NZ reported its first death resulted to the COVID vaccine
Report follows review by an independent panel monitoring safety
Panel attributed the death to myocarditis
Pfizer recognized there could be rare reports of myocarditis
Use of the word rare and mild

massive influx of messages from people with heart problems
Ministrty of health on risks of myocarditis: increased risk for inflammation of the heart and this has appeared and the risk of this is really skewed towards young males aged 10 - 30 and the risk of that happening is about 70 per million in the highest risk group

A few children have died of myocarditis

the fda knows this when the FDA and CDC reviewed this in June they had 200 cases - and they disingenuously said it is rare (never say that in safety work, because you don't check people for it) and the second thing they said was that it was mild (90% of kids in the review were hospitalized - what does it take to hospitalize a 17 year old kid? no it's not mild)

Confusion in the data
274 hospital discharges for myocarditis in the year ending March 2020 - pre-pandemic
the next year, which was pre-vaccine, there were 343
Next year, corresponding to the vaccine rollout, we had 783 reported by medsafe

Clearly, it increased, but is that figure real?

Official information requests actually show that there were actually 1,540 hospital discharges in 2021 for Myocarditis - twice the rate reported by Medsafe

It should have raised alarm bells, but it didn't. You can find a sequence of numbers to show what was going on. July 2021 they said that the estimated rate for myocarditis was 1 per million vaccine doses. In December 2021, Ashley Bloomfield wrote to heads of district health boards claiming the rate was 30 per million.

The reported rate was somewhere between 75 and 150 per million, and probably higher.

Bangkok Paper Pfizer vaccine 13 - 18

Large fraction, nearly half, were asymptomatic of myocarditis. A substantial number of young people are sustaining heart damage without knowing it. First manifestation of herat damage can be cardiac arrest, development of heart failure later on. No long-term assurances on safety.

If you look at some communications, some people were claiming taht the myocarditis that was rare and that you were at more risk if you actually have COVID than if you have the vaccine.

These statements were wrong. Good study in Israel: incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in post COVID-19 unvaccinated patients.

"We did not observe an increased incidence of myocarditis or pericarditis in adult patients who recovered from COVID-19"

Totality of evidence that, compared to other viruses, it's particularly more prevalent.

Myocarditis on the in-patien studies is a problem because it's not adjudicated. A blood test is done on all hospitalized patients for troponin - an abundant protein in the human heart, and it's a reliable indicator for heart damage, but troponin being elevated in COVID-19 respiratory illness doesn't establish a diagnosis because it's elevated in bacterial sepsis and other ICU conditions. The literature that say COVID-19 causes more myocarditis than the vaccine - those  papers are not valid because they're not adjudicated cases of hospitalized patients developing myocarditis.

In community out-patients - the big 10 had a screening program - Daniels and colleagues published in JAMA looked for myocarditis in thousands of athletes - 30% of them had had COVID - a handful of cases that would have met a definition and there were no hospitalizations or deaths.

Another paper by Joy and colleagues - prospective cohorts - detailed screening of patients who had COVID - no evidence of heart injury.

With a respiratory illness, as it all settles out, there is a risk for traditional cardiovascular events because of the big inflammatory insult that the body gets with COVID respiratory illness, but there is a small negligible risk of myocarditis with COVID the respiratory infection probably because the body doesn't get this massive exposure to the spike protein as it does with the vaccines.

The cardiovascular event rate in people with severe COVID, and the ancestral strain, does seem to, through an inflammatory mechanism, increased cardiovascular events but this is something we've known in cardiology with all sorts of infections - if you have a predisposition for cardiovascular disease and you have an infection of pneumonia, it will exacerbate the risk of these issues. It's not that new and the point that has been made more recently is a suggestion that mild COVID might be causing sudden cardiac deaths, and the evidence is just not there.