the strange and interesting matter of all lives matter and black lives matter
it seems that every once in a while, we see that Twitter is allowing a hashtag to trend which goes against what's deemed acceptable by popular culture
case in point, the AllLivesMatter hashtag, trending at a time when there has already been incessant conflict over compelling people to participate in the proclaiming of BlackLivesMatter, particularly at a time when there is a BlackLivesMatter organization which whose fundamental tenets are appalling and mostly unknown by many of its participants
or only implicitly known, but not scrutinized with any degree of care

why would Twitter allow AllLivesMattter to trend?
well it's similar to when Canada has hashtags which attack or demean the current siting Prime Minister of Woke
at first you think "oh Ig uess they're allowing for a plurality of views", but then you take a look at the posts and the majority of them are actually attacking those who would want to make the claims of the hashtag
it's almost as though the hashtag is trending to silence the view that might otherwise be supported by that hashtag

hijacking its use so that people can't participate in disseminating a particular idea, because to revie of that idea causes one to be flooded with the ideas which go  against it
this is always a truth of discourse by humans operating in any environment which has some degree of freedm of expression, but it is quite absurd when you cna predict htat a hashtagg which has widespread support, will actually only be presented as an attack on those who would support it
that they occupy most of the posts and the posts which Twitter brigns to the top, begs certain questions for which we'll never have adequate answers
nevertheless, it's intersting to see it happen this week with AllLivesMatter
particularly because someone was just murdered for uttering "All Lives Matter" in a verbal argument at a protest
that protestors positioned themselves to attack a young woman, of 23, engaged to be married, and caring for a 3 year old child
they positioned themselves to snipe her with a firearm and did so successfully
all because of having uttered "All Lives Matter" to protest the Black Lives Matter movement, a movement which has been revealed, with absolute cerainty, to be a Marxist movement, or at least a movement whose funding an leader are marxists or driving marxist ideals
It is interesting that a collectivist uprising would be prone to kill those who might value life in general, when their goal is to ensure that particular lives are being valued more
you can't actually suppress the proclaiming of all lives mattering because you only wish to allow statements of support for one particular group, or race, of human lives, without also devaluing some lives, or only valuing particular lives
you can assume that there is a problem, but and force everyone to agree  with you
but this is intolerance and a sure sign of fascistic tendencies.. that people embrace it so openly, especially under the auspices of being anti-fascist, is quite difficult to contend with
because the deduction is that the supports of this mode of behaviour, and possibly even Black Lives Matter supporters in general, is to devalue some lives, specifically dividing people by race and colour
That anyone would assume this would lead to a more peaceful and just society, is completely idiotic. Would anyone actually believe tis?