idea. It is the ultimate synthesis of all the subjective and objective spirit through the dialectical process. It's the synthesis of the theoretical and the practical. It is what happens when the abstract God meets his negation in worldly squaller and is synthesized into something that is becoming the absolute. Being, Nothing and Becoming.
-He does not have a Christian understanding of this, however. Christians hold the elements of the triad to be co-eternal
+So, while the absolute is always the absolute in the Hegelian metaphysic, the deal is that the absolute doesn't know that it's absolute until its ideas are perfected. God isn't God until God

+ 44 - 9

@@ -241,19 +241,20 @@ Hegel -> Y Hegel -> Marxists -> Neo-Marxists -> Black Feminism
 - The tools can beat master at his own game, but not dismantle the house.
 - Those adept with the tools restore order that assures their comfort
 #### Implications for Pedagogy
 - Critical Pedagogy based on Neo-Marxism
 - - Teach emancipation and empowerment
 ##### Dialectic Thinking
 - Henri Giroux: "... must be taught to think dialectically"
 - Not indoctrination-focused, but on teaching a way of thinking which continuously reprograms concepts dialectically
-#### Critical Race Theory: An Introduction
+## CRT
+### Critical Race Theory: An Introduction
 - Essentialism vs anti-essentialism
 - "And so the dialectic progresses"
-#### Woke Structural Determinism
+### Woke Structural Determinism
 - The Woke synthesis
 - Hypothesis: societal structure determines lived experience
 - Essentialism obfuscated by social constructivism
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ Hegel -> Y Hegel -> Marxists -> Neo-Marxists -> Black Feminism
 - Lived experience becomes essential in the power structure
 - Both race essentialist and race anti-essentialist
-##### In Greater Depth
+#### In Greater Depth
 - Positionality: the logic of organized society
 - Progression of intersectional groups is dialectic progressing through history
 - Intersectionality critiques marginalized activists and turns them into oppressors:
@@ -271,15 +272,16 @@ Hegel -> Y Hegel -> Marxists -> Neo-Marxists -> Black Feminism
 - - Competing systemic oppression
 - Intersectional synthesis => solidarity
-##### Marcusian Eugenics
+### Marcusian Eugenics
 - Biologically change mankind to need liberation
 - Liberated man can tolerate liberation
-##### Solidarity
+### Solidarity
 - Evoke guilt of marginalized identities so they too are committed to addressing oppression outside of themselves
 - Classic woke (Race/Queer): tear it all down
 - Intersectionality: put it back together
+## Back to Hegel
 ### Outside Europe
 - Manifest Destiny as destruction of natives was narrative championed by Young Democrats, who came about in parallel to Young Hegelians
 - Steven Douglas, avowed Young Hegelian
@@ -299,18 +301,51 @@ Hegel -> Y Hegel -> Marxists -> Neo-Marxists -> Black Feminism
 - Speculative: into mirror (reflect on ideas and compare to their abstract meaning)
 - Reflect X with its opposite: "It's racist to say you're not racist"
-#### Understanding the Whole
+### Understanding the Whole
 - Particular can only be understood through the whole (high level vs low level)
 - Accomplish by speculation
 - Speculation through aufheben heats contents of ideas to refine understanding
 - Marcuse said: "Peeling off the power of the current era so the seed within can sprout" (Seed of gold within all base metal -> alchemy)
 - This is the underlying idea of Hegelian thought
-#### Speculative is Mystic
+### Speculative is Mystic
 - All the related ideologies are gnostic
 - Positionality -> special insight under standpoint epistemology
 - People who know the secret have special knowledge -> path to reason/vernunft
 - Gnostic reason until absolute reason (mysticism) at end of history
+### They're All Gnostics
+- CRT is race gnosticism
+- Struct Determ equals racial knowledge through standpoint epist
+- Special knowledge allows for speculative insights which leads to the mystical
+#### Features
+- Multi-meaning words present as gnostic knowledge
+- Systemic thinking as opposed to simple understanding
+- Marx: scientific socialism as "science"
+- Communism as a precondition to Freedom and Democracy
+- Diversity is the only acceptable way of thinking
+- Racial consciousness to mitigate racism
+- Segregate to desegregate or decolonize
+#### Lenin
+- Focused on sublation (vulgar aufheben)
+- Supercede, put an end to, but simultaneously maintain and preserve
+#### Marcuse
+- Affirmative culture causes people to believe they are happy when they are not
+- Abolition of culture (Aufhebung der kultur)
+## Woke Genesis
+- Horkheimer and Lukach, Gramsci's prison notebooks, Frankfurt school
+- Attack culture instead of ideas (Hegel) or the material (Marx)
+- Lukach
+- - Aufhebung of the economy as an end in itself
+- - Socialist economy: Aufhebung of the autonomy of the economy
+- - Hegel weaponized to seize power and dominate economy/society
+- Marcuse: designate target to overcome without speculating the end
+- Communism doesn't know because perfection beneath the flaws
+### Destroy All The Things
+- Culture, Statues, Men + Women, Heterosexuality, Mothers, Dr. Zeus, Cultural touchpoints we relate to, The curriculum (decolonize), Ghostbusters and Star Wars, Cultural References