logicp 2 years ago
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+ 14 - 1

@@ -66,4 +66,17 @@
 - Child is both limit and hope for Queer Theory
 - Child is dense site of meaning for queer sociality/alienation
 - Stable identity = limit, Alienation = hope
-- 123
+- Homophobic culture anxiously depends on reproducing heteronormative future
+#### Sexuality for Revolutionary Potential
+- Early Childhood Education should not resist attending conversations on politics and sexual subjectivity
+*Your immoral motive for not doing what I say is precisely why you must do what I say*
+- Palpable nervousness and discomfort when childhood comes into contact with sexuality
+*Childhood innocence seen as hegemonic narrative to be disrupted and dismantled*
+- Arguments RE childrens' sexualities stabilize queerness as identity rather than preserving a site of collective contestation
+*Queerness should not be stabilized, but something to collectize around, even if it's childhood sexuality*
+#### Hannah Argues to Queer ECE
+- Child development theories are destructive if not attuned to possibility that children are or will become queer
+- Damaging expectation of childhood innocence represents child as figure without complexity
+- Insistence on childhood innocence injures development and might

+ 2 - 3

@@ -123,9 +123,8 @@ You have to keep the kids queer - they cannot be accepted, because they have bec
 It is a locus of anxiey for homophobic culture because it rests on the reproduction of a heternormative future. Queer theory is now bursting with debates about the status of the child in relation to futurity. Politics and sexual subjectivity, but the field of Early Childhood Education largely resists learning from and carefully attending to these conversations.```
 Problematizing as a motive and as an ideological entry into the field of Early Childhood Education - you're resisting something and it's causing harm to gay people, you have to incorporate us. The same ideological entryist move over and over again. The field of early childhood education largely resists learning from and attending to queery theory. Unfairly exclusionary because the innocence of Childhood is a broad narrative preventing people from taking up queer things and sexualizing children.
-The context is we're still talking about what goes on in public schools, groomer government schools, with thes epeople being put in charge through Social Emotional Learning and Comprehensive Sex education.
+The context is we're still talking about what goes on in public schools, groomer government schools, with these people being put in charge through Social Emotional Learning and Comprehensive Sex education.
 There remains a palpable nervousness and discomfort in this field of thought and practice when childhood comes into contact with sexuality. ```
@@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ So, children are innocent - whoops - didn't take into account how complex they a
 Some of the affective libidinal (emotional, libido-based, sexual, in the Freudian sense) epistemological and political insistences on childhood innocence can injure the child's development and offer a new mode of analytical inquiry that insists upon the child's queer curiosity and patterns of growth.```
-We will find that she argues that every child should be treated as though they might be queer so that they can embrace the child's queer curiosity an patterns of growth. The assumption is that people who are of whatever type will just grow into, if they're heterosexual they'll grow into hetersexuality by default, if they're queer, they'll be nourished and validated to grow into healthier queer identities - sexual or otherwise. Developmental psychology is irrelevant - we can just open up the playing field and everone will develop into their appropriate identities without damage or problems. In fact, you are destabilizing identity growth during developmentally crucial phases and destroying children while opening them up to sexual grooming and abuse. This is horrifically and psychologically abusive because these people are crackpots and Marxists, which are, to repeat, specifically dangerous in that they believe the world works in a way that it does not. They wnat to nourish that "fact" so they can create revolutionaries out of your children in schools tha tyou pay for with your tax dollras, that you should be able to trust that your elected representatives at whatever level, that they won't put these schools into these programs, but they have failed.
+We will find that she argues that every child should be treated as though they might be queer so that they can embrace the child's queer curiosity and patterns of growth. The assumption is that people who are of whatever type will just grow into, if they're heterosexual they'll grow into hetersexuality by default, if they're queer, they'll be nourished and validated to grow into healthier queer identities - sexual or otherwise. Developmental psychology is irrelevant - we can just open up the playing field and everone will develop into their appropriate identities without damage or problems. In fact, you are destabilizing identity growth during developmentally crucial phases and destroying children while opening them up to sexual grooming and abuse. This is horrifically and psychologically abusive because these people are crackpots and Marxists, which are, to repeat, specifically dangerous in that they believe the world works in a way that it does not. They wnat to nourish that "fact" so they can create revolutionaries out of your children in schools tha tyou pay for with your tax dollras, that you should be able to trust that your elected representatives at whatever level, that they won't put these schools into these programs, but they have failed.
 Forging more prolongued conversations between queer theory and childhood studies may deepen understanding of childrens' diverse educational needs and complicate assumptions that sexuality and its tendency to bleed outside the boundaries of nowable indexes of identity can be easily mapped onto a predictable future.

+ 4 - 4

@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ Introduction to the 2nd edition of One-Dimensional Man:
 "Marcuse thought the dialectical philosophy could promote critical thinking. One-dimensional man is Marcuse's most sustained attempt to present and develop the categories of the dialectic philosophy developed by Hegel and Marx. For Marcuse, dialectical thinking involved the ability to abstract one's perceptions and thought from existing forms in order to form more general concepts. Uncritical thinking derives its beliefs, norms and values from existing thought and social practices, while critical thought seeks alternative modes of thought and behaviour from which it creates a standpoint of critique. Such a critical standpoint requires developing what Marcuse calls negative thinking, which negates existing forms of thought and reality from the perspective of higher possibilities (spiritually-pure alchemy). This practice presupposes the ability to make a distinction between existence and essence, fact and potentiality, and appearance and reality. Mere existence would be negated in favour of realizing higher potentialities while norms discovered by reason would be used to criticize and overcome lower forms of thought in social organization. Thus, grasping potentialities for freedom and happiness would make possible the negation of conditions that inhibited individuals full development and realization. In other words, perceiving the possibility of self-determination in constructing one's own needs and values could enable individuals to break with the existing world of thought and behaviour. Philosophy was, thus, to supply the norms for social criticism and the ideal of liberation which would guide social change and individual self-transformation."
 "Critical and dialectical thinking, by contrast, postulates norms of criticism based on rational potentials for human happiness and freedom, which are used to negate existing states of affairs that oppress individuals and restrict human freedoms and well-being. Dialectical thought thus posits the existence of other realms of ideas, imgaes and imagination that serve as a potential guide for social transformation that would realize the unrealized potentialities for a better life. Marcuse believes that great philosophy and art are the locus of these potentialities and critical norms and he decodes the best products of western culture in this light."
 Performing alchemy on them in order to reach these higher, unrealized potentialities for a better life.
 #### Men of Action
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ It also means that what he calls "reason" is actually Ideology. As a consequence
 People are surprised when they irrigate land and salination and silting of the waterways leads to transforming the landscape into a desert.
 Dialectics, on the other hand, understand that cause and effect are just one and another side of a whole network of relations, such as in an ecosystem, and one thing cannot be changed without changing the whole system.
-"Dialectic has its origins in ancient society, both among the Chinese and the Greeks, where thinkers sought to understand nature as a whole, and saw that everything is fluid, constantly chnaging, comign into being and passing away. It was only in the peicemeal of observing nature and bits and pieces practiced in western thinking in the 17th-18th century had accumulated enough positive knowledge for the interconnections, transitions and genesis of things to become comprehensible that the conditions became ripe for modern dialectics to make its apperance. It was Hegel who was able to sum up this picture of universal interconnection and mutability of all things in a system of logic which is a foundation of what we call, today, dialectics".
+"Dialectic has its origins in ancient society, both among the Chinese and the Greeks, where thinkers sought to understand nature as a whole, and saw that everything is fluid, constantly changing, coming into being and passing away. It was only in the piecemeal of observing nature and bits and pieces practiced in western thinking in the 17th-18th century had accumulated enough positive knowledge for the interconnections, transitions and genesis of things to become comprehensible that the conditions became ripe for modern dialectics to make its apperance. It was Hegel who was able to sum up this picture of universal interconnection and mutability of all things in a system of logic which is a foundation of what we call, today, dialectics".
 In other words, scientific understanding of things can be considered stupid. Formal thinking and traditional theory is "verstand" and people make stupid mistakes like turning their farmland into desert because of a lack of understanding from the higher level. But we have vernunft, the dialectic, Hegel's systematic philosophy. So he names his philosophy "Logic", and "Reason" as a systematic philosophy that is the higher way of thinking.
@@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ In all three cases, the basic underlying faith is identical, present, largely co
 ## Wrap-Up
 ### Consequences
-Necessity and urgency to the dilectic. If you believe that the Utopia is brought about faster by the process of the dialectic, you have to do this as hard and fast as possible. The more vigorously it is applied, the faster we get to the Utopia at the end of history, therefore anyone who resists must be evil, because they resist the idea of utopia, and they drag history's feet whil emaintaining the oppressions of the imperfected society.
+Necessity and urgency to the dialectic. If you believe that the Utopia is brought about faster by the process of the dialectic, you have to do this as hard and fast as possible. The more vigorously it is applied, the faster we get to the Utopia at the end of history, therefore anyone who resists must be evil, because they resist the idea of utopia, and they drag history's feet whil emaintaining the oppressions of the imperfected society.
-Demand for conformity and collectivism which causes, in terms, demands for statism. Hegel was a statist, so it's no surprise that Marxism is statis and that Neo-marxism is totalitarian. The wokeism inherits both statism and totalitarianism. Hegel's philosophy is profoundly statist - the state is the divine idea as expressed on earth.
+Demand for conformity and collectivism which causes, in terms, demands for statism. Hegel was a statist, so it's no surprise that Marxism is statist and that Neo-marxism is totalitarian. The wokeism inherits both statism and totalitarianism. Hegel's philosophy is profoundly statist - the state is the divine idea as expressed on earth.
 Hegel writes:

+ 27 - 1

@@ -546,4 +546,30 @@ This central concept is used by ideologues to weaponize language: "You like Demo
 - Pursue gnosticism and dialectically apply vernunft to synthesize more perfect representation of the divine
 - Men of action demarcate the leaps of history
 - Used by history in its purpose to progress towards the absolute
-- "Sometimes it takes good roads and sometimes it takes bad roads"
+- "Sometimes it takes good roads and sometimes it takes bad roads"
+- Activists identity contradictions to be dialectically resolved by scholars
+## Mystic Philosophy of Understanding
+- Aiming to recollect the absolute idea
+- Prisca Theologia (Fasino) - progressively unfolding of truth
+- Inspired Hegel's systematic view of the absolute
+- Verstand vs Vernunft, Understand vs Reason, Traditional Theory vs High level mastery
+- True reason is so because of consciousness of absolute
+### Understand the Whole
+- The purpose of reason is that the particular cannot be understood except in relation to the whole
+- If you see contradictions, you don't yet know the whole
+- This makes his conception of reason (vernunft) gnostic
+- Marxists.org uses example of land irrigation leading to desertification:
+  - Traditional theory/science accumulate bits and pieces
+  - Dialectics used to understand universal interconnection
+### Evolution of Dialectic
+1. Hegel (Ideas): God/the Absolute
+2. Marx (State): Matter/Materialism
+3. Woke (Culture): Spirit/Geist
+*Marxism views the state like the son of God*
+- Hegel's speculative (Mystical) application, freed by Marx via materialism
+- Woke continuously dialectically synthesize and engage through an Evangelical mode
+## Consequences

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# CDC Study
+- SARS-CoV2 infection based on presence in hospital for any code
+- Vaccine-induced myocarditis based on specifically recorded incidence
+# Nordic study
+- Larger pool of data
+- SARS-CoV2 infection based on hospitalization for SARS-CoV2 infection
+- Myocarditis incidence rate far lower than what was reported by CDC
+- Still impossible to gauge the real rates of cardiac/pericardiac events

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Chronic pathways from synthetic spike circulating persistently
+Whole virus leads to whole immune response. Excess spike from shot becomes big concern.
+## Immunocompromised
+- Told to go get injections
+- Worried they wouldn't survive virus
+Frustrating, because it's anti-scientific. Immune-compromised should be given a shot, even though they can't mount a response.
+Lots of immune-compromised people are vitamin-D deficient. Can't mount response to any vaccine. Elderly home deceased often vitamin D deficient as well. Oncology in Texas - Chemo patients not showing any immune response.
+Early treatment necessary for those who are immunocompromised. Half patient cohort elderly, multiply-comorbid individuals. Compromised individuals can be treated to address binding to spike. Even nasal rinses. Foolish to say we don't have treatment for disease.
+## Cancer
+- Stable stage-1 cancer suddenly taking off to stage 4 within weeks of a shot
+- Spike dysregulated pathways
+- NK cells keeping viruses and cancers in check (30,000,000,000 in circulation?)
+- Post-injection, toll-like receptors downregulated by spike, unable to provide instructive signals to Lymphocytes. Reduces their ability to target cancer
+- Weakened-immune system