# What is a Woman A very important point has to be made about it, which everyone has seemed to have missed. Everyone has missed the point of weaponized Post-Modernism and Queer Theory/Queery Marxism. That's the point to understanding to landscape/battleground. Correct definition of Woman is "Adult Human Female", but we don't need to go through that right now. We are going to focus on understanding the Marxian view of Woman. ## Marxian Definition of Woman *Note this is a definition of "woman" and not "a woman"* - Woman is a state of identity that is associated with but not limited to being female. - Socially constructed state of identity created by people. - A woman is anybody who identifies that way, so long as the identification is deemed AUTHENTIC ## Ketanji Even Ketanji declined to ask a question about her own being, as a woman, and instead she chose to defer to an expert ("I'm not a biologist") - Implied it's impossible to answer a question of her own being (she is unambiguously a woman) - Chose biologist - trap of biological essentialism. That one's biology answers the question of whether they are a woman - Woman is a state of socially constructed identity ### Excusing Ketanji - Fumbled the body but didn't miss the point: the right answer is "I have to defer to an expert" - Doctor inscribes a socially-constructed category of sex onto you and your body, which you might not identify with - Identity is socially constructed - Sense of self - When authentic, is your true sense of self (uncovered from socially constructed morass we all live in) - True Gender-Soul comes through and escapes the socially constructed prison - Being assigned sex - Reinforced of arbitrarily assigned gender through family/friends - Affirming that the genitals you were born with and developed through have something to do with how you feel inside and, thus, identify - Imposed beliefs about genitals force you connect a particular set of feelings to its associated gender identity, but this might not be your true self ### What she taught us - We can't answer the question without deferring to an expert - Identification has to be authentic - Reflect the true gender identity inside - that you realize as you get old enough - completely independent from a socially-constructed category ## Consequences ### Trans-Bullies *Invincible on social media* - Lends to relentless one-sided bullying - Targetting families, doxxing - Psychotic/Psychopathic/Narcissistic behaviours are ignored - Social media giants won't allow you to call them out - They can get away with any level of harassment - Victimhood campaigns #### Experiments - Accounts have been made to test this theory - Need scalable experiments #### Zuby - They ignored Zuby, even though you can self-identify your gender - It was deemed inauthentic ### Hierarchy/Caste System - Woke flaunt the fact that they get away with things that others cannot - Status over others in the society they create - They decide what is authentic, and thus what is true ### Social Community - Socially constructs the rules - Defers to experts: self-appointed people - Marx: bourgeoisie arrange society by constructing rules from which we derive all social circumstances - Iron Law of Woke projection: - That's how they think society works - They get power, and then use that power to manipulate or game the system ## Queer Marxism ### Complicating - Subset of "Queering" - Water down what the words mean - "Trans-woman are women" - Women = women, and some men are women - Anybody who authentically identifies as a woman (socially-constructed category associated with being family) - Queer Theory does this too: #### Gay/Straight - Straight with a little gay, but still identify straight - Straight bisexuals or closeted gays who have gay sex but wish to identify as straight (with a little gay) - Supposedly common - now we need an expert - Expert: determine when someone who is bisexual is actually straight, because the claim is deemed to be veritical - How to Tell ~15:45