It is understandable that one might be drawn to a new idea and that, when observed by those with an interest in the intellectual, that one might be more likely to give the new idea a positive outlook. There are multiple reasons for this: - It is a part of progress and evolution to accept the new Since it is enw, the likelihood that one's false assumption can be excused on the basis of its novelty is higher, thus one can assume that their error won't be held as evidence of one's lack of intelligence or malicious inclinations, thus there is already a positive bais towards the new idea from the outset. In the case that the new idea affods some benefit in the form of an alleviated restriction, or even like introduction and availability of a resource, then there is yet another positive bias towards its adoption - The new idea challenges the old, and opens the floodgates of possibility. Why limit yourself when what would save us from the most dire threats could be something unknown? exit