* # The All-in Boomer One of the more horrendous images from this "era" is that of the unmasked adult guiding their young masked children about. That somehow they've managed to raise several of them and have them survive is a feat worth of some praise, particularly given the skewed proportions of risk which appears to be prevalent in their faculty of risk assessment. The adult who, though fit enough to not be in a high risk group, is obviously still considering themselves to be less at risk than their children, who need to be continuously kept away from the dirt and germs of society. Surely these same hypocrites have at one repeated a news headline of how helicopter parenting impairs child development, or how restricting alimentary variety leads to food sensitivities. Impose on them, however, a modest risk of ridicule, and they're easily commit their children to fragility. With no refined sense of survival, and a subverted impetus to protect their child, they'll easily leave their child in the Gingerbread House of depravity. So go ahead, drag your masked children about in their designer apparel, and prepare your excuses regarding attentions and benefit of the doubt. You might be the nicest people in the world, given the right setting, but you're surely not to be considered reliable any longer.