# Interferon Concerns
June 12, 2022

Interferon respones were said to be quite different between acute SARS-CoV-2 infection (pronounced) and SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. What is striking about this is that interferon Alpha and type 1 interferon as a whole is associate with such a wide variety of innate immune behaviour that it would beg the question of what could possibly be considered broad, comprehsnive and robust if it lacked a type 1 interferon component. It is not evidence of the response in and of itself, but evidence of the many associated factors having been initiated.

# Having to Do
There were many friends and associates whom I never expected tobe telling that I could no longer have mor eto do wit, but such is the case se we begin to take our time more seriously. I dno' tbelieve that they were so interested in listening to my ideas as they were interested in observing that they would maintain good standing and feigned agreement with someone whom they believe holds very different opinions and views from them. But do we really?

In my humble opinion, the answer is no. We don't ultimtaely hold different feelings on these matters, it is that the same matter suddenly needs to be treated differently -> being represented by completely different symbols and invoking different chains of propisitions and environments - chains of evaluative mechanisms - not even the same mechanisms, parameters or operations.

## Examples
Children are perhaps the biggest. Preceding teh current apperance of the child issue is the propensity of some to allow their child's health and well-being to be sacrified for their material success. And how do we know it is for material success? Well it is in exchange for something. IT is certainly not the path to spiritual sucecss. There might be some hope that, for example, in highlighting the medical issues of a child that they might be cured by focsing on the material aspects of a problem it might eb more likely to be resolved, but this is the most charitable interpration, because it assumes zero risk of any detriments incurred by doing so, not the least of which being the tendency of a human to be manipupulate dfor sympathy or a different circumstance through or upon which to be judged.

And really, we know for the simple fact that human babies do learn to manipulate through their crying and whimpering. So empowering that process, rather than simply allowing it to play out within a range of what is considered reasonable, is problematic.

# Book Progress - Mind
June 15, 2022

Pushing back on many things, but it isultimately the belief in mind to transform through one's expression which is not merely the vocalized or animated expression observed by another, but the instantiated thoughts and conception fo thoughts in mind. We must alwayas give priority to the most fundamental level of environment upon which to cast, strike, place, etch a point of expression. Though we insist that the environment has an ideal form, weknow not whether it may be realized and, furthermore, though the tone struck might not resonate to the extent or satisfasction desired, the correct fundamental placement can always be sought for it is chosen in mind, and to choose correctly in the face of burden develops important skill.

Mind is the ultimtae apparatus, function and instantiated implementation through which limits are surpassed and the unrealized is discovered and acknowledged. It occurs when free movement of focus can take place or is imposd to tak place, even in the presence of force nad constraint. The modern state religions claim to present the means by which to do all that mind does already, while suggesting that mind, in fact, is not able to do those things and that it conversely amplifies and cements the aspects of the system which is responsible for negating such capabilities.

So, then, how do they purport to do what they assume mind cannot? By asking you to question what you believe to be true. But only about those things which the Theory concerns itself with.