# Covidism and Stronglogic Solutions

## Is covidism compatible with Stronglogic Solutions
As far as has been deduced thus far, covidism is completely antithetical to the goals and aspirations of Stronglogic Solutions.

## How does covidism interfere with the goals of Stronglogic Solutions?
The goals of stronglogic solutions, as outlined in the manifesto, are targets predicated on what the manifesto defines as a framing of the human experience that we argue as being the most plausibly agreed-upon framing. The framing describes the perceptual frame as being the most fundamental aspect of the human experience. The framing is expanded to include all biological beings, and concludes that the highest value for beings, that are sufficiently sentient to be considered as bearing human consciousness, should be each individual life. It expands to declare that the experiences of these beings exist only as individual experiences and that, as such, the only experience that one could understand another being to possess is also a fundamentally individual experience.

Moreover, it continues in its description to state that first and foremost, the most important value are those individual lives which cannot be characterized to exist as anything other than a state of being possessing an individual experience. Any other description of those experiences which posits it as being likened to a group, that is to say, a group description which accounts for and considers many individual experiences, or a set of individual experiences that is being likened to the common experience of whoever is designated as being part of the group is easily shown to be moot, so long as there is even one exception to that designation, it can be proven that the group description is false and does not truly account for the individuals as it proposes. To expand on that point, any exception demonstrates that the group description disregards at least one individual experience. For those who seek to prove the viability of the group description, they will be shown to be technically false as in order for it to be a viable definition, one would also need to make the claim that the individual that is an exception is actually not part of the group. If that exception possesses the characteristics used to qualify members to the group description, then that standard of evaluation is wrong, or is being used for a purpose other than the purpose it purports to have.

## Lies
Whatever the rationale and excuses for each participant in the great covid scam, we necessarily must make the distinction that those who participate are not reliable. We can love them, and even forgive them, but they are not to be depended upon.

The prevalence of fraud, manipulation, exaggeration, and censorship is so common and pronounced that even the most avid covidist has surely at least once uttered "well this doesn't make sense". Regardless, they have played a role in this continued war of attrition on their brothers and sisters, and most of them would never realize this without sacrificing their own sanity.