Smashing Kenosha and Victimhood What is the correct protocol for law enfocement? It seems that can no longer do their jobs when otherwise reasonable people are now claiming normal police conduct should be such that it doesn't apprehend criminals, and even puts cops at extreme risk for a chance at, what? - Politically expedient outreach - Setting up Trump? - Cowardice -> feed a crocodile - Trying to get federal funding It's intersting how we can have facilitated and glorified victimhood to the point where, for some, it has become so superficial and meaningfless that it becomes especially forbidden. It is a proposition to engage in guaranteed degeneracy and self-loathing; a weakning o the will and spirit; a destruction of one's reputation; a confusing of one' ssense and understanding of purpose; a haltening of momentum; a regression along paths of development. How does one get back on track after embracing a victimhood strategy? Do they need to have an even worse problem or suffer a greater tragedy?