# Squid Game - Episode 1
Squid game was something they played
In a court shaped like squid
- two groups
- offense / defense
- run around within bounds
- offense allowed to hop on one foot only
- I f attacked cuts through waste of the squid, passing defense, they are given freedom to use both feet
- Inspector Royale (upgrade status ?)
- Must in order to win tap a small closed off space on the squid's head with your foot
if someone pushes you outside of the squid boundary, you die

Manse - Victory

Red Light Green Light

Ga-Yeong's birthday
tough times, not enough for good food, but she likes fried chicken
No money for presents? Man is a chauffeur
can't pay off loan interest
Barely spending, conflict that they should at least spend more sometimes
money all seems to come from mother

secret card in a tin? Secret bank account, but can't access because invalid PIN
Friend jokes that it was the woman who did it
Mother celebrates **lunar** year date, confusion

One last try for pin manages to get in
Mother had changed pin to birthdate of grand daughter

They withdrew 500 dollars (500,000 won) *1

Men gambling on race tracks (Horses)
Main character bet his money and lost
Friend pissed that main character's prediction was wrong (you told me ...)
Bets on 10th race, final bet
Friend talks to main character who spazzes out upon touch, then places his bet (6 and 8 are the last to add)
He seems to be about to win, THUNDERFLASH OUTRUNS 7, he's screaming for victory, and he WINS! 6 and 8 were the lucky winners

June 8th is today, the day of his daughter's birthday

*Four and a half million won payout?*
4.5k USD

Tips the girl, who grabs it awkwardly.

Laughs about chicken, says they can get nicer.

Suddenly a man calls to him, 3 men walking towards him, they chase after him, he likely owes them money. Runs into a girl, who looks to be a possible character. Knocks her drink (bubble tea). She keeps her head rather low, then notices he's being chased.
They corner him at the urinals.

Says he has 4 million won for them, but still owes them more.
But the money is gone, the girl probably got it.

He is hit once and bleeds, drinks the blood and says you must be eating well.

Bowl in front of his face, going to make him bleed from the nose? knife inserted, but doesn't cut.

Man withdraws because he was crying like a bitch.
Coerces him to sign his name promising his kidneys.

Blood thumbprint. 1 month to pay it off.

Men have accent.

He asks to borrow 10,000 more, but they refuse.

He goes back to the girl he tipped at the races, and asks for the tip back because he's so broke. It was 10,000 won. ``` 10 bucks ```

## Arcade
Playing his money away to try and win a prize from a machine for his daughter, supposedly.

Kid comes and helps him get the prize successfully. They celebrate.

## Daughter street food
It's late at night, though, and his daughter seems concerned about the blood on his face, and tardiness of their celebration.

Daughter says "you can get into all the fights you want, bu try not to get hurt"

dag bogi birthday food

Mom says it's junk food.

Gives the present to his daughter, and it's a box with a gun in it.
Even women go to war these days. Wants her to get use dto the gun, which is actually a lighter.

Daughter says mom would be mad, but doesn't seem upset. Says not to use it for smoking. She smells smoke.

Promises he'll get her a great present next year.

She wants to say something, but then says nothing

## Mom
Mom is mad that he's bringing her back so late.

Sleeping on the back

## Subway station
Misses what seems to be the last subway ride home.

Sits and a man in a nice suit sits next to him. Starts conversation "Can I talk to you?"
Offers him a great opportunity. Man is resistant.
Offers again, a game, opens suitcase with neatly stacked big bills.
Ddakji is the game. A few rounds and each time he wins a round 100,000 won.

Hit a ddakji? And he can be first to play.

He chooses to be blue.

He loses, but can't pay money. Slaps him for 100,000.
Wants to play another round, and keeps getting slapped.

How do we make ddakji / play

He keeps losing and getting slapped. He never flips it?

He finally flips it, it flips many times, and he finally wins. He's ecstatic.

He goes to slap the man, who blocks him, and then brings him to his senses cuz he was only interested in being able to slap the man back, by that point.

He's counting his money as the next train goesby.

Man stands up and offers
Earlier you signed away your physical rights. The man knows everything about him. Company laid him off, opened chicken shop, chauffeur now, divorced 3 years, 10 years daughter,
160,000,000 won to loan sharks
He owes 250 more to the bank
410k total

The man gives him a card, says we don't have many spots left. Think about it.

010-034 on the card

## Street market
Fish chopped
Woman accuses him of gambling, cuz he's giddy about money. Says he earned it legitimately.
Woman's son is successful. Seems to be a friend of this man, who has ruined his life. Her son went to school.
He didn't pay enough (12,000 won) he only gave 10

Gives fish to a little cat.

## Home
Eating cooked fish. Counting money.
Mom concerned about his face. He downplays it. She thinks money stolen. He says he earned it, worked all day, with his hands and face.
Did you get fried chicken? He says he got her dinner and a present.

She asks if anything "came up". Hi daughter Gayoung and ex wife and new husband all going to America.
That's why she had something to say, but she didn't want to ruin the money.

`Migug` -> Mi beautiful country

Mother wants him to get his daughter (her granddaughter) to stay there. She's more upset than him, it seems.
Father needs to show financial support to get custody, legally.
Forget to speak Korean?
Mother asks him if he can keep going without his daughter.

## Bed
Looking at photos of daughter.
He is restless, can't sleep, so picks up card and calls.
"To participate in game state your name and birthday"

## Outside street/building
Van/Bus comes by
`Red Light, Green light` is the password
```mugumhoagochi pyeosseumnida Flower has bloomed```

He gets in and passengers all asleep. Gas flows in and he is rendered unconscious. Driver in a gas mask and red jumpsuit.

## Cell / Bed
*Classical music playing*
Wakes up, dressed in jump suit as everyone else

Red jump suit men in control room, with large screens
Man / leader comes in wearing grey with mask

Asks older looking gentleman who is counting everyone, doesn't want to be disturbed.
But the board shows 456 players. Main character is the 456th. Man says he's counting to avoid dementia.
Says he doesn't have much time left, doctor found lump in his head.

Fight breaking out? Man hits a girl, and her mouth is bleeding.

You could always take a hit, I took care of you,. Probably his pimp or something. She says she went "independent". He tries to punch her and then throws her and kicks her.

Says she's from North Korea.

The main character comes and grabs her, asking for his money. The pimp kicks him down.

Pimp accuses them of having a scam. Main character alleges she was acting at pimp's behest.


Men in pink jumpsuits come out.
Extending a heartfelt welcome,
6 games over 6 days
Handsome cash prize. People who win all 6 will win.

Man complains about their treatment

Jumpsuit guy says we took those as precautions for privacy.

Ensures game fairness and confidentiality.

Other man complains that they were kidnapped and tricked. Says that they need more.

They show video of that man playing the same slapping game, andshows that he owes a huge amount of money.
Everyone there owes lots of money, they're all in a situation where they have no choice but to compete.
You all have debts that you can't pay.
You volunteered by your own free will. It's one last chance to choose. Go back to old depressing lives, or take the opportunity. SEIZE the opportunity here.

Indian man asks what games are we playing?
Jumpsuit says we can't give any of that information.

Main character _asks how much money_

Big clear plastic container with golden light comes down. It's empty but will be filled with money, supposedly.

They give one chance to opt out of the game. No one seems to go for it. They all sign contracts:
- You cannot stop playing
- If you refuse to play, you will be eliminated
- Games may be determined if the majority agrees

He signs.
## Bright coloured house
Danube music playing
Walking in hall
They all enter into the weird brightly coloured house. Have their photos taken with smiley face screen asking them to smile. In english.

Main character has big smile. Bigger than his peers.

Masked man in control room is watching.

They all walk up winding staircases with fuschia, pink, yellow, light green/yellow, bright yellow

Masked man from control room into golden elevator. Eye at top of elevator scans him.

## Outside
All players come out from 3 archways into an open area, seemingly outdoors but with wallpaper with blue skies and corn fields/trees. Dirt evenly spread on the ground. Bright light as though outside.

The main character sees Sang Woo and asks him what happened, I talked to your mom she said you're on a business trip.
Turns out he's also in debt.
Sang Woo doesn't want to socialize, and says we need to keep in our lines.

## Vault/Hotel
Masked man answers the phone> "Front Man speaking" he announces the games have begun
Phone was old school winding cord / circular dialing control
He watches on a screen with a golden chandelier above him.

## Back outside
You can see the real sky above the walls of the giant outdoor enclosure. Birds flying.

On other side of field is a tree with a child doll robot(large). She gives the rules.

### The rules spoken from doll

You can move forward when it shouts green light. If you move after it says gred light, you will be eliminated.

If movement is detected, you wil lbe eliminated.

2 Players making bets with each other

Those players who cross the liine without being eliminated will pass this round.

Child robot detects cheaters running too soon, and the man gets shot.
Players realize this is for real.

She continues with green light.

The guy who bet against him moves when he spits up blood, and gets shot.
People panic an start running, they all get shot
Doll camera eyes seem very accurate and quick.
Everyone'sgetting shot now, very few aren't trying to run, because of the mass panic.

Guns are sticking out from the wals

Masked man pours a drink on ice. He has his mask off now.

Only about 20-30% left at most. Maybe even less.

Bot repeats the rules a few more times. Resumes game.

Old man is doing realy well, getting way ahead and walkign quickly.
They do much better, with the odd one getting shot on red light.

Main character is laying on the gorund all this time, and his frien dtalks to him, risking bieing shot, to convince him to move forward.

Next iteration 2 get shot. Friend reminds him again. He gets up at the next green light.

Pimp is also still alive, with the girl/associate behind him.

Old man gets shot?

Pimp says he can hear her behind him. She pulls pimp down from his hair, he falls on his ass.

Main character is trying to move forward but someone already shot grabs his leg, asking for help.

He rips his leg free and then the man gets shot again.

Fly me to the moon plays, with a weird toy robot band.

Front man is watching still, enjoying the music and drink on teh last minute of play.

Old man is still alive. An dseems to be having a very good time at the front.

People are sprinting forward on each iteration now, almost at the line.

They finally get across the line, the girl, the pimp, the old man, the friend of the main character, and then the main character is still behind the line, with almost no time left.
Friend looks at him, there's another iteration and main character trips over a body, but is kept from falling by the indian man, saving his life. They barely make it through, sprinting across at the last second.

All remaining players behind the line are shot.

Pimp has a tough smile, everyone else seems distraught.

## Final scene
Zoom out, they're on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean? The arena roof closes and is covered with camouflage.