# Interview on Brighteon Conversations

Right, so we've known for a long time that there's something called bacterial-resistant - antibiotic bacterial resistance - where you take bacteria and you give them an antibiotic and some of the bacteria will die wiht that and some of those are resistant and so what do you do with that - what do you end up with after you give antibiotics, you end up with just the ones that are resistant. And so these vaccines that are being used have done something that we've never dnoe before, and it's not something folks focus on when we say that because normally what we do with a virus is that we'll take all the virus and all the variants and all the parts of a virus and we'll weaken it and inject it into people and try to get an immune response. That's not what we did this time, we let the drug companies go out there and say "we're gonna put a genetic sequence together that's gonna make a spike protein, but that protein is only for SARS-CoV Wuhan HU1" whic hwas the original virus that was found - the one they have a genetic sequence for . Jean-Claude Perez and a number of other virologists have gone through this and looked at what PFizer and Moderna have, and the problem is that nobody else - these actual nucleotide bases, the genetic code, do not match Wuhan HU1 - the protein that's produced is relatively close - and so it's been close-enough for our body to guestimate to respond to it, but they're not actually the same thing that's in the virus - and the further the spike protein gets from the original HU1, the less likely the antibodies made from those vaccines rae gonna work - and this is videnced by the fact that the CEO of pfizer came out a week or two ago and said "look, we know this is going to happen, and if in 91 dyas we fin dsomething that our vaccines don't get yuou an immune respone to, we can make a new one" so we have a dog chasing its tail, and we have a new phenomenon that I call "Vaccine Chasing". We're now gonna chase our tails. Isntead of saying let's take all the viruses - let's the the HU1, the Alpha, the BEta, the Gamma, the Mu, the Delta - let's put them all together with all tehir parts, weaken them and inject htem into people so your body has seen the entire sequence, we just selected out one single part of one single type of virus, and we've done it in such an incredibly stupid way that it's blind-=sided our immune system, and the published studies show exactly what I'm talking about.

Your immune system has two layers - it has the bottom layer, which ever animal on teh planet has, called the "Innate Immune System" these are the classic T-cells - you get infected, the T cells, the macrophages or something else in the virus, it eats it, it tears it apart, and it takes part of it and puts it on teh surface of the cell then goes to your lymph nodes and says "T-cells, this isn't normal, this shouldn't be in the body". And your naive T cells react to that and become T-helper 1 cells ANd that's critical, because these produce a number of chemicals that are designed to kill infected cells, and they make other cells - and one of those other cells are Cytotoxic T-cells which go after infected cells, and they make what are called T-helper 2 cells - and these are critical. T-helper 2 cells have to be made for your antibody making cells, B cells, to optimize what they are doing. Without T-helper 2, without the innate system being activated, your body cannot possibly make the number of antibodies or memory cells of taht antibody that it needs to make. And what we have seen with vaccine studies that have been done with Pfizer and Moderna, is that the T-helper 2 cells are not being made, why aren't they? Well, you have to see the virus outside of the cell, right? And what these lipid-nanoparticle Pfizer Moderna vaccines do is that they sneak by that - all that is is a cholesterol and fat-wrapped genetic code that gets into your cells and bypasses your innate immune system from recognizing it. So there's no reaction - these get into your cells, the cells start making the spike protein, now your cells are starting to make antibodies but o h gosh the innate system hasnt' been activated. The other option, Jannsen and AZ, what are they wrapped in? in an Adenovirus - so your immune system is now lookign for adenoviruses, not SARS-CoV2 coronavirus.

`But wouldn't Pfizer and Moderna say taht once your body manufactures the spiek protein, taht thosego outside of the cell, get recognized by your immune system, and then that starts over`

And that process apears to slowly occur, but what the data shows, what the published papers now show is that the T-Helper2 system is blunted, it's not activated - see this is the thing tha thte EUA documents don't show, whic his actual T-cells B cell innate antibody responses - they just say "these people didn't get sick, so we're good" - yeah well why, was it actually an immune response? And what the data also shows is that when you inject the Pfizer and moderna vaccines into people, and then you watch over the second show, not only do you not make the T-Helper 2 cells, btu when you look at the interferon respone to the HU1, adn you look at the Interferon response influenza when the people then get tested - it's blunted. Your innate immune system is being reprogrammed - now we've seen this before, but never so eloquently done by a vaccine that's been man-made.

`So, another question - the Atlantic did a recent article where they're admitting expecting immunity from these vaccines is expecting the impossible - bombshell news for those listening to the narrativ e- but what you're describing is that the vaccine might create the illusion of immunity`

Yes you're not getting a T-Helper 2 respones, the interferon responses are blunted - when you get challenged with other infectious agents like Influenza now, we find out that people are now not responding the influenza like they're used to - and when you compare it with natural immunity which has both IGg IGm and IGg and IGA response, we see that you also get natural immunity to SARS-CoV2 if you've had influenza which now gets blunted with these vaccines, and for some people cytolomegola virus - so we have a vaccine system that has tried to do an N run around the innate system, it's interfering with the actual immune response, sure you're makign enough antibodies that you can measure it - the question is, without T-helper 2, how much memory are you really making it? and it's a 3-step process, not a 1-step or 2 step, this is the only 3-step process in the immune system - which is T-Helper 2 with the antibodie s- and if you don't have that you don't have the antibody respon that you need. This antibody respone was layered on top of the innate system - you can't take the foundation out and expect the roof to stay up.

`So the upshot of this, in practical terms, do you beleve that this explains why in many countries the majority of those who are vaccinated with covid-symptoms are those who have been vaccinated - Scotland, Israel`

Yes, that's exactly what it is, and I refer t this as the squirrel moment - wha twe have is the mainstream media and the federal government doing squirrel moments everyday so that you've got people looking around for what's coming next and unable to focus and concentrate on the basic concepts which is the immunity is not being built like it's supposed to. I don' think they are smart enough that they knew they were doing an end run. They just figured by golly we're going to make this happen, because they've been playing with this technology for cancer for a decade and it has failed every time. I do'n even know if they looked for the data, btu it wasn't reported. These people on the FDA board who approved the EUA - they should have said where't he T-cell data, where' the B-cell data, where's evidence of actual immunity, what we're suppsoed to be making - where is the data? I can't imagine that tehse people got to wwalk into their professors' classrooms with an experiment without showing teh data. That's what nobody's demanded.

`Right now, though, just recently 18 FDA officials reportedly are now saying, including Gruber and Krauss, saying that they are not going to support the booster shots because of a lack of data. The FDA is trying to covertly reassert authority because they've been bypassed. What's your take?`

Well the White House isn't the only one dealing with big pharma. I've been dealing with Big Pharma for years, and you know it's had a very nice cozy relationship with lots of federal agencies and the court system in this country, and they've had a great run at getting exactly what they want. But Anthony Fauci and the people at the DOD and NIH who've been funding this gain-of-function research they'v ehad decades of doing exactly what they want with nobody holding them responsible. Biden needs to order an invstigation on Fauci, the NIH and the DOD so we can have accountability on all that they've spent for the vaccines.

`Your book "Is COVID-19 a BioWeapon, asks that important question - if it is a bioweapon, I'm hearing two narratives from you - total incompetence/stupidity - but thee other conclusion is that this is a bioweapon designed to kill us. Where does the venn diagram meet on those two parts?`

At Jurassic Park. They had enough knowledge and money to play with the technology of splicing genes nad inserting nucleotide bases and playing around to see if they oculd make something more infective, but not the intelligence to step back and say "wait a minute, this could be a problem" and B "this great idea that we have about vaccines, don't we have to use the immune system like it's designed?" Cuz it's not like our immune system is saying "okay, these humans got a really rear-end approach to do this to put something into us to get us to respond, this is the worst possible thought so this is where they had the science, they stood on the shoulders of giants who had wroked on this before them, they've ignored the people like myself, literally ignored because the CDC had me presenting in Greece in 2005 on the inflammation theory and the fleming mtehod for measuring these changes in the body, so it's not like the CDC was unaware, the head of the CDC invited me in 2005 to go to Greece, to present these two topices, so it's not like they were unaware of my work from 94. It paralellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll