logicp 2 anos atrás

+ 13 - 0
collectivist_theology/Mapping the whatgins.md

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+so the idea behind Kimberle Crenshaw's mapping the margins is that her theory is used as an action against marginalization
+this is why she says that Critical Race Theory is a verb
+she also says that it's only those in the positions of power, close to the superstructure, in control of the infrastructure of society, who are able to dialectically critique the marginalized from a higher level, and impose the ways in which their identity changes in society
+and so that this is actually the tool of oppression
+this is why not only should it become the tool of the oppressed, but the oppressed must insist on their identity which had been used to historically marginalize and oppress them
+they need to use this to bind together, build their collective interest, represent themselves and fight back through theory to undermine a corrupt oppressive process that is borne of the manner in which society has been organized, that is the infrastructure that has been built is still serving the superstructure, and this includes the service of oppressed peoples in support of the oppressor class
+racialize to fight against the dominant group that asserted they are a race antithetical or abject to the races they declared to be able to oppress

+ 19 - 1

@@ -305,4 +305,22 @@ This is, of course, an act of dominance that creates and maintains oppression. S
 This is why you see Kimberle Crenshaw say "I am black becomes an anchor for subjectivity". Or why she says "Critical Race Theory" is a verb. It's an action verb back against the action that's marginalizing, for them. You also see this tendency in the choice of the word learner in place of student. The learner is not the same as the student.
-A learner is a subject in his own learning. A student is the object of a teacher and his vocation, that produces dominance. Nevermind that a student is also a subject in the process of study. For the marxist, for whom social relations (power dynamics) are paramount - a student only exists in relationship to the teacher, unless he is a natura lstudent engaged in a self-directed study (learning),
+A learner is a subject in his own learning. A student is the object of a teacher and his vocation, that produces dominance. Nevermind that a student is also a subject in the process of study. For the Marxist, for whom social eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (power dynamics) are paramount - a student only exists in relationship to the teacher, unless he is a natural student engaged in a self-directed study (learning). A learner, by contrast to the objectified student, is someone who learns.
+It's utterly unambiguous. No teacher's object. The learner is the active subject of his process of learning. As active co-learners, active co-subjects in the process of learning about the society. The learner is, to use the key Marxian word, again, centered in his process of learning, where the student is made marginal to it by the dynamic of teaching. To paraphrase, as Marx had it in his Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of the Right, the student orbits around the False Son of the teacher, while the learner makes him into the true son at the center of his own learning universe. As God, in himself, is the learner. Not so for the student who is but a teacher's pupil.
+This ostensible peculiarity in linguistic form, then, is not peculiar at all. It is the precise sort of obsession characteristic of a religious fanaticism. Its product is not gobbledygook, either: it's Hocus Pocus, by which the mundane is transformed through subtlety into the sublime. The word by which the bread of the world becomes the sacramental host. It isn't word salad, it's the word that transforms the self into the bread of life. It's a kind of alchemy that when consistently got right in accordance with Praxis (which is learning through being in the world) opens up the gates to the kingdom from which Man finds himself temporarily expelled.
+Those who are learning - the conscious can perform the sacramental rite.
+For the contemporary Marxist, through speaking the word, one proclaims the world.
+Man replaces God at the center of his own universe and so, through his speech, creates the world he inhabits and creates himself. Man is the process of becoming , as well. Becoming conscious of himself as his own creator.
+Creation comes from speech, then. To speak, though, man must learn how. To learn to speak, he must become a learner. A man in conscious dialogue with himself in the world. This is praxis, which is reflexive. A man who is a learner, then, cannot be a teacher's student. That would emprison him and the teacher's creation, not his own. That relationship also must be one of dialogue: learner with learner - equal to equal - one creator with another. Mere instruction cannot create, it can only reproduce that which already is, and thus that which, as goethe explains, has already perished.
+The sigh of the oppressed people, Marx said, is the religion that believes God spoke the world into being, saw that it was good, and then rested on the 7th day, the day after completion. That world, to Marx, is a dead world. The completion of the world which is always in the process of becoming is a lie. The world dies in the instant it sees itself as complete. God, in declaring it done, merely asserts his dominance over a particular stage of being - over a dead world held under his dominion. God, then, is the tyrant, and a jailer of man in a dead world he wants to maintain and rule. Man can be set free when he realizes that this is a dead God. The creation of dead men who wanted to maintain the world, as it was, at an earlier historical time, when it was under their control. In Marx's relity, the world can never be completed, because it is always becoming. Transforming from what was, through what is, to what its creators continually create it to be. The revolution is perpetual - a revoluation that stops has died, and the world it left off with is likewise dead. There is no living God but man, through whom the world continually becomes.
+God is dead. Becoming is the nature of being, and becoming is dialectical. We are all learners, active subjects in the process of learning and transforming ourselves and the world. Teachers are dead Gods. False Sons who denounce nothing, announce nothing new, and merely declare an alienating world taht
+*As will be seen in the Dialogical model - the educator and student are in dialogue-based relationship.*

+ 2 - 2
covidism/Denis Rancourt TLAV 4.md

@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ That came out very early in a leading journal and that, things like it, and the
 Then, once it had gone far enough, there was an interview by a former KGB intelligence general who said that China HAD to stop being the origin of the propaganda so they told the MDs and Researchers to just calm down and not lock down their entire economy. As a result, China flourished in the Covid period and kept its economy going. They stopped talking about and testing for SARS-CoV-2.
 ## Western Lockdowns Were Not Inspired by China
-Even though there is all this dry underbrush/instutional structures/all of these things ready and in place. The pandemic measures we saw being applied, and over such a long period with such a level of aggression, could have not occurred without oversight and encouragement by geopolitical forces. This doesn't happen spontaneously. They went overboard and it was clear that they wanted complete increase in ability to know everybody's whereabout. To surveil all the world's population as much as they could - they wanted that ability to be implemented. The ability to shut down your bank accounts. An E-currency that is tied to everyone's individual bank accounts.
+Even though there is all this dry underbrush/institutional structures/all of these things ready and in place. The pandemic measures we saw being applied, and over such a long period with such a level of aggression, could have not occurred without oversight and encouragement by geopolitical forces. This doesn't happen spontaneously. They went overboard and it was clear that they wanted complete increase in ability to know everybody's whereabout. To surveil all the world's population as much as they could - they wanted that ability to be implemented. The ability to shut down your bank accounts. An E-currency that is tied to everyone's individual bank accounts.
 It is clear that geopolitically there are some clear obvious goals that were being pursued and that COVID was a way of achieving those goals. Once the notion fo a pandemic and a virulent pathogen is accepted and all of these brilliant professional researchers and MDs have bought into it, you don't have to design anything. That's just going to be the story.
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Since that time, we've been looking at Canadian data, and what we find is that t
 Age has a big effect on mortality.
 - The risk of mortality, whatever the cause, is exponential with age.
 - The doubling time is about 9 years (culture, time/history, etc doesn't matter except during war)
-Fundamental property of biology and you fin dthis characteristic in other animal species, but the doubling time is different, obviously.
+Fundamental property of biology and you find this characteristic in other animal species, but the doubling time is different, obviously.
 The risk of death due to being challenged with a toxic substance rises exponentially with age, but also the heterogeneity that you will die - the width of distribution for a given age increases with age.

+ 110 - 0
covidism/Dennis TLAV 4 - notes.md

@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Canada all-cause deaths
+0.76% died in 2017
+0.77% died in 2018
+0.76% died in 2019
+0.81% died in 2020
+# All Cause Mortality Notes
+- Data do not indicate contagious respiratory disease
+- immediate synchronous hotspots - immediate all-cause, only in some areas, sharp decline
+- Strong correlations by policy, not cohort or geolocale
+- Virtually no mortality in Canada compared to US, despite the largest land border and economic partnership
+# US Unique
+- Massive proportional death
+- death to poverty 0.86 pearson coeff and proportionality (double poverty = double excess deaths)
+- No correlation with age, contrary to clinical studies examining CFR by age (where it is exponential), actually - greatest death increase in young
+# Fragile Pools
+- Medicated, mentally ill, disabled, elderly, close to death
+- Completely isolate, restrict washrooms, no family (torture)
+- Isolate infected, no antibiotics
+- No contact with outside world, only contact with masked/shielded professionals
+- Heterogeneity of health - there are always vulnerable and near-vulnerable
+# Latest US Study
+*Time synchronicity between vaccination and mortality*
+## Bias
+### Dry underbrush
+- Institutional response: infrastructure erected for sole purpose of responding to pandemics: a huge hammer looking for a nail
+- Practice scenarios funded by pharma/special interests
+- Army of eager, career-ready professionals
+### Research Bias
+- Mono-causal thinking
+- Ignore determinants of individual health and find universal factor or compound for which a new product or approach can be developed
+- Recognition for discovering pathogen or treatment
+- Chemist discovers molecule, physicist discovers principle, minerologist discovers mineral, virologist discovers virus
+### Virus Problem
+- Small, invisible, difficult to separate from bodily fluids and particles
+### Technology
+- Over-reliance on tech
+- Less study before sequencing
+- Once you specify the genetic code, that's the new reliable assumption
+### Institution
+- "Institutional Structural Bias"
+- Internationally-trained researchers
+- Tightly-knit professional networks develop tunnel vision
+## The Spark
+- Chinese researchers describe pneumonia-type disease and collect fluid
+- Culture 2 lung cancer samples (exposed + control) and compute sequence differential to derive viral code
+- New pathogen leads to new modeling with theoretical R factor and transmission behaviour
+- Modelers suggest China should lock down
+- Propaganda war ensures - China building hospitals and using short, targeted lockdown, but then;
+- Diminish testing and allow economy to flourish during COVID period. Success story!
+## West Lockdowns not Inspired by China
+- Long planned infrastructure was not spontaneous
+- Improve ability to know everyone's whereabouts/Surveil world population
+- Unstoppable momentum - pathogen accepted and endless brilliant professionals hungry to make this the highlight of their career
+## Isolation
+- Not a classical isolation - difficult to culture a pure sample
+- Electron microscope and confirmed pathogenicity/cytotoxicity are equivalent to isolation for viruses
+- Critique of Isolation becomes a Critique of PCR methods
+- No sequence without PCR
+- Varying methods applied - varying degree of discernment - all treated as equivalent
+## Globalists Win
+- Deaths = We need power to act
+- No deaths = We need power because we save people
+## Bacterial Pneumonia
+- Most fatal viral respiratory diseases are fatal because of bacterial pneumonia
+- Professional avoidance of antibiotics (some success with Ivermectin, possibly for its effect on bacteria)
+- Fragile person at any age can be killed by bacterial pneumonia
+- Even 1918 Flu involves deaths best described as being caused by bacterial pneumonia
+## Mechanism of Death
+- Terrain (health, morbitidities, poverty, dominance hierarchy)
+- Psychological stress
+- Social isolation
+- Pneumonia
+## Vaccine Campaign
+### Introduction
+- Study after vaccine campaign
+- 100 Weeks COVID period (50 post-vaccine)
+- Vaccines did not lower all-cause mortality (no lives saved)
+- Excess death maintained in spite of vaccine program
+### Patterns
+- Coincidence of increased vaccination and extra peak in all-cause deaths
+- Unusual summer peaks
+- Pronounced with vaccine-equity programs in poor communities
+- V-Comorbidity
+- Risk of death from toxic substance rises exponentially with age, but so does heterogeneity
+### Michigan
+- Only state with Spring-peak following vaccine campaign
+- Same pattern in Canada
+### Lockdowns
+- Direct state comparisons sharing border
+- Higher all-cause mortality if you lock down

+ 6 - 2

@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ How comprehensive is this going to be? Because, obviously it's a farce from the
 You can declare that it is almost completely free of risk, but you cannot say it is absolutely free of risk. This is an explicit action that you are taking. There is a difference between your current or unaltered state and your medically-treated state, and there is some risk incurred in making that transition. Comparing a direct action to a theoretical event which is not made one's destiny through demand or decision, but is an occurrence which takes place as a matter of happenstance as per the patterns of the natural world is an absurdity. There is no way to make up for indirection vs explicit, or the potential of an event being realized, particularly since these are not even options being offered to anyone, as there is no reasonable expectation that the state is offering you a bout of SARS-COV2 infection and illness. That is, though they are compared on the basis of theoretical risk, and though we could presuppose that the weight applied in such a comparison is unquestionably accurate, the comparison itself is inadmissible as it does not represent the transaction being proposed.
-In fact, the nature of the transaction as contextualized by first effects is not even something which has been formalized, and is alone something which I doubt very much any universally credible consensus can reach. Again, one will say the special circumstances and particular risks supersede any such discussion, but I would say that you have sold away any standard for ascertaining what a special circumstance happens to be, and that the predisposition to operate per such a modality expresses one's antagonism and driven to profit one's own desires.
+In fact, the nature of the transaction, as contextualized by its first order effects, is not even something which has been formalized, or something for which any universally credible consensus can be reached. One will rebut in stating that special circumstances and particular risks supersede such discussions, but to claim as such is also to force your own conclusions as to what constitutes a special circumstance, and that the predisposition to operate per such a modality expresses antagonism and a drive to profit for one's own desires.
-At the very least, the fact of there being any research whatsoever which shows that some people never encounter symptomatic disease fulfills the potential of someone not having disease as an option. The other possibility is that one adapts as per interaction with humans throughout a course of events whereby the prevalent strain becomes more common an dless responsible for disease. There would likely be very many persons who would come to enjoy this circumstance and they would have immunity to offer to the whole community.
+<!-- At the very least, the fact of there being any research whatsoever which shows that some people never encounter symptomatic disease fulfills the potential of someone not having disease as an option. The other possibility is that one adapts as per interaction with humans throughout a course of events whereby the prevalent strain becomes more common an dless responsible for disease. There would likely be very many persons who would come to enjoy this circumstance and they would have immunity to offer to the whole community.
+ -->
+The truth is that, even early on, there was a lot of data used in studies demonstrating not just recovery, but that many people showed evidence of infection without symptoms. The idea that someone would not build immunity is already nonsense given that anyone avoids being killed by the virus, but is even more absurd when one notes that there are those who come to be infected by it and are able to mount a sufficient innate response such that no symptoms of illness are even experienced. That is a direct demonstration of immunity and, at the very least, it makes them formidable viral sink, which reduces viral load in a community.
+Furthermore, it is necessary to have a significant group within the community who have conferred immunity as soon as possible, particularly once we learn that a pathogen is not extremely deadly, as this means we have a means of reaching a level of herd immunity earlier, which negates prolonging the period whereby the largest proportion of the community is most vulnerable and has the least immunity. This immunity is not merely in the sense of there being individuals who are able to stop the pathogen from spreading, through acting as the sink, but also in the sense that they are sharing particles with naive or vulnerable persons for which mounting an adaptive response is less desirable. In such a scenario, the individual with immunity will emit a range of particles, including exosomes, which allow for transmission of precisely the types of components conducive to inducindg an adaptive response

+ 9 - 1

@@ -110,4 +110,12 @@ Reframing through an intersectional sensibility problematizes stable categories
 ## Destablize Queer
 - Advances in joining LGBTQ Studies and Children's education employ a stable Queer identity
-- Queer child development to disrupt teleological narratives of growth that require a developmental sequence culminating in normalcy
+- Queer child development to disrupt teleological narratives of growth that require a developmental sequence culminating in normalcy
+- Deny developmental psychology and the goal of having a "normal", functioning adult
+- Queer Theorists claim that they must create stability for queer children, but then claim that stable identities are problematic and elide discovering the subjectivities of queer people.
+- Referring to normal upbringing as a "telelogically constructed" declares a conspiracy theory of child-rearing
+## Innocence
+"Queer as an identity that names and makes som epeople's sexual desires socially legible has helped in making important sociological studies of sexuality and homophobia as they relate to teh child's education. Queer Theory has also offered a method of analyzing constituative discourses of normalcy. Applying queer methods of analysis to studies of childhood can help to queer the rhetoeric of innocence that constrains all children, and help to refuse attempts to calculate the child's future before it has the opportunity to explore desire.
+- Queer Identity makes sexual desire socially legible
+- Queer the rhetoric of innocence that constrains children and refuse understanding a child's future bore it explores desire

+ 3 - 2

@@ -196,7 +196,8 @@ Jibber jabber. What he's saying is that we think of things in terms of being nor
 Theories of childhood will reproduce normativity. Normativity is the way that they blur the idea that something that is considered normal because of majority, normal for people to be straight or have th same sex and gender identity, etc.. Most people have that, it's a straight statistical statement (Within many standard deviations of the bellcurve of human experience). That gets a moral dimension mixed in with normativity - the moral component to understanding what is normal vs abnormal. We'r estabillizing - they have to go after the gays now, especially the gay men and lesbians, because we've normalized homosexuality enough that it doesn't bother people to know that some people are gay. The progressive liberal mindset supports it and believes that we're making progress on these issues.
-Despite advances in conjoining LGBTQ studies and studies of childrens' education, much of the research in this area employs "Queer" as something of an identity that is knowable and measurable. There are large amounts of literature that takes LGBTQ teachers and parents as its subjects of enquiry. I am interested in these subjectivities, of course, but also suggest to the queer methodological approach to child development in education can more generally disrupt teleologically constructed narratives of growth that require a developmental sequence which culminates in normalcy```
+Despite advances in conjoining LGBTQ studies and studies of childrens' education, much of the research in this area employs "Queer" as something of an identity that is knowable and measurable. There are large amounts of literature that takes LGBTQ teachers and parents as its subjects of enquiry. I am interested in these subjectivities, of course, but also suggest to the queer methodological approach to child development in education can more generally disrupt teleologically constructed narratives of growth that require a developmental sequence which culminates in normalcy
 We're looking at developmental psychology and saying "there's a purpose to how humans develop, and at the end of the purpose, if we meet the developmental milestones and stay within the developmental framework, and are age-appropriate in how we approach sex, then we can come out with a normal adult. A health normal adult. They would say that "healthy" and "normal" are social constructs used to exclude people who fall outside of them, but this is nonsense. There is a normal range for human beings, and a range fo what can be considered healthy. Those are ideal states, and they deny that reality. If you recognize outside of the most common range, be it sexual or whatever, life IS more challenging for you to navigate, and there are steps that we can take to increase legitimate acceptance, but we know from the queer theorists that they don't want acceptance. They want to radicalize subjectivities and complain about everything in the system that they possibly can.
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ A teleologically constructed narrative (a purposeful narrative). She is assertin
 ``` Queer as an identity that names and makes some people's sexually desires socially legible has helped in making important sociological studies of sexuality and homophobia as they relate to the child's education. Queer theory has also offered a method of analyzing constituative discourses of normalcy. Applying queer methods of analysis to studies of childhood can help to queer the rhetoric of innocence that constrains all children. And help to refuse attempts to calculate the child's future before it has the opportunity to explore desire.
-Here's where innocence comes into the picture, which is the thing that they're trying to destroy. Echoes of MArcuse - the heteronomous interests enter into the mind and prevent you from knowing your servitude before you can experience it. There are queer kids, and by trying to use regular developmental psychology and regular approaches which don't sexualize children we end up constraining all children, and refuses to attempt to calculate the child's future before it has the opportunity to explore desires. The child hasn't had a chance, yet, to figure out how queer they are, and you're already sticking narratives of development onto them like "we can't explore sexuality at 4 years old, or 6 years old". They haven't even had the chance to see how queer they are, yet! A terrible injustice!
+Here's where innocence comes into the picture, which is the thing that they're trying to destroy. Echoes of MArcuse - the heteronomous interests enter into the mind and prevent you from knowing your servitude before you can experience it. There are queer kids, and by trying to use regular developmental psychology and regular approaches which don't wsexualize children we end up constraining all children, and refuses to attempt to calculate the child's future before it has the opportunity to explore desires. The child hasn't had a chance, yet, to figure out how queer they are, and you're already sticking narratives of development onto them like "we can't explore sexuality at 4 years old, or 6 years old". They haven't even had the chance to see how queer they are, yet! A terrible injustice!
 ``` Later, I engage with Andrea Smith's 2010 response to Edelmen in order to demonstrate the uneven distribution of innocence in children.```

+ 10 - 1

@@ -3,9 +3,18 @@
 Does one imagine small steps towards Transhumanism with a self-evaluated limit as to how extensively or significantly one undergoes the transformation? Surely, many give it no thought, but many of these, still, had the opportunity to envision their submission to technocracy. It was implict through school in the sense of perceiving that whatever is being done, particularly in medicine, is the most modern set of procedures and standards that there has ever been.
+Indeed, one can take heed of the collective's power and imagine the ways in which one can be liberated in tandem with the breaching the world's boundaries.
+Particularly in a school, where one's attention is formally placed on implements of the future which, at the least, enhance one's capability and, at the most, overcome the limits of reality.
 ## They Are All Transformation
 The activists seek transformative change through:
-- solidarity, redistribution, inclusion, belonging, diversity practitioners, agents and evangelists, disruption, repression, conceorship, holding institutional power, or influencing institutional power. None of these solutions are a process of conception, risk and creation. There is always risk in creating new, but to hijack institutions allows for the risk to be absorbed by some part of the structure, allowing freedom to focus on the grooming without having to worry about the cost of redirecting.
+- solidarity, redistribution, inclusion, belonging, diversity practitioners, agents and evangelists, disruption, repression, censorship, holding institutional power, or influencing institutional power. None of these solutions are a process of conceive -> risk -> create. There is always risk in creating new, but hijacking institutions allows causes some risk to be absorbed by the structure, allowing freedom to focus on the grooming without having to worry about the cost of redirecting.
+### Create vs Negate
+#### Solidarity
+Create: solidarity, understanding,
+Negate: oppression
 This does a few things:
 - it not only reduces the burden of cost but makes it impossible to gain an intution for the cost.

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Sustainable Goals
+"The sustainable development goals require a change in outlook and practice that are reflected in this report. The expert group advocates for more inter and trans disciplinary approaches in education and research because only a holistic approach can design adapted solutions."
+*holistic: Hegelian/marxist view - you can't understand the parts without understanding the whole in which they're integrated. It's not an upper and lower class in opposition to one another, it's that being in opposition to one another puts them in a dialectical relationship, as a collected whole. It's not there are people and marginalized people and people being marginalized by the power - marginal vs centered - process of margin - you can only understand a margin by seeing as a part of the bigger whole. The stratification of society isn't a fact of society, it's a process that's being pushed by the people who benefit from it. To understand the parts, you have to understand the whole. You have to understand the parts in relation to the whole.*
+*You have 2 contradictory ideas, and then the higher level understanding that sublates them/aufheben which abolishes but keeps and lifts up. You have this sublated, higher level view, but to achieve that paradigm-shifting higher level view is by seeing the opposites which are in antagonistic relationship with one another as intrinsict parts of a greater whole. There isn't male and female, but male and the female that he subordinates. They're part of a bigger whole, not different things. Much of feminism twists around this belief. Jacques Derrida's ideas about language, and the concept of phalogocentrism (the phallus / the straight and the male / primary position of understanding words). In queer theory, there's no such thing as a heterosexual without  a homosexual. You have to understand the whole - a system of power in which one is privileged and one is oppressed by virtue of the unjust favouring of something over another.*
+## Introduction
+"Only a holistic approach can design adapted solutions. It stresses th eneed for universities to become more open institutions able to integrate diverse cultures and knowledge systems (pretext for Marxist officers), and to take a more democratic approach to more knowledge approach. It urges for a much stronger presence in society through awareness-raising outreach and partnerships. (so we will all live on campus). The object is for sustainability to become a core practice and purpose of higher-education institutions, putting students in contact with real-world problems and immersive experiences. As we are now less than a decade away from 2030, it is now urgent than ever to think critically about how higher education institutions can take on this role in supporting the necessary transformations toward the 2030 agenda. To do so in a meaningful way, ihgher education institutions must look both internally at their modus operandi, as well as externally in how they relate to society, taking a human rights approach to all education and research. They must become more inclusive of all sectors of society in the student body and faculty. I wish to applaud the comprehensive work undertaken over the past year by the members of this expert group and invite all higher education stakeholders to engage with the discussion in this publication".
+- Stefania Gianini UNESCO
+"The objective is for sustainability to become a core practice and purpose of higher-education institutions".
+"Our hope is that this report will act as a reflective piece, and encourage higher education leaders and stakeholders to think critically an dact urgently in support of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, because it is out very survival and common future that is at stake."
+## The Initiative
+*A call to the global community of higher education institutions*
+A community, because they want to set community standards so they can determine how anyone who engages in the related activities or institutions will participate. If you run a highe reducation institution, you aren't in a de-facto in a community or obligated to follow whatever is declared in the name of whatever community it is alleged you are a member of. It will always be some blue-haired busybody who will come to tell you your community standards so you can serve predictable interests.
+"In 1964, inspiring the 1968 student revolt a couple of years later, Herbert Marcuse wrote a key text against One-Dimensional Man, urging universities and campuses around the world to become places that resisted reductionism (became Critical Theory institutes). The urge for thinking that would show us alternatives beyond the universalizing forces of current rationalism, universities, especially through higher education, could pave the way for human development, independently of industrialized society, giving attention to that which is not captured in universals of One-Dimensional Man formed to serve the productive consuming society. He created visions for alternatives. Above all, his call was to the universities and to the students in particular as they occupy those key positions outside of productive society, still on the outside, but geared toward the processes of its reproduction."
+### Introduction
+"The critical marxists in the 60s were all focused on solving the problem of reproduction. These kids go to college, get degrees, get jobs in the existing society, and that supports th continuation of the existing society. They like it and become part of successful group which ignores everyonebelow them, because they are benefitting from the current state of affairs.
+Above all, his call was to the universities and to the students in particular as they occupy those key positions outside of productive society. Still on the outside, but geared towards the processes of its reproduction."
+*Marcuse's great idea was that students can function as viruses by being Marxist critics in the University who take those Marxist skills from the school to their jobs so they can transform the world from within.*
+*The beginning of this document is telling us to use Herbert Marcuse as a guide for what University should become.*
+"In many ways, we now need to re-read this, because the change that was called for has failed to materialize. In 2021, we have experienced dramatically increased inequalities, especially due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, loss of bio-diversity, accelerating climate change, and increased burning of our non-renewable energy sources."
+*None of this, except COVID-19 (wealth transfer to wealthiest people on the planet by destroying businesses and mandating massive resources to industry - particularly pharmaceutical), but beyond that (loss of bio-diversity) has not increased in equalities. Turning off energy causes people to freeze and starve.*
+"The 2030 agenda is a global framework aimed at radically turning this development around, leaving no one alive (except every German who's not rich, most of the UK, Sri Lanka, Ghana, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia and NZ) in securing a planet and a world that is inclusive and habitable for future generations."
+*Leave nobody behind, so long as you only count those who are on board with the program.*
+"University of Bergen, in collaboration with a joint university initiative in Norway (SDG Norway higher education and research) approached UNESCO for a dialogue on how we at the universities around the world could engage in these pressing issues of our time."
+*Sit down and shut up. The era of academics of having a say in anything political should come to an end.*
+"Here we started a discussion on how the 2030 agenda challenges us as researchers, teachers and leaders of higher education in research institutions to think differently. Through the joint SDG Norway higher educationr esearch platform, universities in Norway called for a global conversation on these issues and UNESCO responded. Subsequently, the process of this expert group was iginted. The 14 experts who formed the group and authored the report were nominated and selected on the basis of scholarly background and achievement (sympathetic) in representing a variety of different trajectories, scientific disciplines and institutions, ensuring geographical and gender balance. They were tasked with proposing guidelines and actions for how universities can facilitate the necessary knowledge-development and research and education stragegies that can generate the deep-going transformations needed in our society, economy and environment. The result is the current report."
+"Our aim and our sincere hope is that this report and its advice to governments in higher education leadership can become an object of discussion and conversation in the global higher education community (which doesn't exist)."
+*It is a tool of extortion - stop thinking that it belongs to a bigger community that's going to put social pressure on you to behave a particular way.*
+"Even more importantly, that it might create a dialogue between higher education institutions and other sectors. Business an dindustry/policy makers and civil society among them. How do we, in campuses around the world, start the important process of thinking of alternative futures?"
+*Just like Herbert Marcuse*
+### Executive Summary
+If an educational institution isn't oriented by a dedicated department which helps to define a meta-goal for the institution as a whole, then that job will be done by something else. In our experience, it has been the humanities which has stepped up to fill this role, and they have overwhelmingly imported a Marxist theology into the heart of this. They are at the point where they are declaring that their research is no longer fragmented, but that all of the research of each department is bound to inter and trans-disciplinary goals. Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030 are a good representation of what these goals have become.
+"Universities and, more broadly, Higher education institutions need to use the knowledge they produce and the education of new professionals to help solve some of the world's greatest problems, as addressed by the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations."
+*You might believe it's true that Universities have an obligation to solve the world's greatest problems, but problem solving might only solve a limited role within the University's overall mission, which is educating people, but they declare it as central. They also say, further, that it's not enough for you to create professionals who identify, analyze an critique what the world's problems are; they are going to tell everyone what the problems are". Not just identified within, but also answered by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).*
+"Humanity is facing unprecedented challenges. Most strikingly so in relation to Climate Change and loss of nature/biodiversity, as well as inequality, health and a suite of issues related to the 2030 agenda".
+*Using existentional fear, they come to pomote that Universities have to train people and create knowledge, to solve problems according to the Sustainable Development Goals, and everything is going to focus around an agenda. The universities is to adopt an agenda - the 2030 Agenda - put out by the UN and its sustainable development goals*
+"With the advent of this document, to the degree that it has taken up the state of affairs, it can never be thought of again tha tthe universities are meant to be intellectually free institutions."
+*Academic freedom will not exist, because it has to adopt an agenda. Its agenda can't be to seek truth, to identify and solve the problems of the world, and so forth. No, it has to be the 2030 Agenda set out by the UN. We will not have free, independent Universities, research or learning. The Universities must, overall (throughout the world) adopt a particular UN agenda and goals, meaning the death of Universities by their transformation into a thinktank apparatus. Dialectic of enlightenment death of the Universities. Reality must be completely different because they recognized microaggressions:*
+"Given this new reality in which the future of humans, along with other species, is at stake, it is time for HEIs and their stakeholers to systematically rethink their role in society and their key missions and reflect on how they can serve as catalysts for rapid, urgently needed and fair transission towards sustainability."
+The whole mission statement of your university need to go, because we need to reflect upon how universities can serve as catalysts for rapid, urgently-needed and fair (socially just) transition towards sustainability.
+"The complexity of the issues at stake means the solutions should be a part of a radical agenda that calls for new alliances and new incentives."
+Of course it is - just take it at face value.
+"It is also time for HEIs to make sustainability and SDG literacy core requisites for all faculty members and students. Sustainability education should bring students into contact with rea-world problems in immersive experiences, appreciating the greater-good of both people and planet (Communism?) and humanization of the world. The greater good of people is Social Contract theory"
+"The Greater Good of both People and Planet, and contributing to values beyond mere monetary gain, will further enthuse and inspire students and faculty mentors alike."
+In 2 + 2 years, we can complete our 5 year goals in 5

+ 44 - 0

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+# Transhumanism
+## Structure vs Behaviour
+There is an understanding that constructs can be not just delineated from one another, but differentiated based on their structure. It might be said that they are differentiated based on their behaviour, but that begs the question of whether identical behaviour can be produced by disparate structures.
+Certainly, disparate behaviour can be produced by seemingly identical structure. But how would we come to evaluate whether the behaviour produced was disparate due to reasons laying beyond the structure? Could the disparity of behaviour come from the slight nuance of difference between two otherwise similar structures? Would disparate behaviour be evidence of disparate structure?
+## Human Observation of Behaviour
+When we recognize that a form provides a particular function, such as the parameters by which a bridge is constructed, we see that the function becomes fulfilled in tandem with the degree to which parameters have bene valenced and utilized appropriately. But, for such a case where seemingly identical structures produce disparate outcomes, what does a human mind conceive?
+I posit that the human's representation of the object in question, be it a perfectly reproduced depiction of the physical object to which it relates, or some form of arbitrary abstraction whose material connection is less obvious, will be different. That is, the representations of two otherwise identical objects, but producing different behaviours, will be as two different objects.
+Even if they appear, aesthetically, and to whatever degree is possible for them to be represented, the representations of them will be produced in the mind that will be more disparate from one another than they would have been had the behaviours produced by them been more identical. In fact, if the structures are different but produce nearly the same behaviour, the conceptions of them in the human mind will be far more similar.
+This suggests an expectation that the understanding of the structure and that form affects function is universal and implicit. It is embedded in our understanding of the world and embedded in the nervous system such as to prime an organism to be prepared to pick up otherwise unobservable phenomena, that is, the aact of it being easy to observe means that aspects of it and its detection are embedded in our nervous system.
+Had the behaviour not been presented, there would have been nothing to observe. As well as with the case of disparate structures And if no disparate behaviour is produce, it's likely that structural disparity remains unnoticed, and if the aesthetic of the objects is such that they remain observably identical, even in the case of producing different behaviour by virtue of, for example, beginning with structures that are almost identical and them incurring transformations which do not cause observable alteration of the form - in such a case, it could be understandable that, without the action being presented, the forms might be thought to be identical. But it's only if there i disparty of behaviour that the mind produces the option that there might be a disparity of structure.
+So, the question arises: Does disparity of structure produce disparity of behaviour ( as a rule )? Or are the different behaviours purely born of the preceding behaviours such that culminate in a disparity of behaviour?
+# Break the Spell
+Is it really a never-ending cycle? Is it a continuous process with us right now? Is it here for us to work out a problem?
+Unfortunately, the spell causes us to deny objective truth. How do we get people to understand that that's what we're fighting against?
+Objectivity is something unattainable? Obviously, it needs to be attainable or we'd never have shared observations of anything that functions ever.
+## Marcuse
+Marcuse claims that we don't understand what justice is, therefore we can't evaluate what would be just from our current perception. As such, the idea of being concerned about what ends justify what means is moot, because we can't possibly understand whether or not the means were shameful or ingenius, if they are to be scorned or welcomed. It requires us to imagine entirely that reality is not within the grasp of perception.
+If a freedom-lover were already making tha case, based on an understanding that our experience of reality hides aspects of reality through moral thinking, then it's likely that such a thing always remains, or that to invest in a mortal way of thought that would only make it worse.
+So, isn't that what's being pursued here? That we're taking away the immediacy of the human experience and replacing it with a conception of experience which doesn't represent any actual instance of perceptual frame. Just a caricature of experience which we posit is bound to flesh and form. That the material constructs have preferred experience that we can infer based on our own mortal thinking of these physical characteristics and that somehow we can conceive of it, in the abstract, and as low resolution as is necessary to doubt anyone's ability to infer what our conception might be, thus giving us plausible deniability to go onward forever with whatever dream and suggestion that we might have. Without having to qualify our position and without having to explain ourselves in the face of criticism which one would otherwise be subjected to. No, we can avoid all of that, and pretend that justice is only through listening to us and ignoring every contradictory voice. But, there is no justice when we completely remove the only form of justice that could ever exist:
+- The perceptual frame, and one another's pain as derived from it.
+Why remove the few real things that we can all agree on?
+To pursue power? To identify power that exists and then claim that the world is unjust because the power lays beyond your grasp?
+That's evil
+# Still Trans
+We're still engaged in the defense over the trans issues, because they're likely the most important issues of our time, and arguably in the history of humanity. One would say: "Well, there have been other events that were much more profound because more people were killed or more deaths were caused. Or they involved the transformation of society in ways that are so dramatic in the sense that some dimension of human activity was increased by a factor that ahs otherwise never been matched. And that these sorts of transformations and heuristics are of such a magnitudinous nature that it's absurd to claim that some other event, which has almost no important heuristics to report, could somehow be a more significant human event or issue, and that makes a lot of sense at the surface because it's really easy to understand the loss of a life, as we assume to have only one of our own which, when it once it becomes finished, so are you and all your experiences. We measure the intensity of such on the basis of the likelihood of dying as afunction of indiscrminate probability. Indistriminate in the sense that we can always quanlify means by which we ourselves are excluded from a certain evaluation due to a factor which we believe is unique to us, but in th case of making a rough analysis without any investment in dealing with the complexity of increased biasing of outcomes, we look towards the overall probability in a non-discriminant context. It's a good general default to use to understand the overall likelihood of something - especially so that the interferences are repeatable to a greater number of people. Almost anyone who is, by definition, a human being, will have interest in that route.
+# Covidist
+If you are a Covidist, you see the COVID period as being a necessary escalation and acceleration of humanity and society towrads our destiny
+a journey towards future man. The thing is that for a COVIDIST, we've been living incomplete for all too long