Emmanuel Buckshi 1 年之前

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+# Agreeable Society
+## Point of Departure
+The topic of discussion is:
+- Bruce Pardy's lecture
+- Bruce Pardy's suggestion that we could build an opt-in legal framework wherein we only permit a government to enforce laws that people consent to
+- The consent was proposed as being first centered around the following form of consent:
+  - I consent to have the state enforce a law which prevents my being subjected to physical force or threat of force 
+I am paraphrasing that last one a bit which essentially states that those in agreement would be okay with allowing a government to utilize force for the purpose of preventing or punishing actions of physical violence made against others. Yes, everyone would try to find loopholes with this one, but we could at least consider that there are a majority of those who do not want force to be imposed on them by their fellow citizens simply because any arbitrary conflict, such as a dispute of opinions.
+If only it could just be a dispute of opinions in a glass chamber with no side effects. It's pretty easy to envision something like that because we can all envision situations where violence is being threatened or enacted upon us and we concede that we'd like some form of assistance - whether be it from a fellow citizen, fellow human from the vicinity, or, barring all that, a government officer whose profession bears specificity towards the task at hand
+So we could, for the moment, assume that the law protecting a human's ability to exist and seek its own fulfillment through agreeable means which don't include subjecting fellow citizens to threats and violence - not killing and maiming them - not imprisoning them - not sexually assaulting them - not burning them - and so on. We allow for enforcement of this law which can result in the injury, death, dismemberment and imprisonment of persons who are deemed to have violated it - especially if they disagree with the assertion that this is the case an are worked over to get them to comply - but I think most of us would agree that there needs to be a provisioned means of ensuring or making more probable the widespread, ubiquitous achievement of citizen life which does not include threats and violence.
+### Limits
+The question here is whether, similar to how hate speech and vaccine mandates have demonstrated a means of arguing to the point of convincing legislators and courts to agree that violence can be achieved without any violent act directly causing physical harm, or even without any act at all, definitions of violence or the accepted understanding of an expectation of being free from violence and threats of violence can be made which compel humans to perform acts in order to alleviate the ascription of their having been culpable in an act of violence. 
+### Concerns
+The main concern here is not simply that we aren't sure as to the definitions being used, or even if all those involved are able to come to the same definition. We also need to consider other issues:
+- Does everyone want to provide a separate definition for a term of interest?
+- Are there those who do not want to provide a definition?
+- Are there those who do not want for a definition to be formulated and proposed?
+- Are there those who would participate in a process of defining in order to plant a seed of deception?
+- Are there those who would participate in a process of definition whilst steadfastly holding a position that no definition can be made, or that any definition made will be ill-formed and is, as such, justified in being weaponized, disregarded or utilized in the capacity of deceiving or swindling an interlocutor or fellow citizen
+## Alternate Departure
+Could we imagine, for a moment, some other activity which might serve to calibrate fellow participants towards more agreeable dynamics?

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+# Charter of Rights and Freedoms 
+Liberty has not been held to the sort of definition that Libertarians and Classical Liberals would like to see enshrined the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
+`No? Not that you are "at liberty" ? Go off-base and enjoy yourself`
+You start with this idea but almost immediately we have to ask "what does it mean and what are the boundaries?". We can do the same thing with Freedom of Speech. Some are principled exceptions and some are not:
+## Speech Exceptions
+- Speech being something more than speech
+- Violating someone else's right
+- Free of your violence ("I'm going to beat your head in unless you give me your wallet")
+  - Threat of imminent violence
+- Write false statements in newspaper that someone has cheated on their taxes
+  - Defaming
+`Pendulum swings towards an end we don't want to see happen - a broad definition with limited precedent`
+Courts and supreme court in particular, as an institution over a period of time, seems to have embraced the necessity for the administrative state. They regard the administrative state and its need to manage things as legitimate. Therefore, as an inclination to interpret the words of the Charter and Constitution in light of its necessity to deal with society in a particular way to produce outcomes that are in the public interest.
+With that premise, the scope is defined accordingly.
+If you don't take the premise that the administrative state is always a good thing, then you may not agree.
+## Job of Courts
+To resolve actual cases. If you have a question about interpretation of the law, you need to have a case before it will be answered.
+Mootness is a situation where an actual case between parties with a problem becomes a theoretical case. A challenge to a rule and the person challenging complains because of a specific way in which it creates a problem. The rule goes away and makes the case moot - it's not real anymore, it's just a theoretical question. Cases will not generally hear those cases, but they have discretion to do so.
+They also don't want to waste time hearing and deciding cases that don't matter. One example of this is the challenge to the vaccine travel mandate of the federal government which was dismissed for being moot once the rule was repealed. What that leaves us with are big questions abotu the scope of the government's power to order us around - we don't know if that was legal or not.
+If the court declines to exercise its discretion to hear these cases once the rule goes away, it's possible the government will assume it has the authority and expect itself to be free to use it again.

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+Good question which would take a book to answer..
+the short answer is that as people lose their ability to deal with reality, they fall victim to their innate disposition to simplify it, and in this case it's seeking transcendence (I keep saying that, I know)
+Longer answer:
+It's a Cultural Revolution seeking liberation from the oppression of existence. The way it operates is through every aspect of our society but, for the vast majority, it's not something sought consciously.
+For the midwit moms who line up their kids for "transformation", the entrypoint to indoctrination is presented to them through constant invitations to acknowledge its logic by appealing to their emotional needs: inequity and oppression excuse any failure and shortcoming. Social justice makes it a moral good to COMPLAIN (negative leads to positive). The culture grants and compels attention and affirmation of that behaviour.
+Humans are already disposed to Munchausen syndrome both as children and later as "adult babies" with baggage. This whole culture weaponizes it, normalizes it and bootstraps everyone's ability to take part in it.
+Critical Theorists learned to take aim at culture from the early 1900s onwards (mostly culminating in the 30s and onwards, though). This has matured with Critical Pedagogy and the thinking of Paulo Freire which, along with the woke redefining what "knowledge" means, has redefined what it means to be literate. Being literate, now, is also complaining ("denounce to proclaim the world"). There's nothing more universal to complain about, as a human being, than the form of human life itself (the body and the phenomenon of its existence across a limited temporal period (FOMO, anyone?)).
+The "modern" Marxists, who often defined themselves as Anti-Marxist or Post-Marxist (because Marx's predictions turned out to be wrong), have grappled with a belief that all of reality's shortcomings could be alleviated if only everyone would commit to actualizing a Utopian society, but it was Herbert Marcuse who probably most definitively put it into words by saying that it is the intellectual's duty to "recall and preserve Utopian possibilities".
+What gets in the way of it? Private property (like having a house, car and, ultimately, a body). People enjoy their stupid hobbies (achieved through their "stupid, endless labour" for "gadgets and plastic") -> People who appear happy are actually unhappy.
+Ultimately, people work because they have a biological system, and this is the ultimate oppression of humanity.
+There's also a preceding gnostic/mystical aspect which has much in common also with Hermeticism, though they are still worthy of being thought about as separate domains. This cultish belief system extends from an intuition or recollection of a perfect way of being which we are kept from knowing in this false reality. This leads to a desire for rebirth and to "expand the potentialities". 
+How? Through negating (again, the negative) the mundane aspects of the false reality to reveal the divine. This touches on Hegel's roots as particular type of Lutheran theologian (Pietism, which derives from Hermeticism). You burn away things, whether by "disrupting/dismantling" cities/statues, or by chopping off your weiner, which has imprisoned you in an expectation of what constraints you have as a being (a cis-man).
+The other aspect of this is Folk Nationalism. It's not just ironic that these thoughts extend back to German philosophers who were obsessed with a totalizing system of thought for their "volk". All of these genders/sexualities have their flags and symbols to denote their folk nation association and their allegiance to the supernation and its overarching ideals. 
+You can see it in the contradiction of how nationalism is decried as evil, while producing all these folk patterns that adhere to a supernation, and the parallels with globalist organizations and their desire to synthesize nations into one global nation.
+There is no better way to end the reproduction of old thinking by permanently indebting our children to a totalizing system which they will depend on to continue the transformation of their ever more vulnerable altered bodies and broken minds.

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+Occult 7-ray alice bailey bullshit.
+All children will be studied:
+1. psychologically
+2. astrologically
+3. medically with special attention to the endocrine system (plus the usual modern methods in relation to eyes, teeth and  other physiological defects. The nature  of the respone apparatus will be carefully studied and developed)
+4. Vocationally - so as to place them later in life where their gifts and capacities may find fullest expression and enable them, thus, to fulfill their group obligations
+5. Spiritually (the apparent age of the soull, under consideration, will be studied and the place on the ladder of evolution will be approximately noted. Mystical and and introspective tendencies will be considered and their apparent lack noted. Coordination will be between 
+  A. the brain and the response apparatus in the outer world phenomena. 
+  B. Brain and desire impulses plus emotional reactions. 
+  C. Brain and mind in the world of thought and 
+  D. Brain, mind and soul will be carefully investigated so as to bring the entire equiment of the child, latent or developed, into functioning activity and to unify it into a whole).
+Psychologically, astrologically, medically and vocationally.
+Place them in the best job for the collective
+What is the process of the unfoldment of the intellect in man? How does the higher mind manifest if at all in the growing yeras (it is not possible in the short tim at our command to deal here with the history of the progresss of mental development). A study of its racial growth will reveal much, for every child is an epitome of the whole. A study, for instance, of the growth of the God idea in the human consciousness would prove a profitable illustration of the phenomena of 

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+# Sartre
+An existentialist writing during the structuralist era at the cusp of post-structuralism. He and Derrida weren't particularly friends.
+Sartre was openly quite Marxist.
+Here, he writes to Europe from a dysmal gnostic mindset saying "You need to listen to France Fanon". Sartre wants to tell you what he thinks is coming (Europe is dead, violence is coming).
+He talks about what is brought out of the colonized.
+"There is one duty to be done, one end to achieve: to thrust out colonialism by every means in their power. The more far-seeing among us will be, in the last resort, ready to admit this duty and this end. But we cannot help seeing, in this ordeal by force, the altogether inhuman means that these less-than men make use of to win the concession of a charter of humanity."
+*He has ready Fanon and says that we Europeans have dehumanized the Colonized, who are less than men in our eyes, and they will use inhuman means to thrust out colonialism by every means in their power - including violence.*
+"Accord it to them at once, then, and let them eneavour by peaceful undertakings to deserve it. Our worthiest souls contain racial prejudices."
+*You're all racists. Give up your pride and resources, Europe!*
+*We've made these people less than men, so they'll do anything to get their humanity back.*
+"They would do well to read Fanon, for he shows clearly that this irrepressible violence is neither sound and fury, nor the resurrection of savage instincts, nor even the effect of resentment. It is Man recreating himself. It is rebirth. It is death and rebirth."
+*It is man re-creating himself. It is death and rebirth. It is the process of being born again as something humanized and, in this case, through irrepressible violence. Sartre is asking Europeans to admit they are terrible, and to have Colonial Guilt and give the option for the colonized to destroy their countries and heritage by peaceul means necessary*
+"I think 

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new/Degrowth Communism.md

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+# Degrowth Communism
+*Degrowth Distributism and the Well-Being Economy*
+## Steady State
+Lots of new light rail, lot sof new trains, lots of green energy production from solar and wind and other renewables. But no new concrete, no new steel, no container shipping, no heavy rail. That's a post scarcity future because what they mean by post-scarcity is that capitalism doesn't own things. Things are scarce when somebody else owns them and you can't get them - property rights.
+A post-property rights future, with no economic growth which works by reducing the realm of necessity. If there's less need, then you can keep going on less stuff, and that gives you more freedom because you don't need as much. We're all working to satisfy needs that aren't real (Marcuse's true needs vs false needs). In the process of reducing necessity, we'll have a higher realm of freedom, but the freedom will be freedom under discipline like as how Mao talked about.
+## Primitive Accumulation
+Saito makes the case, following Marx, that the primitive accumulation / capitalist accumulation processes render man little more than an inorganic cattle, because they separate him from all the means of subsistence and force him to work to earn a living instead. The factory buys the land your tribe lived on, they build a factory and you no longer have access to the land or the water. They allow you to work for a pittance so you can buy a living. They've expropriated you and given you the opportunity to make them a profit. 
+That is also the logic of decolonization.
+Man is divorced from himself and nature (according to EPM) and so what needs to be done is this growth of degrowth communism to bring Man back into original unity in a higher form (not the primitive form of the past, but a higher one).
+"In arguing for reestablishing the original unity in the future society beyond this alienating separation from nature under capitalism, Marx was consistent with his theory of metabolism:
+"The original unity can be re-established only on the material foundation which capital creates, and by means of the revolutions which, in the process of this creation, the working class and the entire society undergo."
+In addition, his remark on the "negation of the negation" in Volume 1 of Kapital, logically corresponds to this reconstitution of the original unity as a process of overcoming the antagonistic separation in the metabolic exchange between humans and nature.
+However, to clarify what needs to be re-established in Communism, it is first necessary to grasp more carefully what had to be destroyed in the formation of capitalism, through the dissolution in the original unity between humans and nature. To put it bluntly, it is the "wealth" of society and nature that is severely impoverished under capitalism." 

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+A character created named Sex Ed - Ed vincent the sex educator from NY with his accent. and he has symposiums:
+they say really weird things and then he says "is that weird? who's to say?"
+Rubin pollutes the idea that there is normal vs weird / abnormal. She goes deeply into the idea of perversion and perverts - talking about and defending perverts on different grounds, such as whether they're being excluded from jobs:
+"That they would have increasingly strict requirements on people who rae teachers or who have higher office - to not be perverts - keep perverts out of teaching positions."
+We listened about that article from 2016 (Professor Ward - Gender and Sexuality Studies): "We need to complicate the idea of heterosexuality by saying 'sometimes it includes homosexuality too'". Complicate the idea of straightness to include gayness:
+- power grab
+- New form of heterosexuality
+- Theorize about this to complicate heterosexuality
+- If we adopt this paradigm, we have to rely on Queer Theorists to tell us:
+  - what is legitimately heterosexuality/homosexuality/crossing a line
+  - Qid

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+# Feeding Crocodiles
+- Cowards who just comply with any social pressure
+- People who always seek to align with structural force in order to
+  - maintain or acquire social privilege
+  - wield power sanctimoniously
+- True believers
+  - seeking the means to control reality
+  - strong desire to force their views on others
+    - makes their perspective/belief true when unchallenged by others
+    - taking a position bound to threat of force is an easy way to establish that one has correct beliefs
+- Distraught Gnostic
+  - sees possibility that reality can change
+    - make fantasy into reality
+    - synthesis of racism - if being racist can transcend racism:
+      - Then, racism then unreal can transcend to become real
+    - Double negation thinking/enablement
+      - Practice of acting or behaving or believing that which one expects will change
+        - Keep doing what you want, even though it is problematic, under assumption that it presents as a virtue and that it will be negated at a later time
+- LIBIDO DOMINANDI -> in all of these cases
+  - Permit the play of the mind
+- Some degree of self-loathing with a puritanical cleansing -> do it first so you won't suffer, and thn you can enjoy power over others

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+Let's push on a recent post by a local social justice advocating physician and school board trustee.
+Specifically, I'm referring to Nili Kaplan-Myrth and her post describing the Freedom Convoy as not having been about vaccines, but about "anti-democratic white supremacists".
+As expected, this ruffled a few feathers and invited comments from conservatives and liberals (I don't mean in the sense of supporting a party, but in the sense of being a rough representation of someone's belief about their own values). It should be no surprise that the responses consisted almost entirely of an attempt to debunk the notion that the Freedom Convoy was a gathering of white supremacists - that is, people who are believe in the superiority of a "white race" - and they did that by asserting that there was a significant representation of non-white persons attending the Freedom Convoy protests
+This is, of course, not something which, from the perspective of someone like Nili, going to carry weight
+They don't care what proportion of people have a particular skin colour. That is not the point they are trying to make.
+In fact, before I go any further, we need to really highlight something important here. Someone who is a true believer in the social justice practice of raising critical consciousness is in a cult and, as such, reaching and maintaining a certain degree of epistemic adequacy is not their top priority, except insofar of measure the epistemic adequacy of their pursuit of social justice praxis.                             
+That is to say, they aren't choosing their words based on formulating an accurate description of reality which stands analysis through traditional logic and reason but, instead, they are choosing what words can fit as an argument in a transactory process of inducing social change. This is not the same thing. Their performance has nothing to do with whether or not their statement can avoid being "debunked", but has everything to do with making sure particular words are uttered and put in people's minds.
+The chief way this is done is by dialectically sublating the meaning of concepts and words.                             
+So, again, their goal is to make the words fit in order to induce the following:
+- a reaction, by those who are ignorant about or unwilling to acknowledge the synthetic definitions of the words
+- normalization of particular language in relation to a target they're using to induce social change
+With this in mind, it should be clear that reacting to her statement in order to refute it on the basis of traditional definitions might be useful to suggest she fails to comprehend something, but that's really only relevant to a few people who are likely already in your camp.
+Those whom are far more productive to draw the attention of are those who agree with the cult, but only do so (or only began to) on the basis of the traditional definitions being used to interpret statements the cult makes. Once they've fallen through with the pattern of support, they become incrementally more entrenched as they are buried contextually through their s
+ocial commitment. 
+If you can bring some of these to understand the real meaning of the language being used, you can inspire them to realize what is actually being advocated for.     
+In this case, let's recap what the meaning of `anti-democractic white supremacy`. Whiteness means bourgeois property, and it is generally considered as being available to persons who ar
+e often white. Anti-democractic is anything which stands in the way of transforming society to one where an ideal conception of democracy is made possible - that is, one of perfect equi
+ty along whatever dimension is relevant (ultimately, perfect equity in an absolute sense). Another way of thinking of white supremacy is as the "ideology" which excuses the conditions u
+ch as they are, and prevents one from becoming critically conscious and wishing to tear things down.

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+# Freirean
+*What is it to be Freirean?*
+## The Critical Theorist Perspective
+__Henri Giroux's Introduction for `The Politics of Education`__:
+"Within the discourse of theologies of liberation, Freire fashions a powerful, theoretical antidote to the cyncism and despair of many left-radical critics. The Utopian character of his analysis is concrete in its nature nad appeal and takes, as its starting point, collective actors in their various historical settings, and the particularity of their problems and forms of oppression. It is utopian only in the sense that it refuses to surrender to the risks and dangers that face all challenges to dominant power structures. It is prophetic in that it  views the kingdom of God as something to be created on earth. But only through a faith in both other human beings and in the necessity of permanent struggle.
+The notion of faith that emerges in Freire's work is informed by the memory of the oppressed. The suffering that must not be allowed to continue. And the need to never forget that the prophetic vision is an ongoing process; a vital aspect of the very nature of human life. In short, by combining the discourses of critique and possibility, Freire joins history and theology in order to provide the theoretical basis for a radical pedagogy that combines hope, critical reflection and collective struggle.
+It is at this juncture that the work of Paulo Freire becomes crucial for a radical pedagogy. For in Freire we find the dialectician of contradictions and emancipation. In freire's work, a discourse is developing that bridges the relationship between agency in structure and discourse that situates human action and constraints forged in historical and contemporary practices while also pointing to the spaces, contradictions and forms of resistance that raise the possibility for social struggle."
+*Marxism, education and religion*
+## James' Commentary
+*To exhibit traits that trace back to or derive from or are similar to Paulo Freire's ideas about marxism, education and religion*
+Freirean refers to the work, ideas and impact of the Marxist Brazilian Paulo Freire, who claimed to have devised an innovative model of education that, in practice, retools education into a form of Neo-Marxist thought reform (aka Brainwashing). 
+The Freirean theory of education could also be called one of two things, which were the titles of his two most important books: A Pedagogy of the Oppressed, or A Pedagogy of Hope. 
+It is more important to call Freirean Pedagogy a Pedagogy of the oppressed than one of hope, because the hope referred to is specifically Critical Hope - which is a hope that MArxism will work this time, through sufficient consciousness and critique. As such, Freirean refers to the Marxist educational ideas which form the backbone for Critical Pedagogy as it emerged in the 1980s and 1990s, largel following the work of Freire's greatest evangelist, Henri Giroux.
+Of note, Freirean ideas have had tremendous currency in educational circles, with Freire being the third-most cited academic author of all time. In his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed occupying pride of place in every college of education in North America. 
+Before continuing to describe the Freirean pedagogy and, among others, of Freire's ideas, it is important to note that Paulo Freire wasn't merely a Marxist, or an education theorist, but was also a dedicated religionist. Freire was deeply steeped in liberation theology, which is Marxism posing as Catholicism. 
+It is in this context, the religious context, that Freire's is a pedagogy of hope, which would more accurately be described as a pedagogy of Faith that relentless critique through perpetually deepening critical consciousness can deliver the liberated Marxist Utopia (Hebrew 11:1 - Hope and Faith - critical for understanding what Freire did and why he was so influential).
+Faith is a particular kind of hope - this is the keystone that Freire dropped in so the bridge can stay up to provide a way to cross from a problem of reproduction on the Marxist side of the landscape to the woke nightmare that's allowed them to attempt another cultural revolution throughout the west, which is very advanced in the US. 
+Breaking down Freire's ideas has to take place on two levels: Broad and Specific. Freire's method is very specific and must be detailed as such, but it is only properly comprehensible as an application of the broad strokes of his religious Marxism. 
+Freire is a theologian - the great revivalist of the Marxist faith, which had been burning down since the 2nd half of the 20th century. Marcuse had lit a fuse into racial minorities, but the Soviet Union was collapsing and it looked like China was opening up and becoming more modern, even in its social relations (we were wrong). 

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+# Gender Queer Book:
+How it manages to introduce sexual concepts like bodily pleasure and engaging in sex acts with new partners
+## Sex as Love
+- Performed as an ideallic sexual ritual
+- de-eroticized: adults who don't want to mimic the real life situations they fantasize about, but choose to focus on the fantasy itself        
+  - remove the carnal element in the depiction
+  - sanitized, cerebral           
+  - sex presented as a means of learning other things
+## Provocation
+- for conservatives to demonstrate ignorance
+  - convincing to those who aren't very familiar with the material
+  - convincing to activists
+- the most gratuitous illustration in the book is also the least offensive
+  - women performing oral sex with a strap-on
+  - no real pleasure
+  - partner is uninterested, and vocalizes it     
+  - performer responds with care and understanding, again showing the situation as not sexual but as part of the ideallic ritual of becoming enlightened as embodied creatures

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+Men and women were doing physical labour around the farm or homestead.
+Lot sof farm labour that was generally lighter than what men were doing
+Industria revolution came and things became mechanized. Women began thinking "well if we're making money, where's that going to place us?"
+Feminism came out of class warfare and workers rights movements.
+French REvolution, American Revolution, talking about various forms of democracy, voting and suffrage. At this time, most men did not vote. 
+1800s - only 4 or 5% of men were enfranchised with the vote in 1800. All men voting was not a thing. 
+Most men in Europe and the United States were not voting until around the same time as women
+Women didn't even necessarily want to vote - they were politically conservative in many cases and weren't interested in changing this aspect of voting. Even progressives didn't necessarily want women to vote because they didn't think they'd vote for progressive ideas.
+More membership in anti-suffrage groups than pro-suffrage groups. Anti-suffragists wrote about this "if we just become another political entity, we'll lose our moral high ground"
+Things women are classically concerned with: education, safety.
+Anti-suffragists thought the vote would cause issues in families and marriages and asked "If women become fully enfranchised and we push women out into politics, who will be raising children at home? Will we have to pay people to raise children?"
+In her history of women's suffrage, Susan B Anthony says "if we left women suffrage up to women, it would have never happened" because women's lives were too good. They have a little mechanization around the home and it's making things easier for housewives. Women have some rights that men didn't have at this time, which they didn't want to lose, for example: If a wealthy woman came into a marriage in NY and married a poor man, the man was still legally responsible to take care of the wife. She had the right to his money, but he didn't have the right to hers. They also didn't want to be drafted or to do jury duty, or to be held legally responsible for debts instead of the men.

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+We have to understand what's been going on through the modern and postmodern eras. Even sparring with Christians about whether things are gnostic or not. There's a lto of difficulty, here. Woke, and Marxism (woke Being a derivative of Marxism) is a Gnostic phenomenon / Esoteric religion.
+If we look at new age theosophy behind the Fetser Institute and Social Emotional Learning and CASEL (Collaborative for Academic Social Emotional Learning). Fetser was an open theosophist and an open devotee of Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky, who were working in the same vein of esoteric religion.
+A lot of things happening in the west, arguably since the lead-up to the French revolution, at least, can be pinned on an explanation not being given: Gnosticism as an ancient esoteric religion, and elements of Hermeticism, have been a running under-current in these developments through history and when you try to understand these outside of their own terms, they become difficult to understand. There are some bizarre academic and philosophical resistances to looking at these concepts as if they are what they are: mystical, esoteric cult religion.
+This is very difficult material to communicate this because it's a very complicated subject. The meaning of the terminology is also something to struggle with because it may be important to understand the broader application of these definitions. Or the broader interpretation of them.
+Marxism transformed into Cultural Marxism, into Critical Marxism, into Identity Marxism, into Woke. A key piece of that, as it moves into the next step (Sustainability), is that the anti-corporate/anti-business/anti-bourgeois orientation of Marxism changed in the 1960s and 70s.
+The same thing seemed to happen in the Middle Ages (13th century Spain cult leader, or 15th/16th century - Marcelo Facino - commissioned with translating the Corpus Hermeticum into Latin - key religious text in the Hermetic esoteric religion). Between that and various strains of mysticism and gnosticism that were floating around in the middle ages led to a Middle Age New Age "boom". We don't call it New Age, of course, because though we could pit it on Blavatsky in 1875, or Jiddu Krishnamurti who was put up as afigure head of this sort of thing, Alice Bailey with the Lucius Trust and new Age Hippy stuff, we could blame Oprah Winfrey who mainlined a lot of it, we could blame "The Secret".
+We think of "New Age" as being a hippy 1960's but maybe even early 20th century goofball progressive fraudster phenomenon, but there was a new age movement in the Middle Ages, as well, where all these kinds of esoteric religions, particularly in the circles of rich and famous, blossomed and flowered. These religions are inherently synchrotistic.
+## Synchrotistic
+Cafeteria Christianity.
+- Take this and that and make up a new religion
+- Cobbled together religion
+Synchrotism is the idea that, if we were to take an understanding of the "idea" of what "spiritual but not religious" may have meant at the time, though it would have been something more like "mystical but not religious". They picked and chose from things that they needed. Jewish Kabbala with Christian elements, leading to a Christian Kabbala. They took Jewish mysticism and imbued it with their mystical ideas. If they needed the Christian Trinity, they would do it, like Hegel did, and you end up with a Dialectical Process-oriented Trinity where Father gives rise to Son, Son gives rise to Spirit, Spirit re-informs and invigorates the father. Rather than 3 pieces of the God Head that are co-eternal, you have a process-driven Trinity.
+Concepts of Christianity are hammered together. Or if you are of a capacity and interest, you might hammer things together and create a System dur wissenschaft - System of Science.
+But Why Science?
+## Why Science
+Plato called it that much time ago. He called his model Psientia. Science diverged and became productive when it diverged from its mystical-technocratic roots with Plato, and has come back around now with The Science which directly goes back to its mystical technocratic roots - the higher level conceptualization of how things should be - Plato called episteme and that Hegel called Vernunft (people translate as Reason) - contrary to Dianoia (technical knowledge) and Hegel's verstand.
+System der wissenschaft is just a Germanization of Plato's Scientia. 
+## Gnosticism's Meaning
+### Evolution
+It has a distinct presentation in the modern era that is different than what it was in the pre-modern era. It doesn't pretend to be mystical religion after Hegel. Up to Hegel, arguably with Rousseau, it's pretending to be mystical religion.
+After Rousseau and Hegel, it's not pretending to be a mystical religion anymore. Gnosticism takes on the clothing of whatever era in time or circumstance it is. That's why there are Christian gnostic cults that the Christians focus on, giving them a very narrow definition of Gnosticism. There was also Gnostic phenomenon of mysticism that was happening before that, maybe as far back as the 7th century BC - and that has its own mythology that sometimes borrow's from Genesis and flip it down, whereas other times it seems like it's on its own, with many components.
+### Gnosticism Characterizations
+We were talking about private schools and schooling and he expresses that he's not clear on what's going on with Gnosticism. I tried to track that conversation in this podcast, but I also try to apply an authoritative scholarly source - Science, Politics and Gnosticism by Eric Voegelin.
+Gnostic as a word, whether we could capitalize it as a proper noun, or not, matters somewhat because Gnostic refers to at least 4 distinct things simultaneously, making it very complicated to talk about it. This isn't a woke thing, where words are intentionally turned into the opposites.
+It's a weird, historical accident that people say will say that it means 3 things, but I think it actually means 4 things. It's complicated to talk about. I did an explanation and I said that so the word basically has been used historically to refer to 4 different concepts that are inter-related, but are not the same. In lower case usages for it too gnosis refers to relying on gnosis in order to understand the word. That's the simplest thing you can say about it.
+## Gnosis
+Gnosis is a special kind of knowledge.
+A gnostic is epistemologically grounded in gnosis.
+### Politics of Education
+Paulo Freire refers to it as "gnosciological attitude". Special sight upon the word. A gnostic disposition.
+## gnosis
+Lowercase and specific interpretation that is inline with our concerns here.
+- The World is a prison
+- Life is a prison that you've been thrown into
+- You can become enlightened to this fact
+- You can escape it (at least spiritually)
+- "gnostic" as a descriptive term (not as a proper noun) means you rely on a special kind of knowledge (revealed knowledge which conveys a higher, ultimate or hidden truth).
+- Spiritual in nature and necessary/important to man's salvation from his circumstances
+### Circumstances
+- Flung/thrown into conditions you did not choose
+- Heidegger explained being this way
+- You didn't ask to be born or to have this body
+- You aren't fully happy with this situation
+- Pessimistic and resentful disposition
+### Gnostic vs Hermetic
+The pessimistic disposition that you've been flung into a prison of existence that you must escape from.
+- Knowing you are in the prison is the first piece of secret/hidden knowledge
+#### Dictionary
+**Gnosis**: (American Heritage Dictionary of English)
+noun - Intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths. Esoteric form of knowledge sought by the Gnostics.
+Knowledge (of the highest kind - specifically, mystical knowledge)
+The deeper wisdom, knowledge of spiritual truths, as was claimed by the Gnostics.
+Merriam Webster: esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to
+*Not just knowing - it's different*
+**Gnosis**: (Wikipedia)
+The common Greek word for knowledge.
+Is a transcendental as well as mature understanding.
+It indicates direct, spiritual, experiential knowledge and intuitive knowledge. Mystic, rather than that from rational or reasoned thinking.
+*Gnostic means anything relying on Gnosis, but there's a narrower definition of gnostic which is important because it ties into what people typically mean as gnosticism.*
+### Incarcerated View
+This pessimistic, incarcerated view of existence and being. You're in a prison by existing at all - you didn't ask for it, and so you deserve to be set free. 
+There are also specific "Gnostic" definitions or groups, we have at least 2 meanings there.
+Gnostics may date as far back as the 7th century. May have been a rip-off of things from Genesis. It definitely drew off its synchrontistics - Babylonian and Egyption religions - spin-off sect appears to be the Hermetic religion - one which meets only some of the Gnostic descriptive terms.
+### Ancient Religion
+There was an ancient mystery religion called Gnosticism.
+- Creation myth
+- Spin off of Genesis (God is a demon - serpent whispering to Eve was speaking the truth, garden created to trap Adam and Eve and keep them subject to a higher spiritual being pretending to be God - the Demiurge)
+- Demiurgos: Artisan/Builder
+- The Gnostic wishes to be the builder of existence
+- This is a more formal version of Gnosticism
+### Modern Religion
+A parasitic mindset which attaches to other things: Christianity, Judaism.
+Believes it has a secret higher truth, partly where we are trapped in a miserable world, and where the creation myth of that religion is presented as a lie that was told to you (by the powers that be - even a Divine or Falsely-Divine Power).
+- Lie obscuring deeper knowledge from you
+- You are ultimately a spiritual being who can be set free of bondage
+- Must first "gnow" this ;)
+#### Latches onto religions
+You have your beliefs, but we know them even better.
+We know that you know many things, but that it's all a conspiracy to keep you trapped in your circumstances.
+- Takes what is in front of it
+- Knows secret meaning (Reads Genesis and understands that the serpent is the one telling truth)
+- Steals your story
+### Last Meaning
+Fourth meaning: This happened in Christianity in a number of ways as a huge rash in the 1st and 2nd centuries. Many Christian gnostic cults spun off.
+Valentinian cult - Put down by Irineus
+Sethian Cult
+Menecchian Cult: Good and evil are in constant interchange. Good can be done by Evil through some special mechanisms
+Knowing all these kinds of Gnostic cults is not the point. You will miss the boat of why it's relevant to our lives today. Christians often refer exclusively to this last variation. Some people pin origin, the early heretical church father, as being that sort of Gnostic. They expect strict mythological elements associated with these particular cults.
+### More Important
+Understand Gnosticism as a Disposition (2nd descriptive definition given above) to understand what's going on in the world today.
+Also important to understand that gnostic in its broadest definition (relying on Gnosis) is critical because the word still applies. Hermeticism as an ancient mystery religion and Gnosticism as an ancient esoteric mystery religion are completely incompatible. They are different and distinct with different creation myths, different orientation towards reality, different orientation toward what it means to be alive. Hermeticism is optimistic while Gnosticism is pessimistic. They are not the same thing and shouldn't be conflated.
+Due to synchronistic New Age movement in the middle ages culminating and getting codified by Hegel, they were dialectically synthesized for the Modern and Postmodern eras. It doesn't matter. The truth is that Hermeticism as a separate tradition relies on Gnosis (Secret hidden revealed knowledge), but it doesn't possess the disposition that the Universe and life is a prison.
+Becomes more complicated because the Hermetic view thinks that the Divine aspect of Man (the Spirit/Soul) has been trapped inside of a mundane world, but doesn't see it as incarcerated there => it's an opportunity and Religious Duty to transform the Mundane into the Divine. Alchemical goal of turning the mundane into the Divine (lead to gold) by setting free the divine seeds/spark. 
+The Death (worldly/fallen) thing mitigated through claiming Eternal Life with an Elixir derived from the Alchemy. The Elixir transforms that which is mundane and should die into something that is Divine and does not die.
+In Hermeticism, the Gnosis is that we are a spirit trapped into a mundane, earthly world, but the project is to transform and set it free. Transform our world (Agenda 2030). That's a religious duty in hermetcisim - you don't have that gnosticism at all. As a Gnostic, the duty is to know and deny the world and the body to become increasingly ascetic. Withdraw from the world.
+The body is incarcerated and the goal is to know and spiritually advance through your knowledge, renounce the world, renounce being and existence and then, usually upon death, to Spiritually advance and escape the prison.
+We could go into Buddhism and the cycle of suffering and enlightenment and the beautiful boded savas who achieved this and decided to re-enter the wheel of suffering, etc. When I read Sam Harris' `Waking Up` I told him he should kill the Buddah.
+### Dealing with it
+There's complicated terminology, but there are two fundamental things that you need to know about Gnosticism that we can build off of:
+1. Gnosis is a special secret/revealed/sacred knowledge.
+2. A fundamental and carceral disposition

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+hegel died 5 years before Marx arrived in Berlin
+When reading Hegel, Marx wasn't initially impressed
+Marx began to read Law, he found it theoretical and abstract. This caused him to want to study philosophy, which lead him back to Hegel.
+Reluctantly, he turned to the philosophy of Hegel, and understood this as a means of bridging the gap between theory and practice. How does it work vs how it should work. Hegel had an interest of this.
+Joined the Doctor's Club of Young Hegelian Philosophers, and decided to change his degree. Wrote his dissertation on the difference between: Democritian and Epucirean philosophy. Atomism: how the world is made up of what we recognize as atoms. Material, as opposed to Ideas. 
+Realized we have to understand how things come into being materially - explored that with his doctoral work.
+First page of his paper:
+"Philosophy will continually shout at her opponents: the cry of Epicurus. Impiety does not consist in destroying the Gods of the crowd, but rather in ascribing to the Gods, the ideas of the crowd."
+Criticism of religion. 
+From Hegel, the chief idea that influenced Marx was the notion that history was the total negation / changing / undoing / movement from one state to another.
+Through the Exercise of Freedom and Rational Thinking.
+The world we live in is not in a permanent state - evolving / developing / changing. Existence is historical - this excited Marx about Hegel. Reality is a historical process, and this process develops and changes according to what can be called Dialectical Movement. Something comes into being but it challenges something, these come into tension and contradiction and that generates changes that are ongoing. 
+Action and Reaction - movement within history as human beings interact with each other and their environment.
+Hegel thinks this movement is happening in a certain direction - world is becoming more rational.
+Marx wasn't talking about that, but he thought this movement has the potential to move ever so much towards a more free society. History can become freer and freer for human ebings to be abl eto influence the world they live in.
+Until this is established, our experience of teh world will be full of contradictions and alienation. 
+Until we progress, either in Hegel's case to fully rational existence, or in Marx's case a fully free existence, we'll have      

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+In all subsets of Hegelian theology, the state is the actualization of the ideal at the current stage of history. This is why all these collectivists worship the state as a pseudo-jesus, with faith that their subjective conceptions will be brought into the world iteratively,
+Of course, collectivism imposes a belief that one's own subjectivity is present in the minds of others, and causes one to suspect a lack of humanity when contradictions arise. This leads to the greatest form of hate, which rejects the perceptual frame of each being.
+Ultimately, there is no collective being, and what one is practicing is selfish navel-gazing with the comfort that the superstructure will wield the force necessary to impose it on non-believers.
+It is a religion.

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+# How Did We Get There?
+"How did we get here" can be answered in so many different ways.. and we're obviously, whether out of sheer interest, or compulsion at the behest of a perceived culture war, or whatever reason, ardently pursuing studies and activities that shed light on that.
+Do you remember being a child and repeating things that you know not to be true, but enforcing a false intuition that it actually may be true, whether through repetition, imagination or, most especially, events like having others bear witness to our saying it and, even better, hearing them repeat it?
+Now there seems to be an epidemic of people saying things that can't possibly be true, and no one being able to tell them otherwise.
+The manipulation of language through taking on the habit of seeking to commiserate with peers (by those susceptible to modern evolutions of pesky ideologies) was something tolerated by those who wanted to keep peace.
+That activity could habituate postmodern thinking and, in turn, indebt the mind to expect that the untrue will be made true in time as social construction adapts to what is right.
+Now some of those minds are so indebted that when they see a form of harm take place, it is so unremarkably indistinct compared to everything else that has yet prevented the untrue from becoming true.
+The indebtedness is destroying them

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+# Immune Escape
+The immune response being focused now, due to the vaccine breakthrough infection, will now focus on other domains of the spike protein.
+Some of these domains are more conserved (people who had breakthrough infections were doing fantastic because they got broadly neutralizing antibodies which declined rapidly but their broadly neutralizing antibodies had been directed against the more conserved domains of spike protein).
+`Conserved domain - very important, evolutionarily speaking - Virus wouldn't benefit from differentiation such as to allow the immune system to recognize its domains. The more it is conserved (less immunogenic), and the more closely it resembles peptides of our own cells (immune refocusing refocuses the immune system to make it concentrate on domains of spike protein that resemble our self components.)
+The more the domain is conserved, and the lower the immunogenicity.
+We start to induce immune responses that can recognize self-components in our cels.
+`So if you create an antibody 

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+# In-Group Intolerance
+There seems to be a contradiction wherein those who align by the same moniker under a collectivist ideology appear to be less tolerant of one another's contradictions than those who do not belong to the same
+This is because it becomes more crucial within that those contradictions mean that the driving force and particular goals of that collectivist ideology have now been usurped or altered by the antithesis. This is always a good thing for the overall process, but it means that its current configuration is untenable and the resulting transformation always has the capacity to destroy.
+# The Trans-Man is the new Aryan
+# There are better ways to make progress
+You can't just enforce the conditions. It goes against human nature, nature, the universe. You have to allow things to blossom and then you get those optimizations. You don't just force them because then it just becomes more costly in every regard. En masse, by aggregate, per unit resource; everything just becomes more expensive.
+# Left-Right Paradox
+There's a paradox of Leftism in the sense that it doesn't have a specific endpoint but it has a process of redefining terms so that it can gain power to specify how things move towards a potential endpoint.
+When it does this, the previous definition for the previous term becomes the new Right, and everything has to move towards the new definition or it is Right.
+However, that desire to achieve control and eventually have everything consolidated within the specification of the subject who's conceiving of this new definition and using it to advance towards the endpoint of that subject. That desire - that fate - is far right.
+# Sustainability
+Sustainability means that you expect resources are going to become more scarce, and that it'll become more difficult for you to maintain your level of power, set of capabilities, your schedule of activities, engagement with your interests - whatever it is that you want from your life that you're not going to be able to pursue to achieve.
+The best thing to do is to consolidate power in the world in such a way that preserves your ability to do that.
+You call this sustainability and you say that for those who think like you and deserve to benefit from it (the smart ones), it's perfect because the resources will not be wasted and you'll be able to continue with the existence of humanity and whatever that might entail.
+But for everyone else who doesn't think like you - they're just not fully human are they!
+# Kernels of Truth
+There are, of course, kernels of truth to all these stories of oppression where we look to financial incentives and corruption for greed of power. The difference is that everyone stops following the chain of logic when they find a spot where it suits their needs.
+# Demand
+They demand that there is a form and a structure with which to proceed - a set of instructions and a ruleset and an understanding that the degree t o which 

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+It was always about long term implications. Certainly, it could be that the jab works to prevent some severe disease, but then one would be choosing it to save themselves. 
+Long term effects be damned, as well as any consideration as to how one's immune system is primed to behave differently, long term fertility, cancer risk, neurological effects, changes to current or future cross-reactive immunity, and so on.
+These cannot be known, and any could take precedence over the benefit one might have in terms of mitigating severe disease from the target pathogen
+So is it all just for profit, then? How does all this come to pass? Is it an explicit theft?
+Depends on what you mean.
+Obviously, none of these undertakings are even viable if they cannot yield a profit, or the production capacity wouldn't exist. These types of mechanisms are all set up as part fo emergency preparedness planning, which is achieved through intergovernmental agencies at the global scale. THat these agreements constitute a form of evidence supporting profit motive is akin to calling it a conspirac. These are all things that can be organized in plain sight, therefore there are plenty of common sense reasons for accepting them.
+We have already heard key politicians declare that COVID is a unique opportunity to initiate and advance operations otherwise unfeasible, unviable or less interesting. We should stop our habit of failing to criticize demands and proposals under general fear of labeled conspiracy theorist [CT] because we can see that there needn't be a conspiracy when those who stand to benefit garnish their bias with hybris as they gloat in open sight without the most minimal semblance of self awareness necessary to acknowledge that risks associated with gamefying situational response (in all its terms -> disaster relief, emergency prepraedness, sustainable development).
+So, this brings us to the next question: Why are we so uncritical?
+Who are we talking about? Some questions:
+1. Do you support it?
+2. Consequences of public visibility on the matter
+3. Means by whihc one is affected
+4. Aggregate effect toward overall bias
+- In theory we could encode an algorithm to evaluate bias and capability towards forming opinions on matters, and one might say that is what this totalitarian transformation is promising, and that that is actually a very good thing because we can finally be granted a procedure for living our lives that is fair and ethical, but that is so obviously doomed to failure - perhaps best described as a position of faith:
+  - They have faith that whoever produces the algorithm is objective
+  - Faith that an algorithm can be written
+  - Faith that that the algorithm written isn't one of several, any of which might be better, or they are all the same (functionally), or otherwise?
+  - Faith that there is only one algorithm possible
+  - Faith that writing an aglorithm targeted
+  - Faith that to produce an intended outcome targetting himself
+  - w

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+# Lukacs
+*History and Class Consciousness*
+"Capitalist society is based on "a natural law that is founded on the unconsciousness of those involved in it"".
+`You are choosing to not be conscious. You are forcing everyone to adhere to an ideology so blindly that you are no longer conscious of the world around you nor the reality of how the world is affected by people.`
+"Man appears as the product of his social milieu, whereas, on the other hand, "the social milieu is produced by 'public opinion', i.e. by man".
+# Mystical Economics
+Marx is often described as both a philosopher and an economist, but his brand of economics has really nothing to do with economics as we understand it and is much better described as mysticism built on Hegel's metaphysic.
+Gyorg Lukacs, a prolific Cultural Marxist whose major contribution to Marxism has been developing the concept of Class Consciousness, advocates for Marx's views by elaborating on them and attempting to bring about a more modern understanding, as he thought it was necessary for many followers of Marx to better grasp what he felt were the legitimate mechanisms necessary to affect class struggle and history.
+In particular, he critiques the concept of Objectivity as a post-Kantian notion as the budding realms of modern science and economics had come to assert the validity of their means on the basis of applying analyses towards an objective understanding of the world.
+There was a split in the understanding of history, as historicism was the concept of seeing affairs within the context of an evolving historical process; that is to say, that the state of the world is contextually related to the moments preceding it, and that understanding the history which led to our current circumstances can reveal a better understanding of the world. Wiki describes it as `explaining phenomena by studying their history`.
+For humans of today, there's nothing controversial about this, though we might take for granted the fact that, at some point in the evolution of society and analytical capacity, we moved from seeing phenomena reactively in an almost animalistic sense to being about to communicate and contemplate them with formalized concepts such as historical context.
+What happened, however, is that as science itself was evolving from naturalism towards a set of areas of inquiry relying on scientific method, the habit of declaring something scientific by virtue of the fact that one was aiming to find a deeper understanding was widespread, and the effects of this are felt throughout society today, particularly in the humanities, social "science", and so forth.
+## History and Class Consciousness
+Lukacs' "Magnum Opus" delves into the problem of class exploitation extending from bourgeois thinking and capitalism, the manner in which Marx created the means of addressing this, and reasons why those tools haven't been properly understood by the Marxists of his day.
+He comments on how the bourgeois' starting point for all activity is not simply an "apologia for the existing order of things", but that it remains this apologia especially so when attempting to be "objective". In fact, the very effort of aiming to be "objective" is itself the mystification:
+`...bourgeois must come up against an insuperable obstacle` which is the fact that regardless of its claim that it understands history, the very desire to adhere to objective standards of measure for its affairs in the present is akin to declaring that history has itself ended, as the means of measure themselves are affected by the historical process, and that process itself is incomplete. He says this as though it's self-evident, but only because of his presumption that the purpose of history is insofar that it has a purpose for Man:
+"...the entire history of the world is nothing but the creation of Man through human labour" - Marx
+Therefore the empirical disposition of the bourgeois is akin to stating "there has been history, but there is no longer any". Furthermore, that this constitutes an "intractable problem" for the bourgeois: "either it is forced to abolish the process of history and regard the institutions of the present as eternal laws of nature... Or else, everything meaningful or purposive is banished from history".
+That's a pretty insane false dichotomy, but it's only possible because of the mystical view of history exists only as a process for Man rather than as being an observable consequence of the existence of a time dimension in spacetime.
+## Consequences of Formalism
+The bourgeois' practicing empirically formulated methods in the face of their false consciousness causes society to fail to understand the development society as per its relations between men, or to understand that these relations are a product in the same sense as "linen, flax, etc". Furthermore, history becomes something incomprehensible because it itself becomes an irrational rule of blind forces.
+Marx supposedly solves this by revealing that man, enslaved by forces of production, becomes an object in history rather than the subject. He does this by critiquing what he calls the reification which takes place in bourgeois society. Reification, to make a thing, and in this case it refers to that which is believed to be objectively or empirically deducible from the actions taking place in a market economy, where the value of a commodity is evaluated and expressed through its exchange.
+## Reified Mystification
+This reification is the generating of anything which a capitalist society can measure about itself in order to proclaim it having analyzed a phenomenon objectively; that is to say, for the Marxist, the act of empirically assessing something is actually a mystification, because it is based on a world where the values of things are as exchange values, rather than the true value that they have as part of the history of Man, leading all the way until Man can finally become free.
+For a Marxist, objectivity is based on the subject seeing the whole. The concretization of something is based only on seeing it within the context of the entirety of human existence, rather than understanding it in terms of how it is and what it means in the present, and that the reason this is the case is because humans aren't yet liberated. Another way of saying this, however, would be to speak of something in terms of its social relations. For a Marxist, these mean the same thing.
+## Objectifying the Subject
+Efforts to make an objective assessment of something only causes the subject to be objectified. That is, the conditions surrounding that thing, the language by which it is spoken about, and the transactions which are conducted about and around the subject or that which it perceives and the manner in which this causes the subject to exist as an object for the reified structures and implements which, ultimately, serve only those who most benefit from them through Hegemonic influence.
+# Negation Religion
+With any modern gnostic domain of thought, man's ontology is expressed through a process of negation. Man's purpose is to become man in himself by overcoming the environment that has thus far prevented it from being able to happen. Even defining the identity of man's liberator requires a process of definition.
+"When the proletariat proclaims the dissolution of the previous world-order it does no more than reveal the secret of its own existence, for it represents the effective dissolution of that world-order."
+The proletariat's very state of being is the existing order's negation process. The process of negating the existing order is an activity which can be said to be the proletariat's becoming. Put another way, the determination of the proletariat's being is the negation of the world, and if that process of negating the world were itself negated, so too would that determination of a proletariat be negated and, consequently, the proletariat class in full.
+"The proletariat makes its appearance as the product of the capitalist social order. The forms in which it exists are ... the repositories of reification in its acutest and direst form adn they issue in the most extreme dehumanization."
+"The proletariat shares with the bourgeoisie the reification of every aspect of its life."
+The reifications consequent to a capitalist society are those things which cause society to function in such a way that a class of persons are advantaged. Those things which mystify the masses into a permutation whereby the bourgeoisie are able to dominate the poor classes (that is, the division of labour which allows the bourgeoisie to dictate what work is undertaken and how it is performed).
+"The property-owning class and the class of the proletariat represent the same human self-alienation. But the former feels at home in this self-alienation and feels itself confirmed by it; it recognizes alienation as its own instrument and in it it possesses the semblance of a human existence. The latter feels itself destroyed by this alienation and sees in it its own impotence and the reality of an inhuman existence."

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+Certain things about the intersection of classical mechanics and electricity and magnetism require relatively theory to make sense of them. When we get to General Relativity Theory, it's something which makes GPS able to work - the influence of Gravity on the speed of time - important to be important to understand the precession and the parahelium of Mercury - to understand how gravity works to the point where it can bend light. There was a famous solar eclipse where we should have been able to see a star that should have been behind the disk of the sun, and the only explanation was gravitational lensing that Einstein had predicted - giving his relativity theories more confirmation.
+But this isn't the same thing as adding Critical Theory into anything. It's saying that there is some important physical truth that hasn't been discerned which reframes that rest of what we're doing in the sciences. It doesn't destroy other sciences - Newtonian physics isn't wrong, it's a very good approximation that assumes something incorrect. That's a very differentt hing. But you can't, from within Newtonian physics, understand what the approximation is. You have to step outside of it and have a paradigm shift.
+This is how they basically suggest that you have to bring political agendas into the sciences. Since the 70's and it's been criticized repeatedly, but they do it because they don't care that they're wrong. They just don't care that they're wrong nad they keep invoking it.
+Humanities people, misusing a topic, stepping into completely different subjects and suggesting that the real experts.
+You have to understand what' shappening here.
+"Border-breaking events are traditionally considered as achievements to be appreciated rather than goals to be pursued. In order for researchers and professors in different disciplines to think and work together, they should strive to reach a deeper and broader understanding of the problem they're supposed to address together that could possibly be achieved on the basis of their respective disciplines separately or even joined (transcending - doing NOT your discipline), training and practices. There are challenges that relate to the relationship between how scientist or scholars are trained (can they do math?) and how they work. on the one hand, how a scientist enjoys scientific activities depends very much on how they were trained preparing theri scientific career. On the other hand, how future scientists are trained depends on how their teachers, as mature scientists, conduct the research in teaching."
+You're going to have to teach to make sure that the activists stays happy. The excuse is always that the physics department is being taught wrong and it teaches women out of physics. You have to feministize your department in order to make it more accessible to women (female activists).
+The social environment is bad for X groups of people, who are going to predominantly be activists in the aca demic sectors, and they use that as a lever to get activists placed in these positions. (people who are not necessarily good at their disciplines).

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+It's all a manipulative suggestion to control language and equivocate between their multiple, dialectically-derived meanings.
+That's how they mercilessly invoke the power of language and claim plausible deniability and innocence.
+They get to choose the language which evokes memories and ideas and around which the meaning of ones existence has been cultivated and then, in their rapacious desire to nullify and obliterate the other.
+They assert the limits of expression of the other, at the very foundation of being itself.
+They insist that level of ruthless incarceration of the other, fueling their intuition that existence will be made palatable once the world has been sanitized of the other.
+Join their cult.

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+An hommage to Marx and an expression of his own view. The Gramsci Marxist, Saul Alinsky, keeps MArx's vision current for today's left.
+"Lest we forget, at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical. From all our legends, mythology and history. And who's to know where mythology leaves off and history begins, or which is which. The first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom. Lucifer."
+- Saul Alinsky, 1971
+"If there is an afterlife and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly chooes to go to hell. Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I've been with the have-nots. Over here, if you're a have-not, you're short of dough. If you're one in hell, you're short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I'll start organizing the have-nots over there. They're my kind of people".
+- Saul Alinsky, 1972
+"From Marx to Alinsky, the world-view expressed here are is one of people who would rather be rulers in hell than subjects in heaven."
+# Circular Helix
+*In the interfaith.*
+Function follows form, especially in the platonic arrangements. A typological form emerges from the Hegelian                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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+All the countries where you can get data where I've looked for a signal that could be assigned and that would be comparable in magnitude to the various theoretical estimates of deaths - what I see is nothing. There is no signal. There is no measurable excess mortality that can be associated with those pandemics anywhere in the world.
+## Covid19
+Requires a little more explanation. There is significant excess mortality in the covid period. As explaiend in testimony that it can be proven that it is not due to a viral respiratory disease, and why, instead, it is due to the measures and then later to the vaccines. Significant excess mortality in the COVID period with a detailed time and spatial dependence and so on. 
+## Past Pandemics
+Do not give a signal of excess mortality. 
+### Spanish Flu
+- Posited as example of pandemic causing lots of excess mortality
+- peaks of mortality in certain places where lots of deaths were occurring
+- 4-5 independent studies from preserved lung tissue that everyone died of bacterial pneumonia.
+- All-cause mortality of that period shows no one over 50years was dying.
+- Can be explained in terms of society at the time:
+  - Post-war
+  - Horrendeous living conditions
+  - Familes whose parents were out of the work
+- Younger people and young adults were dying
+- Elderly/established people were not affected by these pandemics.
+## What Causes Death?
+The excess mortality refused to cross national borders or state lines. The poor and disabled were targeted (strong associations) and wouldn't cross borders.
+It never killed until governments imposed these harsh socioeconomic and care structure transformations.
+Vicious new treatments were applied in hospitals at the beginning of the declared pandemic and that caused death in hot spots, but nowhere else, and that death did not spread.
+This was followed by very severe coercive measures that ewre squarely contrary to everything recommended for individual death. 
+Those were all the things that ultimately caused death.
+## Canada
+We examine what death looks like in Canada as a function of time and place so you can appreciate that it depends very much on their jurisdiction. What was happening to whom is what determines death,a nd it can be dramatically different from one province or region to the next.
+In the second part we will critique articles (review articles which try to ascertain what we should have learned frmo the pandemic).
+### Large-Scope ACM (All-cause Mortality)
+All-cause mortality in Canada did not vary in the COVID period. There is a flatline with the usual seasonal dependence with no big step. Theresa Tam an co-workers claim that, had they not applied measurements and vaccines, there would have been 1-million extra deaths. Completely absurd and impossible because what they're sayinf is that the complex measures that they applied would have brought us down to basically what is exactly the same level as if nothing was happening. Important to understand that in Canada in the
+`In New Brunswick, and we can see it, there's no change in excess mortality at all when we're most vulnerable - when we don't have any protection from a vaccine, all cause mortality doesn't change. It almost looks like it decreased.`
+Well, this rise illustrated in this figure which happens late in the period being illustrated coincides precisely with the vaccine rollout.
+Nothing happened, in terms of mortality in New Brunswick, no pandemic in terms of mortality. 
+And this phenomenon being talked about is affecting the elderly people in New Brunswick. Not a young person phenomenon. And we show in our research that the vaccines kill exponentially with age of the person. Here you can see NB in a blowup in time but showing alos the vaccine rollout.
+You can see from the vertical dashline at the time fo the announcement of the pandemic on the 11th of March 2020, and nothing happens, then you can see how the vaccines are rolled out and that's when you enter that high regime of mortality.
+An increase in slope in the cumulative vaccine dose means high rate of delivery of the dose, and that corresponds to 1 or two peaks there when analyzed in more detail. That happens in New Brunswick, and the same thing happens in Nova Scotia.
+The announcement of a pandemic, nothing happens, a rollout of vaccines, and you enter a regime of mortality where the mortality is much higher and you have peaks that coincide with the rapid-rollout parts of different doses of the vaccine.
+Very compelling evidence in terms of synchronicity and strongly suggests a relation of cause and effect between rolling out the vaccines and excess death of elderly people in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

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+NZ reported its first death resulted to the COVID vaccine
+Report follows review by an independent panel monitoring safety
+Panel attributed the death to myocarditis
+Pfizer recognized there could be rare reports of myocarditis
+Use of the word rare and mild
+massive influx of messages from people with heart problems
+Ministrty of health on risks of myocarditis: increased risk for inflammation of the heart and this has appeared and the risk of this is really skewed towards young males aged 10 - 30 and the risk of that happening is about 70 per million in the highest risk group
+A few children have died of myocarditis
+the fda knows this when the FDA and CDC reviewed this in June they had 200 cases - and they disingenuously said it is rare (never say that in safety work, because you don't check people for it) and the second thing they said was that it was mild (90% of kids in the review were hospitalized - what does it take to hospitalize a 17 year old kid? no it's not mild)
+Confusion in the data
+274 hospital discharges for myocarditis in the year ending March 2020 - pre-pandemic
+the next year, which was pre-vaccine, there were 343
+Next year, corresponding to the vaccine rollout, we had 783 reported by medsafe
+Clearly, it increased, but is that figure real?
+Official information requests actually show that there were actually 1,540 hospital discharges in 2021 for Myocarditis - twice the rate reported by Medsafe
+It should have raised alarm bells, but it didn't. You can find a sequence of numbers to show what was going on. July 2021 they said that the estimated rate for myocarditis was 1 per million vaccine doses. In December 2021, Ashley Bloomfield wrote to heads of district health boards claiming the rate was 30 per million.
+The reported rate was somewhere between 75 and 150 per million, and probably higher.
+Bangkok Paper Pfizer vaccine 13 - 18
+Large fraction, nearly half, were asymptomatic of myocarditis. A substantial number of young people are sustaining heart damage without knowing it. First manifestation of herat damage can be cardiac arrest, development of heart failure later on. No long-term assurances on safety.
+If you look at some communications, some people were claiming taht the myocarditis that was rare and that you were at more risk if you actually have COVID than if you have the vaccine.
+These statements were wrong. Good study in Israel: incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in post COVID-19 unvaccinated patients.
+"We did not observe an increased incidence of myocarditis or pericarditis in adult patients who recovered from COVID-19"
+Totality of evidence that, compared to other viruses, it's particularly more prevalent.
+Myocarditis on the in-patien studies is a problem because it's not adjudicated. A blood test is done on all hospitalized patients for troponin - an abundant protein in the human heart, and it's a reliable indicator for heart damage, but troponin being elevated in COVID-19 respiratory illness doesn't establish a diagnosis because it's elevated in bacterial sepsis and other ICU conditions. The literature that say COVID-19 causes more myocarditis than the vaccine - those  papers are not valid because they're not adjudicated cases of hospitalized patients developing myocarditis.
+In community out-patients - the big 10 had a screening program - Daniels and colleagues published in JAMA looked for myocarditis in thousands of athletes - 30% of them had had COVID - a handful of cases that would have met a definition and there were no hospitalizations or deaths.
+Another paper by Joy and colleagues - prospective cohorts - detailed screening of patients who had COVID - no evidence of heart injury.
+With a respiratory illness, as it all settles out, there is a risk for traditional cardiovascular events because of the big inflammatory insult that the body gets with COVID respiratory illness, but there is a small negligible risk of myocarditis with COVID the respiratory infection probably because the body doesn't get this massive exposure to the spike protein as it does with the vaccines.
+The cardiovascular event rate in people with severe COVID, and the ancestral strain, does seem to, through an inflammatory mechanism, increased cardiovascular events but this is something we've known in cardiology with all sorts of infections - if you have a predisposition for cardiovascular disease and you have an infection of pneumonia, it will exacerbate the risk of these issues. It's not that new and the point that has been made more recently is a suggestion that mild COVID might be causing sudden cardiac deaths, and the evidence is just not there.

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+# Name the Dynamic
+*Against Woke Marxism, Corporatism, Communism, Corporatist Communism?*
+*If you're against this monstrosity largely championed from the left, you need to understand:* 
+- They think and operate tactically
+- that their tactics follow an operational program called the Dialectic
+- that they set these things called dialectical traps for you
+Virtually every statement is a provocation to engage in a dialectical attack. Bait. Bait into a dialectical trap
+## Dialectical Trap
+A rhetorical device to get you to argue so that you'll argue on behalf of something that they're framing. This is:
+- To make you look like an idiot
+- Scaring another base that works against you
+You argue about the content while they have an operation based on the fact that an argument will emerge. They wish to achieve something based off of the reaction and argument cycle that comes out of the provocation. If you don't react, they can't move.
+If you make a magnetic field go around a wire, a current will run perpendicularly along the wire. They need the argument to spin because it changes the understanding of terms and concepts over time.
+This is also referred to as Political Catnip.
+## Porn Scammers
+You've gone on an Instagram and stolen pictures. You send these pictures to people baiting them into sending you something back. They feel like they need to reciprocate, but the only thing you sent to them was something stolen.
+Leftists are not invested in the arguments they're putting out in order to provoke you. It's not a lack of facts for people setting dialectical traps. They're doing so to cause the argument, to bait you in, etc.
+Everytime you see a provocative statement about something big and relevant politically from a left-wing agitator - if you see a provocative statement scenario, you need to have the slack to be able to
+What argument is it trying to trick me into having
+how can they use that argument to advance an agenda
+If you don't get strategic about this they're going to get you over and over again. Right wing people step into virtually every trap that's set for them. Arguing about the grounds for self-defense, the true history of the 2nd amendment, etc. The activists/cmmunists don't care. They only care that you're going to argue, knowing that eventually a body of argument is going to be built that they can use to hang you with. 
+The more you argue with the content, the more vigorously, the more likely they are to do that. They get you to argue something that sounds horrible - argue in defense of your right to massacre people in defense of the 2nd amendment like an idiot. Now all people who support the 2nd amendment are only interested in massacring people.
+Or you say perfectly sane things and some other person logs in who migh tbe a crazy person, sock puppet, bot, or an activist on a burner, and they'll say some extreme thing for you to get lumped into. Especially if you do something idiotic, like liking their stupid comment.
+They use that to whip up their base - keeping you busy, wasting your time arguing about something and using the most extreme respones to whip up their base and validate their positions and actions. Vote people into power and demand from those in power to take away people's right to self defense, right to freedom of speech, etc.
+## Defang the Snake
+`What you really have to do is you have to NAME THE DYNAMIC`
+When being manipulated: dialectical attack, DARVO, cry-bullying, wound-collecting. Whenever in a conversation/dialog with someone that's going off the rails - Stop, Back up, Name the dynamic.
+Say what's happening. You can't manipulate me. This is your manipulation and this is how it works.
+Robert Reich wants me to argue about what the correct necessary legal or philosophical limits to the 2nd amendment are so they can generate responses used to motivate people to take away the right to self-defense. This is what you're doing and this is how it's manipulative and we're rejecting it. We're not doing it.
+If you are up to scratch to doing this, you need to do it everytime. There are only a few things to do for deaing with woke agitations:
+- Shine light on it
+- Show cracks and conradictions
+Rather than arguing in a satisfying way and chewing it out, wasting your day instead of doing something productive (touching grass, even), they steal that from you and keep you busy slightly sharpening your arguments. They'll create the argument to scare their base to advance their power agenda. You are in the wizard's circle and you are lost as long as you are arguing the substance of their issue.
+## Spiral
+Magnets in a circle, horizontally spun around a wire
+The wire runs vertically
+The direction of political movement is along the wire. Their goal is to get you to spin the magnets which creates the reflexive argument which makes it seem like a big deal in order to generate political energy.
+What you need to do is to get up above the goal and cut the wire. Get on top of it and block it from going up. They want it to look contested and you're giving it to them. You need to state: this is where things are going and I reject it.
+What are they sucking you into? Why are they trying to suck you into it? Which right or value is being targeted for destruction?

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+# Nietzsche
+"Alas, my brothers, that God whom I created was human work and human madness, like all gods'".
+"Let will to truth mean this to you: that everything be changed into the humanly conceivable, the humanly visible, the humanly sensible."
+"What you called 'the world' shall be created only by you: it shall be your reason, your image, your will, your love."
+"Neither into the incomprehensible could you have been born, nor into the irrational."
+"If there were gods, how could I endure not being a god! Therefore, there are no gods."
+# Hegel
+"The mention of a totally abstract universal is sufficient to counter the equally abstract pronouncement that restriction cannot be transcended, or, again, the mention of the infinite in general is sufficient to counter the pronouncement that the finite cannot be transcended."
+Though it seems different, this is very much like the manoeuver used by Marx to evade questioning about the ontology of man that he insists upon.
+Hegel claims that to believe in a transcendental God means to believe in an entity which is so absolute that there cannot be anything external to it; in accepting this proclamation, one must also accept that one is themselves the substance of the divine.
+Marx, similarly, makes the claim that Man is the creator of Man and Nature, that these things are inseparable, and that the question of the Ionian regress is inadmissible. 
+He preempts the possibility of his being questioned by claiming that one cannot question the origin of Man from nature, nor of the conditions for the first man, because one one cannot abstract themselves apart from nature without supposing their own non-existence.

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+# Non-Maga Republicans
+What is a MAGA republican? It was the party slogan for severla yeras and continues to be terminology used by actual politicians ho are in office. It even includes celebrities and, if we are to lose the distinction of Republican, it even includes all sorts of normal citizens all accross the world. That they are to denounce your political opponent as not just demand for courtesy and respect. Nor is it even a demand to acknowledge a crime or some particular wrongdoing. Be clear about what it is being demanded, as we all know about what standards must be met before the villification ends: admit that you are always wrong, agree to our chosen framing of all events in question and then acknowledge any of our strategic manipulation as something which was necessary to instill the appropriate sensibilities in humankind.

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+It might be more apt to think about it as #COVIDISM and to see it as a subset of #Marxism, rather than Communism, which is an endpoint hoped to occur after the "double negation" (elimination of the tyrannical Socialist state)
+It's important, in the vein of Marxist dualism, to remember that contradictions are part of the synthesis. One of the most striking is that left and right-leaning dispositions can come to be synthesized, particularly under the threat of infection and disease (disgust sensitivity is considered a far-right disposition)
+Some points potentiated through COVIDISM:
+- capability of totalitarian control
+- reactionary aspects leverage human emotions (disgust, exclusion) to push all deeper into COVIDISM - a new sensibility @ConceptualJames
+- Humans have a biology which does not adapt correctly - must take control of the means of production (of bio adaptation)
+- Personal health (your personal health is public health - the public health is the sum of congruent personal health - having demonstrated the COVID consciousness)
+- Togetherness (we must separate in order to be together)
+- Consent (You cannot consent to the unknown, erroneous adaptation of natural immunity. You can only consent to the Scientifically Determined adaptation which, if you do not undertake, forces a condition upon others that they cannot consent to)
+- Whole vs Part (We are all becoming Pure Being)
+- Eliminating Distinction (friction against the progress of public health)
+- Negate the old atomized lives - we finally have the Historical Event which catapults us forward in the process of history towards the new life (new normal))
+- Our chance to Complete Man (illness is unnatural and dehumanizing - target should be permanent elimination of the concept of illness). Only occurs when infection-free man lives in infection-free society (Social Man in Social Society)
+Aversion to New Normal is IDEOLOGY (Aversion to Marxism is Ideology) => these are all FASCISM
+1. Victimhood
+- false consciousness
+- paranoia vs state
+- reaction against proposed helpful action
+- free choice ideology so the oppressor can continue to dominate while feigning victimhood)
+2. Mass Suicide 
+- Great Replacement paranoia
+- do not understand Totality
+- Hail Mary of mutually assured destruction
+3. Individualism
+- seek individual power/self-centered "choice"
+- Things helpful to broad community are an attack on individual
+- Augmenting value of community increases risk of future compliance for actions otherwise leading to liberation
+4. Fascism (plain and simple)
+- Desire for production output of "nation"
+- Group purity (aversion to "health equity")
+- Public / Private international merger for "the people" (Facsist superstate merging right/left ideas)
+COVIDISM predicated on stratification of society on basis of Health Equity which can be rectified by achieving ??? (immortality? New Man?)
+- socioeconomic factors affect access to healthcare
+- Bring every possible dimension of conflict and frame it such as to invite those who are classically divided along market / socialism into accepting a collectivist ideal -> new initiates with a new sensibility (Marcusian)
+Dialectic of Fascism/Socialism
+- All resistance to superstate/authoritarianism is "Fascism"
+- Actual Fascism is synthesized with concepts of freedom/liberation in order to create an unrelentingly Totalitarian structure - those who benefit from an empowered structure label themselves as liberatory / equitable, while they are criticized by those who have a real problem with what has always been understood as Fascism (merger of private/public, everything within the "state", etc)
+- Resistance to transformation is always publicly associated with traditional fascistic imagery (Neo-Nazis, white supremacy, etc)
+- #FreedomConvoy "prevents movement" and "destroys people's freedom"

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+# Queer Education is Evil
+From an essay on "Queer Education is Child Abuse".
+## Introduction
+The statement we are looking at is:
+"Is it true that queer education and queer theory is something about LGB people?"
+Is it really about these sexual kids and trying to figure out what to do so they don't kill themselves or have a rought childhood.
+No, queer theory has nothing to do whatsoever with LGB anything. The T is informed by the Q, but the LGB part has nothing to do with queer theory and, in fact, they are oppositional to one another. This lie needs to be broken because the Queer Marxists are hiding behind the LGB people as human shields, holding them out. Any backlash which comes out will appear to be against good and normal gays, lesbians and bisexual people, while the marxists get to use them as the excuse to do the things which caused the backlash in the first place.
+The essay that we are to publish is a slight expansion of a statement read in the Georgia legislature.
+"Queer theory, which nearly all of the gender and sexuality education in America is ultimately based upon (Comprehensive Sexuality Education, the Gender bread and all of the gender ideology comprehensive sex education and so on is based in Queer Theory). It has nothing to do with LGBT education. This is evident to anyone who reads it, not only because its goals are diametrically opposed to LGB acceptance and normalization in society, but because they say so themselves specifically over and over again in their literature".
+When I say its goals are diametrically to LGB acceptance and normalization, the problem is acceptance and normalization. Queer theory depends on the idea that people who identify as queer are in resistance to normalization and acceptance. They are not to be normalized and accepted, but to be radical - in resistance to anything considered normal.
+## Homonormativity
+You have the concept heteronormativity, where they say that everything is normatively arranged around heterosexual relations in society.
+This similar concept does not mean that society is organized around the normalization of homosexuality, but that society is accepting or considering that homosexuality is a part of the range of normalcy. It is considered a problem - homonormativity is not a goal in queer theory, but a problem - a problematic, more specifically.
+So the goals of queer theory, as we'll hear in their own words, are diametrically opposed to LGB acceptance in society. Further, they actually tell you that it's not the same thing - if you read any of their literature, you find that there is a distinct difference spelled out again and again between Gays and Lesbians as people and Queer Theory which is about how people become political activists.
+## Drabinsky
+Emily Drabinsky is the openly politically queer and marxist president of the American Library Association. In 2013 she wrote a paper "Queering the Catalogue" where she writes:
+"Queer Theory is distinct from Lesbian and Gay studies. Where Lesbian and Gay studies takes gender and sexual identities as its object of study, queer theory is interested in how those identities come discursively and socially into being and the kind of work they do in the world".
+"Lesbian and Gay studies is considered with what homosexuality is, Queer Theory is concerned with what homosexuality does".
+The openly queer, openly marxist president of the ALA in a paper about bringing Queer Theory into American Libraries, including School libraries, explains that Queer Theory and LGBT studies are not the same thing but fundamentally different subjects.
+When Drabinsky refers to "The kind of work" they do when referring to Queer identities what she means is nothing less than activism. Queer is not about who you are - it is, by definition, an explicitly and intentionally activist identity, which means it's not an identity at all but a political stance.
+Queer Identities don't exist - Queer is a political stance - it is not a fact of who someone is. In fact, that means it's not an identity at all, but a political position. This is by definition in Queer Theory as David Halperin defined "Queer" in the first place in his 1995 book titled "St Foucault: Toward a Gay Hagiography". A few pages from a rousing discussion on a rousing discussion of the transformative potential of anal-fisting as an ideal sex act, David Halperin defined the difference between gay and queer and defined queer as follows:
+"Unlike gay identity which, though thoroughly proclaimed in an act of affirmation, is nontheless rooted in the positive fact of homosexual object course, queer identity need not be grounded in any positive truth or in any stable reality. Qu

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+# Definitions
+If no one can define for themselves what something is, you will be told what it is and you have to obey. If the definition is change, you have to go along with it.
+## Theology
+What is a Theology?
+A Metaphilosophical system (not just a philosophy, but a system of philosophy that's complete and binds other lines of thought in philosophy together. Binds together other philosophical streams of thought and orients them in a single direction. Most theologies orients them towards a conception of God that the Theology parses out (what is God, the nature of God)).
+Binds ontology, teleology, epistemology, axiology and sociology and orients them in the direction of the divine. This is the stumbling block that runs into legal problems.
+Marxism denies being a theology because it denies the existence of the divine.
+Seems to deny being materialist, thus I
+## Ontology
+A theory of being. What does it mean to be? What does being mean? What is beingness? What does it mean to not be? What is nothing? What is the difference between being and nothing. Why is there something?
+What makes a chair a chair? What's the essence of a chair that makes it chair-like instead of desk-like? What makes a man? What is a woman?
+What does it mean to be human?
+## Teleology
+A theory of purpose.
+Why are we here? What is our purpose? What's the meaning of life? What's the purpose of a bottle? How does it satisfy its purpose as a bottle?
+## Epistemology
+What does it mean to know? How do weknow when we know? What is truth?
+## Axiology
+A theory of value. What gives something value. How do we know where value comes from? What values should we hold and why (ethics)? What does it mean to value? Why do we value certain things?
+## Sociology
+Theory of society.
+If you look it up, it's frustrating: That which is in accordance with God.
+But there is a comparison to be drawn from to understsand what makes something divine - a fundamental comparison of divine vs mundane (that which is in the world/of the world) vs that which is somehow beyond the world or beyond merely human. Something that is somehow transcendant. When you bind and orient a theory of being, a theory of purpose, a theory of knowledge and a ttheory of values and attendant ethics in a theory of society, so that if you orient them in the direction in a thoery of what yoyu believe that which constitutes what is beyond the merely human and worldly, you have a theology.
+It's a "science" that understands and contextualizes other major branches of philosophical science and points them in one direction towards something that is transcendant and beyond.
+## Examples
+Basic theology in the Christian sense: The nature of being is God and his creation. Being is what God has made, and God himself. The purpose that is attached to the our meaning: to serve God and beyond.
+## Additional terms
+Circular logic: floating signifier

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+# Social Emotional Learning
+## Introduction
+All of Marxism can be explained in about 10 minutes - literally, succintly but completely. Everything is variations on the same theme, with specifics in how it's implemented.
+### SEL Names
+- Linda Darling-Hammond
+  - Chief crusader for SEL in the world
+  - Most Influential Educator in America (2006)
+  - Tapped by Obama's Education Transition team (2008) (Every Student Succeeds Act), but replaced by Arnie Duncan (Common Core)
+  - Tapped again in 2020 (Biden)
+  - Recommended by Bill Ayres (Weather Underground - where did all the 60's radicals go? Classrooms)
+  - CASEL (Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning)
+    - The "gold standard" for SEL in the industry
+- Maurice J Elias
+  - "Godfather of SEL"
+  - Psychologist / Prof at Rutger's University
+  - Director of Rutger's Social Emotional and Character Development Lab and Co-Director of the Academy of Social Emotional in Schools
+  - Humanizing education / Transform (Marx's project of having Man discover he is Social Man / Transform Man and the world by humanizing)
+  - Transformation of Society into a truly Social Society (Marxist Communism)
+#### Note
+Henri Giroux was openly Communist (claims they ask the right questions)
+Elias doesn't say it as openly as Giroux does. Giroux thinks the teacher's and education are far too right-wing and believes this is why the kids are still failing.
+### Maurice J Elias
+"The cornerstone of SEL efforts is the delivery of essential skills and competencies to students without which children are at a distinct disadvantage when navigating classrooms, school, workplace or even family settings. Some children are fortunate enough to go through experiences with parents and other loved ones, educators and communities that afford them the opportunity to have these competencies nurtured and refined, however, it is evident that too many children do not have these experiences or at least do not have them consistencly and as a result struggle academically and socially and find themselves on a path towards problem behaviours and academic underachievement relative to their abilities."
+- Some kids are fortunate, but too many don't have necessary experience 
+- Some kids have 'better parenting' and are relatively privileged
+  - This dynamic must be corrected by institution / central
+#### Broadcasting and Screening
+- You don't do this for cancer. You don't put chemotherapy in the water supply. 
+- You don't do universal cancer screenings, as you are always resolving cancerous cells
+But this is what's happening with SEL. Every kid has to fill out the surveys to identify who might be a problem-kid, or more accurately, what problems every kid has. They assume every kid has problems, as privilege is relational. Broad screening and then broadcast the program into other subjects.
+The goal isn't to have targeted SEL interventions for kids who has identified problems delivered in private by professionals, with Parent's approval...
+#### Other Subjects
+Social Emotional Learning is to be infused systematically for every kid. An intervention that cures a problem like trauma or genuinely at-risk students from bad neighbourhoods/homes might be a situation where it could be rationalized for use (in accord with its original intent).
+In any case, this is the sales pitch - privilege vs equity - strawman cartoon of two school houses.
+- 1 with the pieces of "whole child" program, but not optimally configured or distributed
+- 1 with organized pieces and put together like a completed puzzle - filling the school neatly and orderly
+*All these things are already happening in a way where they either go unnoticed, or they've been organized in such a way that they are sub-optimal. Imagine how much better it would be if it were organized and controlled*
+### Whole Child Education
+Started in 1968 with James Comer at Yale trying to figure out why inner city Hartford kids were facing the challenges they had and what could be done about it. Rescued many kids in 5 years and improved these schools by addressing what's going on in the kid's home / family life. In those specific pilots there was a measure of success, and Social Emotional Learning grew from this.
+1994 the Fetster Institute latched onto this for spiritual in education purposes. Wholistic child education with Social Emotional Learning created on its back.
+Marxist strawman construction: something like SEL or character education. Because there are people who fall through the cracks so we must conscientize (the point of Social Emotional).
+"Every school in the US and in the world addresses the Social Emotional and Character development of the students who pass through its doors. Indeed it is impossible to bring adults and children together for long periods of tie over multiple  weeks months and years and not influence childrens' competencies and teh types of persons they will become when putting those competencies to use."
+*Always happening, so we might as well do it through people who are thinking about it with a conscious and intended purpose with it. Doing it right to address pesky inequalities that can't be ignored.*
+"Because of social inequities, as well as the challenges of a globalized society characterized by rapid pace of change, there are no US school districts that can justifiably ignore the urgency for all students to be equipped with the skills, knowledge and disposition to negotiate the many challenges related to productive living in the 21st century".
+*Sounds like the WEF*
+"The answer is not to prepare students for a life of tests, but rather to prepare them for the tests of life. For this to happen, schoolhouses cannot afford to be jumbled. They must meet the challenges of preparing students with the full array of skills and perspectives needed for college and career success. A life of contribution and caring, SEL, is an essential aspect of this."
+*The goal of ESL is to meet challenge of preparing students with full array of skills and PERSPECTIVES. Teach your kids how to care correctly at school. Care correctly by teaching them the right perspectives, according to their humanizing and transforming vision for education*
+"As the number of schools and districts concerned with academic success of all learners steadily increases, there will be a growing recognition of SEL's essential role. Therefore, as districts and schools embrace SEL as a core component of the mission to prepare learners to succeed academically and socially, the technology for sustained implementation of school-wide SEL must also scale up."
+*They don't really have evidence for this, but they'll just keep scaling up regardless of whether that exists or is of even poor quality*
+"This scaling-up inevitably requires a coordinated effort so that students and educators are not beset iwth a jumble of well-meaning but fragmented programs and school can become places where, in James Comer's words, all children "catch character" and Social Emotional Learning from  those around them in ways that become integral to their lives"
+*Catch character and social-emotional leraning from those around you - the democratic classroom of Freire and Giroux being put into purpose through SEL structures.*
+"It cant' be a jumble of well-meaning but fragmented programs - it has to be a coordinated effort that teaches the perspectives that people need so they can care  correctly about the right things and in the right ways and to the right degrees, which creates what Marcuse called "Liberating Tolerance" - a society that will value those leftist things and be utterly intolerant outside of them and extend unlimited tolerance to even the abuses of people like Weird Al."
+"We use the word all intentionally because unlike experimental studies in which hypotheses can be "proven" despite many participants not conforming to the predicted pattern, schools in practice need all students to thrive. All means all."
+*With the word ALL, we'll always have rationale to intervene. It's going to become part of the school's mission to teach everyone who's connected to the school in any way, including: parents, visitors, alumni, community members*
+"As of this writing the field of SEL and related approaches is evolving and holds considerable promise for transforming educational practice into a humanizing experience for all who transforming educational practice for all who pass through, work in, support, visit and relate to our schools. Progress must be made in many areas beyond those covered in this chapter, and doing so is a developmental imperative for youth across cultures and contexts. Yet, emerging research highlighting Social Emotional Learning's positive effects on behaviour and academic outcomes elevates this importance as foundational to a quality education.
+This represents a sea change from SEL as a non-essential addon whose success depended on whether school leaders had the time money or incinlination to focus on it. The future challenge is not if but how."
+*Key theme: Programming*
+- School program
+- Program your kids
+- Systemic instead of an addon
+- Communities of practice (beyond school)
+- Religion with school at the center (rather than a pulpit)
+The essential pervasive mode of education so that the new rationality and new sensibility that schools should be imparting to students and people beyond the students (the community around them) so they can create a new reality with 21st century schools.
+Maurice Elias' vision (The Godfather of SEL)
+Linda Darling Hammond (Queen of SEL or institutionalizing SEL)
+- Obama and Biden education transition teams
+- Recommended by Bill Ayres (Weather Underground)
+- Pushed aside by Common Core guy (Arnie Duncan)
+- Instrumental in getting Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
+- Include provisions for SEL, particularly SEL-based surveying of students
+This name should be plastered over  everything the way Robin D'Angelo and Ibram Kendi 
+Linda Darling Hammond wrote the foreword to Maurice Elias' book:
+### Hammond's Foreword
+"As the contributors to this book show, there is a large body of scientific evidence demonstrating the positive outcomes of SEL and suggesting how these outcomes can be achieved."
+*Done a PODCAST before about how this is a Bait and Switch. Old models replaced with new models as they constantly evolve. In fact, the data is spotty and selectively chosen to pain t apicture that this really works, but they're selling something that works better and are using this program that's broadcast in universal screening and is utterly damaging and openly transformative in the sense that it is Marxist and purposed to raise Critical Consciousness and systemic in the sense that it is to be infused into every aspect of education - to make it "Foundational" to all of education.*
+"This scientific foundation challenges us to undertake a decidedly humanistic endeavour (humanistic education? Freire). In particular, this endeavour includs the humanization of school institutions that, as Max Weber described, were deliberately de-personalized in the early 20th century in order to function as more perfect bureaucracies. Guided by rules and regulations that could avoid the need for individual considerations or feelings. As Paulo Freire explained, humanization is "the process of becoming more fully-human as social, historical, transformative, creative persons who participate in and with the world."
+- Social: Socialist
+- Historical: Dialectically Marxist
+- Thinking: Critical
+- Communicating: Dialogical
+- Transformative: Marxist
+- Creative: the creative subject (the goal of Marxism is to unestrange yourself so you can see yourself as a creative subject)
+It's not enough to be educated, but you must become politically educated. They know what they're saying - we're not adding anything - we can see it here quite clearly. 
+"Educators, he argued, must "listen to their students and build on their knowledge and experiences in order to engage in personalized education approaches that further the goals of humanization and transformation".
+*This is not ambiguous or a question. It is a clear statement of intent*
+"Indeed, this is what we see in schools who successfully undertake the journey in becoming socially and emotionally educative".
+*Social Emotional Learning is Marxist programming - brainwashing in Marxism using Paulo Freire's method. These personalized educational approaches where you data-mine the students. What is Linda Hammond famous for? Requiring the relentless surveying and data-mining of the students. This is  avery clear glimpse behind the curtain of Social Emotional Learning SEL for those of us who know what the words and names involved mean. Freirean brainwashing, or thought-reform, posing as 20th century school-building to build the economy of the future and fill it with peopl ewho are programmed to work in it when they give us a whole new economic order (circular economy - stakeholder capitalism running on a public-private partnership for sustainability - the new sensibility that Marcuse said we had to interject into people until it becomes a biological foundation). Manipulating their social-emotional experience so they have the right perspective and can care the right way*.
+*21st century skill-building is Freirean brainwashing through Social-Emotional instruction into a broadly Marxist understanding of the challenges, issues and political context of the world that kids are growing up in and being ushered into* 

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+Seize the means of production. Of society, which produces man. Man is the consequence of his social circumstances.
+Society produces man but, by using the state as a an intermediary of power, man produces society. And, then, the society produces man. 
+Man is the creator taking society and his species as his own objects. Man creates society, creates man, creates society.. in an endless dialectical loop until man an dsociety have no distance between them any longer and they are perfectly realized as socialist man in socialist society. Perfected man made to live in perfected society.
+This is the theology of Marxism:
+What, though, is this dialectical materialism? Is it just a theory of man and society?
+No, i tactually answers fundamental questions of life and man's role in it. Not only man's role in it, that man has to seize the means of control of production of society so he can control man (that's eugenics - control the production of man - it doesn't have to be direct biological eugenics, but it's still eugenics - changing man fundamentally to be something different with a targeted endpoint).
+## Engels
+From Engels, in the Dialectics of Nature (fundamental theory of everything), he describes what got called "Dialectical Materialist" this way:
+"It is an eternal cycle in which matter moves. A cycle that certainly only completes its orbit in periods of time for which our terrestrial year is no adequate measure. A cycle in which the time of highest development, the time of organic life, and still more, that of the life of the being conscious of nature and of themselves is just as narrowly restricted as the space in which life and self-consciousness come into operation. The cycle in which every finite mode of existence of matter, whether it be sun or nebular vapour, single animal or genus of animals, chemical combination or dissociation as equally transient and wherein nothing is eternal but eternally changing, eternally moving matter and the laws according to which it moves and changes.
+*So it's not just man and his economic materialism that Marx focused on that's transforming us dialectically. Literally everything in the universe is transforming itself dialectically. This is a theory of the entire operation of Universe and man and man's role in it with specific duties given to man for what to do - be the one who figures out the way that it moves (by claiming power through the state and pushing it along, consciously, towards a directed outcome of Socialism).
+This is a religion. This is a total explanation for the fundamental questions of life in the world, man's role in them that gives rise to duties of conscience, and it is obviously a comprehensive set of thought belief and practices (Activism).
+So now we know Marx's ontology of man - the theory of what it means to be man: Man has no other creator but himself. 
+But in Marx and his acolytes after him, a lot of time was focused on this existential scream of Marxism: Man is not mere animal. 
+Animals engage in activity - not work. They don't transform the world. They conform themselves to the world. Animals are subject to the sovereignty of the order of the universe (logos). Man is, actually, free from that. He is different.
+Man has the ability to engage in conscious awareness as he engages in his work to transform the world. The most key thing that changes the world or transforms the world or produces value or means anything that makes man who man is and what man should realize through his work - is that he is able to picture what he brings into creation before he does it, whereas animals just act by extinct.
+"A spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver, and a bee puts to shame many an architect in the construction of her cells, but what distinguishes the worst architect before the best of the bees is this: that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality."
+So, you picture what you want to see and then you make it. This creates a dialectical/ontological process by which man can come to know who he is.
+Man pictures the world he wants to make and then makes it - that makes him a creator. This is how Marx resolves that Subject - Object dialectic that Hegel also talked about:
+- Man is a creative subject - he imagines a world he wants to see
+- He makes that thing that he envisioned in his mind
+- He sees that it is good
+- He sees that he created and that he is creative
+He has the capacity to transform dead matter from nature to something functional for man. I have humanized the thing suited for use by man. I create the conditions in which I love, and the goal of the Subject-Object dialectic is for man to realize that he is in this relationship - he is a subject who can create the world he wants to live in.
+Unlike the animals, which conform to the world that they're in, Marxists transform the world to become what they want it to be. But it's not just matter that you transform. Man takes himself and his species as his own object. Man takes society as his own object.
+Man is a being who can envision what he wants so he can conform the world through his work to himself. He is above the mundane and capable of transforming/humanizing the world. He makes matter and people into things that do that which is more suitable to the human. Humanize the world and the society and the species and, in the process, he is returning everything to its true nature, which is Social.
+From the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts:
+"But man is not merely a natural being, he is a human natural being. That is to say, he is a being for himself. Therefore he is a species-being, and has to confirm and manifest himself as such in both his being and his knowing. Therefore, human objects are not natural objects, as they are immediately present themselves, but neither is Human Sense as it immediately, as it is objectively Human Sensibility - Human Objectivity. Neither nature nor nature subjectively is directly given in a form adequate to the Human Being."
+Man has to make nature, the world, everything that he takes as his object, into something suitable for him. Something good enough for him. 
+You train the ear and the eye to become human. Not a crude eye or crude ear, like an animal. Man is a creature that has the capacity to transform himself and lift himself beyond the mere animal. We won't quite say, to God, because Marx exemped himself from God, but he is talking about transforming what it means to be a man, and the world, so that it is all given into a form adequate to a Human Being. The world has to be transformed to make it Human. Turn the Jungle into a Garden - you have humanized it. Look at raw nature and look at the messy, ugly city, and figure out how to make nature more like the city and the city more like nature. Work is how this is done. The Liturgy o fthe Marxist Theology is work, or The Work 
+The goal of being human is to realize that you're a species being. A being that operates in the context of being for the whole species - a collectivist.

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+# Stephen Hicks: What do Young Socialists Believe?
+1. Anti-cronyistic:
+- Opposition to the current system: money, power and its cronyism
+2. Moral Idealism:
+- thinking of others first, altruism and selflessness
+3. Modern/Scientific Centralized Management of the Economy
+4. Free Stuff Socialism
+5. Robust Communalism
+6. Welfare Statism
+7. Sustainable Resource Management
+8. Emotional
+## 1. Anti Cronyism
+- Opposition to current system
+- Anti-corruption
+- Capitalistic economic system with free markets which make lots of money
+  - Disparity and Corruption
+  - Cheating
+  - Underhanded dealing
+  - Riches to political influence / corruption
+- Dominantly capitalist system means cronymism is through incentive relations of capitalists
+- Necessary result or unintended consequence of the current capitalist system
+## 2.

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+# ALA
+What we have happening in the world right now is that states starting with montana and iowa and some others are looking at separating in terms of finances and activitiy from the american library association entirely.
+The state of montana has voted officially to break off of the ALA, especially financially. The American Library Association is getting what's long overdue nad deserved, btu their justification is that they're doing so on the basis of the fact that their current leadership is openly Marxist, and that it violates one's duty as a state entity to do business with an organization that is Marxist in its orientation and leadership.
+Lots can be said - the head of the ALA is a man named Emily Drabinsky - an openly Marxist Queer Theorist who said recently "Never in a million eyras did I think they'd give a Marxist a chance".
+We have a wholly corrupt ALA. The American Library Association isn't just run my a Marxist and has lots of things going back over a decade in terms of manipulating how it catalogues books, it's also tied directly into (liek virtually everything else that's a fake professioanl captured organization) United Nations Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals. 
+For example, here off the ALA website we found a task force on United Nations 2030 sustainable development goals. If yu look more closely, the ALA is, in fact, working in cahoots with a bigger organization called the International Federation of Library Associations, which is completely captured and working in concert with the United Nations and UNESCO.
+So why are these weird books in our libraries? Because the ALA is a captured organization working under the direction fo a further captured organization.
+There's absolutely no doubt on their website how much they're tired to the SDGs. They are completely consistent with the UN and WEF vision.
+From Degroiter: "Libraries exist to serve the sustainable development goals. The UN is fully invested in return.". The UN website dedicated to the sustainable development goals has a libraries page and it describes the relationship with the International Federation of Library Associations.
+# Consciousness and Evolution of Gospel of Marxism
+## Cultural Marxism
+Censored from Wikipedia and replaced with "Cultural Marxism Conspiracy Theory".
+Critical Theory was not Marxism until Isaac Gottesman in 2016 said "The right name for it would be Critical Marxism". The goal there is to redefine the very terms and resurrect Utopia.
+They were informed by a Cultural Marxist by the name of Gyorg Lukacs, who laid out a theory of consciousness to overcome the cultural milieu that people were in - the cultural Hegemony that kept people from becoming Marxists. 
+He said you don't just have to give people the agitation of Marxist, you have to conscientize them. You have to make them have class consciousness.
+In History and Class Consciousness.
+The Critical Marxists obsessed about how to overcome False Consciousness with Critical Consciousness. Not just class, but the entire operation of society has to be brought into criticism.
+This is because  the guy who named Critical Theory, thus began in essence critical marxism, max Horkheimer said that he conceived of the Critical Theory specifically because we can't describe a good society in the terms of the existing society. We have to question the terms of the existing society.
+Tangential to this, a postmodern Marxist movement arose in France out of linguistic theories that were ultimately derived not just from Marxist thought, but also a lineage of Rousseauian thought. Rousseau -> Romanticism -> French Existentialism (despair/nihilism) -> Structuralism (study of how language conditions your reality) -> Post modernists (post structuralists) with more despair and Marxism (though they claim to reject Marxism, as this is a dialectical process) 
+Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Jean Baudrillard
+## Derrida
+True post-structuralist because he said the structure of language reproduces the forms of power, so we have to rrethinkin the structure of language itself (creating a despairing and depondent theory of ho)

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+I think that the initiation into it may be more varied, but the dehumanizing nature of these ideas is pathologizing. Many comply through social pressure, of course, and there are those who already do have pathological personality characteristics which might make themselves more strict about social privilege (for themselves, through structural enforcement of theory), as well as taking the opportunity to wield power sanctimoniously through accusation backed by implied threat of force (social exclusion or worse).
+There's an aspect of self-loathing with a puritanical path for cleansing.
+But ultimately, I think it's 

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+# Introduction
+## Overview
+Update on the current state of evidence RE mRNA lipid nanoparticle vaccines
+- how they distribute
+- how long they persist
+- how long they are expressed
+- what this all leads to
+## Early Reports
+- January 2020 - antibodies to detect Nucleocaspid protein of SARS-CoV-2
+*Usually takes a while (supposedly had come into existence or had been isolated in the beginning of 2020 (Corman Drosten PCR) to produce a nucleocaspid antigen in some form (PCR and express it in some cells), immunize animals, extract antibodies from those animals to use this antibody in immunohistochemistry*
+- 2006 (also RT-PCT assay of SARS-CoV-2)
+# Distribution
+*A study which Pfizer submitted to regulatory authorities which came out into the open through Japanese regulators.*
+Pfizer used a model protein (Luciferase) in place of SARS-CoV-2 S protein. Lipids made radioactive. 
+- Injected rats
+- Follow marked lipids
+## Results
+Rapidly, the vaccine shows up in the blood plasma (15 minutes onward). After injection, there is a measurable level in the blood plasma which peaks for 2 hours and concomitantly the labelled vaccine accumulates in various organs:
+  - high levels in the liver and spleen
+  - Also in the ovaries and adrenal glands 
+  - Testes
+  - Levels were still increasing in some organs at extent of this (no idea what peak would be)
+## Questions
+How can we understand this particular pattern of distribution between different organs. Will discuss in details how the lipid nanoparticles are supposed to work
+### Details
+- Mixture of 4 different lipids
+- wrap modRNA (chemically modified mRNA - more stable - proline mutations)
+- Ionizable lipid which at proper pH is cationic which wraps the negatively charged mRNA
+- 2 naturally-occurring (cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine) stabilize structure of lipid nanoparticle
+- Surface has Polyethylene glycol-linked lipid
+  - Gives particle and overall hydrophilic / water-soluble characteristic
+- Cholesterol leaks out from this particles, meaning they are no very stale. Cholesterol leaves and crystallizes on its own (this modifies the activity of these particles)
+### Molecular Structures
+*2 major synthetic lipids (ALC for Pfizer vaccines, for example)*
+- In both cases we have 2 acetyl chains (aklyl chains in one case) with 14 carbons
+  - This length judiciously chosen: enables lipids to loosely attach with LNPs, which affects in-vivo behaviour
+#### Loose Lipids
+In a nutshell, PEGylated lipids are replaced with something from the subject, such as cholesterol
+- Pegylated lipids desorb from the particle, exposing less H2O-soluble lipids underneath
+- Stabilize by binding with protein
+  - Apolipoprotein (wraps lipid transport particles - lipoproteins)
+  - Other proteins: Ab and complement proteins
+### Apolipoproteins
+Q. What is the function of these particles?
+A. Mediate the transport of lipoproteins or, in this case, LNPs into cells and in across cell barriers
+- Produced in liver and small intestine
+- Overcomes cellular behaviour in blood vessels using transcytosis
+  - Cells receptors recognize apolipoproteins
+  - Release particles on the tissue side
+## What This Means
+### Biomolecular Corona
+- LNPs will accumulate in organs which allow apolipoprotein
+  - Liver (produces)
+  - Endocrine glands (cholesterol used as precursor for hormone synthesis)
+  - Placenta accumulates for progestin production and to supply lipoprotein to fetus
+  - Lactating breast glands acquire fat/cholesterol from lipoproteins
+  *Also expect spleen/lymphatic organs to accumulate LNP*
+## Intracellular Fate of mRNA/LNP
+- Endocytosis (perhaps via apolipoprotein receptor)
+- Endosome (vessicle encasing the particle) is acidified