# Protest as Destiny
April 23, 2022

Everyone needs to have their own destiny. Alternatively, they produce too much negative energy, and then that comprises reality as one's expression of being. If that, indeed, becomes the case, then there is perpetual reinforcement of the drive to dismiss the world and reject the proposition of life and existence. That is, the implement of assigning a better destiny for all beings becomes the only hope of transcending the rejected representation of reality, otherwise the alternatives are domination and destruction.

This is not reliably to be taken as a sincere or authentic effort to improve destiny for anyone, as it functions also as:
- Protest
- Amplification of self

## Protest
That is to say, it brings attention to your grievance, thus making it real, observed through speculation in the world, and validated through having been something to which time and attention have been directed. This makes for more speculative idealism through inviting participation with one's praxis, though it doesn't necessarily mean they are doing the speculation unless you suspect ou share the idea. In fact, those seemingly speculating an opposing idea are, at best, providing evidence for contradiction and, at worse, muddying up the world as it currently presents.

Again, this shows that there is always a fine line between an evil ideology and a sensible way of thinking. The moment one identifies the plight of others is the moment of their believing they've had the experience themselves (or a sufficiently close analog). At that moment, the precise reason believes it an important issue to be resolved is because one conceives of their own oppression as being represented in it. If one's oppression could not be associated, then it would be impossible to have made an experential representation, leaving it a plain, bland theory whose significance is only as a theoretically instantiated reference, and whose utility must still be present, regardless of real empathy or understanding.

To take up the issue, bearing utility but with no empathy, means that the experience to be improved upon is not that of the oppressed in our scenario, but of the self.