# Brief History Career mostly in computer science/electrical engineering developing conversational interfaces with computers: precursors to Amazon Echo and Siri iPhone. Switched to biology in 2007/08 - correlations between toxic environmental chemicals and disease with interest in asthma - rates going up every year and possibly something in environment that's causing it. Believe that Glyphosate is a major player in health issues around the world - particular USA. Correlate with COVID-19 - people getting more serious cases. Got into this when people started talking about the emergency and warp speed vaccines. In 2020, they rushed the vaccines to market and used a technology that was extremely novel and had never been used before. Did a deep dive into mRNA vaccines, learned everything I could about the technology, and then did a lot of studying of the VAERS system to understand the disease process. With these vaccines there is a tremendous list of adverse events - really wanted to get to the bottom to see how these vaccines are affecing people. # Issues Many things. They were very single minded on making sure - you know it's the RNA sequence that codes for the protein for spike - that's what's in the vaccine - lots of these RNA molecules packaged up in a lipid particle that has other things added to it, like polyethlyene glycol, and a synthetic cationic lipid that's probably very toxic - and they've designed it to look like an LDL particle - common in the blood and all cells know how to take up so it's going to really get into cells very easily - and they've designed it very nicely so it releases the RNA and immediately starts making protein - makes it fast and makes it efficiently and it doesn't break down - they've done a good job of keeping the RNA intact and resistant against the normal enzymes that would normally take it apart - normally if you just inject RNA into your body, you have enzymes that will immediately break it apart - so they were very concerned about not letting that happen, so they had to go into a lot of effort using different ways to design it to make that true. They basically redesigned the RNA itself, first of all to make it look like a human RNA molecule, rather than the viral ones, so the cell doesn't know it's being invaded because it looks like a human molecule. On top of that, they replaced all the uridine with methylpseudouridine - uridine is very common in th esequence - and every one of them got replaced with this alternative methylpseudouridine which they discovered really keeps it from getting broken down. So that's extremely unnormal. They also changed the code from the original one from the virus. They, first of all, changed, actually, what the protein is - because they put these two prolines in the middle of the sequence that actually keeps the protein stuck to the ACE-2 receptor and keeps it from re-folding and going into the memory - so this ends up disabling the ACE-2 receptors that bind to it, which is a very bad problem because when the ACE-2 gets disabled, you've got a lot of diseases going on there. And then the RNA itself is also chnaged from the original RNA that's in the virus, and in this case they did what's called CODON OPTIMIZATION. It's interesting because the code is redundant - there's 64 patterns - 4 things taken 3 ways - the code is basically this famous DNA code - you have 64 different codes, but only about 21 different amino acids - the codes are coded for specific amino acids - so they code is redundant and it turns out that different versions of the code had different degrees of efficiency in terms of making protein. So what they did with codon optimization was to actually choose a more productive code for each amino acid as much as they could in order to get the RNA to make protein very very efficiencly and fast. That's problematic because they've put things on the end - UTRs - untranslated regions - on both ends that are selected from human proteins that are known for being protected against being broken down. So they've done all these things, everything they can think of to make sure it's sturdy, doesn't degrade and keeps making protein. Normally it's a tremendously complicated regulatory process. Normally, to make a protein you start with DNA, copy it into RNA, goes into the cytoplasm, starts making protein, and then you have all these regulatory factors that will both stop it from making protein and start chewing on its end to break it apart so usually RNA only lasts a short while, but it's been shown in recent studies - they looked at people's lymph nodes from people who got vaccinated all the way up to 60 days and they found both mRNA and the spike protein in the lymph node 60 days later - which is very shocking to me that it could stick around for 60 days. Their whole goal is to get tremendous antibody response and they succeeded very well. You inject it in to the cells past the barriers (the nose and lungs - then the blood and then the vascular barriers and then you can get into long covid etc. The spike protein by itself, not just the virus, they think the spike protein is the thing that sticks around and causes long covid because you still have symptoms and spike protein which can stick around for 15 months in certain immune cell types they found that out in research as well. That will happen with the vaccine, but the vaccine is totally focused on spike protein and not the whole virus - which has limitations in terms of the immune response that it induces - they wanted to make as strong an antibody response as they possibly could - they did all these steps to make sure it wouldn't break down, also making it able to infect the immune cells themselves because dendritic cells come into the muscle in response to crying for help - the immune cells come in, they start taking up the vaccine particles as well, they don't have ACE-2 receptor (the dendritic cells) - they start making spike protein too but they struggle not knowing what to do with this - they go into the lymph system from that point into the lymph nodes - under the arm is very common to see swelling - and then they travel through the lymph system into the spleen through many organs the ovaries the spleen the liver the bone marrow even - they get into all these places through the lymph system. The highest level in the spleen. Among women they found second highest level in the ovaries. ## Reproductive Risks and more Absolutely the case. There's a study on mice where they took the Antibodies - vaccine induces extremely high antibodies and the balance of antibody types is very different from the virus because it's not infecting the mucosal antibodies. So instead of producing mucosal antibodies, it's producing IgG - immunoglobulin G - and it's a particular type of antibody that is known to produce thrombosis, blood clots - there was an experiment where they took these IgG antibodies produced from the spike protein and injected them into the peritoneum lining the gut of the pregnant mice and what they found was that the actual baby mice that were born, the pups, had severe problems with inflammation from the brain - they were picking up the spike protein and becoming severely damaged by it. ## Cancer I've written papers where we've discussed the possibility that it would accelerate the rate of cancer. Anyone with cancer who gets the vaccine is looking for a return of any kind of latent cancer or recurring cancer. Breast cancer is also very interesting because of the lymph nodes now they're saying if you have swollen lymph nodes it might "just be the vaccine". Spike protein has shown that it gets into the nucleus of cells and that in the cells it suppresses a protein called BRCA which is a famous protein associated - the strongest genetic mutation linked to breast cancer. With a mutation you have a suppressed protein - this spike protein does that too, it suppresses BRCA. I looked at the VAERS database, and there's a very strong signal for breast cancer in particular, but many kinds of cancers and things like malignancy - the VAERS database put out by the United States is quite fun to rummage through. The numbers are astonishing as far as - I look at the year 2021 and find all the cases of breast cancer linked with COVID vaccines, and then I go find all the cases of breast cancer linked with any vaccine over the period 20-21 the flu shot, the MMR vaccine, all the different vaccines, and look at the ratio of those 2. And I'm finding a huge list of symptoms of different severe problems where the numbers come out 97-99% high 90s of the total percentage of the cases that are COVID-19 vaccines compared to all the others. I looked at a comparison of how many shots - of course there were a lot of COVID-19 vaccines administered, so there'll be high anyway, but if you just look at it normalized for Flu.. what I did was, I saw that 52% of the population got the Flu shot - very popular in this country - and then I worked out exactly what % would be getting the COVID shots, and you got the 3 shots so some got 3 and some got 2 and some got 1 - you can tally all of that up and you find that it's about 3 times the number. So you'd expect the COVID-19 vaccine to have 3 times as many adverse reactions as Flu if everything else was equal. But it's way way more than that, it's like 25 or 27 times as many reports for COVID-19 compared to flu, and of course if you were to take this full population of all the vaccines and what % would be expected to be COVID, everything else being equal, it would be 33%, but instead it's that 97-98%. For a huge list of problems - thrombosis, heart problems, neurodegenerative diseases, just all kinds of things are way out of line compared to the other vaccines. ## Exosomes I have actually had an interest in Parkinson disease because my mother died from it so I've been studying Parkinson's disease and I'm quite aware of how it proceeds - it takes usually decades to get from the point where you've got initial evidence of something going on to the point where you actually get symptoms, but it often starts with a prion like protein in the gut - a bio pathogen - a pathogen is producing a certain protein that's called a prion-like protein. These proteins are fascinating - proteins that can cause other proteins to misfold and then to precipitate out as these fibrils - you have alzheimer's plaque - Parkinson's is associated with α-Synuclein which also forms these Lewy bodies - these plaque show up in the brain at the substantia nigra which is the place where Parkinson's develops - you can see it under the microscope. What they found is that when you get a pathogen infection and the immune cells take up the protein from the pathogen and carry it into the spleen and in the spleen they induce inflammation - a stress response - and that stress response causes these immune cells to produce more of this alpha synuclein and it's actually a defense against infections - against any kind of stress - α-Synuclein gets increased. And so they've got all this α-Synuclein and they're trying to cope with this infection and what they'll do is they'll package up this α-Synuclein along with this protein that's causing trouble and release it out into the circulation in the form of these little nanoparticles that are called exosomes. Exosomes are really fascinating because they can contain all kinds of stuff. They can contain even the entire mRNA of the vaccine. The whole mRNA, not just the protein itself - and so they display the protein - the spike protein IS a prion-like protein - that's been shown in peer-reviewed papers. The immune cells are going to the spleen (germinal centers, both in the spleen and in the lymph nodes). That's the place where you want the action to happen, in order to make those antibodies. The people who were doing the mRNA research were quite delighted to see that the immune cells were carrying the mRNA into these germinal centers and that's where this dance goes on between the dendritic cells - the B cells and T cells - it's actually pretty cool. They show the B cells and the T cells "hey there's this protein, you need to produce antibodies to perfectly match it" and they get to work and produce these specific, laser-accurate antibodies against that particular protein. And they found experimentally that the vaccine induces a tremendously high antibody response - more typical of a severe disease. If you get a very mild case of COVID, sometimes your body doesn't even make any antibodies to spike - it's not necessary. And so it doesn't bother, it's only when it starts to get out of control - like the virus is getting past the barriers and into the circulation and then you get this antibody response as a protective mechanism because your innate immune system is weak. But in the case of the vaccine, even if your innate immune system is not weak, you've still already gotten past the barriers, and the immune cells carry it into those germinal centers right away and so you're basically just skipping all those early steps of the disease and just going straight to severe disease, acting like it's severe disease. The immune cells make tonnes of this spike protein, package it up into these exosomes in the spleen in the germinal centers, release them into circulation - and those exosomes travel very very well along nerve fibers. This is the critical thing that I am very nervous about because the exosomes are travelling down the nerve fibers so they go down the splanchnic nerve and they get into the center and they get into the vagus nerve and the vagus nerve is the wandering nerve it goes to the lungs, to the heart, to the gut, to the brain. It goes straight up into the medulla oblongata - the control center for the body, it controls breathing, heart rate, consciousness. SO we're getting symptoms like loss of consciousness, arrythmia, tachycardia is something like 99% of the VAERS. Lots and lots of cases of Tachycardia which is an arrythmia in the heart and the brain you've got migraine headaches - it's going and infecting the vaccine is infecting all these nerves in the head, tinnitus from the ringing of the ear, really common symptom from the auditory nerve, and then you've got throat problems you can't swallow that's because of the vagus nerve, you've got the facial nerve causing facial palsy bell's palsy, you've got the trigerminal nerve which is going to cause migraine headaches. All of these things are evidence that the vaccine is making its way to the brain infecting specifically the nerves and then this medulla oblongata, that's going to cause things like sudden death, cardiac arrest, breathing impediment. We hav ea lot of symptoms of syncope which is loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, huge numbers of cases of these conditions. And then of course the arrhythmias - all of these things are indicators of inflammation in the vagus nerve and the associated nerves that it hooks up to. ### Immediate vs Later effects Someone might have the vaccine and be fine and then later develop some kind of symptom. I suspect that could be the case. It's certain that if you have a bad reaction right away after the vaccine, that's very worrisome, but having no noticeable problem with the vaccine but then later develop someting like a returning cancer - I don't know the answer. Whether you have to have some kind of immediate symptoms in order to have them be followed by future problems - it's a good question for which it'd be good to know the answer. I think in part it depends on how healthy your immune system and how capable it is at removing the spike protein and the mRNA. You can break a protein down - metabolize them. Misfold them and clear them through the lysosomal process. Immune system is responsible for removing these misfolded proteins that are accumulating in the Alzheimer's brain and part of the reason why they are accumulating is because the immune cells are sick. I will tell you, glyphosate causes the immune cells to be sick. In my book I have a whole chapter on glyphosate and the immune system - specifically the innate immune system, which is the one that clears the garbage when you have misfolded proteins. So I think that if you've been exposed to glyphosate you're going to have a harder time both with the disease and with the vaccine. The vaccines are going to be more harmful to you than for someone who has a healthier immune system. Glyphosate is just one example - there are severa ldifferent toxins in the environment that will disrupt your immune system and make it weak. ### Detox I think that the way to deal with these symptoms is a lot like Long-haul COVID. I want to say, Long-haul COVID has been connected to - there's this paper presenting this idea of the vagus nerve as the centerpiece of the LONG-COVID that the virus is traveling along the vagus nerve and it culd actually be exosomes containing spike protein because it's only spike protein that's left and it's making its way to the brain. It's actually the same mechanism as what the vaccine does, except the vaccine does it more efficiently because it gets past barriers from the get-go. If you're taking immune-suppression therapy for cancer treatments, they're going to be particularly susceptible, I think, to damage from the vaccine because their immune system is not strong. In order to boost your immune system is to eat a certified organic whole-foods diet. Get a lot of sunlight exposure - to the skin and to the eyes. Get out into the sun as much as you can, because the sun is very healing - it actually helps you to produce, of course vitamin D, but also to sulphate - to make sulphate to attach it to vitamin D and to cholesterol in order to distribute both cholesterol and sulphate to the body and both of those are extremely important for being healthy in terms of both the mitochondrial health and the lsyosomes in order to clear cellular debris. Sulphur-rich foods onions and garlic and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. I find them delightful, but maybe I'm weird. Also, organic gegs? Grass-fed beef, seafood is very healthy lots of minerals and vitamins and even colourful fruits and vegetables because they're got lots of polyphenols. When you're eating soy protein bars loaded with glyphosate you're going to get sick. Many of these neurodegenerative diseases have a basis in dysfunctional mitochondrial (make the ATP) and / or dysfunctional lysosomes which are responsible for clearing the debris. When those two systems are broken, you are very susceptible to any kind of toxic exposures, because your body isn't able to clear away proteins that have misfolded. That's a critical thing with these spike proteins because they're going to be triggering that alpha-synuclein to also misfold. They help along the other proteins that have this misfolding problem to get into this misfolding state. ### Shedding That was something that fascinated me as soon as I heard about it. You have to be skeptical with things you hear on the web, where so much of it is questionable and contradictory. I wrote a paper with Dr. Greg Nye which was peer reviewed published last May called Worse Than THe Disease: Some Possible Unintended Consequences. We mention the possibility that this exposure, second-hand exposure, could be caused by these exosomes because they go everywhere in your body and it's been shown in studies that exosomes are released when you have a cold or something exosomes come out of your breath. They probably come out through your skin and even in the breast milk when you breast-feed. They're just these tiny little nanoparticles. Anytime you're excreting things, you're probably excreting exosomes. And they could contain the entire messenger RNA, that's the really amazing thing. So that's quite remarkable, because if somebody picks up an exosome which has actually got the mRNA molecule - that's not just a spike protein, that's a molecule that can stick around for at least 60 days and keep on making spike protein. So they could get not a dose like what a vaccinated person is getting, but they could get enough to have symptoms through that process. ## Boosters for Immunocompromised I think that's terrible advice, not just because that person's not going to be able to use those antibodies appropriately, but because that's going to be a driver for mutations to emerge in the virus itself. We wrote about that in the paper I mentioned - a section with a particular case study with a patient in the UK. Cancer patient being treated with immunotherapy - got COVID-19 and was in the hospital for 101 days and twice over that period they gave him plasma from people who had recovered from the virus - they were trying to give him antibodies as y9ou would have from the vaccine, but the antibodies didn't work and the whole while they were taking samples and finding out what version of the SARS-CoV2 he had. And over time they found it branched into lots of mutations and by the end when he died, he had a dominant species that had taken over all the others and had like 12 different mutations in the spike protein. He was a breeding ground for an extremely rapid evolution of the virus into a different form that was specifically adjusted to avoid matching to those antibodies. Those things started happening after he got the plasma from the antibodies. It was clear from that one study that when you have antibodies that you can't use because of a weak immune system, it gives the virus a tremendous opportunity to get around the antibodies. These RNA viruses are very good at mutating. We're were saying "dont 'get boosted yet, wait until we've got a specific vaccine from the omicron variant". But by the time they finally have something for omicron, we'll be moving on because of something else. It's going to become a complete moving target where you're getting vaccinated against something that's already obsolete. ## Geert Vanden Bossche The one benefit that I see from these vaccines is omicron because omicron is a natural vaccine, it has become wildly dominant and extremely contagious. It's basically vaccinating everyone because you get very nice antibodies and they'll work against other variants. WHen you get the disease, you have a much broader antibody base, because it's not just the spike protein - the internal proteins are quite stable - the virus tends to mutate the ones around its coat - but the ones inside the virus are quite stable - even in coronaviruses from colds and stuff - you could get antibodies to a SARS-CoV2 from a cold that's actually beneficial for those internal proteins that are very stable - and even it's not just antibody response - the virus induces a T cell memory response which allows T cells to immediately recognize naother coronavirus - even a different strain of coronavirus which will cause it to get B cells to make antibodies right away - hasten the pace at which you respond in producing antibodies. It's the T-cell that are adapted to the virus - the vaccine doesn't do that, it only gets the B-Cells specific antibodies to the specific type of spike protein that is disappearing from society. The antibodies also fade much more quickly in the vaccinated - people have compared having caught the disease vs having got the vaccine, and you just have much better protection a year later from the disease vs the vaccine, for many different reasons. ## Length of Antibodies in Convalescent Going back to SARS-CoV 2003 - they found people who were convalescent from that still had antibodies 18 years later. The vaccine is way too specific and it's specific to something that is way too vulnerable to change. Rapid evolution into variants that, if they are infectious, will dominate. And it will chase out all the bad guys - omicron is both very contagious and less damaging - it apparently doesn't have the loss of sense of smell - because that's a good indicator of nerve damage. It's showing up in the vaccine as well - 20-21 timeframe of a loss of sense of smell. ## m-RNA technology for If they're talking about packaging up the SARS-CoV2 and Flu vaccine into one multidose towel - I'v estudied the HPV vaccine and that's from when they had 3 different variants fo HPV. Not a natural vaccine - quite strange how they make it - they put 3 different strains of HPV (Gardasil) and then they found that there are over 100 different strains of HPV. They picked the 3 dominant strain, but then the other strains become dominant in your body, and some of them are more virulent than the original ones. Then they introduced Gardasil 9 where they put 9 different strains of HPV in to there - 9 different versions of HPV into Gardasil. I imagine they'll roll out somehing with 15-20 RNA sequences that match different kinds of spike proteins from different variants of SARS-CoV2 and the flu, in order to get you to be exposed to a much greater spread of strains, and therefore they're hoping that would give you a more general immunity. I have no idea how the body will react to all these different versions at one time. I don't think the mRNA technology is going to survive. I am hopeful that information will finally come out that this stuff is just too toxic and you can't use it. This whole pandemic is almost all about an opportunity to release this mRNA technology, because they're been very excited about it. The pharmaceuticul industry have had struggles with their other stuff, because they can't seem to come up with exciting new Drugs like statins or something to lower blood pressure. They can't really come up with anything other than "MeToo" drugs to try and get out of the patents. They're not having a lot of success. The antibodies are totally failing. They've got multiple antibiotic resistance, microbes pathogens that people can't fight off, end up dying. They go to the hospital for appendicitis and they died of something they pick up in the hospital. They can't fight it off because their antibodies aren't working Pharma is in a bind right now, but I think they believe that this mRNA technology isg oing to be fantastic. They're going to be able to treat cancer, treat our immune disease, they have a lot of ideas, and even genetic/. They have a lot of ideas. I fear that they're going to find that you can't past the toxicity. ## VAIDS Auto-immune deficiency syndrome. What do we know about that, because we're also seeing a trend in the decline of the immune ysstems of people with. There's anothe rpaper that I've collaborated with Peter McCullough on - in pre-print. That paper was a wild ride - we learned a lot about interesting things going on in biology. These vaccines are helping me to do that. One thing that we realized when researching the literature is that the vaccines are causing a very different immune response from what the virus causes. In particular, the vaccines are disrupting what's called the Type-1 Interferon response. The type-1 interferon respones is a very early response to any kind of invasion from any kind of pathogen (bacteria, viruses, even cancer). There was a really interesting paper published from some people in India where they took some human cells in culture and gave them a vector that would allow them to make the spike protein (simulating the vaccine). These cells made the spike protein and they packaged it up in exosomes and released them just as expected, and then those exosomes also contained things called MicroRNAs. There were 2 in particular that they found that were important which had been expressed and were damaging - MicroRNA 148A and MicroRNA 590. These MicroRNAs are fascinating by themselves, there's like over 1000 different ones in the body, and they're a high-level control mechanism for cell policy as far as what they can do is go in and suppress the production of certain proteins. These two microRNAs are known to suppress 2 proteins known to be involved with this Type-1 Interferon response. They've basically shut it down, and when you don't have that response you get things like Shingles, Herpes, Cold sores, people who are getting those things happening after the vaccines - latent viruses that are becoming activated, as well as things like Hepatitis various kinds of conditions that are caused by infections of various sorts are going to become more common because of this impaired Interferon response that the vaccine is inducing. In this study they showed that the immune cells of the brain calle micro-glia actually take up those exosomes produced by other cells and it causes them to launch an autoinflammatory response which can damage the brain. ## Similar Response from Body as someone who has AIDS? I think so - weakened innate immunity is what AIDS is - disruption of CD4 T cells and monocytes - I don't know if the vaccine specifically disables those cells - it could very well be the case - the T cells are promoted by a Type-1 interferon response. Basically, there's these innate cells in the bone marrow that have not yet matured into a type fo particular immune cell - they can mature into a lot of different things - without the type-1 interferon response, the T-cells don't build up the way they should following an infection, or in response to cancer, so they become unable to control infections because they're not being produced - their production is triggered by that type-1 interferon response which is not happening. ## Issues for People's Immune Systems - We don't know about timelines - Geert Vanden Bossche - talking of ADE where the antibodies actually backfire - very worrisome and it makes a lot of sense where we try to develop coronavirus vaccines in particular where the vaccine produces 2 kinds of antibodies, both those that suppress and those that enhance the viral response. The ones that suppress apparently fade more quickly and causes you to reach a crossover point where the enhancing ones become more prevalent than the enhancing ones. The enhancing ones bind to the spike protein and can bind to other structures at the same time (such as SC receptors on blood platelets) - this can also facilitate entry of the virus into immune cells leading to infection of the immune cells and actually multiply there. - Anticipating a crossover point where the unvaccinated are less susceptible to SARS-CoV2 infection than those who were vaccinated N months before. - Once you are on the vaccine treadmill, you need to keep getting booster shots, and the boosters might fade even more quickly than the original vaccine ## Immune Dependence - I suspect dependence and destruction of the immune system by the boosters - Poor capability of fighting off infections and cancer - Neurodegenerative diseases taking a lot of time - New pre-print paper from Montagnier et al (2 other authors) - disturbing - 16 cases in Europe of CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - horrible disease where you lose your mind, ability to move (at an accelerating rate) - All cases diagnosed shortly after the 2nd shot - 6 died ~ 3 months, 6 died ~ 8 months, 4 remaining ## Conclusion Never been in favour of these vaccines from the get-go. Terrified of the possibility of letting children < 5 to get them. Amazing that they could possibly think that would be a good idea. Delay of the child immunization (doesn't even immunize) in the US - possibly because some data signals are too significant to cover up Expectation that the vaccine or expressed spike could get to the developing thymus gland of children. Autism - children getting worse over the past 20 years, IQ dropping, this generation does not have as high of an IQ as previous generations - harming the brains of our next generation - if children are not healthy, how will we ever maintain a healthy culture? Too many vaccines too quicky?