# The Supreme Concern
They have all subscribed to it. One chief, principal threat of such great importance that the minds of the masses don't even have the ability to consider if it could be supplanted, much less consider if the status of the concern is well-warranted.

How did this come to pass? Is it through a clear evaluation of the circumstance and an irrefutable conclusion that our focus shuld be wholly consumed by this matter?

Certainly, there were predictions which conferred the following expectations:
- First order death
- Incurring severe disease
- Loss of infrastructure
- Possibel death

## 1. First Order Death
The distinction is being made that the expectation was such that infection by the virus alone, incidentally, and irrespsctive of initial viral load, would yield illness which kills ~3-10% of those infected. This was quickly discovered to not be the case, and instead a grasping approach was sought amongst politicians, public health advisors, and persons who were consuming the narrative. Any order of influence associated with a recorded health event is to be considered interchangeable with that of a first order effect.

This is an extraordinary form of methodology whose utilization was adopted without consideration as to detrimental effects, and that this occurred so readily suggests that either the vast majority had been coaxed into an unthinking stupor which compromises one's own capacity to protect themselves, or that such a methodology was being promoted by those who are incomppetent or of ill-intent