# Selectively Identifying Authoritarianism
Why might it be that we declare ourselves as being against systems of control, yet we might still be prone to ignoring them when they manifest? Why not identify it and fulfill previously extant programmed systems of pursuance?
We imagine a system of control as affecting us without allowing it to imply that our specific actions and way of living (absolute / physical day to day) is affected by it. That is, you would still be pursuing the things you are, but you would be more successful because a just system is one where you believe you could best pursue these values.

So then the problem is that we both view one another as too inept to identify your own hypocrisy. We certainly need to understand that both sides will have strong biases, thus we must identify them and contextualize them to see whicih ones carry more weight.

The woke are not reaching logical conclusions, and not able to understand what anti-wokeness might be.

# Covidists and the Woke
Can they be differentiated? It seems to me that they both aim towards an impossible and self-destructive ideal, and move towards it as a mechanism of human sacrifice. Both hold a group as paramount and despise expressions of individuality. Both are hypersensitive towards interpreting common, normal behaviour as a form of violence (even inaction as a form of violence). Both demand control of language. Both insist on their favourite data, but discourage debate.

Covidists refuse any harm by Covid.
Woke refuse any harm to those in oppressed classes.

Both prefer lived experience to science. Both have zombie-like followers. Both wish for the crisis to be handled as an emergency, and see the decision of intervention as an opportunity to remake the system.