# Interfaith

## Matter
What is.
What matters.
All is supposedly composed of it, except anti-matter (only known to interact with us via gravity)
What of the void?

What of that perfect vacuum without matter, because of it all having been sucked into Black Holes? That is, when we get the cycle of Hawking Radiation emitted to the point that a new Universe can begin, possibly at the point of origin of each Black Hole, giving us a nice never-ending array of dimensions through which all that is possible can become realized.

In this scenario, is there an absolute state? Would it come to pass in any of these Universes, or is the abslute state the idea that we have every possible manifestation being given potential/having its events potentiated? Otherwise, is the absolute state the form when all matter is concentrated just prior to the expansion phase (Big Bang)?

## Interfaith Intro
*From the Christian Science perspective*

How does the Christian Science mindset follow the Interfaith initiative? How does it begin? Well, they are probably approached, or the Mother Church was, which prompted it to disseminate the idea outward.

But what of the mind of the practitioner? They attempt to believe that there understanding of reality, or conception of what is to be understood in reality, is the ultimate one (not explicitly so, but it would seem impossible to avoid this conclusion), which we could all eventually attain. But how is that different from other ideological frames, such as what one would come to as a contemporary form of Hegelian Faith, which suggests history is moving towards the absolute state, and that any seeming disparity is just an indication that further syntheses are yet to occur. An expectation that one's conception of understanding wins out as an eventuality.

Does a Christian Science practitioner see themselves as being able to win? The moral aspect permits one to assume their conception prevails, without realizing that there could be this framing; they are permitted to believe that their framework allows for their ego to go unchecked.