# Reality You are born with no expectations until you realize some of the limits and constraints of reality. This is essentially the structure of reality, or the reality as you interface with it, being etched out for your discovery to experience constraints and limitations is to overcome them. If we decide or come to believe that reality isn't worth, anyway, because it's such a tragedy that we wouldn't get to experience all that there is to experience. And that such a tragedy that we wouldn't get to experience all there is to be experienced. A lifetime, at least when being presented with such a period of time in concept as a child, as not enough. I need ample time to do everything wrong and then take my time doing it such that I'll still have enough tie left to do all the right things in the most impressive demonstration humans have ever seen. SO what happens when you're trying to find someone? # Rights Is it really the case that they don't want people to have rights? That the ydon't want them to have implicit rights, but only ones which are explicitly granted by an authority? It's hard to conceive of a frame of mind which wishes to restrict its OWN rights, movement, and functionality, such as respiration and basic actions. The implications of this is that anyone who is aiming to restrict the rights of another is doing so because they believe they would restrict actions that they themselves would never wish to perform. Furthermore, that the action they wish to restrict is a danger to one's own existence and that they wish to perform it because they are acting at the behest of illusion and unreason. Regardless of all appearances, you are ultimately preventing someone from doing something which causes themselves and others harm. Do we, perhaps, theorize as to whether we would expect that a person comes into some sense and renewed prespective about their actions, their raison d'etre, as consequence from having pretended to have free will in a moment of depravity? Otherwise, what would be the state of mind which would have fallen upon someone seeing, for example, antifa characters who are attempting to cause someone physical harm? Trying to kill or wound someone. Is this the sort of thing that should be restricted? Is it not restricted already? If I were the one observing the antifa characters, would I consider taht the person should be apprehended by the authorities and placed in a jail cell to think about life and come to certain realizations? Or would I prefer to imagine that this person deserves to come into a circumstance where the aggression and ill intent which they set outward is returned to them in a scenario which educates everyone as well as possible while someone avoiding any incurrence of further victims? An eye for an eye. I don't think I can come into a mindset where I believe that someone is going to receive just punishment from a preordained specification which is itself subject to extreme manipulation by the state and its control systems. Those with the finances to find the most clever legalsmiths would have thought "what goes around comes around", more or less. So to get into th emind of a covidist or covidian who is wishing for someone else's rights to be restricted, how would you go about it if it were your brother? Someone who hasn't done any direct harm to you and yours, but someone whom you don't like to hear the opinion of, and whom you are willing to undermine and demoralize in order to have some degree of control over them. Perhaps, I would have manifested a great deal of resentment for them upon realizing that they had disparate outcomes from myself. There should be no disparate outcomes, only dominance by those with the right ideas. # Coordinated expressions if you were dedicated to this one craft, you could enforce a daily regimen which touches upon all of the essentials while also affording you the room to pursuee, expand and conquer new ground meaning either approaching and digesting new ideas, or simply reinforcing, galvanizing and crystallizing ones which one already knows and has come to apply in the case of performing a single piece the mastery of which is not within casual reach of the performer it needs to be understood as an activity which is the product of one's peaked expression that is to say, that a psychologically balanced and attuned absolute expression is made possible through a synthesized state of being which orchestrates and harmonizes seemingly disparate but multidimensionally interoperable systems and faculties or capabilities within the range of influence by a self-cognizant biologihat the conduct of these faculties must be such that each of their corresponding dimensions of expression are valenced appropriately such as the application of value is undertaken with minimal friction while simultaneously bearing the greatest potential for perfectly valenced expressions in all other faculties at every possible level of relation, every conceivable correlation or abstraction, and every degree of indirection for if one is to say that there is a perfect form of expression that can manifest in reality, it does not necessarily follow that the expression is itself a static monument of bland and comprehensive composite of element, but that there is a liberated iota selected at a point of origin, and that the environment provides a field of potential wherein a perfect expression can be executed and though one might consider that the expectation of perfect execution is unreasonable when considering some of the formulations, such apprehension should itself be cautioned against as the potential should not be neglected or disregarded, but made maximally renowned and celebrated as its approach and utilization modify the cost of participation and presence and yield ever-changing environments which themselves deprecate previous expectations and frames of conception we must allow for maximal flourishing at every level possible, for the harmonious expression of systems leads to discharging of torpid occlusions and revitareconfiguration of the relationships between systems this mode of conception is not one fixated on a static structure of truth and certainty it is itself a mode of operation which maintains both a process of becoming without imposing expectation of conforming every perceptual frame as such an endeavour would incur forms of friction and dissonance-inducing resistance it is a mode of operation which champions positive procession of experienced state of being and open self-arrangement towards uncovered and oncoming phenomena