# Clots

Dr. Ryan Cole pathologist
Here to talk about blood clots - in particular, embalmers have been reporting clots found in vaccinated patients. Able to tell which patients have the particular form of clot.

Ryan got samples of these blood clots. If you have these clots, is that something that can be lived with?

## Response
The interesting thing in a lot of these patients, there are blood tests that can be done in the lab which say "there's a clot present" - pulmonologists will often check for larger clots, and come up with nothing. Where are they clotting? Well is it microclots?
Ryan Cole says he sees it in the skin. Spoke with a GI pathologist, who said he was seeing lots of microclots in the biopsies.

You can live with microclots and even medium-sized clots - at least for a while. You can live with a clot, but the tissues around it or upstream can become compromised, because they don't receive adequate oxygen.

The clot keeps on coming forming in that it causes a snowballing effect. Anchored to the wall of the vessel and it begins as a flappy valve, but eventually blocks off.

## Tissue Samples
Morticians will normally put a dissolving agent in to make it easier to work around the clots.
First heard reports a few months back.

`But they've been around for a year or more, why are we only hearing these reports now?

Fear factory. Morticians might not have been wanting to speak up, but it might also be that they didn't see the large clots until the 2nd shot, or the boosters.

Stanford study shows that the mRNA persists for a long time in the lymph nodes and can still generate spike.

## Clotting pathway
Normally you have a waterfall of factors triggering in order for a clot to form. But with the spike protein, and check the paper from a few weeks ago from Dr. Patorius from South Africa - she measures the elasticity of platelets - flow studies within tubes of normal blood, which will form a little clot on the side wall - but when they put spike protein in, abnormal clots began to form. But she found that plasma with no platelets, but was able to cause clots with the spike protein.

Rather than only having clots forming from platelets + thrombin + fibrin + fibrinogen => patelet and fibrin clot. But in this case, just plasma and spike caused the fibrin to lattice together without platelets.

## Confidence level that this is caused by the vaccine?
80-90% confidence, based on the papers that have come across thus far and the mechanisms explained by them.

## What Causes the Clots?
There are plenty of conditions, infections, bacteria, disseminated intravascular coagulation. Lots of infections can trigger clotting processes. But a septic infection leading to clotting is somewhat rare. But 2-3 foot long clots, are not something that you see.

We have no theory as to what else could be causing these sorts of clots. It must be from the spike protein.

## Slides
Instant clumping from the vaccine stops the movement in the samples.

Normal clots look like a few cells being trapped in stained samples with little blue cells trapped in the clot.

These clots have a much higher concentration of trapped cells and the cells themselves seem to be expressing factors which clump protein as well. The body doesn't break these down as easily as it does normal clots, because the spike can bypass many of the steps involved in a normal clot.