Sucharit Bhakdi Began studying medicine in 1963 Professor since 1982 Head of institute 1990-2012 Physician, trained microbiologist, infectious disease expert Worked all of his life in the fields of infectious disease and immunology Chaired the department of medical microbiology and hygiene at University of Mainz 1990-2012 Living in retirement His wife is a biologist and biochemist at the Quincke Research Center, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. They live and breathe this stuff, and have for their entire lives. "Debunked" by non expert German Council on Foreign Relations: Tyson Barker (Technology and Global Affairs), who said he was a prominent example of a "crop of debunked but credentialed so-called experts minting conspiracy theories and undermining fact-based information" Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding experimental Covid19 vaccines Concerns: The dangers of thrombrosis -> intravasal clot formation - not sufficiently addressed by the AMA - Provide evidence that this danger had been considered and found to be excluded based on the evidence - Young people who receive the gene-based vaccines would develop clotting abnormalities - Response: not within 1 week (which i what was asked) -> but in that time, reports came in from all of europe Coagulapatheses -> series of deaths This caused 15 countries to suspend their vaccination program with astrazeneca vaccine IMA was forced to provide an explanation -> was not provided, but they released news at a press conference on March 17 _> reassure everyone that there was no certain connection to the vaccination (clots to vaccination) They said that these deaths had been due to one of two very rare clotting abnormalities 1. DIC Disseminated intravascular coagulation -> condition that arises when you have so many clots in your body that your clotting system is exhausted, so you start to bleed 2. Formation of blood clots in the veins of the brain TLDR: 5 cases of DIC in persons under 50, and 12 (noe 13) cases of intracranial/cerebral blood clot -> considering the benefit that is being provided, the risks are miniscule numbers are so small Normal numbers quoted: 1.3 cases of cerebral venous thrombrosis. Every suspected case of this is an emergency to be scanned and blood tests -> therapy immediately They said they had 12 cases and the expected number was 1.3, which means they can't totally exclude it, but the numbers are so smally on an absolute basis that they should be accepted DIC -> 5 persons -> but what was expected for same demographic is below 1 To say this> people who areunkowing -> 5 cases is bad, but there is great benefit 9 - 10 people lost their lives under 55 Up until then, they were completely healthy If 10 million were under 60, and you lost 10 lives In first wave of pandemic, how many people lost their lives? According to official statistics, the number is 52 So how can the benefits outweight the risks? Formation of clots in the brain veins is horrible. What are the symptoms? - Splitting headache - nauseaa - vomitting - dizziness - paralysis - hard of hearint - blurred vision Clot formation in brain veins can give you any symptom you want. That's why the symptoms of people getting 2nd shot of vaccine are so diverse, but they would all fit into that umbrella. Even those people who have jerking limb movements, this can be one of th econsequences of clot formations in these vessels. `What do you say to people who say "that was just the Astrazeneca vaccine, not the Pfizer"` Well the principle remains the same -> the reason why this is happening, I believe, is that these vaccines are being taken up by the cells that line the vessels, the endothelial cells, it's like the tapestry on the wall, and then the spike protein is being produced by these cells of the vessel wall Now, this is a disaterous situation, because the spike protein itself is now sitting on the surface of the cells, facing the bloodstream. It is known that these spike proteins, the moment that they touch platelets, they activate them, and that sets the whole clotting system on. Just a press button The second thing that should happen, according to theory, according to what I used to teach, is that the waste products of this protein that are produced in the cell are put in front of the door of the cell, which is towards the lumen, where the blood is flowing, and is presented to the immune system. The immune system, the lymphocytes that are there that recognize these cells will attack these cells, they don't want them to make these virus parts. And these virus parts are being made at locatiosn that they virus would never ever reach. The vessel wall in your brain, the virus doesn't go there. But if the vessel wall is now destroyed, you scrape on the wall, that is the signal for the clotting system to go there, and you will get a blood clot. This happens with all the gene-based vaccines, because the genes are being introduced to cells of the vessel wall. That's what we think. `Could you explain, as best you can, first of all: what are these mRNA vaccines designed to do. Should they be calle vaccines, or are they more like a gene therapy, like their patents state?` Ok, we go back a bit: Now, the conventional vaccines are composed of the spike, tha tpart of the virus that clutches the handle of the door to the cell, opens it, so that the virus can open the cell. Now, an antibody is created or is made when you inject the isolated hand of the virus into your body. The immune system then makes antibodies against this hand, and the antibodies are there to stop the virus from getting to the handle of the door. And, it could work, if the antibodies are where the door is. In the case of the mRNA and the Astrazeneca vaccines, now is not injecting the dead limb of the virus. One is injecting the gene that encodes this viral component/protein/limb. You get the shot into your muscle, these genes enter the blood stream, and those genes will enter the cells they contact, alright. And that's why we thought if a substance enters your blood stream that is rather large, a gene, it will never leave the bloodstream. There's no way to get out. The walls of your vessels are closed - you can't seep out of them. `You are worried that cells all over the body will create the spike protein?` Well, you see the trouble is that one doesn't really know where these genes are going, because it's never been looked at. This is one of the questions we posed to the EMA - where is the data and experiments that tell us where this is going? Can you exclude that what we are thinking has been excluded? Because it's so important that what we think, and what we propose to them, is going to take place - is that these genes, that are injected into the muscle, are going to reach, of course, the lymph node, but second, and more importantly, they're going to get into the blood stream. Once they are in the blood strea, they are captured within the vessel system. IT's a system of pipes and canals going through your whole body into all organs. But what is in the blood vessel does not contact the liver cell, the brain cell, any other cell - it contacts just the cells that line the vessels - which keeps them from exiting the bloodstream -> this is what people don' realize. SO we said, therefore the only cells that will be able to take up these genes in quantity must be the cells that are lining the blood vessels themselves. `What does that mean?` What ends up happening is that the gene enters the cell and the gene is translated into the spike protein, it uses the machinery /protein synthesis machinery of the cell, and it's like an alien code that is put into your factory and out comes the product, which is the virus spike. This virus spike within hours will sort of protrude out of the cell and, at the same time, the waste products will also put in front of hte door. So there will be the waste products, plus the spike, and the spike on the one hand will probably activate the platelets by touch. Whereas the lymphocytes, will see the waste products, because that's what they're trained to do, and they'r egoing to try and attack and kill the cell so that all this waste and that spike is not made anymore. Ok? So you have a double path to the tragedy. This will happen wherever these spikes are made, and they are probably going to be made at locations where the blood flow is the most sluggish, because those cells have the most time to take up these packages. It now turns out, we dind't know this when we wroet to the EMA - because this experiment has neever been performed in animals - humans are now being the test animals. We are now seeing the outcome, and the outcome is horrible. ANd frightening. It may be interesting to some, but I find this so absolutely - it's such a nightmare `You would say they say in absolute terms only 12-13 people have died, you and I might say that there are more - but they would say, this is providing 90 - 95% effectiveness. How can they say that this vaccine is effective? How can they tetll that the vaccine is effective?` Of course it's nonsense - of course they couldn't have shown this because there weren't enough deaths to show this - they would have to vaccinate the whole world to show that maybe they saved x number lives. In the first wave of the pandemic 52 people under 60 died because of or with the virus. Now, to show that the vaccine was 95% efficient - you would need a 2nd group that had been vaccinated and show that less than 52 people had died. Less than 1 perso. ANd of course, no trial would shwo that, and there is no trial. What they showed, and what they purported to show, is that in the case of the Pfizer, they had 20,000 people who were not vaccintaed, and 20,000 who were vaccinated and then they counted the number of Covid19 cases in one group and the other group - and they came up with numbers like 150 in the unvaccinated group and only 10 in the vaccinated group got Covid19, so the vaccine was 90% or 95% efficient. This is so ridiculous. Because, how did they define covid19? Was it death? Of course it wasn't. It was cought, mild symptoms, sneeze and a positive PCR test that is lying all the time anyway. You don't go around saying "how many people got a cold in one group, so the vaccine is protecting 150 people". When I read this, I stopped reading beacuse I knew all this was bullshit. If you want to start wallowing around in shit, it's not good. What they said, in the biotech case, 10 severe cases in the control group, and 1 in the vaccinated group -> but you would vaccinate 20,000 people to save 9 people from severe symptoms, who were not in the ICU. They were not vitally endangered. `When someone gets tetatnus what happens` You die. In thailand, 100 people get tetanus, 100 people will die. In America, the system is so good, if the doctors are doing their job, they can save 50-70% of their lives. If they are still working and thinking. `What does that tell us about teatnus and vaccines?` Tetanus vaccines are good - that's why I've alwys taught my students that they should get vaccinated against tetanus, and get re-vaccinated after 10-20 years - the risks are so small and the benefit is so huge that there can be no question about it. `Contrast that with the mRNA Covid vaccines` Right - They wouldn't have died, but you go around kiling them with the vaccine 1 and secondly maiming others for life. Because, you know, even in the vaccination trials, it turned out that several hundred people who got vaccinated got such severe sid eeffects that they had to be treated in the hospital. So, on the one hand you might have prevented 9 severe cases, you've prevented 140 mild cases, but in return you got 100 or 200 side effects that were so severe that they had to be taken care of the in the hospital. I don't have data, but I've hearaed that some went to the ICU, and I can believe it. I don' twant to know if there have been even worse effects that people are not talking about. Excuse me, but this bleeding profuse bleeding has been seen in individuals who've gotten the Moderna vaccine, in the skin, jerking ove the whole body, which also can be the consequence of thrombis formation in th ebrain, has been reported from America , from people gettring the vaccine, correct? And this jerking, which is horrible, these people will probably never be normal again. There was a case 3 days ago, 29 year old mother of 3, who is now in living hell. So let's not fight, you guys, let's sit down and think and do somethingh about this `When you look ahead, so what about people who had perhaps some mild or ranging to fairly severe side effects, the apperance of "covid" and then it subsided, as we see millions of people have been vaccinated and they have some adverse reactions, some ohave died, but the majority have survived. So what are we worried about for those people? Are we worried that something permanent may have happened to their immune system?` That is a very good point, and a very important point. In fact, it is precisely that that we fear is going to happen. The scene is now set because of this mass vaccination of young people. This virus is taken care of by you adn me and all the young guys whose immune system is traiend to live with them. The virus gets into your throat and nose, and the virus infects the upper part of the respiratory system. The virus will replicate there, and you won' teven notice this, beacuse those cells are renewed all the time, and the immune system just uses this as a round of training an gets to know the virus so that if the unforuntae thing happens, which should not happen, that a lot of the virus gets into your bronchi and lung, where the cells are not renewed all teh time, and enter the cells there, then the immune system will come and take care of the virus by killing the cells of the bronchi and lung that are infected - > that's when you get your cough and pneumonia if it goes down to th elung. ANd fever. This does not happen if the immune system is not active. They don't get fever from sore throat and cold. You better not meddle around with that, it's a system that has been working all th etime. So th eimmune system is trained to combat this virus and the cells that make the virus if things get serious, and that's when the virus replicates to a high extent in the lung. Now, this immune system, it's like an orchestra, the playing has to be the right tone and loudness, and the dconductor is there. We have a conductor of our immune system, nature, which is perfect. Now what is happening now is that by injecting the gene of the virus, you are meddling with the conductor and now something is coming to confuse the immune system. Now the members of the orchestra are getting the information that they should play and react against this virus part. And the trouble abou thte immune system is that if you train them to play louder, they'll go on playing louder and louder everytime. Because, youy see, if you have an immune system that is trained against one virus, and another one comes in and is not not taken care of so well, it gets a bout of training and it gets stronger. NOw, what is happening now, I fear, is that the immune system is being trained to do something that it would do very well on its own. And now, if the real virus comes in, or a virus that is related, because this immune system is much more inetlligent than our politicans and scientists who say that this is a new virus and therefore we don' trecognize it - this is sso foolish that it hurts - and now have a n immune system that is ready to attack. This virus gets into the lung and is just starting to replicate in a way that is not very dangerous, and you have an overrreactive immune system - it's going to come and destroy the lung. This is immune dependent enhancement of idsease. This is going to happen with every related virus, and so those people who think that they are being protected are actually being sensitized so that they will become more ill when they get that or a related virus,a dn this could happen at any time, even over years, because our immune system has a very long memory. Thos guys who want to get re-vaccinated, if you esfcaped this time, thank god, but don't do this again. Because that immune system the moment those cells in the veessel lining start making those spikes and putting them out to show again, those killer lymphocytes are going to be so fast, you bet it's not russian roullette, it's worse. if you want to do it, go ahead, don't say we didn't warn you. `So, your fear is that, first of all, you yhink that contrary to what we've been told, the mRNA shots are going to stay in the body for an extended period of time?` NO, the immune ysstem has a memory so that if the spike appears anywhere again, it's going to go for it. Those are our lymphocytes. The mRNA has a short life int he cell, it's going to be destroyed, worry about whta's being created-> the spikes. The danger of the spikes is 2 fold: 1. Immediate danger of the spike appearing on the cell's surface together with the waste, because this makes this location the target for blood clotting to occur. That ist he immediate danger of the spike. 2. The long term danger is that the spike, having been produced, is going to be recognized by the immune system, and the immune system is going to be trained to combat cells that make the spike on the spot. And this training is going to come to and appear whenever that spike comes. Today, tomorrow, next year, when a real virus comes in, or when you get re-vaccinated. `Wouldn't the proponents of this vaccine say that this is a good thing?` We've trainaed the lymphocytes to kill the spike protein,s orry, it's no the spike protein that's being killed, it's the cell that's making the spike protein. `Sorry, pardon me, so we've trained it to kill infected cells - what's wrong with this` There's nothing basically wrong about that except that when you do too much fo a good job, it becomes a bad job. If you inject so much of the gene so that it gets into the places where the virus would never go, like the brain, and tyou start scraping the walls of your brain vessel, that can kill you. And I don't think that any proponents of vaccination can say that's a good thing. `Have these been formally approved` They haven't been formally approved. In america they have been approved for emergency use which means there's no liability, no guarantee that they will work, and it would be extremely importnat that everyone taking the vaccine is informed about this, and I'm sure it's not being done. `what about the J&J vaccine` Same concerns - it's a gene-based vaccine, just like the Astrazeneca vaccine, whic his not an mRNA vaccine. Whether it is a vector or an mRNA vaccine, the fact is that the gene for the spike is entering the bloodstream, and reaching cells of the blood vessel wall at locations that are actually forbidden, because if they are then used, these genes, are put into the machinery of the cell to produce those spikes, these spikes are going to be produced at locations where they never are produced normally. Normally they are produced at the lung, adn in vessels of the lung, but not at vessels of the brain. That is the immediate danger, because once these spikes are produced and extruded throught eh wall, they are going to be recognized and the immune system is then going to attack the vessel wall cells and try to kill them, as they do in the lung. The thin gis that if little clots form in the lung, it's not good, but the doctors can take care of. If it forms in the brain, hwoever, and you do'nt know that they' evbeen formed, then you can be in for a very very bad time. The second part is that the waste is also put therer. The spikes and the waste. The spikes will trigger the platelets, and the waste will trigger the immune system. And, together, I think we're heading for a catastrophe. And I think this is taking place in the brain very very often because all those poor young people getting the second shot have so many splitting headaches, alright? I mean, it's screaming at us, and because the EMA conceded that they had a number of deaths because of brain clots, so we know that the clotting in the brain does take place. People have died, and this has been diagnosed, alright? Now, if it happens once, it will happen again - and if you have had 10 deaths, you ill have 100 deaths or thousands of tdeaths. and if the other cases of people going blind, or deaf, or having this jerking disease -> chorea huntington that cannot be cured -> if you are going to take that into account and say okay the benefit is greater ,you tell me, whome are you going to convince? There's no time to lose -> you've got to act, you've got to stop it. `I just was wondering because I've spoken with nurses in the hospitals who examined patients with covid19 before the vaccine, and what they described often were also this clotting in the lungs. Is this somehow related? Mechanism? What is the link between this clotting and that clotting?` Because, okay -> the real disease, ya, what happens is that the linings of these small vessels of the lung are also infected by the virus -> you see the virus is sitting in the lung, then you have damage to the lung and then the virus gets into the blood vessels. This is true, and then it affects the blood vessel walling, and whwen this vessel wall is destroyed, probably, we don't know this, probably because of the killer lymphocytes, just as is now being done in the brain, you get a clot -> why not? And also the spikes that are there, cause clots to be formed, like they'r enow being formed in the brain. That's why I'm saying, you go around meddling with what nature has taken care of very well, then don't come around crying and saying something has gone wrong. `If people have gotten the shot and haven't had any bad symptoms -> they can hopefully,t hey'll be alright going forward, but you do believe that there si a danger of along-term impact if they are re-exposed to something, a similar virus` Yes, ok this is a retake, yes of course because the immune system is now primed to fight. And it is super aggressive, so if the real virus comes in, in the fall, tomorrow or hte day after tomorrow or next year, or a related virus, you know there are so many coronaviruses flying around us, and any one will do, and if they come and infect the lung, the moment those cells start making the slightest bit of the virus, they are going to mount an attack and kill that lung. This is called overreaction, and this would be the immune dependent enhancement of disease which is very very bad, potentially. This has been shown to take place in animal experiments where people were vaccinating against SarsCov1 or MERS, so this thing is known to take place. Second, and this is for me perhaps even more frightening, if people get re-vaccinated, those side effects that will take place in the brain are going to be enforced and magnified. And so those guys who have escaped the first time, may not escape the second time. And a third time, or a fourth time, I don't think so. So with every re-vaccination, against the new mutant, this fall, ya? Before anyone takes that, third shot, I think that you better make your will. `Dr. Bhakdi, I guess, what's the final emssage you want to leave people with?` The final message is let's quit fighting each other. Let's get together because we have a real problem, guys. This problem is going to hit you too. Even the people, the proponents, why don't you sit back and think abou tit? Imagine that there is a grain of truth in things that we have been saying today. Then,y ou are in danger when you take the vaccine. Your family is endangered. your children are going to be endangered. I'm horrified that children are now being given the jab in clinical trials, I think it's moderna, right? 6 month old children - this is criminal. I hope you realize that this is criminal. That you are endangering your own children - how can you? How can you do this?