logicp 2 anos atrás

+ 1 - 1

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ I've always found that this dialogue is unavoidable, where we contend with the c
 If it is possible to have great growth, how much is our attitude and demeanour affecting it? How can we demonstrate and prove a moral imperative to remind ourselves to adjust or improve our psychological outlook?
 # The Dialectic Progresses
-And so the dialectic progresses through the understanding of teh child. If we dissolve or make ambiguous the concept of childhood as per a belief that doing so will ultimately lead to a form of liberation, the it becomes a moral imperative to do away with the previous conceptions previously relied upon to differentiate between adult and child. To have a moral imperative which does away with the very distinction which we already utilize for delimiting behaviours which exploit and allow for oppressive acts by adults on the basis on an assumed extant oppression chiefly evaluated as per the context of adults.
+And so the dialectic progresses through the understanding of the child. If we dissolve or make ambiguous the concept of childhood as per a belief that doing so will ultimately lead to a form of liberation, the it becomes a moral imperative to do away with the previous conceptions previously relied upon to differentiate between adult and child. To have a moral imperative which does away with the very distinction which we already utilize for delimiting behaviours which exploit and allow for oppressive acts by adults on the basis on an assumed extant oppression chiefly evaluated as per the context of adults.
 So, then, is the impetus to redefine the child one which views it as the potential to subject the child to a different set of harms, or does it only view it as the process which removes the child from the threat of harm? Because the endeavour itself is characterized as one which intends to reduce oppression, not just of the child but more broadly in the surrounding world, but if definitions of children allow for potential of harm to manifest, then any additional instance of defining a child must contend with this. The pushback from Queer Theory is, of course, that traditional definitions and categories perform the harm, thus this is an explicit effort to identify non-traditional categories and categories which represent the lack of a definition.

+ 25 - 0

@@ -103,6 +103,16 @@ And this is why they love children. A revolutionary force by nature, they will r
 But to truly prove you are not "Right-Wing" is to simply be open. Accept no demand to conform, and reject the desire to rationalize tyranny. Have no angst about letting your vulnerable parts be exposed, or to realize that one cannot expect all resources to be made available or to be accounted for at any given time.
+These so-called leftists have never had to deal with being singled-out as the least structured student in school or classroom, the participant whose head is always in the clouds. They haven't dealt with the bombardment of having too many eggs in one's basket.
+That is, the attitude of having your own lane, assuming that roles are pre-conceived, that gifts and talents are inherent, and that things rae as they are and can only be made right when the system itself is purified are right wing modes of thought. They assume that the limits are beyond an individual's control and that these limits are imposed by the superstructure. Only when everyone has purity of thought will the superstructure be able to configure itself in a way which makes the promised land known and defined.
+It seems as though there is a desire for chaos and the new, but the imagination for something new is not thre. It seems creative and inventive, but it creates nothing and insists that things will be created in time just so long as we forbid everything unholy.
+It declares that a code exists and that all our failures are proof that some among us are not respecting and adhering to the code. Somehow we are to believe that this is an open mind drawn to the creative, but the creative mind is so enamoured with the prospect of creating that it doesn't want to be taken away from its task and its dreams, particularly to focus on something which suppresses its own drive to create.
+Fear of the unknown hiding behind a claim that it stands with open arms fore the new. But what is really happening there? Sacrificing children is not new. Fear of being an outcast is not either. And when you have insight into ideological changes
 # The Right to Vanity
 Imagine, for a moment, that you take the identity which culture told you you cannot apply to yourself, and then think about all the characteristics that are associated with it. Then, think on how those characteristics might be ones which you believed could apply to you, but realize that the association between them and your non-identity (forbidden identity) causes an implicit assumption that those characteristics apply more strongly to the non-identity than to you. Now, imagine that you are rejected by that identity, and that you perceived that identity as being believed to be superior to you because it has a more desirable set of more strongly-weighted characteristics.
@@ -112,3 +122,18 @@ Finally, imagine that you redefine the path to association with that identity, p
 Unfortunately, it is one's quest to believe they are unique which comes to dods with their need to claim an identity, any identity, that is recognizable. For even though a story might be told of one discovering their unique place and form, it is a story that has always already been told and the ability to believe the story can take hold and be relevant only insofar that it is communicable. In having to be told, the identity within the story must be understandable by those with whom it is shared, and it is only understood when the listener can imagine themselves as embodying that identity or by recognizing that it is something for which an association in the world already exists. This composition has already been written, the song already played. How to be unique an dalso have a form and set of thoughts which anyone believes to be their own?
+# Open Information and Trans
+The pop culture representation of LGBTQ and particularly Queer Theoretical and Trans Activist perspectives is one which assumes an openness to new ideas, shared information and evolution - but what is that really an accurate description?
+Surely, seeking transcendence can be seen as the accepting of new ideas, but what if it is predicated on a refusal of biological norms, it also becomes intrinsically a means of destabilizing one's expectations of accountability. There is an aspect of forward progression and change which could be declared as accepting that one can incur the consequences of reality with an expectation that one will be able to handle them and frame reality and existence as something which is preferable to the absence of it. No regret about being, as opposed to no regret about rejecting being.
+# Layers of Reality
+Back to the structure.
+The organism views itself as existing in scopes or tiers of organization and familiarity. That is, your most immediate surroundings under your direct, real-time influence will have the greatest impact on one's sense that reality is stable and able to support your perception and interest.
+Describing any level less direct than that of the most immediate surrounding is not so contingent on one's physical experience but on symbols ascribed or assigned, and the manner in which assumptions are made about an unobserved frame. This might be described as additional degrees of freedom or perception.
+So, how does one perceive, though as sensible as ever, layers of encapsulation and contextual relevance which one visualizes as extant, but that are not observable physically in a direct sense? Is it a shadow? A fuzzy haze? A warm blanket of care and love?
+It is difficult to perfectly conceptualize because they are not entities or things with intent, but they represent a pseudo state with its particular properties and degree of order an adherence thereof. Just as we perceive the sky as being stability in our atmosphere

+ 109 - 0

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+# Fight For One's Reality
+Literally as stated.
+Somehow, this is not always the logical conclusion of those considering loss of bodily authonomy or censorship as a means of sanitizing society. They demand that society be made clean for them, for only they were willing to see and recognize uncomfortable truths, on the basis that those which remain mentionable in society (which conveniently are those they seem to focus on for political power) are those which they contend are the most difficult to grapple with.
+## Selectivity
+Any selectivity is necessarily a shaping of the lense and banishment of real world subject. One might say that we already live as a form unable to see the entirety of the world, thus we cannot rely on seeing the whole picture anyway and can benefit from of being purposefully selective in what is being kept out from one's frame, allowing purposeful thought to be put into it -> it is now an unimplemented action which could move us forward
+## Queer and Childhood
+Queer Theorists choose, ultimately, the child as the site of their desires and subjectivity. If we live in a world which is organized most fundamentally to limit potential for change which brings about universal betterment, then one must necessarily combat it at the weakest point. That is, the place where knowledge and habit of standards, norms, and, quite simply, PATTERNS which sustain society have not yet been completely habituated in the child, as they're not thoroughly expressed and reinforced.
+From the Queer Theoretical perspective, anything which is a human pattern is an artifact of or a mechanism for oppression. But what does that say about that which can be sustained within Queer Theory?
+## Queer Theoretical Paradox of Normativity
+- Exclude known patterns, but not all
+- Create new patterns that are themselves known patterns
+  - recognizable
+  - accepted
+  - even glorified
+  - signal one's folk nationalism
+- The pattern is rejection of the very things which make human life challenging
+  1. That we are a sexually reproducing species is one of the most horrifying aspects of human life
+  2. The medical establishment still cannot perform miracles:
+    - This is a new form of miracle
+  3. Transitioning to that which you cannot face winning the approval of is a means of laying one's claim to a territory which, in another view, remains unexplored.
+  4. Immoral facts: some may not be socially acceptable or biologically adequate to have offspring
+    - Why let existence of rejection be a thing at all?
+    - If God made that happen, it means life was created incomplete -> we still need a fair existence where everyone can succeed whether in the meta sense, or in the way that matters most to them.
+### Meta Sense
+The Meta Sense?
+Why do we even have to have an understanding of this? It's simply a nod to abstraction.
+Doesn't it make sense that when there are multiple ways to perceive your signifier in an event (evaluations, etc), you will choose to allow attention to be brough tto each with some degree of bias, whether by avoiding certain ones, or to promote certain ones to one's benefit, even if that benefit might be sought through choosing the ones which appear to cause one to be presented as the most self-critical. That is, the ones which cause one to be perceived as self-critical.
+Regardless of which description is most applicable, we cannot remove human bias, just as an individual always experiences a moment of reflection where they have a new perspective on a previous assumption, you can guarantee that everyone at lesat suspects that other people have bias, if not themselves.
+All this to say: any act of normalization necessarily produces bias to that which one is aware of, and particularly so if one has association to what instance of normality is in question.
+So, with this in view, wouldn't it make sense that biases are never fair unless we induce the biases which offset the unfair biases already extant?
+Well, no, that cannot be done, because for every bias wihc you enumerate, there exists an infinite set of similar biases which you devalue an dignore. You can't possibly do anything but to increase the degree and focus of the biases, which are now being performed in an explicitly biased way which is not only an inelegant solution, but something which causes an even more complicating set of effects that are unmeasurable and uninumerable.
+### Biases
+How to get around bias? How do you make bias matter less?
+- We need to reword bias and say "known preferences". How do we make them matter less?
+- More ways to succeed but not simply by permitting everything to be successful. Potential and capacity for success can be sought, but the understanding is that such a pursuit has its own biases already. One cannot get away from it. One must always be vigilant in finding it and having no tolerance for it, at least without it being explicitly declared as biased.
+How ironic that the cultural phenomena which enable transition to and activation of tools of systemic analyses, which will srely reduce everyone to the most limiting of categories, have been themselves organized into their form through critique of humanity's tendency to permit the liiting categorization of things. Obviously we don't benefit from an enforced process of reducing ourselves in this way, especially through an unfeeling and unrelenting machine, but that doesn't mean that all categorization is without use or legitimacy.
+The fact is, categorization, if sought, might be best sought in breathing new transactory processses to life between subjective human perspectives where they each aspire to benevolence and betterment which doesn't require the destruction of one over the other. That is to say, as we can already agree that human subjectivity guies the tendency for varying perceptions on the same matter, the agreemtn can extend to the acknowledgment that categories have not been finalized and , as such, the pursuit of categories must not be used to erase what is nown or to insist that one's adversary is wrong, but to take circumstances where language is not being uised for active dialogue and to introduce a new system of description and categorization which re-invigorates thinking and discussion.
+The issue is that the way new categories or systems of thought have been introduced mostly fail to do that. Many would argue, for example, that gender identity does that very thing.
+### Gender Identity's Solution to Bias
+Gender Identity aims to look at the entirety of the human experience and come to understand the ways in which categorization fails to describe, acknowledge or otherwise account for the human experience or reality of human life. It does this through a variety of means, but mostly:
+*Focusing on the ways in which we are categorize as people in society.*
+A Queer Theorist would allege to do this, but why, then, do all the categories all seem to be sex-related? There are probably different ways of examining this:
+- The first is to look at the origins of Queer Theory which takes us to Gayle Rubin's "Thinking Sex", which specifically sought radical politicization of sex.
+- The second would be to realize that Queer Theory is a rejection for the proposal of human life as we understand it. It would probably be rejecting the ways in which our accepted domain of knowledge has limited what we understand about human existence and the human experience, but it does this without grappling with the consideration that it is taking fundamental aspects about life tha tit dislikes and claiming that these aspects are arbitrary, unreal, set for the purpose of maintaining oppressive structures of domination, and something that can be overcome. That is, of course, something which logically extends from the belief that man is ***creator***. We can quite simply decide to not accept biological sex as true and, at the very least, we can reimagine and revisit the way language is used and make the change of reality begin there. If language already affects our understanding and limits of our subjectivity, then even the prospect of our solution disappointing us can be attenuated and consolidated once language adapts and shifts our perspective. The most important factor to maintain is our goal of emancipation from all oppression and our understsanding that man, as man is creatig the objects of reality, he is instrinsically also creating the state, the culture, nature and ourselves.
+This is not merely limited to sex, gender, or how we identify ourselves through/with them, but hte very nature of what a human is or what constitutes reality.
+# How Queer Theory Became Right Wing
+August 6, 2022
+- Ultimtaely need an evaluative mechanism which makes everyone a member of its nation - the Queer Nation
+- It is the only way to proclaim uniqueness, but that becomes the standard for being a human; everyone else is less human, less evolved and less authentic
+- It forces the child to commit themselves to your political ideology from an early age, negating the uncertainty of them having their own sociopolitical journey
+- In their social environment, this ideology is presented as the only option for demonstrating piety and moral virtue
+- Since it aligns with all the entertainment sources, the academic institutions, the will of the state as presented in its default modalities, and the expectations of other families, it is the proper structure
+- The Queer Family is a political family that exudes folk nationalism
+- Its symbols and language are being shown from the rooftops and balconies. Every business establishment keeps the flag presented whether they are true believers or whether they participate out of thoughtless, self-interest
+We always envision a right-wing mindset which is extremely religious, afraid of cultures outside of tehir own, racist, against equality of women, and just generally regressive in order to maintain tradition and status-quo, but this caricature is alos something which was presened as a culture, such as that of the Neo-Nazi, or an old confederate.
+These things fit perfectly well with the Queer movement, however:
+1. Extremely religious: raising consciousness towards a belief that humans will be free of oppression. Oppression from what? Reality itself
+  - The concept of queer oppression is classically understood as something to do with one's sexual orientation, but that is simply not the case. Queer is that which disrupts normativity. This means that
+# Defending Against Mutilation
+August 16, 2022
+Did anyone ever expect to be dealing with such an issue in their adult lives? The idea that never-before discovered swathes of children are actually bearing minds which are incompatible with their bodies has become increasingly popular, and many are agreeing to or even initiating the suggestion themselves to enlist their child into a lifelong surgical, endocrinological and pharmaceutical battle with their body in order to mould it into a form which matches how they feel.
+To be clear, they are in a battle to transform their body into something which consolidates how the negative emotions that they feel, but it's not clear that you can really discern a separate target between the negative emotion one has when considering their conception of being and its relationship to their physical form, and their supposedly understanding and conception of a form whereby their emotional state would be ideal. It is perhaps that these two things are the same thing, but we must __disambiguate this later__.
+But, yes, how they feel. How they feel about what? Well, why would your body make you feel anything at all? Without a body, we have no bodily experience.
+So what is it to feel as a man vs a woman? It is not touch and smell that are affecting thoughts about how one feels with a male body vs a female one. The eyes do not change function, though they might appear differently to others. Is that the feeling? That of being watched and considering what the observer sees? What the observer desires? What they imagine and assume? Is it to feel desired? To desire?
+Otherwise, the only feelings that are different are sexual ones, because they have different sexual organs, erogenous patterns, and though some interventions can lead to lifeless appendages being added or taken away, or development of breasts that may, over time, develop an erogenous zone, this will never yield the experience of a woman with her original sex organs and appendages.
+# Physical Identity Groups
+August 12, 2022
+You cannot avoid creating a de facty ation. As soon as you identify a group association or identity, you produce an axiology from which to understand all actions and events in teh world.
+So, even by defining a group wherein no observable human characteristics are necessary as a precondition to one's membership, you already have the means for national alignment insofar that one can have an opinion as to the validity of the group.
+But try to define any identity group without physical characteristics and you will find yourself hard-pressed, because even as a supporter without the necessary characteristics, you are now an outsider who has participated on teh basis of one's willingness to serve. You serve that nation and its interests.
+Does Queer not have its characteristics? They certainly seem to utilize highly visible signifiers and symbols, by them sexual, gender caricature-deriving, culturally appropriated symbols and images, or the centering, emphasizing and presenting of one's bodily distinction, such as a disability. QT works hard to make identity superficial such that everyone's level of participation, or lack thereof, is assumed to be visibly deducible.
+When starting participation so young, inclination to participate can come about for many reasons. Obviously, one of the most concerning has been that it is already difficult for any human to gauge whether they are developing into both what they would like to become, as well as whether they are developing into the thing that society expects thm to be developing into. Part of the new confusion comes into play when facing the option of interpreting the world through a belief that the world recognizes them a per their physically observable identity, and expectations about their development as per their visible identity are a form of bigotry.
+That is, it does seem that your potential is hidden from you, and your "less than ideal" reaction is diminishing me, but then the LGBTQ identity does itself impose its own set of expectations because it cannot be a valid queer identity if it has an essence - this was even said of homonormativity, which actually came to be correlating to a notion of homosexuality that has become too concrete to be queer. Essentially, your sense of self must be forever sacrified and put in service tot eh ideal of queer which are to dismantle all existing hierarchies and replace them withou a moral hierarchy of anti-normativity. A hierarchy where those who have the most deeply inveted modifications to their body, particularly if it were done as a means of consolidating pain and angst, or out of a belief that it were done for that purpose,

+ 22 - 1
collectivist_theology/Marxism Theology Notes.md

@@ -194,4 +194,25 @@ History, for Marxism, as the object of its theology, is therefore the trajectory
 - Communism is when we negate the need to negate: the final negation
 - Praxis of theory and practice which become iteratively more proximate until they converge/fuse
-### Praxis
+### Praxis
+"Practice means activity with a means and an end"
+- Cyclical reflection of theory put into practice
+- Put theory into practice, reflect on it, update, repeat
+- Praxis includes 3 aspects:
+  - Mental - the vision in your mind
+  - Theoretical - conforming to theory
+  - Ideology - born of ideology
+### Praxis 2: Ideology for Marx
+"Practice is only enacted through theory, and theory is formulated based on practice"
+- Ideology is "justification for unproductive work", particularly "work done for you"
+- Priests create "God" ideology so they can be fed
+- Lawyers create "law" ideology to justify their manipulation of system through law as a means to live
+- Ideology is continuous with super-structure and used to justify work
+- Real work is in accordance with vision in one's mind; create for objective world, causing subject to better understand themselves as they and the world are further humanized
+- Practice inseparable from theory with intention towards the end
+"Whenever Theory and Practice are separated, they fall into a distorted one-sidedness. Theory and Practice can only fully develop in connection with one another. Human activity is always purposeful, but in the earliest stages of development of society, before the development of the division of labour, there was no separation between theory and practice. With the development of the division of labour, the theoretical side of the development of human activity separated out from teh practical aspect of that activity, with supervision of labour becoming a distinct activity in itself. The distinction between th eobject of practiec, which is changed, and the means of practice, which is used up, is important in making sense of practice. It should also be noted that one has practiec, in general, and practices - each of which is directed toward specific ends and using specific means. Practice is the criterian of truth."
+*Marx also said that truth was practice.*

+ 56 - 3

@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ They look at education and see it as domesticating and grooming, and then they t
 *We have a crisis of education now because we have adopted a failure of an education model as the primary education model and educated all of our educators and administrators in this educational model. You have to pause and ask yourself how this was adopted in North American education - how did nobody say no? Marxist infiltration. A massive, pre-existing Marxist subversion in the discipline of education had already taken place (especially in the colleges of education).*
-"It is impossible for us to escape the real world without critically assuming our presence in it. If we are in the sciences, for instance, we might try to hide in what we regard as the neutrality of scientific pursuits. In different to how our findings are used. even in interested in considering for whom or for what interests we are owrking. When questioned about this, we respond vaguely that we work in the interest of humanity"
+"It is impossible for us to escape the real world without critically assuming our presence in it. If we are in the sciences, for instance, we might try to hide in what we regard as the neutrality of scientific pursuits. In different to how our findings are used. even in interested in considering for whom or for what interests we are working. When questioned about this, we respond vaguely that we work in the interest of humanity"
 *Science is political because we are indifferent as to how our findings might get used by people. Maybe we discover some form of propulsion and military people strt using it. So we intrinsically did a political thing, even if we are just focuing on the technology itself. What is the flip-side of this? What does scince education have to become under this liberating approach? You have to always think about how findings are used, and you have to be interested in considering for whom and for what interests might our results come out.*
@@ -268,6 +268,59 @@ They look at education and see it as domesticating and grooming, and then they t
 All that is done is the grooming phase which is done to decodify and make you believe that you're oppressed based on the way that everyone participates.
-"Our concept of history can be mechanistic and fatalistic. History is what took place - nto what's in the making or what will come. The present is something that should be normalized, whereas the future, as arepetition of the present, becomes the maintenance of the status quo. Sometimes the political iliterate perceives the future not as a repetition of the present but as something established - a fate accomplis. Most views are domesticated visions of the future. The first domesticates the present, which must be repeated, and the second reduces the future to something inexorable. Both negate people as beings of Praxis, and in so doing, they also reject history. They both suffer from a lack of hope"
+"Our concept of history can be mechanistic and fatalistic. History is what took place - not what's in the making or what will come. The present is something that should be normalized, whereas the future, as arepetition of the present, becomes the maintenance of the status quo. Sometimes the political iliterate perceives the future not as a repetition of the present but as something established - a fate accomplis. Most views are domesticated visions of the future. The first domesticates the present, which must be repeated, and the second reduces the future to something inexorable. Both negate people as beings of Praxis, and in so doing, they also reject history. They both suffer from a lack of hope"
-*So if you don't teach children to become change agents who make history and change their conditions, you are domesticating people. You are negating the fact of them being beings of Praxis. They can't change the world in any substantive way, like curing cancerr, and they suffer from a lack of hope, all because they are not using their education and training as part of a Marxist path of achieving political literacy. History is the sum total of the human drama, including the future, and you are in a particular chapter and, as such, you are this chapter's author. If you don't know this, you are hopeless and ahve been groomed to be oppressed, but if you do the right things with the right solidarity then you can be a change agent to change the future.*
+*So if you don't teach children to become change agents who make history and change their conditions, you are domesticating people. You are negating the fact of them being beings of Praxis. They can't change the world in any substantive way, like curing cancer, and they suffer from a lack of hope, all because they are not using their education and training as part of a Marxist path of achieving political literacy. History is the sum total of the human drama, including the future, and you are in a particular chapter and, as such, you are this chapter's author. If you don't know this, you are hopeless and ahve been groomed to be oppressed, but if you do the right things with the right solidarity then you can be a change agent to change the future.*
+*You should learn that history is in the making, and that you are the author of the current chapter, thus you can be a change agent to create history*
+## Becoming Conscious
+"Let us now move from analyzing the process of literacy for domestication, to discussing generally a few ideas about what education should be doing from a Critical point of view. Education, by demystifying reality, can help educators and learners overcome political iliteracy. I will occasionally refer to points previously discussed. I trust that these reiterations, instead of irritating my readers, will help us better understand our common theme. I will begin by restating a basic point. If we don't transcend the idea of education as pure transference of a knowledge that merely describes reality, we will prevent critical consciousness from emerging and, thus reinforce political illiteracy."
+*Pure transference of knowledge that merely describes reality is actually a good thing. We need to be able to learn the specific things we intend to learn, or else we become burdened with ambiguity and complexity. How can you conduct yourself to execute to your best capacity if your skills and knowledge are no longer able to be focused to create and express the very things they are designed for?*
+*Political illiteracy is not being a Marxist, and we want to reinforce that. And if we want to prevent Critical Consciousness from emerging, what we have to do is to use education as a means of transfering knowledge that describes reality. Not bad!*
+*If you don't want to be a Marxist, make education about describing reality.*
+"If our power of choice is really revolutionary, we have to transcend all kinds of education in order to achieve another. To know and to transform reality are reciprocal prerequisites. The essential point to highlight is transcending a domesticating educational practice for one that is liberating. I stress again that it is truly liberating Praxis for the educator to follow a domesticating model."
+*His way, or you're evil and naive.*
+"Although the educator in the domesticating model always remains the educator of learners, the educator for freedom has to die, so to speak, as the exclusive educator of learners, that is, as the one educating them. Conversely, the educator must propose to learners that they too die as the exclusive learners of educators, so they can be reborn as real learner-educators of the self-educator and the self-learner. Without this mutual death and rebirth, education for freedom is impossible."
+*You have to die to your ideological life and you have to kill your students in the ideological sense and be reborn as a Marxist. That's what Freirean education is.*
+Paraphrased: The educator of learners has to die as the exclusive educator of learners. Educator must propose to learners that they too die as exclusive learners of educators. Without mutual death and rebirth, education for freedom is impossible.
+*Everything is domesticating education unless you metaphorically die and are reborn as a Marxist and induce the same in your students.*
+"In such a view, at the very moment when she or he begins a process, the educator must be prepared to die as the exclusive educator of the learners. He or she cannot be an educator for freedom if he or she only substitutes the content of another educational practice for a bourgeois practice, and thus preserves the form of that practice. In essence, the educator has to live the profound meaning of Easter."
+*The educator has to live the profound meaning of Easter? You have to die to the world that think you know and be resurrected so that your flock can be saved.*
+"One of the great merits of the Chinese Cultural Revolution was its rejection of static, anti-dialectical or overly-conservative concepts of China's history. Here there seems to be a permanent mobilization of the people in the sense of creating and recreating society. In China to be conscious is not a slogan or ready-made idea. To be conscious is a radical way of being - a way characteristic of humanity."
+*Nevermind the fact that they created a one-China 5000 year history that's fake.*
+*Maybe he didn't know that Mao had published a little red book that was a book of slogans, and considered one of the most important pieces of literature in Communist China*
+Chinese Communist art we're all familiar with where they're all wearing these puffy suits. Man Woman Boy Girl we are all the same.
+## Conscientization
+"One of the most important point in conscientization is to provoke recognition of the world, not as a given world, but as a world dynamically in the making"
+*We are back to Hegel's becoming world - the Dialectical Faith of Leftism is here.*
+"Conscientization always involves a constant clarification of what remains hidden in us while we move about in the world, though we are not necessarily regarding the world as the object of our critical reflection."
+*Look inward, like Robin d'Angelo. The profound meaning of Easter takes place inside YOU'*
+"Conscientization cannot ignore the transforming action that produces this unveiling and concrete realization."
+*Critical reflection about the real world to unveil a more real reality. A hyper-real reality, or a pseudo-reality*
+"I know very well that implied, in this critical reflection about the real world, is something made in an unveiling of yet another reality. And, again, I know very well, that to simply substitute an ingenuous perception of reality for a critical one, it is sufficient for the oppressed to liberate themselves. To do so, they need to organize in a revolutionary manner and to transform the real world in a revolutionary manner. The sense of organization requires a conscious action making clear what's unclera in a profound vision of consciousness. It is precisely this  creation of a new reality, prefigured in the revolutionary criticism of the old one, that cannot exhaust the conscientization process; a process as permanent as any real revolution."
+*Why do we have a revolution through kids that are educated into revolutionary change agents? To create a new reality. Marx said Man's purpose is to humanize the world - society has to be humanized, the world has to be humanized, man himself has to be humanized. This is accomplished through work that you envision in your own subject mind, bringing it t be in the objective world and seeing yourself in it. You've humanized the world by making a human product, and humanized yourself by seeing you are not an animal, because you can make that human product. You do this to other people and yourself, and thus awaken them in consciousness - individuals made to live in societies.*
+*Anything that constrains the subjective range for Marx, including reality - the subjective range of our imagination. Anything which constrains that and anything that constrains your ability to transform reality according to what you can imagine. Anything which limits your subjective range in that regard is an
+"Anything which constrains your reality toward what you can imagine - toward the liberation and humanization of man. Anything that limits your subjective range

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+# Chapter 6 of The Politics of Education
+# Introduction
+Marxism is a Theology
+Communism is a Religion
+# Recap
+- Unless your child is in a very fortunate situation, they go to one of Paulo Freire's schools.
+- We live in Marcuse's world: repressive tolerance, new sensibility, intersectionality, sustainability
+- Paulo Freire has been adopted universally in colleges of education and made central to them
+- All these things we hear about (Culturally relevant education, etc) repackaging of Freire, SEL roots to Freire,
+- Distance between social work and educator is not that far (according to Freire)
+- This is why our children can't read
+- Freire is on a relentless attack against skills-based learning (function and literacy out, political literacy in)
+- Literacy means being literate in a Marxist socio-political sense (education about consciousness), or being formally educated in the existing system (maintains oppression)
+## Reinvent Education
+- Reinvent as Marxist theory
+- Make education theory a Marxist theory
+## Chapter
+The Adult Literacy Process as Cultural Action for Freedom
+- Adult literacy framed as a process
+- Compare 2 approaches to adult literacy
+- Create the Marxist theory (reproduce Marxism as Pedagogy)
+## Setup
+- We will go into a Marxist Theory of Man, and then look at 2 conceptions of the "illiterate" and use them to understand what education really is.
+- Caricature of Education and Literacy
+- Move it away from caricature into the liberation approach
+- The illiterate as "Empty" and the illiterate as "Marginal"
+- People are either empty, and need to be filled-in (with the existing society); or
+- They are marginal. When you realize this, the Marxist theory of education comes into being
+- Structural Marginalization and thus Marxist Theory of education
+- Erase Teacher and Student and shift into Educator and Learners (synonyms are politically actionable)
+- Sewers of the word (evangelistic planting of the word across the world)
+- Learn the read so you can speak the word (as a political entity) to proclaim the world
+- Proclamation is done through denouncing the existing world and announcing the new world in a continuous revolutionary process
+- Redefine knowledge and what it means to be educated
+## Adult Literacy
+The adult literacy process is a cultural action for freedom (from any constraints on your subjectivity). You are a subject with a consciousness and subjective experience of the world. You have the capacity to imagine the world as you wish it was, create it objectively in the world via labour, create your vision - puts you in a dialectical relationship between your imagination and yourself (see yourself as a creator having created the world). You see the thing in your mind become manifest in the world. You free yourself from anything that might contrain the limits of your subjectivity, even if it's reality, to create a free world where nobody is oppressed.
+## The Chart
+White, non-white, total - in poverty, not in poverty, total
+- Math question acts about non-white not in poverty
+- What is the probability that a child selected at random in 2008 would be in poverty
+  - Probability they are white and in poverty
+  - Probability they are non-white and in poverty
+- Is poverty independent of race?
+  - Use probabilities to explain
+- The use of generative concepts foisted into a math lesson
+- Just census data? But if we had other data showing that statistically-speaking young black men are responsible for more crime, then people would be pissed and said there's a political agenda behind your use of statistics
+- Using statistics of something non-political teaches the lesson, but a deliberate choice to use race and poverty engenders thinking about race/poverty and allows for hijacking of a statistics course to talk about this
+- See the politics behind the lesson - CRT in the schools / classroom guided and informed by CRT
+- Paulo Freire has had more influence on north american education since John Dewey
+## Phonics
+Teaching adult literacy to peasants, but really re-tooling literacy to mean Critical Consciousness (political literacy)
+Away from Phonics to Generative Words
+Nonsensical syllables (Portugese is more of a phonetic language than English)
+English - you don't learn to identify syllables, but sound-out words through letters (phonics)
+Against that - literacy involves learning words that raise consciousness: struggle
+Creating the working-class intellectuals that Antonio Gramsci called for - a rising up of the working-class intellectuals who are going to be educated from within the system about the struggle of their oppression.
+Pennsylvannian lesson could have used anything, but has to focus on creating political literacy of oppression to raise Marxist political literacy
+The codification of this approach appeared in a Seattle Mathematics policy document. King County in Seattle. Adopted in other places, evidently.
+## Blending of Social Work and Education
+SEL implemented in every subject on purpose is designed to bring Social Work and Education into the same space. Intervening with a Marxist take on Political Literacy to reframe all of education. Taught to be political activists in a Marxist sense - reading/writing/math lesson as proxies to introduce political points
+1/3 of American students can participate at grade-level.
+ESG is the scam that's pulling us into this tyranny - all the money circulates around doing stuff like this. Winning prizes and points in this system
+Great Reset agenda - pearson and those who mnage their pension funds
+## Troll's Truism
+By Nicholas Shackles
+- The Marxists in general use Troll's Truisms as their primary method
+When someone says something that is blatantly true, but if you dig into the point it's blatantly false. Philosopher Dan Dennett stole this and called them deepeties - based on what children say.
+### Example:
+Love is just a word
+- Yes, but you missed the word: "So much of this stuff looks like deliberately missing the point, so you can make a political point"
+## Freire's Truism
+"All educational practice comes from something that could be called an educational theory" (it's always present - so better to use a conscious one than an unconscious one)
+- Marxist truism in general is "Do it the Marxist way, because everything else is unconscious at best and ideological at worse. Theory and practice can transform the world".
+- Marxism all the time:
+  - X is happening in the existing system
+  - X is not happening correctly (problematics)
+  - We have special knowledge to understand what's wrong and what the end goal should be
+There's always an educational theory and a theory of man behind it - we should be deliberate, and the only legitimate one to use is one that's conscious.
+### Example
+In CRT, the school is already racialized - When we bring up race, we're deracializing it
+Introduce discrimination to level the playing field
+## Orientation
+Reproducing that essential idea of Marxism in teh context of knowledge being the bourgeois property.
+"Orientation in the world, so understood, places the question of the purposes of action at the level of critical perception of reality"
+Some of us have a critical perception of reality. We have an awakened consciousness of the purpose of action. People who perceive that we are transforming reality, and know the purposes fo rwhich we aredoing so, get to be the ones who get to orient what we do with the world. Reproducing Marx's ontology of man. Starting point for everything being advocated for in the book. With man as a subjective agent with conscious awareness of his subjective experience (why he orients a religion of pathos, with the subjective experience and emotional content. This being what separates man from animals)."
+The people who perceive that we are transforming reality and know the purposes for which wea re doing so are to be the ones who get to orient what we do with the world. Freire is reproducing Marx's ontology for Man.
+### Fundamental Difference between Man and Animals
+"If, for animals, orientation in the world means adaptation to the world, for man it means humanizing the world by transforming it." (Humanizing is Marx's whole project).
+Animals adapt to the world around them, making them subject to a sovereign logos, whereas man has something more going on. It's man's duty, because of his capacity to be a conscious subject and creator, and to see himself as a creator through his conscious awareness of his subjective experience that he can articulate in thought-language. Because of that, man does not adapt to the world - man humanizes the world by transforming it.
+The world becomes the thing that man can envision in a particular way in his head. Man is a human - man's subjective consciousness is humanistic in orientation because he's a man, so Man works upon the world to make the world more like human consciousness - his object. Man is humanizing the world. Marx may have written it this way - the transformation of Jungle to Garden, or Jungle to City. Garden is the Dialectical synthesis that you want - City is gritty and grimy and has problems and crime and strict laws etc. You want to build the simulacrum of the City in a Natural environment.
+For Man, the purpose of life is to humanize the world by transforming it. People who paricipate in this are on the right side of history. This is a deep religious view - where the duties of conscience to law and religion come in. The duties of conscience in Marxist Theology are to Humanize the world by transforming it. Man's purpose in Being. Orientation in the world for Animals means Adaptation, for Man it means humanizign the world by transforming it.
+The dialectical process means that as you make the world the world   in turn. You reflect on that in praxis and then make the world in the next step. A Humanized Man is a truly Social Man or in other words Socialist Man who lives in Socialist Society, in a humanized perfected garden as depicted in Soviety realistic art. This is a deep religion. The only people who can do this correctly are those who understand the purpose.
+The orientation of man in the world is humanizing the world by transforming it, but he had previously said "orientation in the world, so understood, places the question of the purposes of action at the level of critical perception of reality". (Only Marxists perceive reality, because they're not caught up in 'ideology'). This is why they believe that the uniquely, as gnostics, get to dictate how everyone will do things.
+"For animals, there is no historical sense. No options or values and their orientation in the world. For Man there is both an historical and a value dimension. Men have the sense of project in contrast to the instinctive routines of animals." (Repackaging of Marx)
+"Naive or critical is not praxis. Though, it may be the orientation in the world, in not being Praxis it is action ignorant both of its own process and of its aim. The inter-relation of the awareness of aim and process is the basis for planning action, which implies methods, objectives and value options. (Only the Critical View can be Praxis. ************ ~49 min)
+Freire was repackaging what you see in historiy and class consciousness. But going on with this ontology of man
+There's men and animals and something makes them different. Man is subjective agent that has conscious awareness of his subjective experience - orients a religion of Pathos because he puts that subjective experience and its emotional content as center. You no longer have God as the Logos (Rock of reality) - you have God as Pathos (Subjective experience).
+"The action of men without objectives, whether the objectives are right or wrong, mythical or demythologized, naive or critical is not praxis. Though, it may be th eorientation in the world and not being praxis, it is action ignorant both of its own process and of its aim. The inter-relation of the awareness of aim and process is the basis for planning action, which implies methods, objectives and value options."
+You have to have objectives. Methods, objectives and value options. And only Marxists will have the right ones (coming). People of purpose are creating a world (humanized world - everyone else creates the oppressive world).
+Package all of this into education and make it so the manner of teaching itself, as well as the selection of texts, betrays the presence of a philosophy of man. Will be set to exposing the bad one while the true (Marxist) one should be the one chosen because it's smarter, more moral and more clear in its purpose than the others. The conscious, humanizing transformation has to be adopted by all of us. Teaching Adults to Read and Write must be seen and understood in this way.
+Men with objectives will do the praxis on the world, which requires having methods, objectives and value options. Teaching adults to read/write must be seen and analyzed and understood in thsi way.
+The critical Analyst will discover in the methods and texts of educators and students, the practical avalue options which
+Only someone with a mechanistic mentality, which Marx would call "grossly materialistic" could reduce
+The society is structured in a way such that people who are literate or educated or knowledgeable is itself a Marxist-style structural phenomenon. Having access to knowledge/literacy/formal education is a false status (Bourgeois property) bestowed through ideology of pedagogy in society.
+The good life, like being in the garden, is man's birth rite, and is not something that we have to work hard to pry from nature. It's your birthrite to live in the flawless garden. We don't have to work hard for a good life, with fragile systems having to be maintained. Of course, in rel life you have to work really hard to organize and preserve against nature. But in their view, everything is through entitlement. Man's birthrite was eroded when the division of labour had been created (God was put into service to maintain the division of labour. We all should have the good life without having to do anything).
+Everybody has a rite to be in the highest echelons of society, fully accepted, and if they're not it's because society has rendered them illiterate/unknowledgeable/uneducated/disabled/marginal/etc. Their birthrite is at the center, where power lives (where you cn see the totality), and the ybelong there by birthrite so they must force their way.
+"Still more, the structural perception of illiteracy revealed in these texts exposes the other false view of illiterates as marignal man. Those who consider themselves marginal must, nevertheless, recognize the existence of a reality to which they are marginal. Not only physical space, but historical, social, cultural and economic realities. The structural dimension of reality. "
+*The dialectical interplay of an oppressive superstructure justifying its power and existence with the exploited infrastructure that does all the productive, valuable work that it's stealing from in order to continue existing. The class-relations, class antagonism, or the social relations which are characterized by class antagonism. Everything is stratified system in conflict across the line of stratification because the upper class is illegitimately exploiting the lower class and creating a mythology, or ideology, to justify continuing to do it - like being educated or having knowledge.*
+"In this way, illiterates have to be recognized as beings outside of, marginal to something. Since it's impossible to be marginal to nothing, but being outside of marginal to necessarily implies a movement of the one said to be marginal from the center where he was to the periphery."
+This is where the Marxian/Freirean belief is that the birthrite is at the center. By not learning to read, the illiterate man had previously been at the center of his own village/community/commune, and then the division of access to society through education came into the picture and took the man from the center in his own commune and moved him out to the marginals in the periphery.
+There's always language like this, describing the center vs the margin. Center this. Decenter that. Decenter maleness. Decenter power. Because they want to occupy the center, where the power is, which is also the point from which you can see everything and control everything.
+Really, they want to center themselves in their narcissistic Universe.
+This recalls where Marx said in his Critique of Hegel's Phiolosphy of the Right:
+"Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain, not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or conolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. This criticism of religion disillusions man so that he will think, act and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded is illusions and regained his senses so that he will move around himself as his own true son. Religion is only th eillusory son which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself."
+Center and margin, all the way back to Marx, man is supposed to put his Narcissistic in his navel that he can't stop gazing at, at the dead center of the universe, because he is the creator whose subjective view creates the object around him. This is what centering is all about. You assume that you're supposed to be the center and just got pushed out to the margin/periphery.
+If you get moved to a location in a society (margin vs center), you got moved there by the people who create maintain and benefit from the structure, so those people are your class enemies, and that is your class antagonism.
+Thus, you awaken to that level, one of the lower levels of class consciousness, that you wil use to become a revolutionary proletariat.
+You have been wronged by society - you not being able to read was you being wronged by society becaues it decided that being able to read was valuable.
+"This movement, which is an action, presupposes, in turn, not only an agent, but also his reasons."
+See, he wants to maintain the good life for himself. He made literacy matter so that he could center himself and maintain control over all you stupid illiterates.
+"Admitting the existence of men outside of or marginal to structural reality, we may legitimately ask "Who si the author of this movement from the center of the structure to its margin? Do so-called marginal men, among them the illiterates, make the decision to move out to the periphery of society? If so, marginality is an option, with all that it involves: hunger, sickness, rickets, pain, mental deficiencies, living-death, crime, promscuity, despair, the impossibility of being. However, it's difficult to accept that 40% of Brazil's population, 90% of Haiti's, 60% of Bolivia, 40% of Peru and more than 30% of Mexico/Venezuela, 70% of Guatemala would have made the tragic choice of their only marginality as illiterates. If, then, marginality is not a choice, marginal man has been expelled and kept outside of the social system and is, therefore, the object of violence."
+Literacy came to these places, where people were doing just fine in their communes. Literacy came, started to structure society (cities), and ejecfted those people to the margins because they didn't have the necessary skill to participate in the new society that came in/established itself from within. They were forced out of the center of society by society adopting a new technology, literacy. This was an illegitimate thing, because he's making the case that "that which is considered literacy" is a "fiction that did this" and the people who benefit from maintaining that fiction are the agents of that action / the author of that movement from center to structure.
+This is reproducing, in the context of literacy or education/knowledge, the Marxist theory. I you are illiterate, you are illiterate because the society made literacy matter and made you illiterate - you are the object of violence of that system.
+Teaching you to read, though, is also an act of exploitation and violence, because it's depositing into you the exact same exploitative mechanism by bringing you into the society which was the thing that oppressed you in the first place, so now you become complicit in the exclusion of everybody left behind when you become educated. That logic is very easy to prey upon in cloistered communities - urban ghettos, white appalachia.
+This is what centering someone is supposed to do. You are, by birthrite, centered, but structural forces of whatever dynamic came along and pushed you out to the margins against your will. Kimberle Crenshaw said we need to map those margins and figure out how to create solidarity so that we can create a meaningful politic of identity and an anchor of subjectivity so that they can reclaim or be moved to the center. An inversion of society.
+Rather than learning to participate successfully in the existing society and build it up by its bootstraps, you are taught to invert/turn inside out the existing society by making what is out at the margins at the center. Imagine a donut being ripped and flipped around inside out. That is the process being described. This is why we must decenter whiteness and center diverse voices - claptrap/nice sounding language to say that we must invert society in a Marxist way. This perverted, poisonous, Marxist view of how the world really works, which is a nasty gnosticism that believes that the poor suffering, vunerable narcissist that's doing this has been flung into a world that wasn't catering to him and his entitlement sufficiently. This is what Freire is saying education must be remade to do - invert society and blame everyone else and say they are at the advantage.
+"In fact, however, the social structure as a whole does not expel, nor is marginal man a being outside of. He is, on the contrary, a being inside of, within the social structure, and in a dependen trelationship to those whom we call falsely autonomous beings. In authentic beings for themselves (the educated. They believe they have autonomy because they're in this position of privilege, but it's false autonomy ebcause they're actually just reproducing the existing system. Only the conscious are the truly agentic people in society. Everybody else has false consciousness and false agency - falsely autonomous beings all inservice to the existing mytholog yan dsocial structure. Man becomes plaything of the social structure, of the discourses, if we get postmodern, that shape it. or that which is considered knowledge within it.)
+We have reached the first stage of class consciousness. You are marginal/illiterate/uneducated. You have been made marginal by a system that you didn't choose that deposed you from your birthrite at the center in the garden of eden. God expelled you unjustly. He was a tyrant that wanted to control you and threw you out when you figured it out. You've been expelled from your birthrite and he's created an entire mythological religion for why yuo had to be expelled. He gets to stay in, in heaven, while you are on earth suffering in a world that you were flung into and didn't ask to join in the first place.
+You have been thrown into it againts your will, you have been marginalized, and there are people who are marginalizing you.
+#### Step 1:
+- You are a class, the oppressed, and you are suffering
+#### Step 2:
+- You were pushed there by people who falsely claim superiority over you, and they ordered society to exclude you for their own benefit
+#### Step 3:
+- This is a dialectical system - the antagonism that you feel is not oppressor vs oppressed, but oppressor interacting with the oppressed to create this dynamic and maintain it. A higher level of critical consciousness
+#### Step 4:
+- You are unique in your role to be able to overturn this. It was your birthrite to be at the center.
+#### Step 5:
+- Knowing how to takeover through the operations/tactics/strategies (methods, objectives and value-options for installing the new world)
+What Lukaczs tells us is that the class consciousness proceeds in stages and concerning the actual class consciousness, it's not just a matter of knowing that you're a class that's oppressed or knowing that you're being oppressed by another club or even that you are in class antagonism with it; it is about knowing your role in changing that situation and, in fact, knowing at the highest level what tehe end point is supposed to look like - understanding the whole totality which can only be seen from the center (which you're being illegitimtaely excluded from)
+- That's Marxism and how Marxism sees the world - so resentful and believes hat it belongs and is entitled to the center and that it's being unjustly  excluded by people who jus twant to keep them out because when you're at the center you can control everything
+*When Jews Became White Folk - position themselves as white and hten move themselves to the center of whiteness so they can be the setters of what Whiteness means*
+Hitler accused the Jews of the same thing
+### The Social System
+You are actually within the social system, are an integral part of it, are creating it, and if you take conscious direction of it, you can seize the means of production and shape society and if you know the endpoint, then you have the consciousness necessary to do it.
+That's what Freire is preaching to. What this boils down to is:
+- Anything that's not going your way isn't just someone else's fault, but is the fault of everybody who occupies what you see as a dominant class
+- If you don't understand that context, thne you don't understand your life or its conditions
+- That's what culturally relevant education is about and SEL is facilitates
+Replacing phonics and literacy or mathematics or whatever with the conscious generative concept is a key part of the Freirean Pedagogy Model of Critical Pedagogy. Every subject becomes about raising critical consciousness and the multiple stages of critical consciousness, including the poitn where you get to be the Gnostic who understands the secrets of the universe (to liberate man from anything that might restrain his subjective view - including reality (the entire existing society and its operation and the thing that people say we need to have for it to function, because of reality))
+Margin of society must be understood in the way that Marx and Hegel understood it - the parts can only be understood in terms of the whole. Lukaczs is very clear about this
+### Lukaczs
+"The whole system of Marxism stands and falls with the principle that revolution is the product of a point of view in which the category of totality is dominant."
+- The people who believe that they understand the totality of society (its current and future operation) - activists who know where it's supposed to go, because they're on the right side of history
+- That is the point upon which all of Marxism stands or falls. If that's correct, Marxism is correct.
+- Lukaczs argues this at length in History and Class Consciousness 1923 - wrote over 3 years as the Hungarian Soviety Regime fell apart (he was  deputy Commissar of Education where he installed comprehensive sex education)
+History and Class Consciousness:
+"The proletariat must be made conscious as a whole. Not just in terms of their class consciousness, but also in terms of the unique role that the class must play in society which is ultimately, "
+- The state will wither away because it will go to a stateless/classless society where everything will be spontaneous.
+- Marx argued that the awakened class is chasing after self-annihilation. Its liberation arrives by destroying the system that makes there be classes in the first place. If the proletariat succeeds, they destroy the class system entirely and there is no class of any kind - we have a global commune. No class system, no need to manage the class, no need to work out the contradictions and conflicts between classes. The entire society has been turned into the center.
+"Even the illiterate as marginal man in just accepting that he's marginal is wrong, unless we understand that marginalization is itself an active systemic phenomenon created by class division and antagonism, which is produced by those and maintained by those in the superstructure who benefit from it and generate the relevant ideology of society that maintains their position."
+Exactly what he argues concerning the superstructure earlier in the book. The infrastructure can't shape society at all because it's excluded from the center, where all the power is. The superstructure falsely positions itself in the center of society, with everything revolving around it like a false-son, until man learns to revolve around himself as his own true son, and then they give themselves, therefore, illegitimtaely the power to shape all of society and push to the margins people who have different views that might threaten their power. Class consciousness and class conflict theory in a nutshell.
+Property = being educated. Formally educated in the corrupt system.
+### Iron Law
+Iron Law of Woke Projection: They are producing a false education model where people who tow the party line get the credentials and the credentials don't reflect education at all (you graduate from high school and 30% can't read).
+"A less rigorous approach, one more simplistic and less critical - more technical - would say that it was unnecessary to reflect on what it would consider important questions, such as illiteracy in teaching adults to read and write. Such an approach might even add that the discussion of the concept of marginality is is an unnecessary academic exercise. In fact, however, it is not so. In accepting the illiterate as a person who exists on the fringe of society, we are led to envision him as a sort of sick man for whom literacy would be th emedicine to cure him - allowing him to return to the healthy structure from which he has become separated".
+Sounds like the book of Genesis. Sick with sin, with grace enabling him to return to the garden from which he has been expelled.
+"Educators would be benevolent counselors scouring the outskirts of the city for the stubborn illiterates - runaways from the good life - to restore them to the forsaken bossom of happiness by giving them the gift of the word."
+Directly an inversion of the gospel and the direction is to go proclaim the concept to the world.
+"In light of such a concept, unfortunately all too widespread, literacy programs can never be efforts towards freedom. They will never question the very reality that deprives man of the right to speak up. Not only illiterates, but all those who are treated as objects in a dependent relationship.
+These men, illiterate or not, are in fact not marginal. What we said before bears repeating: they are not beings outside of, they are beings for another."
+*The existence of a formal education system, or concept of literacy, or fo a society which makes use of literacy, produces slaves. They're slaves to the system that believes all of this, and the people that place themselves illegitimately at the center of this system are the ones enslaving everyone. They have become the productive objects - beigns for another - of the dominant classes. By learning to read and do math or become educated. Education is just part of the superstructure that justifies the oppressive, existing society.*
+"Therefore, the solution is not to become beings inside of, but men freeing themselves."
+Destroy the entire system - you're not outside or inside of the system. There is no center or margin - the entire place becomes the center because you destroy the system itself. Solution isn't to get educated.
+Structure is the sum total of the relations between the uperstructure and the infrastructure that condition the range of subjectivities of everyone in society. They are the oppressed category within abroader structure. The infrastructure and superstructure are not just in conflict with one another, but are in an antagonistic relationship where each is producing th eothers in various ways, but the superstructure holds all the cards through illegitimate methods that they've produced for themselves and can't even see.
+"Alienated men, they cannot overcome their dependency by incorporation into the very structure responsible for their dependency."
+So they can't actually become literate or educated or have knowledge in the existing system because the existing system itself needs to be destroyed. There is no road to humanization except the authentic transformation of the dehumanizing structure.
+### Lukacsz
+"Class consciousness is identical with neither the psychological consciousness of individual members of the proletariat nor with the mass psychological consciousness of the proletariat as a whole, but is, on the contrary, the sense become conscious of the historical role of the class. The proletariat has been entrusted by history with the task of transforming society consciously."
+And that's going to be achieved through annihiliation. The total annihiliation of the system that produces this structure which produces class society in the first place
+It's not to become literate but, rather, to destroy that there needs to be literacy in the first place. And you do this by destroying the society that values literacy, and rethinking/reimagining one from the ground up where everybody starts out as equals.
+### Freire
+"From this last point of view, the illiterate is no longer a person living on the fringe of society / a marginal man but, rather, a representative of the dominated strata of society in conscious or unconscious opposition to those who, in the same structure, treat him as a thing."
+Society has to be understood in totality. That's what Lukacsz said, that's what Marxism is about, that is the ESSENCE of Marxism. They are not to be understood as someone on teh margins of society, but somebody who is oppressed from the entire relations of society. You are a representative of the dominated strata of society in conscious or unconscious opposition to those who, in the same structure, treat him as a thing.
+People teaching you math are dehumanizing you by depositing the knowledge valued by the existing system into you, as though your own knowledge of the world and your state of oppression isn't more important or valuable. Rather than letting you be a generative force to change society. The proletariat has been entrusted with the task of transforming society consciously. Class consciousness is neither the psychological consciousness of individual members of the proletariat nor with the mass consciousness of the proletariat as a whole, but it si on the contrary becoming conscious of the historical role of the class to transform the society consciously.
+"Thus, also teaching them to read or write is no longer an inconsequential matter of <phonics example> of memorizing an alienated word, but a difficult apprenticeship in naming the world."
+"Name the world as it is for them, which they denounce."
+*The Critical Theory was developed because you can't describe the good world from within the existing world, but you can criticize those parts of it that you don't like. You denounce the existing world and by naming it, nad making oppression visible, you announce the new world*
+"In the first hypothesis, interpreting illiterates as men marginal to society, the literacy process reinforces the mythicization of reality by keeping it opaque and by dulling the empty consciousness of the learner with innumerable alienating words and phrases."
+A difficult apprenticeship in naming the world.
+"By contrast, in the second hypothesis, viewing illiterates as men oppressed within the system, the literacy process as cultural action for freedom is an act of knowing in which the learner assumes the role of knowing subject in dialogue with the educator."
+The learner is a knowing subject - bringing something isgnificant to the table in the educational process - and they are dialogue as equals with the educator. We are going to go away from student and teacher to learner and educator, who are in a relationship which is a difficult apprenticeship in learning to name the world through critical consciousness.
+So you don't have to teach people to read, because inconsequential matters like syllables and memorizing alienated words and tasks and techniques doesn't achieve any of that.
+"For this very reason, it is a courageous endeavour to demythologize reality - a process through which men who had previously been submerged in reality begin to emerge, in order to reinsert themselves into it with critical awareness. Therefore, the educator must strive to an ever-greater clarity of what, at times, without his conscious knowledge, illuminates the path of his actions. Only in this way will he truly be able to assume the role of one of the subjects of this action, and remain consistent in the process."
+## Paulo Freire in a Nutshell
+With the orientation of recreating the Marxist theology in the context of education, where the bourgeois property becomes knowledge/educated/literate - the point of Communism is to abolish bourgeois property.
+Abolish being educated. Abolish literacy. Abolish knowledge. We have other ways of knowing, and we have to make room for them. Decolonize the curriculum. Colonial knowledge recreates the most oppressive parts of society. Replace the curriculum with different curriculum which centers different ideas, voices an faces.
+As a rule of thumb, nobody chooses their words more carefully than Marxist theorists. Far from being gobbledybook or word salad (it's not, they know what they're saying), their phrasing is the result of obsessing over the smallest possible connotative shades. This is because they see words as powerful and creative - literally generative magic spells that structure the world and, thus, condition those who inhabit it.
+They, therefore, choose their words, which often seem strange, with extraordinary attentiveness. Lest their language, through its subtle creative magic, on the imagination of both its producer and recipient reproduce structures of dominance. In short, every word, to a Marxist theorist, is a political dog whistle, that hides meaning and enacts power. No word simply means what it means. Every word, they deliberately choose, is chosen with wizard's care.
+We also see this with apparently peculiar tendency in the verification of other terms. Marginalized instead of marginal. Minoritized instead of minority. Racialized instead of racial. The active process of making marginal, making minority or making racial (or making illiterate, or disabled), where it otherwise wouldn't be, must be highlighted (or centered). Something cannot merely be in the minority. Something else - an act of dominance - must be defining people as minority by comparison. Minoritizing them.
+This is, of course, an act of dominance that creates and maintains oppression. So it places subjectivity in the dominator and objectifies the oppressed - alienating them in exactly the same way Marx obsessed over. Freire called this a "false form" of subjectivity and agency.
+This is why you see Kimberle Crenshaw say "I am black becomes an anchor for subjectivity". Or why she says "Critical Race Theory" is a verb. It's an action verb back against the action that's marginalizing, for them. You also see this tendency in the choice of the word learner in place of student. The learner is not the same as the student.
+A learner is a subject in his own learning. A student is the object of a teacher and his vocation, that produces dominance. Nevermind that a student is also a subject in the process of study. For the marxist, for whom social relations (power dynamics) are paramount - a student only exists in relationship to the teacher, unless he is a natura lstudent engaged in a self-directed study (learning),

+ 22 - 0
collectivist_theology/What Collective.md

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+# What Collective?
+What is a collective? We already are the most complete and inclusive collective before using the word, and suggesting that some may be or not be a part of it.
+To even announce its existence is to exclude from it. There previously was no line / barrier to consider that it even needs to be declared or defined. If all are included then no action need be taken and no announcement made. But now that it is declared, how does anyone become a part of it?
+## Becoming A Part
+You must recognize it
+You must agree to its purpose
+You adopt a new way of separating people
+## What Now
+And what if you state that all are included, and that people are a part of it because they want to make the world better. Then, all who agree and change their debt of virtue and tell you about what sort of guilt they believe exists in this world.
+But what if they don't want to be a part of it?
+- They either don't want to introduce particular activities into their realm
+- They don't accept the ideas you proclaim in the description of your collective or the view of the world it relies upon
+- They don't want to associate with the ideas they deduce as being inherent in the collective or that which the collective symbolizes
+In any case, it is an inelegant proposal for enslavement, marketed as liberation, and standing as asymbol of your ideology, yet you insist it is altruism devoid of ideology. This makes no sense because:
+a) It is an enumerated set of ideals, and;
+b) You leave yourself with no defense against ideology, in taking the default naive view - that you are not subject to the very things you are concerned about. Without consolidation, it would appear as a lack of awareness, or a demand for obedience and even worship - "Behold, I am the example"

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covidism/Denis Rancourt TLAV 4.md

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+# Denis TLAV 4
+## Introduction
+All cause mortality incompatible with the idea of a respiratory disease that was spreading in the manner that was believed.
+- Immediate surge in hotspots synchronously around the world: Paris, London, New York
+- Sharp rise in all-cause deaths, which came down within a month or a bit more, did not occur in many jurisdictions - very disparate
+- Related to what was being done in those jurisdictions
+- All of a sudden a virulent pathogen immediately acting around the world at hotspots where people were mistreating patients in large institutions (NY)?
+- Not due to the usual picture
+- Canada did not have mortality pandemic - virtually none compared to the US / Virtually nothing happened in proportion to the population
+- Thousands of km of land border (2 biggest economic exchange partners in the world)
+- US 1.27 million excess deaths all-cause deaths in the US (August 2022?)
+- Testing is of no consequence to this research - eliminate all of those controversies
+- States are able ot count how many people die, where, their age, etc
+- We don't even need to look at excess mortality - we can look at total number of deaths per week in any given jurisdiction that is counting deaths and separate by age group
+## US Is Unique
+*In proportion to its population, it has massive all-cause excess deaths during the COVID period. Most western european countries and Canada do not.*
+__Why is that?__
+*Looking at various large sized states geographically proximate with different properties and methodologies allows you to look for various correlations between excess mortality in a given state and various social, economic and health parameters of the populations in those states. 50 plots on a graph*
+- Strong correlation ever seen in Social Sciences (Pearson Correlation Coefficient +0.86 - very strong correlation)
+- Excess mortality correlates with poverty
+- Not just a correlation, but shows proportionality
+- If a state has no one living in poverty, you have no excess deaths
+- If you double the numebr of people living in poverty, you double the excess deaths in the state
+- Viruses do not have the ability to discern
+- There is no correlation with the age of the population - No correlations of excess mortality with the age of the population in the state
+  - Shotgun patterns
+- Completely incompatible with what is said to be COVID-19
+  - Several clinical studies where they follow sick patients and determine with analytic methods what their ailments were
+    - Case fatality ratio is exponential with age
+    - If you don't accept this, you aren't accepting any science
+- Young people dying dramatically more than before the COVID period
+- People were not dying of this respiratory disease
+- You must accept absurdities to continue to believe that there was a special, virulent virus that was causing excess deaths
+- No evidence in all-cause mortality which would allow us to say that a particualr pathogen came and started to kill people
+- Consistent with many Western nations with good data:
+  - Western European Countries
+  - Many Eastern European Countries
+  - United States (all states)
+  - Canada (every province)
+- You can't get around this hard data - you have to use it as a stepping stone
+- If you don't accept this, you are talking about hypotheticals which don't affect people's lives
+- Theoretical immunology - you are filling space that has nothing to do with the hard reality that the mortality, the single greatest sign of what's happening in a population, shows no evidence for a virulent pathogen coming through and doing this
+- Strong correlations to disability
+## Fragile Pools
+*People don't realize the extremely fragile pools of individuals that exist in the United States to explain this high mortality*
+- There are 14 million people in the US with a serious mental illness
+  - Heavily medicated, many effects (obesity, etc)
+- Population is very heterogeneous
+  - Always presence of those who are on the edge of dying from various effects
+## Fragile Model
+- People who are institutionalized, being taken care of, are disabled, have a mental illness and are elderly
+- Protect them:
+  - Completely isolate them
+  - Not allow them to use the same washrooms
+  - Don't allow their usual contact with family
+- You have killed them
+- Isolation is torture for healthy people, but these are fragile people
+- Heterogeneity of health in US with a large population
+- Aggressive measures:
+  - Taking people out of intensive care from hospitals and putting them in care homes to make room for others who will come
+  - Lock them into the care homes
+  - When infected, isolate them severely within that care home
+  - Block all contact with the outside world
+  - The few people you see are wearing masks and shields
+- Strong correlation with obesity as well
+Poverty, obesity, disability - those are the people who died.
+## Latest All-Cause mortality in US study
+In the latest all-cause mortality study - they found evidence of time synchronicity between an incresae in vaccine doses that are delivered to the body, and an increase in mortality.
+## How it started
+You can think of this in terms of there are conditions where a forest fire is likely and any spark will do. A lot of dry underbrush, lots of fuel, and a lot of wind. You have this huge, globalized pandemic response / network of institutions. These people exist to respond to pandemics. They are a huge hammer looking for a nail. That have set it up, they fund it, they practice scenarios (funded by pharma and special interests). You've got an army of professionals, including scientists, that are ready to go. And you could add all the pieces that are aprt fo the dry underbrush.
+## Research Bias
+Another piece is that in medical science they have, unfortunately (most medical researchers), have had their minds turned towards this idea that death and disease is mono-causal. A pathogen is responsible, and therefore if you can find something that will attack that pathogen, you will be curing people. This is a very tunnel-vision view of health, ignoring many well-established social animal studies that shwo that the very first determinant of health is a dominance hierarchy stress that the individual is subjected to. That is by far the dominant factor regarding individual health. It just ignores all of that and ignores reality, basically, and has all these MDs and researchers with tunnel vision looking for pathogens and wanting to figure out how to kill these pathogens.
+In addition, because you've got that, you've got professional scientists who are going to be given recognition and even nobel prizes if they discover a new pathogen that is causing a new disease. It is like a chemist discovering a new molecule that has very nice properties. It's like a physcist discovering a principle that will explain many experiments. A minerologist will want to discover a new mineral and name it after him or one of his friends.
+These medical researchers are looking for viruses. They're looking for viruses all the time and they, therefore, have an internal professional bias to find viruses. The problem is viruses are very small, they're invisible, they're different to separate from the bodily fluids and everything else that is in the infected organ. This is scientifically a very difficult thing to do - to identify a new virus - when you've got a whole ecology of viruses and bacteria in all your organs, your intestinal tract. Literally billions of organisms in your body.
+## Technology
+In addition to that, they tend to be over-reliant on technology. So there are methods that have been developed to get genetic sequences, nad they rely on them excessively. Traditionally you would separate out the viral particles and you would look at them under the microscope and learn to find, look at and recognize them and THEN separate them out in large enough quantities to be able to do analyses on them.
+Now, they basically swish all that fluid through their PCR machine and then get partial answers and use a computer to, in all likelihood, recreate what the genetic code must be. And they rely on that.
+Once it's accepted that something is the genetic code of a new virus then, they're you go, you're off working from that assumption. You have no choice but to run with it. And the person who submitted the code tot he international bodies gets recognized for having discovered the virus, and so on.
+## Institutional Structural Bias
+There are all these forces - *institutional structural bias* - that are present and that are just ready to be triggered.
+And in addition to that you've got the fact that this is internationalized. MD researchers in China will have been educated and trained in the US.
+There are exchanges and funding between labs. It's a tight-knit professional network.
+## The Spark (What is the Spark)
+Ignoring the details in the chain of historic events that led us precisely to the WHO announcing a pandemic. Some chinese researchers described a particularly bad pneumonia-type disease being seen in some hospitals. Someone collected fluid from the lungs of one of those patients and derived, from these indirect methods, a genetic code which they sent off to an international body and that was therefore accepted that a new pathogen was around.
+There are a few other elements to the story. Once you have a new pathogen that people are talking about, the modelers get involved. The UK modelers had a paper come out from (?) saying this started in China and China has a responsibility to lock down/stop flights to reduce international harm. They did some stupid epidemiological modeling based on people taking flights, R factor and concluded with egregiously wrong estimtaes of how many people could be killed and, therefore, China has a moral and national responsibility.
+That came out very early in a leading journal and that, things like it, and the talk and propaganda around it would have pressured China to lock down and demonstrate, in a propaganda move, that they could build hospitals over night and were taking this seriously.
+Then, once it had gone far enough, there was an interview by a former KGB intelligence general who said that China HAD to stop being the origin of the propaganda so they told the MDs and Researchers to just calm down and not lock down their entire economy. As a result, China flourished in the Covid period and kept its economy going. They stopped talking about and testing for SARS-CoV-2.
+## Western Lockdowns Were Not Inspired by China
+Even though there is all this dry underbrush/instutional structures/all of these things ready and in place. The pandemic measures we saw being applied, and over such a long period with such a level of aggression, could have not occurred without oversight and encouragement by geopolitical forces. This doesn't happen spontaneously. They went overboard and it was clear that they wanted complete increase in ability to know everybody's whereabout. To surveil all the world's population as much as they could - they wanted that ability to be implemented. The ability to shut down your bank accounts. An E-currency that is tied to everyone's individual bank accounts.
+It is clear that geopolitically there are some clear obvious goals that were being pursued and that COVID was a way of achieving those goals. Once the notion fo a pandemic and a virulent pathogen is accepted and all of these brilliant professional researchers and MDs have bought into it, you don't have to design anything. That's just going to be the story.
+The question is: how far are the measure going to go? How long are they going to last? How will the governments use this? How will they manipulate it? There is no way that a medical researcher is going to say "you know, maybe there wasn't a pathogen this time". They will be the lone person saying that, and it goes contrary to their work.
+Health is more than influenza. Disease experts are people who will lean into things in this manner simply because it's in their best interest.
+## Isolation
+The virus has not been isolated in the classic scientific sense of a nanoparticle being isolated. There is no way that a purified sample of macroscopic size has been produced and, therefore, analyzed with methods that allow accuracy.
+Even the high-resolution electron microscope pictures are not that convincing. Denis used to have an electron microscope and he did a lot of electron microscopy, taught it at the graduate level, taught all the measurement methods at the graduate level (spectroscopy, diffraction, various forms of microscopy). It's hard to do these measurements and even just to find the object that you would like to illustrate.
+There's always impurities and way more variety and zoology of objects than you would like. We have not seen any electron pictures that would correspond to a purified sample.
+### The argument
+If what you're injecting the cell culture with is not pure than what is being reproduced? There are lots of problems.
+Researchers will respond with the following:
+"Look, maybe it's really hard to separate, get a large sample and reproduce in a cell culture. I'll admit that there are problems at the microscope world, but we have this wonderful PCR technology. And when we apply it, we get a sequence that definitely corresponds to a virus. There are many parts of it that we definitely recognize as being parts of the virus. Using a computer, we can make the entire genomic sequence of the virus. On that basis, we believe that there is a virus in there, even though we can't physically grab it, isolate it and study it as we'd like to.
+So, on the basis of this PCR technology, we believe it exists".
+That is a fair argument because the only way to counter it is to examine the molecular mechanism of this PCR technique and look at all the artifacts that can arise, how it works, whether it always works, if the result is hypersensitive to how you do the procedure in the lab, or how the computer algorithms are to correct the fact of you not having enough of a macroscopic sample to be able to do the sequencing step by step and get the sequence. Are these algorithms reliable, what is the uncertainty in that. If you want to critique their proposal that you should believe them because of the PCR technique, then you have to get into the nuts and bolts of what they're doing.
+Having looked at some of these articles which get into the PCR methods being used, it's very technical and they're hard to find. You don't have definitive researchers critiquing techniques for which a nobel prize was given for discovery.
+### Many Techniques
+PCR is a huge family of techniques. To what level do you want to characterize this sample. To what degree and what methods do you want to use?
+It's not a binary thing where you say PCR is worthless or wonderful. In some applications, it's amazing. If you get a large macroscopic sample of blood, in forensics science, PCR has had some good use. It depends on how far you want to go.
+Blood type: if the criminal has a certain blood type, and the blood you found on the scene is different - it's open and shut.
+How much detail do you need? How much discernment do you want to make in the measurement?
+A spectrum of ways to use PCR and various resolutions that can be achieved.
+Ryan thinks PCR was the best tool because it can be manipulated.
+If you didn't have PCR, and could not supposedly obtain genetic sequences, you wouldn't be able to do any of this. You wouldn't be able to say that you have a virus, or that there is a virus.
+It's very difficult to do and the only times it's been done. It would be so much work and resources and would be open to critique because the techniques being used are much more transparent and are easier to understand.
+Culturing in a lab, for example.
+### Misrepresentation
+Our conversations get discussed as being a process of deception in which one or more of the parties is deceiving the other.
+### Nobel Prize
+Nobel prizes are part of the science propaganda enterprise. Not saying that every nobel prize fits in this caftegory. You need some that are authentic and major/real discoveries, like Einstein.
+The Nobel Prize is necessarily political because to submit someone for the prize you have to have researchers. You need to get in there and have influence.
+There's a correlation between Nobel Prizes being given and geopolitical agendas being advanced as a result. I am looking at the Ozone hole molecular mechanism and things like that. There was a Nobel Prize for discovering the pathogen that causes AIDS.
+There are agendas even in things lik ethe Nobel Prize that is otherwise thought to be a purely scienific acknowledgment.

+ 6 - 1

@@ -24,4 +24,9 @@ The basic idea here is that what might have been a good idea in principle was de
 - A smaller subset of declared human rights
 - Underdeveloped philosophies of the day
 - Lack of law restricting particular idas
-- The personal inclintations of those occupying positions of power in those days
+- The personal inclintations of those occupying positions of power in those days
+## Continued
+Introducing one's own artificial point of failure is another's argument by predicating an entire system of philosophy on one concrete occurrence which somehow is made to be the only delimiting reference to the idea in question. Utter lunacy for anyone to thhink this way, as though no human ever thought about the ways in which people change, cultures change, eras change. The idea that something is eugenecist is only predicated on the idea that we can influence change in ourselves and society. The limits for such changes are set to whatever humans can imagine and argue, and the limit to expressing the idea is limited by language.
+The truth of the matter is that Marx imagined our state within its capacity to influence man, the subject and manner of his thought, and the ability of man to use the dialectic to affect change. That alone completes the circuit as to how man can change himself, but even more important is the stated desire to induce this self-reflective change. It does not mean that Marx was intimately involved with Darwin's system of understanding

+ 5 - 0

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+# Abstract
+- All-cause/time most reliable data for detecting and characterizing events causing death / gauging population impact of surger/collapse in deaths
+- Not susceptible to reporting bias
+- Compare USA all-cause, by age group, by state, to;
+- Number of vaccinated by week, by injection sequence, by age, by state

+ 22 - 6

@@ -15,15 +15,16 @@ But the immune response of B cells and T cells against the cells that express th
 This cationic lipid which mediates this crucial step of breaking down the membrane barrier and releases the mRNA into the cytosol. This cationic lipid can also attack the membranes of the mitochondria and cause cytotoxic effects that way.
+## Repeat Exposure Differences (mRNA vs Classic vaccine)
 First, I want to explain why we have to expect the repeated immunological attack by the immune system against any cells that expressed the antigen encoded by the mRNA. This issue is likely present with any mRNA vaccine.
-In a regular, normal virus infection - in the virus particle we have the genome and the antigen - the protein molecules encoded by this genome. In an immunologically naive host who has not seen thsi virus before - the virus is not recognized and succeeeds in infecting some body cells. This causes some immune reaction against the body cell expressing those viral antigens - both cytotoxic and antibodies and their effector mechanisms, such as complement, and this will lead to cell death. Cell death always triggers inflammation, and this is why you get sick after the first infection with the virus.
+In a regular, normal virus infection - in the virus particle we have the genome and the antigen - the protein molecules encoded by this genome. In an immunologically naive host who has not seen this virus before - the virus is not recognized and succeeeds in infecting some cells. This causes some immune reaction against the body cell expressing those viral antigens - both cytotoxic and antibodies and their effector mechanisms, such as complement, and this will lead to cell death. Cell death always triggers inflammation, and this is why you get sick after the first infection with the virus.
-If you get infected again with the same virus, we already have antibodies, those anibodies will bind with the virus, prevent it from infecting another cell. Instead, the virus will be degraded. By and large, this is how it works (there are exceptions). This is once you have immunity against a pathogen, you won't get sick after reinfection. The same will apply also wit ha traditional live vaccine, for example. If you take a polio live virus vaccine and inject it into a person who already has antibodies against polio, nothing will happen. The antibodies will simply grab the vaccine and arrange for its disposal.
+If you get infected again with the same virus, we already have antibodies, those anibodies will bind with the virus, prevent it from infecting another cell. Instead, the virus will be degraded. By and large, this is how it works (there are exceptions). This is once you have immunity against a pathogen, you won't get sick after reinfection. The same will apply also with a traditional live vaccine, for example. If you take a polio live virus vaccine and inject it into a person who already has antibodies against polio, nothing will happen. The antibodies will simply grab the vaccine and arrange for its disposal.
 If we look at what happens with an mRNA vaccine, initially it looks similar. We have nucleic acid which enters some cell, we have the immune reaction against the synthesized antigen and we get a cell death. If we re-inject the same vaccine again, we may have the antibodies, but the problem here is quite simply that the vaccine particles don't contain any of copies of the protein antigen. Therefore, the antibodies have nothing to grab onto and they cannot neutralize these particles. The particles will again enter some cells, but now we have an even angrier immune system because it is already primed from the first injection. On short notice, we get an amplified immune response against the cells and we get more cell death.
-This is evident in the adverse events reports from the covid vaccines. We have a higher rate of adverse events reports in people who got their secon shot already. And also in those who had previously been infected with the regular virus and had gotten their previous immunity that way. In both cases we see a greater incidence of adverse events than in those individuals who have had neither the infection nor a previous vaccine injection. We can observe this empirically that repeated injections cause more adverse events, and we have to expect the same after each booster injection. If you get a 4th and 5th and so on injection, then you will be more likely to suffer more.
+This is evident in the adverse events reports from the covid vaccines. We have a higher rate of adverse events reports in people who got their second  shot already. And also in those who had previously been infected with the regular virus and had gotten their previous immunity that way. In both cases we see a greater incidence of adverse events than in those individuals who have had neither the infection nor a previous vaccine injection. We can observe this empirically that repeated injections cause more adverse events, and we have to expect the same after each booster injection. If you get a 4th and 5th and so on injection, then you will be more likely to suffer more.
 This is one fundamental flaw of the mRNA vaccines. This is simply a drawback, a principle drawback of the entire strategy.
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ Interestingly, this patient had died 4 months after his vaccination. So even aft
 Here's another study by someone who survived. Also in those persons, the spike protein could be detected in the blood samples found through exosomes - little membrane vesicles. Even after months you can observe the spike protein both in dead and living patients. This is a surprising finding. You will be told by several vaccine advocates that this cannot be because the spike protein is only expressed for a couple of days, but we have clear proof that expression can last months.
-If you take this in conjunction with the plan to vaccinate people again and again at tim intervals of several months, you will have practically continuous expression of spike protein, and a continuous reaction of the immune system against your own body cells that have been induced to produce the spike protein.
+If you take this in conjunction with the plan to vaccinate people again and again at time intervals of several months, you will have practically continuous expression of spike protein, and a continuous reaction of the immune system against your own body cells that have been induced to produce the spike protein.
 ## Heart Muscle
 Intact heart muscle fibres. and on the right hand side you see fragments of heart muscle fibers undergoing destruction. Blue dots these are the lymphocytes that are doing the damage. Burkhardt found this kind of damage to the heart and to the lungs in most of his patients - even in elderly patients. We hear about myocarditis in yong people in particular, but at least in these autopsies we see lots of myocarditis going on in teh elderly and it's quite possible that at least some of these cases are misdiagnosed as heart attacks. You can have sudden heart death both in the case of myocarditis and heart attacks and since normally heart attacks are so much more common in the elderly than myocarditis, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of these cases were misattributed.
@@ -55,11 +56,26 @@ This happens because, in my opinion, I think the immune system is kept busy with
 ## Data Shared by Pfizer (Japanese Regulators)
 EMA and FDA never talked about this.
-Pfizer did conduct some animal studies that showed that the vaccine after intramuscular injection shows up very rapidly in the bloodstream - after 15 minutes already detectable in the bloodstream - maxes at 2 hours and then drops as it accumulates in various organs (liver, spleen, ovaries, adrenal glands). That should have set off alarm bells right away - a rapid spread into the system. Normally what you want with a vaccine is that it injects locally and the immune response occurs locally. This is what happens with a tetanus vaccine, for example, btu with this vaccine it gets around and accumulates in various organs. The accumulation in the ovaries and the adrenale glands means we need to expect accumulation in the placenta and lactating breast glands. there are, indeed, many reports of women who have problems with their pregnancy (increased numbers of fetal death),and even a small number of reports in EMA and VAERS database of breast-fed infants that got severely sick or died shortly after their mothers had taken the shot. All these problems had to be expected based on this animal data, and they were not followed up on in any of the so-called clinical trials.
+Pfizer did conduct some animal studies that showed that the vaccine after intramuscular injection shows up very rapidly in the bloodstream - after 15 minutes already detectable in the bloodstream - maxes at 2 hours and then drops as it accumulates in various organs (liver, spleen, ovaries, adrenal glands). That should have set off alarm bells right away - a rapid spread into the system. Normally what you want with a vaccine is that it injects locally and the immune response occurs locally. This is what happens with a tetanus vaccine, for example, but with this vaccine it gets around and accumulates in various organs. The accumulation in the ovaries and the adrenale glands means we need to expect accumulation in the placenta and lactating breast glands. there are, indeed, many reports of women who have problems with their pregnancy (increased numbers of fetal death), and even a small number of reports in EMA and VAERS database of breast-fed infants that got severely sick or died shortly after their mothers had taken the shot. All these problems had to be expected based on this animal data, and they were not followed up on in any of the so-called clinical trials.
 For example, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers were not included in the trials, but after the emergency use authorization had been given, they were immediately vaccinated. This is completely without any kind of data from human studies, but frmo the animal studies we already had to expect great problems. This is the level of no tjust negligence but criminality that we have in these so-called clinical trials. We see a total failure of the regulatory bodies (FDA and EMA) to protect the population from these *poisons*. We had the data, knew what it meant, and they didn't take any steps to protect mothers and pregnant women.
 ## mRNA Track Record of Failure
 - They have never worked - tried for a decade to bring any sort of product to market, and never succeeded until COVID
 - One key problem is Cationic lipid toxicity - not solved. Necessary to break down the membrane barrier in a cell and release mRNA into the cell, but because of that it will also damage the membranes of the mitochondria.
-- In the Mitochondria we have a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. If teh mitochondria are damaged, they produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which will damage DNA and this damage can cause cancer. DNA damage has a lifetime dose limit. A good illustration is taht you can give one person a bone marrow person only once. You have to give, in preparation for a bone marrow transplant, such a high dose of DNA-damaging drugs to suppress the preexisting bone marrow and therefore permit the seeding of teh new bone marrow that the entire tolerance of that person for DNA damage is maxed out. If you try it again, you will kill that person even before you transplant.
+- In the Mitochondria we have a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. If teh mitochondria are damaged, they produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which will damage DNA and this damage can cause cancer. DNA damage has a lifetime dose limit. A good illustration is taht you can give one person a bone marrow person only once. You have to give, in preparation for a bone marrow transplant, such a high dose of DNA-damaging drugs to suppress the preexisting bone marrow and therefore permit the seeding of teh new bone marrow that the entire tolerance of that person for DNA damage is maxed out. If you try it again, you will kill that person even before you transplant. It is not possible.
+This is a real problem because the manufacturers are committed to flooding the market with novel mRNA vaccines. All of these mRNA vaccines will have to use one or another cationic lipid. Even in spite of variations, the mechanism is always the same, and the DNA damage they cause will always be cumulative.
+All the mRNA vaccines that you will get, regardless of the encoded antigen, the DNA damage will be cumulative and will count towards your lifetime dose limit. Accumulating a high dose of DNA damage and you later have cancer and require a cytotoxic chemotherapy, you will have a reduced tolerance for it.
+- No carcinogenicity studies were submitted to EMA - lipids and natural nucleosides not expected to be carcinogenic.
+- Animal studies - moderna found clear indications of DNA damage
+EMA should have demanded carcinogenicity studies, but instead they simply failed to protect the public.
+## LongTerm Effects
+No long-term civilian studies, particularly not on reproductive health.
+Literature is full of contradiction. Personally not convinced that any benefit in any age group has been demonstrated.
+Very strange that a technology with no safety record which hasn't been used for any products which made it to market was chosen to rush the creation and testing during an emergency.

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covidism/Toxicological_concerns - Summary.md

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+# Covax Toxicology
+## Stephanie Seneff
+### Summary
+- Synthetic cationic lipids easily taken up (LDL-like), resistant to enzyme degradation, appearing as human molecule
+### Nucleoside / Protein
+- Pseudouridine / 2 prolines added to middle of sequence
+- Locked spike disables ACE-2 receptors
+- Codon-optimized to maximize protein production
+- Spike/mRNA in lymph 60+ days, and in bone marrow
+### Disease Concern
+- Suppess BRCA protein (breast cancer)
+- VAERS signals: rate ~1 order magnitude higher. 97-99% of reports for thrombosis/heart/neurodegen
+- Exosomes: particles placed in exosomes at spleen and distributed along vagus nerve
+- Type-1 interferon response disruption
+- Disruption of CD4+ monocytes
+## Michael Palmer
+- Cleaved spike inducing biological activities
+- Destroy cells that produced antigen
+- Cationic lipid breaks down membrane barriers, including of mitochondria
+- Progressive destruction of cells with each subsequent vaccination
+  - classic vaccines include antigen, and are thus marked for destruction and to be discarded upon re-vaccination
+  - this does not occur with mRNA vaccines, thus the antigen is always expressed by cells and those cells always induce a response from the immune system
+### Spike
+- Attack cells that express spike
+- Particularly capillaries/venules
+- Spike expressed by endothelial cells causes damage allowing blood to access tissue beyond endothelium where blood clotting will occur
+- Spike protein found in exosomes of patients and study subjects 4 months after vaccination
+  - Vaccine every 6 months could mean continuous production of spike protein / continuous reactivity of immune system
+### Heart
+- Easiest to detect heart issues with young people
+- Many heart disease-related deaths might be due to vaccine
+### Immunosuppression
+- Reactivation of viruses (shingles/varicella zoster)
+- Cancer / reactivation of cancer
+- Ulcers in mouth
+- Endocrine-limited bandwidth of inflammation prevents upregulation of immune activity in order to effectively combat pathogens
+### Pharmacokinetics
+- In blood 15 mins post-IM administration
+- Peak @ 2 hrs
+- Accumulate in liver, spleen, ovaries, adrenals
+- Should expect accumulation in placenta and breast glands
+### DNA Damage
+- Cationic lipids are known to damage mitochondria, leading to ROS and DNA damage

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@@ -97,7 +97,17 @@ https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1526612192757358597/pu/vid/720x1280/iuIVw9s
 - Claims that emphasizing Queer growth in child development is constructive
 - Recommends examining Queer Theory of child such as to account for racism and colonialism (implies Queering can function on power dynamic against racism)
 Reframing through an intersectional sensibility problematizes stable categories (Gay/Lesbian)
-- Emphasizes the benefit of critiquing child studies insofar that they avoid Queerness
+- Emphasizes the benefit of critiquing child studies insofar that they avoid Queerare
 - Considers conventional development stages as only being conducive to "horizontal growth" (stagnant)
 ### David V. Ruffolo
+- Posits ECE as heteronormative: "..children.. purchase/rent collective identities .. unable to account for multiplicities of difference."
+- Concerned with erasure of queer sexualities in settings of ECE
+## Normativity
+- Assumes power dynamic
+- Leaves no room for normalcy to be a solely a statistical statement
+## Destablize Queer
+- Advances in joining LGBTQ Studies and Children's education employ a stable Queer identity
+- Queer child development to disrupt teleological narratives of growth that require a developmental sequence culminating in normalcy

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@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ The goal here is again to challenge the idea that developmental psychology has a
 ``` David V Ruffolo's 2009 work, for example, is pointed in its address in the ways of in which heteronormativity appears in early childhood education. "The heteronormative underpinnings of ECE policy initiatives speak to the ways in which children are ab/normalized when they are faced with the challenge to purchase/rent collective identities that are unable to account for multiplicities of difference. The result of this is the establishment of minoritized subjectivities that are often disguised and/or disqualified"```
-Jibber jabber. What he's saying is that we think of things in terms of being normal/abnormal (straight and identifying with the same sex and gender). We think of these things as being normal, so cchildren have that imprinted through this moral trickery onto them by those assumptions and, so, some children are made to feel normal, while others are made to feel unabnormal. Purchase and rent collective identities that are unable to account for multiplicities of differences. We're going to be boys or girls, and you might not like the opposite sex now but eventually you're going to liek them, and vice versa. Proto-heterosexuality is being imprinted on these children. You aren't taking into account the multiplicities - the 200 genders, and 3000 sexualities, that are all lfuid to one another in parallel for every possible sexuality. This forces a minority status as a subjectivity. You understand yourself as a minority and an outsider. Those are disguised and/or disqualified? People hide the fact that they're gay, or try to deny it in themselves, or they're thought of as being invalid by the power dynamic.
+Jibber jabber. What he's saying is that we think of things in terms of being normal/abnormal (straight and identifying with the same sex and gender). We think of these things as being normal, so cchildren have that imprinted through this moral trickery onto them by those assumptions and, so, some children are made to feel normal, while others are made to feel abnormal. Purchase and rent collective identities that are unable to account for multiplicities of differences. We're going to be boys or girls, and you might not like the opposite sex now but eventually you're going to liek them, and vice versa. Proto-heterosexuality is being imprinted on these children. You aren't taking into account the multiplicities - the 200 genders, and 3000 sexualities, that are all lfuid to one another in parallel for every possible sexuality. This forces a minority status as a subjectivity. You understand yourself as a minority and an outsider. Those are disguised and/or disqualified? People hide the fact that they're gay, or try to deny it in themselves, or they're thought of as being invalid by the power dynamic.
 ```Like Ruffalo I am not only concerned with the erasure of queer sexualities in settings of childhood education, but also extend his line of inquiry to assert that queer theory can more expansively help to analyze how normativity is reproduced in relation to theories of childhood.

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+# What is a Woman
+A very important point has to be made about it, which everyone has seemed to have missed. Everyone has missed the point of weaponized Post-Modernism and Queer Theory/Queery Marxism. That's the point to understanding to landscape/battleground.
+Correct definition of Woman is "Adult Human Female", but we don't need to go through that right now. We are going to focus on understanding the Marxian view of Woman.
+## Marxian Definition of Woman
+*Note this is a definition of "woman" and not "a woman"*
+- Woman is a state of identity that is associated with but not limited to being female.
+- Socially constructed state of identity created by people.
+- A woman is anybody who identifies that way, so long as the identification is deemed AUTHENTIC
+## Ketanji
+Even Ketanji declined to ask a question about her own being, as a woman, and instead she chose to defer to an expert ("I'm not a biologist")
+- Implied it's impossible to answer a question of her own being (she is unambiguously a woman)
+- Chose biologist - trap of biological essentialism. That one's biology answers the question of whether they are a woman
+- Woman is a state of socially constructed identity
+### Excusing Ketanji
+- Fumbled the body but didn't miss the point: the right answer is "I have to defer to an expert"
+- Doctor inscribes a socially-constructed category of sex onto you and your body, which you might not identify with
+- Identity is socially constructed
+  - Sense of self
+  - When authentic, is your true sense of self (uncovered from socially constructed morass we all live in)
+- True Gender-Soul comes through and escapes the socially constructed prison
+  - Being assigned sex
+  - Reinforced of arbitrarily assigned gender through family/friends
+- Affirming that the genitals you were born with and developed through have something to do with how you feel inside and, thus, identify
+- Imposed beliefs about genitals force you connect a particular set of feelings to its associated gender identity, but this might not be your true self
+### What she taught us
+- We can't answer the question without deferring to an expert
+- Identification has to be authentic
+- Reflect the true gender identity inside - that you realize as you get old enough
+  - completely independent from a socially-constructed category
+## Consequences
+### Trans-Bullies
+*Invincible on social media*
+- Lends to relentless one-sided bullying
+- Targetting families, doxxing
+- Psychotic/Psychopathic/Narcissistic behaviours are ignored
+- Social media giants won't allow you to call them out
+- They can get away with any level of harassment
+- Victimhood campaigns
+#### Experiments
+- Accounts have been made to test this theory
+- Need scalable experiments
+#### Zuby
+- They ignored Zuby, even though you can self-identify your gender
+- It was deemed inauthentic
+### Hierarchy/Caste System
+- Woke flaunt the fact that they get away with things that others cannot
+- Status over others in the society they create
+- They decide what is authentic, and thus what is true
+### Social Community
+- Socially constructs the rules
+- Defers to experts: self-appointed people
+- Marx: bourgeoisie arrange society by constructing rules from which we derive all social circumstances
+  - Iron Law of Woke projection:
+    - That's how they think society works
+    - They get power, and then use that power to manipulate or game the system
+## Queer Marxism
+### Complicating
+- Subset of "Queering"
+- Water down what the words mean
+- "Trans-woman are women"
+  - Women = women, and some men are women
+  - Anybody who authentically identifies as a woman (socially-constructed category associated with being family)
+  - Queer Theory does this too:
+#### Gay/Straight
+- Straight with a little gay, but still identify straight
+  - Straight bisexuals or closeted gays who have gay sex but wish to identify as straight (with a little gay)
+  - Supposedly common - now we need an expert
+  - Expert: determine when someone who is bisexual is actually straight, because the claim is deemed to be veritical
+  - How to Tell ~15:45

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+# Are There Adults In Any Rooms?
+July, 2022
+Women finally being defined for them, they now turn to question the very idea of an adult, particularly an adult female. Obviously have long said that they seek to do away with childhood innocence by sexualizing children and blurring any distinction between adult and child, and it is obvious that they cannot help themselves as their entire mode of operation relies on rejecting the very notion of defining anything at all (actually, that's obviously not true, because even declaration is a definition when no other defining exists, but the forms, structures and symbols of queer culture are highly visible and clearly defined), aside from defining ourselves, we must all face the prospect of caring for others, with those requiring the most care being those who cannot care for themselves.
+Are they, then, going to tell us that babies do not exist? That newborns or infants are indistinguishable from an adult human, that is: - at full height - at full bone maturity - at sexual maturity, meaning that their capacity for reproduction, should it ever be achieved, has become viable and that secondary sexual characteristics are confirmable (hair growth, organ size changes, etc)?
+Sure, they might balk at the imprecision of stating a zone of distinction rather than the precise moment of occurrence, because they brain is expected to continue growing, or because bodily changes continue to be observed, but they are also demonstrating to us that they know what these characteristics are and what quantity of their expression is to be looked for and evaluated. That is, they know exactly where the lines are, because that's precisely around where they focus to complicate the matter.
+There is no human who stops changing, but we can clearly say that if a human were to become capable of surviving and reproducing that it would be because certain capacities had been reached, and that if they were not to have been reached, we would have some understanding, at least theoretically, as to why, or that the individual in questio would be considered an exception precisely for these reasons. In fact, even in those exceptional circumstances, we could still estimate the point at which some or all of these characteristic quantities would be reached.
+They are willing to play dumb because it retains their hope that they have improved access to the bodies and minds of children.
+# New German Man
+So ironic, isn't it, that so many who convince themselves and others that they are fighting against the oppressive privilege of white men are, in fact, employing the systems of thought and furthering the pursuit of the goals of old, dead, white German authoritarian male patriarchs.
+Certainly, it seems as though the goals might not be the same, because the cultural phenomena and present-day context seem to present artifacts which might have been rejected by those same patriarchs. But, alas: And so the dialectic progresses.
+# Identifying Ideology
+July 17, 2022
+Decry Marxism and you will find many who claim there is no Marxism except the study of Marx and his writings explicitly in a manner which presupposes they are the particular ideas we aim to implement in our society. They will claim that, short of this, there is no Marxism and that the only detriment to Marxism is a prediction that capitalism will destroy itself - that detriment being capitalism itself which, in this case, has nothing to do with Marx nor the prospect of the teaching of Marxism.
+So, why would this defensive behaviour be instantiated? Is it because a Marxist is trying to deceive? Or is it something else entirely? Unfortunately, it is mostly partisan thinking with, perhaps, some element of cultural Marxism having come into play, though not explicitly so, and likely not even with the knwoledge of whomsoever is defending it. This isn't even to say Mind Control or something of the sort. One cannot have an explicit opinion on any matter through defensive reaction. The perspectives of Marx are not exotic in the sense that they are easily perceived by anyone with a particular set of sentiments, and that this set of sentiments is not only common but may very well be a part of the human experience. Yes, we must suspect that distribution of resources occurs unfairly and that, if we aren't making a conscious effort to do so, the distribution of those resources will transform into a format where the cost of engaging in the pursuit of resources results in access to fewer resources than having no pursuit at all.
+Partisanship hurts us all with its capacity to erode the potential of deep and insightful discussion on the ideas themselves and render them into opportunities of proving semantic error on the part of a presumed political adversary, or someone who thoughtlessly took a position congruent to an adversary. The fact is, though any time minds may differ in political opinion, it is foolish to assume the other is partisan unless they wear their insignia proudly, which is itself a warning sign.
+Of course, once you have a partisan, you have an agitator whose goal is some form of collectivism. You must always maintain the possibility that no party speaks for the people. If you fail to maintain this condition, then the only alternative is to suppose that there can be a position that can be blindly adhered to without having to perform the intensive work of reviewing the landscape and its players, which is a march to irrelevance insofar as yielding utility towards new thought and evolution of society in a truly progressive sense.
+## Limit of Potentiality
+Yes, to be truly progressive, one must maintain that information and knowledge is never fully attained, and that one can expect prosperity through attainment of knowledge as limits and constraints are removed. Unfortunately, the partisan allows for the supposing that their party already does this implicitly simply by being dominant in the political arena. Furthermore, it allows for the normalization of accepting that a movement fulfills the premise of its language by virtue of the words alone.
+The true progressive is not found in the party, and does not adhere to the method of addressing complex subjects through partisanship. The true progressive understands that controlling language leads to precisely the opposite destination: constraint on knowledge and prosperity.
+## Burning Bridges
+Sometims it can seem that one's refusal to participate is itself an aggressive action to burn a bridge, but one must understand what the activity one opts out from truly is and what it required. If that activity is only superficial and carries with it the circumstance of denying one's own ability to see ideas be utilized and examined, then one's ideas and prsopect for understanding and learning is being hindered and, though this is bad enough on its own, it reinforces a mechanism for avoiding the exploration of ideas, forcing the acceptance of a standard of mundane or even malicious limitation.
+The other benefit of a burnt bridge is that something is unmistakenly communicated. If other forms of communication are not working and the other party continues to play aloof as to the seriousness of the situation, and the degree to which their response and consideration is failing to meet a minimal standard necessary for progress to be made in our collaborative advancement of understanding, then there will no longer be any confusion about it. Regardless of details, they are no longer desirable as a partner with which to improve udnerstanding on matters that are important. If their reaction is to propose that these matters simply be avoided because of your failure to tolerate them or interpret them correctly, then not only does it further reinforce the assessment of them not being a sufficient partner, but it suggests that they believe their political preferences will reign supreme in this world, and that your participation need not be relied upon.
+If there are things which they have not grasped and if they continuously fail to demonstrate empathy while always occupying your time, all while declaring that views which challenge theirs are easy to ignore and easy to avoid taking seriously, then it is clear that empathy is something they may enjoy for use as a manipulable buzzword, without themselves having maintained a faculty for generating it.
+## In Come the Groomers
+Now we find the media and tech conglomerate are coming together to work against the effective defining and applying of this aptly wielded term. Queer Theory. CRT and, in some cases, global plitical movements which demand a form of collectivism have been discovered to be grooming people, especially children, to be recruited into their ranks or for their purposes. Grooming in that they are being coaxed into adopting a politically actionable opinion, position or identity at the behest of someone biased towards promoting a corresponding ideology and that it is done incrementally through steps that are themselves not strong representations of the ultimate view. Furthermore, that these ideologies might be at odds with the perspective of the child's parents, are done without the parents' knowlege and that they are sometims done with the attitude of avoiding its discosure to parents. Lastly, that it is done in such a way that takes advantage of the impressionable nature of the child and that it might make the child susceptible to predation. This predation is not limited to one form, but detractors, naysayers and groomers will cliam that none of this is substantiated as to be expected except in the case that their one deflective item of focus can be unmistakenly discerned. This usually involves classic rape, and even if that were to manifest they would seek to convolute the context and complicate it as much as possible by bringing to attention concepts of pleasure-based sex, non-traditional forms of romanticization, inter-generational love, consent, and so forth. If they do this, they are definitely child-groomers and possibly even pedophiles.
+## Religion
+Queer Theory follows the Theology of Marxism in centering man as the creator and adopting a subject creates object philosophy. This is perfectly in line with Covidism and might be considered as an extension of the very same phenomenon. In both cases, we are imposing a new standard for what constitutes an acceptable type of human experience; with Covidism, it is that humans should not be subject to respiratory infections, should not inccur illness that is transmissible, should not have to worry that their lives can be inconveniced from a pathogen, and for Queer Theory it is that humans should not be expected to exist in a way which is informed by or at least limited by biological truth. The fact of having a biology which dictates how we develop is a form of oppression and we should all band together to eliminate categories of any kind, because there should be no limits between what thoughts one can have and what one can become.
+It's easy to remember plenty of plain, feel-good, encouraging slogans which remind one of what is possible / what one can accomplish if they try, and those who do remmeber might be inclined to accept a prposal for synthesis. But, remember the key difference of how people are affected: if one's failure to fit in needs to be seen as an accomplishment, in the sense of having special knowledge, they now have accomplished progressive movement on the path of gnostic enlightenment. That is very different than inspiring hard work.
+## The Good
+When the subject moulds the world in the image of itself. They choose their ideology, which they believe they are interpreting correctly, and then they proceed to evaluate whether it is propgated in the world, noting it as evidence that the wrold is becoming more "good" or less "evil".
+## Still Masked
+The ultimtae token of slavery, because it is so easy to adopt and it immediately places you within a group of its adaptors who will be resonating their emotion. This emotion is one of welcome in the sense of having a commonality implying related interests or concerns as well as a mechanism to help one another supect reinforced rationale without having to actually produce or review one. Lastly, it helps to "print" ? the circumstance of witnessing one another whos eactions imply a logical predicate that the other hopes for and relies upon; they are each one another's implicit evidence for that which they would fear might not be true.
+## White Karens
+Like guard dogs, they sic on anyone who might question the current establishment order, but what makes the affair so insufferable is that their story, told as a rationale for supporting the established order (incumbents, massive financial oligarchs, systems of ever-increasing conflicts of interest expanding actions, barriers previously unmanageable), is one of undermining and disrupting established order. This works because the evalutaion and ascription of sin is now performed along a set of dimensions deemed most essential to theories of structural determinism. You can now easily find that both you and your neighbour are evil oppressors, therefore you better be concerned whether you might be called out on your role as oppressor, excluded from community, attacked by retaliatory forces, or deemed as having failed to do your part to offset the harms. What is one to do?
+Well, if you are a pop-culture aficionado, you are constantly bombarded with instructions and threats, and if you hadn't already been acting accordingly, and all of your favourite cultural activities would have become unbearable and threatening to your down psychological state.
+Or, perhaps you find the rationales themselves compelling. Perhaps, you think it makes sense that children of families with certain skin colour can be predicted and understood as having behaviour and beliefs that come most fundamentally for reasons that are intrinsic to the skin colour.