# Investing in Disease

People like to mock those who remind others that a loss of population or even a loss of respect for human life (how would the former not follow?) is an ever-increasing possibility, and not because of an unexpected pandemic of the century.

We have massively expanded our ability to declare, suspect and detect disease, yet with a bias to favour identification and discovery. It is said that we must err on such a side, due to our "novel" situation. THe expectation that, in maintaining a larger scope, we can catch extra problems, or tackle bigger problems. A sensitization towards discovering disease, including that which might not be available for direct observation.

But, of course, detection of disease has also become activism, and anything which is assumed to be a form of guaranteed charitability, a good will, is something which naturally evades a range of criticism, thus easily qualifying an increase of support.

This means that the standard by which we define can be come more permissive and memory would dare not even consider to challenge the assumption that this is an obviously great idea.