# Further Than Complete
Feb 21, 2022

Difficult to envision the plain quality of Canada being embroiled in dialectics, but they have always been here with our false sense of intellectual superiority. Somehow, with our lesser material accomplishments, reduced sense of "flash", lesser exposure on basis of exploitative behaviours, and so forth, we have come to engage in all that is being cautioned over.

In some ways, the lack of brutal precedent is exactly what allows for even more severe changes to go on unnoticed.

# Asking for Death
Is it not demanding death? Is that not precisely why they never fail to play aloof and focus on the failure of a concept to have met their own complex, synthetic definition of it? To agree with someone's existence is to forego your process of becoming and to join the process of becoming with them. To aim to connect and transform, rather than to feign a connection in order to deceive.

That is fundamentally why we refuse.

We refuse because it is not only a higher standard from teh state, but for the very everyday persons who occupied our lives and had expectations of us. Do you not realize how obvious it is when you pretend to be fooled?

So, yes, we see it as asking for our deaths. Your biological specification is inadmissible and unviable. It offends my sensibilities. You have the choice to make yourself acceptable in our great culture, or you can become the past as our future is certain. You can decay by every heuristic and I can feel assured in laughing at your plummetting existence, as the state deemed it virtuous for me to do so!

# Life Seekers

Presented with the perceptual frame, they reject it outright. The current one offered too much power to the haves. I had hoped to have been off to a good start, but if these disparities didn't affect me, I still feel bothered and could start anew once more. You see, the culture prevented the right thing from happening. If a life is to be followed by death, then it is already tragic. Only a whole life can be looked back upon as making the suffering worthwhile, but that is prevented by every which way.

Equity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteronormativity, ablebodiesness, colonialism, corporatism, etc have all shown that whatever shortcoming I experience could have been less so. The fact of my noticing the injustice through others is emblematic of my real care and concern, which need not be focused on or in service to the self.

And so then my plight already makes me a martyr-to-be who sought greatness and virtue (plus, I could have been doing more enjoyable things!). Immortalized by the struggles of others, and now even conflicting over a path which might make immortality an inevitability -> how would we forgive ourselves from not allowing this gift to come upon our children? Should we not take it up as the greatest cause, even implicitly?

# Verifying Catastrophe
It verifies all other catastrophes. Equity would at least mean equal access to the treatments, but also the manner in which some were more subjected to the particles of satan. The real exposure, however, is Intersectional. We can't even understand how much worse it has been for those more deeply situated within the matrix of oppression.