We hope to do better by discovering the new, but what's new is often an illusion, as the greatest new ideas always allow us to simplify our problems so that we can focus on ensuring the basics are ordered properly.

Do we realy need immortality in order to live a life properly? Must we take our time to make every mistake twice before finally achieving a configuration which we are proud of? Or is it just a need to be indulgent?

Do we need to relinquish ourselves to others in order to achieve a new level of completeness? Or should we relinquish our most unnecessary behaviours so that we can get our basics right?

What if our moral systems are too simple minded.

We need a purified higher education to undo the evil in our hearts, and finally see the true world. Is moral understanding only available to those who have the time and funding available to do the work? Do we really believe that if someone is the right race, they are the perfect person for a given role? Even if done with good nature, and patience...