here we go
that's much better
let's talk about intelligence
we had a conversation before about what is intelligent
and about what intelligence is
and how our understanding of intelligence is based on us being humans
and having the particular types of perception that a human would have
this might be thought of as a biological perception, fundamentally, but with the ability to about it and communicate about it to other people
there is no real understanding of what intelligence might be if we aren't communicating between humans
or communicating with a system which has been programmed by humans to respond in a particular way
or which has been programmed by humans to perform a particular action in response to an input and then do whatever is necessary to generate a response
I suppose there could be other forms of intelligence
but the ones which are developed and mature enough, sophisticated enough, to meet a standard of providing intelligent information, where the semantic representation is being responded to at the same level of where the expression's definition occurred, would have to be something which is in some way shape or form influenced by a human being
and that this might be a machine doesn't mean that it isn't also an extension of humans
any other type of respone, coming from an animal or other living organism, might seem intelligent, but through abstract inference by a human being
and based on terms and concepts that are fundamentally human
toa fford that leeway to conceptualize a non-human behaviour to be intelligent on the basis of there beign a human explanation for it
that we can afford that, is due to the existence and intervention of human beings with the world
because if ever there was a time that the cost was too grear, one must scrutinize as to whether that is still a problem today
and if it does