# Double Negations ## Contemporary We highlighted the manner in which the human mind is prone to adapting an expectation and that it can impose a behaviour that is incongruent or even anti-thetical to its stated beliefs and values under the assumption or declaration that the behaviour will be negated at the appropriate time. Let us examine two prevalent forms of this in our current society. ## Queer Negation The Queer activist insists that some are characterized by unnormal forms and behaviours and that this puts them into the position of being oppressed by a social structure which values normalcy. It also contends that what is imposed as normal has come to have been asserted as such by those who have the power to set norms, and that they do this to maintain their access to power. Furthermore, it suggests that as long as oppression exists, it becomes our duty to identify queerly in order to push back against the normalizing aspects of society, since it is these normalizing aspects which are maintaining oppression. ### Thesis Human beings cannot express their true nature ### Antithesis: Enumerate all possible ways of being and propose / suggest that humans take on/perform these roles. ### Synthesis Humans find or realize their true nature of being. Here, we find the double negation in the form of first having negated the mechanism by which humans couldn't express their true nature, which is done by proposing alternate ways of being that disrupt the current standards, and then later negating that process of negating - that mechanism - a double negation - which we can have faith will come to pass through historical thinking and by believing we have the true higher-level understanding of reality and humanity. Of course, even this is rife with its own contradictions, which the gnostics don't mind, as that too drives the dialectical tensions through which they employ pressure for sociopolitical change. Nevertheless, ass rationalist thimthem; we choose to examine them # Contradictions of the Queer Dialectical Triad - Human nature not yet expressed - is there a nature? - How do we know it is not expressed? Equity? - Standards are oppression? Who sets them and embodies them? - Capitalism produced behemoths who now tell us of Queer (like banks) - They are harnessing opportunity - being opportunistic - thus you should as well - Only humans have no nature - from outset of human consciousness - Product of consciousness <- can be negated - What is equity? Who decides? And who decides after they're dead? - Nothing stabilized can ever be a part of the solution - So demand no identity - no character, no form/FORMLESS, thoughtless Before eludating these, we can preface this section by highlighting the contempty of reality. At some level, any proposition is either predicated on a belief in shared reality, or a demand to reject reality / demand that reality is not yet made, as human nature has not yet been actualized. *This follows the human experience in the sense that we are in perpetual preparation, be it through skilled and structured training, or simply waiting for the time to pass. With this in mind, one can either embody an exression whereby they cannot yet commence their true life, or they perceive the preparation as true life which continuously improves the condition of reality, thereby expanding the breadth of what is possible. Reality is accepted as always becoming something more, or it is false and we have not yet seen it proven that reality should be have been brought into being.* ## Contradiction of Criticizing Drag "Drag clowns just want to entertain kids. They love to spend time with children, as did Rafi" *What is the difference?* - Normal adults are protective of child innocence, while drag introduce topics above the current development stage - Children don't have sexual thoughts because they don't have the endocrine states conducive to evoking spontaneous sexual sensations - Drag introduce sexual ideas, often indirectly or through innuendo that can be plausibly denied as being done to cater to some fo the adult audience that is present, but it is, nevertheless, something that eventually gets introduced in a drag story time event Sex education is usually given before hormonal changes occur. In that case, or in the former, it is the case that children with information about sexual behaviour (beyond simple explanations of reproduction) have that knowledge because it came from an adult - 100% of sexual offences since the 90s (male offenders) is steeped in pornography - Majority have disseminated/distributed sex content to children - People in counselling have had their sexual boundaries violated