# Groomer Schools 5 ## Alice Bailey The exoteric form of eugenics is crude, but the esoteric form of eugenics is the science of right human relations. Making sure that we are preparing people to be the vessels of souls. ## Balvatsky Inspired Hitler: - swastika, race ideology ## IPPF & UNESCO International Planned Parenthood Federation, UN and UNESCO are rooted in some of these Taking the lead on comprehensive sexual education over the past 20 years The US and across the world ## Information Handout On Comprehensive Sexual Education Youth Friendly services Gender issues and sexual rights We will read the first 3 pages to see what SESE `A right's based approach to comprehensive sexuality education CSE seeks to equip people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they need to determine and enjoy their sexuality physically and emotionally, individually and in relationships` Reminder: This is talking about education children `It views sexuality holistically as part of Young people's emotional and social development.` Holistic is a watch word because the part and the whole are the intrinsic opposites that Hegelianism works with. Holistic means Hermetic and Marxist derives the same concepts of holism through Hegel's application of it. ## holistic Sexuality You can't understand Sexuality separate from anything else. It's not that there are aspects that could be considered separately, nor is it that sexuality can be separate from life. It's not a part, it's an intrinsic part of a much broader whole. `It recognizes that information alone is not enough. Young people need to be given the opportunity to acquire essential life skills and develop positive attitudes and values.` This is a technique being used. A bland and vague statement that's difficult to disagree with. #### Motte and Bailey strategy This is setting up the motte. So now any challenge to their suggestions will be met with "are you against young people having essential life skills? Or is it that values that you don't want them to have?" Reactionary movement from the right also does this: putting out statements that are difficult to agree with. If we back up a sentence here, though, we remember that we're talking about holistic sexuality education as a part of children's social and emotional development. So when they say acquire life skills they mean about sex. Develop positive attitudes about sex. Values according to someone's values about sex. So when you say this is perverse, they will challenge you with this bland statement which doesn't say that the comprehensive sexuality education is teaching children very specific and peculiar about sex and sexuality so that they can do certain things with their emotional and physical social health. It seeks to equip young people with the knowledge skills attitudes and values they need to determine and enjoy their sexuality. Statements that are difficult to disagree with in the abstract that have very serious meanings in the concrete. Hegel's dialectic is always moving from the abstract through to the concrete. Never forget that their language is designed to put you to sleep because then you either won't pay attention or you will get bored and lost and fall asleep in the middle losing mental focus necessary to string together that the punchline to the paragraph is not comprehensible without understanding the paragraph before it and much of the context that will follow. It's intentionally vague. `Comprehensive sexuality education covers a broad range of issues relating to the physical biological and emotional aspects of sexuality`. So nothing, it touches on virtually everything. `This approach recognizes and accepts all people as sexual beings and is concerned with more than just the prevention of disease or pregnancy.` Okay, but toddlers are people, and they've already spoken of Young People. This is not just about medical sex education. This is not about the prevention of disease and pregnancy. It's concerned with more than that, because they are sexual beings. `Comprehensive sexual education programs should be adapted to the age and stage of development of the target group`. That's a disclaimer, because if you recall: the second episode of groomer schools 2 covered the idea that they are trying to apply Queer Theory to developmental psychology so they can Queer those stages (they are explicit in this). Sexual agency might be absolutely age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate for 5 year olds. They are putting a disclaimer to put you at ease to assume they'll do everything in a responsible manner. reminder: Queer Theory only works to violate norms. They will not respect norms you expect in a responsible manner. "Adapter to the age and stage of the target group". Meanwhile their colleagues are working to transform the age and stage of development of target groups standards so they can groom kids in schools. ```(age and stage appropriate) CSE must help people to: 1. Acquire accurate information on reproductive rights 2. Information to disspell myths 3. References to resources and services ``` So your first response should be that there is a need to unpack these in the context. The first priority is to acquire information on rights (this is not related to medical, safety or prevention of pregnancy). They don't say they will give you references to UNESCO and Planned Parenthood propaganda or pornography. Services: planned parenthood working its way through the schools through partnerships with UNESCO, and also Trevor Project which helps make sure that children can get their questions about transition answered through their suicide-prevention hotline. But parents posing as 12 year olds have been able to get these people talking about cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers and social transition in a matter of minutes with no effort. The groomer project was listed as an innovative platform by the World Economic Forum (with regard to educational technology services that impinge on inclusive behaviours). So, all of the usual players are tied up in a funny knot over this. `Secondly: develop life skills including Critical Thinking`. We did a whole podcast on this. When they say "Critical Thinking" they mean "Critical Theory". They have an entire paper devoted to this. We read a crucial set of paragraphs in a New Discourses bullet on the difference between Critical Thinking and Critical Theory, because when they say these things that are tricking you. The woke are actually openly against Critical Thinking, which they quite hate. They say it allows people to defend their epistemic home-turf (it allows you to argue back against their stuff and reassert power dynamics). They say that critical thinking is brewed up out of the western tradition, reinforcing western hegemony, and that it is actually used to cast aspersions on marginalized groups like racial and sexual minorities. Critical Theory, on the other hand, always calls into question power dynamics and does all of its analysis through power dynamics. The Generative Themes seen in the Drag Queen Story Hour paper, which derives from Paulo Freire allows for the teacher to be presented as a facilitator in presenting the Critical Interpretation (Marxist interpretation) of whatever happens to be in front of the kids. "Develop life-skills including critical thinking, is a huge red flag). Sense of self, confidence, assertiveness, ability to take responsibility, ability to ask questions and seek help and empathy. (Empathy is their grand excuse for everything they do - weaponizing it - don't you want kids to care more empathetic and to care more)? No, actually know, after watching the self-esteem movement for 40 years, I want kids to care a lot less and to care more about succeeding and achievement and growing up healthy and happy and a lot less about everyone's damn feelings. Maybe a bit less poisoned empathy would be a good thing. Empathy is their magic word - like in climate change the magic word is emissions that makes have to pay attention and do what they say. Well, empathy is the magic word here. ## Demystifying toolkit on Comprehensive Sexuality - By Guttemacher foundation (some conjunction with the International Planned Parenthood foundation) `Nurture positive attitudes and values, including open mindedness, respect for self and others, Positive self-worth and esteem, comfort, non-judgmental attitude, sense of responsibility and positive attitude towards their sexual and reproductive health. .` As defined by who? The sex-positive queer theorists, of course. We're teaching kids to be open minded about sex - does that mean being open to having sex with weirdos? Maybe we should be more closed minded there too. "Oh you want your kids to be closed minded bigots". Well if that includes pedophiles, then yes. How do you feel about that? Respect for others = accepting any command in the name of inclusivity (which is about censoring and sanitizing a space). Non-judgmental attitude? How about with kink? They'll likely introduce some. - Teach children to have positive attitude towards their sexual health - They are children - they do not have sexual health - Opportunity to suggest instantiating a sexual health component in their lives. - Assumes a sexual health was close to being woken, or perhaps it's to awaken that part of their lives - Age and developmentally-appropriate according to the way that Queer Theory has queered age and developmentally-appropriateness ## IPPF Framework for CSE (Comprehensive Sexuality Education) *From Choice: A World of Possibilities* 7 Essential components of SE `This document reflects current IPPF on the different important elements of CSE identified as the following:` - Gender - Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV - Sexual Rights and Sexual Citizenship - Pleasure - Violence - Diversity - Relationships ### The Rights of Young People Drawn from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child II "Children and young people have the right to enjoy the highest attainable health access to health facilities and access to information that will allow them to make decisions about their health including family planning. Young people already have the right to be heard, express opinions and be involved in decision-making. They have the right to education that will help them learn, develop and reach their potential and prepare them to be understanding and tolerant toward others. Additionally, young people have the right not to be discriminated against." They have the right to education that will help them learn, develop and reach their full potential (sexually). Extraordinarily open-ended in terms of what it could mean. ``` IPPF is committed to the provision and promotion of youth-friendly services which are easily available to all young people irrespective of their age, sex, marital status or financial situation. IPPF recognizes the right of all young people to enjoy sex and express their sexuality in the way that they choose. Information should be accessible to children and young people of all ages in accordance with their evolving capacities whether sexually active or not and irrespective of sexual orientation, young people should be given the information to enable them to feel comfortable and confident about their bodies and their sexuality. Comprehensive Sexuality that helps young people acquire the skills to negotiate relationships in safe or sexual practices including whether and when to engage in sexual intercourse should be available. Broad-based strategies are needed to address young people both in and out of school. Special attention should be made paid to the most disadvantaged young people. ``` ## Useful Resources - The sex education forum in the UK - SIECUS: well known communist front organization - Sexuality Information and Education Council in the United States - Advocates for Youth - Planned Parenthood - Population Council: international non-profit ngo that conducts biomedical social science and public health research - Guttemacher Institute: Non-profit focused on sexual and reproductive health research, policy analysis and public education. Publishes perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, international family planning perspectives, topics pertaining to sexual and reproductive health rights - UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) - Action Health Incorporated - World Association for Sexual Health (worldsexology.org) - GenderHealth.org Curriculum resources for peer educators include the guide to implementing teens for Aids prevention. The IPPF peer education handbook on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Peer education training of trainers, Youth Peer Education Network: European Guidelines for Aids peer education. Curriculum resources for teachers, etc it goes on and on and on Planned parenthood and Unesco are throughout this. This is the who's who of the problem. ### 1. Gender One of their favourite focuses is to look at things not within society, but within the family. facilitators and operatives in these CSE programs will be set up as the good guys while the parents will be setup as the bad guys for not understanding the `up-to-date science` Gender doesn't exist. There is sex. We have sex. We are male or female. If we are male, we have a number of primary sex characteristics that have to do with our gametes - the sex-cells we produce have to do with our sexual reproductive organs, and females have others. Primary sex characteristics - the reproductive systems that you have. Sometimes there are biological anomalies, but there's either one or the other. There is no in-between, part way, or otherwise. These are what are observed at birth (you are not assigned a sex at birth). A small % of sex anomalies do occur, as a form of birth defect - occassionally that observation is misleading, and this becomes the ground that biological sex is a social construction. Before puberty, you are a child with a male or female body with reproductive organs that are undeveloped. At puberty they begin to differentiate through the development of secondary sex characteristics - development of breast, body hair, growth and descension of the testes, growth of the penis, broadening of the jaw, deepening of the voice, building out of adult-male frame (surging levels of testosterone), the development of the female body to be of reproductive capacity. Primary sex characteristics are fully binary. Secondary sex characteristics have a distribution in terms of how they grow. Penises grow to different sizes, voices drop to different degrees, etc. Some men can look very effeminate, and some women can look very masculine in certain regards. Some overlap in external appearances but this doesn't negate the fact that your sex is still your sex and that though your secondary sex characterics are distributed a little more broadly, they are still observable. What gets called "Gender" is best described as tertiary sex characterics. Even more subtle features with even more varied distributions. Psychological traits. Distribution among occupation, etc. Whether these correlate as one would typically expect or not doesn't negate anything about sex or complicate it. It's not a mystical thing called gender, it's just a more varied distribution of how the traits can present without there being an anomaly present. That doesn't make gender real, it's just a derivative of sex overwhelmingly with cultural aspects worked in, but it's nowhere near what the social constructivists in Queer Theory claim it to be. "The difference between gender and sex, exploring gender roles and attributes, understanding perceptions of masculinity and feminity within the family and across the lifecycle. Societies: changing norms and values." What they want to do is point out that in the past some of our ideas about what it means or looks like to be manly and that these are wholly socially constructed but as a matter of fact they're more like a distribution reflecting biological reality with some wiggle room in it that can take on different outward expressions. You can imagine a culture where women never wear dresses but still wear feminine clothing. But they want people to believe that society's norms and values change and therefore they can be changed and therefore they can be changed however we wish - socially engineered to be what we would like them to be. "Manifestations and consequences of gender biases - Gender Ideology - Critical Theory of Gender (gender roles and attributes) - Socially constructed (not to do with sex) - Imposed on you by a society that thinks men and women should be certain ways ### 2. Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Sexuality and the life cycle Puberty, menopause, stigma, sexual problems Puberty: If your body goes through puberty and you have a gender identity that doesn't match your sex, then you have gone through non-consensual puberty. Didn't consent to the underlying biological realities of your life. Stigma: Anatomy - medical OK Reproductive process - medical OK How to use condoms and emergency contraception: - People put condoms on physical objects - practicing this - People doing this sexually (teachers) Pregnancy options and information: - Pushed by Planned Parenthood Legal and Safe abortion: - Unsafe is what republicans would want Understanding HIV and Other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including transmission and symptoms - We went through this in school - can be taught medically - can also be used to teach about the social constructivist view of HIV, as Foucault did - Gays stigmatized by HIV HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support: - You would think that this is what's sex ed is for (sure, good idea) - But they want to destigmatized sexually transmitted diseases Anti-Retroviral therapy and living with HIV: - Maybe a bit intense for kids. Helping them study to deal with having AIDS? Because planned parenthood is obsessed with this Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transimssion Injection Drug use and HIV Virginity Absenance and Faithfulness Sexual Response - Something that doesn't need to be covered - Socially liberal Social Expectations - Wide open door Self-Esteem and Empowerment Body Positivity (respect for the body) Myths and Stereotypes - Wide open door ### 3. Sexual Rights and Sexual Citizenship Again, draw your attention to a simple fact that we're talking about Children. Children do not have Sexual Rights. Nobody is a Sexual Citizen. #### Sexual Citizenship Sexual Citizenship and Sex Education: Originally used to describe LGBTQ claims to rights based on identity relationships and practices. Scholars argued that citizenship is predicated on both public engagement and intimate practices. Sexual Citizenship has proven useful for mobilizing collective action for Queer Rights. The idea of full citizenship without regard to one's sexuality (Marriage Equality) is something ##### Raising Strong Sexual Citizens "Sexual citizenship refers to people's right to say yes to the sex they want and no to the sex that they don't want, while also understanding that other people have an equivalent right and upholding those rights is highly relevant to sexual assault prevention." That has to do with consent, which is not the same thing we talked about. It has nothing to do with your full participation or access to participation in civil society based on your sexuality. This is something completely different. This is probably more accurately referred to as Sexual Agency - the ability an adult to say yes or no to sexual activity that you want or don't want. "Sexual citizenship is an acknowledgment that all humans are sexual beings and it is one's responsibility to learn and grow for themselves, their partners, and the world where our communities exist." Something completely different, yet again. What does this mean? "The notion of sexual citizenship emphasizes the often neglected interplay between regimes of sexuality and citizenship regimes, thus representing an important contribution to the studies of citizenship". It means a bunch of stuff at once, and it's really difficult to pear down exactly what it means. Certainly, it does have something to do with your ability to act as a sexual agent. It also definitely has something to do with full-civic participation: "Another strand of work conceives of sexual citizenship as being primarily about rights to participation in consumer society, linked to marketization and the consumption of goods and services." "In one of the early works on Sexual Citizenship Evans, from 1993, for example, argued that sexual citizenship is materially constructed through the dynamics of late capitalism. In particular, through the practices of cconsumption, he states that 'Sexual citizenship involves partial, private and primarily leisurely and lifestyle membership where sexual citizenship rights are chiefly expressed through `participation in commercial-private territories`'. Other, Bell and Binney, make a similar argument claiming that the `power that queer citizens enjoy is largely dependent on access to capital and credit'. So we have a lot of definitions of Sexual Citizenship. ##### Concluding from these definitions Other than the sexual agency part, which is important beacuse we're talking about children who are claimed as being able to consent to sex that they want (which would be extended to them? - then it's okay? This is an argument from pedophiles / minor-attracted-persons where the deconstructionist/post-modern/Foucauldian view of age of consent being that if teh child is objecting it's bad but if the child actually wants it then it's good and it can be a very nourishing experience (a horrific argument because children CANNOT consent, thus the notion of a child wanting it cannot be a legitimate basis for consent having been given - if you speak to anyone who has experienced sexual grooming as a child, the whole game is to get the child to act as though they want it) A child being groomed into this cannot consent and the left broadly understands that this is a horrific crime. But beyond agency: Sexual citizenship refers to the idea that your full civic participation in society depends on your sex and sexuality. You as a man or woman somehow reflects how much full participation in both public/political and economic/consumer life that you have. What that actually looks like and how it plays out. The idea, for example, that gay people have to concentrate in gay market places (San Francisco had a gay scene that they cuold participate in, a gay economy, gay vendors, etc). Also, suffrage and access to civil unions and etc. The ability for you to be a full participant in civil society economically and politically. But, even further than that, if your sexuality has a stygma imposed upon it, or is considered marginal or oppressed, your oppression itself becomes a drain of resources - time and energy that you cannot devote to full civic participation as an everyday citizen - a further extended definition of sexual citizenship so that it means that those things aren't happening. A lot of stuff at once. Knowledge of international human rights and national policies, laws and structures that relate to people's sexuality. - Understanding where you stand with respect to Human Rights declarations - Sustainable development goals - Local state/federal laws A rights-based approach to sexual and reproductive rights. Your fundamental right: life, liberty and property aren't enough - we need intrinsic rights for sexuality and reproduction which somehow are excluded to that (or exclude that) Social, cultural and ethical barriers to exercising rights related to sexual and reproductive health. Understanding that sexuality and culture are diverse and dynamic. (Time to talk about queer politics!) Available services and resources, and how to access them. - Planned parenthood Participation - One of the categories! Practices and norms - What impacts it has on your full sexual citizenship? Diversity of sexual identities - queer pantheon of flags Advocacy - activism Choice - About what? Protection Negotiation Skills - How to negotiate sex? Consent and the right to have sex only when you are ready The right to freely express and explore one's sexuality in a safe, healthy and pleasurable way - Children? - Touch yourself and understand yourself as a sexual being - You have a right to touch yourself - Touching yourself is crucial to growth and development ### 4. Pleasure Rooted in pleasure theory. #### Pleasure Theory - Pursuit of pleasure is a human right (the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness - pleasure can serve as a proxy for happiness?) - There are complicated theories talking about this - United States (since Declaration of Independence) - Theorizing in pleasure theory explaining that pleasure is not "hedonic" so much as "udonic" and "erotic". - Eros: broader than just sexual arousal and sexual intercourse - Freud: learning is guided through pleasure and pain - Queer Theory follows from post-modernism and Critical Theory: - Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization 1955 - Other Frankfurt school books - Twisting of Eros as the competitor to Death/Thanatos - Rather than Jesus defeating death, Eros now stands in opposition to death - Erotic desire/libido is animating force of mankind - Industrial/Consumer society suppresses libido in favour of "productivity" - Repress erotic energy to fuel productive work - Marvelous society but also filled with oppression and waste "Pleasure: having a positive approach to young people's sexuality. Understanding that sex should be enjoyable and consensual. Sexuality is a healthy and normal part of everybody's life. The biology and emotions behind the human sexual response" `We had a sex ed class in grade 6 and had a very ugly woman to teach sex ed. All the boys were excited to learn about sex and suddenly found out that the sex ed nurse was a really ugly woman. The first thing she did was get a gross smile on her face and say "I like sex a lot!". She laughed and laughed.` **Everybody's life? Adult life? They don't specify and they target kids** "Gender and Pleasure, Sexual Well-being, Masturbation. Love Lust and Relationships. Interpersonal Communications. The Diversity of Sexuality. First Sexual experience. Consent. Alcohol. Drugs and the implications of their use. Addressing stigma associated with pleasure (it's okay for you to enjoy this). Violence, particularly gender-based violence. Non-consensual sex and understanding what is acceptable. Consensual non-consent? You can do whatever you want with me in advanced - like a kink. Rights and laws. Community norms and myths regarding power and gender - so we'll go into Susan Brown-Miller's lies about rape being power-only and nothing to do with sex. Prevention including personal safety plans. Self-defense techniques. (Are they going to teach BJJ?). Understanding the dynamics of victims and abusers (will they do DARVO?). Appropriate referral mechanisms for survivors. Violence prevention through perpetrators and allies. Range of diversity in our lives - Faith, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability/disability, hiv status and sexual orientation (None of these things have anything to do with) A positive view of diversity REcognizing discrimination, its damaging effects and what to do about it. Developing belief in equality (they mean Equity) and full equality in the collectivist sense. Supporting young people to move beyond ### 5. Violence ### 6. Diversity ### 7. Relationships ## The Components