# Squid Game 2 - Hell

# Underground basement
Man grunting, still alive in box. They nail it shut (nail gun)

# Cells
Everyone collecting themselves and resting. Very quiet, reflecting on traumatic events.

# Pink men came out
Congratulate them, they're moving on
Number of players changes
from 456 to 201 - 255 dead
Woman crying hysterically apologizing and asking for mercy, she has a child, hasn't even named
Another woman joins her, saying she'll find a way to pay back
Another woman
now several men too

Pink men claim they're not trying to hurt htem, but giving them a chance.
Masked manager calls it a game

People just want to go and start chanting together.
Pink man reminds that they cannot stop.
Player mentions police possibly discovering them because they are missed.

Pink man warning shot, others take aim

COnsent form clause 2 - player who refuses to play will be eliminated
Clause 3 says they can democratically revoke consent
Manager confirms
Man suggests they do the vote.
Pink manager permits.

They announce prize money before the vote. Money drops into the golden-lit hanging bubble. Everyone is mesmerized by the money (and the music - us) (chiptune music)
25,000,000,000 25.5 billion won prize money has been accumulated so far 100,000,000 won per player killed (255 were killed)

Even the main character's friend looks intrigued by the money. They all look intrigued.

Pink manager exlpains the money will go to the family of the dead (if they choose to leave)
45.6 billion won
If we complete all 6 games, we win total prize money

## Vote
Players are given a control to vote Green O and Red X, voting done by reverse numbers, main character is FIRST!

he votes X to leave

greyish haired woman comes, votes to play

close vote until

Main character's friend Sang-woo votes to PLAY! breaking the even score 51 over 50

The woman who had been crying is now rationalizing why they shoudl stay inside and play (it's just as bad  out there)

The players argue amongst themselves
They fight - pink men point MP5 submachine gun at them.

Indian dude votes X
Gangster dude pressed X to leave
North Korean girl votes O to play

it remains tight 98 99
100 100
One vote remains. it is the old man. Of course he wants to kill everyone, this crazy old man.

The main chracter recalls the old man speaking of a tumour in his head, and him not having much time to live. He pauses between both buttons, hand quivering. He votes X to leave

The majority of players have voted to terminate the game, the game is terminated.

Some players are restless and want to keep playing. Asking to continue the game.

The masked ma in the ocntrol room watches.

## Drop Off
Van drives, throwing people out with wrists and eyes bound.
Main character is thrown otu with a woman, both i n underwear (North Korean)
He helps her get loose, and then she just walks off without helping him.

She ignores him and starts walking away. She finally looks back, and says he's going to try to get his money from her.
They negotiate some more, and she pulls out a knife and cuts him free.

As soon as his hands are free, he hops at her with tied feet asking for his oney.
She walks away while he yells.

## Other players dropped off
Indian man and Sang-woo are speaking. Indian: where are we?
SangWoo: center of Seoul
Indian: asks to borrow phone to make a call

2000 won to charge his phone

Cyber police subpoena has been sent
SangWoo, call us now and we won't sue
 Loans are you... are to attend at once

Indian man eating, SangWoo gives him hpone to use. He's very grateful

SangWoo asks Indian dude if he has money for the bus. He doesn't.
SangWoo gives him money. Indian dude refuses, but SangWoo insists.

Sajang-nim (Sir? CEO)
SagngWoo is bothered and asks not to be called that.
Indian dude very grateful as SangWoo walks off

## Police Station
Main character is telling crazy story of what happened, more than 200 dead, Red Light Green Light, Kids The ydon't believe him.
They make fun of him.
He mentions tens of billions of won.
Man at desk summarizes story accurately.
They question his sanity and suggest medical help. He yells at them and throws down the Squid Game business card he got from the dude he played ddakji with.

Police calls the number, and a woman picks up. Asks to play those games.
The woman sounds confused. Who the heck are you calling me with this weird shit at this time.

## Outside
The man yells at police while he walks out from the station. He calls a number and finds that the number does not exist/is out of service/. (the last number on his phone - 010-034)

## Back in police
Gangster looking dudes come in to make an inquiry, see the card on the desk

## Home
Main character is back in his apartment. Continues calling number without success.
Place is a mess

## Street market
Main character finsd Sang-Woo. They drink coffees together.
Main characfter reassuring Sang-Woo that he is intelligent and will be successful no matter what. He owes 6,000,000,000 6 billion won (main character had thought it was only 0.6billion  600,000,000)

All those stocks? It wasn't just stocks. Futures too.
Main character doesn't even know what a future is.
SangWoo says he used his own mother's house as collateral. Put everything on the line. Can't claim bankruptcy.

Main character gets a call - from the emergency center

## Hospital
His mom has an infection on her foot. It might have to be amputated, if not treated.

## Evening leaving hospital
Say I stay here and they treat me, who will pay the rent?
He even got rid of insurance, there's no assistance for her. She says she's too tired to go on, let's end this.
He says he'll get all the money she needs, as she walks/hobbles off.

## Cop driving
Heading to "his" apartment. I'm sure he's fine. Says he is a police officer. His brother is missing.

## Building
Land lord helps him into the apartment. She asks if he can pay the rent. Says he will pay after he looks inside.
dead fish in the fish tank. (gold fish)
Books and a box with the squid game card inside. Remembers having seen the same card at the police station

## Park
North Korean girl with younger boy who has a bandaid on his face. He's upset and not talking to her.
Siblings.  All the kids tol d me you lied. Says he is abandonned / would be abandonned.
She reassures him that mom and dad will return. They'll all live together again.

He said she lied but she asks for confirmation that she always keeps her word, and he nods. Weird.

## Police Station
Cop asking desk man about the guy who was in there (main character). Desk cop tries to remember the guy's name - they consult one another and come up with the name Seong Gi-hun who lives in Ssangmun-dong.
Asks for the address.

## Shop/Factory
Indian walks into boss' office and asks owner to pay for wages owed. Can't even afford for doctor.
Boss says he's also broke and needs a doctor. He has money on the table which th eIndian dude just barely sees. He tries to walk off with th emoney.
Indian dude rabs him and they start fighting.
Hand gets stuck in machine. Crushed.
envelope of money falls. Is it the one from the main character?
Indian dude grabs it and runs out

## Tea
Southern Men and Northern Women? Arranged marriage business?

North Korean girl talking to some guy pouring tea. Asking about a broker who fled with money.
Says many were victims of him including someone who chased after im to Ddangdon and got caught by chinese police and was dragged back to North Korea.

Asks what her options are, but he says that she needs to "start over again" with a new broker (someone who can broker a deal to try and retrieve her remaining family members from North Korea)

The man says it will cost at least 40,000,000, and that's only to get them into China. She responds to this by throwing hot tea in his face and then, while he's writhing in pain, puts a knife to his throat. He pleads that he is ignorant and innocent, so she says she'll get him the money while threatening him. It appears she may have robbed him at the same time.

## Fish Market
Woman talking to SangWoo. Says he won't be coming back soon.
He's depressed as she says she loves him and hangs up to serve a customer for squid.

She boasts about her son to the customer as police detectives interrupt their chat to ask her questions about her son, claiming they have a warrant for his arrest. They mention this while disclosing details of the charges, potentially violating his right to privacy.

The customer/friend observes all of this, to SangWoo's mother's embarrassment.

## Bathtub
SangWoo drinks SoJu and tries to relax, as he lays fully-clothed in the tube. The doorbell rings many times.

He answers the door soaking wet/barefoot. No one answers verbally, but someone pushes the Squid Game business card under the door. SangWoo is intrigued.

## Ali's home
Ali brings money to his wife and child, in the envelope with blood on it. He says she has to go and that he'll join her later.

## Outside Bar
Main character asks his friend for cash, even just for a month, but his friend, who owns a bar, is too broke. Main character keeps asking, but friend's wife comes out and yells at him. Tells him it's rude for him to be smoking outside the building.

## Outside Night Shop
Drinking Soju, the main character is suddenly met with the old man (crazy old man with brain tumour). Old man sits down with him to have a drink, responding to the main character's courtesy.

Old man claims it was destiny. Player456 pours him a drink, and they begin. No food, but old man pulls out Ramen, which they eat raw while drinking.

Old man discloses that he has decided to go back to the game. He explains that his time is almost out, and that he doesn't want to sit around and wait to die. Says "what they say is true, out here the torture is WORSE".

456 takes a drink.

## Fair
Gangster character is waiting for man who runs up to him with an umbrella, giving excuses as to why he is late. Man is delivering money, to pay back loan, but it's not the full amount. More excuses. The man is his associate/employee

Gangster wants to go to man's car.

## Bridge/Road
They are parked on the side of the road. Gangster is showing him the Squid Game card. Gives details of the operation inside, how many are armed, how much money there is, etc...
"10s of billions of won, so long as we hit them with everything we got". No more deaing with stupid drunks at bars, etc.

Associate reminds Gangster character that he had been exiled / put into hiding because he had made the "big boss" angry. Says that they wouldn't be able to convince other gangsters to help.

Gangster character says they need to do it themselves so he can get money to pay the big boss. back.