What a time

Today was the anticipated World Wide Protest against lockdowns and covid19 measures in general.

My expectations:

I expected that a modest turnout would arrive in Ottawa, mostly because of the nature of this city, the high proportion of public servants, the general failure of Canadians to want to go against the grian, and that being particularly expressed in a city like Ottawa, which has the distinction of being a federal capital while also being a comparatively small city at that. For this reason, Ottawa has always strived to try and make itself seem like a bigger city than it actually is, and this translates into certain psychological characteristics which seem to be exacerbated amongst its citizens. That is, people of Ottawa often try to make Ottawa seem superior to its neighbouring big cities, Toronto and Montreal, but it often does this by saying that it is not a bigger city, and that this is its strong-suit. In addition to this, however, it still must assert itself as a city which is of a sufficient size and seriousness that any federal capital would consider a minimum in order to fuflfill its roll correctly. Surely if the capital of Canada is not a serious city, then the country itself is not a serious country. After all, how else would we expectd a federal capital to conduct itself and compare itself to the other representatives of the world?

Regardless of expectations, today has proven to demonstrate that, indeed, humans will spontaneously transcend. Even with restrictions, threats and ridicule, it still becomes impossible to stop humans from pushing for what they believe to be right and true.

Authenticity is infectious, and ignoring truth perpetuates dissonance which becomes increasingly difficult to ignore.