Where should I take the conversation with Jim?
we have to talk about a lot of different things.. but we can also use hte spontaneity of having to discover some ideas on important subjects, in the moment, and use that to create meaningful content that people will find invigorating and inspiring
we need to remind people of the necessity for authentic relationships and interactions
so for that reason, I better make it a priority to get in touch with Jim tonight.. at least have a minimal, incomplete catch-up where we can make another plan to have a video conversation and use that to create online content for both of us
that miht be a very important thing at this time, where so many people are having to demonstrating so many specific gestures in order to deal with everyone's needs that they might all but forgotten what meaningful, authentic and veritable interactions are like
and why they're so important at orienting us to do our best and consider a broad perspective
the more ways we can conjure this up, the more we'll direct the outcomes in everyone's favour
this is tinresting because if you think about it
thre has been a huge explosion of content creators from all walks of the earth
and, if you go through some ofit, htere's a huge variety of authentic content
it seems that people are really coming together and improving themselves, and figuring out how they can use their experience to benefit each other in a way that works, for the aggregate, as a net improvement
and so some might disagree nad say that it only apperas tobe this way, because of hte fact that we have access to YouTube
but if you compare this with a lot of old programming content on network television, it's as a whole represented as a higher proportion of fiction
there's a lot more production, and it has much  more pplanning involved, hterefore everything is rehearsed and the interactions themselves are not actually occurring through the humans themselves, but hte acted characters
so it might even just be that more people are having more interactions while on display for an audience, nad that they don't realy have anything to do, no script to follow, or specific dramatic postures that they must put themselves into
so without those artifacts, those pronouncements to be made, which themselves are contrived by definition, we are able to give greater nuance to the creationof the order of meaning from the process, rather than simply the order of its presentation
this, and being exposed ot the content, can be leading a lot more people in the best direction or at least a better direction
the probelm might be social media's influence 
it might be creating a lot of extra inauthentic content, in a sense, pushing into the exact opposite direction
and for some, this is also very addictive because there's a competition of egos, a lifting up of one another's ego, in a sense, creating a floor upon which the egos will dance and indulge each other, empowering their drive to pursue more of it
that isn't to say that there's no ego in the other more veritable interactions
but that, overally, there's a higher probability that they'll have less tolerance for, or interest in, behaviours presented from the other side which require a deeper suspension of critique and consideration in order to ignore some of the implications of those behaviours
which would eithe rbe too jarrnig to maintain, or just become too complex to want to work through
that people manifest some of these odd behaviours which are contrived and implicate the presence of negative emotion or unreliability, in some capacity, and that we are able to tolerate them, is probably because it is fulfilling some other need
and since the need, with experience, is less likely to be something for which they can't be relied upon anyway
it's likely that the interaction is offering something more short term
something which feeds into the emotional needs or the maintenance of the self's perspective on their own ego
it would make sense, because as time goes on, behaviours which cause someone to be less relable, and one's repeated or prolonged intereaction with such individuals, would lead to events where the unreliability causes some sort of material loss, some resource expense, be it time or otherwise
and this will, after a while, necessarily cause one to avoid those interactions, those baptterns of behaviours and their presentation
so in roder to maintain the acceptance of these behaviours for a long time, well into one's middle age years, probably means that they have a greater addiction for fulfilling the requirements of them both maintaining a perspective about themselves, and doing so with the right type of neurochemical experience such that it is desirable or at least tolerable in the sense that it provides an expected and predictable outcome
if it were declining rapidly that would probably lead to a change in ebhaviour
but that hasn't been the case here
so we can at least posit and produce the hypothesis that such people will be found in a greater correlation
maybe I shouldn't be making my pronouncement in that way
this likely requires greater scrutiny

sometimes we see the following type up of behaviouir with those around us, such as our peers or family. You would like to have a discussion with them, but instead of being able to have an interplay that develops to a productive conversation that is meaningful and insightful to each of you, it becomes nothing more than pandering to immediate desires and emotions.

Is it so that only some humans are speaking to satisfy their emotions, or is this an instrinsic part of communication between humans? Are we not to speak to one another except to satisfy an emotion - that's the extreme case

A more reasonable case is that our emotions lead us towards behaviours which satisfy a biological necessity, in this case there might be a few biological necessities/needs which are being satisfied

It is true, however, that:
- behaviours are affected by emotion
- One can be cogitnively aware of the possibility of being affected by one's emotion
- one can attempt to reason or plan towards mitigating the possibility of being affected by one's emotion
- that one's ability to do this is always hindered, or at least possibly affected, by the possibility of being affected by one's emotion, if even out of suspicion should it not even be possible for it to occur, this creates a paradox
  - Given the affects of paradoxes, it leads to a complexity and that complexity has an affect, even if not fully understood ** Need to assess the paradox as it applies **
The above list is getting to complex

- behaviours are affected by emotion
- One can be cognitively aware of the fact that one might become affected by their emotions
- One can attempt to mitigate this fact
- The mitigation itself is also affected by the same possible affect

So, knowing this, how is one optimally planning and targetting a goal in terms of the type and outcome of the exchange?

Types of requirements that might be emotively indicated:
- (To plan for a more prosperous future, while maintaining calm about the fact that one might have immediate needs which will easily be satisfied, and need not consume significant resources or attention.
  - This would be an emotion which includes [calm, intentionality, clarity, optimism, ambition]

Emotional redundance:

here are words which might lead us to some better way of thinking, some way of speaking and perceiving, i'm not sure why we need to have an output of any kind, but simply having the output takes us through our thoughts and emotions, or even allows ut o channel emotions in an activity, because it's necessarily an intrinsic part of all human processes, sos iuch that specific symbols or glyphs or representations are being chosen, we are necesaserily making an emotionally driven choice, and doing so with the desire to drive the emotion in a particular direction
This reminds me of exchanges where I feel like I'm being asked to satisfy a given emotiona, and I eventually become incapable of adhering to the demand, that it becomes how do you say... offensive and distasteful, that one can't fathom why they even bothered to give into it before, or were they perhaps fooled by the demand being made, and tried to give it a most charitable interpretation.