a dialectical play and have been on peaceful and violent protests so that they become the same thing. That's not from any one perspective: Right: CNN's mostly peaceful and fiery protest Left: The fact that they always insist that every peaceful protest is violent because violence doesn't need physical acts of violence and also because they are willing to provide evidence or make claims and provide hearsay evidence that without substantial evidence that violence is taking place Judith Butler seems to do the same thing that all the other gnostic mystics have done, like Hegel who says: "Subject and Substance are the same thing, because I've erected this system of science and it presupposes that they're the same thing - so see? Given the fact of my having completed this system which relies on that fact, we can presume that it is true". And at the same time Judith Butler doing the same thing: We have gender and sex. Why do we have gender? Because of those things that objective reality and biology couldn't describe and dictate about sex. But, what a minute! How would we know what the things of gender would be unless we knew what the attributes of sex are - and how did we come about those? The same way that we are coming about those things of gender - through the socializationa nd social construction. Our understanding of sex is, therefore, also a social construction. Gender is sex and sex is gender. They're different only insofar that they were both parts of our becoming conscious of the degree to which our understanding is socially constructed.